October 30, 2005

Zygmund Bauman

"If, as Freud postulated, modern society assails man's freedom by repressing his sexual expression, then the postmodern era can be said to be defined by the individual's quest for sublime happiness at the expense of security. Society has held to the concepts of beauty, purity, and order for centuries; now a new worldview has emerged with the individual at its nucleus." Zygmund Bauman, Postmodernity and Its Discontents.
Themes of ethics, morality and social tie in the works of Zygmund Bauman
Margarita Norkute, Magistrant of Sociology, Vilnius University

Zygmund Bauman (born. 1925) is one of the most famous representatives of contemporary British sociology, professor of Leeds University (England). As one of the most prominent postmodernal theorists, in his works he is interested in various phenomena and processes of nowadays social life - culture, politics, ethics and morality, freedom and many else.
1989, Modernity and the Holocaust. Cambridge: Polity Press.
1993, Postmodern Ethics. Oxford: Blackwell.
1991. Modernity and Ambivalence. Cambridge: Polity Press.
1995. Life in Fragments: Essays in Postmodern Morality. Oxford: Blackwell.

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