Sri Aurobindo on himself Aurobindo Ghose, Sri Aurobindo - 1972 - 513 pages
He not only helps by his teaching and still more by his influence and example but by a power to communicate his own experience to others. This is Sri Aurobindo's teaching and method of practice. It is not his object to develop ...
He not only helps by his teaching and still more by his influence and example but by a power to communicate his own experience to others. This is Sri Aurobindo's teaching and method of practice. It is not his object to develop ...
A century's salutation to Sri Aurobindo, Nolini Kanta Gupta
- 1972 - 128 pages
But one of the marked aspects of Sri Aurobindo's teaching and practice has been precisely his insistence on putting aside the inert and life-shunning quietism, illusionism, asceticism and monasticism of a latter day and decadent India. ...
But one of the marked aspects of Sri Aurobindo's teaching and practice has been precisely his insistence on putting aside the inert and life-shunning quietism, illusionism, asceticism and monasticism of a latter day and decadent India. ...
Collected Works of Nolini Kanta Gupta: The Yoga of Sri Aurobindo Nolini Kanta Gupta - 1972
The Divine Man The core of Sri Aurobindo's teaching, the central pivot on which his Yoga and his work rest is the mystery of the Divine Descent — Spirit descending into Matter and becoming Matter, God coming down upon earth and becoming ...
The Divine Man The core of Sri Aurobindo's teaching, the central pivot on which his Yoga and his work rest is the mystery of the Divine Descent — Spirit descending into Matter and becoming Matter, God coming down upon earth and becoming ...
Sri Aurobindo Sisirkumar Mitra - 1972 - 215 pages
... the keynote of all Sri Aurobindo's teachings, that it was his dominant principle by which he wanted his country's politics and his countrymen's lives to be governed. If that was a crime Sri Aurobindo would willingly admit his guilt. ...
'Sri Aurobindo's teaching states that this One Being and Consciousness is involved here in Matter. Evolution is the method by which it liberates itself; consciousness appears in what seems to be inconscient, and once having appeared is ...
Sri Aurobindo: a biography and a history 1972
In her message of benediction and consecration on 12 February 1956 she said: "Let this place be worthy of its name and manifest the true spirit of Sri Aurobindo's teaching and message to the world". Two months later, on23 April 1956 , ...
In her message of benediction and consecration on 12 February 1956 she said: "Let this place be worthy of its name and manifest the true spirit of Sri Aurobindo's teaching and message to the world". Two months later, on
The whole point of Sri Aurobindo's teaching has been that there are overhead planes of consciousness above the mental, and it is possible to bring them down ...
Sri Aurobindo: a descriptive bibliography Hari Krishen Kaul - 1972 - 222 pages Indian librarian 1972
... of the National Committee for Celebration of Sri Aurobindo's Birth Centenary, a set of books embodying Sri Aurobindo's teaching. "1972 is the Birth Centenary Year of Sri Aurobindo. Happily, it coincides with the 25th anniversary of ...
... of the National Committee for Celebration of Sri Aurobindo's Birth Centenary, a set of books embodying Sri Aurobindo's teaching. "1972 is the Birth Centenary Year of Sri Aurobindo. Happily, it coincides with the 25th anniversary of ...
Worthy is the world: the Hindu philosophy of Sri Aurobindo Beatrice Bruteau - 1972 - 288 pages
Designed by the Mother, in collaboration with architects and engineers from various countries, Auroville is intended to embody Sri Aurobindo's teachings on every level of its civic life. ...
Commenting on Aurobindo's teaching in this respect, KD Sethna says that to spurn the earth is almost as evil as to remain enmeshed in it. It is only the opposite pole of the same error, the same want of balance and the same ...
Prabuddha bharata: or awakened India Vivekananda (Swami), Advaita Ashrama - 1972
Sri Aurobindo's teachings have both an intellectual appeal and a practical relevance. His letters specially written in reply to questions pertaining to sadhana (spiritual practice) sent in by Yoga-aspirants are instinct with a rare ...
Journal of Sri Aurobindo Study Society 1972
... writing may be seen in a passage like the following: "What is the substance of his [Sri Aurobindo's] teaching? It is that man is Spirit and that his life here must become a perfect expression of its nature. ...
... writing may be seen in a passage like the following: "What is the substance of his [Sri Aurobindo's] teaching? It is that man is Spirit and that his life here must become a perfect expression of its nature. ...
Above all, it is important to note that Sri Aurobindo's teachings are a living, positive and growing force in the world; and this is evidenced in the development of the International University Centre (dedicated to Sri Aurobindo, ...
Sri Aurobindo's teaching states that this One Being and Consciousness is involved here in Matter. Evolution is the method by which it liberates itself; consciousness appears in what seems to be inconscient and once having appeared is ...
The Advent Sri Aurobindo Ashram - 1972
This is Sri Aurobindo's teaching and method of practice. It is not his object to develop any one religion or to amalgamate the older religions or to found any new religion — for any of these things would lead away from his central ...
This is Sri Aurobindo's teaching and method of practice. It is not his object to develop any one religion or to amalgamate the older religions or to found any new religion — for any of these things would lead away from his central ...
Bulletin Sri Aurobindo International Centre of ... - 1972
On 1 8.9. 1972 six of our professors gave talks in Sanskrit on subjects of their choice. On 20.9.1972 David Davies spoke on "A Welshman's Experience of Life in the Light of Sri Aurobindo's Teaching". ...
On 1 8.9. 1972 six of our professors gave talks in Sanskrit on subjects of their choice. On 20.9.1972 David Davies spoke on "A Welshman's Experience of Life in the Light of Sri Aurobindo's Teaching". ...
Triveni 1972
Sri Aurobindo's teaching centres round the evolution of Consciousness in Man, the unfoldment of the truth of his own being, without reference to any religion or creed. He sees th« emergence of the ...
Sri Aurobindo's teaching centres round the evolution of Consciousness in Man, the unfoldment of the truth of his own being, without reference to any religion or creed. He sees th« emergence of the ...
God-realisation: sadhana and effects: seminar proceedings, 1971 Academy of Comparative Philosophy and Religion ... - 1972 - 278 pages
Says Miss Donnelly: " It was fundamental to his ( Sri Aurobindo's ) teaching that until man can achieve an extention of consciousness beyond the mental principle which now confines him, he will continue to be trapped by the dilemmas ...
Says Miss Donnelly: " It was fundamental to his ( Sri Aurobindo's ) teaching that until man can achieve an extention of consciousness beyond the mental principle which now confines him, he will continue to be trapped by the dilemmas ...
Sidelights on the tantra 1971 - 96 pages
We shall take note of the salient features and evaluate, in the light of Sri Aurobindo's teachings, the part they have played in the past •which has trickled down to the current times. When we look upon the past ofIndia , upon the lines ...
We shall take note of the salient features and evaluate, in the light of Sri Aurobindo's teachings, the part they have played in the past •which has trickled down to the current times. When we look upon the past of
Contemporary philosophy: Raymond Klibansky - 1971 - 696 pages
... Integral yoga; the concept of harmonious and creative living. With a foreword by Pitirim A. Sorokin.London , George Allen & Unwin, 1965. The philosophy of integralism; or, the metaphysical synthesis in Sri Aurobindo's teachings. ...
... Integral yoga; the concept of harmonious and creative living. With a foreword by Pitirim A. Sorokin.
The Hindu religious tradition Thomas J. Hopkins - 1971 - 156 pages
A systematic interpretation of Sri Aurobindo's teachings by one of his disciples. Singer,Milton (ed.), Krishna : Myths, Rites and Attitudes. Chicago : The University of Chicago Press, 1968. Scholarly studies of various aspects of the ...
A systematic interpretation of Sri Aurobindo's teachings by one of his disciples. Singer,
Abstracts American Academy of Religion. Meeting, Society ... - 1971
In a way comparable to the genesis of the Christian, Buddhist and other religious traditions, Sri Aurobindo's teachings and the community that formed around him are evolving into a highly self-conscious religious and cultural movement. ...
In a way comparable to the genesis of the Christian, Buddhist and other religious traditions, Sri Aurobindo's teachings and the community that formed around him are evolving into a highly self-conscious religious and cultural movement. ...
Visvabharati quarterly Visva-Bharati - 1971
Here comes in the relevance of Sri Aurobindo's teachings. He holds that this confusion is a necessary step for man's evolution into Superman— the new humanity that will evolve in the truest sense of the term, the Superman, ...
Here comes in the relevance of Sri Aurobindo's teachings. He holds that this confusion is a necessary step for man's evolution into Superman— the new humanity that will evolve in the truest sense of the term, the Superman, ...
The Theosophist Theosophical Society (Madras , India ) - 1971
These things are implicit in all Sri Aurobindo's teachings. What Dr. Chaudhuri has done has been to clarify and simplify these teachings. It is often the way that a philosopher's own works need to be reiterated by some commentator in a ...
These things are implicit in all Sri Aurobindo's teachings. What Dr. Chaudhuri has done has been to clarify and simplify these teachings. It is often the way that a philosopher's own works need to be reiterated by some commentator in a ...
Cultural Forum 1971
They appear to have covered a broad spectrum of Sri Aurobindo's teachings, and I am sure this number will be a valuable addition to the growing corpus of literature upon Sri Aurobindo and his dream of a regenerated future humanity. ...
They appear to have covered a broad spectrum of Sri Aurobindo's teachings, and I am sure this number will be a valuable addition to the growing corpus of literature upon Sri Aurobindo and his dream of a regenerated future humanity. ...
Sri Aurobindo: On himself; compiled from notes and letters Aurobindo Ghose - 1970
HIS PATH AND OTHER PATHS SRI AUROBINDO'S TEACHING AND METHOD OF SADHANA The teaching of Sri Aurobindo starts from that of the ancient ... Sri Aurobindo's teaching states that this One Being and Consciousness is involved here in Matter. ...
HIS PATH AND OTHER PATHS SRI AUROBINDO'S TEACHING AND METHOD OF SADHANA The teaching of Sri Aurobindo starts from that of the ancient ... Sri Aurobindo's teaching states that this One Being and Consciousness is involved here in Matter. ...
This is Sri Aurobindo's teaching and method of practice. It is not his object to develop any one religion or to amalgamate the older religions or to found any new religion — for any of these things would lead away from his central ...
Sri Aurobindo's integral yoga Tulsidas Chatterjee - 1970 - 365 pages
... Here is a disinterested study, a frank appraisal and an attempt to follow as closely as possible the secrets and depths of Sri Aurobindo's teaching The book is well worth buying. ...
... Here is a disinterested study, a frank appraisal and an attempt to follow as closely as possible the secrets and depths of Sri Aurobindo's teaching The book is well worth buying. ...
The liberator Sri Aurobindo, India, and the world Sisirkumar Mitra - 1970 - 307 pages
Chittaranjan admitted in his masterly argument that freedom was certainly the keynote of all Sri Aurobindo's teachings, that it was his dominant principle by which he wanted his country's politics and his countrymen's lives to be ...
Chittaranjan admitted in his masterly argument that freedom was certainly the keynote of all Sri Aurobindo's teachings, that it was his dominant principle by which he wanted his country's politics and his countrymen's lives to be ...
The Theosophist Helena Petrovna Blavatsky, Theosophical Society - 1970
The material is discussed in the light of Sri Aurobindo's teachings. There is much here of interest to the deeper student of symbolism, and one can agree with the author that symbolism has preserved, as a form of language, teachings of ...
The material is discussed in the light of Sri Aurobindo's teachings. There is much here of interest to the deeper student of symbolism, and one can agree with the author that symbolism has preserved, as a form of language, teachings of ...
The language of the gods: Sanskrit keys to India's wisdom Judith M. Tyberg - 1970 - 283 pages
J§ri Aurobindo's teachings support the true and inner meaning of the Veda which reveals a path to Divine Creation and Divine Work in the world. His great scriptures are " The Life Divine ", " The Synthesis of Yoga ", " Essays on the ...
J§ri Aurobindo's teachings support the true and inner meaning of the Veda which reveals a path to Divine Creation and Divine Work in the world. His great scriptures are " The Life Divine ", " The Synthesis of Yoga ", " Essays on the ...
India's culture through the ages Mohan Lal Vidyarthi - 1970 - 440 pages
... has launched upon a project for anInternational University where Sri Aurobindo's teachings will form the basis of an education based on spirituality. Sri Aurobindo's life may be looked at from an evolutionary point of view. ...
... has launched upon a project for an
Mother India: monthly review of culture Kaikhushru Dhunjibhoy Sethna, Sri Aurobindo Ashram - 1970
If Christ taught a method of realisation, his yoga seems lost. For those who feel this to be a problem — and I realise that many will not see it like this at all — Sri Aurobindo's teachings are a wonderful discovery. ...
If Christ taught a method of realisation, his yoga seems lost. For those who feel this to be a problem — and I realise that many will not see it like this at all — Sri Aurobindo's teachings are a wonderful discovery. ...
Mother India: monthly review of culture Kaikhushru Dhunjibhoy Sethna, Sri Aurobindo Ashram - 1970
There are references in Christianity, it is true, to a possible change even in the body of the New Man, and to its resurrection, but in Sri Aurobindo's teaching of the kingdom the radical change of the physical side of man's nature, ...
There are references in Christianity, it is true, to a possible change even in the body of the New Man, and to its resurrection, but in Sri Aurobindo's teaching of the kingdom the radical change of the physical side of man's nature, ...
The Calcutta review University of Calcutta - 1970
... of Sri Aurobindo's teaching — the mystery of the Divine descent and becoming matter and matter's ascent into divinity. Sri Aurobindo is a great optimist. To him the world has a future and it is neither doomed nor past cure for the ...
... of Sri Aurobindo's teaching — the mystery of the Divine descent and becoming matter and matter's ascent into divinity. Sri Aurobindo is a great optimist. To him the world has a future and it is neither doomed nor past cure for the ...
An appendix gives us a concise and clear indication of Sri Aurobindo's thought, the core of Sri Aurobindo's teaching — the mystery of the Divine descent and becoming matter and matter's ascent into divinity. ...
Correspondence with Sri Aurobindo Nirodbaran, Aurobindo Ghose - 1969 - 356 pages
(6) Past Seers and the Supramental Truth A criticism of Sri Aurobindo's teaching— "This shocked reverence for the past!" says Sri Aurobindo — The Divine is Infinite, and the unrolling of the Truth an infinite process — Our Yoga is for ...
(6) Past Seers and the Supramental Truth A criticism of Sri Aurobindo's teaching— "This shocked reverence for the past!" says Sri Aurobindo — The Divine is Infinite, and the unrolling of the Truth an infinite process — Our Yoga is for ...
Sri Aurobindo, the hope of man Keshavmurti - 1969 - 485 pages
I am conscious that the treatment of Sri Aurobindo's Teaching and the summary of a few of his major works are not adequate; in the final issue there can be no substitute for the original works of the Master and the reader who can go to ...
I am conscious that the treatment of Sri Aurobindo's Teaching and the summary of a few of his major works are not adequate; in the final issue there can be no substitute for the original works of the Master and the reader who can go to ...
The study of religions: meeting points and major issues Hywel David Lewis, Robert Lawson Slater - 1969 - 222 pages
This is the main significance of Aurobindo's teaching about the ' Life Divine '. A more specific feature of this emphasis on the world beyond making itself felt within the present world is the insistence on the interiority of all ...
This is the main significance of Aurobindo's teaching about the ' Life Divine '. A more specific feature of this emphasis on the world beyond making itself felt within the present world is the insistence on the interiority of all ...
The Wind and the rain 1969
The general character therefore of Sri Aurobindo's teaching, is not the negation but the affirmation of life, not the annihilation of personality but the total rehabilitation of personality. This presents a serious problem, ...
The general character therefore of Sri Aurobindo's teaching, is not the negation but the affirmation of life, not the annihilation of personality but the total rehabilitation of personality. This presents a serious problem, ...
The Russian review William Henry Chamberlin, Hoover Institution ... - 1969
In particular inIndia , the followers of Sri Aurobindo have shown great interest in Teilhard because of an obvious parallel between Teilhard's and Aurobindo's teachings about the evolution of man.2 In the Soviet Union as early as ...
In particular in
Mother India: monthly review of culture Kaikhushru Dhunjibhoy Sethna, Sri Aurobindo Ashram - 1969
... "I tried to put the presentation in a form that would be most appropriate for a western audience, educated but not intellectual; individuals who for the most part had no more than a cursory knowledge of Sri Aurobindo's teachings. ...
... "I tried to put the presentation in a form that would be most appropriate for a western audience, educated but not intellectual; individuals who for the most part had no more than a cursory knowledge of Sri Aurobindo's teachings. ...
Mother India: monthly review of culture Kaikhushru Dhunjibhoy Sethna, Sri Aurobindo Ashram - 1969
For those who are followers of Sri Aurobindo's teaching they are not new. However, it is difficult to understand a number of facts. For the writer and her sources, the usual human awareness seems to be the highest spiritual force. ...
For those who are followers of Sri Aurobindo's teaching they are not new. However, it is difficult to understand a number of facts. For the writer and her sources, the usual human awareness seems to be the highest spiritual force. ...
The Aryan path Sophia Wadia, Indian Institute of World Culture - 1969
... literature is transfused with a devotional and religious feeling, shaped largely by his reverent study of Shri- Aurobindo's teaching. This brief article expresses his attentive study of the psychology of meditation and prayer. — ed. ...
... literature is transfused with a devotional and religious feeling, shaped largely by his reverent study of Shri- Aurobindo's teaching. This brief article expresses his attentive study of the psychology of meditation and prayer. — ed. ...
National union catalog: a cumulative author list representing ... 1969
The philosophy of integralism; the metaphysical synthesis in Sri Aurobindo's teaching. With a foreword by Frederic Spiegelberg. ,2d enl. ed-] ...
The philosophy of integralism; the metaphysical synthesis in Sri Aurobindo's teaching. With a foreword by Frederic Spiegelberg. ,2d enl. ed-] ...
Cultural news from India Indian Council for Cultural Relations - 1968
The Philosophy of integral ism: the metaphysical synthesis in Sri Aurobindo's teaching.Pondicherry , Sri Aurobindo Ashram, 1967. 181p. A brief and yet comprehensive survey of Sri Aurobindo's Philosophy & Yoga. Gandhi, MK My non-violence ...
The Philosophy of integral ism: the metaphysical synthesis in Sri Aurobindo's teaching.
The Journal of Asian studies Far Eastern Association (U.S. ), Association ... - 1968
[Paris ] Gallimard, 1967. 207 p. (Connaisance de l'Orient: collection Unesco d'oeuvres representatives, 24. Serie indienne) 8659. Chaudhuri, Haridas. The Philosophy of integralism; the metaphysical synthesis in Sri Aurobindo's teaching. ...
Mother India Sri Aurobindo Ashram - 1968
Sri Aurobindo's teaching states that this One Being and Consciousness is involved here in Matter. Evolution is the process by which it liberates itself; consciousness appears in what seems to be inconscient and once having appeared is ...
Sri Aurobindo's teaching states that this One Being and Consciousness is involved here in Matter. Evolution is the process by which it liberates itself; consciousness appears in what seems to be inconscient and once having appeared is ...
The vision and work of Sri Aurobindo Kaikhushru Dhunjibhoy Sethna - 1968 - 217 pages
... transformation — the utter divinisation of the physical body so that it becomes a form of the Consciousness that is luminous and immortal. Remember that SriAurobindo's teaching is Integral Yoga. The word " integral " denotes the ...
... transformation — the utter divinisation of the physical body so that it becomes a form of the Consciousness that is luminous and immortal. Remember that SriAurobindo's teaching is Integral Yoga. The word " integral " denotes the ...
Biographical vistas: sketches of some eminent Indians Sir Chetpat Pattabhirama Ramaswami Aiyar - 1968 - 292 pages
In a volume published by the Sri Aurobindo International Centre of Education, entitled Sri Aurobindo on Himself and on The Mother, occurs the following resume of Sri Aurobindo's teaching : "Life is the first step of a release of ...
In a volume published by the Sri Aurobindo International Centre of Education, entitled Sri Aurobindo on Himself and on The Mother, occurs the following resume of Sri Aurobindo's teaching : "Life is the first step of a release of ...
Education and the aim of human life Philippe Barbier Saint Hilaire - 1967 - 167 pages
Of course, I shall interpret these findings in the light of SRI AUROBINDO'S teaching. Most of them are simple facts of observation, well-known to many vigilant and attentive parents, but they are frequently lost sight of and neglected ...
Of course, I shall interpret these findings in the light of SRI AUROBINDO'S teaching. Most of them are simple facts of observation, well-known to many vigilant and attentive parents, but they are frequently lost sight of and neglected ...
The philosophy of integralism: the metaphysical synthesis in Sri ... Haridas Chaudhuri - 1967 - 181 pages
pattern by exceeding the limits of the lower. "A drama without denouement may be an artistic possibility . . (and) the drama of the earth-evolution might conceivably be of that character, but an intended or inherently predetermined ...
pattern by exceeding the limits of the lower. "A drama without denouement may be an artistic possibility . . (and) the drama of the earth-evolution might conceivably be of that character, but an intended or inherently predetermined ...
It is true that particular things and objects of the world are always changing. But it is no less true, that certain patterns, certain structural forms, always abide and repeat themselves in the midst of all changes. ...
justified to persecute the latter. They feel justified to wage a holy war against the infidels and non-believers. Such persecution and holy crusades are not only justified on religious grounds; they are even considered a supreme ...
The National Christian Council review 1967
Then after a discussion of Aurobindo's teaching on the Super-man, he concludes the article by saying, 'The Christian sees in Christ the new destiny of man realised . . . Christianity gives to Hinduism the image of the New Man, ...
Then after a discussion of Aurobindo's teaching on the Super-man, he concludes the article by saying, 'The Christian sees in Christ the new destiny of man realised . . . Christianity gives to Hinduism the image of the New Man, ...
India quarterly Indian Council of World Affairs - 1967
Concept of education based on Aurobindo's teachings. This enlarged edition includes a series of lectures delivered by the author in 1961 and a memorandum presented to the Education Commission in 1965. Prabhat Chand. ...
Concept of education based on Aurobindo's teachings. This enlarged edition includes a series of lectures delivered by the author in 1961 and a memorandum presented to the Education Commission in 1965. Prabhat Chand. ...
Cultural forum 1967
... Haridas • The philosophy of integralism, the metaphysical synthesis in Sri Aurobindo's teaching; 2nd enl. ed.Pondicherry , Aurobindo ashram. 1967. xvi. 187 p. Rs. 12.00. Chen, CM Buddhist meditation, systematic and practical; ...
... Haridas • The philosophy of integralism, the metaphysical synthesis in Sri Aurobindo's teaching; 2nd enl. ed.
Cochin saga: a history of foreign government and business ... Sir Robert Charles Bristow - 1967 - 264 pages
VI I have tried to give briefly the drift of Sri Aurobindo's teaching in his own words as proceeding from his particular gifts, his qualifications of education and experience, and from his great powers of assimilation and re-expression. ...
VI I have tried to give briefly the drift of Sri Aurobindo's teaching in his own words as proceeding from his particular gifts, his qualifications of education and experience, and from his great powers of assimilation and re-expression. ...
Evolution of Indian culture, from the earliest times to the ... Bhanwarlal Nathuram Luniya - 1967 - 664 pages
It is said that the thought of Gerald Heard clearly exhibits Sri Aurobindo's teachings. The greatest English novelist, Somerset Maugham, favoured visit toIndia to acquire knowledge of the higher values of life. ...
It is said that the thought of Gerald Heard clearly exhibits Sri Aurobindo's teachings. The greatest English novelist, Somerset Maugham, favoured visit to
In different saddles M. R. A. Baig - 1967 - 359 pages
It will be noted that Sri Aurobindo's teachings, in which the Divine but not the personal God plays the central part, are truly universal and secular and can appeal to all persons irrespective of the race or creed into which they may ...
It will be noted that Sri Aurobindo's teachings, in which the Divine but not the personal God plays the central part, are truly universal and secular and can appeal to all persons irrespective of the race or creed into which they may ...
The theology of Chenchiah, with selections from his writings D. A. Thangasamy - 1966 - 329 pages
From what I have read of Sri Aurobindo's teachings, they agree with these two schools of thought. I shall therefore state the reasons why Kumbakonam school rejects traditional Yoga. It may be taken that all the three schools above ...
From what I have read of Sri Aurobindo's teachings, they agree with these two schools of thought. I shall therefore state the reasons why Kumbakonam school rejects traditional Yoga. It may be taken that all the three schools above ...
The Indian review G.A. Natesan - 1966
... an authentic exposition of Sri Aurobindo's teaching covering a wide field of subjects ranging from ...
... an authentic exposition of Sri Aurobindo's teaching covering a wide field of subjects ranging from ...
Annual Sri Aurobindo Society - 1966
This is Sri Aurobindo's teaching and method of practice. It is not his object to develop any one religion or to amalgamate the older religions or to found any new religion — for any of these things would lead away from his central ...
This is Sri Aurobindo's teaching and method of practice. It is not his object to develop any one religion or to amalgamate the older religions or to found any new religion — for any of these things would lead away from his central ...
Mother India: monthly review of culture 1966
If you hold naked before you this secret and contemplate Sri Aurobindo's teaching in its light, you will perceive how sublimely, how exquisitely, how accurately that teaching answers to every little nuance of the world's aspiration. ...
If you hold naked before you this secret and contemplate Sri Aurobindo's teaching in its light, you will perceive how sublimely, how exquisitely, how accurately that teaching answers to every little nuance of the world's aspiration. ...
Social philosophy of Sri Aurobindo and the new age Kishor Gandhi - 1965 - 273 pages
It has, however, to be admitted that the appreciation of Sri Aurobindo's teachings in social philosophy is not as adequate as the appreciation of his philosophic teachings concerning the individual man. ...
It has, however, to be admitted that the appreciation of Sri Aurobindo's teachings in social philosophy is not as adequate as the appreciation of his philosophic teachings concerning the individual man. ...
How sharply the Mother reacts when people speak of Sri Aurobindo's teaching as a new religion can be seen from her answer to the following question on this point : QUESTION: Many say that the teaching of Sri Aurobindo is a new religion. ...
International relations and world politics since 1919 Sailendra Nath Dhar - 1965 - 600 pages
... the Secretary of the Ashram, that she became attracted to Sri Aurobindo's Teaching by reading his book, Essays on the Gita, in a library in America. She lived in the Ashram for a few years, being called ...
... the Secretary of the Ashram, that she became attracted to Sri Aurobindo's Teaching by reading his book, Essays on the Gita, in a library in America. She lived in the Ashram for a few years, being called ...
Prabuddha bharata: or Awakened India 1964
The first two books approach the great theme from the standpoint of Sri Aurobindo's teachings, and the last from that of Tantra Sastra. Together, they represent some of the finest flowers of Indian mysticism. ...
The first two books approach the great theme from the standpoint of Sri Aurobindo's teachings, and the last from that of Tantra Sastra. Together, they represent some of the finest flowers of Indian mysticism. ...
The Aryan path Sophia Wadia, Indian Institute of World Culture - 1964
Santiniketan, later joined the Sri-Aurobindo Ashram at Pondicherry, and has ever since been prominently connected with its cultural and educational activities. The perspective is based on Sri Aurobindo's teachings regarding a world-wide fulfilment of the primal Vedic vision, interpreted as presaging the "inevitable evolution" of man into a higher-than- mental being. ...
Santiniketan, later joined the Sri-Aurobindo Ashram at Pondicherry, and has ever since been prominently connected with its cultural and educational activities. The perspective is based on Sri Aurobindo's teachings regarding a world-wide fulfilment of the primal Vedic vision, interpreted as presaging the "inevitable evolution" of man into a higher-than- mental being. ...
How this may be achieved, in co-operation with the hidden forces of Nature and the informing presence of a divine Consciousness, was the subject of all Aurobindo's teaching. In this book the essence of it is helpfully condensed. ...
Mother India Sri Aurobindo Ashram - 1964
The New Horizon which is opened by the enlightenment of Sri Aurobindo's teaching that personal knowledge of the external Form by itself has no value, that its value depends on the spirit vivifying it, this statement continued to its ...
The New Horizon which is opened by the enlightenment of Sri Aurobindo's teaching that personal knowledge of the external Form by itself has no value, that its value depends on the spirit vivifying it, this statement continued to its ...
Mother India: monthly review of culture Sri Aurobindo Ashram - 1963
FINALLY it seems that one conclusion is inescapable: Sri Aurobindo's teachingabout the person does not appear to us as a foreign element; it is intimately connected with Christian thought, but these connections are to be thought of as ...
FINALLY it seems that one conclusion is inescapable: Sri Aurobindo's teachingabout the person does not appear to us as a foreign element; it is intimately connected with Christian thought, but these connections are to be thought of as ...
Resurgent India Sisirkumar Mitra - 1963 - 432 pages
How Sri Aurobindo's teachings are influencing the mind of humanity is evident from its growing response. It is indeed another luminous chapter in the history of the expansive movement of Indian thought which in modern times began with ...
How Sri Aurobindo's teachings are influencing the mind of humanity is evident from its growing response. It is indeed another luminous chapter in the history of the expansive movement of Indian thought which in modern times began with ...
The concept of māyā from the Vedas to the 20th century Ruth Reyna - 1962 - 120 pages
So, too, there is an element of negation in Aurobindo's teaching which he does not deny ; but what he terms the negative attitude of Sankara, is "sublated in ...
So, too, there is an element of negation in Aurobindo's teaching which he does not deny ; but what he terms the negative attitude of Sankara, is "sublated in ...
Sadhana in Sri Aurobindo's yoga Madhav Pundalik Pandit - 1962 - 99 pages
But in Sri Aurobindo's Teaching the Universe is as real as the Divine of which it is a willed Emanation. It is not a falsity imposed upon the Truth of Brahman. Nor is it something inferior. It is a self-formulation, as yet imperfect, ...
But in Sri Aurobindo's Teaching the Universe is as real as the Divine of which it is a willed Emanation. It is not a falsity imposed upon the Truth of Brahman. Nor is it something inferior. It is a self-formulation, as yet imperfect, ...
Mother India: monthly review of culture Kaikhushru Dhunjibhoy Sethna, Sri Aurobindo Ashram - 1962
At a memorial meeting held on December 6, 1957 at the Indian Institute of Culture in London the President Sunder Kabadi summed up Sri Aurobindo's teachings as a prophetic statement : "A spiritual religion of humanity is the hope of the ...
At a memorial meeting held on December 6, 1957 at the Indian Institute of Culture in London the President Sunder Kabadi summed up Sri Aurobindo's teachings as a prophetic statement : "A spiritual religion of humanity is the hope of the ...
Mother India Sri Aurobindo Ashram - 1961
Here is a disinterested study, a frank appraisal and an attempt to follow as truthfully as possible the secrets and depths of Sri Aurobindo's teaching. It does not, however, profess to have any original standpoint — rather the aim has ...
Here is a disinterested study, a frank appraisal and an attempt to follow as truthfully as possible the secrets and depths of Sri Aurobindo's teaching. It does not, however, profess to have any original standpoint — rather the aim has ...
Mother India Sri Aurobindo Ashram - 1961
This in a nutshell is the central core of Sri Aurobindo's teachings. I know I am exposing myself to the charge of oversimplification but I have deliberate'y done it because I feel here we can only deal with the essence of the problem. ...
This in a nutshell is the central core of Sri Aurobindo's teachings. I know I am exposing myself to the charge of oversimplification but I have deliberate'y done it because I feel here we can only deal with the essence of the problem. ...
Annual 1961
It is possible by a certain psychological discipline to remove this veil of separative consciousness and become aware of the true Self, the Divinity within us and all. Sri Aurobindo's teaching states ...
It is possible by a certain psychological discipline to remove this veil of separative consciousness and become aware of the true Self, the Divinity within us and all. Sri Aurobindo's teaching states ...
Psychoanalysis of the prostitute Maryse Choisy - 1961 - 138 pages
All this may be done with the best intentions, but the results of it are very well known. In the same way the Mother gives the following interpretation of Sri Aurobindo's teaching. To the question, "Is morality useful? ...
All this may be done with the best intentions, but the results of it are very well known. In the same way the Mother gives the following interpretation of Sri Aurobindo's teaching. To the question, "Is morality useful? ...
The integral philosophy of Sri Aurobindo: a commemorative symposium Haridas Chaudhuri, Frederic Spiegelberg - 1960 - 350 pages
... Aurobindo's teachings must surely ask — though without the irony of the original: ...
... Aurobindo's teachings must surely ask — though without the irony of the original: ...
It cannot possibly claim to cover all the aspects of Sri Aurobindo's teaching. Nor is the list of contributors included herein to be taken in any way exhaustive of the vast and ever-growing volume of scholarship in the field. ...
Bhavan's journal Bharatiya Vidya Bhavan - 1960
After Sri Aurobindo's passing in 1950, she opened the Sri Aurobindo International Centre of Education where education is sought to be imparted in the light of SriAurobindo's teachings and hers. She is the Mother who is leading her ...
After Sri Aurobindo's passing in 1950, she opened the Sri Aurobindo International Centre of Education where education is sought to be imparted in the light of SriAurobindo's teachings and hers. She is the Mother who is leading her ...
The Advent Sri Aurobindo Ashram - 1960
But in Sri Aurobindo's Teaching the Universe is as real as the Divine of which it is a willed Emanation. It is not a falsity imposed upon the Truth of Brahman. Nor is it something inferior. It is a self-formulation, as yet imperfect, ...
But in Sri Aurobindo's Teaching the Universe is as real as the Divine of which it is a willed Emanation. It is not a falsity imposed upon the Truth of Brahman. Nor is it something inferior. It is a self-formulation, as yet imperfect, ...
Mother India Sri Aurobindo Ashram - 1960
"By following Sri Aurobindo's teachings. His Independence Day Message issued on August isth, 1947, needs to be read and re-read and its significance explained to millions of his compatriots.India needs the conviction and faith of ...
"By following Sri Aurobindo's teachings. His Independence Day Message issued on August isth, 1947, needs to be read and re-read and its significance explained to millions of his compatriots.
Mother India Sri Aurobindo Ashram - 1960
The personal unconscious corresponds in Sri Aurobindo's teaching roughly speaking to a particular region of man's subliminal or inner lower vital and vital-physical nature, though this sphere is not unconscious at all but is illumined ...
The personal unconscious corresponds in Sri Aurobindo's teaching roughly speaking to a particular region of man's subliminal or inner lower vital and vital-physical nature, though this sphere is not unconscious at all but is illumined ...
Mother India Sri Aurobindo Ashram - 1959
SRI AUROBINDO'S TEACHINGS Sri Aurobindo has said "To fulfil God in man is man's manhood". With the teaching, influence, example and guidance of the Mother and Sri Aurobindo we are trying to evoke and establish the Divine Truth in us, ...
SRI AUROBINDO'S TEACHINGS Sri Aurobindo has said "To fulfil God in man is man's manhood". With the teaching, influence, example and guidance of the Mother and Sri Aurobindo we are trying to evoke and establish the Divine Truth in us, ...
The philosophy of Sri Aurobindo in the light of the Gospel Eva Olsson - 1959 - 73 pages
There are differences between Sri Aurobindo's teaching and that of the Gita on some points. They stand on a different level and there is a corresponding difference in the philosophical outlook. This does not mean that there is a ...
There are differences between Sri Aurobindo's teaching and that of the Gita on some points. They stand on a different level and there is a corresponding difference in the philosophical outlook. This does not mean that there is a ...
In the portals of Indian universities: convocation and other addresses Chintaman Dwarkanath Deshmukh - 1959 - 336 pages
Sri Aurobindo's teachings do not aim at the development of any particular religion or to amalgamate the older religions or to found a new religion, for any of these things would lead away from his central purpose. ...
Sri Aurobindo's teachings do not aim at the development of any particular religion or to amalgamate the older religions or to found a new religion, for any of these things would lead away from his central purpose. ...
The teaching of Sri Aurobindo M. P. Pandit - 1959 - 75 pages
And this tradition has been recorded in the hymns of the Veda, the Upanishads and the Gita. How far do they corroborate the integral truth of Sri Aurobindo's Teaching which embraces all life as a real manifestation ...
And this tradition has been recorded in the hymns of the Veda, the Upanishads and the Gita. How far do they corroborate the integral truth of Sri Aurobindo's Teaching which embraces all life as a real manifestation ...
Mother India: monthly review of culture Kaikhushru Dhunjibhoy Sethna - 1959
Sri Aurobindo's Teachings Sri Aurobindo has said "To fulfil God in man is man's manhood". With the teaching, influence, example and guidance of the Mother and Sri Aurobindo we are trying to evoke and establish the Divine Truth in us, ...
Sri Aurobindo's Teachings Sri Aurobindo has said "To fulfil God in man is man's manhood". With the teaching, influence, example and guidance of the Mother and Sri Aurobindo we are trying to evoke and establish the Divine Truth in us, ...
Diversities: essays in economics [sic] sociology and other social ... Dhūrjaṭiprasāda Mukhopādhyāẏa - 1958 - 332 pages
... Chunder Pal's Soul of Bengal, a book evidently written under the inspiration ofAurobindo's teachings. ) This is strange if Indian culture is really as spiritual as all that. But there is no room for surprise in history. ...
... Chunder Pal's Soul of Bengal, a book evidently written under the inspiration ofAurobindo's teachings. ) This is strange if Indian culture is really as spiritual as all that. But there is no room for surprise in history. ...
Pioneer of the Sopramental Age Aurobindo Ghose - 1958 - 183 pages
There is a misapprehension, which has been unconsciously fostered by the quiet work that goes on at the Pondicherry Ashram, that the Sadhaka who is endeavouring to follow Sri Aurobindo's teachings is indifferent to whether humanity may benefit from his efforts or not. ...
There is a misapprehension, which has been unconsciously fostered by the quiet work that goes on at the Pondicherry Ashram, that the Sadhaka who is endeavouring to follow Sri Aurobindo's teachings is indifferent to whether humanity may benefit from his efforts or not. ...
Patna University journal 1958
The insistence on moral idealism behind political nationalism reveals the greatness of Aurobindo's teachings. By his emphasis on the inward sources of national strength he has done a signal service in the resurgence ofIndia . ...
The insistence on moral idealism behind political nationalism reveals the greatness of Aurobindo's teachings. By his emphasis on the inward sources of national strength he has done a signal service in the resurgence of
The Advent Sri Aurobindo Ashram - 1958
After a general introduction to Sri Aurobindo's teaching, the author gives us a short biography. In a chapter which is called "The Lotus and the Dagger", he speaks about his early life: "Sri Aurobindo studied the revolutions and the ...
After a general introduction to Sri Aurobindo's teaching, the author gives us a short biography. In a chapter which is called "The Lotus and the Dagger", he speaks about his early life: "Sri Aurobindo studied the revolutions and the ...
Journal of Sri Aurobindo Study Society Aurobindo Ghose - 1957
The essence of Sri Aurobindo's teaching is based upon the illimitable perfectibility of man. It is a teaching imbued with the spirit of optimism. By asserting that the worth of man lies not in what he is but in what he becomes, ...
The essence of Sri Aurobindo's teaching is based upon the illimitable perfectibility of man. It is a teaching imbued with the spirit of optimism. By asserting that the worth of man lies not in what he is but in what he becomes, ...
Mother India Sri Aurobindo Ashram - 1957
Sri Aurobindo's teachings do not aim at the development of any particular religion or to amalgamate the older religions or to found a new religion, for any of these things would lead away from his central purpose. ...
Sri Aurobindo's teachings do not aim at the development of any particular religion or to amalgamate the older religions or to found a new religion, for any of these things would lead away from his central purpose. ...
Mother India Kaikhushru Dhunjibhoy Sethna, Sri Aurobindo Ashram - 1957
She replied, "By following Sri Aurobindo's teachings. His Independence Day Message issued onAugust 15, 1947 , needs to be read and re-read and its significance explained to millions of his compatriots. India needs the conviction and ...
She replied, "By following Sri Aurobindo's teachings. His Independence Day Message issued on
Founding the life divine: an introduction to the integral yoga of ... Morwenna Donnelly - 1956 - 246 pages
12 This distinctive aim of Sri Aurobindo's teaching cannot be emphasized too much. It is far more extensive than that of any other system of Yoga and sets before humanity an endeavor more arduous than any enunciated before by those ...
12 This distinctive aim of Sri Aurobindo's teaching cannot be emphasized too much. It is far more extensive than that of any other system of Yoga and sets before humanity an endeavor more arduous than any enunciated before by those ...
Calcutta review University of Calcutta - 1955
He says that Sri Aurobindo's teaching marks the culmination of Indian thought and culture. But in the course of the discourse he often makes statements that appear rather onesided. Dr. Chowdhury, like many modern writers, takes world culture in ...
He says that Sri Aurobindo's teaching marks the culmination of Indian thought and culture. But in the course of the discourse he often makes statements that appear rather onesided. Dr. Chowdhury, like many modern writers, takes world culture in ...
Awakened India Advaita Ashrama - 1955
... cannot but be impressed by the clarity and understanding with which Sri Diwakar discusses the synthesis of yoga and life which was the supreme goal of Sri Aurobindo's spiritual endeavours. 'According to Sri Aurobindo's teaching' ...
... cannot but be impressed by the clarity and understanding with which Sri Diwakar discusses the synthesis of yoga and life which was the supreme goal of Sri Aurobindo's spiritual endeavours. 'According to Sri Aurobindo's teaching' ...
Calcutta review University of Calcutta , University of Calcutta ... - 1954
... Incarnation seems rather absurd from the viewpoint of Sri Aurobindo's teaching. We are told that through the descent of the supra-mental force a new race — a race of supermen would ...
... Incarnation seems rather absurd from the viewpoint of Sri Aurobindo's teaching. We are told that through the descent of the supra-mental force a new race — a race of supermen would ...
Mother India Sri Aurobindo Ashram - 1954
... Jawaharlal Nehru has been recently laying stress on cohesion and internal unity). Q. "How to bring about the much needed cohesion and faith in the country?" A. "By following Sri Aurobindo's teachings. His Independence Day Message issued onAugust 15th, 1947 , needs to be read and re-read and its significance explained to millions of his compatriots. India needs the conviction and faith of ...
... Jawaharlal Nehru has been recently laying stress on cohesion and internal unity). Q. "How to bring about the much needed cohesion and faith in the country?" A. "By following Sri Aurobindo's teachings. His Independence Day Message issued on
Mother India Sri Aurobindo Ashram - 1954
Correspondence with Sri Aurobindo Nirod Baran Chakravarty - 1954 - 191 pages
... Past Seers and the Supramental Truth A criticism vf Sri Aurobindo's teaching— "This shocked reverence for the past!" says Sri Aurobindo — The Divine is Infinite, and the unrolling of the Truth an infinite process — Our Yoga is for ...
... Past Seers and the Supramental Truth A criticism vf Sri Aurobindo's teaching— "This shocked reverence for the past!" says Sri Aurobindo — The Divine is Infinite, and the unrolling of the Truth an infinite process — Our Yoga is for ...
Lights on the ancients T. V. Kapali Sastry - 1954 - 113 pages
... Advent the exact nature and purpose of the work viz. to explain throwing light on the Fundamental Concepts of Sri Aurobindo's Teachings. The title of the 'booklet' itself must make it evident to any one who is not unwilling to see. ...
... Advent the exact nature and purpose of the work viz. to explain throwing light on the Fundamental Concepts of Sri Aurobindo's Teachings. The title of the 'booklet' itself must make it evident to any one who is not unwilling to see. ...
Mother India Sri Aurobindo Ashram - 1953
Individual spiritual advancement is no doubt a great thing but it is not the sole or even the chief aim of Sri Aurobindo's teachings. Moreover, there is no complete individual realization possible without a cosmic realization. ...
Individual spiritual advancement is no doubt a great thing but it is not the sole or even the chief aim of Sri Aurobindo's teachings. Moreover, there is no complete individual realization possible without a cosmic realization. ...
Mother India Sri Aurobindo Ashram - 1953
... recent years Sri Aurobindo's teaching and his Ashram at Pondicherry have attracted a great deal of attention. People fromIndia as well as abroad who visit this spiritual centre are greatly impressed by its numerous activities and ...
... recent years Sri Aurobindo's teaching and his Ashram at Pondicherry have attracted a great deal of attention. People from
THE SADHANA OF SRI AUROBINDO'S YOGA COMPILER'S NOTE In recent years Sri Aurobindo's teaching and his Ashram ...
Journal of Sri Aurobindo Study Society Aurobindo Ghose - 1953
The best way of preparing for the descent is the spreading of Sri Aurobindo's teachings. But they have to be correctly understood, because misunderstandings would do more harm than good. If the Master's message is considered as "another...
The best way of preparing for the descent is the spreading of Sri Aurobindo's teachings. But they have to be correctly understood, because misunderstandings would do more harm than good. If the Master's message is considered as "another...
In any case, poetry would profit by Sri Aurobindo's teaching, as his threefold experience as a poet, a thinker and a seer gives him a leading position among the spirits who are convinced that the poet draws his power from his ascending ...
Mother India Kaikhushru Dhunjibhoy Sethna, Sri Aurobindo Ashram - 1953
There is also cause for gratification in the fact that the Centre has been able to hold practically every Sunday, except during recesses, meetings where lectures on different aspects of Sri Aurobindo's teachings were delivered or ...
There is also cause for gratification in the fact that the Centre has been able to hold practically every Sunday, except during recesses, meetings where lectures on different aspects of Sri Aurobindo's teachings were delivered or ...
The Indian review G.A. Natesan - 1953
The book throws a flood of light on certain aspects of Sri Aurobindo's teachings and is beautifully printed and got up. IN THE LAND OF THE RISING SON. Etc. By VT Neelakantan. Publisher : Author. Copies from Kriya Babaji PressNo. 3 Dr. Alagappa Chettiar Road , ...
The book throws a flood of light on certain aspects of Sri Aurobindo's teachings and is beautifully printed and got up. IN THE LAND OF THE RISING SON. Etc. By VT Neelakantan. Publisher : Author. Copies from Kriya Babaji Press
Idealistic thought of India Poolla Tirupati Raju - 1953 - 454 pages
We are not here concerned with the actual practices prescribed or the religious side of Sri Aurobindo's teaching but only with his metaphysics. Sri Aurobindo, like a true Saiva or Sakta Advaitin, does not believe in Maya as understood ...
We are not here concerned with the actual practices prescribed or the religious side of Sri Aurobindo's teaching but only with his metaphysics. Sri Aurobindo, like a true Saiva or Sakta Advaitin, does not believe in Maya as understood ...
The integral yoga of Sri Aurobindo Rishabhchand - 1953
It prescribes self-knowledge as the preliminary step,1 and a detailed surrender of all action to the Divine in an increasing love and devotion on the calm and stable basis of that self-knowledge. Sri Aurobindo's teaching on this point ...
It prescribes self-knowledge as the preliminary step,1 and a detailed surrender of all action to the Divine in an increasing love and devotion on the calm and stable basis of that self-knowledge. Sri Aurobindo's teaching on this point ...
Mother India Kaikhushru Dhunjibhoy Sethna, Sri Aurobindo Ashram - 1952
Sri Aurobindo's teaching answers the fundamental questions of existence men have always been asking; those who come under his direct influence know how this teaching can be lived, and the results can be seen in the inner and outer life ...
Sri Aurobindo's teaching answers the fundamental questions of existence men have always been asking; those who come under his direct influence know how this teaching can be lived, and the results can be seen in the inner and outer life ...
The Indo-Asian culture Indian Council for Cultural Relations - 1952
Gave up teaching and took up political work in response to the Congress movement in 1921 and suffered imprisonment. Author of several publications in English and Bengali, and is one of the leading exponents of Sri Aurobindo's teachings. ...
Gave up teaching and took up political work in response to the Congress movement in 1921 and suffered imprisonment. Author of several publications in English and Bengali, and is one of the leading exponents of Sri Aurobindo's teachings. ...
India's culture through the ages: a detailed analysis of the ... Mohan Lal Vidyarthi - 1952 - 520 pages
After his death the 'Mother' has launched upon a project for anInter-national University where Sri Aurobindo's teachings will form the basis of an education based on spirituality. Sri Aurobindo's life may be looked at from an ...
After his death the 'Mother' has launched upon a project for an
Calcutta review University of Calcutta - 1951
If he means that mystical experience is a matter of emotion plus thought, he unnecessarily raises an issue which he can solve best, if he wishes to, in the light of Sri Aurobindo's teachings. Aside this issue, when Mr. Biswas says that ...
If he means that mystical experience is a matter of emotion plus thought, he unnecessarily raises an issue which he can solve best, if he wishes to, in the light of Sri Aurobindo's teachings. Aside this issue, when Mr. Biswas says that ...
Asia: Asian quarterly of culture and synthesis René de Berval - 1951
Pilgrim of Eternity » Aurobindo's Teachings It is always hard to read the riddle of the universe and understand the mystery of life and death. That is precisely why since the grey glimmerings of human history men of action and leaders ... Asia: Asian quarterly of culture and synthesis
Pilgrim of Eternity » Aurobindo's Teachings It is always hard to read the riddle of the universe and understand the mystery of life and death. That is precisely why since the grey glimmerings of human history men of action and leaders ... Asia: Asian quarterly of culture and synthesis
Much as I would like to do so, it would not be possible for me at the present instance — numbed as I am by the distressing news — to do justice to the great task of expounding Sri Aurobindo's teaching and its importance for the religious ...
Bulletin of the Ramakrishna Mission Institute of Culture Ramakrishna Mission. Institute of Culture - 1951
This, in short, is the sum and substance of Sri Aurobindo's teaching. Sri Aurobindo and Traditional Thought From the time of the Up ani shads, and especially since the Buddha andSankaracharya , India has sought liberation or ...
This, in short, is the sum and substance of Sri Aurobindo's teaching. Sri Aurobindo and Traditional Thought From the time of the Up ani shads, and especially since the Buddha and
Annual Sri Aurobindo Mandir, Calcutta, Aurobindo Ghose - 1951
Aurobindo's teachings are a living, positive and growing force in the world; and this is evidenced in the development of tile International University Centre (dedicated to Sri Aurobindo, and directed by the Mother), which is now being ...
Aurobindo's teachings are a living, positive and growing force in the world; and this is evidenced in the development of tile International University Centre (dedicated to Sri Aurobindo, and directed by the Mother), which is now being ...
Sri Aurobindo and his Ashram 1951 - 70 pages
Sri Aurobindo's teaching states that this One Being and Consciousness is involved here in Matter. Evolution is the method by which it liberates itself; consciousness appears in what seems to be inconscient and once having appeared is ...
Sri Aurobindo's teaching states that this One Being and Consciousness is involved here in Matter. Evolution is the method by which it liberates itself; consciousness appears in what seems to be inconscient and once having appeared is ...
The yoga of Sri Aurobindo Nolini Kanta Gupta - 1951
But one of the marked aspects of Sri Aurobindo's teaching and practice has been precisely his insistence on putting aside the inert and life- shunning quietism, illusionism, asceticism and monasticism of a latter day and decadent ...
But one of the marked aspects of Sri Aurobindo's teaching and practice has been precisely his insistence on putting aside the inert and life- shunning quietism, illusionism, asceticism and monasticism of a latter day and decadent ...
Sri Aurobindo, Indian poet, philosopher and mystic George Harry Langley - 1949 - 134 pages
Chapter Nine CONCLUSION IN concluding this account of Sri Aurobindo's teaching, I wish to explain more fully some important implications of his integral conception of spiritual experience, ... Sri Aurobindo, Indian poet, philosopher and mystic But to pursue this aspect of Aurobindo's teaching further would be to travel beyond the limits of a foreword and to trespass on the ground so well covered by Professor Langley in the pages which follow. ...
Chapter Nine CONCLUSION IN concluding this account of Sri Aurobindo's teaching, I wish to explain more fully some important implications of his integral conception of spiritual experience, ... Sri Aurobindo, Indian poet, philosopher and mystic But to pursue this aspect of Aurobindo's teaching further would be to travel beyond the limits of a foreword and to trespass on the ground so well covered by Professor Langley in the pages which follow. ...
Sri Aurobindo circle Aurobindo Ghose - 1949
We shall take note of the salient features and evaluate, in the light of Sri Aurobindo's teachings, the part they have played in the past which has trickled down to the current times. When we look upon the past ofIndia , upon the lines ... Sri Aurobindo circle Nor does Sri Aurobindo's teaching have anything to do with the schools who deny themselves full expression of their inclinations on earth in the hope of being correspondingly rewarded later in heaven. Both these apparently opposed ...
We shall take note of the salient features and evaluate, in the light of Sri Aurobindo's teachings, the part they have played in the past which has trickled down to the current times. When we look upon the past of
Sri Aurobindo: lights on the teachings 1948 - 165 pages
The materials employed for the many-sided system of thought in Sri Aurobindo's teachings are huge, varied, multi-dimensional. They are huge because they cover the whole field of human thought and culture in general with special stress ...
The materials employed for the many-sided system of thought in Sri Aurobindo's teachings are huge, varied, multi-dimensional. They are huge because they cover the whole field of human thought and culture in general with special stress ...
Annual Sri Aurobindo Mandir, Calcutta, Aurobindo Ghose - 1947
The central principle in Sri Aurobindo's teachings is the realisation of fundamental unity in phenomenal diversity in terrestrial life generally. Unity, he says, "moves, lives and must one day realise. But uniformity is not the law of ...
The central principle in Sri Aurobindo's teachings is the realisation of fundamental unity in phenomenal diversity in terrestrial life generally. Unity, he says, "moves, lives and must one day realise. But uniformity is not the law of ...
The Modern review 1946
... book will help considerably to fulfil the naturally widespread desire to understand Sri Aurobindo's teaching." — Statesman (2) STUDIES IN SRI AUROBINDO'S PHILOSOPHY Price Rs. 3 "All admirers of this great soul (Sri Aurobindo) should...
... book will help considerably to fulfil the naturally widespread desire to understand Sri Aurobindo's teaching." — Statesman (2) STUDIES IN SRI AUROBINDO'S PHILOSOPHY Price Rs. 3 "All admirers of this great soul (Sri Aurobindo) should...
Annual Sri Aurobindo mandir, Calcutta - 1942
The author of this humble contribution, which is in lieu of altar flowers, has been influenced in manifold subtle ways by Sri Aurobindo's teachings and feels happy on this great occasion of moment to world history. ...
The author of this humble contribution, which is in lieu of altar flowers, has been influenced in manifold subtle ways by Sri Aurobindo's teachings and feels happy on this great occasion of moment to world history. ...
Calcutta review University of Calcutta , University of Calcutta ... - 1941
Evil makes its appearance as a tension to heighten the moral and spiritual evolution to finally disappear in the plenum of absolute reality. Transformation is an important, almost the central, theme in Sree Aurobindo's teachings. ...
Evil makes its appearance as a tension to heighten the moral and spiritual evolution to finally disappear in the plenum of absolute reality. Transformation is an important, almost the central, theme in Sree Aurobindo's teachings. ...
Swami Chinmayananda As I Know Him - Page 18 Compiled
I have read commentaries by many authorities and have been exposed to teachings of great masters. But Swamiji is unparalleled. Shankara's teaching cannot be understood by all. Aurobindo's teachings are beautiful. ...
I have read commentaries by many authorities and have been exposed to teachings of great masters. But Swamiji is unparalleled. Shankara's teaching cannot be understood by all. Aurobindo's teachings are beautiful. ...
Teaching of Yoga - Page 252 G.k.devanand
TEACHING OF INTEGRAL OR PURNA YOGA Integral yoga or puma yoga (Sanskrit for full or complete yoga) refers in Sri Aurobindo's teachings to the union of all the parts of one's being with the Divine, and the transmutation of all of their ...
TEACHING OF INTEGRAL OR PURNA YOGA Integral yoga or puma yoga (Sanskrit for full or complete yoga) refers in Sri Aurobindo's teachings to the union of all the parts of one's being with the Divine, and the transmutation of all of their ...
A little of it - Page 290 Macherla Diwakar
his legs crossed, opposite me. "You said that religion has no future. You've explained about karma. What then should be our quest?" "I was coming to that. Sri Aurobindo's teachings originate from the Vedas of the ancient rishis. ...
his legs crossed, opposite me. "You said that religion has no future. You've explained about karma. What then should be our quest?" "I was coming to that. Sri Aurobindo's teachings originate from the Vedas of the ancient rishis. ...
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