June 28, 2019

Not concerned with evaluation of evidence

Assorted tweets:

The Mughals were an integral part of India – so why are they being labelled foreigners? https://t.co/I5Gd0dZS7X
[Replug] https://t.co/LtBW6V1dzo

this thread. and this is only part of the diverse evidence that can be gathered so easily. the overlap between a lot of post-colonial studies and the RSS world-view is not a coincidence, both are routes to power, and are not concerned with evaluation of evidence. https://t.co/ATFl8Srt5j

Thanks to @shankasur, I just read this piece on caste as a British colonial invention. Of postcolonialism theory's many pernicious lies, this is the worst. Let me break it down. 1/16


SAFIC is going to post many interesting and amazing facts about Sanskrit and Indian culture. To be updated please follow us.

Sri Rama In Iraq is more an archaeological Rorschach than reality and this P.N. Oak-like Obsession about a global Vedic civilization in a literal sense should stop! https://t.co/I6BoSeFwGc via @swarajyamag

There is definitely over enthusiasm based on vague pictorial similarities. However, there is a serious issue that deserves scholarly attention. India was the largest economy and human civilization for a very long time. It definitely influenced the religions around the world.

Egypt especially seems to be strongly influenced by India, through the Mittanis who married into the Egyptian royalty and perhaps even earlier to them. The religions definitely have a parallel. See. https://t.co/GgVrvzUckD

Jung's fascination with mandalas not only reflected our transition to a four-d cosmos, but the emergence of a new consciousness structure as well -- also rendered as Blake's "fourfold vision" and fourfold "Albion". This is also Aurobindo's "fourfold Atman".

There are also some unique signatures of India in other ancient civilizations, like the statues of the humped Zebu bull, or the prominent Lapus Lazuli stones, which were mined only in North-west India (Afghanistan). No other way to get them.

In olden days the temples were where the exploitative priests loitered around brainwashing gullible people with their lies and deceit ... now they hang around  top university halls as professors.. a #wikipedia,  #quora admins & as  media editors & movie makers..

Yes. The story tellers, fib spinners, elaborators, actors, media of all types are vehicle of brainwash & mindcontrol. Earlier they were only in temples & kathakalatchepams. Now they are in every junction of people. Psychology & dramatics are their tools.

For the realisation of the RSS’s ultimate goal—turning India from a secular democracy to a Hindu religious state—it is not enough to bring religion into politics; religion itself needs to be politicised. Dhirendra K Jha: https://t.co/0JTyiNon9x

Sri Aurobindo postulated AIT to be untrue but he wrote under different circumstances and on scant evidence. So current scientific consensus to stand by AIT is in order till conclusively disproved by people like blog_supplement. Hindutva-driven sociological studies not dependable.
Each individual has to find the right intellectual resources by applying sufficient critical scrutiny. Chasing celebrities is an easy trap for adolescents to get misguided. Even education system or media can be misleading. Political preference also deprives of authentic knowledge.
Pushing a narrative and telling the right thing are two different things. Obviously, people are driven by material gains and no escape from such compulsions. Sri Aurobindo, however, provides diverse perspectives to sense current priorities and imperatives. https://t.co/yA7GHvJTdf
Feel Philosophy: Fighting against fascists is no less fascist https://t.co/QhvWCfcUaj
Posted by Savitri Era Learning Forum (SELF - since 2005) for eradication of intellectual malnutrition. @NathTusar
Rainbow & the Other: Outrage is contagious; Truth is not https://t.co/idxz6jpdC6
Savitri Era Learning Forum (SELF - since 2005) for eradication of intellectual malnutrition. @NathTusar

Strangers in my home https://t.co/joqsKap2xL In this article the authors examine how disaster can disrupt the boundaries between the private, parochial and public realms, allowing strangers to freely enter the home https://t.co/6xKPIB3UhT

"Karma is the sole ruler in #Jiivi. What goes around does come around in this world. Instead of leaving it up to God to deliver justice, the film questions his very existence," reviews @Iamnavein @Vetri_Sudley @actorkaruna  https://t.co/h3oimfltFJ

According to Gopinath Rao (East & West Vol. 35) the old tribal shrine at Jaganath Puri was usurped by Vaisnavas and the walls of the temple even today displays gory murals recording the beheading and massacre of Buddhists.

Nearly fifty years after humanity’s first steps on the Moon, the team at @NASA_Johnson restored the Apollo Mission Control center to appear as it did in that era. Join our experts on @Reddit starting at 1:30pm ET to ask about our work to preserve history: https://t.co/DTkfmRW28G https://t.co/W9xCgQ50so

Dear Friends,
We are taking the opportunity of sharing with you five videos of the Mother which have been uploaded in the youtube channel of Overman Foundation. 


Conversations with the Mother on the subject of flowers in particular and Nature more generally form the first new title introduced in this issue. Throb of Nature is a compilation of the author’s notes jotted down from his conversations with the Mother. 
In Sri Aurobindo's Commentaries on Krishna, Buddha, Christ and Ramakrishna the author brings together comments made by Sri Aurobindo – in his major works and in his letters to disciples – as well as a few comments by the Mother, on the lives of these avatars and their particular roles in advancing the evolution of humanity. Sri Aurobindo saw all four as messengers who came to earth with a special mission.

Web: https://www.sabda.in 
New releases: https://www.sabda.in/new.php 

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