Frithjof Schuon and the Perennial Philosophy - Page 258, Harry Oldmeadow, William Stoddart
- 2010 - 346 pages
us with the tools for a proper consideration thereof); and secondly, to throw into Mahesh Yogi, and Rudolf Steiner). ... For a discussion of Swami Yogananda, Lobsang Rampa, Aurobindo, Mahesh Yogi, Bubba Free John, Carlos Castaneda,
Stones of the New Consciousness: Healing, Awakening and ... - Page 27, Robert Simmons
- 2009 - 320 pages
Most notably, he tells us that the holy Fire that both he and the rishis (as well as Sri Aurobindo and the Mother) ... Rudolf Steiner tells us: “The human heart is composed of the gold which lives everywhere in light . . . and during a ...
Beacons of the Light: 100 Holy People Who Have Shaped the History ... - Page 658, Marcus Braybrooke
- 2009 - 681 pages
sought to apply the evolutionary principle to their religious understanding of life:Aurobindo (90) and Teilhard de Chardin (91). ... One of the most creative and seminal thinkers, who defies being labelled, was Rudolf Steiner (78). ...
20th Century Jewish Religious Thought: Original Essays on Critical ... - Page 1080, Paul Mendes-Flohr
- 2009 - 1163 pages
In his works on religion and faith he stressed a direct, "dialogic," experience of God, reflecting the attitudes of Rudolph Steiner, Buber, and Rosenzweig, as well as Christian thinkers and Indian philosophers, such as Aurobindo. ...
Dane Rudhyar: his music, thought, and art - Page 74, Deniz Ertan
- 2009 - 275 pages
Sri Aurobindo, too—whose work Rudhyar discussed in his writings and public lectures—embraces diversity in oneness as ... Emerson, Schopenhauer, Hegel, William James, Bergson, Sri Aurobindo, Teilhard de Chardin, Jung, Rudolph Steiner, ...
The participatory turn: spirituality, mysticism, religious studies - Page 293, Jorge N. Ferrer, Jorge Noguera Ferrer, Jacob H
... - 2008 - 388 pages
Mohandas K. Gandhi, Sri Aurobindo, and Rudolf Steiner all considered the Gita a supremely important text but none of these three teachers read the Gita as, for example, one of Arjuna's contemporaries might have. Instead, standing at the ...
Body Eloquence: The Power of Myth and Story to Awaken the Body's ... - Page 229, Nancy Mellon, Ashley Ramsden, Donna Eden
- 2008 - 253 pages
A very evolved few with a greatly expanded capacity for reflecting reality offer a cosmic story. Sri Aurobindo ... and Rudolf Steiner were such persons. Immensely enlightened thinkers, they found within themselves the ability to shed ..
Cross-cultural studies in curriculum: eastern thought, educational ..., Claudia Eppert, Hongyu Wang
- 2008 - 379 pages
Tagore, Sri Aurobindo, Krishnamurti, and Sri Sri Ravi Shankar don't present systematic curriculum structures to embody their educational visions. Regarding methodology, their educational ideals sharply contrast with Rudolf Steiner's ...
The holistic curriculum - Page 41, John P. Miller
, Ontario Institute for Studies ... - 2007 - 216 pages
David Marshak (1997) in his book The Common Vision suggests that Rudolf Steiner, Sri Aurobindo, and Inayat Khan have also presented a common vision of human development. They also suggest detailed educational approaches to nourish and ...
Coping with Evil, Bruce H. McCausland
- 2006 - 192 pages
Drawing on the spiritual investigations of Rudolf Steiner, Sri Aurobindo, and others and from his own inner work, Bruce McCausland takes us on a fascinating journey into the hidden recesses of this very timely subject, ...
Cosmos and psyche: intimations of a new world view - Page 374, Richard Tarnas
- 2006 - 569 pages
Buber, Gandhi, and Aurobindo but also with the spiritual awakenings ol other figures who played a transformative ... It was at the start of this alignment, in late 1899, that Rudolf Steiner underwent his pivotal mystical opening ...
Dharma and development: the future of survival, Makarand R. Paranjape
, Samvad India - 2005 - 329 pages
It draws inspiration and insights from the vision, experiments and works of SriAurobindo and his spiritual companion, ... by such educational visionaries as Kristen Kold, Rabindranath Tagore, Rudolf Steiner, Mahatma Gandhi and others. ...
From Burned Out to Fired Up: A Woman's Guide to Rekindling the ... Leslie Godwin - 2004 - 307 pages
As a recovering workaholic, psychotherapist and author who has helped thousands of professionals find meaningful work, Leslie Godwin knows the effects of stress and job burnout—physical, mental and spiritual exhaustion.
Art lessons: meditations on the creative life, Deborah J. Haynes
- 2003 - 206 pages
Through her own reflections on art and being an artist, Haynes provides a spiritual compass for today's emerging artists. Art Lessons will inspire all those who wonder what makes an artist today and how they might contribute to the future.
The origin and the overcoming of evil and suffering in the world ... - Page 110, Peter Koslowski
- 2001 - 159 pages
In the words of Sri Aurobindo: Grief, pain, suffering, error, false-hood, ignorance, weakness, wickedness, incapacity, ... Ishwara takes up this task and we are assured of His gracious intervention, whenever the need 14 Rudolf Steiner, ...
The essential Aurobindo - Page 271, Aurobindo Ghose, Robert A. McDermott
- 2001 - 288 pages
Aurobindo has definite relationships and corresponding ideas concerning these figures, but avoids pitting them, ... and Christian evolutionism articulated by contemporary thinkers such as Pierre Teilhard de Chardin and Rudolf Steiner. ...
Living in the Presence, Herman Rednick
- 2000 - 180 pages
Later, I read many books by Rudolf Steiner. They gave me a great deal of help. But it was not until the age of thirty-five that a ... I read many books by Sri Aurobindo; thus, I had a desire to see his Ashram at Pondicherry , India . ...
Steiner had a considerable influence on a close friend of Buber's, Hugo Bergman, who did not rule out the existence of upper worlds (hence his interest in Sri Aurobindo). Buber's answer to this is contained in his rhetorical question 'What concern of ours, if they exist, are the upper worlds?' (The Origin and Meaning of Hasidism
181). "Daniel: Dialogues on Realization, McGraw-Hill Book Company, New York , ...
Raised to the Light: Stories of Hope and Transformation, Loretta Girzaitis
- 1999 - 191 pages
The Course of Miracles and the texts of Meister Eckhart, Sri Aurobindo, and particularly the philosophy and meditations of Rudolf Steiner were helpful. I found new ways of understanding the Old and New Testaments. ...
Redefining Indian history: on the millennium paradigm of Bharatiyata, Asiananda
- 1999 - 482 pages
This includes Sri Aurobindo, Dayananda Saraswati, and theosophists like HP Rudolf Steiner - also hold the same convictions and make the claim that their secret esoteric wisdom comes directly revealed from the unseen Himalayan ...
Symbolism as a compositional method in the works of Karlheinz ..., Gregg Wager
- 1998 - 242 pages
or metaphysics in which Stockhausen dwells has been amalgamated from many neighboring worlds, such as those in which dwell mystics as diverse as Helena Blavatsky, Rudolf Steiner, Sri Aurobindo, Jacob Lorber or Hazrat Inayat Kahn.
Skole: the journal of the National Coalition of Alternative ... National Coalition of Alternative Community ... – 1998
Makes the insights of Rudolf Steiner, Indian sage Sri Aurobindo, Sufi teacher Hazrat Inayat Khan, and Maria Montessori clear and understandable. Describes schools based on this teaching. ...
Ancient Yoga and modern science, T. R. Anantharaman
- 1996 - 103 pages
Strangely enough, such words of Aurobindo and Vinoba on Spirituality meet with the most sympathetic echo in the writings of two great European thinkers and mystics of this century, namely Dr Rudolf Steiner (1861-1925) of Germany and Father Pierre Teilhard de Chardin (1881-1955) of France, neither of whom had any knowledge of the insights of their Indian counterparts. ...
Strangely enough, such words of Aurobindo and Vinoba on Spirituality meet with the most sympathetic echo in the writings of two great European thinkers and mystics of this century, namely Dr Rudolf Steiner (1861-1925) of Germany and Father Pierre Teilhard de Chardin (1881-1955) of France, neither of whom had any knowledge of the insights of their Indian counterparts. ...
The book of Theanna: in the lands that follow death - Page 50, Ellias Lonsdale, Theanna Lonsdale
- 1996 - 344 pages
Each of them, from Rudolf Steiner to Sri Aurobindo, from Ann Ree Colton to the Mother, from She of the Fire to Hermes, very rapidly imparted to me a wealth of inward knowingness, instantaneously and intensively. As they did so, ...
Paths beyond ego: the transpersonal vision, Roger N. Walsh, Frances E. Vaughan
... - 1993 - 293 pages
More recently a number of explorers and spiritual masters such as Sri Aurobindoand Rudolf Steiner also have reported success with lucid dreaming. For decades Western researchers dismissed such reports as impossible. ...
Serpent in the sky: the high wisdom of ancient Egypt - Page 153, John Anthony West
- 1993 - 266 pages
Followers of Rudolf Steiner have attempted to build upon similar principles, and at the moment, the center being built by ... Sri Aurobindo at Auroville in India also makes use of cos- mically significant harmonies and proportions. ...
Thieves of Innocence, John Ankerberg, John Weldon, Craig Branch
- 1993 - 345 pages
Nevertheless, like Aurobindo, Krishnamurti, and Montessori, he saw the purpose of a holistic approach to education as the education of the whole child. Edgar Cayce Edgar Cayce, like Rudolf Steiner, was a spiritist and not a formal ...
Philosophy of religion: a universalist perspective, Marvin C. Sterling
- 1993 - 225 pages
Abdu 'l-Baha, Sri Ramakrishna, Rudolf Steiner, Sri Aurobindo, and Martin Luther King, Jr. are just a small fraction of the total number of individuals who, during the course of history, have spoken of a direct experience of God. ...
Revisioning philosophy - Page 274, James A. Ogilvy
- 1992 - 318 pages
It is the more remarkable — and for most, the more unbelievable — that a figure such as Rudolf Steiner should break the seemingly unbreakable hold of the age by penetrating the consciousness of all of these figures, as well as the ...
J.L. Mehta on Heidegger, hermeneutics, and Indian tradition - Page 141 Jarava Lal Mehta, William J. Jackson
- 1992 - 309 pages
ii The Magic of Aurobindo: Spiritual Evolution's Alchemy . ... follower of the anthroposophist Rudolf Steiner and literary theorist, has discussed the disastrous effects, in the evolution of human consciousness, of the change from an ...
Philosophy and religion: essays in interpretation, Jarava Lal Mehta
, Indian Council of ... - 1990 - 292 pages
Sri Aurobindo entered into 'silent yoga' at Pondicherry in 1910 where he 'started the study of Veda,' as he himself said. ... In his widely read books, Owen Barfield, follower of the anthroposophist Rudolf Steiner and literary theorist, ...
Toward the death of man, William Kluback
- 1991 - 224 pages
In a letter to the philosopher David Baumgardt
, Bergman said: 'Tor me the problem of the broadening of the limits of human consciousness, as it has been put forth in India by Sri Aurobindo and in Germany by Rudolf Steiner is fundamental ...
Leo Baeck Institute Yearbook 1990, Robert Weltsch
- 1990 - 616 pages
Bergman said: "For me the problem of the broadening of the limits of human consciousness, as it has been put forth in India by Sri Aurobindo, and in Germany by Rudolf Steiner is fundamental." "Since I, on the other hand, am dependent on ...
The radiant child - Page 141, Thomas Armstrong
- 1985 - 203 pages
child's growth we have had to rely upon the teachings of esoteric and spiritual teachers such as Sri Aurobindo, Geoffrey Hodson, Laurence and Phoebe Bendit, Rudolf Steiner, Hazrat Inayat Khan, Alice Bailey and Jiddu Krishnamurti, ...
C.G. Jung und Rudolf Steiner: Konfrontation und Synopse, Gerhard Wehr
- 1982 - 267 pages
Und im Blick auf die Demaskierung des Bösen ha Shri Aurobindo als Vertreter der östlichen Spiritualität die »Herab ... eine Tatsache und al einen Vorgang von größter Tragweite erkannt haben, das ist vd Rudolf Steiner seit dem Jahre 1910 ...
Man, education, and values, Vedre Narayan Karan Reddy
- 1978 - 157 pages
Rudolf Steiner : Man in the Light of Occultism
; Rudolf Steiner Press, London , 1964. 58. Romero, Francisco : Theory of Man; University of California Press, 1965. 59. Sri Aurobindo : Man — Slave of Free; Sri Aurobindo Ashram, Pondicherry , ... [Adisankara and Sri Aurobindo
, Thoreau, Gandhi, Vinoba (World-integration series)
, The concept of man in Rabindranath Tagore and Sarvepalli Radhakrishnan,
Sarvodaya ideology & Acharya Vinoba Bhave, (World-integration series)
, Problems of Futurology
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