Jesus Beyond Christianity: The Classic Texts - Page 192 Gregory A. Barker, Stephen E. Gregg - 2010 - 256 pages
Complete Works of Sri Aurobindo (Pondicherry: Sri Aurobindo Ashram Press, 1997, CD ROM Edition), 75–6. 225 [Editor's note:] Aurobindo is differentiating between the spiritual rule of Christ and the earthly rule of these political ...
Complete Works of Sri Aurobindo (Pondicherry: Sri Aurobindo Ashram Press, 1997, CD ROM Edition), 75–6. 225 [Editor's note:] Aurobindo is differentiating between the spiritual rule of Christ and the earthly rule of these political ...
The philosophy of religion reader Chad V. Meister - 2007 - 718 pages
Aurobindo differentiates between this true Self (Purusha) and the changing self of personality which is rooted in Prakriti (the basic matter of which the universe is made). While the changing self of personality— a complex composite of ...
Aurobindo differentiates between this true Self (Purusha) and the changing self of personality which is rooted in Prakriti (the basic matter of which the universe is made). While the changing self of personality— a complex composite of ...
Mother India: monthly review of culture Sri Aurobindo Ashram - 2004
Sri Aurobindo differentiates between love and adoration; he wants to see them fused in this way to form the integral union between man and God. As the most authentic interpreter of the Gita, Sri Aurobindo virtually clarifies the journey ...
Sri Aurobindo differentiates between love and adoration; he wants to see them fused in this way to form the integral union between man and God. As the most authentic interpreter of the Gita, Sri Aurobindo virtually clarifies the journey ...
Indian cultural nationalism 2004 - 290 pages
Aurobindo differentiated the work culture of religion inIndia from that in Europe . He said the religious thinking of Europe was accustomed to rigid impoverishing definitions, to stria exclusions, to a constant preoccupation with the ...
Aurobindo differentiated the work culture of religion in
Swami Vivekananda: messiah of resurgent India - Page 320, P. R. Bhuyan
- 2003 - 389 pages
but a deep religious sadhana. He identified Hindu nationalism with religion and said that nationalism is not mere a political programme. It is a religion that has come from God. Aurobindo differentiated nationalism from patriotism. ...
but a deep religious sadhana. He identified Hindu nationalism with religion and said that nationalism is not mere a political programme. It is a religion that has come from God. Aurobindo differentiated nationalism from patriotism. ...
The perennial quest for a psychology with a soul: an inquiry into ... - Page 420 Joseph Vrinte - 2002 - 568 pages
Sri Aurobindo differentiates the cyclic evolution from the circular; in the latter everything is repeated as it is, whereas in the former there is repetition but nothing is exactly the same as it was in the previous order. ...
Sri Aurobindo differentiates the cyclic evolution from the circular; in the latter everything is repeated as it is, whereas in the former there is repetition but nothing is exactly the same as it was in the previous order. ...
The quest for the inner man: transpersonal psychotherapy and ... - Page 154, Joseph Vrinte
- 1996 - 282 pages
Sri Aurobindo differentiates the psychic being
from the vital being. The psychic entity, in its manifestation, takes two forms; 1. The surface desire-soul, a superficial psychological element which is involved in vital cravings, ...
Sri Aurobindo differentiates the psychic being
Encyclopaedia of Eminent Thinkers: The political thought of Aurobindo - Page 37 K. S. Bharathi - 1998 - 111 pages
if he cannot pursue or achieve a complete material living, he can spiritually exist and find his own reality and indwelling self of being". Aurobindo differentiates between the soul of the community and communal egoism. ...
if he cannot pursue or achieve a complete material living, he can spiritually exist and find his own reality and indwelling self of being". Aurobindo differentiates between the soul of the community and communal egoism. ...
The Indian Scriptures and the Life Divine - Page 113, Binita Pani
- 1993 - 367 pages
Let us first consider how Sri Aurobindo differentiates the mental being from the Gnostic Being. The mental being, when it ascends to the supramental consciousness, is able to achieve the supramental consciousness. ...
Let us first consider how Sri Aurobindo differentiates the mental being from the Gnostic Being. The mental being, when it ascends to the supramental consciousness, is able to achieve the supramental consciousness. ...
Political history in a changing world, Govind Chandra Pande, S. K. Gupta, Shankar Goyal
- 1992 - 392 pages
The Gita uses another term, vibhuti, to convey an idea somewhat similar to avatara. Sri Aurobindo differentiates between the conceptions of vibhuti and avatara. He compares Gita's conception of vibhuti with European conception of ...
The Gita uses another term, vibhuti, to convey an idea somewhat similar to avatara. Sri Aurobindo differentiates between the conceptions of vibhuti and avatara. He compares Gita's conception of vibhuti with European conception of ...
Sri Aurobindo Ghosh and Bal Gangadhar Tilak: the spirit of freedom, Suneera Kapoor
- 1991 - 142 pages
when most of the individuals learn to act in response to reason. In the same way the third and final stage of society will reach when most of the men begin to govern their life by spirit. Aurobindo differentiates between the normal ...
when most of the individuals learn to act in response to reason. In the same way the third and final stage of society will reach when most of the men begin to govern their life by spirit. Aurobindo differentiates between the normal ...
The Political Philosophy of Sri Aurobindo - Page 378, V. P. Varma
- 1990 - 494 pages
Out of the fusion of both came his conception of freedom as obedience to the laws of our being. Aurobindo differentiates the notions of Sattvic freedom and ...
Out of the fusion of both came his conception of freedom as obedience to the laws of our being. Aurobindo differentiates the notions of Sattvic freedom and ...
Sri Aurobindo circle Aurobindo Ghose - 1985
Once, when the question came up during the 'evening talks
' in the mid-twenties, Sri Aurobindo differentiated between two movements of the money force, a lower manifestation controlled by Mammon or the Asura, and a higher force emanating ...
Once, when the question came up during the 'evening talks
Sri Aurobindo: a biography and a history, K. R. Srinivasa Iyengar
- 1985 - 812 pages
of course, quite another matter; but if any of you have experienced even a degree of it, even some faint reflection, then the purpose on the fifteenth will have been served. In the evening, Sri Aurobindo differentiated between the ...
of course, quite another matter; but if any of you have experienced even a degree of it, even some faint reflection, then the purpose on the fifteenth will have been served. In the evening, Sri Aurobindo differentiated between the ...
In the following passage, Sri Aurobindo differentiates between the three well- trodden paths of jnana, bhakti and karma, and shows how they converge in the integral Yoga and rise to a new height of liberation and consummation: In the Way...
Sri Aurobindo K. R. Srinivasa Iyengar - 1950 - 404 pages
In the following long passage Sri Aurobindo differentiates between the three classical paths and indicates how they may be coalesced into the integrality of Purna Yoga: "In the Way of Knowledge we may arrive at a point where we can leap...
In the following long passage Sri Aurobindo differentiates between the three classical paths and indicates how they may be coalesced into the integrality of Purna Yoga: "In the Way of Knowledge we may arrive at a point where we can leap...
1972 - In another article, Sri Aurobindo differentiated between a false facade of unity that was meaningless and the true unity that alone had the strength and will to dare and achieve. The cry for unity raised in season and out of season was ...
The future evolution of man: the divine life upon earth Aurobindo Ghose - 1971 - 156 pages
Sri Aurobindo differentiates in it three regions or parts. One part is subconscient, lower than our waking consciousness; another part is on a level with our waking consciousness but subliminal, behind the threshold of consciousness; ...
Sri Aurobindo differentiates in it three regions or parts. One part is subconscient, lower than our waking consciousness; another part is on a level with our waking consciousness but subliminal, behind the threshold of consciousness; ...
Sri Aurobindo and the theories of evolution: a critical and ..., Rama Shanker Srivastava
- 1968 - 464 pages
Sri Aurobindo differentiates the psychic entity from the ... Sri Aurobindo differentiates 1. The Life Divine, Book.I. , p. 207. 2. Ibid, 207. 3. Katha Upanisad, 2. 3. 17. 4. The Life Divine
, Book. I. , p. ...
Sri Aurobindo differentiates the psychic entity from the ... Sri Aurobindo differentiates 1. The Life Divine, Book.
A critical study of Aurobindo: with special reference to his ..., Laxman Ganpatrao Chincholkar
- 1966 - 216 pages ... Aurobindo differentiates between the ...
The philosophy of Sri Aurobindo, Ram Nath Sharma
- 1960 - 191 pages
Here. it must be noticed that Sri Aurobindo differentiates between a higher and a lower Maya, a higher and a lower Prakriti. The third status of individuality is not necessarily ignorance though ignorance may be a consequence of it. ...
Here. it must be noticed that Sri Aurobindo differentiates between a higher and a lower Maya, a higher and a lower Prakriti. The third status of individuality is not necessarily ignorance though ignorance may be a consequence of it. ...
The Indian journal of political science Indian Political Science Association - 1956
Aurobindo differentiates the notion of sattvic freedom as he formulates it and as it is found almost in a similar formulation in the Bhagavadgita, from the Stoic concept of freedom.1 While the Stoics emphasise ...
Aurobindo differentiates the notion of sattvic freedom as he formulates it and as it is found almost in a similar formulation in the Bhagavadgita, from the Stoic concept of freedom.1 While the Stoics emphasise ...
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