Contemporary Indian philosophy S.K. Maitra (Eds. Sarvepalli Radhakrishnan, John Henry Muirhead ...) - 1966 - 648 pages
But the greatest Hegelian in my college days was the late Dr. (later Sir) Brajendranath Seal, who was the leading ... I have not so far written on Hegel, except a small comparative study of his philosophy and that of Sri Aurobindo. ...
Methods of comparative philosophy, Swan Liat Kwee
- 1953 - 217 pages
SISIR KUMAR MAITRA formulated "outlines of an emergent theory of values", wherein he acknowledges influences from Brajendranath Seal and Sri Aurobindo, and from Henri Bergson and Nicolai Hartmann. ...
SISIR KUMAR MAITRA formulated "outlines of an emergent theory of values", wherein he acknowledges influences from Brajendranath Seal and Sri Aurobindo, and from Henri Bergson and Nicolai Hartmann. ...
Link 1984
The first philosopher I knew as an undergraduate was Sir Brajendranath Seal. I heard him speak in Calcutta University 's Senate Hall exactly ... Sri Aurobindo had a philosophical system of his own and he presented that system in English. ...
Disciple: Brajendranath Seal is a barber by caste.
Sri Aurobindo: Thus if we have to go back to reality, Seal must give up philosophy and take to shaving. (There was some talk about the ugly appearance of Dr. Seal. X suggested that perhaps his appearance was a contribution of his caste.)
Sri Aurobindo: Yes, the caste leaves a certain stamp. But individuals differ pi in their capacities and they need not be confined to their caste-stamp.
Among the topmost intellectuals, Brajendranath Seal was a Tati (weaver), Meghnad Saha a Vanik and SN Dasgupta, a Vaidya. In Bengal it may be said that the non-Brahmin intellectual elite has almost overwhelmingly proved its superior ...
Sri Aurobindo, his life unique Rishabhchand - 1981 - 427 pages
Ram Mohan was, indeed, in the words of Sir Brajendranath Seal, the eminent scholar and philosopher, "a precursive hint of the India that was rising" - the India , rising not for herself, but as Sri Aurobindo proclaims, ...
Modern Indian Mysticism, Kamakhya Prasad Singh Choudhary
- 1981 - 302 pages
Hegel's influence upon Sir Brajendranath Seal and Sri Aurobindo is traceable. Nietzsche's concept of the superman influenced Sri Aurobindo partly, though he propounded the concept of the superman in reference to a 'gnostic being', ie, ...
Hegel's influence upon Sir Brajendranath Seal and Sri Aurobindo is traceable. Nietzsche's concept of the superman influenced Sri Aurobindo partly, though he propounded the concept of the superman in reference to a 'gnostic being', ie, ...
Acharya Brajendranath Seal political ideas, Prof. Benoy Sarkar made the following observations: Seal's analysis of the ... Mazzini, and Renan to Aurobindo, Masaryk, and Hitler. The problems envisaged by Seal are consequently less ... Acharya Brajendranath said:
“There is a need for a religious movement of new humanism for simultaneous universal disarmament of all nations.”
The Political Philosophy of Sri Aurobindo - Page 83, V. P. Varma
- 1990 - 494 pages
BN Seal and the scholars inspired by him made a study of the achievements of the ancient Hindus in the various branches of ... 16. s The Human Cycle, pp. 198-9. * The Spirit and Form of Indian Polity, p. 75. * Sri Aurobindo, Hamari ...
BN Seal and the scholars inspired by him made a study of the achievements of the ancient Hindus in the various branches of ... 16. s The Human Cycle, pp. 198-9. * The Spirit and Form of Indian Polity, p. 75. * Sri Aurobindo, Hamari ...
The Political Philosophy of Sri Aurobindo - Page 226, V. P. Varma
- 1990 - 494 pages
BN Seal interpreted the creed of Vivekananda as "the creed of the universal man, and the absolute and inalienable ... 138-9. » Ibid., and pp. 201 and 198. * Article of Dr. BN Seal on Vivekananda in The Prabuddha Bharat, 1907. ...
Modern Indian political system: problems and prospects - Page 8, B. K. Verma
- 2006 - 314 pages
the third part of the present republican constitution of India is a direct indication of the American and French revolutionary influences. Hegel's influence can be traced upon Brajendranath Seal, Aurobindo and Subhas Chandra Bose. ...
Hegel's influences can be seen on Brajendranath Seal, Aurobindo and Subhas Chandra Bose. Nietzsche's concept of the superman influenced partly both Aurobindo and Iqbal, although both transmuted the concept by adding a spiritual
Colonialism Lumpenization Revolution: Societies of Calcutta and ..., Rajendra Prasad
- 1995 - 290 pages
There were many intellectuals who used cultural base to propound their political programmes, the significant ones being Vivekananda, Aurobindo Ghose, Bankim Chandra Chatterjee, Brajendra Nath Seal, Bipin Chandra Pal, Rabindranath Tagore...
Encyclopaedia of Sociology of Religion: Sociology of religions in ... - Page 79, M. G. Nayar
- 2000 - 997 pages
Brajendranath Seal, in commenting on Dharma Tattva, has rightly drawn attention to the influence of Comte on Bankim. But whereas Comte advocated that myth should be left behind, we find that Bankim invested the old myths with a new meaning. ... The early Aurobindo and Swami Vivekananda can also be counted among the nationalist remythologizers.
Reason and tradition in Indian thought: an essay on the nature of ... - Page 224 Jitendranath Mohanty - 1992 - 306 pages
Sri Aurobindo, The Life Divine (New York: Sri Aurobindo Library, 1949). 36. KC Bhattacharya, The Subject as Freedom ... For these, see amongst others, BN Seal, The Positive Sciences of the Ancient Hindus (Delhi: Matilal ...
Neoplatonism and Indian philosophy - Page 42 Paulos Gregorios
, International Society for ... - 2002 - 275 pages
Sri Aurobindo opposes the dichotomous Samkhya construal of Purusa and Prakrti. I, as purusa, am in communion with all other ... But some scientifically minded philosophers like BN Seal" and some philosophically minded scientists like PC ...
Sri Aurobindo and the theories of evolution: a critical and ..., Rama Shanker Srivastava
- 1968 - 464 pages
Amongst the propounders of such views, I may mention the names of Dr. Brajendra Nath Seal and Dr. SN Das Gupta. They interpret the Sankhya theory of evolution in the Spencerian line. Dr. BN Seal says, "the process of evolution consists in the development of the differentiated ...
Indian contemporaries, who happen to be philosophers or celebrated scholars in Indian philosophy — Sri Aurobindo, BN Seal, Bhagvan Das, KC Bhattacharya, SN Dasgupta, Gopinath Kaviraj, ...
The Visva-bharati quarterly Visva-Bharati – 1966
If writings on the subject by some pioneering scholars in India early this century, viz., those of Aurobindo Ghosh, Brajendranath Seal, Benoy Kumar Sarkar, etc., were available to Max Weber, ...
The way of humanism, East and West, Radhakamal Mukerjee
- 1968 - 268 pages
In the nineteenth centuryIndia 's great apostles of humanism were Rammohun Roy, Vivekananda, Brajendranath Seal, Tagore, Aurobindo and Gandhi. In the West now and then from St. Francis of the middle ages (1182-1228) to Emerson, Tolstoy,
In the nineteenth century
India, the dawn of a new era: an autobiography, Radhakamal Mukerjee
- 1997 - 240 pages
The new cultural renaissance emerging out of the Dawn Society and the National Education Movement found its intellectual leaders and prophets in Rabindra Nath Tagore (1861-1941) and Brajendra Nath Seal. Aurobindo once remarked ...
Oriental enlightenment: the encounter between Asian and Western ... - Page 233, John James Clarke
- 1997 - 273 pages
Halbfass credits the Indian philosopher Brajendranath Seal with coining the phrase 'comparative philosophy' (1988: 423). ... 18 Spiegelberg draws close links between existentialism and the philosophy of Aurobindo in Chaudhuri and ...
After amnesia: tradition and change in Indian literary criticism, G. N. Devy
- 1995 - 147 pages
has discussed the literary aesthetics of Rabindranath Tagore, Brajendranath Seal, Sri Aurobindo and ... Aurobindo ...
has discussed the literary aesthetics of Rabindranath Tagore, Brajendranath Seal, Sri Aurobindo and ... Aurobindo ...
Studies in modern Indian aesthetics, Sudhīrakumāra Nandī
- 1975
When Sri Aurobindo reads spiritual significance in art, the art- content drawn from ordinary experience gets completely ... Brajendra- nath's acceptance of the ideas of "neo-classic" and "neo- romantic" unmistakably points to the fluid ...
When Sri Aurobindo reads spiritual significance in art, the art- content drawn from ordinary experience gets completely ... Brajendra- nath's acceptance of the ideas of "neo-classic" and "neo- romantic" unmistakably points to the fluid ...
Art and aesthetics of Rabindra Nath Tagore, Sudhīrakumāra Nandī
- 1999 - 151 pages
Brajendranath told us that rasa or the "aesthetic enjoyment" was fundamental for all forms of aesthetic activity. ... trend in modern Indian thinking on art and aesthetics, as found in Sri Aurobindo, Rabindranath. Brajendranath and ...
Brajendranath told us that rasa or the "aesthetic enjoyment" was fundamental for all forms of aesthetic activity. ... trend in modern Indian thinking on art and aesthetics, as found in Sri Aurobindo, Rabindranath. Brajendranath and ...
Art and aesthetics of Abanindranath Tagore, Sudhīrakumāra Nandī
- 1983 - 207 pages
Brajendranath Seal, the eminent Indian Philosopher and Sri Aurobindo, the great ascetic-cum-philosopher-cum poet gave distinct support to the new aesthetic movement in India . These four contributed largely to the philosophical ...
Indian literature in English: critical views - Page 35 Satish Barbuddhe - 2007 - 419 pages
In addition to The Future Poetry Sri Aurobindo's commentary on the Vedas, the Geeta and Yoga, albeit it does not lay ... and in Brajendranath Seal and Sri Aurobindo were very much allied in their fundamentals as they borrowed from the ... Indian English literature: a new perspective - Page 166
Indian writing in English: a critical study - Page 102, Krishna Autar Agrawal
2003 - 256 pages
With Tagore and Sri Aurobindo ended the age of what MK Naik calls "the major Indian-English romantics."3 The minor romantics who followed Sri Aurobindo, like KD Sethna and NK Gupta, and the academicians like BN Seal, ... Perspectives on Indian Poetry in English - Page 216
C. R. Das and his times, Pranab Chandra Roy Choudhury
- 1979 - 187 pages
the mystic English poets and the deep philosophy of Browning and Dr Brajendra Nath Seal, Chittaranjan had forged an ... Sri Aurobindo felt in a verse of Chittaranjan in Sagar-Sangit : The heart unsung of all songs ever sung Comes to ...
the mystic English poets and the deep philosophy of Browning and Dr Brajendra Nath Seal, Chittaranjan had forged an ... Sri Aurobindo felt in a verse of Chittaranjan in Sagar-Sangit : The heart unsung of all songs ever sung Comes to ...
Indian history and culture K. Basaveswara Rao - 1958
Eminent philosophers like Sir Brajendranath Seal,. Dr. S. Radhakrishna, Dr. SN Das Gupta and Sir Aurobindo have produced works of everlasting value, re-interpreting Indian philosophy. On the other hand, MN Roy, with his varied ...
Eminent philosophers like Sir Brajendranath Seal,. Dr. S. Radhakrishna, Dr. SN Das Gupta and Sir Aurobindo have produced works of everlasting value, re-interpreting Indian philosophy. On the other hand, MN Roy, with his varied ...
Education and culture in North-East India (1826-2000) Lalit Kumar Barua - 2006 - 262 pages
Vivekananda and Aurobindo who envisioned a workable synthesis of the East and the West, academic scholars and philosophical thinkers like Brajendra Nath Seal and Surendra Nath Dasgupta expounded and interpreted the traditions of ...
Vivekananda and Aurobindo who envisioned a workable synthesis of the East and the West, academic scholars and philosophical thinkers like Brajendra Nath Seal and Surendra Nath Dasgupta expounded and interpreted the traditions of ...
Romance of Indian journalism, Jitendra Nath Basu
- 1979 - 617 pages
from the pen of eminent writers like Rabindranath Tagore, Nihal Singh, Prof Jadunath Sarker, and Dr Brajendranath Seal. ... Some of the leading personalities of the day such as Aurobindo Ghosh, Lala Lajpat Rai, Sister Nivedita, ...
from the pen of eminent writers like Rabindranath Tagore, Nihal Singh, Prof Jadunath Sarker, and Dr Brajendranath Seal. ... Some of the leading personalities of the day such as Aurobindo Ghosh, Lala Lajpat Rai, Sister Nivedita, ...
Hindu Nationalism in India: Non-conventional school, D. D. Pattanaik
- 1998 - 141 pages
Brajendranath Seal, a contemporary of Swami Vivekananda, ... Dr. Karan Singh ... Even he attracted Jawaharlal Nehru to contribute Foreword in his "Prophet of Indian Nationalism", which is on Aurobindo ...
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