August 22, 2015

The future is not determined nor known

ANOTHER FALSE PROSPECTUS FOR SUCKERS The “invisible hand” was never a thesis “coined” by Adam Smith. 
Long before Adam Smith was born the “invisible hand” was used regularly in the 17th century - and before then too. It was used by Smith ONLY three times - twice without reference to markets and the third time as a metaphor for domestic capital investment arithmetically adding to what we now call GNP. 

Markets do not operate “rationally”. They are operated by human beings and like governments, also operated by human beings, they make many mistakes and misjudgements, including by people who quite “rationallly” act for selfish purposes closer to failure and often criminality than to the benefit of other people. The future is not “determined”, nor known, and people in futures markets are no better than gamblers making guesses, much like tipsters in the horse racing business, usually with other people's money. POSTED BY GAVIN KENNEDY AT 2:17 P.M
Savitri Era of those who adore, Om Sri Aurobindo & The Mother.

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