July 21, 2024

Śraddhā Index to Authors till August 2022 - 1

 Posted by Tusar Nath Mohapatra 

Śraddhā  November 2022  125
Index to Authors till August 2022

Alain Bernard: Elaboration of learning-teaching material at Sri Aurobindo 
Internat. Inst. Of Educational Research, Auroville ...., Nov 2014;
Alain Grandcolas: The experience of the psychic being and its mutation – Pt.1, Feb 2014; Pt. 2, Apr 2014;
Alex Wolfers: Born like Krishna in the prison house ..., Aug 2019;
Alok Pandey: The path of Nachiketa - Aug 2009; Nov 2009; Feb 2010; Apr 
2010; Aug 2010; Savitri: the song of the Infinite, Feb 2011; The human body – a spiritual view, Nov 2012; Path of the Isha, Apr 2014; Kena or the question of questions, Aug 2014; Mundaka Upanishad, Nov 2014; Mundaka Upanishad, Ch.2, Sec.1, Feb 2015; Ch.2, Sec.2, Apr 2015; Ch.3, Sec.1, Aug 2015; Ch.3, Sec.2, Nov 2015; Prasna Upanishad, Pt.1, Feb 2016; Pt.2, Apr 2016; Pt.3 - The greatest Godhead, Aug 2016; Pt.4, Nov 2016; The yoga of a nation called India, Feb 2017; The emergent spiritual evolution, Apr 2017; Prasna Upanishad – Pt.5 – the chapter of the 4th question, Aug 2017; Pt.5 – the chapter of the 5th question, Nov 2017; Pt.6 – the chapter of the 6th question, Feb 2018; Love the Mother, Apr 2018; Notes on The Synthesis of Yoga, Pt.1, Nov 2018; Pt.2, Feb 2019; Pt.3, Apr 2019; Pt.4, Aug 2019; Pt.5, Nov. 2019; Pt.6, Feb. 2020; Pt.7, Apr 2020; Pt.8, Aug 2020; Pt.9, Nov 2020; Pt.10, Feb’21; Pt.11, Apr’21; Mother India – a vision of the Indian nation, Aug’21; Rama and the soul of India – Pt.I, Apr’22; Pt II, Aug’22;
Amal Kiran (K D Sethna): What basically is Savitri?, Apr 2011; Nov ’20; The 
last embodied “Darshan”, Nov 2012; August 15: its world significance – pointers in modern history, Aug 2013; The Mother’s victory – the present and future results of Her passing, Nov 2014; India the secular state – the right interpretation and the wrong, Aug 2015; The Mother – Warrior of the Supermind..., Feb 2018; The Mother - some general truths and personal facts, Feb 2019; Sri Aurobindo’s work and the way to its fulfilment, Feb 2022;
Amalendu De: Five martyrs of Bengal, Aug 2010; Relevance of Sri 
Aurobindo’s thought in modern times, Apr 2018;
Amaury de Riencourt: Sri Aurobindo and problems of human unity, Aug 2012;
Ananda Reddy: Language: a means of spiritual realisation, Nov 2011; Spiritual principles of management, Feb 2012; Triple aspect of the Mother’s work (compiled from Her writings), Feb 2013; Sri Aurobindo – The vision and the Boon, Nov 2014; Rishi Sri Aurobindo – his integral philosophy and yoga, Apr 2016; Sacrifice and surrender – a distinction, Feb 2018; The Timeless relevance of Sri Aurobindo, Aug 2020; The Mother’s physical sadhana, Feb 21;
André Morisset: Talks, Feb 2019;
Angelo Morretta: Action and Contemplation in the Life and Works of Sri 
Aurobindo, Feb 2022;
Anilbaran Roy: The Adwaita of the Gita, Pt. 1, Apr 2013; Pt. 2, Aug 2013;
Anirban Ganguly: Roots of violence – negating the individual’s selfdetermination in education; Alternative insights from Sri Aurobindo, Apr 2017;
Anirvan, Srimat: Sri Aurobindo and the mystery of death, Nov 2010; 
Aswapati’s yoga, Feb 2011; Vande Mataram, Feb 2012; Gitanuvachan –
Pts.1&2, Apr 2012; Pts.3&4, Aug 2012; Pts.5&6, Nov 2012; Gayatri Mandala 
(2nd sukta) – Vaishwanar Agni, Apr 2013; Veda-Mimamsa, Feb 2014; 
Gitanuvachan – 2nd series (Chs,7&8), Aug 2014; Chs.(9&10), Feb 2015; 
Chs.11&12, Aug 2015; Veda Mimamsa – the background, Nov 2015; 
Gitanuvachan – 2nd series (Chs.13&14), Feb 2016; Chs. 15&16, Aug 2016; 
Chs.17&18, Nov 2016; Rig Veda – Gayatri Mandala, Apri Sukta – Apree
Devata, Apr 2017; Gayatri Mandala, Apri Sukta (1-4), Nov 2017; Gayatri 
Mandala, Apri Sukta (5-7), Apr 2018; Gayatri Mandala, Apri Sukta (8), Nov 
2018; Gayatri Mandala, Apri Sukta (9-11), Feb 2019;
Anita Chakraborty-Goswami: Sri Aurobindo – looking for the true Vedanta, 
Nov 2012;
Anuradha Choudry: Reviving the Vedic Aryan, Nov 2010; Practising
atmanivedanam (self-surrender - a master- key in sadhana), Feb 2016;
Anuradha Majumdar: Towards a new imagination, Feb 2014; Of Epic 
proportions - Epic poetry through films and through time, Feb 2017;
Anurag Banerjee: Sri Aurobindo’s concept of education and the Mother’s 
contribution to it, Apr 2012; Sri Aurobindo and the Mother as personnel 
managers, Aug 2014; Knowledge management in the light of Sri Aurobindo’s vision, Nov 2016; Sri Aurobindo – The prophet of Nationalism, Pt.1, Feb 2017; Pt.2, Apr 2017; Pt.3, Aug 2017; Pt.4, Nov 2017; Pt.5, Feb 2018; Pt.6, Apr 2018; Pt.7, Aug 2018; Pt.8, Nov 2018;
Aparna Banerjee: Identity and difference: some reflections on Sri Aurobindo’s socio-political views, Aug 2011; The Ideal of Human Unity – some reflections, Apr 2017;
Arabinda Basu: Sri Aurobindo and the doctrine of evolution, Aug 2009; Sri 
Aurobindo, Nov 2009; The principle of Integral Yoga, Apr 2013; God of 
philosophy and God of religion, Pt.1, Nov 2017; Pt.2, Feb 2018; Evolution, Aug 2018; Misunderstanding Sri Aurobindo, Nov 2021;
Arun Chatterjee: Modes and aspects of Self in Hindu philosophy in the light of Sri Aurobindo’s explanation, Nov 2010; Philosophy of immortality and rebirth, Nov 2013; Concepts and practices of religion, philosophy and spirituality, Feb 2017; Spiritual consciousness, Nov 2019; Bhakti yoga according to Gita and Sri Aurobindo, Feb ’21; Rebirth and a soul’s journey after death, Apr 22;
Ashoke K Sengupta: The Saptachatusthaya story – how Sri Aurobindo’s yogic agenda was fulfilled, Nov 2013; They first met hundred years ago, Apr 2014;
Asoka Ganguli: Newness of Savitri; an interpretation, Feb 2011;
Aster Patel: The world in its becoming – a perspective of our times, Apr 2014;
Aurobindo Goswami: Exploring the ‘Spirit of Delight’ in Sri Aurobindo’s 
sonnets, Aug 2015;
Balaji, Vikraman: Two aspects of Yoga, Nov 2013; Sadhana of the sounding 
word, Apr 2014; The Body of Hymns, Apr 2020;
Barindra Kumar Ghose: The Mother, Apr 2012; Sri Aurobindo the recluse of Pondicherry, Nov 2012;
Beloo Mehra: Aim of true education - Sri Aurobindo and Mahatma Gandhi, Aug 2015; The role of Ashrams in India, Nov 2015; On intellectuals and thinkers, 
Apr 2019; The Indian Spirit and Indian Education, Nov 2019; Spiritual Insights on Love and Human Relationships, Apr 2020; Equality and Freedom, Pt.1, Nov 2020; Pt.2, Feb’21; Rethinking India’s education for tomorrow, Pt.1, Aug’21; Pt.2, Nov’21; Pt.3, Feb’22; Hinduism and the Future of Inter-Religious Harmony in India: An Aurobindonian Perspective – Pt.1, Aug’22; Pt 2, Nov’22;
Bepin Chandra Pal: Sri Aurobindo, Aug’22;
Bindu Mohanty: Auroville – Towards a spiritualised society based on Integral Yoga, Nov 2015; The Indian spirit and Indian education, Nov 2019;
C C Dutt: Sri Aurobindo’s interpretation of the Gita – Pt.1, Apr 2015; My 
Contact with certain phases of the Independence Movement, Aug 2015; Sri 
Aurobindo’s interpretation of the Gita – Pt.2, Nov 2015; Pt.3, Apr 2016; When Sri Aurobindo directed the revolutionary movement, Aug 2016;
Chandrashekharam, V: Sri Aurobindo and the Veda, Pt.1, Feb 2018; The 
Taittiriya Upanishad, Apr 2018; Sri Aurobindo and the Veda, Pt.2, Aug 2018;
Dalal, A S: The nature of faith in the light of Sri Aurobindo’s yoga psychology, Feb 2010; The psychic being – a gift of Grace, Apr 2011;
Dasharathi Sengupta: Nation and beyond – aspects of Sri Aurobindo’s political vision, Aug 2010; Prophet of Nationalism and his call, Aug 2011; A trumpet call – its background and significance, Aug 2014; From political to spiritual – Sri Aurobindo’s ideal of human unity, Aug 2017;
Debashish Banerji: Integral psychology – theorising its disciplinary boundaries, Aug 2009; The Divine Mother and the triple status of the Supermind, Feb 2010; Detachment and Integral Yoga, Apr 2010; Sri Aurobindo and the Bengal Renaissance, Aug 2010; Love and Death, Feb 2011; Savitri Book 1, Canto 1: The Symbol Dawn, Pt. 1, Apr 2011; Pt.2, Nov 2011; The Human Aspiration, Feb 2012; Fate and the problem of suffering, Apr 2012; The psychic being, Aug 2012; Avatar, Nov 2012; The triple soul-forces, Apr 2013; The Divine Mother, Aug 2013; Soul and Nature, Nov 2013; Evolution – Pt. 1, Feb 2014; Pt.2, Apr 2014; Mind, Overmind and Supermind – Theme 1, Aug 2014; Theme 2, Nov 2014; Attainment of immortality – Pt.1, Theme, Feb 2015; Pt. 2a, Apr 2015; Pt.2 – Interpretation, Aug 2015; Pt.2 – Interpretation, Nov 2015; The Supramental manifestation – Theme 1, Feb 2016; The Supramental manifestation – Interpretation, Apr 2016; Indian wisdom literature in the light of Sri Aurobindo, Aug 2016; The Veda, Nov 2016; Upanishads, Pt.1, Feb 2017; Upanishads, Pt.2, Apr 2017; Post-Upanishadic empirical philosophies – Buddhism and Sankhya, Aug 2017; A meaningful life – Bhagavata, Pancharatra and the rise of Krishna, 
Feb 2018; Bhagavatism II: Mahabharata and Gita – the wisdom of Dharma, Apr 2018; Meditations on the Isha Upanishad – Tracing the yoga darshan of Sri Aurobindo, Pt.1A, Nov 2018; The first movement, Pt.1B, Feb 2019; The second movement, Pt.2, Apr 2019; The third movement, Pt.3, Aug 2019; The Fourth movement, Pt.4, Nov. 2019; Afterword to The Meditations on the Isha Upanishad, Feb. 2020; The Image of the Horse in the Brihadäraņyaka 
Upanishad, Apr 2020; Brihadäraņyaka Upanishad – Pt.1, Aug 2020; Pt.2, Nov 2020; Pt.3, Feb’21; Fourth Brahmana, Ist Adhyaya, Apr’21; Fifth Brahmana, Ist Adhyaya, Aug’21; Sixth Brahmana, 1stAdhyaya, 2022; Introduction to the History and Mystic Philosophy of the Brihadāraṇyaka Upaniṣad, Aug’22; Brihadāraṇyaka Upaniṣad, The Book of Honey (Madhu Kāṇḍa), Chapter (Adhyāya) Two – Part 1, Nov 2022;
Deepali Gupta: Individualism – precursor to a subjective age, Apr 2012; 
Management – ‘Man a gem’ or manage men tactfully, Apr 2013; The ultimate unifying principle of life in the integral philosophy of Sri Aurobindo, Feb 2015;
Deepshikha Reddy: “Heaven’s call is rare...”, Nov 2017;
Deepti Tewari: The way of experience – a search for one’s psychic being, Feb 2013; Unending education, constant progress and a youth that never ages – Sri Aurobindo’s philosophy of education in today’s context, Pt.1, Feb 2014; Pt.2, Apr 2014; Auroville and experiments in education, Apr 2015;
Deshpande, R Y: The possibilities of man, Aug 2009; A biographical aspect of Savitri, Apr 2011; India’s independence and the spiritual destiny, Aug 2015; NoliniKanta Gupta’s perceptions of poetry, Feb 2016; Purusha Sukta – an Aurobindonian interpretation, Feb 2017; A resumé of the opening section of Savitri, Aug 2017; Sri Aurobindo’s Rose of God and its poetic appreciation, Nov 2017; The Mother’s work, Apr ’21;
Devdip Ganguli: The life and legacy of XuFancheng – a spiritual bridge 
between India and China, Nov 2018;
Dilip Roy: Interview with Paul Richard, Aug 2018;
Divakar and Sucharu: Cripps’s Mission – an analysis, Aug 2015;
Divyansi Chugh: The power of harmony in times of crisis, Apr 2019;
Don Salmon: Is India civilised? Some personal reflections on prevailing views of Indian culture, Apr 2015; Remembering to be…, Nov 2021;
Donald Goergen: A dialogue between Thomas Aquinas and Sri Aurobindo, Apr 2012;
Edith Schnapper: Sri Aurobindo and Human Unity, Aug 2020;
Falguni Jani: Vedanta and Integral psychology, Nov 2019;
Gitanjali J B: A new education – Today’s imperative for tomorrow’s survival, Aug 2019;
Goutam Ghosal: Gitanjali and Prayers and meditations – mystic poetry and 
spiritual poetry, Feb 2015; The future poetry and beyond – a search for a 
complete theory of poetry, Nov 2015;
Hilary Anderson: Sri Aurobindo’s perspective on the four major powers of the Devi in Integral Yoga and east-West psychology, Feb 2012;

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