World Religions - Page 93 Warren Matthews - 2008 - 425 pages
Sri Aurobindo pointed out that correct moral action for individuals is not foreign to them—something imposed by society. Freedom comes through living according to the universal principle within humans. Being true to themselves, ...
Sri Aurobindo pointed out that correct moral action for individuals is not foreign to them—something imposed by society. Freedom comes through living according to the universal principle within humans. Being true to themselves, ...
Echoes of Ancient Indian Wisdom: The Universal Hindu Vision and ... - Page 69 Shantha N. Nair - 2008 - 306 pages
As Sri Aurobindo pointed out, the Vedas are the ancient psychological and spiritual wisdom ofIndia . While the outer meaning is meant for the ordinary men who seek material pleasures of life, while living on earth and thereafter, ...
As Sri Aurobindo pointed out, the Vedas are the ancient psychological and spiritual wisdom of
Picturing the nation: iconographies of modern India, Richard H. Davis
- 2007 - 274 pages
Around 1905, as a young patriot, Munshi met Aurobindo Ghosh (1872- 1950) and asked him, "'How can one become patriotic?' With a disarming smile, Aurobindo pointed at a wall map ofIndia and said: 'Do you see this map? It is not a map, ...
Around 1905, as a young patriot, Munshi met Aurobindo Ghosh (1872- 1950) and asked him, "'How can one become patriotic?' With a disarming smile, Aurobindo pointed at a wall map of
Glimpses of the great S. Ramakrishnan , Sheshrao Chavan - 2004 - 592 pages
Sri Aurobindo pointed io the map ofIndia on the wall and bade him to behold Mother India in it. ...
Sri Aurobindo pointed io the map of
Lifelong Education - Page 118, V.k.rao
- 2007 - 251 pages
Sri Aurobindo pointed out that "A compound of science and metaphysical knowledge". Sri Aurobindo described layers of human mind. There are four layers. The first layer is Citta. It consists of two memories-active memory and passive ...
Sri Aurobindo pointed out that "A compound of science and metaphysical knowledge". Sri Aurobindo described layers of human mind. There are four layers. The first layer is Citta. It consists of two memories-active memory and passive ...
Decolonizing international relations - Page 205 Branwen Gruffydd Jones - 2006 - 275 pages
debate on polyarchy, Sri Aurobindo pointed out that in most modern democracies the sole democratic elements are public opinion, periodical elections and the power of the people to refuse re-election to those who have displeased it. …
debate on polyarchy, Sri Aurobindo pointed out that in most modern democracies the sole democratic elements are public opinion, periodical elections and the power of the people to refuse re-election to those who have displeased it. …
Gandhian Theory of Social Reconstruction - Page 19 Parmeshwari Dayal - 2006 - 414 pages
Sri Aurobindo pointed out desire and dualism always bring confusion of mind and limitation of the will and thereby they create a distorted view of things and clouding of knowledge. Desire and its preferences are the first strong roots ...
Sri Aurobindo pointed out desire and dualism always bring confusion of mind and limitation of the will and thereby they create a distorted view of things and clouding of knowledge. Desire and its preferences are the first strong roots ...
History Modern India - Page 138 S. N. Sen - 2006 - 244 pages
Aurobindo pointed out the widening gap between the rich and the poor and the imminence of a revolution of the proletariat. He criticised the Moderates for ignoring the proletariat 'the real key of the situation' and of 'playing with ...
Aurobindo pointed out the widening gap between the rich and the poor and the imminence of a revolution of the proletariat. He criticised the Moderates for ignoring the proletariat 'the real key of the situation' and of 'playing with ...
Consciousness, value, culture Govind Chandra Pande - 2006 - 506 pages
As Sri Aurobindo pointed out, the persistence of Indian culture lies in its realization that the spirit must not identify itself with anything finite because all that is finite is mortal.177 Intellectual learning, social rules and ...
As Sri Aurobindo pointed out, the persistence of Indian culture lies in its realization that the spirit must not identify itself with anything finite because all that is finite is mortal.177 Intellectual learning, social rules and ...
Philosophy of Education - Page 240 S.S. Chandra, S.S. Chandra & Rajendra Kumar Sharma - 2006 - 256 pages
... Sri Aurobindo pointed out that in it the students do not achieve the real purpose of education. He was against education only for earning livelihood. According to him the students are, "To learn in order to know, to study in order ...
... Sri Aurobindo pointed out that in it the students do not achieve the real purpose of education. He was against education only for earning livelihood. According to him the students are, "To learn in order to know, to study in order ...
Indian knowledge systems Kapil Kapoor, Avadhesh K. Singh, Indian ... - 2005 - 710 pages
Yet that may be the whole meaning of evolution, as Sri Aurobindo pointed out. We must salute the depth of perception of the rsis who saw the purpose behind this long journey of increasingly complex bodies: the progressive embodiment of...
Yet that may be the whole meaning of evolution, as Sri Aurobindo pointed out. We must salute the depth of perception of the rsis who saw the purpose behind this long journey of increasingly complex bodies: the progressive embodiment of...
Musings on Indian Writing in English: Poetry - Page 87 Natesan Sharda Iyer
- 2005 - 286 pages
Savitri is described as O Savitri, thou art my Spirits Power The revealing voice of my immortal word The Face of Truth upon the roads of Time Pointing to the souls of men the routes of God (703). Aurobindo pointed ...
Savitri is described as O Savitri, thou art my Spirits Power The revealing voice of my immortal word The Face of Truth upon the roads of Time Pointing to the souls of men the routes of God (703). Aurobindo pointed ...
Understanding philosophy, Eastern and Western perspectives: ... Manjulika Ghosh - 2005 - 428 pages
As Sri Aurobindo pointed out: It is therefore of good augury that after many experiments and verbal solutions we should now find ourselves standing today in the presence of the two that have alone borne for long the most rigorous tests ...
As Sri Aurobindo pointed out: It is therefore of good augury that after many experiments and verbal solutions we should now find ourselves standing today in the presence of the two that have alone borne for long the most rigorous tests ...
Modern South Asia: history, culture, political economy - Page 98 Sugata Bose, Ayesha Jalal - 2004 - 253 pages
In rendering their homage to the mother country, the political extremists decided in 1905 to avoid violence. The decision was tactical, not ideological. With the Indian populace totally disarmed, Aurobindo pointed out that the use of violence would be unwise because it carried the battle on to ground where Indians were comparatively weak from ground where they were strong. ...
In rendering their homage to the mother country, the political extremists decided in 1905 to avoid violence. The decision was tactical, not ideological. With the Indian populace totally disarmed, Aurobindo pointed out that the use of violence would be unwise because it carried the battle on to ground where Indians were comparatively weak from ground where they were strong. ...
Principles Of Education - Page 240 S.S. Chandra, Rajendra Kumar Sharma - 2004 - 582 pages
... We must direct our school and university examinations to the testing of these active faculties and not of the memory".83 Criticising the prevalent system of education conducted by the British in India, Sri Aurobindo pointed out that ...
... We must direct our school and university examinations to the testing of these active faculties and not of the memory".83 Criticising the prevalent system of education conducted by the British in India, Sri Aurobindo pointed out that ...
Knowledge and Freedom in Indian Philosophy - Page 114, Tara Chatterjea
- 2003 - 178 pages
As Sri Aurobindo pointed out, the work of the brahmin according to the Gita, is not teaching or priesthood, but calm, self control, purity, etc.14 These are called natural in the individual. These have been described as "sahaja karma" ...
As Sri Aurobindo pointed out, the work of the brahmin according to the Gita, is not teaching or priesthood, but calm, self control, purity, etc.14 These are called natural in the individual. These have been described as "sahaja karma" ...
Nirodbaran, divinity's comrade, Hemant Kapoor
- 2003 - 639 pages
But sometimes it so happened that, in the course of my composition, a line had come, but Sri Aurobindo pointed out to me: "This line is faulty." I asked: "Why is it faulty?" He explained to me saying, "Somewhere in the consciousness ...
But sometimes it so happened that, in the course of my composition, a line had come, but Sri Aurobindo pointed out to me: "This line is faulty." I asked: "Why is it faulty?" He explained to me saying, "Somewhere in the consciousness ...
S. Venkataith - 2002 - 3498 pages
Encyclopaedia of Contemporary Education - Page 41 Sri Aurobindo pointed out that "A compound of science and metaphysical knowledge". Sri Aurobindo described layers of human mind. There are four layers. The first layer is Citta. It consists of two memories-active memory and passive ... [S. Venkataith
Encyclopaedia of Contemporary Education - Page 41 Sri Aurobindo pointed out that "A compound of science and metaphysical knowledge". Sri Aurobindo described layers of human mind. There are four layers. The first layer is Citta. It consists of two memories-active memory and passive ... [S. Venkataith
The guru of joy: Sri Sri Ravi Shankar & the art of living François Gautier - 2002 - 269 pages
It is true as Sri Aurobindo pointed out, "that the spirit of caste arrogance, exclusiveness and superiority came to dominate it instead of the spirit of duty, and the change ...
It is true as Sri Aurobindo pointed out, "that the spirit of caste arrogance, exclusiveness and superiority came to dominate it instead of the spirit of duty, and the change ...
Secularisation of Indian mind: a study of political ideas in India ..., V. Indira Devi
- 2002 - 314 pages
Aurobindo pointed out that this was precisely the theory of the whole Hindu society, the difference lying in the intensity which can obviously be higher in a purely ...
Aurobindo pointed out that this was precisely the theory of the whole Hindu society, the difference lying in the intensity which can obviously be higher in a purely ...
Philosophical and sociological percpectives [sic] on education, J. C. Aggarwal
- 2002 - 243 pages
Main Characteristics of the National System of Education: Aurobindo pointed out the following elements: (i) Human and spiritual values are complementary and supplementary. (ii) Education does not become national by tagging the word ...
Main Characteristics of the National System of Education: Aurobindo pointed out the following elements: (i) Human and spiritual values are complementary and supplementary. (ii) Education does not become national by tagging the word ...
Experiences in school education J. S. Rajput, National Council of Educational ... - 2001 - 466 pages
... centuries of experiments in the spiritual fields have shown that the neglect of material life and neglect of collective welfare result in poverty or bankruptcy and even in economic and political slavery. As Sri Aurobindo pointed ...
... centuries of experiments in the spiritual fields have shown that the neglect of material life and neglect of collective welfare result in poverty or bankruptcy and even in economic and political slavery. As Sri Aurobindo pointed ...
Indian Political Thought - Page 401 Urmila Sharma, S.K. Sharma - 2001 - 416 pages
Sri Aurobindo was more practical than MK Gandhi. For instance, while MK Gandhi talked of completely eliminating violence from international politics, Sri Aurobindo pointed out to the psychological ...
Sri Aurobindo was more practical than MK Gandhi. For instance, while MK Gandhi talked of completely eliminating violence from international politics, Sri Aurobindo pointed out to the psychological ...
Suṣamā-kalāśrīḥ: gems of literature & arts : Prof. Sushma ... Sushamā Kulaśreshṭha, Arunoday Natvarlal Jani ... - 2001 - 603 pages
... centuries of experiments in the spiritual fields have shown that the neglect of material life and neglect of collective welfare result in poverty or bankruptcy and even in economic and political slavery. As Sri Aurobindo pointed ...
... centuries of experiments in the spiritual fields have shown that the neglect of material life and neglect of collective welfare result in poverty or bankruptcy and even in economic and political slavery. As Sri Aurobindo pointed ...
The poetry of Sri Aurobindo: a journey from ego to self Kishor Gandhi - 2001 - 205 pages
But Sri Aurobindo pointed out that the critics had missed entirely the purpose of his work. In a letter written in response to a criticism on Savitri he says : I have not anywhere in Savitri written anything for the sake of mere ...
But Sri Aurobindo pointed out that the critics had missed entirely the purpose of his work. In a letter written in response to a criticism on Savitri he says : I have not anywhere in Savitri written anything for the sake of mere ...
Integral health: a consciousness approach to health & healing Soumitra Basu, Sri Aurobindo International ... - 2000 - 147 pages
Sri Aurobindo pointed out as early as 1910 that the bias of the left hemisphere in asserting the critical and analytic faculties had to be balanced by the synthetic and comprehensive functioning of the right hemisphere ...
Sri Aurobindo pointed out as early as 1910 that the bias of the left hemisphere in asserting the critical and analytic faculties had to be balanced by the synthetic and comprehensive functioning of the right hemisphere ...
Arise again, ô India!, François Gautier
- 2000 - 184 pages
Hence these doctors and the psychiatrists of the West are, as Sri Aurobindo pointed out, "searching with a torch. light in the dark caverns of man's Unconscious."India is also full of marvellous indigenous arts which are ignored by the ...
Hence these doctors and the psychiatrists of the West are, as Sri Aurobindo pointed out, "searching with a torch. light in the dark caverns of man's Unconscious."
Colonialism, tradition, and reform: an analysis of Gandhi's ... - Page 185, Bhikhu C. Parekh
- 1999 - 359 pages
the Gita could not be concerned with his internal struggles, at any rate not with them alone. Furthermore, its manner of discussing moral problems rendered Gandhi's interpretation wholly implausible. As Aurobindo pointed out in a conversation with Ambala Purani:38 So SriKrishna says to Arjuna, 'You may kill the bad passions or evil tendencies, but do not be sorry, really they are not going to be killed! Who kills whom? ...
the Gita could not be concerned with his internal struggles, at any rate not with them alone. Furthermore, its manner of discussing moral problems rendered Gandhi's interpretation wholly implausible. As Aurobindo pointed out in a conversation with Ambala Purani:38 So Sri
The oneness/otherness mystery: the synthesis of science and mysticism - Page 591, Sutapas Bhattacharya
- 1999 - 677 pages
Recall that Aurobindo pointed out that all of our imaginations and fantasies are themselves based on deeper aspects of Reality of which we are not aware in our normal state of existence. Although some of these experiences may be largely ...
Recall that Aurobindo pointed out that all of our imaginations and fantasies are themselves based on deeper aspects of Reality of which we are not aware in our normal state of existence. Although some of these experiences may be largely ...
Tradition and the rhetoric of right: popular political argument in ... - Page 37 David J. Lorenzo - 1999 - 339 pages
The members of the Ashram maintained that the promised land (ends) to whichAurobindo pointed could only be anticipated and finally obtained by the conscious emulation and obedience of people to the example and authority of Aurobindo ...
The members of the Ashram maintained that the promised land (ends) to whichAurobindo pointed could only be anticipated and finally obtained by the conscious emulation and obedience of people to the example and authority of Aurobindo ...
Father India: how encounters with an ancient culture transformed ... Jeffery Paine - 1998 - 324 pages
Delivering a radio address to celebrateIndia 's Independence in 1947, Aurobindo pointed out that Independence Day and his birthday falling on the same day was...
Delivering a radio address to celebrate
Encyclopaedia of Eminent Thinkers: The political thought of Aurobindo - Page 18 K. S. Bharathi - 1998 - 111 pages
He thundered forth the self- confidence of the younger generation, and the deepest aspiration of the soul of India — the aspiration for complete freedom.8 Aurobindo pointed to the disastrous effects of the British Imperialistic policy ...
He thundered forth the self- confidence of the younger generation, and the deepest aspiration of the soul of India — the aspiration for complete freedom.8 Aurobindo pointed to the disastrous effects of the British Imperialistic policy ...
Hindu Nationalism in India: Modern trends 1998 D.D. Pattanaik
Aurobindo pointed out that it cannot be for a moment, contended that we can again be spiritually great without being politically dominant. No human scheme of spiritual amelioration can be effective without the liberal and public ...
Aurobindo pointed out that it cannot be for a moment, contended that we can again be spiritually great without being politically dominant. No human scheme of spiritual amelioration can be effective without the liberal and public ...
Glimpses of Vedantism in Sri Aurobindo's political thought, Samar Basu
, Sri Aurobindo Ashram - 1998 - 73 pages
And then Sri Aurobindo pointed out where lay a limit to passive resistance. "So long as the action of the executive is peaceful and within the rules of the fight, the passive resister scrupulously maintains his attitude of passivity, ...
And then Sri Aurobindo pointed out where lay a limit to passive resistance. "So long as the action of the executive is peaceful and within the rules of the fight, the passive resister scrupulously maintains his attitude of passivity, ...
The Political Philosophy of the Bhagavad Gita, A.V. Reddy
- 1997 - 180 pages
As Sri Aurobindo pointed out, "Pranayam and Asans, concentration, worship, ceremonies, religious practice are not themselves Yoga but only a means towards Yoga."62 The disinterested outlook becomes Yogic only when it is balanced by ...
As Sri Aurobindo pointed out, "Pranayam and Asans, concentration, worship, ceremonies, religious practice are not themselves Yoga but only a means towards Yoga."62 The disinterested outlook becomes Yogic only when it is balanced by ...
Sri Aurobindo and the new age: essays in memory of Kishor Gandhi Kishor Gandhi, Sachidananda Mohanty
... - 1997 - 239 pages
However, Sri Aurobindo pointed that a perilous situation had arisen in Asia in the emergence of communist China. In this context Sri Aurobindo predicted the possibility of danger to Tibet and to India. Sri Aurobindo wrote: In Asia a ...
However, Sri Aurobindo pointed that a perilous situation had arisen in Asia in the emergence of communist China. In this context Sri Aurobindo predicted the possibility of danger to Tibet and to India. Sri Aurobindo wrote: In Asia a ...
History Of Freedom Movement In India (1857-1947) - Page 79, S N Sen
- 1997 - 418 pages
Aurobindo pointed out the widening gap between the rich and poor and the imminence of a revolution of the proletariat. He criticised the Moderates for ignoring the proletariat 'the real key of the situation' and of 'playing with ...
Aurobindo pointed out the widening gap between the rich and poor and the imminence of a revolution of the proletariat. He criticised the Moderates for ignoring the proletariat 'the real key of the situation' and of 'playing with ...
Philosophy and democracy in Asia, Philip Cam, In-suk Cha, Mark Gustaaf Tamthai ...
- 1997 - 182 pages
As Sri Aurobindo pointed out: "the seers of ancient India had, in their experiments and efforts at spiritual training and the conquest of the body, perfected a discovery which in its importance to the future of human knowledge dwarfs ...
As Sri Aurobindo pointed out: "the seers of ancient India had, in their experiments and efforts at spiritual training and the conquest of the body, perfected a discovery which in its importance to the future of human knowledge dwarfs ...
Modernization of Muslim youth, Bani Banerjee
- 1997 - 271 pages
As a representative of this school, Sri Aurobindo pointed out that the Indian survival depended on an integral approach to the question of modernization. The Indians should have pride for the past, pain for the present degraded ...
As a representative of this school, Sri Aurobindo pointed out that the Indian survival depended on an integral approach to the question of modernization. The Indians should have pride for the past, pain for the present degraded ...
World religions, Alfred Warren Matthews
- 1995 - 528 pages
Sri Aurobindo pointed out that correct moral action for individuals is not foreign to them — something imposed by society. Freedom comes through living according to the universal principle within humans. Being true to themselves, ...
Sri Aurobindo pointed out that correct moral action for individuals is not foreign to them — something imposed by society. Freedom comes through living according to the universal principle within humans. Being true to themselves, ...
The politics of history: Aryan invasion theory and the subversion ..., Navaratna Srinivasa Rajaram
- 1995 - 244 pages
The solution lies, again as Sri Aurobindo pointed out, in approaching their task with the proper attitude: Its right attitude is humility, its chief business to seek always for surer foundations and a better justification for its ...
The solution lies, again as Sri Aurobindo pointed out, in approaching their task with the proper attitude: Its right attitude is humility, its chief business to seek always for surer foundations and a better justification for its ...
The Veda and Indian culture: an introductory essay - Page 29 Kireet Joshi - 1994 - 116 pages
As Sri Aurobindo pointed out, '. . . the seers of ancient India had, in their experiments and efforts at spiritual training and the conquest of the body, perfected a discovery which in its importance to the future of human knowledge ...
As Sri Aurobindo pointed out, '. . . the seers of ancient India had, in their experiments and efforts at spiritual training and the conquest of the body, perfected a discovery which in its importance to the future of human knowledge ...
World union World Union (Organization) - 1994
... peace and harmony in ourselves; we must dis-cover, (and not discover) the layers of disunity and disharmony as the Mother and Sri Aurobindo pointed out to find out the inner truth of our being — the source of peace and" harmony. ...
... peace and harmony in ourselves; we must dis-cover, (and not discover) the layers of disunity and disharmony as the Mother and Sri Aurobindo pointed out to find out the inner truth of our being — the source of peace and" harmony. ...
Occult Lines Behind Life - Page 55 Madhav Pundalik Pandit - 1992 - 100 pages
Sri Aurobindo pointed out that in these matters the instruments are only secondary; they indicate that the person handling them has a certain capacity to be open to the plane whence proceeds this knowledge. ...
Sri Aurobindo pointed out that in these matters the instruments are only secondary; they indicate that the person handling them has a certain capacity to be open to the plane whence proceeds this knowledge. ...
Consciousness and creativity: a case study of Sri Aurobindo, T.S. ..., Sumita Roy
- 1991 - 200 pages
As Sri Aurobindo pointed out often, the evolution of consciousness is an inevitable result.of the forward movement of time. But this evolution proceeds in the right direction only with the willingness and cooperation of the individual ...
As Sri Aurobindo pointed out often, the evolution of consciousness is an inevitable result.of the forward movement of time. But this evolution proceeds in the right direction only with the willingness and cooperation of the individual ...
Indian idea of political resistance: Aurobindo, Tilak, Gandhi, and ..., Ashok S. Chousalkar
- 1990 - 131 pages
Tilak thought that philosophy of the Gita could provide the necessary courage of conviction to the people because, as Aurobindo pointed out "the Gita was the most comprehensive production of Indian spirituality by its own authoritative ...
Tilak thought that philosophy of the Gita could provide the necessary courage of conviction to the people because, as Aurobindo pointed out "the Gita was the most comprehensive production of Indian spirituality by its own authoritative ...
World union World Union (Organization) - 1990
ln the same essay Sri Aurobindo pointed out the other role-models that had enriched the lndian character: Prahlada, Kama. Harish- chandra, Site, Savitri. The lndian was inspired by "the sense-conquering thought of the philosopher, ...
ln the same essay Sri Aurobindo pointed out the other role-models that had enriched the lndian character: Prahlada, Kama. Harish- chandra, Site, Savitri. The lndian was inspired by "the sense-conquering thought of the philosopher, ...
The meeting of science and spirit: guidelines for a new age John Warren White - 1990 - 288 pagesSri Aurobindo pointed to the final stage of yoga as one in which, after attaining union with the Supermind, the yogi begins a structural reorganization of his body on the molecular level. He alters his cellular construction and ...
Sri Aurobindo and the Mother: glimpses of their experiments, ... - Page 93, Kireet Joshi
- 1989 - 295 pages
As Sri Aurobindo pointed out: T have been testing day and night for years upon years more scrupulously than any scientist his theory or his method on the physical plane.'* The Mother was Shakti in action. After full day's work starting ...
As Sri Aurobindo pointed out: T have been testing day and night for years upon years more scrupulously than any scientist his theory or his method on the physical plane.'* The Mother was Shakti in action. After full day's work starting ...
A sense of the sacred: a biography of Bede Griffiths, Kathryn Spink
- 1989 - 214 pages
I recognized, to detract from the devotion of the women who had surrendered their most prized possession but in the grey chill that followed a disturbed night I could not help but recall some words of Sri Aurobindo pointed out to me ...
I recognized, to detract from the devotion of the women who had surrendered their most prized possession but in the grey chill that followed a disturbed night I could not help but recall some words of Sri Aurobindo pointed out to me ...
Indian English writing, 1981-1985: experiments with expression Dr. R. K. Singh
- 1987 - 168 pages
One of the effects of the physical conquest of India by Britain, and of the two countries' mutual pressure, as Sri Aurobindo pointed out long ago, has been assimilation for harmony. Indians' urge for cultural self-expression , even if ...
One of the effects of the physical conquest of India by Britain, and of the two countries' mutual pressure, as Sri Aurobindo pointed out long ago, has been assimilation for harmony. Indians' urge for cultural self-expression , even if ...
Indian writing in English, K. R. Srinivasa Iyengar
- 1985 - 848 pages
... a common urge to move towards the new horizons of the future, all have been there, and are still there — however much the political fog may try to obscure them. But as Sri Aurobindo pointed out in an article in the ...
... a common urge to move towards the new horizons of the future, all have been there, and are still there — however much the political fog may try to obscure them. But as Sri Aurobindo pointed out in an article in the ...
Sri Aurobindo: a biography and a history K. R. Srinivasa Iyengar - 1985 - 812 pages
Sri Aurobindo pointed out that the "sporting spirit" includes: ...good humour and tolerance and consideration for all, a right attitude and friendliness to competitors and rivals, self-control and scrupulous observance of the laws ...
Sri Aurobindo pointed out that the "sporting spirit" includes: ...good humour and tolerance and consideration for all, a right attitude and friendliness to competitors and rivals, self-control and scrupulous observance of the laws ...
Modern Indian thought: (Rammohun Roy to Jayaprakash Narayan), Dev Raj Bali
- 1984 - 262 pages
Sri Aurobindo pointed out that previously evolution was a blind and instinctive process but henceforth human beings would consciously participate in the process and hasten it. Sri Aurobindo's technique of integral Yoga incorporating the ...
Sri Aurobindo pointed out that previously evolution was a blind and instinctive process but henceforth human beings would consciously participate in the process and hasten it. Sri Aurobindo's technique of integral Yoga incorporating the ...
The political philosophy of Swami Vivekananda, A. V. Rathna Reddy
- 1984 - 192 pages
Indeed, as Sri Aurobindo pointed out, Vivekananda scrupulously followed the principle of 'preservation by reconstruction'. According to Sri Aurobindo, "of this free dealing ...
Indeed, as Sri Aurobindo pointed out, Vivekananda scrupulously followed the principle of 'preservation by reconstruction'. According to Sri Aurobindo, "of this free dealing ...
Mother and I, Madhav Pundalik Pandit
- 1984 - 271 pages
Sri Aurobindo pointed out that the relationship with Mother was surely not built by words and it could not be affected by words either ! On another occasion, in a mood of depression, K. asked Sri Aurobindo through ...
Sri Aurobindo pointed out that the relationship with Mother was surely not built by words and it could not be affected by words either ! On another occasion, in a mood of depression, K. asked Sri Aurobindo through ...
Dr Bhagwan Das as a social thinker, Durga Prasad Singh Khanna
- 1983 - 244 pages
... common to all the above-named great personalities of the Indian Renaissance. They proclaimed that India was to rise and be free not only for her own sake but for the sake of the world. As Sri Aurobindo pointed out in his famous ...
... common to all the above-named great personalities of the Indian Renaissance. They proclaimed that India was to rise and be free not only for her own sake but for the sake of the world. As Sri Aurobindo pointed out in his famous ...
The Gurudev and the Mahatma, Sumitra Roy-Chowdhury
- 1982 - 210 pages
universalistic or cosmopolitan outlook aiming at the spiritual salvation of the whole of mankind in general. For them, India had to rise and be free not only for her own sake, but for the sake of the world. As Sri Aurobindo pointed ...
universalistic or cosmopolitan outlook aiming at the spiritual salvation of the whole of mankind in general. For them, India had to rise and be free not only for her own sake, but for the sake of the world. As Sri Aurobindo pointed ...
Sri Aurobindo, his life unique Rishabhchand - 1981 - 427 pages
Dr. KM Munshi, Ex-Governor of the Uttar Pradesh, who was a student of Sri Aurobindo at Baroda College, once asked him how nationalism could be developed. Sri Aurobindo "pointed to a wall-map and said something to this effect: 'Look at...
Dr. KM Munshi, Ex-Governor of the Uttar Pradesh, who was a student of Sri Aurobindo at Baroda College, once asked him how nationalism could be developed. Sri Aurobindo "pointed to a wall-map and said something to this effect: 'Look at...
Sri Aurobindo's integral approach to political thought, Shiva Kumar Mital
- 1981 - 268 pages
Sri Aurobindo pointed out that in the world-state nations will take the place of individuals. These nations being self- conscious societies are bound to pass through pronounced- form of social democracy or socialism. ...
Sri Aurobindo pointed out that in the world-state nations will take the place of individuals. These nations being self- conscious societies are bound to pass through pronounced- form of social democracy or socialism. ...
The eye of Shiva: Eastern mysticism and science, Amaury De Riencourt
- 1981 - 221 pages
Aurobindo pointed out that "All Raja Yoga depends on this perception and experience: that our inner elements, combinations, functions, forces, can be separated or dissolved, can be newly combined and set to novel and formerly ...
Aurobindo pointed out that "All Raja Yoga depends on this perception and experience: that our inner elements, combinations, functions, forces, can be separated or dissolved, can be newly combined and set to novel and formerly ...
Terrorism in India, Shaileshwar Nath
- 1980 - 350 pages
held in their articles in The Modern Review of the twenties that with the renaissance of Bengal began not only the renaissance of India but that of whole Asia. As early as 1908, Aurobindo pointed out through the columns of the Bande... [The Bomb in Bengal: The Rise of Revolutionary Terrorism in India 1900-1910
Peter Heehs (Paperback - Aug 2005)]
held in their articles in The Modern Review of the twenties that with the renaissance of Bengal began not only the renaissance of India but that of whole Asia. As early as 1908, Aurobindo pointed out through the columns of the Bande... [The Bomb in Bengal: The Rise of Revolutionary Terrorism in India 1900-1910
C. R. Das and his times, Pranab Chandra Roy Choudhury
- 1979 - 187 pages
Dutt defended himself and all other co-accused and obtained their acquittal after proving that the entire case was a fabrication. In his article on 'Passive Resistance' in Bande Mataram in April 1907 SriAurobindo pointed out the difference between the old and the new parties. Regarding the attitude of the Moderates he wrote ...
Dutt defended himself and all other co-accused and obtained their acquittal after proving that the entire case was a fabrication. In his article on 'Passive Resistance' in Bande Mataram in April 1907 SriAurobindo pointed out the difference between the old and the new parties. Regarding the attitude of the Moderates he wrote ...
Sri Aurobindo, the perfect and the good, Robert Neil Minor
- 1978 - 191 pages
... any condemnation of other methods as in all circumstances criminal and unjustifiable.183 Aurobindo pointed out that it is the nature of the pressure which the government puts upon the movement which determines the appropriate nature...
... any condemnation of other methods as in all circumstances criminal and unjustifiable.183 Aurobindo pointed out that it is the nature of the pressure which the government puts upon the movement which determines the appropriate nature...
The Hindu personality in education: Tagore, Gandhi, Aurobindo, William Cenkner
- 1976 - 230 pages
Sri Aurobindo pointed to the mind as the goal of education: "The true basis of education is the study of the human mind, infant, adolescent and adult/'5 Education must take account not only of the mind of the individual and the people ...
Sri Aurobindo pointed to the mind as the goal of education: "The true basis of education is the study of the human mind, infant, adolescent and adult/'5 Education must take account not only of the mind of the individual and the people ...
Bengal: change and continuity Ingrid Aall - 1971 - 270 pages
151 Calling for inner freedom, Aurobindo pointed to a new age which men should work towards. One means for reaching this pinnacle of human destiny which lay ahead was by yoga and the gathering of men's inner forces. ...
151 Calling for inner freedom, Aurobindo pointed to a new age which men should work towards. One means for reaching this pinnacle of human destiny which lay ahead was by yoga and the gathering of men's inner forces. ...
The Indian national movement, Jyoti Prasad Suda
- 1969 - 444 pages
Patriotism or love for our own country was never identified with hatred for the foreigner. India wanted to rise and be free not only for her own sake, but for the sake of the world. As Sri Aurobindo pointed out : 'It is to give this ...
Patriotism or love for our own country was never identified with hatred for the foreigner. India wanted to rise and be free not only for her own sake, but for the sake of the world. As Sri Aurobindo pointed out : 'It is to give this ...
Congress and congressmen in the pre-Gandhian era, 1885-1917, Bimanbehari Majumdar
, Bhakat Prasad Mazumdar - 1967 - 527 pages
8B In his famous articles on Passive Resistance, published in the Bande Mataram in April, 1907 Sri Aurobindo pointed out the difference between the old and the new parties in stronger language. Referring to the attitude of the ...
8B In his famous articles on Passive Resistance, published in the Bande Mataram in April, 1907 Sri Aurobindo pointed out the difference between the old and the new parties in stronger language. Referring to the attitude of the ...
Pakistan, an anthology Syed Sajjad Husain - 1964 - 255 pages
As Sri Aurobindo pointed out : the Mughal Empire was then the most civilized achievement of the human race. The concept of cultural federalism in India was Muslim in origin. Equality before law was rigidly applied by them.29 ...
As Sri Aurobindo pointed out : the Mughal Empire was then the most civilized achievement of the human race. The concept of cultural federalism in India was Muslim in origin. Equality before law was rigidly applied by them.29 ...
Main currents of social & political thought in modern India, Jyoti Prasad Suda
- 1963
In the second place, Sri Aurobindo pointed out in strong terms the unsuitability of the administrative system established by the British rulers to the conditions prevailing in our country. ...
In the second place, Sri Aurobindo pointed out in strong terms the unsuitability of the administrative system established by the British rulers to the conditions prevailing in our country. ...
In the portals of Indian universities: convocation and other addresses, Chintaman Dwarkanath Deshmukh
- 1959 - 336 pages
It was through this journal that Sri Aurobindo pointed out the hollowness of the Minto-Morley reforms and enunciated the idea of passive resistance as an instrument of political action. Sri Aurobindo did not rule out violence in all ...
It was through this journal that Sri Aurobindo pointed out the hollowness of the Minto-Morley reforms and enunciated the idea of passive resistance as an instrument of political action. Sri Aurobindo did not rule out violence in all ...
Munshi, his art and work, Shri Munshi Seventieth Birthday Citizens ...
- 1957
Once he met Aurobindo and asked him, not without some hesitation: "How can nationalism be cultivated?" Aurobindo pointed to a wall-map of India, and said: Look at that map. Learn to find in it the portrait of ...
Once he met Aurobindo and asked him, not without some hesitation: "How can nationalism be cultivated?" Aurobindo pointed to a wall-map of India, and said: Look at that map. Learn to find in it the portrait of ...
of the Baroda College, Munshi and one of his friends went to meet him. With great trepidation of heart Munshi asked him: "How can one become patriotic?" With a disarming smile Aurobindo pointed at the wall map of India and said ...
Journey to Infinity With a Unified Vision - Page 73 Keta Meera Sahebu
Swami Vivekananda and Sri Aurobindo pointed out how Vedanta can help solve problems of the world. Kautilya wrote a treatise on Arthasastra. There are many other sages and seers who talked of laws of economies in their teachings. ls it ...
Swami Vivekananda and Sri Aurobindo pointed out how Vedanta can help solve problems of the world. Kautilya wrote a treatise on Arthasastra. There are many other sages and seers who talked of laws of economies in their teachings. ls it ...
Education in Emerging Indian Society - Page 363, Y.k.singh
Criticizing the prevalent system of education conducted by the British in India, SriAurobindo pointed out that in it the students do not achieve the real purpose of education. He was against education only for earning livelihood. ...
Criticizing the prevalent system of education conducted by the British in India, SriAurobindo pointed out that in it the students do not achieve the real purpose of education. He was against education only for earning livelihood. ...
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