December 29, 2019

This is the real 2020 challenge

Education was designed by the Britishers, basically by Christian scholars. Thus, various strands of falsehood were fed as truth. Eurocentrism was another reason for suppression of diverse evidences and Hegel's writings on Indian philosophy and religion is one important example.
Kant brought philosophical enquiry to an end but Hegel reopened it in which his reading of Indian texts have a great role. But this aspect has been ignored till date by the Western authors. Indian scholars have an opportunity in grabbing this task to rewrite history of philosophy
Once Hegel is accorded the importance he deserves, later developments based on science have to be reimagined. One such model we already have in Sri Aurobindo. Even he has produced multiple perspectives in Essays on the Gita, The Life Divine, and Savitri. The West can be bypassed.
American scholars of Indian philosophy are basically concerned with ancient texts mostly of Buddhist origin. This is a conspiracy to stall research in Modern Indian Philosophy on one hand and undermining Sri Aurobindo's epochal works in favour of other minor authors on the other.
It's not a question of philosophy alone; once this line of inquiry attains sufficient sophistication, many forts of Humanities will get demolished. There would be no East-West divide; knowledge sources and the lenses will converge. Religious and racial bias should get obliterated
This is the real #2020 challenge. Developing an integral perspective with sufficient intellectual muscle to match without compromising the highest standards of critical reason. Thinking part has been largely accomplished by Sri Aurobindo; what is wanted is just to flesh them out.
ARYA writings of Sri Aurobindo (1914-21) were meant for removing many confusions accumulated over the previous century both in India and the West. This herculean task has not been adequately appreciated during the last 100 years. Votaries of Indian wisdom and values must wake up.
Before 2019 ends, let's remember that Sri Aurobindo wrote an essay with the title 1919. Can be an occasion to examine his numerous prophecies and futuristic insights. Postmodernism and Transhumanism are passe; Cellular Transformation embarked upon by The Mother to gain prominence
Citizenship debate has clearly taken us back to Partition questions and basis of Nationalism. Confusion is likely to be compounded and silver lining will surely emerge from the chaos. The Mother & Sri Aurobindo have indicated such tidings since India is very much on their agenda.
All religions are sure to collapse and nationalities will overlap or become porous. Increasingly, people are turning multilingual and using entertainment options from a basket of cultures. Difficult to prevent this trend since such hybridisation is going on since time immemorial.
[Transcendentalism in America, Theosophy, New-Age cults, new schools of psychology, body-mind medicine, alternative therapies, philosophical speculations that grew around the New Physics are inspired by Indian and Chinese thought like Vedanta, Buddhism, Yoga, Taoism and Tai-Chi.]

The term "holistic" here can be quite misleading. Here, it means taking control of the entire sensorium, which comes about as close to the meaning of "The Matrix" as anything I've come across yet.
Shoulders of giants? WTF. Personally, I don't think Wilber has contributed much more to Integral Theory than his predecessors in the field-- Jung, Gebser, Aurobindo, Rosenstock-Huessy.
Real genius, even historically, was more about the fecund imagination, and not about calculating, instrumentalising rationality. The "genii" of old were spirits of woodland, mountain and stream.
Very probably the four rivers are also the "Four Heavenly Kings" of Buddhism, eg, here's a relief of the Buddha receiving the homage of the Four Heavenly Kings upon his enlightenment. Similar symbolism is Christ and the Four Evangelists (included for comparison)
A similar image occurs in the Book of Revelation, where the Throne of God is described as surrounded by "four beasts". These are the same "four Zoas" of Blake's Albion divided fourfold (Zoa means "beast").
In Nietzsche's terms: the "death of God" brings about the return of the repressed -- exchange of foreground and background. Dionysus and Apollo exchange places.
David Bohm's "implicate order", drawn out through the rheomode of thinking, seems clearly to be also Jean Gebser's "pre-existing pattern" (Gestalt), drawn out also in Blake's "fourfold vision" and as Aurobindo's "fourfold Atman"
"The cistern contains. The fountain overflows" (Blake) is related. The origin of speech lies itself in the unoriginated (Hence "Eternity is in love with the productions of time"). "In the beginning was the Word".

December 06, 2019

Roots of Dharma can be traced to Veda

Interpretations of the Veda
Sayanaacharya - Ritualistic
Swami Dayananda Saraswati - Etymological
Balagangadhar Tilak - Astronomical
T Paramashiva Iyer - Geological
V G Rele - Biological
Sri Aurobindo - Esoteric, Psychological, philological (based on his spiritual realisations)

1. I am starting the second section of धर्म जिज्ञासा which will be called Chapter 7 that begins with the recitation of OUR SCRIPTURES – VEDAS AND VEDIC SYSTEM.  It could run into few chapters.  Since this is a new section its numbering starts afresh.
2. Vedic Systems highlights the message and meaning of Vedic sourcebooks, which are: The Vedas, Upanishads, Brahmasutras, major Puranas, Mahabharatha, Ramayana, Bhagavatham, Pancharatra-aagama, and major systems of Indian philosophy.
3. It has subsection covering Srimad Bhagavad-Gita, which is regarded as the quintessential summary of all Vedic sourcebooks. Works on Dharma Shastra, and other major works like Artha Shastra and Niti Shastra are also included.
4. The theme includes works of the modern rishi-saint, Sri Aurobindo, concerning symbolism in the Vedas.
5. The Vedas remain elusive, as they are written in symbolic language that lends more than one meaning mainly because our culture has been polluted by foreigners and the way we understand things have thus got altered.
6. None of the three great acharyas, Shankara, Ramanuja, and Madhva, wrote full commentaries on Vedas mainly because not only of its voluminous nature but that they could lend to their present day thought rather than universal one.
7. This fact is significant, and adds further mystery to the enigmatic Vedas. The main commentary on the Vedas, which most of the Eastern and Western writers rely upon is by Sayana Madhava, popularly known as Sayanacharya.
8. This voluminous work is appreciated world over for its encyclopedic coverage of Vedic texts; it is essentially a literal translation of the Vedas.
9. Its critics lament its lack of reference to the hidden meanings of the Vedic tenets, as well as its silence on the symbolism of the Vedas.
10. This is one of the reasons why the Vedas remain inadequately illuminated. Another reason is that Vedic Sanskrit is different from classical Sanskrit, the language currently taught, written and sometimes spoken.
11. It is not only the mother of the current version of the language, but the mother of a widespread group of languages, the proto-Indo-European languages.
12. The meaning of the Vedas is not easy to discern and comprehend, partly due to the system of symbolism common to many Indian scriptures, making the real import far removed from the literal meaning.
13. This led to a number of writings such as those of Aurobindo, the great, modern sage—particularly his Secret of Vedas, and Symbolism of Vedas.
14. One of the great pioneers in this field was Kapali Shastri (1886–1953), a highly respected Vedic Scholar, who was associated with Aurobindo and also Bhagavan Ramana. This theme includes references as well as some samplings of these modern seers.
15. The Rishis provided the Vedas with study tools or Vedangas, the limbs of the Veda. The understanding of the Vedangas is a necessity for the comprehension of Vedic texts.
21. A careful survey of Veda leads us to believe that apart from the above two goals, Veda also offers – guidelines to protect the Elements, purification of mind, harmony in the society, personality development etc.
22. The roots of Dharma can be traced to Veda. Until Vedavyaasa, a sage, ventured to divide, there was only a single mass of Veda. Ṛgveda, Yajurveda, Saamaveda and Atharvaveda have emerged after the division by Veda Vyaasa.
by elisa freschi

While commenting on PMS 1.1.4, Veṅkaṭanātha makes a long digression aimed at refuting every kind of intellectual intuition, especially as a source for knowing dharma. Dharma, he explains, can only be known through the Veda.
People who claim to have directly perceived dharma are, by contrast, liars. This seems consistent in most cases, but may be problematic when it comes to the Veda, who are believed (by some) to have been composed by some ancient sages of the past, the ṛṣis. Veṅkaṭanātha explains that it is not the case that out of their austerities they gained the ability to directly perceive dharma, also because this would lead to a vicious circle, insofar as efficacious austerities would need to be based on the Veda. Thus, ṛṣis are not an exception to the rule.
This means that the ṛṣis did not compose the Vedas. How comes that they could teach them? Their teaching was based on the Vedas themselves (a Mīmāṃsaka would add: because time is beginningless). Veṅkaṭanātha expresses this point in the following: elisa freschi | December 5, 2019

November 24, 2019

Urvasie is a brilliant symbolic love poem

[PDF] Discourse of Love and Beauty in Selected Poems of Sri Aurobindo

PK Jha
Sri Aurobindo is a great Indian poet and philosopher. His" Urvasie" is a brilliant symbolic love poem. Urvasie is the companion nymph of Pururavus. She is a manifestation of splendour. She and Pururavus are two physical emanations in …

Genius: Standing on the Shoulders of Social Networks

S Restivo - Einstein's Brain, 2020
… and Western philosophy and a defense of intuition, faith, spiritual experience, and the testimony of scriptures in theological language as “necessary for knowledge and life.” For contemporary perspectives in this tradition, see …

Experimental Metaphysics

by larvalsubjects

In place of the conspiracy theories of classical metaphysics, Adam Miller, following Latour, proposes an experimental metaphysics.  According to Miller, what is the cardinal sin of classical metaphysics?  On the one hand, it is reductive.  When we are in the grips of a theory, we believe we have mastered the phenomena.  Our metaphysics is based on a distinction between appearance and reality, where appearances are the buzzing confusion of all things that exist in the world and reality is the finite set of principles or laws that both explain those phenomena and that are the grounds of the phenomena.  Here I cannot resist a hackneyed reference to The Matrix.  What is it that distinguishes Neo from everyone else?  Unlike the rest of us that see only appearances-- the steak that we are eating, the clothing we are wearing, the car we're driving in, other people, etc --Neo sees the reality that governs the appearances.  He sees the code that governs appearances.  Neo is the Platonic hero par excellence.  Where everyone else sees shadows on the cave wall taking them to be true reality, Neo has escaped the cave, seen the true reality, and now knows the combinatorial laws that govern all the appearances.  It is this that allows him to perform such extraordinary feats, for like the scientist that has unlocked the secrets of nature, he can manipulate that code to his advantage.

This is the fantasy of classical metaphysics and is what Miller refers to as a conspiracy theory.  The classical metaphysician believes he has unliked the code that governs the appearances and, for this reason, no longer has to attend to the appearances.  Alfred Korzybski famously said "the map is not the territory".  The classical metaphysician is like a person who gets a map and thinks that because they have a map they have mastered the territory; so much so that they don't have to consult the territory at all.  In this instance, the map, the model, comes to replace the territory altogether.  The map becomes the reality and the territory itself, such that the territory no longer enters the picture.  Perhaps this is one of the reasons people often find philosophers so frustrating.  We have our models, we have our metaphysics, and we debate back and forth about the finer points of these respective maps, yet the territory doesn't enter the picture.  The map has become more real than the territory (isn't this what Lauruelle is diagnosing in his non-philosophy:  the manner in which the philosophy posits its own reality).

The only ontology that exists is the subjective ontology, i.e. consciousness. Everything else are ideas in consciousness. I think that science should state clearly its goals to the students in schools and universities: "Science is about trying to guess the behavior of nature, and building models that help us build technology. But at all times we should not forget that all these are models built in consciousness, consciousness being the foundation of reality.". Instead, children are thrown into ideas that their unprepared mind takes them as being about how nature really is. Because of my desire to understand reality and the insincere way in which science is promoted in schools, I ended up studying physics at university, only to realize on my own during the studies that consciousness is the true reality and physics just an idea invented by consciousness to describe the regularities that it sees in its experiences. Now I'm a philosopher of consciousness. Such a waste of time to have to go through physics to realize these things on my own, when I could have gone the right way from the beginning if the educational system would have been honest.

Dear  Cosmin,

Namaste. While it is true that modern science has completely ignored consciousness in its attempt to focus purely on the objects of consciousness in the form of Nature (conceived as material and mechanistic) it is not true that consciousness is the only reality. Modern science, with the development of quantum theory, is recognizing that it has made a mistake in its one-sided attitude and approach. [Of course, there are always those scientists who will never admit such a thing.] However, we must not make the mistake of thinking that consciousness is the only reality in which the object of consciousness is to be ignored. This would be as one-sided (and abstract) as the current idea of modern science, ant not concrete. Concrete would mean the contradiction of two opposing sides [thesis and its antithesis] is accounted for and not simply neglected due to failure to understand their dialectical relation [synthesis].

Consciousness is essentially a subject/object relationship. As Hegel has clearly enunciated, the Absolute truth is grasped as a whole, as both subject as much as  substance. The problem that abstract idealism faces,which seems to be the view you are holding, is that it is abstract, i.e. not admitting the antithesis. This error is also held by Deepak Chopra and others who embrace the abstract monist philosophy or abstract advaitins. 

There are the true advaitins who understand the negation that is involved in the a-dvaita conception. This negation means that there is both the positive and its negation involved in the concrete idea of advaita. 

Although consciousness determines the objects of consciousness in terms of what they are, it does not create them or produce their being. Likewise if you think that everything is consciousness then you must accept that the objects of consciousness are also conscious, and that means they can also effect or determine the consciousness that you one-sidedly hold to determine them. This clearly is inconsistent.

While ultimately in the Absolute subject and substance are identical as well as different, the difference is not eliminated despite the identity. The objects of consciousness are conscious as much as the subjects, but the difference is never eliminated. This is due to the structure of consciousness as a duality that is overcome yet preserved in order to maintain itself as a concrete actuality.

This may be difficult to understand but it is essential if the interest of science in consciousness is not to take the turn from abstract substance to abstract subject. One would be  as fallacious as the other. It will be due to a failure to understand the principle of the identity-of-identity-and-difference, as the German philosopher Hegel has so successfully demonstrated, and as explained over five hundred years ago in India in Chaitanya's teachings.

With humble and sincere regards,
B Madhava Puri

Dear Cosmin,

Namaste. It seems to me that You! are the one who is proposing in your previous message that

>The only ontology that exists is the subjective ontology, i.e. consciousness.

Because you claimed this, I replied

>if you think that everything is consciousness then you must accept that the objects of consciousness are also conscious 

In other words, if you think that consciousness is the only ontology then you must accept that objects such as tables must be conscious. You claimed that objects are ideas in consciousness, but what are ideas made of if they exist only in consciousness? 

I hope you understand that if you are claiming the only ontology is consciousness, it seems to imply that tables and everything else are conscious. Am I misunderstanding you?

With humble and sincere regards,
B Madhava Puri

Disengaged Buddhism article is published

by Amod Lele

It's been a long time in the making, but my article on disengaged Buddhism is finally published. It's at the free online Journal of Buddhist Ethics, so you can go read it for yourself.

I'll say a bit here about what you can expect to find. Some of the article goes over territory I've already covered on Love of All Wisdom and the IPB: I discuss Aśvaghoṣa's worries about severityŚāntideva's rejection of external goodsthe Cakkavatti Sīhanāda Sutta's detached attitude to time. The article does this in more detail than the blogs have, and I also show similar ideas in other suttas and jātakas and from Candrakīrti.

The article also responds more directly to existing engaged Buddhist scholarship. Engaged Buddhist scholars have, so far, been the people actually doing constructive Buddhist ethics. They are not merely describing what Buddhists happen to believe but prescribing a Buddhist way of life, and that much is something I think we need more of. What I don't think they do nearly enough is think about or respond to the points made by the likes of Śāntideva and Aśvaghoṣa. The article explains why they should.

So the article isn't itself a work of constructive Buddhist ethics; I'm not taking a position on engagement or disengagement there. What I am doing is reminding other people doing constructive Buddhist ethics about a large body of ideas that they ignore or silence, and urging them to take those ideas more seriously. My own constructive position on these questions is complicated. I've started to take some of it up on the blog – for example, I think there is some empirical confirmation for the Disengaged Buddhists' psychological claims. That isn't the whole story, though, and you can expect to hear more about my constructive views in the years to come. I am proud of the article as a starting point.

Cross-posted at the Indian Philosophy Blog.

Amod Lele | November 18, 2019 

November 22, 2019

They don’t have to consult the territory at all

From Larval Subjects

Our metaphysics is based on a distinction between appearance and reality, where appearances are the buzzing confusion of all things that exist in the world and reality is the finite set of principles or laws that both explain those phenomena and that are the grounds of the phenomena.  Here I cannot resist a hackneyed reference to The Matrix.  What is it that distinguishes Neo from everyone else?  Unlike the rest of us that see only appearances– the steak that we are eating, the clothing we are wearing, the car we’re driving in, other people, etc –Neo sees the reality that governs the appearances.  He sees the code that governs appearances.  Neo is the Platonic hero par excellence.  Where everyone else sees shadows on the cave wall taking them to be true reality, Neo has escaped the cave, seen the true reality, and now knows the combinatorial laws that govern all the appearances.  It is this that allows him to perform such extraordinary feats, for like the scientist that has unlocked the secrets of nature, he can manipulate that code to his advantage.

After years of this sort of training in philosophy, literature, and cultural studies courses the student becomes convinced that their questions are the result of a failure to understand, their own insufficiency, rather than an insufficiency of the text.  We Oedipalize our subjects.  In Lacan’s dialectic of alienation and separation, they remain at the level of alienation in the big Other, believing that the big Other is without antagonisms, lack, incompleteness, and insufficiency– Deleuze and Lacan can never be wrong, and certainly not Hegel! –and they are therefore never able to move on to separation so that they might become subjects themselves.  Such is the lesson of Lacan’s university discourse.   The product of that discourse is an alienated subject, a subject trapped in the web of “knowledge” and a master-signifier, whether it be a figure (Lacan, Hegel, Deleuze, Spinoza, Kant, etc.) that is treated as the repository of complete knowledge such that they can never be wrong.  A non-paranoid pedagogy would refuse the move of treating the text and figure as if it is always right, as if any question posed to the text is the result of a failure to understand.

October 30, 2019

Computerized fakery intrude onto our reality

Futuristic tweets by @vakibs

The fundamental problem with our computing culture is that we glorify the practice of hiding computational  resources from users. Google wants you to believe that you have infinite storage and computation for search. Of course, it’s nonsense. But it’s a strongly crafted illusion.
This pretense about infinite computational power to relatively dumb users is maintained by Moore’s law. But what a waste it was!
We destroyed the fundamental basis of computer science, which is all about optimizing resources. And made users into idiots, computationally speaking.
The stupidity of hiding computational resources is continuing well into the AI age. In fact, it got far more stupider. It is very easy to be a dumb idiot these days, even if you are a programmer.

"We are embedding some very old and disparaging notions about human beings and their place in the natural order into our future technological infrastructure. Engineers at leading tech firms and universities tend to see human beings as the problem and technology as the solution."

If we see the researcher ecosystem as an organism, it's as if this organism pays all attention to the sympathetic nervous system (triggered by novelty, surprise, fear etc) and no attention at all to the parasympathetic nervous system (responsible for homeostasis, growth, health).
The reason why computer science is in this ridiculous situation is a self-afflicted misery. Other scientific disciplines don't behave like this. Physicists are able to come together and build large projects that address serious long-term challenges. Why not CS and AI people?
It is a sad judgement on the field when the only large AI projects are within the confines of private corporations, or  in the secret service departments of governments. The source-code from researchers is fragmented, although they have a high motivation to collaborate and share.

We should completely redesign the idea of a scientific conference. They are all becoming giant Jamborees, producing a ton of trash, and their contribution for scientific culture and connectivity is getting more and more questionable.
Instead of conferences whose ephemeral existence is erased and forgotten in less than a year, I think we should promote scientific pilgrimages. That allows a steady deposition of scientific culture at a geographical place. This promotes “presence” - sense of really being there.
In fact, the model of a pilgrimage is how scientific culture was nurtured for the most of our history. Definitely in India for millennia, until the pilgrimage routes were disrupted in the Middle Ages. This was also the model for Europe, especially in the renaissance era.
We still have relics of this practice. A postdoc will spend some time in a foreign country to imbibe the scientific culture there, and contribute to that. My guess is that most scientific output is  sited through such visits. It’s a pity we don’t do that for senior researchers.
In the current era of instantaneous communication and almost infinite archival of knowledge, the journeys in a scientific pilgrimage can be chronicled and shared for the wider audience. Physical presence needs to be used to maximize cognitive presence. That is what is needed!
When a senior researcher takes time off during a sabbatical year, the utility of that time can be maximized by adhering to a specific pilgrimage route. When multiple researchers do that, the likelihood that they will meet each other and inspire each other will increase.

The only sensible comparison with this Data=Oil model is that if we don't take adequate care against such a development, capitalist exploitation of both data and oil will lead to shitty monopolies that will threaten democracy.

September 05, 2019

Better to say that it is unknown

Assorted tweets collated by @NathTusar, Director, #SavitriEra Learning Forum (SELF)

IMO this is unlikely. If you read Aurobindo's view on the development of language and etymology of words - he goes back to a very basic time when these words could have been developed and used without writing. Vedas developed with langugae itself is what I think
You know Sanskrit of the Vedas?  Because the Sanskrit we learn comes with Panini's grammar. Long long after Vedas
Your views are your views. You are welcome to hold them. Writing them down as you have done makes it so much more permanent and accessible no? No memory shemory business.
Here's the problem: If you don't know about exact links many 1000s of years ago, better to say that it is unknown rather than making up stuff and publishing as if it was all known. That is what linguists have done. That aside why Tamil alone? Ask abt Kannada, Telugu & Malayalam
No. I am not accusing you of anything. Simply pointing out that much is unknown. That said language is likely to have come long long before scripts. My personal hypothesis is that the insistence on oral transmission of Vedas was because of lack of script in the hoary past.
No dispute there. But I suspect the Vedas, which I think are self-described as "sounds" are meant to be oral only and not transmitted by writing. Quran and maths CAN be transmitted by writing. Not Vedas. The meter, the sounds are critical

Well the Masters always stood for the Integral Truth, and what could be a greater example of what you asked sir than when #SriAurobindo found worthwhile qualities even in the imperialistic British!
(2 Sep 1943, CWSA, Vol. 35)
You may be interested to know sir that Togo Mukherjee was the grandson of the great Jatindranath Mukherjee alias Bagha Jatin :)

Greatest! Sri Aurobindo was most probably meaning the integral sadhana of Muhammad. He was a fighter, ruler, administrator, spiritually enlightened guide to the unenlightened people of the desert lands.
Yes. No one comes anywhere near R.C. Majumder in the truthful presentation of facts of Indian history. Guha leads the leftists's worship of Gandhi. Dipesh Chakrabarty says Gandhi's Gita is better than Sri Aurobindo's Gita!!!! Hahahahaha!
Mother Worship is deep rooted in Islam n Sufism. " Woman is the radiance of God; she is not your beloved. She is the Creator Rumi ( Sri Aurobindo used the word Creatrix in Savitri )." To the Sufi Allah has always been the Beloved and the Sufi has always been the Lover.

my relationship with Sri Aurobindo has more to do with my life. First began to understand what Carl Gustav Jung was saying ( because of experience) then came to Aurobindo. Frankly if it had not related to my life would be nowhere. Sadly he understands India in a way few do as 1/
2/ his understanding is even better than Tagore ( who is more tilted towards the Bengali liberal aristocracy but an adept). Sri A's own followers among the old Indian aristocracy hardly do anything to carry his message around. So will have to wait.
The Hindu elite: the top layer of the Congress Party ( Nehru/Gandhi & the rest)...... the intellectual class ...... the artistic elite & then the old feudal aristocracy ( but they were stripped of their power/wealth so retreat maybe understandable). Brahmins too.
observe the nature of the Tibetan system you can understand it's ability to get together. It maybe varied but has a central theological/political focus. Of course the tragedy of India is that while the old feudals/oracles in Himachal are limping or gone .....Tibetans thrive.
True. Needed a leaner centralized system more comprehensively cosmopolitan ( this is too UP/Punjabi centred) & then local systems. Breaking old aristocracies was a bad idea because they had a better hold over the complex local culture. Even the British did better.

Niralamba Swami was a great nationalist and freedom fighter, most known for the freedom struggle movement aside Aurobindo Ghosh. Jatindra Nath Banerjee is the real name of this saint. From great revolutionaries, both changed to yogis and they rose to prominence between 1871-1910.

BBC News - How Britain's opium trade impoverished Indians

A Vedic Index – Meaning and explanation of some important Vedic symbols, words, images, and concepts in the words of Sri Aurobindo. Get it here at a special price.
Chapter Three discusses how eminent Indians like Swami Vivekananda, Sri Aurobindo and Lala Hardayal received the ideas of communism. Chapter 4 examines how bolsheviks managed their national units and nationalism within them through the Comintern. Book link

What is #progress? Why we don't need anymore for #materialism? Why we should restart from the #International labour 1866? #Mazzini holds the keys, still today. With Madame Blavatsky, Sri Aurobindo, Mohandas Gandhi & other friends.

Sakharam Ganesh Deuskar's Desher Katha inspiring revolutionaries in Bengal and Sri Aurobindo joining hands with Tilak and Moonje or later Hedgewar refining his nationalism while studying in Kolkatta can't be lost sight of. Thus, it's more synthetic and undergoing metamorphosis.
Religions are discovering that they can't fool all the people all the time. As education and awareness rises people will take a critical look but commercial and entertainment dimensions will linger. Since you are aware of Sri Aurobindo, you should be happy; he predicts collapse.
"The present age of mankind" (Sri Aurobindo is concerned about the whole mankind or the human race and not just India or Hindus) is undergoing "a graded psychological evolution of the race" -The Human Cycle - The Curve of the Rational Age (CWSA-25-XIX-192)
[it has to ask, first, whether the tradition contains at all any still living truth
secondly whether it contains the best truth available
whether they are right in their agreement
whether it is not an inert and false acquiescence
whether there are not greater and better purposes]
You may not be aware, but you have paraphrased what Sri Aurobindo highlights in the very first chapter of The Life Divine: “Today we see a humanity satiated but not satisfied by victorious analysis of the externalities of Nature preparing to return to ...“
That's nice. Task is to popularise Sri Aurobindo's view of the past, present, and the future. Educated Indians haven't been able to benefit by his writings either due to prejudice or lack of access. But it provides an alternative narrative than Hindutva and Congress-Left combine.
I supplied some hints but they aren't exactly as you propose. I have no other means than to rely upon what Sri Aurobindo has said and then joining the dots. And, it turns out to be fairly accurate, by and large. As historians have banished him, present view of the past is warped.
A lot many things are there in Sri Aurobindo's writings like trigunatita bypassing ethics or being heroic despite committing crimes; he also uses the term vibhuti. So all those who have carried the burden of mankind have been instruments of Evolution. Churchill was but not Subhas
I avoid quotations but can offer my own impression; Sri Aurobindo didn't find him worth pondering over. Darwin, Marx, Nietzsche, and Freud posed the major challenge for him which snowballed into Hitler. Fascism continues in various forms and fighting it is the most important task
It's not easy to know truth of anything as history is distorted. We read planted and sponsored versions like rock edicts of Ashoka. Further, you are trying to understand someone on the basis of his present image. If one begins from zero, he might have passed through some askesis otherwise how could he attract people around him. Different episodes of one's life is important like Sri Aurobindo's.
Each person is a combination of good and bad. In one phase he may be good but later gets derailed, or vice versa. So painting someone in one colour may not be correct.
Right from 1947, Kashmir has been the bone of contention leading to wars with Pakistan and antipathy towards Muslims. Ram temple movement added momentum to which the so-called appeasement issue was yoked. Hindutva stalwarts try to twist the narrative by equating Islam with Jihad.
Despite imposition of Hindi and English local or coloqal languages amazingly hold the fort. Awarding Sovereignty to new nations constituted on the basis of local languages is a most logical demand. Odisha was the first such State formed in 1936. Megalomania around India must end.
Tragedy of India is the British legacy of being huddled under a single nation whereas the reality like Tibetans is local. So I have been campaigning for Sovereignty to States so that various forms of hidden spontaneity come to the fore. Each language must find full efflorescence.
For many discovery of a 1000 years old sculpture is much more important than what Sri Aurobindo wrote 100 years back as if his poems like The Rishi, Ahana, or Love and Death don't mean anything, not speak of Savitri. How can an entire nation be so callous!
Mother worship is common in India especially in Bengal and it was easy for Sri Aurobindo to tap the emotion. Westerners however are too rigid and suspicious in this respect and hence The Mother is still far off for most of them. Transcending either aspect is certainly a challenge
Another misconception is that The Mother & Sri Aurobindo never founded a new religion as they have clarified a number of times. But there was persistent accusations from several quarters that it's being turned into one. So I thought it fit to just name it as Savitri Era Religion.
Rainbow & the Other: Workshop on Sri Aurobindo at Jadavpur University
#SriAurobindo #FiveDreams #WorldUnion
Assorted tweets collated by @NathTusar,
Director, #SavitriEra Learning Forum (SELF)

August 26, 2019

German romanticism, American transcendentalism, and Bengal Renaissance

Assorted tweets collated by @NathTusar Director #SavitriEra Learning Forum (SELF since 2005) #SriAurobindo #FiveDreams

Narad's Arrival at Madra. By RY Deshpande. Never read anything so focused on those 89 lines. Marvellous textual commentary! Absolute masterpiece!

Sir, I would like to humbly bring another view to the statement all knowledge is contained in the a certain ultimate sense yes, for he knows the Brahman knows all, yet in the modern application of it or even in the discovery of a progressive ladder that leads there is...
..a work that has yet to be done..for at least the Rig Veda Samhita concerns itself with the bringing down the greater powers of Self into the evolving human..the latter aranyakas and brahmanas lay down the ritual applications and the why and whereof..and related speculations.
And yet the work done here is stupendous..the discovery of the RV Samhita itself is not fully understood..the great psychological complexity of it..unfathomable what beings the Rishis were..but we need to be clear about what Veda concerns itself with and its derivatives
Sir, if one is not ready the higher knowledge does not open up anyway!!
Sir, respectfully, the Vedic attitude is way more than what is understood is not clearly documented because it is complex..the tricky is not in birth varna, not entirely in swabhava, and not entirely in specific disciplines we undertake..
One like Sri Aurobindo got to the Vedic realisations and more..He certainly didn’t follow the traditionalist path..and so with Mother and my view that not recognising the fundamental attitude needed harms the Dharma..not external forms..a deep need and cry..
That the Veda no Brahmana..borderline shudra perhaps..I have approached Her with aspiration and She has shown a little so far, but too much by normal standards, feels like sacrilege to put it here..but am no traditionalist and I have no fear or taboo..

The Mother & Sri Aurobindo have written many things and the responsibility is theirs. Direct disciples too have repeated many of them out of loyalty. The challenge today is to avoid making false promises as regards spiritual power since Integral yoga is not at all result-oriented.
When I wrote ten years back "The divine manifestation of The Mother & Sri Aurobindo is an unprecedented phenomenon which... is nothing in comparison to what is yet untold about them," it created a mild flutter. Their deed indeed remains largely unfathomed.

I think, I have answered your curiosity here
Possibility is the most important word in Sri Aurobindo's philosophy. Emergent Evolution as popularised by Bergson, Whitehead, or Morgan. The Mother added emphasis on the mind of the cells & their transformation
There were plays and epics, treatises on ethics and cosmology, religious scriptures, discourse on theology, philosophy, and theosophy; and diverse literature on atheist persuasion as well. Then came The Life Divine by The Mother & Sri Aurobindo replacing all cobwebs of confusion.
German romanticism is indebted to Integral thinkers like Duns Scotus (1266–1308), Giordano Bruno (1548–1600), and Jakob Böhme (1575–1624). American transcendentalism and Bengal Renaissance too have their roots. Also the Cosmic Movement of Max Théon (1848–1927) and Sri Aurobindo.
Any admirer of Sri Aurobindo has to go through a prolonged phase of exploring Homer, Heraclitus, Plotinus, Dante, Blake, Nietzsche, Fichte, Spencer, et al in order to develop an integral understanding of him. Those who suffer from West-phobia must shed their inferiority complex.

A "Johannine Age" would seem to be much the same as Aurobindo's "Age of Subjectivism", and is what Blake described as his "New Age" after the fall of his demon god "Urizen".

Sri Aurobindo, Gilbert Simondon, individuation and cosmogenesis via @YouTube

I’m a huge admirer of Sri Aurobindo but I really struggle with how to make sense of his claims about the supramental descent. How can we empirically verify it? When will physical immortality be manifested on earth?
Which essays in particular? Btw, I’m not sure how my tone has come across in my tweets but I’m not trying to be confrontational, just trying to make sense of something which baffles me. As I said, I admire SA greatly and have learnt a lot from him.

West-worship has reduced cultured  Hindus to the level of consuming the garbage of the West like edible gold, this while the West is turning Hindu in all its habits, including eating.
Since the rise of invasive super-cults of Christianity & Islam RELIGIONS have been the most murderous, the most violent & the most tyrannical forces on earth. Communism & Nazism too are no less religions than these two. Even political corruption & power-mongering is far better.

7.1) The Mother instructed many Ashramites on how to express beauty through art. One of them was Huta, with whom Mother worked on the now famous 'Meditations on Savitri'..
But before starting the work, the preparation work had to be done..

Recently, a propagandist article titled ‘Who killed Sanskrit’ was published in Deccan Herald by a certain Sumit Paul, who seems to have taught Persian and Sanskrit at Bhandarkar Oriental Research Insitute, Pune.
The article is completely one-sided and [not even] half-baked. 1/n

Read the inscriptions themselves carefully, not interpretations by joker secular historians with an agenda, they say no such thing, Ashoka says he became closer to the dharma after the war, this has falsely been extrapolated as conversion
Ashoka was already a Buddhist before the war, the trigger for his conversion was meeting the boy-monk who was the son of yhe rival prince he defeated to become Emperor, and even earlier as governor on Vidisha he already was in contact with the Sangha.

No doubt Internationalism is the future of man but to rush prematurely towards it would only mean the hegemony of few powerful nations over the rest of humanity under the garb of globalisation and internationalism. This would crush out many beautiful things that each nation has to contribute leaving a big vacuum in our evolutionary groupings. Each nation, like an individual, has its own unique soul which must be brought out and work together for the good of the world. Each nation must discover its own spiritual roots to nourish its individuals.
A rash internationalism may well end up with a few nations once again dominating the rest since human nature has hardly changed since the two great wars.

The One and the Many in Radhakrishnan's and Hick's Thinking
S Sugirtharajah - The Expository Times, 2019
This essay focuses on two eminent thinkers whose perspectives on religious pluralism have attracted much attention: Sarvepalli Radhakrishnan (1888–1975), a prominent Indian philosopher, statesman a...
[PDF] Matter-Consciousness: Duality, Complementarity & DNA
S Rengarajan - DNA Decipher Journal, 2019
… Einstein When the society embraces spirituality true progress is attained. Aurobindo [S]quare root of 1% of world population (7,000 mystics) together can beam the cosmic transcendental radiations. Maharishi Mahesh Yogi The …

The Perfect Imperfect: Democracy, Sovereignty, and the Ethics of Self-Ruination
U Kumar - Cultural Critique, 2019
… of sovereignty. In her second chapter, Gandhi examines practices of descent associated with four spiritual masters or Gurus from India, namely Sri Ramakrishna, MK Gandhi, Sri Aurobindo, and Ramana Maharshi. She stresses 

Śivajñāne jīver sevā: Reexamining Swami Vivekananda's Practical Vedānta in the Light of Sri Ramakrishna
A Maharaj - Journal of Dharma Studies, 2019
… According to Hacker, modern Indian figures such as Swami Vivekananda, Sri Aurobindo, and Sarvepalli Radhakrishnan were “Neo-Hindus” who championed “pseudo-Vedāntic” philosophies shaped more by Western …

[PDF] 29th Annual Convention of National Academy of Psychology (NAOP), India
C PATRON - 2019
… Page 3. About Pondicherry Pondicherry is the abode of Sri Aurobindo and The Mother. This union territory is synonym to peace and harmony. The typical tranquility and spiritual embrace of Puducherry beckons the sojourners to the cosmopolitan city …

Plasim Radar

- Earth humor, ar! ar! I got an A on my final paper on Martin Heidegger. My girlfriend, who took the class with me, was enraged that the Heidegger paper I wr...

Savitri Era Party keeps the hope of alternative politics burning - Tweets in original by @SavitriEraParty and @NathTusar: No one in Odisha is willing to look beyond BJD and BJP. Savitri Era Party however keeps the hope of...

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Ole Peters blogging any old shite about Bernoulli - In an earlier post I explained why 'Ergodicity Economics' is shite. Today I'll dissect a blog post by its champion, Ole Peters who writes- *Not all academi...

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What is Life? – II The Scientific Perspective and the Spiritual Vision – M S Srinivasan - In the first part of this article we have studied the nature of life in the light of modern scientific perspective. In this part we will explore the spiri...

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Asian historicism before Protestantism - We are surely familiar with the pattern by now: members of an Asian tradition are concerned about supposed corruptions in … Continue reading →

Shobha Mitra : The Story of a Dedicated Soul by Anurag Banerjee - Dear Friends, On Wednesday, 31 July 2019, the Aurobindonian community lost a great music maestro and a creative genius with the passing away of Shobha Mitr...

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Twelve Years with Sri Aurobindo by Nirodbaran - Twelve Years with Sri Aurobindo Twelve Years with Sri Aurobindo by Nirodbaran is an account of the period of his close personal contact with Sri Aurobind...

It's literally the edge of our collective knowledge - Assorted tweets: We are heading for one party rule. It has nothing to do with Hinduism and everything to do with Muslim appeasement. Nazism in new form....

July 14, 2019

It's literally the edge of our collective knowledge

Assorted tweets:

We are heading for one party rule.  It has nothing to do with Hinduism and everything to do with Muslim appeasement.  Nazism in new form.  Hindus! Can you find a militant leader to defend yourself?

Hate crimes and moral policing can hurt economic growth, says Indian industrialist: | I doubt that it's a factor of much concern but sure, no reason to have such incidents happen either
Adi Godrej's remarks on the current state of India are not the first criticism from a corporate leader of what the BJP is doing to India. Some examples follow: 1/n

Skill India is barking up the wrong tree: | Succinct and lucid piece by @anuraag_saxena, though I suspect the inertia is due to apathy and politics rather than ignorance

Don't believe that caste is dead. It is a dark time to be in India, particularly if you are a woman - @bainjal

Ananya Vajpeyi reviews A.G. Noorani's new book "The RSS: A Menace to India" in The Hindu:

Want to spend some time at Chandrabhaga beach sipping coconut water! This b'ful beach is one of the less crowded & cleanest. Join for a cool ride alongwith 4 other sites in Prachi Valley on 21st July 2019. 
For details, plz login at #aitiha #ExploreAitiha

The culture of India, like the country itself, is indivisible & timeless. Just like its indivisible geography stretches from Kashmir to Kanyakumari, Indian culture too represents this indivisible continuum from the Rishis up to Ramakrishna Paramahamsa.

Do read today's Indian Express Eye. For a moon lover like me, it's an issue to read and cherish and save for posterity. Poetry, science, film and music. It has everything. Esp precious that I know the effort behind it, @Poojaspillai #IndianExpressEye
Gulzar-I think I have a copyright on the Moon #SundayReading

Odyssey, Tempest, Robinson Crusoe, Lord of the Flies..: @nachristakis fascinatingly studied real shipwreck survivors & how some (not all) avoided violence: Good leadership, mild hierarchy, friendship, cooperation.

A labour of love, this riveting list of 1150 free films! @openculture is a gold mine. A mix of first prints, ditched releases, debuts, shorts, adaptations, experimental, avant-garde, cult, margin, award-winners, forgotten, failed, real, noir, and surreal.

Some writers’ works the films are based on: e.e. cummings, Anton Chekhov, Franz Kafka, Edgar Allan Poe, Alexander Pushkin, Vladimir Nabokov, Ray Bradbury, Ernest Hemingway, Anthony Burgess, and Somerset Maugham
The quirky, fearless madness of cinematic genius. An ocean. Waiting.

Name your 5 favourite thrillers you've watched. In any language.

Beautifully illustrated story on Janaki Ammal, Botanist and Cytogeneticist

Baji Prabhu Deshpande's epic last stand inspired many nationalist leaders too. Aurobindo composed a English poem in his honor, while Veer Savarkar wrote a famous ballad on him in Marathi, to rouse the people against British rule.

Sri Aurobindo's powerful poem is the still the best I have read on the heroic sacrifice of Baji Prabhu!

Indeed. And when we wake up to this glorious poetry of Sri Aurobindo we will find India produced the greatest English poet of the 20th century. It took the English 400 years to discover Shakespeare’s genius so I guess we have to be a wee bit patient...:)

I will forever appreciate the syncretic culture of India and how Mughal era is part of India’s fascinating history and the art&culture that they introduced India too. But to say they made India rich is a false narrative & white washing a lot of history.

Islam turns its followers into zombies, which makes them amenable to control. One lever to influence millions, especially the uneducated among the Muslims. Congress exploited this, cannily positioning itself as Islam friendly while keeping the Muslims impoverished and uneducated.

Jadunath Sarkar - "The glitter of gems and gold in the Taj Mahal or the Peacock Throne ought not to blind us to the fact that in Mughal India, man was considered vile;"
(Source: A short history of Aurangzeb)
Sarkar continues "The mass of the people had no economic liberty, no indefeasible right to justice or personal freedom, when their oppressor was a noble or high official or landowner; political rights were not dreamt of.."

60) Hymns 383 - 388 (Verses 3,840 - 3,913): Description of Rig-Veda, Mandala 05, Sukta 029 to 034 (all hymns addressed to Indra); with #SriAurobindo's words on the true psychological significance of Indra

Mortal Life and the Pursuit of Immortality, Part 2

Working through Kumārila on upamāna this past week has highlighted for me just how far the field of Indian philosophy has to go in terms of spadework. Imagine if we had essentially one major English translation of (some of) Aristotle’s works.
The chapter on upamāna (the epistemic instrument responsible for knowing similarity) is intimately connected with discussion about perception, memory, language, inference, and metaphysics. Yet there are just a handful of treatments of it, none comprehensive.
And this is the case for so many other parts of Kumārila’s corpus, as well as so many other thinkers.

Yesterday I offered to share some writing advice that has worked for me, & it garnered a lot of interest! So I'm going to share it here in a thread instead of individually by email because we can all agree that academic writing is HARD! So here we go #phdchat #AcademicTwitter
3-Writing your dissertation or a manuscript is hard because no one has ever been where you are. No one has ever written about it in the way you're going to. It's literally the edge of our collective knowledge or else you wouldn't be writing it.
Ok, other people to follow for great writing advice - @StephenBHeard, @raulpacheco, @thesiswhisperer are my favorites, but if you have more, please add them here! Another great blog post is - Ok Twitterverse, good luck & get writing!

Terrific ongoing talk by Beverley Glover, Cambridge Univ on nanostructures that underlie biological patterns in plants and animals @Beverley_CUBG #hfspmtg

The word ‘parva’ means a span between two nodes of a sugarcane. Just like the span between nodes in a sugarcane stalk, so also is the role played by the parvas in the Mahābhārata.
Mahābhārata and its Place in Indian Culture – Part 2

Modi govt is in the right track; trying to be true to Constitution even at the risk of diluting many of party bastion. Such a clear headed policy is admittedly daring and admirably refreshing. Many would suspect carrot and stick but from all appearances, intentions seem genuine.
Hope you have chanced upon this handle.
Rainbow & the Other: Cultures in danger of being eradicated @NathTusar, Director, Savitri Era Learning Forum (SELF), Shipra Riviera, Indirapuram, Ghaziabad-201014 (U.P.) #FiveDreams #WorldUnion
Savitri Era of those who adore,
Om Sri Aurobindo & The Mother.

July 10, 2019

Latin university motto is similar to Chinese tattoo

Assorted tweets:

"Education" policies have always been & will be about mass literacy. It's about numbers & creating future "workforce". Hence, Govts should be kept out of education. Education is & must be the function of households & communities if we must transmit/protect anything of real value.

No matter which political party is in power, one cannot let them have power over one's children and family. 
Your children becoming the children of the state is communism's dream.
Sadly, many Hindu parents have given up the power to raise their own children and cry foul now!!!

Hindus writing books/novels based on our puraaNaas and itihaasas in English today:
Let's not hold each other to high standards or any standards for that matter. You scratch my back, I'll scratch yours! Together, we'll become or just declare ourselves "best-selling authors"!!!

universities: we have an impressive Latin motto.
also universities: we cut the entire classics department.

The Latin university motto is the analogue of the Chinese tattoo: its wearer has no idea what it means, but thinks it brings street cred.

Went to Auroville of my own volition and may have slightly warmed up to Aurobindo; perhaps it has its own place. But that place certainly wasn't Indian Lit 😶

Devotees and admirers of Sri Aurobindo: Deport Peter Heehs and his supporters from India - Sign the Petition! via @ChangeOrg_India

Sri Aurobindo  Sri Aurobindo represents “the completest synthesis  that has been written by Shrikanth #columns

49) Hymns 316 - 321 (Verses 3,283 - 3,345): Description of Rig-Veda, Mandala 04, Sukta 020 to 025 (all hymns addressed to Indra); with #SriAurobindo's words on the true psychological significance of Agni

I believe all this is based on some undated notes from 1927 that #SriAurobindo wrote, without revealing their significance, rest is built up by the imagination of the disciples :)
Perhaps not related to rebirth, but manifestation of some related powers in the two beings..

This may help to remove the confusion :)

There is also a student union a new type of school, named Sri Aurobindo International Education Center,at Pondicherry.visit it and learn what's real education and how the students will be.Exlent free progress edn. is running there with the help of soul.Would your govt follow it?

I have perceived it..a little of that great wave has nudged me to action that i otherwise wouldn’t have performed..simple gestures, that bloomed like a tiny flower, a speck of beauty amidst chaos..yes, I have seen it..
One has to be a bee to appreciate the flower..we simians have lost that faculty long back..a period of training and aspiration is necessary...
Yes. And it is possible..the collective is too big a field to change, we are not Rishis yet, but can start with ourselves..Sri Aurobindo says somewhere on how we aught to be,”..when one of us stands up, thousands around may be filled with His light, joy and power”
But too great the music, too profound the Dharma, until least of the little me remains, it shall not possess me entirely, I shall not be the full-throated songbird yet. of the little I glimpsed i can speak..but one has to know if it is curiosity or sarcasm or quest that impels?

Till 70s #SriAurobindo was not even in history expect the Alipore case ! Forget His literary works !! But as says SA in His #LettersonSavitri , A mistake once recognised must be admitted & CORRECTED ! And what a better way to teach English with of SA!! @narendramodi @Auro_Mere

With Maa Sri Aurobindo's grace, Mala Ashram had Prof @GoutamGhosal2 today. His benign nature, which has always been his hallmark, left the local people n members spell-bound. His visit will b a milestone for the Ashram in d upcoming days. We hope to c him again for better enlightenment
It is in Falta, West Bengal.

If one reads Sri Aurobindo, then s/he can fathom the significance of Evolution. Why the Westerners came to India? Why Vivekananda, Sri Aurobindo, Tagore, Gandhi, Nehru, Ambedkar, and others went overseas? Recognising inevitability of #WorldUnion and redundancy of Hindutva needed.
Both modernity and postmodernism are essential in our task of consigning all past religions and rituals to museums. Texts of course will circulate but sans reference will lose relevance and adherence. The Mother & Sri Aurobindo will rule on merit. It's Evolutionary inevitability.
Religions are accumulated culture marketed for commercial purposes with political patronage. They are also a means, says Sri Aurobindo, for elevating human consciousness, at times. This transcendental aspect needs to be a priority by relegating mythology and rituals to oblivion.
Plain & Simple: Start off your Savitri era tour @NathTusar, Director, Savitri Era Learning Forum (SELF), SRA-102-C, Shipra Riviera, Indirapuram, Ghaziabad - 201014 (UP). #FiveDreams #WorldUnion
Savitri Era of those who adore,
Om Sri Aurobindo & The Mother.
Only sixty handles are connected to The Mother & Sri Aurobindo and many of them are dormant. Unfortunately, @viryavaan seems to be suspended. Let's hope, @TwitterIndia doesn't drown his firm voice. May be more devotees exchange opinions in FB but not being a member I'm not aware.
No one has experienced whole of life and consequently all portrayals of it are inchoate. Stretches of long years may be eventful but in terms of understanding reality of life can be a desert. Spectrum is merely a certain conception or visible aberration of light; not light itself.
Your tweets seem to be a bit uncharitable. Your article may have highlighted some miseries but that's not the whole story. There are many persons who are well acquainted with Ashram history. However, past sufferings should not diminish the relevance of Sri Aurobindo's philosophy.
Not many here can claim to have actually used Binaca Top toothpaste as I have. It came as a breath of fresh air challenging Colgate, before declining as Cibaca. Radio Ceylon's Binaca Geetmala was a rage then. Nature has this uncanny knack of thrusting new things and toppling old.
I was fond of building toy bridges in the childhood with bamboo stems, jute sticks, etc. complete with brick dust as the clay topping. Then the fascination turned towards "She is the golden bridge." Hope to build an actual (or, virtual) bridge someday and name it after Heidegger.

Book therapy for the problem of Mumford's "post-historic man"/Nietzsche's "Last Man" -- Jean Gebser's *Ever-Present Origin*, Rosenstock-Huessy's *Out of Revolution: Autobiography of Western Man* and Aurobindo's *The Human Cycle*. Should prove an effective cure.
"The great force of history comes from the fact that we carry it within us, are unconsciously controlled by it... History is literaly present in all that we do" -- James Baldwin. Can't free ourselves from robopathy, therefore, without consciousness and insight into it.

The EFL PodBlog Language Learning Daily est sorti de presse! The Latest ... @lingoda @SavitriEraParty @terraglobal #languagelearning #education

Have you ever wondered why khakhara temples in Odisha have powerful female deities! Join us for a tour to grand Gangeswari temple along with four other sites in Prachi Valley on 21st July 2019. #aitiha #ExploreAitiha.            For details, login at
Our maiden tour published in Orissadiary on dt 3.7.19.

How movies embraced Hinduism (without you even noticing)

In the wake of the Tamil film industry wanting to ban 'extremely harsh' reviews, replugging an interview with the brutal 'Blue Sattai': #BlueSattai

#ZoyaAkhtar #Oscars So thrilled to know that Zoya Akhtar has been invited to join the Academy  @TheAcademy . I admire her work. She has imbibed so much from her family but she has also her own original thinking.
#ABetterWorld #Writers #Arists #Filmmakers So much remains to be done before we make this a better world. There is no time to rest.
The Bridge of Love by Sunayana Panda!

@radhika_apte says monogamy has to be a choice not a compulsion, says ‘I believe in falling in love with many people’ #bffwithvogue
"Sometimes it’s a physical attraction, sometimes it’s just admiration and that can be very potent also and I think that’s beautiful. Why would you not address that aspect of your life?” - @radhika_apte

Life after marriage is tough for everyone, but here are six basic lessons all parents need to give their daughters before the big day.