December 29, 2019

This is the real 2020 challenge

Education was designed by the Britishers, basically by Christian scholars. Thus, various strands of falsehood were fed as truth. Eurocentrism was another reason for suppression of diverse evidences and Hegel's writings on Indian philosophy and religion is one important example.
Kant brought philosophical enquiry to an end but Hegel reopened it in which his reading of Indian texts have a great role. But this aspect has been ignored till date by the Western authors. Indian scholars have an opportunity in grabbing this task to rewrite history of philosophy
Once Hegel is accorded the importance he deserves, later developments based on science have to be reimagined. One such model we already have in Sri Aurobindo. Even he has produced multiple perspectives in Essays on the Gita, The Life Divine, and Savitri. The West can be bypassed.
American scholars of Indian philosophy are basically concerned with ancient texts mostly of Buddhist origin. This is a conspiracy to stall research in Modern Indian Philosophy on one hand and undermining Sri Aurobindo's epochal works in favour of other minor authors on the other.
It's not a question of philosophy alone; once this line of inquiry attains sufficient sophistication, many forts of Humanities will get demolished. There would be no East-West divide; knowledge sources and the lenses will converge. Religious and racial bias should get obliterated
This is the real #2020 challenge. Developing an integral perspective with sufficient intellectual muscle to match without compromising the highest standards of critical reason. Thinking part has been largely accomplished by Sri Aurobindo; what is wanted is just to flesh them out.
ARYA writings of Sri Aurobindo (1914-21) were meant for removing many confusions accumulated over the previous century both in India and the West. This herculean task has not been adequately appreciated during the last 100 years. Votaries of Indian wisdom and values must wake up.
Before 2019 ends, let's remember that Sri Aurobindo wrote an essay with the title 1919. Can be an occasion to examine his numerous prophecies and futuristic insights. Postmodernism and Transhumanism are passe; Cellular Transformation embarked upon by The Mother to gain prominence
Citizenship debate has clearly taken us back to Partition questions and basis of Nationalism. Confusion is likely to be compounded and silver lining will surely emerge from the chaos. The Mother & Sri Aurobindo have indicated such tidings since India is very much on their agenda.
All religions are sure to collapse and nationalities will overlap or become porous. Increasingly, people are turning multilingual and using entertainment options from a basket of cultures. Difficult to prevent this trend since such hybridisation is going on since time immemorial.
[Transcendentalism in America, Theosophy, New-Age cults, new schools of psychology, body-mind medicine, alternative therapies, philosophical speculations that grew around the New Physics are inspired by Indian and Chinese thought like Vedanta, Buddhism, Yoga, Taoism and Tai-Chi.]

The term "holistic" here can be quite misleading. Here, it means taking control of the entire sensorium, which comes about as close to the meaning of "The Matrix" as anything I've come across yet.
Shoulders of giants? WTF. Personally, I don't think Wilber has contributed much more to Integral Theory than his predecessors in the field-- Jung, Gebser, Aurobindo, Rosenstock-Huessy.
Real genius, even historically, was more about the fecund imagination, and not about calculating, instrumentalising rationality. The "genii" of old were spirits of woodland, mountain and stream.
Very probably the four rivers are also the "Four Heavenly Kings" of Buddhism, eg, here's a relief of the Buddha receiving the homage of the Four Heavenly Kings upon his enlightenment. Similar symbolism is Christ and the Four Evangelists (included for comparison)
A similar image occurs in the Book of Revelation, where the Throne of God is described as surrounded by "four beasts". These are the same "four Zoas" of Blake's Albion divided fourfold (Zoa means "beast").
In Nietzsche's terms: the "death of God" brings about the return of the repressed -- exchange of foreground and background. Dionysus and Apollo exchange places.
David Bohm's "implicate order", drawn out through the rheomode of thinking, seems clearly to be also Jean Gebser's "pre-existing pattern" (Gestalt), drawn out also in Blake's "fourfold vision" and as Aurobindo's "fourfold Atman"
"The cistern contains. The fountain overflows" (Blake) is related. The origin of speech lies itself in the unoriginated (Hence "Eternity is in love with the productions of time"). "In the beginning was the Word".

December 06, 2019

Roots of Dharma can be traced to Veda

Interpretations of the Veda
Sayanaacharya - Ritualistic
Swami Dayananda Saraswati - Etymological
Balagangadhar Tilak - Astronomical
T Paramashiva Iyer - Geological
V G Rele - Biological
Sri Aurobindo - Esoteric, Psychological, philological (based on his spiritual realisations)

1. I am starting the second section of धर्म जिज्ञासा which will be called Chapter 7 that begins with the recitation of OUR SCRIPTURES – VEDAS AND VEDIC SYSTEM.  It could run into few chapters.  Since this is a new section its numbering starts afresh.
2. Vedic Systems highlights the message and meaning of Vedic sourcebooks, which are: The Vedas, Upanishads, Brahmasutras, major Puranas, Mahabharatha, Ramayana, Bhagavatham, Pancharatra-aagama, and major systems of Indian philosophy.
3. It has subsection covering Srimad Bhagavad-Gita, which is regarded as the quintessential summary of all Vedic sourcebooks. Works on Dharma Shastra, and other major works like Artha Shastra and Niti Shastra are also included.
4. The theme includes works of the modern rishi-saint, Sri Aurobindo, concerning symbolism in the Vedas.
5. The Vedas remain elusive, as they are written in symbolic language that lends more than one meaning mainly because our culture has been polluted by foreigners and the way we understand things have thus got altered.
6. None of the three great acharyas, Shankara, Ramanuja, and Madhva, wrote full commentaries on Vedas mainly because not only of its voluminous nature but that they could lend to their present day thought rather than universal one.
7. This fact is significant, and adds further mystery to the enigmatic Vedas. The main commentary on the Vedas, which most of the Eastern and Western writers rely upon is by Sayana Madhava, popularly known as Sayanacharya.
8. This voluminous work is appreciated world over for its encyclopedic coverage of Vedic texts; it is essentially a literal translation of the Vedas.
9. Its critics lament its lack of reference to the hidden meanings of the Vedic tenets, as well as its silence on the symbolism of the Vedas.
10. This is one of the reasons why the Vedas remain inadequately illuminated. Another reason is that Vedic Sanskrit is different from classical Sanskrit, the language currently taught, written and sometimes spoken.
11. It is not only the mother of the current version of the language, but the mother of a widespread group of languages, the proto-Indo-European languages.
12. The meaning of the Vedas is not easy to discern and comprehend, partly due to the system of symbolism common to many Indian scriptures, making the real import far removed from the literal meaning.
13. This led to a number of writings such as those of Aurobindo, the great, modern sage—particularly his Secret of Vedas, and Symbolism of Vedas.
14. One of the great pioneers in this field was Kapali Shastri (1886–1953), a highly respected Vedic Scholar, who was associated with Aurobindo and also Bhagavan Ramana. This theme includes references as well as some samplings of these modern seers.
15. The Rishis provided the Vedas with study tools or Vedangas, the limbs of the Veda. The understanding of the Vedangas is a necessity for the comprehension of Vedic texts.
21. A careful survey of Veda leads us to believe that apart from the above two goals, Veda also offers – guidelines to protect the Elements, purification of mind, harmony in the society, personality development etc.
22. The roots of Dharma can be traced to Veda. Until Vedavyaasa, a sage, ventured to divide, there was only a single mass of Veda. Ṛgveda, Yajurveda, Saamaveda and Atharvaveda have emerged after the division by Veda Vyaasa.
by elisa freschi

While commenting on PMS 1.1.4, Veṅkaṭanātha makes a long digression aimed at refuting every kind of intellectual intuition, especially as a source for knowing dharma. Dharma, he explains, can only be known through the Veda.
People who claim to have directly perceived dharma are, by contrast, liars. This seems consistent in most cases, but may be problematic when it comes to the Veda, who are believed (by some) to have been composed by some ancient sages of the past, the ṛṣis. Veṅkaṭanātha explains that it is not the case that out of their austerities they gained the ability to directly perceive dharma, also because this would lead to a vicious circle, insofar as efficacious austerities would need to be based on the Veda. Thus, ṛṣis are not an exception to the rule.
This means that the ṛṣis did not compose the Vedas. How comes that they could teach them? Their teaching was based on the Vedas themselves (a Mīmāṃsaka would add: because time is beginningless). Veṅkaṭanātha expresses this point in the following: elisa freschi | December 5, 2019