July 21, 2024

Śraddhā Index to Authors till August 2022 - 2

 Posted by Tusar Nath Mohapatra

Śraddhā  November 2022  125
Index to Authors till August 2022

Indrani Sanyal: Does the Delightful Absolute provide for evils?, Feb 2014; Can Reason stake a claim to the final truth – Pt.I, Apr’22; Pt.II, Aug’22;
Indrasen: The special emphases in the Integral Yoga of the Mother, Apr 2010; The crisis in philosophical pursuit – what is more wonderful ‘The Asram or The Life Divine?, Aug 2013; Sri Aurobindo as a world philosopher, Nov 2016; Sri Aurobindo’s Theory of the Mind, Apr 2018; The Integral man, Pt.1, Nov. 2019; Pt.2, Feb. 2020; Pt.3, Apr 2020; Pt.4, Aug 2020; The new lead in philosophy, Feb 2022;
James Anderson: Psychological perfection, Pt.1, Apr 2016; Pt.2, Aug 2016; Pain; cause and cure – a psycho-spiritual approach, Nov, 2017 (rptd. Apr 2018); Musings on Growth and Yoga (First series), Feb 2019; Musings on Growth and Yoga (Second series), Nov. 2019; Reversing our negative reactions, Apr ’21; Practice, Feb 2022;
Jean-Yves Lung: Vedic India, Egypt and Mesopotamia – a common symbolic grammar, Nov 2013;
Jeya Senthil: Sri Aurobindo’s Savitri – a modern re-rendering, Aug 2020;
Joan Price: God and the world, Nov 2012;
John Robert Cornell: Visionary eyes on America…, Pt.1, Aug’21; Pt.2, Nov 21;
K M Munshi: Sri Aurobindo, Aug 2016; Sri Aurobindo Ashram – a pilgrimage, Aug 2018;
Johannes Hohlenberg: Recollections of meeting Sri Aurobindo in Pondicherry, Apr ’21;
Kalidas Bhattacharya: Sri Aurobindo and the cultural crisis in India, Apr 2016;
Kalpana Bidwaikar: The purpose of the Mother’s embodiment upon earth, Feb 2012;
Kapali Sastri: Personal instructions from Sri Aurobindo and the Mother, Nov. 2019;
Karan Singh: Sri Aurobindo – spiritual thought, Nov 2017;
Kireet Joshi: The soul, Apr 2010; Sri Aurobindo and the Veda, Aug 2010; Two Master-Conceptions of the Gita: Purushottama and Para Prakriti, Nov 2011; Ancient Indian wisdom and contemporary challenges, Feb 2012; Three secrets of the Yoga of the Gita, Feb. 2020;
Kishor Gandhi: The daring attempt, Nov 2013; Social philosophy of Sri Aurobindo, Aug’21;
Kittu Reddy: Sri Aurobindo and the Hindu-Muslim problem - Aug 2009; Nov 2009; Indian culture and Hinduism, Feb 2010; Indian democracy - Pt.I, Aug 2011; The present situation and the need to change the political system, Nov 2011; Impact of Swami Vivekananda and Sri Aurobindo on Indian freedom movement, Aug 2012; A new political system based on Indian ideals, Feb 2013; The history of the Ashram school – Pt.1, Feb 2016; Pt.2, Apr 2016; Pt.3, Aug 2016;
Krishna Roy: Vedic hermeneutic of Sri Aurobindo, Aug 2013;
Krishnaprem, Sri: Savitri, Feb 2011;
Kundan Singh: Laying the foundations for Indian psychology, Apr 2010; Beyond mind: a new paradigm of psychology based on the mystical exploration of nature, Aug 2010; Vivekananda and Sri Aurobindo – a comparison, Pt.1, Feb 2014; Pt.2, Apr 2014; Evolution of the Integral Yoga, Pt.1, Nov 2018; Pt.2, Feb 2019; Pt.3, Apr 2019; Pt.4, Aug 2019; Pt.5, Nov. 2019; Pt.6, Feb. 2020; Pt.7, Apr 2020; Pt.8, Aug 2020; Pt.9, Nov 2020; Pt.10, Feb’21; Pt.11, Apr’21; Pt.12, Chapter 6, Aug’21;
Larry Seidlitz: Practices in Integral yoga - Aug 2009; Nov 2009; The Divine Grace, Apr 2010; Emotion and its transformation, Nov 2010; Spiritual activism, spiritual passivity and Integral yoga, Feb 2012; Glimpses of the Mother’s supramental manifestation, Feb 2016 (rptd. Nov 2016); Seven guidelines for spiritual living, Feb 2018; Sri Aurobindo’s Avatarhood, Nov 21;
Lopa Mukherjee: Democracy, Ballotocracy, Mediocracy, Feb 2019; Creations Hymns, Feb. 2020; The honey of the Upanishads, Aug 2020; Sanskrit philology, Apr’21; Beauty of Sanskrit – Pts. I-III, Nov 21; The symbolic and the subjective, Apr 22;
Lynda Lester: The Union of spirit and matter, Feb’21;
M P Pandit: Turning point, Aug 2018; The Mother’s Withdrawal, Nov 2020;
Madhumita Dutta: A tale of love that transcends gender, Feb 2016; The Mother and the legacy of spiritual feminism, Feb 2017; Sri Aurobindo’s Vedantic nationalism, Aug 2017; Science and philosophy in Sri Aurobindo’s poetry, Apr 2018; Myth of male superiority reversed, Feb. 2020 (Rpted in Feb 2016); Our unified field – a propos of Sri Aurobindo, Aug’21; Ego and the Fear of Transcendence, Nov 2022;
Maggi Lidchi: An interview by Malcolm Tillis, Feb ’21;
Makarand Paranjape: Savitri – Book VI, Canto II: The way of fate and the problem of pain, Feb 2011; “Is India civilised”? by Sri Aurobindo, Aug 2011; Spiritual traditions of India and modern challenges, Nov 2017; The Renaissance in India?, Feb.2020 (Rptd. in Feb’16);
Manoj Dasgupta: “Sadhak Nolinida – the wayfarer of the sunlit path”, Feb 2010;
Martha G Orton: Spiritual knowledge, Nov 2009; Feb 2010; Sri Aurobindo’s perspective on Reality, Nov 2011; The role of the body in the Integral Yoga –
Pt.1, Nov 2014; Pt.2, Feb 2015; The evolutionary process, Nov 2017; The role of the Avatar, Apr’21; The Fourfold Order of Knowledge in Sri Aurobindo’s Epistemology, Nov 2022;
Matthijs Cornelissen: Mother’s New Creation, Aug 2009; Integrality, Nov 2009; Onward she passed ... – Rejection as described in Savitri, Feb 2011; How to research consciousness?... , Apr 2012; Psychology – five major Indian contributions, Nov 2012; What is human knowledge? A reflection based on the work of Sri Aurobindo, Aug 2013; Beyond the mask – an exploration of human identity based on the work of Sri Aurobindo, Apr 2015; Concepts of Consciousness – Pt.I, Aug 2019; Consciousness as the foundation of psychology, Pt.2, Nov. 2019; Concepts of Consciousness, Pt.3, Feb. 2020; The ongoing evolution of consciousness… - Pt.1, Aug 2020; Pt.2, Nov 2020; Pt.3, Feb ’21; Parts and planes of the being: An introduction, Aug’22;
Maurice Magre: The Ashram at Pondicherry – Pt.1, Apr 2020; Pt.2, Aug 2020;
Menaka Deorah: From Personality to Person —The Imperative Shift, Nov 2022;
Michael Miovic: The seven jewel centres of the earth Mother, Apr 2010; MahaEurope – the world mind, Nov 2013;
Michel Danino: Sri Aurobindo and the Gita, Feb 2019; India’s impact on French thought and literature..., Aug 2019; Looking for Indianness, Apr’22; The Riddle of India’s Ancient Past - an Overview of the Aryan Problem, Aug’22;
Mitra Chatterjee: The concept of jiva, Feb 2018; The concept of Purusa, Apr 2018;
Monica Gupta: Realising Sri Aurobindo’s ideal law of social development..., Aug 2011;
Monod-Herzen, Gabriel: Reminiscences of Sri Aurobindo, Apr 2018;
Morwenna Donnelly: The philosophy of Sri Aurobindo, Nov 2018; Sri Aurobindo and the Ideal of the Whole Man, Aug’21; Mother: On Herself, Feb 2010; On Savitri – a talk to a young disciple, Feb 2011; Transformation, Feb 2014; Finding the psychic being, Aug 2014 (rptd. Feb 2015; Prayers and Meditations, Apr 2015; On India, Aug 2015; I am with you, Apr 2016; How do we know?, Knowledge from within, Nov 2016; How to rise above the ordinary life?, Feb 2017; Sincerity, Apr 2017; The only way to make life perfect, Aug 2017; The hour of heroism, Feb 2018; How to recognise the Divine will, Apr 2019; The reversal of consciousness, Nov.2019; Who am I?, Feb ’21; Sincerity in social-political life, Feb 2022; Free choice and the inner value of things, Apr 22; The General Aim, Nov 2022;
Mukul Chandra Dey: My darshan of Sri Aurobindo at Pondicherry, Nov 2014;
Murali Sivaramakrishnan: Involution and Evolution, Nov 2012; The true voice of raga, Feb 2013; On reading Sri Aurobindo – blindness, insight outlook and a perspective, Aug 2013; The strength of stillness – the relevance of Sri Aurobindo, Apr 2014; Notes towards a spiritual aesthetics of the environment..., Feb 2015; Something rich and strange - Rabindranath Tagore and Sri Aurobindo, Nov 2016; Conceptualising poetic futures – visions and variations, Aug 2018; Being and Becoming – the premises of Sri Aurobindo’s aesthetics, Aug’21;
Nadkarni, M V: What is spirituality?, Nov 2018; Hindu-Muslim unity in the light of Sri Aurobindo’s thought, Apr 2019; The unfinished agenda of spirituality, Apr 22; Sri Aurobindo and the Indian Intelligentsia, Aug’22;
Nalini Bhushan Jay L Garfield: Bringing Brahman down to earth – lilavada in colonial India, Nov 2012;
Nancy A Barta-Norton: Inayat Khan and the mystic Nada, Nov 2011;
Narad (Richard Eggenberger): Lexicon of an Infinite Mind, Apr 2011;
Neeltje Huppes: Emerging concerns and procedures related to education of values; the vision of Sri Aurobindo, Aug 2011; The evolving soul, a key concept in Sri Aurobindo’s work…, Nov 2022;
Nolinikanta Gupta: The Mother abides, A Canadian question, Twin prayers, November 1973, Nov 2009; What is to be done, Apr 2013; In this hour of crisis, Nov 2020; Our ideal, Feb 2022;
Oeendrila Guha: An Aurobindonian critique of the Romantics, Nov 2014; Sri Aurobindo’s Language: An Expression of “the real or spiritual”, Nov 2022;
Pabitra Kumar Roy: The National value of Art – Nov 2009; Feb 2010; Bodhisattva and the Gnostic being – a study in linkages, Nov 2014;
Pariksith Singh: Sri Aurobindo and William James, Aug’22;
Paul Richard: Aurobindo Ghosh, Aug 2011;
Pradhan, R C: Sri Aurobindo’s The Life Divine..., Nov 2009; Sri Aurobindo on ‘The two negations” – reconsideration of the Materialism-Spiritualism debate, Nov 2010; Sri Aurobindo’s metaphysics of the Supermind..., Feb 2012; The primacy of the divine works – understanding Sri Aurobindo’s interpretation of the Gita, Feb 2013; Time and eternity in Sri Aurobindo’s Essays on the Gita, Nov 2013; Ethics in Sri Aurobindo’s integral philosophy, Apr 2014; Freedom and determinism in Sri Aurobindo’s Essays on the Gita, Nov 2014; Sri Aurobindo’s philosophy of Mind; in defence of the integral approach, Feb 2018; Sri Aurobindo on the future of mankind, Apr ’21;
Pratyagatatmananda Saraswati, Swami: Sri Aurobindo Namaste, Aug 2010;
Pravir Malik: Alternative futures, Apr 2010; Om in Savitri and the world, Aug 2012; The nature of light, Aug 2018; Genetics – Reflections on Quanta, Quantum Computing..., Feb. 2020; A journey to mathematise the power in light, Aug’21; Some Notes on a Light-Based Approach to Quantum Computation & Genetics, Apr 22;
Prema NandaKumar:VedaVyasa’s Mahabharata in Sri Aurobindo’s Savitri -Aug 2009; Nov 2009; Feb 2010; Apr 2010; Aug 2010; Nov 2010; Feb 2011; Apr 2011; Aug 2011; Nov 2011; Feb 2012; Apr 2012; The Mother image in Sri Aurobindo, Pt.1, Feb 2013; Pt.2, Apr 2013; Pt.3, Aug 2013; Pt.4, Nov 2013; Pt.5, Feb 2014; Pt.6, Apr 2014; Pt.7, Aug 2014; Pt.8, Nov 2014; Pt.9, Feb 2015; Pt.10, Apr 2015; Pt.11, Aug 2015; Pt.12, Nov 2015; Sri Aurobindo – the Ideal Teacher, Pt.1, Feb 2016; Pt.2, Apr 2016; Pt.3, Aug 2016; Pt.4, Nov 2016; Pt.5, Feb 2017; Pt.6, Apr 2017; Passion, erudition, vision - Sri Aurobindo as a journalist, Aug 2018; In search of Satyavan, Nov 2018; Sri Aravinda Sarit Sagara – The supramental manifestation, Feb 2019; Sri Aurobindo and the Puranas, Apr 2019; Returning to India – Sri Aurobindo, The Mother, Aug 2019; Sri Aurobindo and the rise of Nationalism, Nov. 2019; She came, offered, built the Golden Base, Apr 2020; Our future on earth, Aug 2020; Heroism of the Spirit, Nov 2020; Mantra of Patriotism, Feb ’21; On Sanatana Dharma, Apr ’21; The Mahabharata – Sri Aurobindo’s Garuda Flight, Pt.1, Aug ’21; Pt.2, Nov 21; Pt.3, Feb 2022; Pt.4, Apr 22; Pt.5, Aug’22; Saibhya: The Memorable Mother, Nov 2022;
Prithwindra Mukherjee: Reflections on jouissance as Ananda, Nov 2010;
Governor Alfassa – he foiled plans to exile Sri Aurobindo, Apr’21;
Purnendu Ghosh: Towards a new age, Apr 2019;

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