
January 18, 2006

J. L. Mehta

May I put in a plea, just a word, for the ‘ordinary’ man, who loves to know what another human being was like, is curious to know how he related himself to his fellows as persons, is eager to have some insight into his mind while he was a student, his response to what he read; the impact on him of Cambridge, which ‘opened a new world of infinite delight’, to Bertrand Russell about the same time; his aspirations and hopes while preparing for the ICS, what consideration weighed with him in deciding against that career…
He must have experienced the spell of the Bible and of the classics of European literature, not to speak of the lavish passion of English poetry. How did he respond to the formative influence of these, they shaped his thinking and sensibility?...One does wish that Sri Aurobindo had told us more explicitly…[p.132-135, 1983]

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