May 25, 2024

From intellectual humanism to spiritual universalism

Collated by Tusar Nath Mohapatra
A talk at the Cultural Integration Fellowship by Santosh Krinsky August 6, 2023 Sri Aurobindo and the Integral Yoga: The talk is an overview of Sri ...
We Are From Sri Aurobindo School / Welcome Song / Rasraj / Namita / Lucky A welcome song practice during Teachers' Refresher camp / English Workshop Hope ...
17 hours ago — Ascetic Yoga aims to dissolve emotions, leaving only supreme aspiration. Emotional being transforms by turning towards the Divine. Read More ...
8 hours ago — A talk by Alok Pandey on the significance of 24th April, celebrated in the Sri Aurobindo Ashram as Darshan Day. Recorded in Pondicherry in 2017.
Savitri Class by Jhumur Bhattacharya - 30 - B1C3 (Page 30-31). 2 views · 14 minutes ago ...more. The Mother & Sri Aurobindo : E-library. 10.2K.

I had the honour to deliver a talk on "Desires" at Sri Aurobindo Centre, Gurugram on the occasion of *Celebration of 104th anniversary of The Mother’s final arrival in Pondicherry on 24th April".

Sri Aurobindo on The Religion of Humanity, from intellectual humanism to spiritual universalism

Sri Aurobindo on the four cognitive methods of Nature

New Episode! "Overcoming the Discomfort of Cold Temperatures"
reference: Sri Aurobindo and the Mother, The Hidden Forces of Life , Ch. 4 Cosmic and Universal Forces, pp. 92-93
This episode is also … Player links & show notes:

Check out my new @NewBooksNetwork interview with Stephen Phillips of @UTAustin about his new work from @BloomsburyPub, “The Metaphysics of Meditation: Sri Aurobindo and Adi-Sakara on the Isa Upanisad.”

Available now on all podcast platforms!

the best one i can recommend is, The Mahabharata by Sri Aurobindo. Mahabharata is huge with more than 1 lakh verse so it’s very arduous task to have in one volume. here Aurobindo has taken translation of some important events like Virata Parva, Udyoga Parva, Sabha Parba etc.

Sri Aurobindo, is amazing.  On YouTube there are lectures by one Dr Alok Pande, an authority on Sri Aurobindo, his talks are fantastic, even more if you are interested in the teaching of Sri Aurobindo.

On the occasion of Sri Aurobindo's 150th birth anniversary, Usha Martin University hosted a prestigious awareness program organized by the team "Eager to Forge Ahead" on May 7, 2024.
#birthanniversary #sriAurobindos #specialprogram #umujharkhand

Special Program Organized at UMU to Celebrate Sri Aurobindo's 150th Birth Anniversary #ushamartinuniversity #birthanniversary #sriAurobindos #specialprogram #umujharkhand

Mrinalini Devi (RE 151)… via @YouTube

Mrinalini Devi and Sri Aurobindo मृणालिनी देवी और श्री अरविन्द - सुश्री ...… via @YouTube

Intro starts at 2:30, conversation at 5.00

* Sri Aurobindo’s Warnings Against the World-State… via @YouTube

Each issue of Auroville Today brings a smile and a wow moment. Reminded of the words of Pravir Malik, an expert on Quantum Commuting some 25 years ago, 'I dare not imagine how high Auroville will rise (in the world).'
Auroville Today: May Issue 418:

A fascinating devotional music around SriAurobindo's Gayatri Mantra

More than a generation of Indians mistook accent for knowledge, diction for truth, demeanour for diligence and fluency for facts.
And so they mistook Prannoy Roy’s NDTV for News and Newstrack for journalism.

The difference in quality between the two political sides is beginning to show up clearly in media interactions, public meetings and even ad campaigns. Quality in terms of thinking, vision, competence, group coherence and, most important, values and principles.

Do higher fees in schools mean BETTER quality education?
Let’s look at this alternative school in Auroville that shows us how this is ABSOLUTELY not true! 
Note: if you want to volunteer in Auroville, read till the end.

[One could think of some of the novels and plays of Sartre, poetry of Sri Aurobindo, 'metaphysical' poetry of Donne, some later poetry of Tagore, some of the fiction by Milan Kundera, Kamal Kumar Majumdar,] -N. Mukherji - Reflections on Human Inquiry, 2017

Aaron French on Max Weber and Rudolf Steiner

Jenann Ismael reviews The Blind Spot in @NaturePhysics "I recommend this book heartily... once you see the Blind Spot, you cannot look away."

Jenann Ismael's review of The Blind Spot today in Nature Physics @AdamFrank4 @MGleiser

'The primary texts are certainly more fun and if you were to start with one of them, then Beyond Good and Evil, because it covers all the distinctive and important Nietzschean themes and  it’s broken into bite-size pieces." The Best Nietzsche Books …

Authored by R.Y. Deshpande
[To read ‘The Essence of Savitri’, kindly click on the following link:
To read ‘The Post-Boon Aswapati’, kindly click on the following link:
With warm regards,
Anurag Banerjee
Overman Foundation.]

Savitri Era: Sri Aurobindo's philosophy took a decisive turn
Collated X posts in original by Tusar Nath Mohapatra (b. 1956), President, Savitri Era Party (2007) and Founder, Savitri Era Religion (2006), SRA-102-C, Shipra Riviera, Indirapuram, Ghaziabad, UP

Savitri Era: Transformatory paradigm of 1914
Collated X posts in original by Tusar Nath Mohapatra (b. Jan 22, 1956), President, Savitri Era Party (2007) and Founder Savitri Era Religion (2006).
Savitri Era of those who adore,
Om Sri Aurobindo & The Mother.

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