
May 31, 2010

Rewire your brain reading list

Here’s my list, for anyone looking for some great summer reading that will, in the words of a colleague, ‘rewire your brain’ a bit, while still keeping you engrossed. Please give your suggestions in the comments or on your own blog!
Guns, Germs, and Steel: The Fates of Human Societies, by Jared Diamond. Why did some parts of the globe get ‘guns, germs, and steel’ before the others, thereby allowing them to conquer and otherwise dominate the rest of the globe? The intersection of geography and biology was never so much fun.
The Origin of Wealth: Evolution, Complexity, and the Radial Remaking of Economics, by Eric Beinhocker. This excellent book really gives you the entirety of how complexity theory and economics relate. In the process, you learn tons about everything from complex systems theory to a ton of modern evolutionary theory, history of economics, computer simulation models, and lots of really smart ways to reenvision what the economy is or could be.  Great stuff.
Critical Mass: How One Thing Leads to Another, by Philip Ball. When I was teaching a class called ‘Theories of Networks’ at Pratt, I had to choose one book that I thought could really introduce them to complexity theory in its wide variety, yet still entertain them. I went with this one. This book is great because it also spends a good deal of time tying this back into philosophy (he starts off with a lot of interesting stuff on political physics and econophysics), but also everything else from game theory to scaling patterns and so much else. Fun, fun stuff. As one student said, ‘I brought it home for break and my dad got hooked on it’
Unknown Quantity: A Real and Imaginary History of Algebra, by John Derbyshire. This is one is a complete page turner, and like many of these others, you just feel yourself getting smarter in unexpected ways. I don’t know if its possible to write a better ‘history of math’ book. What’s really interesting here is that while it starts with a history of math and numbers in general, and them moves to a history of algebra as most of us know it, the entire third part of the book works to explain modern algebra, which has only the faintest connections to ‘finding x’, and a ton to do with modern group theory, which is VERY useful for philosophers to know. Let’s just say that had Lacan not been introduced to some ideas from group theory, we likely wouldn’t have his ‘four discourses’ . . .
Society of Mind, by Marvin Minsky. From one of the originators of the field, here’s artificial intelligence with tons of pictures. Basically, Minsky asks the question – ‘if we wanted to build something like a brain from scratch, how might we do it?’ A classic outsider book, its written in tiny chunks, with diagrams galore.
Linked: How Everything is Connected to Everything Else and What it Means, by Albert-Lazlo Barabasi.  There are quite a few excellent intros to network science, but this was the one I decided to use as the intro text to my ‘Theories of Networks’ class at Pratt. There are others that are equally excellent, and they each have a slightly different emphasis. I’d also recommend those by Duncan Watts (Six Degrees) and Steve Strogatz (Sync).
The Symbolic Species: The Coevolution of Language and the Brain, by Terrence Deacon. Ok, this one is a bit more difficult than some of the others, but its worth it. This one was essential to stuff I was working with in ‘The Networked Mind,’ its all about trying to answer the question: “how did language evolve?” Deacon goes far and wide to answer these questions, using artificial neural networks and chimp studies, but what’s really great is that he makes extensive use of Peirce in a completely scientific setting.
What is Thought? by Eric Baum. Ok, this one is actually really long and really hard and so I’m not sure it really qualifies as easy reading. But it gives you a real tour-de-force on how thought can take many forms. If you really want to understand how DNA, embodiment, and brains think, this is the book for you. Written by a computer scientist, you also get a guided tour of computer science, computers, artificial neural networks, and everything else that can be considered ‘thought’ in one way or another along the way. Baum’s final word: thought is compression. I can’t even begin to say how much this book has influenced my own work, but it seems no-one outside of computer science has heard of it. A purchase you’ll never regret.
About Time: Einstein’s Unfinished Revolution, by Paul Davies. I used several chapters from this to teach relativity and quantum theory to my ‘Space, Time, and Bodies’ class at Pratt. I don’t know if there’s any other book that explains these topics clearly and simply, without glossing over the important details, as well as this. And Davis places it within a larger genealogy of the question of time in western thought. Also a page turner, really well written. If you always wanted to dig into relativity and quantum stuff a bit in your free time, this is the place to go.
Darwin’s Dangerous Idea: Evolution and the Meaning of Life, by Daniel Dennett. Everyone should read this book, or at least know the ideas Dennett develops in expanding Darwin into the 20th century. You get a great summary of this in the Beinhocker, but the source is great as well, explaining things like fitness landscapes, hill-climbing algorithms, and the wondrous ‘library of babel’ . . . what’s not to like?
Confidence Games: Money and Markets in a World Without Redemption, by Mark Taylor. Mark Taylor is a complexity studies guru who started out as a religion scholar who did a dissertation on Kierkegaard and Hegel and became a Derridean along the way. Basically, he’s what happens when a philosopher becomes interested in things like science and economics. While other books of his do a great job on the science end of things, this book is the Bible if you want to understand things like derivatives, credit default swaps, and why they create crashes. The fun thing, however, is that he spends most of this book trying to explain why the 1997 LCTM crash happened, and he predicts that if we don’t change things, something else like this could happen again – and this was published BEFORE the whole sub-prime mess. If you ever wondered what these odd economic instruments mean, go here. And he’ll throw in some Kierkegaard for fun . . .
Ad Infinitum . . . The Ghost in Turing’s Machine: Taking God out of Mathematics and Putting the Body Back In, by Brian Rotman. Anything by Brian Rotman is simply great. He’s a professor of mathematics who decided mid career to start writing about philosophy and culture, and I’ve got to say, he’s the best philosopher of mathematics who can talk continental thought I’ve seen yet. This book is all about limits and infinity, but he’s got another one on the semiotics of zero (which links everything from linguistics to painting), and a great new one on networks.  For Rotman, all math is about two things – space/geometry, and time/algebra. What he can do with this idea is pretty astounding. A VERY smart man.
Dune, by Frank Herbert. Ok, yeah, its fiction, and yeah, its science fiction, but if you’re looking for a real change of pace, every philosopher should read this one. Its what got me into philosophy in the first place, quickly leading to a read of all six books, and then the desire to study philosophy when I went to college. And it wears really well over the years, cause the dialogue is Dostoevskian and the fictional world he creates is as baroque as it is a reflection of possible futures. If you liked the movie, you’ll love the book. A real (only semi-guilty) pleasure.

Runners up: Anything by Andy Clark (cognitive studies), Ian Stewart (introducing really abstract math to the layperson), Lisa Randall’s book on hidden dimensions (Warped Passages), Cedric Robinson’s Black Marxism (the best intro to the history of slavery imaginable), Richard Schechner’s work on Performance Studies, Jose Munoz’s work on performance, gender, race (Disidentifications), George Chauncey’s Gay New York (a really cool cultural history book on, well, gay life in nyc before WWII), and I’m sure there’s others . ... Anyway, please send me yours!!

May 30, 2010

Sri Aurobindo is the only one who is known both as a yogi and as a philosopher

Here we may place a bit of abstract reasoning by the modern guru and philosopher Aurobindo.42 He argues that since ... taking for granted a certain background metaphysics, namely, a variety of Vedantic and tantric monistic theism. ...
Auroville teaches integral yoga, the founding spiritual principle of its dual avatar leadership formed by Mirra Alfassa (also known as "The Mother") and Sri Aurobindo, which integrates the Vedantic and the Tantric traditions.
It is fair to note that numerous yogic schools have been established in the last century. All those known and unknown are acknowledged in this short chapter whether mentioned or not. 17. Vasant V. Merchant and Sri Aurobindo, “The Tantra...
and faith,” views that were echoed elsewhere in descriptions of Indian thought as pathetically illiterate, idiot-like, God-intoxicated, tantric aberrations,15 ... Among them were: Akshay Sarkar,17 Sri Aurobindo(whose works in this ...
seems to support what the tantric traditions of Indian spirituality have been saying all along - that life is a dance of lila ... such as Iyer, Radhakrishnan,Aurobindo, Mukerjee etc are documented in the author's recently published ...
the coitus reservatus of Tantric sexual practice, which provided them with both a constantly renewable source of ... as both Murphy and Price had been deeply influenced by the Indian mystic Sri Aurobindo and Buddhism, respectively. ...
Other techniques used in tantra include sexual activity, which is thought to generate energy that can be channeled ... important modern systems is Integral Yoga, developed by the 20th- century Indian mystic Sri Aurobindo (1872–1950). ...
Many great modern non-dualist vedantins have been Devi worshippers and usedTantric Yoga methods as well. We see this with Paramahansa Ramakrishna, who was a devotee of Kali. Sri Aurobindo, Paramahansa Yogananda and Swami Shivananda of ...
This practical and experimental meditative technique was based on physiological theories that have become the staples of both Yoga and Tantra terminology in Hinduism and that Aurobindo deeply respected. At the most basic level, ...
The last of these modern visionaries we have space to consider is Sri Aurobindo(1872–1950), whose system of Integral Yoga merged the language of TantricHinduism with that of Western evolutionary science.16 Aurobindo was born in ...
In FIC, Sri Aurobindo bases himself on a book by John Woodroffe, the well known scholar and writer of Tantric philosophy. Woodroffe 's work was a rejoinder to the attack on Indian culture by the art critic William Archer. ...
Biographers usually focus solely on Aurobindo's life as a politician or sage, but he was also a scholar, a revolutionary, a poet, a philosopher, a social and cultural theorist, and the inspiration for an experiment in communal living. Peter ...
Sri Aurobindo has brought out harmony between material world and spiritual world. If a stone is worshipped, it is permissible as it is the covered Sat ... He admits that from matter one can go to life as it is done in the Tantra...  
When Sri Aurobindo speaks of the poetry of the future aspiring towards the "Seeing Word" or pasyanti vak, he integrates the insights of Tantra, the Mandukya and ... [Sri Aurobindo and His Contemporary ThinkersThe Century of Life: Nitishataka of Bhartrihari Freely Rendered into English VerseDante and Sri Aurobindo: A Comparative Study of the Divine Comedy and Savitri]
This represents the world-accepting strand in Indian religion (Tantra and popular Hinduism) in which 'The world is the ... The contemporary Indian proponent ofan 'integral philosophy', Sri Aurobindo, also takes up this theme (in the ... 
So as this incarnational non- duality, this ultimately ecstatic tantric non- duality itself,began to unfold,and its forms of manifestation began to unfold, you find that by the time you get to people like Sri Aurobindo, there's such a ... 
to lead a double life by living conventionally while experimenting in secret with Tantric identities. ... studies which encompass Sri Ramakrishna, Swami Muktananda, Swami Vivekananda, Sri Aurobindo, and Hindu Goddess, among others. ...
Sri Aurobindo, Savitri ... Finally, some systems inspired by Tantra maintain the full equality of Ö±vara (the Lord) and ÷akti (Creative Force). Although they can be distinguished mentally, both refer to the same reality viewed in ...
I am not the first to note the Tantric elements of Aurobindo's thought. Kees Bolle wrote the same the very month Esalen began in “Tantric Elements in Sri Aurobindo,” Numen 9, no. 2 (September 1962): 123–42. 19. Sri Aurobindo on the...
From Murphy's side, they selectively re-present American metaphysical religion as it encountered, in Aurobindo... It is true that if we single out hatha yoga, scholars of yogic India have pointed unmistakably to its tantric origins, ...
Bengal flattered him by imitation, reviving the tantric ... and by a young Cambridge-educated Indian, Aurobindo Ghose, who later was to retire from politics and set up as a sage in his ashram at Pondicherry...
AUROBINDO GHOSE Of all India's famous philosophers, Sri Aurobindo Ghose is the only one who is known both as a yogi and as a philosopher. ... A tantric is generally a follower of the Sakta philosophy and is a • Sri Aurobindo is ...
Sri Aurobindo was indeed a new and remarkable man in Indian politics. After 1910, Aurobindo gradually shifted himself from "tantra" or revolutionary work and his follower Motilal Roy, realized also that those men who dedicated to the ...
Hindu Tantric philosophy has not yet entered the canon of Indian philosophy. Although, I must mention that the modern Indian philosopher Sri Aurobindo tried to raise its status to the canon of philosophy. In this regard, I would like to ...
Although there have been attempts to reconcile or synthesise a hierarchical world-view with an evolutionary perspective (in the work of Aurobindo, for example) the order of being in the tantric universe remains at odds with a ...
twentieth century who appealed to the Western-educated Indian include the mystics Sri Aurobindo and Ramana Maharshi, ... An example of what is considered a dark art is Tantra, an esoteric Hindu and Buddhist tradition of sexual practices ...
He has, in effect, confused the sexual assumptions of his own Bengali culture with the metaphysical nature of the entire universe. Divinizing Desire and Delight. In another classically Tantric move, Aurobindo insists that desire is not ...
The term Integral Yoga was in fact first coined by Sri Aurobindo, a well-known spiritual leader of the ... 8 Accusations of black magic, Tantric practices involving animal sacrifice, and other such extreme activities were also made. ...
On November 26, 1926Sri Aurobindo - as he now came to be called - retired into seclusion, a period that is generally regarded as the official establishment of his spiritual community. ...
In a later development in the Yoga of Tantra, we find another basis of a synthesis in which the aspect of sakti is ... In Sri Aurobindo, we have still a new synthesis which is effected by negating the forms and outsides of the yogic ... 
Psychological studies University of Mysore. Dept. of Psychology – 2005
The writing is interspersed with excerpts from Sri Aurobindo and the Mother and brings the reader closer to their ideas. Section 3, titled "Psychology and the Indian Tradition: In Search of A Meeting Ground", has several interesting ...
the supreme causal, the causal, the subtle and the gross, correspond to the fourfold classification of the speech by Tantra yoga - para, ... 
"A Tantric Icon Comes Alive: The Evolution of Kali's Image in Bengali Sak- tism", in G Hayes and H Urban (eds.), In the Flesh: Eros, ... Sri Aurobindo and the New Thought in Indian Politics. Calcutta: Firma KLM, 1997. Nandy, Ashis. ...
Gandhi marg, Gandhi Peace Foundation (New Delhi, India ... – 2005
Similar to the ideas of Swami Vivekananda, Sri Aurobindo also visualised that Hinduism can provide the basis of the ... Vedanta, Gita, Upanishads, Darshana, Purana, Tantra, nor could it reject the Bible or the Koran; but its real, ...
It is not possible to explain the nature of Yoga as conceived by Sri Aurobindo in complete detail, partly because of the vastness of its description and partly because of its essential dependence on Tantra, which falls beyond the scope ...
According to Sri Aurobindo, spirit evolves — as it might be said, spirit is the entire evolutionary process of its own unfolding, from matter to life to mind to the higher and super conscient realms of spirits' own being (Dalai, 2002). ...  
Based in North Africa and France, Theon taught a “fully Tantric” approach to spirituality, according to Sri Aurobindo. He exercised a profound influence upon HB of L Frontal Chief Peter Davidson, who, in turn, was a profound influence ...
Central principles of different schools of yoga School of Yoga Hatha yoga Raja yoga Tantra yoga Triple path ... Swami Vivekananda and Sri Aurobindo have made powerful pleas in the recent past for correcting this distortion. b. ...
1907 First arrest of Sri Aurobindo. 1908 Divorce from H. Morrissey. Mother moves to 49 rue de Levis. January: Sri Aurobindo meets the tantric yogi V. Lele. Realization of mental silence and Nirvana. 2 May, the "Alipore Bomb Case": ...
his thoughts with Sri Aurobindo in his ashram in Pondicherry. Unwilling to take responsibility for his declining health, ... He wrote how his varying moods made him choose between Shiva, Kali and Krishna while his study of tantric ... 
Events and movementsKe. El Mahēndra - 2005 - 492 pages
Classifying the periods of Indian culture, Shri Aurobindo describes this post-classical period as "a lifting up of the whole lower life and the impressing upon it the values of spirit. This was the sense of the Puranic, Tantric systems ... 
Jung says this attempt at reemergence is the main source of psychic energy, while, according to Sri Aurobindo... of Sri Aurobindo or the residue of experiences of Jung is the kundalini of Tantra lying dormant in the root center called ...
The post-Gupta period was the juvenile period of the revival of Vedic culture withtantric influence. Prof. Satyavrata R. Patel91 quotes Sri Aurobindo Ghosh in this context, Indian art portrays all human activities, sacred and profane, ...
Sage Ramprasad had reached to the end of the Tantra Science. He practised it, realised it. And that is why his words are ... Rishi Sri Aurobindo in his several monumental works has explored the path of progress of the human soul. ...
Sri Aurobindo looks at the process of human development from a much wider frame than is generally attempted within the ... He also examines and integrates insights from the Vedic, Vedantic, Buddhist, Tantric and Western philosophical ...
Poetic plays of Sri Aurobindo - Page ix Bimal Narayan Thakur - 2004 - 199 pages
to Sri MP Pandit's Lights on the Tantra whose brilliant exposition of The Finding of the Soul' chapter in Savitri drew me towards Sri Aurobindo: "A mighty movement rocked the inner space As if a world were shaken and found its Soul. ...
and often found in combination with hatha- yoga and tantra, for the 'yogi works on his body as well as his psycho-mental life. ... How much of all this influenced the early thinking of Aurobindo, it is difficult to say. ...
whole system of teachings called “Yoga”, which offered a number of ways to achieve the highest levels of spirituality. In reality, Yoga contains so many aspects, ways and methods that “all life is Yoga” (Sri Aurobindo, The Synthesis ...
being the ascetics Ramakrishna and Aurobindo. The case of Ramakrishna's "mother- wife," Sarada Devi, is particularly important: One can ... I have alluded to the relationship between women and the tantric branches of the community, ...
This book provides biographical profiles of the following female gurus plus sensitive scholarly analysis of their spiritual paths: Ammachi, Anandamayi Ma, Gauri Ma, Gurumayi, Jayashri Ma, Karunamayi Ma, Ma Jaya Sati Bhagavati, Mother Meera, ...
collected or redeveloped fragments; I shall suppose that the real meaning & justification of Purana, Tantra, Itihasa & Yoga can only be discovered by a rediscovery of their old foundation and harmonising secret in the true sense of ...
In the fixed tradition of thousands of years they have been revered as the origin and standard of all that can be held as authoritative and true in Brahmana and Upanishad, in Tantra and Purana, in the doctrines of great philosophical ...
It is considered to be like a large golden sphere that appears to be rising out of the earth, symbolizing the birth of a new consciousness. The Mother was the undisputed spiritual and administrative head of the Sri Aurobindo Society, ...
Sri Aurobindo put it this way: The chief processes of Hathayoga are asana and pranayama. By its numerous Asanas or fixed postures it first cures the body of that restlessness which is a sign of its inability to contain without working ...
Modern psychology and ancient wisdom: psychological healing ..., Sharon G. Mijares - 2003 - 284 pages Neil Douglas-Klotz, Dwight Judy, Sheldon Kramer, Stephen G. Gilli…
Thus, dissimilar to some more ascetic approaches, tantra yoga takes a positive view of the human body and embodiment in general, and particularly ... This ideal is also expressed more recently in the integral yoga of Sri Aurobindo...
he drew on the traditional Tantric imagery of the Goddess as power on both the spiritual and revolutionary planes. ... Here, Aurobindo lays out his ideal of a secret religio- political organization, an order of young ascetics who ... The striking irony, however, is that Aurobindo would later come to identify the Mother, not with the violent, bloodthirsty, and militant Tantric ... Leaving behind home and children, she joined Aurobindo and became his disciple in 1914. ...
Kaul, HK Sri Aurobindo: A Descriptive Bibliography, with a Foreword by CD Deshmukh (1972); ... Studies in the Light of His Thought (1957); Reminiscences and Anecdotes of Sri Aurobindo (1966); Sri Aurobindo on the Tantra (1967); ... [India: Mystic, Complex and Real : A Detailed Study of E.M. Forster's a Passage to India : His Treatment of India's Landscape, History, Social Anthrop]
See AurobindoSri Gospel of Sri Ramakrishna, The, 294-97, ... cultural expressions of, 421-73 in dialogue, 479-559 medieval, 142-43 modern, 255-316 nature of, xvi-xvii Puranic, 159-82 regional, 3-153 Tantric, 209-49 Human Cycle, ...
Tantra: quoted by MP Pandit in Gems From The Tantras, p. 30. 9. Sri Aurobindo, The Life Divine (Pondicherry: Sri Aurobindo Ashram, 1990), p. 863. ..
Such was the supreme experience Sri Aurobindo received in jail, which never left him afterwards. ... its broad synthesis of Vedanta, Sankhya, Jnana, Bhakti and evenTantra, its deep insights into the workings of Nature, ..
The main of these are Bhakti Yoga, Jnana Yoga, Karma Yoga, Mantra Yoga, Laya Yoga, Tantra Yoga, and various " Integral Yogas " like that of Sri Aurobindo.48 Their general techniques retain the essentials of Raja Yoga. ...
In Synthesis of YogaSri Aurobindo observed that the Tantra philosophy of life was similar to his own outlook on life because in the Tantra they weld together alien elements of the human personality in the roles of ...
Sri Aurobindo has not left this principle of the Tantra untouched. In his poem "Shiva" we find a very vivid revelation of Shiva and the Shakti and their being One. Here we will see the beginning and the end of that poem "Shiva". ...
Buddhism does not pay attention to rebirth but, according to Sri Aurobindo, "It views the recurrence of birth as a ... 82 In TantraSri Aurobindo finds a meaningful consequence in rebirth: "The Tantric solution shows us a supreme ...
In the same vein, Nuernberger (1994) proposes that the Hindu Tantric tradition of Shaktism is an inner science ... Furthermore, Phillips (1986) describes Neo- Vedantic thinker Sri-Aurobindo as a "mystic empiricist in that he would ...
Early in the twentieth century, the famous tantric adept ... One of the most respected Hindu sages of the twentieth century, Sri Aurobindo of Pondicherry, passed the leadership of his lineage to his female disciple Mira Alfassa. ...
Developments in Indian philosophy from Eighteenth century onwards: ..., Daya Krishna, Project of History of Indian ... - 2002 - 416 pages
Kapali Shastri, for example, utilises his vast knowledge of tantra to unfold the possible hidden meanings in the hymn to ... if one were to compare, say, the secret of the Veda, as interpreted by Sri Aurobindo, Kapali Shastri and Sri ...
In the Purano-Tantric age, the heights of the Veda and the Upanishads were not surpassed but depths were further deepened ... Dayananda Saraswati to Sri Ramakrishna and Swami Vivekananda and to Sri Aurobindo has two important concerns ... 
The entire poetic career of Sri Aurobindo indubitably appears to be a legendary journey with many meanings and levels of ... religion-pychological practices like Yoga and Tantra pours out poetically through the Savitri legend. ...
Like Gandhi, Sri Aurobindo Ghose — better known as Sri Aurobindo — was educated in England and attempted to apply a synthesis of Hindu ... the various forms of Tantra and yoga, and in the observances that structure family life. ... 
Incorporating the physiological teachings of Hatha yoga, tantra makes full use of the body to attain subtle and profound ... Hacker sees neo-Hinduism as beginning in the 1870s, with Bankim Chattopadhyaya, Vivekananda, Aurobindo, Gandhi, ...
Sri Aurobindo, one of the foremost Indian philosophers in the twentieth century, explains that the Kundalini is "the ... 34 The rigorous purification and meditative processes in Tantric philosophy can be likened to a hero's journey in ...
Sri Aurobindo (as he was called after 1926) spent the last years of his life working on a symbolic epic poem, Savitri. ... schools of bhakti- yoga), and the path of self-perfection (such as was practised by tantric yogis and siddhas). ...
Tantric discipline is in its nature a synthesis. It has seized on the large universal truth that there are two poles of being whose essential unity is the secret of existence, Brahman and Shakti, Spirit and Nature, and that Nature is ...
Sri Aurobindo's Original Sanskrit Writings There are not many original writings fromSri Aurobindo in Sanskrit except ... an incomplete work on Tantra. Though the number of his writings in Sanskrit is very small in comparison to his ...
Religious tantricism Rajnath Singh – 2001
As Kundalini yoga is one of the lines of the Tantra, what is known as the Varna Marga is also one of the disciplines. Sri Aurobindo points out that the Varna Marga does not really mean 'left-hand path. ...
Records of YogaAurobindo Ghose - 2001 - 1515 pages
Third Absolute - Aditi - M [the Mother]. Aditi is the indivisible consciousness force and Ananda of the Supreme; M, its living dynamis, the supreme Love, Wisdom, Power. Adya-Shakti of the Tantra = Parabrahman Fourth Absolute ...
Records of YogaAurobindo Ghose - 2001 - 1515 pages
of direct powerful compulsion on living beings to act according to the Will in this adhar and another Tantric power of affecting the Akash physically so as to draw a line over which they could not pass. Both powers were at first of the ...
Approaching religion from both Yogic and philosophic perspectives he wrote in The Life Divine. "I am a Tantric... Practitioners of Yoga worldwide may never have heard of Sri Aurobindo but he and others have made Yoga an integral ... 
In Hatha Yoga, Raja Yoga and Tantra the Kundalini is awakened from the Muladhara; it rises upwards from the bottom ... In his Integral Yoga, Sri Aurobindo achieves a unique synthesis of the inner and the outer to develop a perfect man ...
Similarly, Sri Aurobindo did not discard the traditional philosophies and yogic practices of Vedanta, Vaishnavism, and Tantra, but incorporated them into his own system and used them as a foundation for further development. ...
Essays examine politicized Hinduism, S. Radhakrishnan, Gandhi, Sri Aurobindo, Svami Vivekananda, and Ramakrishnan. Note: the first edition includes a third section, "Religion and National Goals," which surveys contemporary ... 
Sri Aurobindo in his Future Poetry written in the second decade of twentieth century, finds that Whitman's "sense of ... of the experiences and symbols described by the Yogic mystics and elaborated in Tantric works on Kundalini energy. ...
an open courtyard, its name^mi (a female practitioner of yoga) is suggestive of secret sexual Hindu or Tantric practices. ... Presenting a rationalistic view of Indian culture, according to the great saint Aurobindo: "The ancient ...
A creative contribution has been made by Sri Aurobindo toward the understanding of human personality through what ... and this is repeated in the Tantra and later Yoga literature. Naturally it is in the medical literature that one also ...
Of the many other modern Hindu thinkers who have expressed a new and vital Hindu perspective, we might single out Sri Aurobindo (1872-1950), who lived through the same years as Gandhi but took a somewhat different course. ...
Sri Aurobindo makes a clarifying statement on the bases of these Yogas quite early in the volume: In all the lord of the Yoga is the Purusha, the Conscious Soul that knows, observes, attracts, governs. But in Tantra it is rather ...
The strong perception of the great cosmic action and the eternal activity and power of the cosmic energy which was so much emphasised afterwards by the teaching of the Tantric ...
life,' Sri Aurobindo wrote, 'and therefore the individuals who lead the way will take all human life for their province. ... Even the Tantra and Vaishnavism end in the release from life; here the object is the divine fulfilment of life. ...
warrior in the mind, An eagle of dreams in the divining heart, An armour in the fight, a bow of God. Then larger dawns arrive Man's knowledge becomes God's supernal Ray. (Sri Aurobindo : Savitri X-3) The supreme Knowledge of the One ... [Flame of white lightDevi-PujaSidelights on the tantraFurther lights: The Veda and the Tantra T. V Kapali Sastry]
Nevertheless, in its origin Tantra was a great and puissant system founded upon ideas which were at least ... It was by learning and applying the intimate secrets of this Will-in-Power, its method, its Tantra, that the Tan trie Yogin ...
Outlook - 22 Sep 2008 - Page 79 Vol. 48, No. 38 - 48 pages – Magazine
and midnight forays into tantric rituals (not to mention his constant gay companion, Peter Orlowski). ... Ramana Maharishi and Sri Aurobindo, who provides Ginsberg with what comes nearest to an answer to the Beatnik's search in...
downplaying the strong religious and intellectual concerns of thinkers such as Vivekananda, Aurobindo, Kaviraj, Woodroffe and Mircea Eliade. His preclusion of the referentiality of the interpretations of Tantra studied also impedes ...
The Journal of transpersonal psychology  Transpersonal Institute, American ... – 2004
The correspondences among the traditional yogic descriptions of the chakras and Sri Aurobindo's elucidation of their ... With regard to other aspects of classical Tantra, it is important to note that Sri Aurobindo and the Mother did not ...
Sri Aurobindo generally agrees with classical Tantric descriptions of the chakras; however, he does add original insights based on his notion of the evolution (see Table 1 ). For example, he discerns a complex interaction among several ...
Journal of Indian Council of Philosophical Research Indian Council of Philosophical Research – 2003
from Greek philosophers to modern and contemporary western thinkers like Sartre, Husserl, Putnam, Dennett and Davidson among others, as well as Indian philosophical standpoints of Yoga, Advaita Vedanta, Tantra and Sri Aurobindo. If we look at the different papers in the volume, we find broadly two kinds of attempts at play. ...
And this world religion, Sri Aurobindo wrote, has many scriptures, Veda, Vedanta, Gita, Upanishad, Darshana, Purana, Tantra, nor could it reject the Bible or the Koran; but its real, most authoritative scripture is in heart in which the ...
Omega journal of death and dying Wayne State University. Center for ... – 2002
Among the modern renderings of Upanisadic ideas, Shri Aurobindo (1872-1950), too, considers the anxiety over bodily death to ... It may be noted that the fundamental difference between the orthodox Hindu philosophy and Tantra is that,
Mountain path Sri Ramanasramam Charities – 2002
in contemporary times, Sri Aurobindo talks of a coming together of the paths of action, wisdom, and love [in] an adoration of an impersonal Delight and Beauty, of a pure and infinite perfection to which we can give no name or form, ...
The Advent Sri Aurobindo Ashram – 2001
Even the Tantra and Vaishnavism end in the release from life; here the object is the divine fulfilment of life. ... The supermind had already been glimpsed on its heights by the Vedic Rishis, and even though Sri Aurobindo discovered the ...
Yoga Journal - Nov 2000 - Page 160 No. 157 - 196 pages – Magazine
Spiritual Traditions of India Sri Aurobindo has translated and commented upon many of the major spiritual texts ot India. ... It has not only been the source for the later developments, such as the Upanishads, the Tantra and the Gita, ...
Bulletin of the Ramakrishna Mission Institute of Culture Ramakrishna Mission. Institute of Culture – 2000
The essence of the Mother cult is to be found in the songs of Ramprasad, in the words of Sri Ramakrishna, as explained by Swami Vivek- ananda, in the writings of Bankim Chandra Chatterjee and Sri Aurobindo. Our business is to discover ...
The Advent Sri Aurobindo Ashram – 1999
It is only in the last movement that the legend is changed by Sri Aurobindo to fit in with his idea of the future incarnation. Whereas in Vyasa Savitri is seen engaged in a friendly ... The meditative Tantra Yoga lends the necessary ...