Mother India: monthly review of culture Sri Aurobindo Ashram - 2006
Sri Aurobindo anticipated that the ideas that would emerge in the next stage of the social cycle would first "declare their trend in philosophy, in psychological thinking, in the arts" before they could "be successfully applied to the ...
Sri Aurobindo anticipated that the ideas that would emerge in the next stage of the social cycle would first "declare their trend in philosophy, in psychological thinking, in the arts" before they could "be successfully applied to the ...
The Journal of transpersonal psychology Transpersonal Institute, American ... - 2004
Almost a century ago, in his first draft of the Life Divine
(written 1914-19), Sri Aurobindo anticipated this dilemma and articulated a consciousness paradigm that can absorb emerging developments in neuroscience without needing to ...
Almost a century ago, in his first draft of the Life Divine
Netaji Subhas confronted the Indian ethos, 1900-1921: Yogi Sri ... - Page 23, Adwaita P. Ganguly
- 2003 - 224 pages
Further, he used to denounce the British Government in India as heartless Government.31 At the age of eleven, when at Manchester, Aurobindo anticipated intellectually the coming of a revolutionary change in the world and that he was ...
Further, he used to denounce the British Government in India as heartless Government.31 At the age of eleven, when at Manchester, Aurobindo anticipated intellectually the coming of a revolutionary change in the world and that he was ...
Holy war: violence and the Bhagavad Gita, Steven Rosen
- 2002 - 229 pages
Clearly, Sri Aurobindo anticipated here the rise of non-violence as a creed; but he took Sri Krishna's admonition of Arjuna literally and, like Swami Vivekananda , put his faith in strength, ...
Clearly, Sri Aurobindo anticipated here the rise of non-violence as a creed; but he took Sri Krishna's admonition of Arjuna literally and, like Swami Vivekananda
Bengalis: The People, Their History and Culture - Page 150 S.N. Das - 2002 - 284 pages
Thus the object in both the cases were the same, though their methods were different.123 Thus Aurobindo anticipated Gandhi's programme of non-cooperation, passive resistance and Swadeshi by well over a decade. ...
Thus the object in both the cases were the same, though their methods were different.123 Thus Aurobindo anticipated Gandhi's programme of non-cooperation, passive resistance and Swadeshi by well over a decade. ...
Essays on modern Kannada literature: G.S. Amur, G. S. Amur
, Karnāṭaka Sāhitya Akāḍemi - 2001 - 388 pages
The kind of poetry which is heralded in this poem is the poetry of mantra or the poetry of inrush Sri Aurobindo anticipates in Future Poetry
. For further study see my book Dattatreya Ramachandra Bendre, (Sahitya Akademi 1994). ...
The kind of poetry which is heralded in this poem is the poetry of mantra or the poetry of inrush Sri Aurobindo anticipates in Future Poetry
Swami Vivekananda's neo-Vedānta, Rabindra Kumar Dasgupta
, Asiatic Society ... - 1999 - 43 pages
And then Sri Aurobindo anticipates the new Vedanta, a new Synthesis of the Upanisadic teachings emerging out of the teachings of Sri Ramakrishna and Vivekananda. On this Sri Aurobindo says : 'It is such a synthesis embracing all life...
And then Sri Aurobindo anticipates the new Vedanta, a new Synthesis of the Upanisadic teachings emerging out of the teachings of Sri Ramakrishna and Vivekananda. On this Sri Aurobindo says : 'It is such a synthesis embracing all life...
Modernity, morality, and the Mahatma, Madhuri Sondhi
- 1997 - 244 pages
Aurobindo anticipated a spiritual future which would transcend but not disintegrate individual and societal norms; Mallik sought for a broader definition of ethical responsibility in societal, inter-cultural and inter- civilizational ...
Aurobindo anticipated a spiritual future which would transcend but not disintegrate individual and societal norms; Mallik sought for a broader definition of ethical responsibility in societal, inter-cultural and inter-
Doing Christian ethics: context and perspective, 1996
- 196 pages
Sri Aurobindo anticipated the problems of nationalism (patriotism) and advocated the unity of humankind transcending several barriers. His idea was "the hope of the kingdom of heaven within and the city ofGod upon earth. ...
Sri Aurobindo anticipated the problems of nationalism (patriotism) and advocated the unity of humankind transcending several barriers. His idea was "the hope of the kingdom of heaven within and the city of
Journal of South Asian literature Michigan State University . Asian Studies Center - 1993
In his condemnation of "traditional" criticism, Aurobindo anticipates a contemporary western commentator such as Susan Sontag, who speaks of such criticism as "a philistine refusal to leave the work of art alone,"8 which, ...
In his condemnation of "traditional" criticism, Aurobindo anticipates a contemporary western commentator such as Susan Sontag, who speaks of such criticism as "a philistine refusal to leave the work of art alone,"8 which, ...
The problem of Aryan origins from an Indian point of view, Kaikhushru Dhunjibhoy Sethna
- 1992 - 443 pages
Sri Aurobindo anticipates it and at once provides a pointer towards the answer: "We may, if we like, suppose that there was a struggle between two different cults inIndia and that the Rishis took their images from the physical struggle ...
Sri Aurobindo anticipates it and at once provides a pointer towards the answer: "We may, if we like, suppose that there was a struggle between two different cults in
Sri Aurobindo Ghose, Verinder Grover
- 1992 - 606 pages
And in this, it seems credible, Sri Aurobindo anticipated Gandhiji although for Gandhiji's non-violence was a creed, and not an expediency. Shri Gopal Krishna Gokhale was sore with the extreme nationalists and believed that the latter ...
And in this, it seems credible, Sri Aurobindo anticipated Gandhiji although for Gandhiji's non-violence was a creed, and not an expediency. Shri Gopal Krishna Gokhale was sore with the extreme nationalists and believed that the latter ...
The Bengal revolutionaries and freedom movement, Dalia Ray
- 1990 - 204 pages
their methods were different.123 Thus Aurobindo anticipated Gandhi's programme of non-cooperation, passive resistance and Swadeshi by well over a decade. In his 'Open letter to my countrymen' published in the ...
their methods were different.123 Thus Aurobindo anticipated Gandhi's programme of non-cooperation, passive resistance and Swadeshi by well over a decade. In his 'Open letter to my countrymen' published in the ...
Sri Aurobindo and Karl Marx: integral sociology and dialectical ... - Page 52 Debi Prasad Chattopadhyaya - 1988 - 336 pages
Sri Aurobindo anticipates the criticism and his reply is clear: 'The mystery of things is the truth of things; the intellectual presentation is only truth in representation, in abstract symbols, as if in a cubist art of ...
Sri Aurobindo anticipates the criticism and his reply is clear: 'The mystery of things is the truth of things; the intellectual presentation is only truth in representation, in abstract symbols, as if in a cubist art of ...
Environment, evolution, and values: studies in man, society, and ..., Debi Prasad Chattopadhyaya
- 1982 - 306 pages
Sri Aurobindo anticipates a stateless society, a free association of human beings. Like Marx, he is also an anarchist. While the former's materialistic anarchism is destined to get stuck up in a statism, "a life-less machine," Sri ...
Sri Aurobindo anticipates a stateless society, a free association of human beings. Like Marx, he is also an anarchist. While the former's materialistic anarchism is destined to get stuck up in a statism, "a life-less machine," Sri ...
The new Hindu movement, 1886-1911, Rakhal Chandra Nath
- 1982 - 275 pages
These words make it clear that Aurobindo anticipated Mahatma Gandhi's agitation, even though he did not actually start such a movement. But it would be far from true to say that he meant Passive Resistance as anything more than a ...
These words make it clear that Aurobindo anticipated Mahatma Gandhi's agitation, even though he did not actually start such a movement. But it would be far from true to say that he meant Passive Resistance as anything more than a ...
Introducing Savitri, Madhav Pundalik Pandit
- 1982 - 79 pages
What Sri Aurobindo anticipated in the Life Divine
in 1914, viz. clairvoyance, ability to see beyond physical barriers, psychometry — study of the history of an object by mere touch, — become practicable when our consciousness is still ...
What Sri Aurobindo anticipated in the Life Divine
History and society: essays in honour of Professor Niharranjan Ray, Niharranjan Ray, Debiprasad Chattopadhyaya
- 1978 - 642 pages
Sri Aurobindo anticipates the objection against the spirit as the source of aesthetic creativity. For, it may be alleged, the spirit cannot possibly perform the role of reason. The main complaint against the spiritual mind is ...
Sri Aurobindo anticipates the objection against the spirit as the source of aesthetic creativity. For, it may be alleged, the spirit cannot possibly perform the role of reason. The main complaint against the spiritual mind is ...
The quest for political and spiritual liberation: a study in the ..., June O'Connor
- 1977 - 153 pages
In this way all points on the continuum illuminate the direction of the future ideal that Aurobindo anticipates as real possibility. The most recent phase of subjectivism is prelude to the coming of the spiritual age that Aurobindo ...
In this way all points on the continuum illuminate the direction of the future ideal that Aurobindo anticipates as real possibility. The most recent phase of subjectivism is prelude to the coming of the spiritual age that Aurobindo ...
Informed of this by Sister Nivedita, Aurobindo anticipated their action by publishing an article in ...
Indian philosophical annual University of Madras . Centre of Advanced Study ... - 1976
spiritual religion : The goal of spirituality is the flowering of the Divine in collective humanity. l B Sri Aurobindo anticipates fervently in an ' intellectual religion of humanity' whereby the identity and unity or oneness of the spirit in all humanity is recognised towards the consummation of the ideal of human unity on earth. ...
spiritual religion : The goal of spirituality is the flowering of the Divine in collective humanity. l B Sri Aurobindo anticipates fervently in an '
The Hindu personality in education: Tagore, Gandhi, Aurobindo, William Cenkner
- 1976 - 230 pages
Sri Aurobindo anticipated the quality of guru in the teacher: He is a man helping his brothers, a child leading children, a Light kindling other lights, an awakened Soul awakening ...
Sri Aurobindo anticipated the quality of guru in the teacher: He is a man helping his brothers, a child leading children, a Light kindling other lights, an awakened Soul awakening ...
The Advent Sri Aurobindo Ashram - 1976
living entities of galaxies. In fact Sri Aurobindo anticipated both Uri Geller and laser holography in these words: "the psychic brain would be a channel of communication in the form of thoughts and a battery of their insistence on ...
living entities of galaxies. In fact Sri Aurobindo anticipated both Uri Geller and laser holography in these words: "the psychic brain would be a channel of communication in the form of thoughts and a battery of their insistence on ...
Sri Aurobindo: a centenary tribute Aurobindo Ghose, K. R. Srinivasa Iyengar
- 1974 - 346 pages
Sri Aurobindo anticipated the possibilities of the fusion of different reactions to Western influence. According to Sri Aurobindo the awakening vision and impulse, arising from the Indian Renaissance in order to determine its future ...
Sri Aurobindo anticipated the possibilities of the fusion of different reactions to Western influence. According to Sri Aurobindo the awakening vision and impulse, arising from the Indian Renaissance in order to determine its future ...
Philosophies of history: meeting of East and West in cycle-pattern ..., Grace Edith Cairns
- 1971 - 496 pages
Aurobindo anticipates here the next stage in human evolution, from the mind- level to that of super-mind. He conceives the cycle of the history of the cosmos as evolution and involution of the Infinite. There is involution of the ...
Aurobindo anticipates here the next stage in human evolution, from the mind-
The conscience of India: moral traditions in the modern world, Creighton Lacy
- 1965 - 323 pages
In his call for local and regional autonomy, with the village as the basic unit of society, Aurobindo anticipated Gandhi, Vinoba and JP Narayan. In fact, The Spirit and Form of Indian Polity
, published shortly before his death, ...
In his call for local and regional autonomy, with the village as the basic unit of society, Aurobindo anticipated Gandhi, Vinoba and JP Narayan. In fact, The Spirit and Form of Indian Polity
The Advent Sri Aurobindo Ashram - 1958
Already in those days Sri Aurobindo anticipated that the fascination of the Indian mind for western modes of thought and action and dress would pass away and throw up the resources of the Spiritual India to the front. ...
Already in those days Sri Aurobindo anticipated that the fascination of the Indian mind for western modes of thought and action and dress would pass away and throw up the resources of the Spiritual India to the front. ...
In his aversion to constitutional reforms, in his conception of nationalism and in the technique of passive resistence, Aurobindo anticipated the methods and policy of Gandhiji, though he had no compunctions about the use of any means ...
In his aversion to constitutional reforms, in his conception of nationalism and in the technique of passive resistence, Aurobindo anticipated the methods and policy of Gandhiji, though he had no compunctions about the use of any means ...
Literary spectrum: essays in homage to Prof. N. Krishna Rao, D. J. P. N. Reddy, Nyapati Krishna Rao
- 1994 - 224 pages
But being incarnate patience and compassion and sovereign understanding, Sri Aurobindo admonishes, argues, corrects, turns brick into marble, copper into gold, the good into the better, and occasionally the excellent into the sublime. ... Mother India: monthly review of culture Sri Aurobindo Ashram – 1983
But being incarnate patience and compassion and sovereign understanding, Sri Aurobindo admonishes, argues, corrects, turns brick into marble, copper into gold, the good into the better, and occasionally the excellent into the sublime. ... Mother India: monthly review of culture Sri Aurobindo Ashram – 1983
Amal-Kiran, poet and critic, Nirodbaran, R. Y. Deshpande, Kaikhushru ...
- 1994 - 457 pages
When Sethna wanted to compare his achievement with the achievements of other poets, Sri Aurobindo admonished him: "What have you to do with what others have achieved? If you write poetry, it should be from the standpoint that you have ...
When Sethna wanted to compare his achievement with the achievements of other poets, Sri Aurobindo admonished him: "What have you to do with what others have achieved? If you write poetry, it should be from the standpoint that you have ...
The future of man according to Teilhard de Chardin and Aurobindo Ghose, J. Chetany
- 1978 - 500 pages
Hence Aurobindo admonishes us that "until he (man) has thus developed his individuality, his personality, his separate capacity, he cannot be fit for the great work before him, or successfully turn his faculties to higher, ...
Hence Aurobindo admonishes us that "until he (man) has thus developed his individuality, his personality, his separate capacity, he cannot be fit for the great work before him, or successfully turn his faculties to higher, ...
Indian educational review National Council of Educational Research and ... - 1995
A critical study of the concept of creativity in philosophy with special reference to Bergson, Whitehead and Sri Aurobindo. Ph.D (Phil.) Dissertation,Kurukshetra University , Kurukshetra. Gautam, S. (1992).
A critical study of the concept of creativity in philosophy with special reference to Bergson, Whitehead and Sri Aurobindo. Ph.D (Phil.) Dissertation,
Paths beyond ego: the transpersonal vision Roger N. Walsh, Frances E. Vaughan, Frances ... - 1993 - 293 pages
that (2) a trueEden preceded the ego in evolution (or that the personal ego caused original sin). In fact, as both Hegel and Aurobindo demonstrated, original alienation, or the high point of alienation, starts with material nature. ...
that (2) a true
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