December 31, 2023

The Life Divine by Sri Aurobindo challenges all your assumptions

 Collated by Tusar Nath Mohapatra

Religions impose lots of socialisation and collective activity. They also feed a lot of intellectual garbage. Reading the books of The Mother & Sri Aurobindo can liberate one from mythology and superstitions. The Mother passed away fifty years ago in 1973. Knowing her is crucial.

Political power coupled with religious fervour is spreading false narratives. Universities and the Publishing industry are propagating false philosophies. Savitri Era Learning Forum is the only place where one can find right perspective wrt Sri Aurobindo.

I have been distributing the correct worldview without leaning towards the Right or the Left. Having worked in the field of knowledge outside the Universities and various ecosystems I don't represent any echochamber. My paper illustrates unique perspective…

While reading hundreds of X posts every day, I profusely thank The Mother & Sri Aurobindo for having given me the right intellectual orientation and conducive circumstances in life. Also I have the satisfaction of not having let their teaching thrown to the wolves for two decades

Aurora Mirabilis has seen 7645 hits this month. I have been tending a number of such blog-sites since 2005 which contain innumerable links and hints to varieties of knowledge sources. As Director of Savitri Era Learning Forum, I have a bias for Humanities.

The Mother & Sri Aurobindo stressed on meditation and inner living when Television, Internet, and Mobile phones were not there. In the changed circumstances, Aspiration and Surrender are the best option. Reading their luminous books can provide the right intellectual undergirding

Modern Western thought is greatly indebted to Nietzsche (1844-1900) and Sri Aurobindo (1872-1950) occupies almost an equivalent position in India. Nietzsche rakes up philosophical and psychological problems while #SriAurobindo solves them in The Life Divine and The Future Poetry.

From Lenin and Hitler, the world has seen enormous amount of changes during the last one hundred years. Human nature however hasn't transformed much. The spirit of love and harmony isn't easy to be found. All admirers, followers, and devotees of The Mother & Sri Aurobindo unite!

Some people are fond of speaking against Raja Ram Mohan Roy and Jawaharlal Nehru without whom thinking of modern India is impossible. Savitri Era Party encourages sound historical perspective even though Leftist historians have done enormous harm to the legacy of Sri Aurobindo.

Politics is the art of selectively manufacturing history by selectively invoking history to claim that history was manufactured. Because impressions, memories and scholarship get tangled in the hurly-burly of social life.

I don't know what happens in Israel or Palestine. But what has happened after the #IsraelHamasWar is the exposing of the lack of intellectual ability in the Western media. This is a direct fallout of #journalism being reduced to mechanical reportage without sufficient context

This one looks like a book, it is not. It is an experience. Life Divine by Aurobindo. It will challenge pretty much all your assumptions about consciousness. It also lays out the foundation for Integral Yoga.

I went through your list. Good stuff. But  may I recommend Stanislaw Lem and the Strugatsky brothers? These are a bit slow burning but ultimately much more rewarding than 99.9% of the stuff out there. East Europe elevated Sci fi to literature. A very different evolution.

May I recommend The Dawn of Everything (book) by Wengrow and Graeber and also Meditations on Molloch by Scott Alexander (blog post) for looking at this question in a deep and nuanced way.

My new poetry anthology ‘Probably Geranium’ ( Red River) finds a home at Palais De Mahe in Pondy for its release in warmer environs, courtesy the Pondicherry Auroville Poetry Festival.

I've been reading Schelling's Berlin lectures (tran. Bruce Matthews). 

Scientistic naysayers often claim philosophy makes no progress. That's wrong, but it has its own definition. As Schelling said, philosophy advances by generating entirely new problems, never before considered.

Virtual influencers. A bit like William Gibson's book Idoru. I mention this in my book in progress on the history of AI.

No street marches, no woke Cause Celebre, no global outrage. It's almost as if Rohingya lives don't matter.  Same with Yazidis, Tibetans, and Uyghur. To be fair, the right are as mindless in their own epistemic tribal ideology as the left.

This is why I despise the woke left with their double standards. Some commetators pointed out that other "woman" in the chador is actually a guy and that you can tell by the stance. What is it about these fucked up males that makes them so terrified of and hateful towards women?

not sure degrowth would work. But there’s no question that the capitalist economy needs to be reined in rather than being allowed to commodify all aspects of human and nonhuman life. Culture and politics ought not to be for sale. Economics should meet needs not invent desires.

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