World Union Day as declared by The Mother is celebrated on August 20.
Sri Aurobindo advocates a #WorldUnion as political solution. I formed the Sundargarh chapter of World Union in 1981. Thereafter, a special issue of the journal came out on the occasion of its silver jubilee. The concerns are aglow even today and the third dream of Sri Aurobindo is the only solution. August 20 - #WorldUnion Day #FiveDreams
Now, SA is a member of Gang of three.
[While supposedly anchoring his system in the Vedanta, he wove the theory of evolution into his philosophy... Ultimately Aurobindo envisaged the emergence of a new humanity beyond the present stage of human evolution.]
["The Greening of Literature for Down to Earth" by Murali Sivaramakrishnan ]
[On Reading Sri Aurobindo:
Blindness, Insight, Outlook and a Persprctive
Murali Sivaramakrishnan
S´raddha - Aug 15, 2013… ]
Well documented
[Spaces of Indian Anti-Colonialism in Early Twentieth-Century London and Paris - OB Laursen - South Asia: Journal of South Asian Studies, 2021
Pal was arrested and sentenced to six months in prison for refusing to testify against Aurobindo]
An informative overview of matters economic that are speculative
[Approaches in Economics to Human Nature and a Case for Artha By Prashant Singh, Professor & Director of Centre for Innovation in Governance, and Manan Gandhi, Research Associate at Rashtram]
Sri Aurobindo has foreseen a #WorldUnion as an effective Federation. You may also consider the prospect of Sovereignty to the States of India on linguistic lines. Smaller nations can look after local concerns better.
With due respect, without a robust ideology and future vision, a new party runs the risk of skidding on issues. Accepting Sri Aurobindo as the pivot of political future is the need of the hour. Cc
Nothing wrong with that but my request is to give Sri Aurobindo a much higher position than others on the basis of his prophecies on future Evolution. Reading his books can give an idea of his profundity and greatness.
I requested for considering Sri Aurobindo as the greatest poet and philosopher of India and to be guided by his political ideology. But as a true dacoit, you have hijacked the discussion to inanities. Thanks.
Sri Aurobindo has reinterpreted the Veda where Rama doesn't exist. Need to go to the roots of Indian wisdom. No better commentator than Sri Aurobindo.
I agree but would like to add that Sri Aurobindo's future vision needs to be taken as a compass to build a just and compassionate society.
Absolutely rhetorical and shorn any hard facts.
I created over a dozen blogs in 2005 of which a few are relating to The Mother & Sri Aurobindo. I write at Savitri Era; rest borrowed.
Aurora Mirabilis: भारतीय मेधा का चरमोत्कर्ष श्रीअरविन्द
Assorted tweets collated by Tusar Nath Mohapatra, Director, SELF
Savitri Era Religious Fraternity: Tharoor called Sri Aurobindo's dream of unity idealistic
@NathTusar Savitri Era Learning Forum, Ghaziabad (U.P.) Ph-96500-65636 -
Savitri Era of those who adore,
Om Sri Aurobindo & The Mother.
Savitri Era: All those who aspire for world peace and human unity must follow Sri Aurobindo
Tweets in original by @NathTusar Tusar Nath Mohapatra, Director, Savitri Era Learning Forum Ghaziabad
Savitri Era of those who adore,
Om Sri Aurobindo & The Mother.
A fine introduction on Sri Aurobindo
[Death's annihilation is no longer anything because it was already everything, because life itself was only futility, vain words, a squabble of cap and bells. The head that will become a skull is already empty. Madness is the deja-la of death.] - Foucault
Concentration of power in one hand has become a handmaiden of crony capitalism
Savitri Era Party
Tweets in original by Tusar Nath Mohapatra
Director, Savitri Era Learning Forum (SELF), Ghaziabad
Savitri Era of those who adore,
Om Sri Aurobindo & The Mother
Comparing Singapore with India doesn't behove of your intelligence. Please say things from where we are and what's the road ahead. Foreign books and examples are totally out of touch with India. I respect your views but please be practical. Thanks.
[Dante is a master of miniature... Its poetic architecture has a perfected completeness of its own.]
Tweets in original by Tusar Nath Mohapatra, Director, Savitri Era Learning Forum (SELF - since 2005)
I have been using Twitter since 2012 for expressing my views as SavitriEraParty and NathTusar. Besides, my blog at is in operation since 2005.
Savitri Era of those who adore,
Om Sri Aurobindo and The Mother.
Photo from Ashram at Talla Ramgarh, Uttarakhand
August 15, Sri Aurobindo´s birth anniversary
Annual reminder of the agenda Evolutionary
A journey towards a sublime human destiny
Midst ignorance and suffering extraordinary
Supramental Consciousness is very much in action
What it needs is our unreserved collaboration.
Misc. References
[There is no doubt that history will regard Sri Aurobindo as an outstanding landmark, and as the turning point in the life of India and its people. But will history regard him as the last of the stalwarts who] - EPW, December 9, 1950 #SriAurobindo @epw_in
[Whether Sri Aurobindo was a revivalist, or a real prophet, only the future can say for certain.] - EPW, December 9, 1950. #SriAurobindo @epw_in @NathTusar
Cf [The experiment of human life on an earth is not now for the first time enacted. It has been conducted a million times before and the long drama will again a million times be repeated. - Sri Aurobindo, Essays Divine and Human, The Beginning and the End]
[Savitri is well-known as the supreme revelation of Sri Aurobindo’s spiritual vision.. lofty Himalayan grandeur and plunging Pacific depths are given in soul-stirring poetry.. all the lines that best show the meticulous poetic artistry in-between Savitri.]
[A sovereign ruling falsehood, death and grief, It pressed its fierce hegemony on earth; disharmonising the original style of the architecture of her fate’s design, It falsified the primal cosmic Will and bound to struggle and dread vicissitudes. (62.11)]
[आगरा में श्रीअरविंद शिक्षण संस्थान द्वारा 15 अगस्त को महर्षि अरविंदों जन्मोत्सव मनाया जाएगा। राष्ट्र भक्ति में गीत-संगीत सांस्कृतिक कार्यक्रम का आयोजन किया जाएगा। होटल गोवर्धन, देहली गेट, आगरा में दोपहर तीन बजे से जन्मोत्सव का आयोजन किया जाएगा।] आगरालीक्स
Any model or theory that does not account for the inevitable hidden forces of self and nature and God, is eventually incapable of explaining reality as it was and will be. Also, a Seer views things from spirit-tops, and for us bound to valleys it might be incomprehensible.
Tuar Nath Mohapatra
With little bit of help from Google and Twitter
Informs the public about Sri Aurobindo and The Mother.
Telling their stories and life history
Teachings in philosophy and psychology
Enormous scope for learning for everyone
Revels he in distributing this nectar.
A Webinar by Auroville (15 Aug 2021) - Dr. Karan Singh, Sir Mark Tully, Dr. Shashi Tharoor, Dr. Aster Patel and Ameeta Mehra, Moderator: Anu Majumdar #india #webinar #auroville
Congratulations on receiving the Charles Jencks Award
. Awarded for her research into sustainable building practices in Auroville, India, including the poetic red-brick Wall House.
Lots of interesting essays in my edited volume! There is much need to philosophically explore Sri Aurobindo and make up for neglect from the academia
The Vision of Sri Aurobindo edited by GN Sarma (1973) has the foreword by RP Nath. Stress on sociopolitical dimensions of Sri Aurobindo's vision is a plus point of the book. Not many such books are coming out now. is in the process of editing a Sri Aurobindo reader
Many books brought out by other publishing houses than the Ashram are hard to find today. This 1973 publication has contributions from BR Nanda, VM Reddy, SK Ghose, VK Gokak, AK Majumdar, and SK Banerji apart from the foreword by Karan Singh and a preface by VC Joshi, the editor.
From August 15, 2021 to August 15, 2022, the whole year will be celebrated as Sri Aurobindo's 150th birth anniversary year. Webinars are attracting the young and the educated and let's hope that an intelligent contingent of people will emerge for spreading his message worldwide.
The 2nd module of ongoing #SriAurobindo course by Rashtram begins tomorrow, in this segment, focussing on “Integral Yoga”. Send your resume and a brief statement-of-purpose to We have 4 more #scholarships available for annual subscription, apply today!
Sri Aurobindo's 'Savitri' is an epic of mantric poetry. In this talk, given for IGNOU (13 Aug 2021), Ameeta Mehra brings out the hidden gems that we can learn from and practice to make our lives more integrated and meaningful and d…
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