Terror and the Postcolonial: A Concise Companion - Page 161 Elleke Boehmer, Stephen Morton - 2009 - 395 pages Peter Heehs
The ideology of revolutionary publicists such as Bipin Chandra Pal and Aurobindo Ghose, although formed in part from a ... his opinion that a nation is entitled to attain its freedom by violence” (Ghose 1972: 41). But when he encouraged ... While not really in favor of assassination and dacoity, Aurobindo certainly was cognizant of his brother's attempts, ...
The ideology of revolutionary publicists such as Bipin Chandra Pal and Aurobindo Ghose, although formed in part from a ... his opinion that a nation is entitled to attain its freedom by violence” (Ghose 1972: 41). But when he encouraged ... While not really in favor of assassination and dacoity, Aurobindo certainly was cognizant of his brother's attempts, ...
Sri Aurobindo - A Contemporary Reader Sachidananda Mohanty, Aurobindo Ghose - 2008 - 180 pages
Sri Aurobindo took up a study of the major scriptures: the Upanishads along with works on Tantra and the Gita. ... This he tried first when he encouraged his disciple Motilal Roy to start a Sangha or commune at Chandernagore — a French...
Sri Aurobindo took up a study of the major scriptures: the Upanishads along with works on Tantra and the Gita. ... This he tried first when he encouraged his disciple Motilal Roy to start a Sangha or commune at Chandernagore — a French...
The Book of Stones: Who They Are & What They Teach - Page 441 Robert Simmons, Naisha Ahsian, Hazel Raven - 2007 - 465 pages
Sri Aurobindo encouraged a new view of the goal of spiritual striving — the goal, not of an escape from the world into Nirvana, but of bringing the Divine energies into manifestation in the world of matter through us, His name for the ...
Sri Aurobindo encouraged a new view of the goal of spiritual striving — the goal, not of an escape from the world into Nirvana, but of bringing the Divine energies into manifestation in the world of matter through us, His name for the ...
Yoga and the Sacred Fire: Self-Realization and Planetary ... - Page 287 David Frawley - 2006 - 291 pages
Aurobindo disagreed with Gandhi on several policies and felt that Gandhi's extreme ahimsa was not always the right policy. He encouraged Gandhi to support the British in the war against Hitler, though Gandhi declined. 95 Note various biographies of Aurobindo like Sri Aurobindo and the Mind of Light by Satprem. 96 His Hymns to the Mystic Fire contains ......
Aurobindo disagreed with Gandhi on several policies and felt that Gandhi's extreme ahimsa was not always the right policy. He encouraged Gandhi to support the British in the war against Hitler, though Gandhi declined. 95 Note various biographies of Aurobindo like Sri Aurobindo and the Mind of Light by Satprem. 96 His Hymns to the Mystic Fire contains ......
Letting be: Fred Dallmayr's cosmopolitical vision Stephen Frederick Schneck - 2006 - 382 pages
In our quest for spirituality, then, Aurobindo encourages us to recover those elements of our tradition that teach us about detachment and transcendence, about our interconnectedness, and about our dignity and duties. ...
In our quest for spirituality, then, Aurobindo encourages us to recover those elements of our tradition that teach us about detachment and transcendence, about our interconnectedness, and about our dignity and duties. ...
Nationalism, religion, and beyond: writings on politics, society, ... Aurobindo Ghose, Peter Heehs
- 2005 - 364 pages
If he encouraged young Indians to recover the heritage of their own country, it was "to build up on that basis a yet greater culture in the future" (selection 62). During the early years of the national movement, the overriding aim was ...
If he encouraged young Indians to recover the heritage of their own country, it was "to build up on that basis a yet greater culture in the future" (selection 62). During the early years of the national movement, the overriding aim was ...
The Primal Runes: Archetypes of Invocation and Empowerment - Page 29 Roger Calverley - 2005 - 338 pages
In particular, however, Sri Aurobindo and The Mother encouraged an integral spiritual practice whose goal was not to escape from worldly ignorance, but to transform it into divine fullness. But how does The Mother's work relate to this ...
In particular, however, Sri Aurobindo and The Mother encouraged an integral spiritual practice whose goal was not to escape from worldly ignorance, but to transform it into divine fullness. But how does The Mother's work relate to this ...
Nani Palkhivala, a tribute Nani Ardeshir Palkhivala, Soli J. Sorabjee ...
- 2004 - 277 pages
He was greatly attracted by the philosophy of Sri Aurobindo, and believed with strong conviction in the teachings of ...
He was greatly attracted by the philosophy of Sri Aurobindo, and believed with strong conviction in the teachings of ...
Nirodbaran, divinity's comrade, Hemant Kapoor
- 2003 - 639 pages
We have hardly any letter which Mrinalini wrote to Sri Aurobindo. And yet what we have is enough to confirm that even as a Yogi he never lost his tenderness and love for her. He encouraged her to take to spiritual life. ...
We have hardly any letter which Mrinalini wrote to Sri Aurobindo. And yet what we have is enough to confirm that even as a Yogi he never lost his tenderness and love for her. He encouraged her to take to spiritual life. ...
Netaji Subhas confronted the Indian ethos, 1900-1921: Yogi Sri ... - Page 171, Adwaita P. Ganguly
- 2003 - 224 pages
Sri Aurobindo included in the scope of his revolutionary work one kind of activity which afterwards became an important item in the public programme of the Nationalist party. He encouraged the young men in the centres of work to ...
Sri Aurobindo included in the scope of his revolutionary work one kind of activity which afterwards became an important item in the public programme of the Nationalist party. He encouraged the young men in the centres of work to ...
Immortal Paradigms: Sri Aurbindo Home-Coming Centenary Volume - Page 215 Charu Sheel Singh - 2002 - 264 pages
He encouraged the young men in the centres of work to propagate the Swadeshi idea which at that time was only in its ... Sri Aurobindo himself had always considered the shaking off of this economic yoke and the development of Indian ...
He encouraged the young men in the centres of work to propagate the Swadeshi idea which at that time was only in its ... Sri Aurobindo himself had always considered the shaking off of this economic yoke and the development of Indian ...
Sri Aurobindo, thinker and the yogi of the future, M. G. Umar
- 2001 - 284 pages
Sri Aurobindo encourages us to develop Samata, equality, and offer an equal response of detachment to dualities. You are not elated by the pleasant, or disturbed by the unpleasant. You are equal to fortune and misfortune. ...
Sri Aurobindo encourages us to develop Samata, equality, and offer an equal response of detachment to dualities. You are not elated by the pleasant, or disturbed by the unpleasant. You are equal to fortune and misfortune. ...
Sri Aurobindo and the Mother encouraged all activities in the Ashram as a legitimate expression of the Life Divine — philosophy, poetry, art, literature, industry, commerce, engineering, agriculture and cottage industry. ...
Overman: the intermediary between the human and the supramental being, Georges van Vrekhem
- 2001 - 189 pages
Sri Aurobindo encouraged the writing of poetry (as well as the practice of other art forms) because his concentration — the striving for inspiration — brings the poet into contact with the spiritual levels above the mind. ...
Sri Aurobindo encouraged the writing of poetry (as well as the practice of other art forms) because his concentration — the striving for inspiration — brings the poet into contact with the spiritual levels above the mind. ...
Beyond man: life and work of Sri Aurobindo and the Mother, Georges van Vrekhem
- 1997 - 544 pages
Aurobindo encouraged them in their arduous upward effort by sometimes telling them an experience of his own. 'When the peace of God descends on you, when the Divine Presence is there within you, when the Ananda rushes on you like a ...
Aurobindo encouraged them in their arduous upward effort by sometimes telling them an experience of his own. 'When the peace of God descends on you, when the Divine Presence is there within you, when the Ananda rushes on you like a ...
Experiences of a pilgrim soul, Cuttān̲anta Pāratiyār
- 2000 - 556 pages
(brother of Vivekananda) were preparing the Bengali youths for a violent action. For a time Sri Aurobindo encouraged it, but then abandoned it as unsuitable for the time-spirit for, the British were very strong and well-armed. ... The historic trial went on. Aurobindo was a simple witness. ...
(brother of Vivekananda) were preparing the Bengali youths for a violent action. For a time Sri Aurobindo encouraged it, but then abandoned it as unsuitable for the time-spirit for, the British were very strong and well-armed. ... The historic trial went on. Aurobindo was a simple witness. ...
Tradition and the rhetoric of right: popular political argument in ... - Page 61 David J. Lorenzo - 1999 - 339 pages
Her thesis is that during the Partition crisis and after, Aurobindo "encountered" the world in a way typical of ... Aurobindo wrote for and published newspapers and used English as his medium. He encouraged and supported a mass politics ...
Her thesis is that during the Partition crisis and after, Aurobindo "encountered" the world in a way typical of ... Aurobindo wrote for and published newspapers and used English as his medium. He encouraged and supported a mass politics ...
Indian revolutionaries: a comprehensive study, 1757-1961, Śrīkr̥shṇa Sarala
- 1999 - 302 pages
And Aurobindo Ghosh soon got the opportunity he was waiting for. He heard the call ofBengal which was experiencing the ... Hem Chandra Das was one of them and he encouraged him to go to European countries to learn how to make bombs....
And Aurobindo Ghosh soon got the opportunity he was waiting for. He heard the call of
Hinduism, TM, and Hare Krishna - Page 13 J. Isamu Yamamoto - 1998 - 89 pages
Hindus highly revere Aurobindo as an outstanding poet and charismatic spiritual leader who espoused a life devoted to ... he encouraged harmony among all religions, he advocated the spiritual superiority of Advaita Vedanta. ...
Hindus highly revere Aurobindo as an outstanding poet and charismatic spiritual leader who espoused a life devoted to ... he encouraged harmony among all religions, he advocated the spiritual superiority of Advaita Vedanta. ...
History of Bangladesh, 1704-1971, Sirajul Islam, Aklam Hussain
- 1997 - 3 pages
Extremist political leaders differed over the question of force: Bipin Chandra Pal was opposed, Aurobindo in favour ... by violence".12 But what he had in mind when he encouraged Jatin Banerjee and Barin Ghose to organise samitis was a ...
Extremist political leaders differed over the question of force: Bipin Chandra Pal was opposed, Aurobindo in favour ... by violence".12 But what he had in mind when he encouraged Jatin Banerjee and Barin Ghose to organise samitis was a ...
The Concept 1996
Bankim Chandra used this novel as an instrument of propaganda for Hinduism and he encouraged others through an article in 1885 to use ... Aurobindo Ghosh's contribution was to take up this mystic and religious concept of Bankim,...
Bankim Chandra used this novel as an instrument of propaganda for Hinduism and he encouraged others through an article in 1885 to use ... Aurobindo Ghosh's contribution was to take up this mystic and religious concept of Bankim,...
Arise Arjuna: Hinduism and the modern world, David Frawley
- 1995 - 228 pages
What Hindus need is to wake up and unite, to recognize their common spiritual heritage and work together to manifest it in the world today, just as modern teachers like Vivekananda and Aurobindo encouraged. Such teachers did not speak ...
What Hindus need is to wake up and unite, to recognize their common spiritual heritage and work together to manifest it in the world today, just as modern teachers like Vivekananda and Aurobindo encouraged. Such teachers did not speak ...
Mother India: monthly review of culture Sri Aurobindo Ashram - 1994
If Sri Aurobindo and the Mother direct us or permit us to eat this or that kind of food, we must accept their guidance. ... the truth for which the Mother encouraged an active life, the truth that we serve the Divine in a person and ...
If Sri Aurobindo and the Mother direct us or permit us to eat this or that kind of food, we must accept their guidance. ... the truth for which the Mother encouraged an active life, the truth that we serve the Divine in a person and ...
The vision and work of Sri Aurobindo, Kaikhushru Dhunjibhoy Sethna
- 1992 - 238 pages
Sri Aurobindo encourages discussion and invites suggestion, for often a lively give-and-take of the mind is the best means of preparing the right mental state for a formulation of the truth of things. I personally find Sri Aurobindo's ...
Sri Aurobindo encourages discussion and invites suggestion, for often a lively give-and-take of the mind is the best means of preparing the right mental state for a formulation of the truth of things. I personally find Sri Aurobindo's ...
Journal of the Karnatak University: Humanities Karnatak University - 1984
Sri Aurobindo encouraged the poet, corrected his verses and commented upon them. The present book comprises a selection of fifty of these poems. Both in theme and technique, ...
Sri Aurobindo encouraged the poet, corrected his verses and commented upon them. The present book comprises a selection of fifty of these poems. Both in theme and technique, ...
Sri Aurobindo, a brief biography Peter Heehs - 1989 - 172 pages
The Mother encouraged them to lay their grief aside and to look forward. It was 'left to us', she wrote, 'to realise his work with all the sincerity, eagerness and concentration necessary'. Since 1950 the Sri Aurobindo Ashram has grown ...
The Mother encouraged them to lay their grief aside and to look forward. It was 'left to us', she wrote, 'to realise his work with all the sincerity, eagerness and concentration necessary'. Since 1950 the Sri Aurobindo Ashram has grown ...
Talks with Sri Aurobindo, Nirodbaran
, Aurobindo Ghose - 1989
Sri Aurobindo : It may not have developed but it is encouraged. N : He says Sri Aurobindo being a poet can guide one even in technical details in poetry. He says Sri Aurobindo encourages painting too. SRI AUROBINDO: I am not a painter. ' N: But you have a thorough knowledge of painting and as you don't know much about music, it does not get much impetus. SRI AUROBINDO: As a matter of ... Mother India: monthly review of culture Sri Aurobindo Ashram – 1966
Sri Aurobindo : It may not have developed but it is encouraged. N : He says Sri Aurobindo being a poet can guide one even in technical details in poetry. He says Sri Aurobindo encourages painting too. SRI AUROBINDO: I am not a painter. ' N: But you have a thorough knowledge of painting and as you don't know much about music, it does not get much impetus. SRI AUROBINDO: As a matter of ... Mother India: monthly review of culture Sri Aurobindo Ashram – 1966
How they came to Sri Aurobindo and the Mother: twenty-nine true ..., Shyam Kumari
- 1990 - 257 pages
With the other trusts it was a different story. They were allowed to take loans and overdrafts. The Mother encouraged their activities and indeed, if these money-earning departments had not been there, it would have been very difficult to go on. Without them we could not have managed to do all that we have done. ... Mother India: monthly review of culture Sri Aurobindo Ashram – 1990
With the other trusts it was a different story. They were allowed to take loans and overdrafts. The Mother encouraged their activities and indeed, if these money-earning departments had not been there, it would have been very difficult to go on. Without them we could not have managed to do all that we have done. ... Mother India: monthly review of culture Sri Aurobindo Ashram – 1990
Mother India: monthly review of culture Kaikhushru Dhunjibhoy Sethna, Sri Aurobindo Ashram - 1985
386) The Mother encouraged people to ask questions and questions were asked on varied subjects. She would either answer them or sometimes stray to other subjects that She thought we must know about. One evening Her talk turned on Yoga ...
Mother and I Madhav Pundalik Pandit - 1984 - 271 pages
When I was approached to give talks there on the Teachings of Sri Aurobindo, the Mother encouraged me to take up the Synthesis of Yoga rather than the Life Divine. The series started in 1972, once a fortnight. Somehow by the time we came to the end of the Yoga of Knowledge, ... Mother India: monthly review of culture Sri Aurobindo Ashram - 1981
386) The Mother encouraged people to ask questions and questions were asked on varied subjects. She would either answer them or sometimes stray to other subjects that She thought we must know about. One evening Her talk turned on Yoga ...
Mother and I Madhav Pundalik Pandit - 1984 - 271 pages
When I was approached to give talks there on the Teachings of Sri Aurobindo, the Mother encouraged me to take up the Synthesis of Yoga rather than the Life Divine. The series started in 1972, once a fortnight. Somehow by the time we came to the end of the Yoga of Knowledge, ... Mother India: monthly review of culture Sri Aurobindo Ashram - 1981
Mother India: monthly review of culture, THE STORY OF A SOUL
BY HUTA Foreword THE MOTHER encouraged me to write this book and graciously gave her blessings and the constant support of her Force. So in telling the Story I have trusted throughout to the inspiration from the... Sri Aurobindo Ashram - 1997
The beginning of inner life expressed here forms the background of yet another book The Story of a Soul which the Mother encouraged Huta to write, giving her constant support and Force. The Story of a Soul will be published ...
The quest for political and spiritual liberation: a study in the ... June O'Connor - 1977 - 153 pages
But since conflict, struggle, and compromise are at the heart of the political forum, and since Aurobindo encourages a spiritually based life oriented toward the ...
But since conflict, struggle, and compromise are at the heart of the political forum, and since Aurobindo encourages a spiritually based life oriented toward the ...
Education for a new life Narayan Prasad - 1976 - 179 pages
The Mother encouraged the spirit of enquiry among the students: QUESTION: How is it that studies do not give me much pleasure? THE MOTHER: One does not study in order to have pleasure — one studies in order to learn things and to ...
The Mother encouraged the spirit of enquiry among the students: QUESTION: How is it that studies do not give me much pleasure? THE MOTHER: One does not study in order to have pleasure — one studies in order to learn things and to ...
East-West understanding of man Vedre Narayan Karan Reddy - 1974
On one hand Sri Aurobindo encourages the progressive manifestation of Life in Matter and says that each life becomes a step ahead in its victory over Matter and on the other hand he also says that Man in the long process of Evolution ...
On one hand Sri Aurobindo encourages the progressive manifestation of Life in Matter and says that each life becomes a step ahead in its victory over Matter and on the other hand he also says that Man in the long process of Evolution ...
Towards eternity; Sri Aurobindo birth centenary volume, 15th ... Aurobindo Ghose - 1973 - 526 pages
It is precisely here that the vision and philosophy of Sri Aurobindo encourage us to go deep into the basic urges of Indian Philosophy, not only to review them, re-cognise them and re-state them but also resume and reinstate them and ...
It is precisely here that the vision and philosophy of Sri Aurobindo encourage us to go deep into the basic urges of Indian Philosophy, not only to review them, re-cognise them and re-state them but also resume and reinstate them and ...
Breath of grace, Madhav Pundalik Pandit
- 1973 - 368 pages
Sri Aurobindo encouraged my writings of poetry from the very beginning. My first poems worth the name were written in 1935. There was a period when I sent up one poem everyday to the Master. I was not sure of the quality for by then I ...
Sri Aurobindo encouraged my writings of poetry from the very beginning. My first poems worth the name were written in 1935. There was a period when I sent up one poem everyday to the Master. I was not sure of the quality for by then I ...
Sri Aurobindo, Jesse Roarke
- 1973 - 189 pages
Ill Letters on Yoga For a long time after his nearly complete withdrawal from public association, Sri Aurobindo encouraged his disciples to write to him concerning their problems and questions in yoga. He spent many hours every day, ... Sri Aurobindo Navajata - 1972 - 127 pages ... Aurobindo encouraged ...
Ill Letters on Yoga For a long time after his nearly complete withdrawal from public association, Sri Aurobindo encouraged his disciples to write to him concerning their problems and questions in yoga. He spent many hours every day, ... Sri Aurobindo Navajata - 1972 - 127 pages ... Aurobindo encouraged ...
Bulletin Sri Aurobindo International Centre of ... - 1971
And I admit this fact that it is by the Grace of the Divine Mother and Sri Aurobindo that it has been possible for me to open this school and write a number of books on eye education. Often Sri Aurobindo encouraged me with his letters. ...
And I admit this fact that it is by the Grace of the Divine Mother and Sri Aurobindo that it has been possible for me to open this school and write a number of books on eye education. Often Sri Aurobindo encouraged me with his letters. ...
Mother India Sri Aurobindo Ashram - 1967
The Mother encouraged him, listening to his music once a fortnight. Sri Aurobindo once remarked that R would have been a great musician but he did not apply himself to it. He has poured out his feelings in numerous poems. ...
The Mother encouraged him, listening to his music once a fortnight. Sri Aurobindo once remarked that R would have been a great musician but he did not apply himself to it. He has poured out his feelings in numerous poems. ...
Studies in political thought, Jayanta Kumar Ray
- 1963 - 100 pages
Aurobindo encourages nationalists by emphasizing that nationalism cannot be crushed since it emanates from God. He wants to elevate the demand for national freedom to a religious faith so that the masses can be- awakened. ...
Aurobindo encourages nationalists by emphasizing that nationalism cannot be crushed since it emanates from God. He wants to elevate the demand for national freedom to a religious faith so that the masses can be- awakened. ...
The Indian review, G.A. Natesan
- 1959
Sai Baba like Maharishi and Aurobindo encouraged family life. There is a scintillating simplicity and as A R. Osborne stated there is an "invisibility" of the path followed ". Sai Baba and Maharishi prescribed neither ritual nor ...
Sai Baba like Maharishi and Aurobindo encouraged family life. There is a scintillating simplicity and as A R. Osborne stated there is an "invisibility" of the path followed ". Sai Baba and Maharishi prescribed neither ritual nor ...
Founding the life divine: an introduction to the integral yoga of ..., Morwenna Donnelly
- 1956 - 246 pages
"The stress is rather on an aspiration in the consciousness and a concentration of the mind, heart, will, all the being," he writes. Lastly, to those with the aptitude, Sri Aurobindo encourages the continuation of all creative ...
"The stress is rather on an aspiration in the consciousness and a concentration of the mind, heart, will, all the being," he writes. Lastly, to those with the aptitude, Sri Aurobindo encourages the continuation of all creative ...
IY Fundamentalism - Introduction
As the Ashram took form during the 1930s, Sri Aurobindo and the Mother encouraged their disciples to leave aside conventional religious practices or to fill ...
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