August 06, 2012

The Mother & Sri Aurobindo are the most potent soft-power

Work-a-day Hindutva: Is it Inferior? from Centre Right India by PoliticallyIncorrect Aug 6, 2012
But, considering the testing times we live in, I think it would help to not look down upon a particular strand of conservative dialogue as being inferior, because each strand has its own purpose which it serves… This is in keeping with the hierarchy of truths which Swami Vivekananda strongly believed in. There could be higher truths and lower truths, but people reserve the right to climb the rungs of the ladder at a pace they wish to, or are simply capable of. Also, each truth has its own purpose and origin which is rooted in experience and milieu.
Therefore, it would be incorrect to judge a particular experience or reaction from one-remove. This approach, in my humble opinion, applies to the Conservative movement as well. Just as the movement needs its Sitaram Goels and Koeraad Elsts to don the mantles of Intellectual Kshatriyas to counter the propaganda war being waged by opportunistic and fanatical forces on the other side of the fence, it equally needs its hammers, foot-soldiers and mass leaders who marshal the crowds and deliver hard political results as and when needed. After all, of what use is all talk of ideology if it cannot or does never generate a groundswell of support from the ones who actually vote or act?

Tweets 15m - Savitri Era Party @SavitriEraParty - @Team_CRI The Mother & Sri Aurobindo are the most potent soft-power India possesses and a suitable religio-political ecosystem is a must.  View conversation
1hVGLICIOUS @VGLICIOUS Sooner or later #RSS will claim a Ram connection to the Mars and#BJP will demand Ram Mandir there. Retweeted by Savitri Era Party
2h - ChandrabhushanJoshi♔ @chandrabhushanj Bloody Hell wats so great about finding Life on Mars, Moon, & other freaking Planet, when humanity is getting killed every single day on earth. Retweeted by Savitri Era Party
2h - पियूष कुलश्रेष्ठ @thinkerspad Frankly, I am not too troubled about Moral Policing by Mumbai Police. Whats the harm in being morally correct?  - Retweeted by Savitri Era Party 
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26 Jul - @swaraj_india Savitri Era Religion is a rational recourse concerning identity as well as relatedness. … -  View conversation
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26 Jul A century after Schopenhauer, Sri Aurobindo resolves the riddle of this world in a fashion that can’t be glossed over. …
26 Jul Rare are a combination of thoroughgoing ontological system with an earnest socio-political vision like The Life Divine. …
26 Jul Nationalism can hardly breathe in the rarefied air of the hybridity that The Mother & Sri Aurobindo have fabricated. …
26 Jul It is high time that error of Ambedkar is reversed and the Dalits embrace Savitri Era Religion for equality and dignity. …
26 Jul Savitri and The Life Divine will be the guiding lights for a long time to come where the East and the West cohere. …
26 Jul Validating mythology might trigger numerous repercussions thus weakening the march of modernity in the country. [TNM55] …
26 Jul The Veda vs. the Buddha war is no longer one sided. Sri Aurobindo votes for the Veda and turns the tables. [TNM55] …
26 Jul If we want to see a new India ready to lead the world, then The Mother & Sri Aurobindo must preside everywhere. [1001] …
26 Jul The Mother’s divinity, a threat to the dominant religions and Savitri Era Religion is a red rag to many a raging bull. …
26 Jul The divinity of The Mother & Sri Aurobindo are open questions. A rationalist wrestling with a devotee is an absurdity. …
26 Jul The Life Divine is the crest jewel of human thought and hope and hence each one of us must read this essential work. …

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