November 04, 2015

Arthur Koestler, M.C. Lemon, and Roy R. Behrens

Dec 30, 2014 - Jamie Lemon
My father, MC Lemon, known to his friends as Mick, who has died of lung cancer aged 69, was an author and scholar whose academic ...
He was an advocate of a narrative approach to history and throughout his lifetime passionately enjoyed arguing philosophical theory or simply discussing ideas with his students, as well as with his three children.
The major part of his intellectual legacy consists of two books: one, The Discipline of History and the History of Thought (1995), of his own research, rigorously philosophical, which took more than 20 years to write, and which he termed “a slow burner”; the other a comprehensive guide for students, Philosophy of History (2003), which has been translated into both Turkish and Chinese.
At the end of his academic career he became increasingly disillusioned with what he considered to be the over-managerial aspect of university life, as he felt it had a negative effect on the humanities and the true nature of academic work – thus he gladly took early retirement at the age of 60, moving to live in Lynton, Devon.

Geoffrey Roberts - 2001 - ‎History 
That form of discourse (for there is only one), is narrative. The term denotes that kind of discourse which has the form or structure, "this happened, then that," or ... The Discipline of History and the History of Thought - M.C. Lemon - 2002

M.C. Lemon is a lecturer in the history of political thought and political theory at the University of Ulster. His past publications include Discipline of History and ...

Geoffrey Roberts - 2001 - ‎Preview - ‎More editions Elton and Hexter's adherence to a pragmatic attitude to the evaluation ofnarratives foreshadowed the 1980s turn in the ... book on Time, Narrativeand History.22 As set out in the summary-article reproduced here (#9) Carr's argument is that ...

lished in India on the ancient Greek philosopher.22 But it is more likely that Sarkar, being a teacher of English literature, got the idea more immediately from his ... Aurobindo's essays, reprinted in his Essays in Philosophy and Yoga, are ...

From the Paleolithic to the Axial Age Robert N. Bellah. We are often ... Games such as football artificially create a separate reality. Football operates not with standard time and space but with the bounded time and space of the game.Football ...

Taoufiq Sakhkhane - 2012 - ‎Literary Criticism - Spivak's attitude or indirect participation in that controversy came in the form of a ... 
The received dogma asks us that our language be pleasant and easy, that it slip effortlessly into things as they are. Our point of view is that it should be careful, and not take the current dogmatic standard of pleasure and ease as natural norms.

Roy R. Behrens
AS AN UNDERGRADUATE art student in the 1960s, I was required to read for Humanities 

The Act of Creation is a 1964 book by Arthur Koestler. It is a study of the processes of discovery, invention, imagination and creativity in humour, science, and the ...

Remembering Arthur Koestler: An essay by Roy R Behrens 

Michael Scammell's Koestler: The Indispensable Intellectual is one of those vast biographies that slightly puzzles me. Tibor Fischer tackles one of Hungary's most famous exports Published:17 Apr 2010 
Koestler was, underneath all the accumulated plumage, a journalist. I defy anyone to read The Call Girls and then say with a straight face that Koestler is a major novelist. Out of all the "political" writers of the 20th century, Sartre, Malraux, Orwell and so on, only one, I'd argue, produced a truly great novel, and that was Camus; and L'Etranger is great precisely because it's not political.

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