August 21, 2007

Knowledge of God is found in the observation of the natural order and one’s place in it

The Profession of Faith of the Savoyard Vicar is part of the fourth Book of the Emile...The discussion is particularly significant in that it marks the most comprehensive metaphysical account in Rousseau’s thought.
The Profession of Faith also includes the controversial discussion of natural religion, which was in large part the reason why Emile was banned. The controversy of this doctrine is the fact that it is categorically opposed to orthodox Christian views, specifically the claim that Christianity is the one true religion. The Vicar claims instead that knowledge of God is found in the observation of the natural order and one’s place in it. And so, any organized religion that correctly identifies God as the creator and preaches virtue and morality, is true in this sense. Therefore, the Vicar concludes, each citizen should dutifully practice the religion of his or her own country so long as it is in line with the religion, and thus morality, of nature. Back to Table of Contents

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