July 21, 2024

Śraddhā Index to Authors till August 2022 - 3

 Posted by Tusar Nath Mohapatra 

Index to Authors till August 2022

Śraddhā  November 2022  125

R K Dasgupta: Sri Aurobindo and the Indian National movement, Aug 2015; Sri Aurobindo’s vision of free India, Aug 2018;

Radharaman Chakrabarti: The dynamics of India’s culture, Aug 2011;

Raghupati, K V: Aesthetics of Tagore and Sri Aurobindo, Apr 2018;

Ramabushanam, A K: The poetry of Sri Aurobindo: the poetry of the Real, Nov 2020;

Ranajit Sarkar: The theme of Urvashi in The Indian Renaissance –Madhusudan Datta, Rabindranath Tagore, Sri Aurobindo - Aug 2009; Nov 2009; Feb 2010; Apr 2010; Aug 2010; Nov 2010; To Savitri, the wonderful epic, Feb 2011; The bird-image in Savitri, Apr 2011;

Ranganathan Raghavan: Jugal Kishore Mukherjee (1925-2009), Feb 2010;

Richard Hartz: Sadhana and Sahitya: the early years in Pondicherry, Aug 2010; The everlasting Yes: Savitri the epic of Affirmation, Apr 2011; Intuition and the limits to reason; a cross-cultural study, Nov 2011; An entanglement of chaotic unity: the global age and the Auroville experiment, Apr 2012; Spiritual pragmatism – William James, Sri Aurobindo and global philosophy, Apr 2016; Reconciling Heaven and earth – the genesis of Savitri as a philosophical poem, Feb 2019; A larger Self – Sri Aurobindo and the science and art of Yoga, Pt.1, Nov 2020, Pt.2, Feb’21; Pt.3, Apr’21; Awakening the Intuitive Mind, Pt.1, Aug’21; One Mind, Two Doors – Subjectivity and Objectivity in the Philosophies of Sri Aurobindo and Mou Zongsan, Part 1, Aug’22; Part 2, Nov’22;

Rick Lipschutz: ‘The secret face that is our own’ – Nolinida’s body of literature, Feb 2013; The soul that makes us matter, Aug 2013; A manifestation sheathed in light, Pt.1, Nov 2015; Pt.2, Feb 2016;

Robert Bainbridge: The teacher as evolutionary energy, Feb 2015;

Rod Hemsell: Reason and Responsibility, Apr 2020; Consciousness and Symbolism in the teachings of Sri Aurobindo and the Mother, Nov 21;

Rudrasis Datta: Sri Aurobindo’s Aswapati – Negotiating the Vedic ‘horse’ as a symbol, Aug 2016; A commentary on Sri Aurobindo’s theory of poetics, Apr 2017;

Sabita Tripathy & Nanda Kishore Mishra: Indian nationalism and Sri Aurobindo, Pt.1, Aug 2016; Pt.2, Nov 2016;

Sachidananda Mohanty: A new system of national education: agenda for change, Feb 2010; Spirituality and the crisis in contemporary multiculturalism, Nov 2010; Spirituality and prison life – Sri Aurobindo and Barindra Kumar Ghose, Aug 2011; Penal labour, mystical longings and international vision: the Paul Richard story, Aug 2012; The Celtic twilight – the Indian journey of James Cousins, Nov 2013; Polemics of decolonisation – the art criticism of Sri Aurobindo and Ananda Coomaraswamy, Apr 2014; Sri Aurobindo and the challenges of the contemporary world, Apr 2015; Sri Aurobindo and the problem of the Mahabharata, Apr 2019; Sri Aurobindo and cosmopolitanism, Nov 21;

Sahana Devi: Sri Aurobindo’s supramental world, Feb ’21;

Saikat Sen: “Netritva” – Indian basis of leadership, an overview, Nov 2014; Consciousness approach in sustainable development, Aug 2017;

Sampada Savardekar: Sarasvati and her Vedic symbolism, Nov 2011;

Sampadananda Mishra: Sri Aurobindo and Vedic riks - Aug 2009; Nov 2009; Sanskrit: a journey from Mantra to Freedom, Feb 2010; Vasishtha Ganapata Muni and the art of multiple concentration, Apr 2010; Sanskrit, a language of integral perfection, Nov 2010; Bhartrihari’s Century of Morals – a guide to the art of right living, Nov 2013; The greatness of the Rishi tradition in India, Nov 2016; Sanskrit as a language of spirituality, Values and education, Vasudhaiva Kutumbakam, Nov.2018; Is Sanskrit relevant today?, Apr 2020; Gitāmŗtam 1-4, Aug 2020;

Sanat Sen: Sri Aurobindo on the nature of love, Apr 2013;

Sandeep Joshi: Epistemology of perception, Nov 2010; Syncretism in Sri Aurobindo’s thought, Nov 2011; The genesis of Sri Aurobindo’s Superman, Aug 2012;

Santosh Krinsky: Hidden meaning of the Veda – Pt.1, Apr 2015; Pt.II, Aug 2015;

Sarani Ghosal-Mondal: The sad and the sublime - Sri Aurobindo’s early lyric poetry, Feb 2013;

Sarnath Basu: On The Life Divine of Sri Aurobindo, Feb 2010; Sri Aurobindo’s commentary on the Kenopanishad, Nov 2010;

Saurendranath Basu: Rabindranath and Sri Aurobindo: towards divine humanity and human divinity, Aug 2010;

Shakuntala A & Ajai R Singh: Humanity at the crossroads: does Sri Aurobindo offer an alternative, Aug 2011;

Sharmishtha Deb: Sri Aurobindo’s concept of nationalism, Aug 2018;

Shraddhavan: Sri Aurobindo’s Uttarpara Speech: the cosmic self, Aug 2009; “Seer Deep-Hearted”: a metrical fragment by Sri Aurobindo..., Nov 2010; The Mother’s Savitri translations, Feb 2011; Huta, “The offered one” – a very special child of the Mother, Feb 2012; Professor Arabinda Basu – a tribute, Aug 2012; Psychic education – some insights from Sri Aurobindo and the Mother, Aug 2020;

Shruti Bidwaikar: Appreciating beauty in literature – an Aurobindonian perspective, Feb 2014; Baji Prabhou – its poetic strength and beauty, Apr 2016; A study of “The Human Aspiration” and “The symbol Dawn”, Feb 2018; Sanskrit aesthetics in the light of Sri Aurobindo, Apr 2019;

Sisir Kumar Ghose: The Future Poetry – an Aurobindean critique, Apr 2015; Civilisation of consciousness, Nov 2018;

Sonia Dyne: Sri Aurobindo’s concept of freedom, Aug 2010; The descent of knowledge in Savitri, Feb 2011; The Rainbow bridge, Nov 2018; Inside the world stair, Feb 2019;

Soumitra Basu: A psychological approach to The Life Divine, Chap. I, Aug 2019; A psychological approach to The Life Divine, Chap. II, Pt. 1, Nov. 2019; Chap. II, Pt.2, Feb. 2020; Chap. III, Pt.1, Apr 2020; Chapter. III, Pt.2, Aug 2020; Chapter IV, Nov 2020; Chapter V, Feb ’21; Chapter VI, Apr’21; Sri Aurobindo’s political life …. – Section I, Nov 2021; Section II, Pt.1, Feb 2022; Section II, P.2, Apr 22; Section III – VI, Aug’22; A Psychological Approach to Sri Aurobindo’s The Life Divine, Chapter VII, Pt.1, Sec. I-III, Nov 2022;

Sreedharan Siddharthan: Future of Scientific Study in the Light of Indian Spirituality, Nov 2022;

Sri Aurobindo: The Dharma of the Gita, Nov 2009; On the Mother, Feb 2010; The Gita: an introduction, Apr 2010; The country and nationalism, Aug 2010; What is the significance of the name “Arya”?, Nov 2010; On Savitri, Apr 2011; Our ideal, Aug 2011; Sri Aurobindo’s teaching and method of sadhana, Nov 2011; The Mother, Feb 2012 (rptd. Nov 2013, Aug 2018); The path, Apr 2012; Ourselves, Aug 2012; The law of the way, Nov 2012; The glorious future, Feb 2013; A call to the youth of India, Apr 2013; Earliest draft of Savitri (1916), Aug 2013; Divine Guidance behind life, Nov 2013 (rptd. Aug 2018); Transformation, Feb 2014; The need of a spiritual change, Apr 2014; Doubting the existence of the Divine, Nov 2014 (rptd. Apr 2018); A note on the Mother, Apr 2015; The object of our yoga, Nov 2015; Opening and surrender to the Mother, Feb 2016; The Renaissance in India, Aug 2016; How do we know?, Knowledge from within, Nov 2016; The importance of finding the strength within, Nov 2017; Divine Guidance behind life, (rptd. Nov 2013; The central process of the yoga, Nov 2018; Divine Guidance, Feb 2019; The delight of works, Aug 2019; The Mahashakti and Her Powers, Feb. 2020; Sri Aurobindo on Sanskrit, Apr 2020; Bhavāni Bhāratī, Aug 2020; The Call to the Quest, Nov 2020; Arabinda Ghosh, Apr ’21; Sri Aurobindo’s Teaching, Aug’21; The Ideal of the Karmayogin, Nov 21; The Life of Nationalism, Aug’22;

Srinivasa Iyengar, K R: Darshan of Sri Aurobindo, Apr 2015;

Srinivasan, M S: Culture as the source of development, Aug 2009; Karma in history: an evolutionary perspective, Feb 2010; Genius of civilisations, Nov 2010; The foundations of social sustainability, Aug 2011; Towards a new science of society – an integral approach, Aug 2012; The future of religion..., Apr 2013; Evolution of the Vedic spirit – a psychological perspective, Feb 2016; Towards integral prosperity – a yogic paradigm, Apr 2017;

Stephen Phillips: Sources of the “Rasa Yoga of Sri Aurobindo..., Aug 2009;

Subha Mallik: The Mother Divine in Devi Sukta, Feb 2013;

Suhas K Mehra & Beloo Mehra: The organisational cycle, Feb 2015; The organisational cycle – the age of reasoning, Aug 2015; The organisational cycle – from reason and subjectivity, Feb 2016; In search of organisational soul, Pt.1, Aug 2016; Pt.2, Feb 2017; Aspiration, Grace and Life, Aug 2019;

Sunayana Panda: The Mother and her work, Apr 2011;

Suneet Varma: Rasa theory, Bhakti and psychic enfoldment – a psychologist’s perspective, Apr 2012; Bhakti, unconditional love and psychological healing, Feb 2018;

Supriyo Bhattacharya: Tagore and Sri Aurobindo – how they met in their 
vision, Aug 2012; Indian spirituality and life – an exploration, Pt. 1, Aug 2016; Pt.2, Feb 2017; Pt.3, Aug 2017; pt.4, Aug 2018;

Surendra Mohan Ghose: Talks to the students of Sri Aurobindo International Centre of Education (SAICE), Aug 2014;

Suryamayi: Education in Auroville as experienced by Auroville’s youth since 1968, Feb 2019;

Sushmita Bhowmik: Transcending the play of duality - Sri Aurobindo’s view, Nov 2017;

Sushrut Badhe: Sraddha in the Gita in the light of Sri Aurobindo, Apr 2019; 
Bhakti, Sri Aurobindo and the Gita, Aug 2019;

Susmita Bhattacharya: Timeless eternal and eternity in time – in Sri 
Aurobindo’s vision and classical art, Nov 2015;

Tapan Banerjee: Sri Aurobindo’s critique of the Western philosophy of science, Apr 2010; Charles Darwin and Sri Aurobindo: Evolutionists with a difference, Nov 2010; Unity in diversity, Apr 2012;

Trija Roy: Sri Aurobindo and Uttarpara Speech, Nov 2009; Sri Aurobindo and Chandernagore, Feb 2010; Sri Aurobindo and the Hooghly conference, Aug 2014;

Udar Pinto: Talk on the Mother’s Mahasamadhi, Nov 2015;

Usharanjan Chakraborty: An analytical assessment of Death-Savitri debate, Feb 2011; Social progress through symbolism and individualism, Aug 2012; Towards a spiritual mankind, Nov 2012; Reason and religion, Feb 2013;

Vijai, L: Revisiting the Vedas in the light of the yogic experiences of Sri 
Aurobindo, Feb 2012; Sankara’s Maya and Sri Aurobindo’s ConsciousnessForce – a critical comparison, Feb 2014; Epistemological insights in the philosophy of Sri Aurobindo, Nov 21; The journey from Mind to supramental consciousness …, Pt.1, Feb 2022; Pt.2, Apr 22;

Vladimir Iatsenko: Savitri and Satyavan: the path to immortality, Apr 2011; Some thoughts on the Vedic godheads, Apr 2012;

Vrekhem, Georges van: Science and religion, Aug 2010; What Arjuna saw: the dark side of the Force, Apr 2011; The development of Sri Aurobindo’s thought, Aug 2011; Being human and the Copernican principle, Nov 2011; An Obituary, Nov 2012; The new spirituality or the Aurobindian revolution, Aug 2013; Moments that do not fade, Feb 2014;

Wilfried Huchzermeyer: Sri Aurobindo’s critique of German poetry and 
philosophy, Aug 2014; Mantra practice in Integral Yoga, Feb 2015; Sri 
Aurobindo, Plotinus and the Nous, Apr 2016; The role of Charles de Gaulle in shaping post-war Europe, Aug 2017; Greek words in Savitri, Aug 2018; The evolutionary philosophy of Samuel Alexander, Aug 2019; Sri Aurobindo on Christ and spiritual evolution of Europe, Feb 2022; Sri Aurobindo and Integral Yoga in the Digital World, Apr 22;

Zackaria Moursi: How an Egyptian discovered Sri Aurobindo, Nov 2012; 
Preparing for the winter journey, Apr 2013;

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