How do morals change? - [PDF] from P Bloom - Nature, 2010 -
Satprem's book "Sri Aurobindo or the Adventure of Consciousness
" (1996-2003, translated from 1970 French by Michel Danino) is relevant here in its connection between levels of human consciousness called the vital, the psyche and so on, as gleaned from spiritual ...
Introduction: Exploring Possibilities for a New Paradigm SS Nandram, ME Borden - Spirituality and Business, 2010 - Springer
Introduction: Exploring Possibilities for a New Paradigm SS Nandram, ME Borden - Spirituality and Business, 2010 - Springer
One of the dominant Eastern perspectives that is useful for understanding spirituality hails from Sri Aurobindo. Insights ... Sri Aurobindo describes many steps in the transformation process of which there are two main levels. The ...
Applying an integral perspective to business strategy: A case study ME Borden - Spirituality and Business, 2010 - Springer
What is Integral Philosophy? Integral Philosophy stems from the teachings of the sage and visionary, Sri Aurobindo and his female counterpart, The Mother. ... Sri Aurobindo uses the term Inner Being to describe this innermost divine aspect or Essence. ...
An other view of integral futures: De/reconstructing the IF brand - [PDF] from JM Gidley - Futures, 2010 - Elsevier
An other view of integral futures: De/reconstructing the IF brand - [PDF] from JM Gidley - Futures, 2010 - Elsevier
integral futures approach. I discussed my research drawing on Rudolf Steiner, Jean Gebser and Sri Aurobindo as well as Wilber, including disseminating to them a final draft of a paper which was later published [16]. Given this ...
DHARMA: THE OVERRIDING PRINCIPLE OF INDIAN LIFE AND THOUGHT SR Bhatt - Applied Ethics and Human Rights: Conceptual …, 2010 -
DHARMA: THE OVERRIDING PRINCIPLE OF INDIAN LIFE AND THOUGHT SR Bhatt - Applied Ethics and Human Rights: Conceptual …, 2010 -
In its constitutive facet it is the 'Law of being', the 'deepest law of our nature', to use Sri Aurobindo's expressions.(Sri Aurobindo, 1959: 2 and 104) It constitutes the nature of a thing (svabhava) and its disposition (gun. a) and determines its karma. ...
The Complete Yoga J Ryan - Integral Education: New Directions for Higher Learning, 2010 -
The Complete Yoga J Ryan - Integral Education: New Directions for Higher Learning, 2010 -
meaning of the word Integral as it is inflected in the Integral Philosophy and Integral Yoga of Dr. Haridas Chaudhuri, who drew his central insights from the Indian sage Sri Aurobindo and from the ideas of Sri Aurobindo's spiritual partner Mirra Alfassa (referred to as The Mother. ...
Principles of cultural psychology and the Hindu avatar tradition: A study of Mother Meera through personal narratives C Ross, L Price - Culture and Religion, 2010 -
whom he had been searching for twenty five years. Her parents allowed Venkat to look after Kamala Reddy, her family name, at Sri Aurobindo's ashram in Pondicherry (Goodman 1998). She was there for four years until, due to ...
The Emergence and Characteristics of Integral Education - [PDF] from sunypress.eduS Esbjörn-Hargens, J Reams, O … - Integral Education: New …, 2010 -
The Emergence and Characteristics of Integral Education - [PDF] from sunypress.eduS Esbjörn-Hargens, J Reams, O … - Integral Education: New …, 2010 -
that find expression in contemporary schools, including those informed by the metaphysical perspectives of philosopher-sages like Rudolph Steiner (1965, 1967, 1983, 1997), Alfred North Whitehead (1929), Jiddu Krishnamurti (1912, 1953, 1974, 1975), and Sri Aurobindo. ...
Affective Communities: Anticolonial Thought, Fin-de-Siecle Radicalism, and the Politics of Friendship (review) PRoy - Journal of Colonialism and Colonial History, 2010 -
Affective Communities: Anticolonial Thought, Fin-de-Siecle Radicalism, and the Politics of Friendship (review) P
and colonial engagement. Indeed, some of the same cast of characters -- CF Andrews, MK Gandhi, Oscar Wilde, George Orwell, Sri Aurobindo, Mirra Alfassa Richard--feature prominently in both works. Gandhi's text showcases ...
Impact of adoption of yoga way of life on the emotional intelligence of managers H Adhia, HR Nagendra, B Mahadevan - IIMB Management Review, 2010 - Elsevier
According to Sri Aurobindo (in Chakraborty & Chakraborty, 2008), 'The more complete the calm, the mightier the yogic power, the greater the force in action' (p 201). ... According to Sri Aurobindo, yoga and knowledge are the two wings of the soul's ascent. ...
Contemporary perspectives on spirituality and mental health - from ijpm.infoP Sharma, R Charak, V Sharma - Indian Journal of Psychological …, 2010 -
Contemporary perspectives on spirituality and mental health - from ijpm.infoP Sharma, R Charak, V Sharma - Indian Journal of Psychological …, 2010 -
reconcile men to the cruelty of fate, particularly as it is shown in death, and they must compensate them for sufferings and privations which a civilized life in common had imposed on them." In a similar vein, leading spiritualist of the twentieth century, Sri Aurobindo [10] warned ...
Elements of the underacknowledged history of integral education M Molz, GP Hampson - Integral Education: New Directions for …, 2010 -
Elements of the underacknowledged history of integral education M Molz, GP Hampson - Integral Education: New Directions for …, 2010 -
Aurobindean Integral Education Aurobindo Ghose (1872–1950), The Mother (1873–1973), Indra Sen (1903–1994), Haridas Chaudhuri (1913–1975) A further still-contemporary interpretation of integral education is that stemming from Aurobindo Ghose (Sri Aurobindo). ...
Postcolonial Translations - [PDF] from S Bassnett - 2010 - Wiley Online Library
Postcolonial Translations - [PDF] from S Bassnett - 2010 - Wiley Online Library
Approaching from another angle in The Foundations of Indian Culture
, which consists of four essays published between 1918 and 1921, the Indian scholar, nationalist, and sage, Sri Aurobindo (1872–1950), proposed a radical rethinking of the status of European writing in the ...
Integral Transformational Coaching WAJ Keizer, SS Nandram - Spirituality and Business, 2010 - Springer
Integral Transformational Coaching WAJ Keizer, SS Nandram - Spirituality and Business, 2010 - Springer
Several philosophers such as Sri Aurobindo and the Mother state the importance of attention. Mindfulness is taught in coaching because of its enormous 130 WAJ Keizer and SS Nandram Page 3. ... This thinking hails from the work of Sri Aurobindo (1970). ...
New Self, New World: Recovering Our Senses in the Twenty-First Century P Shepherd - 2010 -
New Self, New World: Recovering Our Senses in the Twenty-First Century P Shepherd - 2010 -
and grace; it aligns us with the design of the divine intelligence of evolution itself, a design that has been made available to us, with majestic passion and preci- sion, in the divinely inspired works of great modern evolutionary mys- tics such as Sri Aurobindo, Jean Gebser ...
Dr. SR Ranganathan page: Dr. SR Ranganathan and Sri Aurobindo Ghose SR Ranganathan, SA Ghose - Information Studies, 2010 -
SRR was of the view that the manager / administrator of a library should be aware and taking care of the little details of the library, but in taking decisions he/she should have a holistic total view of the library – goals and objectives, users, functions, staff, resources, techniques ...
The Role of the Astrological Symbol System in Understanding the Process of Evolutionary Growth AM Diaz - ReVision, 2010 - Revision Publishing
ride the lower power, lower plane or lower source of vital and material fate of which the stars are indicators. (Sri Aurobindo, 1970, p.468) Page 3. Spring 2010 31 ... Piaget, J. (1976). The Child and Reality. New York : Penguin Books. Sri Aurobindo. (1970). Letters on Yoga. ...
[CITATION] Integral Theory in Action: Applied, Theoretical, and Constructive Perspectives on the Aqal Model S Esbjörn-Hargens - 2010 - State Univ ofNew York Pr
[CITATION] Integral Theory in Action: Applied, Theoretical, and Constructive Perspectives on the Aqal Model S Esbjörn-Hargens - 2010 - State Univ of
Leadership wholeness: a human resource development model T Thakadipuram - Human Resource Development International, 2010 -
Aurobindo, GS 1992. Letters on yoga. Pondicherry , India : Sri Aurobindo Society. Barrett, R. 1998. Liberating the corporate soul: Building a visionary organization. Boston : Butterworth-Heinemann. Blankestein, AM, RW Cole, and PD Houston. 2007. ...
Theses On Michael Murphy And Esalen J Ogilvy - ReVision, 2010 - Revision Publishing
Theses On Michael Murphy And Esalen J Ogilvy - ReVision, 2010 - Revision Publishing
But that department was dominated by positivists like Patrick Suppes, who vowed “to bury the metaphysicians.” So in order to pursue his studies of the past, in preparation for a new future, Murphy traveled to India to study in an ashram founded by Sri Aurobindo. ...
Rural Development Programmes: An Overview M Jain - Journal of Research: BEDE ATHENÆUM, 2010 -
Sri Aurobindo said, "the villages are the cells of a human body. When every cell is healthy, the
body is healthy." Villages are the soul ofIndia . A look at the trend ofpopulation figures since 1921 shows that India continues to be rural, even in the twenty first century. ...
Machiavellian Hindutva Untamed N Mohkamsing - Totalitarian Movements and Political Religions, 2010 -
body is healthy." Villages are the soul of
Machiavellian Hindutva Untamed N Mohkamsing - Totalitarian Movements and Political Religions, 2010 -
Part I is entitled 'Varieties of Nationalism' and has chapters on the Rashtriya Swayamsevak Sangh's appropriation of Swami Vivekananda, spiritual universalism and cultural nationalism
in the work of Sri Aurobindo, the relationship between religious reform and Hindu ...
in the work of Sri Aurobindo, the relationship between religious reform and Hindu ...
The use of Sanskrit, an ancient language, as a tool to evaluate cleft palate speech problems - from K Gajiwala - Indian Journal of Plastic Surgery, 2010 - Medknow
"The structure we find (in Sanskrit) is one of extraordinary initial simplicity and also of extraordinary scientific regularity of formation," writes Sri Aurobindo. [1] The arrangement of Sanskrit alphabets is called Varnmaalaa or the garland of phonemes. ... 1. Sri Aurobindo. ...
Leadership Among Spiritual Teachers CA Jones, W Mason - ReVision, 2010 - Revision Publishing
Leadership Among Spiritual Teachers CA Jones, W Mason - ReVision, 2010 - Revision Publishing
Sri Aurobindo describes the integration of the two processes quite eloquently. Mason: In the West, there is the idea that there is a goal to be achieved, a cut off point, for example, self-actualization. Our philos ...
Psychology & Developing - [PDF] from AK Dalal, G Misra - Psychology and Developing Societies, 2010 -
Psychology & Developing - [PDF] from AK Dalal, G Misra - Psychology and Developing Societies, 2010 -
This wonder of existence is portrayed in the hymns of the Vedas
, which attribute divinity to the striking aspects of nature (Radhakrishnan, 1953) and the human mind (Sri Aurobindo, 1939/2006). In the Vedic texts it was held that the universe has evolved out of One. ...
Invitation to Participate in Two Global Events with the Remedies Harmony and SamataS Lindemann , M Litchi-Grassi - Homoeopathic Links, 2010 -
Invitation to Participate in Two Global Events with the Remedies Harmony and Samata
KG. Invitation to Participate in Two Global Events with the Remedies Harmony and Samata. Sigrid Lindemann, Maggi Litchi-Grassi India . The first global event will take place on August 15th, the birthday of Sri Aurobindo. Those ...
Globally Scanning for JM Gidley - Futures, 2010 - Elsevier
Globally Scanning for JM Gidley - Futures, 2010 - Elsevier
examples of the features of the new consciousness based on almost two decades of transdisciplinary research provide a significant academic footnote to the extensive research on the evolution of consciousness undertaken by Rudolf Steiner xi and Sri Aurobindo some decades ...
Ayurveda education: A student's perspective - from nih.govNY Pathak - International Journal of Ayurveda Research, 2010 -
Ayurveda education: A student's perspective - from nih.govNY Pathak - International Journal of Ayurveda Research, 2010 -
An integral education, which could, with some variations be adapted to all the nations of the world, must bring back the legitimate authority of the spirit over a matter. Yet, knowledge of the matter must also be fully developed and utilized …" (The Mother at Sri Aurobindo Ashram). ...
Anita Roddick's Word Stretching: Conflating Philanthropy with Green Marketing J Takhar - Revue internationale de Psychosociologie, 2010 -
Anita Roddick's Word Stretching: Conflating Philanthropy with Green Marketing J Takhar - Revue internationale de Psychosociologie, 2010 -
which reinforces her enlightened inclusion of the Other, making her green consumer choices more internationalist, more meaningful in terms of what might be called “spiritual self-realisation” or “higher consciousness”[27] Sri Aurobindo calls this “supramentalism” in “The...
The Indian Supreme Court and the quest for a 'rational'Hinduism R Sen - South Asian History and Culture, 2010 -
and quoting extensively from Aurobindo's writings as well as secondary sources, Justice RB Misra, writing for the majority, ruled 'there is no room for doubt that neither the Society nor Auroville constitutes a religious denomination and the teachings of Sri Aurobindo only his ...
... Respect for the people of other faiths in journeying toward the Truth is encouraged. Sri Aurobindo Ghosh (1872-1950). Aurobindo stands out distinctly among the Hindu Renaissance leaders for his unique Western upbringing. ...
... Respect for the people of other faiths in journeying toward the Truth is encouraged. Sri Aurobindo Ghosh (1872-1950). Aurobindo stands out distinctly among the Hindu Renaissance leaders for his unique Western upbringing. ...
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