Sri Aurobindo - A Contemporary Reader Sachidananda Mohanty, Aurobindo Ghose - 2008 - 180 pages
How do we judge a culture, asks Sri Aurobindo. The greatness of a culture, he says, can be determined by the manner in which it seeks to achieve 'a natural harmony of spirit, mind and body'. Spirituality is the keynote of ...
How do we judge a culture, asks Sri Aurobindo. The greatness of a culture, he says, can be determined by the manner in which it seeks to achieve 'a natural harmony of spirit, mind and body'. Spirituality is the keynote of ...
Understanding thoughts of Sri Aurobindo Indrani Sanyal, Krishna Roy
, Jadavpur ... - 2007 - 317 pages
Sri Aurobindo asks the pertinent question: has evolution ended with the manifestation of mind, of which man is the best example? His categorical answer is that mind is not the last term of the evolution of consciousness in the world. ...
Sri Aurobindo asks the pertinent question: has evolution ended with the manifestation of mind, of which man is the best example? His categorical answer is that mind is not the last term of the evolution of consciousness in the world. ...
Philosophy of Education - Page 170 M. L. Dhawan - 2005 - 288 pages
asks Sri Aurobindo and answers. 'He has no method and every method. His system is a natural organization of the highest processes and movements of which the nature is capable. Applying themselves even to the pettiest details and to ... Philosophical & Socio. - Page 104 M.h. siddiqui ... The Advent Sri Aurobindo Ashram – 1997
asks Sri Aurobindo and answers. 'He has no method and every method. His system is a natural organization of the highest processes and movements of which the nature is capable. Applying themselves even to the pettiest details and to ... Philosophical & Socio. - Page 104 M.h. siddiqui ... The Advent Sri Aurobindo Ashram – 1997
Sri Aurobindo to Dilip: 1934-1935, Sujata Nahar, Michel Danino, Shankar Bandyopadhyay
– 2005 In the letter of 30 December 1935 Sri Aurobindo asks ...
Christians meeting Hindus: an analysis and theological critique of ... - Page 280 Bob Robinson - 2004 - 392 pages
The reality conveyed by history seems narrow, relative and contingent whereas one "who has seen the real is lifted above all narrowness, relativities, and contingencies". As Aurobindo asks (with the clear implication of an affirmative …
The reality conveyed by history seems narrow, relative and contingent whereas one "who has seen the real is lifted above all narrowness, relativities, and contingencies". As Aurobindo asks (with the clear implication of an affirmative …
Mother India: monthly review of culture Sri Aurobindo Ashram - 2004
Sri Aurobindo asks, " immortality a plaything to be given lightly to a child, or the divine life a prize without effort or the crown for a weakling?"20 The method he proposes for preparing oneself by personal effort is that of the ...
Sri Aurobindo asks, " immortality a plaything to be given lightly to a child, or the divine life a prize without effort or the crown for a weakling?"20 The method he proposes for preparing oneself by personal effort is that of the ...
The secret of the Veda Sri Aurobindo - 2003 - 604 pages
Is there at all or is there still a secret of the Veda? Sri Aurobindo asks in the opening sentence of this book.
Is there at all or is there still a secret of the Veda? Sri Aurobindo asks in the opening sentence of this book.
Vedic symbolism, Satya Prakash Singh
- 2001 - 614 pages
If Sarasvati can represent the string of inspiration coming down from Rta, the truth-consciousness of the Eternal, will other river-goddesses associated so closely with her remain mere rivers, asks Sri Aurobindo. Via a discussion on the ...
If Sarasvati can represent the string of inspiration coming down from Rta, the truth-consciousness of the Eternal, will other river-goddesses associated so closely with her remain mere rivers, asks Sri Aurobindo. Via a discussion on the ...
Tattvālokah Sri Abhinava Vidyatheertha Educational Trust - 2000
Messengers of Love Sri Aurobindo asks, "What are flowers? Are they not messenger of love, prayers of the vegetal world, the aspiration and adoration of nature, the smile of the Divine?" In all countries, flowers have been associated ...
Messengers of Love Sri Aurobindo asks, "What are flowers? Are they not messenger of love, prayers of the vegetal world, the aspiration and adoration of nature, the smile of the Divine?" In all countries, flowers have been associated ...
Sri Aurobindo asks and he himself answers, “Nationalism is not a mere political programme. Nationalism is a religion that has come from God. Nationalism is a creed in which you shall have to live.” "Nationalism is an Avatara and ...
The Advent Sri Aurobindo Ashram - 1998
Citing this declaration, Sri Aurobindo asks in his Life Divine, his main metaphysical work, why is bliss not a characteristic of our life? Why is it that pain, suffering, stress, struggle, are the features of our life? ...
Citing this declaration, Sri Aurobindo asks in his Life Divine, his main metaphysical work, why is bliss not a characteristic of our life? Why is it that pain, suffering, stress, struggle, are the features of our life? ...
Selected Works of M.P. Pandit: Sri Aurobindo Rand Hicks - 1998
Aurobindo asks us to look to this aspect of things. Look to the achievement in the person, to the positive features of his attainment. That way you too will grow in that mould. If on the other hand men devote undue attention to negative ...
Aurobindo asks us to look to this aspect of things. Look to the achievement in the person, to the positive features of his attainment. That way you too will grow in that mould. If on the other hand men devote undue attention to negative ...
Selected Works of M.P. Pandit: The world Madhav Pundalik Pandit - 1998 - 522 pages
The Chinese culture today is certainly not the traditional Chinese kind, the ethical culture that we have known in history. Sri Aurobindo asks this question: what is the secret of this long and unparalleled life of Indian culture ...
The Chinese culture today is certainly not the traditional Chinese kind, the ethical culture that we have known in history. Sri Aurobindo asks this question: what is the secret of this long and unparalleled life of Indian culture ...
Beyond man: life and work of Sri Aurobindo and the Mother Georges van Vrekhem - 1997 - 544 pages
says on11 May 1940 : 'In the Ashram the feelings are divided. Some are for the British and some for Hitler.' Sri Aurobindo asks: 'For Hitler?' Satyendra answers: 'Not exactly, but they are anti-British. ...
says on
Political thinkers of modern India - Page 96, Adi Hormusji Doctor
- 1997 - 141 pages
It was atPondicherry that he developed the technique of integral yoga which would help mankind realize his vision of the "Life divine". Aurobindo asks the question, "What is a nation ?", and answers that it is not a mere piece of earth ...
It was at
Religion and creation Keith Ward - 1996 - 351 pages
Aurobindo asks, 'Is Prakriti really power of Chit, in its nature force of creative self-conscience?'99 The question is rhetorical. Matter exists as the basis for the ascent to Life, and thence to Mind. 'Matter also is Brahman . . . the ...
Aurobindo asks, 'Is Prakriti really power of Chit, in its nature force of creative self-conscience?'99 The question is rhetorical. Matter exists as the basis for the ascent to Life, and thence to Mind. 'Matter also is Brahman . . . the ...
Concepts of time, ancient and modern Kapila Vatsyayan, Indira Gandhi National ... - 1996 - 562 pages
8 — asks Sri Aurobindo. And, by sleep, the human experience shows us that we mean not a suspension of consciousness, but its gathering inward away from conscious physical response to the impact of external things. ...
8 — asks Sri Aurobindo. And, by sleep, the human experience shows us that we mean not a suspension of consciousness, but its gathering inward away from conscious physical response to the impact of external things. ...
Science of Meditation - Page 174 Rohit Mehta - 1995 - 199 pages
Sri Aurobindo asks us: ... to look at the thoughts as not one's own, to stand back as the witness — the thoughts are regarded as things coming from outside, and they must be felt as if they were passers-by crossing the mind-space with ...
Sri Aurobindo asks us: ... to look at the thoughts as not one's own, to stand back as the witness — the thoughts are regarded as things coming from outside, and they must be felt as if they were passers-by crossing the mind-space with ...
Annual Sri Aurobindo mandir, Calcutta - 1995
Starting from this Sri Aurobindo asks the question: will man remain satisfied with being man or will he awaken to the necessity of being something other than man, that is. a superman ? That is the summary of the paragraph. ...
Starting from this Sri Aurobindo asks the question: will man remain satisfied with being man or will he awaken to the necessity of being something other than man, that is. a superman ? That is the summary of the paragraph. ...
India's True Voice - Page 74 Alvin Boyd Kuhn - 1992 - 320 pages
It would persuade us that if we can throw these off, inhibit their inhibitions, we may stand free from the delusion of the dream. But Aurobindo asks (as every sane mind must ask) why and how did unreality come to be a product of the ...
It would persuade us that if we can throw these off, inhibit their inhibitions, we may stand free from the delusion of the dream. But Aurobindo asks (as every sane mind must ask) why and how did unreality come to be a product of the ...
The vision and work of Sri Aurobindo Kaikhushru Dhunjibhoy Sethna - 1992 - 238 pages
O Pushan (Fosterer), Seer, O Yama, O Sun, O Child of the Father of beings, marshal and gather together thy rays; I see the Light which is that fairest (most auspicious) form of thee; he who is this Purusha, He am I." Sri Aurobindo asks ...
O Pushan (Fosterer), Seer, O Yama, O Sun, O Child of the Father of beings, marshal and gather together thy rays; I see the Light which is that fairest (most auspicious) form of thee; he who is this Purusha, He am I." Sri Aurobindo asks ...
Hartshorne, process philosophy, and theology - Page 125 Robert Kane, Stephen H. Phillips - 1989 - 198 pages
... ideative context, his "philosophic problem-space," so to say. Our Indian theist spends tens of pages in The Life Divine attacking the Advaitin Sankara and his concept of brahman. Time and again, Aurobindo asks why Brahman ...
... ideative context, his "philosophic problem-space," so to say. Our Indian theist spends tens of pages in The Life Divine attacking the Advaitin Sankara and his concept of brahman. Time and again, Aurobindo asks why Brahman ...
Sri Rāmānuja on tat tvam asi and ne︢ti ne︢ti Ke. Es Nārāyaṇācārya - 1989 - 271 pages
Aurobindo asks: "What justification, of logic or experience, can be asserted in support of the one extreme which cannot be met by an equally cogent logic and an equally valid experience at the other end? ...
Aurobindo asks: "What justification, of logic or experience, can be asserted in support of the one extreme which cannot be met by an equally cogent logic and an equally valid experience at the other end? ...
The glimpses of Indological heritage Uma Deshpande - 1989 - 199 pages
Rightly therefore Aurobindo asks us to perform our works not without any desire but with an aspiration and yearning for the realization and attainment of God. As it is stated in the following verse of the Geeta. to take refuge in Him ...
Rightly therefore Aurobindo asks us to perform our works not without any desire but with an aspiration and yearning for the realization and attainment of God. As it is stated in the following verse of the Geeta. to take refuge in Him ...
Knowledge, freedom, and language: an interwoven fabrics of man, ... Debi Prasad Chattopadhyaya - 1989 - 307 pages
Doubly handicapped as we are by separative knowledge and separative language, how, Aurobindo asks, can we possibly capture and express our knowledge of objects and kinds. His problem is to speak of the unspeakable or, ...
Doubly handicapped as we are by separative knowledge and separative language, how, Aurobindo asks, can we possibly capture and express our knowledge of objects and kinds. His problem is to speak of the unspeakable or, ...
The Advent Sri Aurobindo Ashram - 1988
Sri Aurobindo asks who can prove that I do not exist after death. A day is coming when there will be ample proof to convince the intellect that death is not the end of things. There is a continuity of life, continuity of experience, ...
Sri Aurobindo asks who can prove that I do not exist after death. A day is coming when there will be ample proof to convince the intellect that death is not the end of things. There is a continuity of life, continuity of experience, ...
Influence of Bhagavadgita on literature written in English: in ..., Ramesh Mohan, Tika Ram Sharma
- 1988 - 277 pages
What greater word of power... for love has been uttered by any philosophy or any religion ? asks Sri Aurobindo. This means that the subjection of the ego sense to the mechanism of Nature, Prakriti, is not final or absolute. ...
What greater word of power... for love has been uttered by any philosophy or any religion ? asks Sri Aurobindo. This means that the subjection of the ego sense to the mechanism of Nature, Prakriti, is not final or absolute. ...
The synthesis of yoga Aurobindo Ghose, K. R. Srinivasa Iyengar - 1988 - 899 pages
Leaving aside "the forms and outsides" of the current Yogic disciplines, why not seize, asks Sri Aurobindo, "on some central principle common to all which will include and utilise in the right place and proportion their particular ...
Leaving aside "the forms and outsides" of the current Yogic disciplines, why not seize, asks Sri Aurobindo, "on some central principle common to all which will include and utilise in the right place and proportion their particular ...
Sri Aurobindo's ideal of human life M. Rafique - 1987 - 130 pages
Sri Aurobindo asks how one can deny or abolish altogether the abiding unit in oneself which has come from or which is a part of the all-comprehending unit of the Supreme Self. That is why it is said that to discover one's own self is to ...
Sri Aurobindo asks how one can deny or abolish altogether the abiding unit in oneself which has come from or which is a part of the all-comprehending unit of the Supreme Self. That is why it is said that to discover one's own self is to ...
The Advent 1987
Referring to the above lines, Sri Aurobindo asks: "The question is whether, without knowing God, we can really know the flower, — know it, and not merely its name and form or all the details of its name and form. ...
Referring to the above lines, Sri Aurobindo asks: "The question is whether, without knowing God, we can really know the flower, — know it, and not merely its name and form or all the details of its name and form. ...
The concept of man in Sri Aurobindo and other themes Madhav Pundalik Pandit - 1987 - 439 pages
Sri Aurobindo asks this question: what is the secret of this long and unparalleled life of Indian culture? And he makes certain observations. He says that in the economy of Nature each people, each society is assigned with a particular ...
Sri Aurobindo asks this question: what is the secret of this long and unparalleled life of Indian culture? And he makes certain observations. He says that in the economy of Nature each people, each society is assigned with a particular ...
Journal of Dharma Dharmaram College . Centre for the Study of ... - 1987
Who is suffering in the last analysis, Sri Aurobindo asks. His answer is that since the Divine is immanent in the universe and thus he is the one knower in all beings, any experience in the world must ultimately be his. ...
Who is suffering in the last analysis, Sri Aurobindo asks. His answer is that since the Divine is immanent in the universe and thus he is the one knower in all beings, any experience in the world must ultimately be his. ...
Integral education: thought and practice Raghunath Pani - 1987 - 633 pages
asks Sri Aurobindo and he himself answers, "At no moment in time, for the beginning is at every moment. . . . The divine beginning is before Time, in time and beyond Time for ever."* So with the middle and the end. ... Integral Education: thought & Practical - Page 130
asks Sri Aurobindo and he himself answers, "At no moment in time, for the beginning is at every moment. . . . The divine beginning is before Time, in time and beyond Time for ever."* So with the middle and the end. ... Integral Education: thought & Practical - Page 130
Versatile genius: commemoration volume on the occasion of the ... Madhav Pundalik Pandit - 1986 - 304 pages
As mentioned somewhere in the complete works, Sri Aurobindo asks the interesting question: had Indian culture disappeared like the Egyptian and Greek cultures and European scholars had to translate the following sentence: "Laxmi and...
As mentioned somewhere in the complete works, Sri Aurobindo asks the interesting question: had Indian culture disappeared like the Egyptian and Greek cultures and European scholars had to translate the following sentence: "Laxmi and...
Mother India: monthly review of culture Sri Aurobindo Ashram - 1986
The desire for an individual flowering is replaced by the realisation — We, too, by the Eternal Might are led To whatsover goal He wills, Our helm He grasps, our generous sail outspread His strong breath fills.2 Sri Aurobindo asks the ...
The desire for an individual flowering is replaced by the realisation — We, too, by the Eternal Might are led To whatsover goal He wills, Our helm He grasps, our generous sail outspread His strong breath fills.2 Sri Aurobindo asks the ...
The Advent 1986
Sri Aurobindo asks the question: "When will the world change into the model of Heaven?" and gives the answer: "When all mankind becomes boys and girls together with God revealed as Krishna and Kali, the happiest boy and strongest girl...
Sri Aurobindo asks the question: "When will the world change into the model of Heaven?" and gives the answer: "When all mankind becomes boys and girls together with God revealed as Krishna and Kali, the happiest boy and strongest girl...
and Nature sole below Were the spectators of that mighty strife. "Miltonic?" asks Sri Aurobindo and goes on to answer: "Surely not. The Miltonic has a statelier more spreading rhythm and a less direct more loftily arranged language. ... Mother India Sri Aurobindo Ashram – 1957
Mother India: monthly review of culture Sri Aurobindo Ashram - 1984
asks Sri Aurobindo about the latter's having contemplated suicide at one time, sharp comes the correction: "What nonsense! Suicide! Who the devil told you that? Even if I knew that all was going to collapse tomorrow, ...
asks Sri Aurobindo about the latter's having contemplated suicide at one time, sharp comes the correction: "What nonsense! Suicide! Who the devil told you that? Even if I knew that all was going to collapse tomorrow, ...
Sri Aurobindo circle Aurobindo Ghose - 1984
Why not, Sri Aurobindo asks back with a glint in his eye. Must we impose "the colder and harder Nordic ideal on the Southern temperament which regarded the expression of emotions, not its suppression, as a virtue"?3 The spontaneous ease...
Why not, Sri Aurobindo asks back with a glint in his eye. Must we impose "the colder and harder Nordic ideal on the Southern temperament which regarded the expression of emotions, not its suppression, as a virtue"?3 The spontaneous ease...
The Advent Sri Aurobindo Ashram - 1984
Our Self in all, all in one Self and the Self as all. And this Self is Divine. If this is the essential character of the universe then why is it, Sri Aurobindo asks, that we are confronted with the phenomenon of so much of evil, ...
Our Self in all, all in one Self and the Self as all. And this Self is Divine. If this is the essential character of the universe then why is it, Sri Aurobindo asks, that we are confronted with the phenomenon of so much of evil, ...
The Advent Sri Aurobindo Ashram - 1984
asks Sri Aurobindo. "Man is an uncreated and indestructible soul that has housed itself in a mind and body made of its own elements." "The meeting of man and God must always mean a penetration and entry of the Divine into the human and ...
asks Sri Aurobindo. "Man is an uncreated and indestructible soul that has housed itself in a mind and body made of its own elements." "The meeting of man and God must always mean a penetration and entry of the Divine into the human and ...
Commentaries on the Mother's ministry Madhav Pundalik Pandit - 1983
That is why Sri Aurobindo asks us to leave visions and sounds to themselves and to concentrate more on experiences of quietude, calm, peace, cheerfulness. For they lay the necessary foundations of spiritual life and for change in ...
That is why Sri Aurobindo asks us to leave visions and sounds to themselves and to concentrate more on experiences of quietude, calm, peace, cheerfulness. For they lay the necessary foundations of spiritual life and for change in ...
The yoga of self-perfection: based on Sri Aurobindo's Synthesis of ... - Page 243 Madhav Pundalik Pandit - 1983 - 308 pages
proposition. For myself I have made it a principle and I always advise everybody not to be guided by voices and visions. Sri Aurobindo asks us to leave voices and visions to themselves and look for experience. ...
proposition. For myself I have made it a principle and I always advise everybody not to be guided by voices and visions. Sri Aurobindo asks us to leave voices and visions to themselves and look for experience. ...
The Advent Sri Aurobindo Ashram - 1983
She pointed out that those who practise asceticism dry up the springs of love, of harmony and goodwill in themselves, and choose to turn their backs on the divine splendour in the world. Sri Aurobindo asks in a memorable passage not to ...
She pointed out that those who practise asceticism dry up the springs of love, of harmony and goodwill in themselves, and choose to turn their backs on the divine splendour in the world. Sri Aurobindo asks in a memorable passage not to ...
The Yoga of Love - Page 89 M. P. Pandit - 1982 - 104 pages
If Delight is the nature of this existence — Sri Aurobindo asks himself in one of the chapters of The Life Divine — Why is it that you and I don't feel life as delightful as it is described by philosophers and ...
If Delight is the nature of this existence — Sri Aurobindo asks himself in one of the chapters of The Life Divine — Why is it that you and I don't feel life as delightful as it is described by philosophers and ...
Awakened India Vivekananda (Swami) - 1982
Sri Aurobindo asks the Sadhaka to take to a more positive way. Not to dwell too much on the negative side of things but to concentrate on the positive side which will steadily displace its opposite is his way. ...
Sri Aurobindo asks the Sadhaka to take to a more positive way. Not to dwell too much on the negative side of things but to concentrate on the positive side which will steadily displace its opposite is his way. ...
Collected works Mother - 1980
When the preparation is sufficient then you can come for a permanent stay. You can be sure of our help and our love and blessings will be with you.24 February 1941 Sri Aurobindo asks me to tell you that it is better for you ...
When the preparation is sufficient then you can come for a permanent stay. You can be sure of our help and our love and blessings will be with you.
The Advent Sri Aurobindo Ashram - 1979
Sri Aurobindo asks how wonderful it would be if all these main truths could be fused, synthesized and lived. He regards the truth in every religion. He explains, for instance, that Jesus Christ himself is an incarnation, but he says it ...
Sri Aurobindo asks how wonderful it would be if all these main truths could be fused, synthesized and lived. He regards the truth in every religion. He explains, for instance, that Jesus Christ himself is an incarnation, but he says it ...
The dynamics of yoga: third series Madhav Pundalik Pandit - 1978 - 164 pages
Sri Aurobindo asks the questioner to look back at the evolution and see how, from an apparent and an obstinate inert substance some kind of awareness, self-awareness seems to emerge, how where there should be no consciousness at all...
Sri Aurobindo asks the questioner to look back at the evolution and see how, from an apparent and an obstinate inert substance some kind of awareness, self-awareness seems to emerge, how where there should be no consciousness at all...
Divine personality and human life in Ramanuja Pandeya Brahmeshwar Vidyarthi - 1978 - 367 pages
Sri Aurobindo asks: "What is our assurances of our experience of the other term, the pure self, the silent the static or absolute Reality, since that too comes to us in a mind moulded of delusion and formed in a body ...
Sri Aurobindo asks: "What is our assurances of our experience of the other term, the pure self, the silent the static or absolute Reality, since that too comes to us in a mind moulded of delusion and formed in a body ...
Towards supermanhood: the philosophy of Sri Aurobindo Pritibhushan Chatterjee - 1977 - 96 pages ... Aurobindo asks ... Triveni 1972 ... asks Sri Aurobindo ...
Moving frontiers of English studies in India C. D. Narasimhaiah - 1977 - 109 pages
While Coomaraswamy has concerned himself largely with art objects, Aurobindo's concern is with literature: His Future Poetry and the three volumes of letters should bear witness to what I claim for him. What Aurobindo asks for is an ...
While Coomaraswamy has concerned himself largely with art objects, Aurobindo's concern is with literature: His Future Poetry and the three volumes of letters should bear witness to what I claim for him. What Aurobindo asks for is an ...
An introduction to Sri Aurobindo's philosophy Joan Price Ockham - 1977 - 185 pages
Individual, she embodies the power of these two vaster ways of her existence, makes them living and near to us and mediates between the human personality and the divine Nature.1 But, even if we accept Sat and Chit, Sri Aurobindo asks, ...
Individual, she embodies the power of these two vaster ways of her existence, makes them living and near to us and mediates between the human personality and the divine Nature.1 But, even if we accept Sat and Chit, Sri Aurobindo asks, ...
Collected works Mother - 1977
Starting from this Sri Aurobindo asks the question: Will man remain satisfied with being man or will he awaken to the necessity of being something other than man, that is, a superman ? That is the summary of the paragraph. ...
Starting from this Sri Aurobindo asks the question: Will man remain satisfied with being man or will he awaken to the necessity of being something other than man, that is, a superman ? That is the summary of the paragraph. ...
The dynamics of yoga: second series Madhav Pundalik Pandit - 1977 - 183 pages
Sri Aurobindo asks, even at the risk of being misunderstood, whether such an important function as sex — which nature has nurtured so carefully, which nature has been utilising for its own purpose of propagation of species, ...
Sri Aurobindo asks, even at the risk of being misunderstood, whether such an important function as sex — which nature has nurtured so carefully, which nature has been utilising for its own purpose of propagation of species, ...
Life divine and spiritual values Narayana Guru - 1977 - 260 pages
asks Sri Aurobindo (p. 117, L,3). Here was a sage who sat in meditative solitude for nearly forty years surrounded by his visions on the future. He kindled on the horizon of man constellations that spell a new civilization. ... Sri Aurobindo, seer and poet Vinayak Krishna Gokak - 1973 - 185 pages Glimpses on religion, philosophy, and mysticism: Alasinga Perumal ... M. C. Alasinga Perumal, M. V. Krishna Rao - 1968 - 199 pages
asks Sri Aurobindo (p. 117, L,3). Here was a sage who sat in meditative solitude for nearly forty years surrounded by his visions on the future. He kindled on the horizon of man constellations that spell a new civilization. ... Sri Aurobindo, seer and poet Vinayak Krishna Gokak - 1973 - 185 pages Glimpses on religion, philosophy, and mysticism: Alasinga Perumal ... M. C. Alasinga Perumal, M. V. Krishna Rao - 1968 - 199 pages
K. C. Mammen Māppiḷai: the man and his vision M. J. Koshy - 1976 - 673 pages
This norm he prizes so strongly that he even stopped going to regular classes and availed himself of the opportunity of appearing in private for the matriculation. A teacher to him is a friend, philosopher and guide. As Aurobindo asks us why deny this privilege to lower students what is claimed to be given to students of higher ...
This norm he prizes so strongly that he even stopped going to regular classes and availed himself of the opportunity of appearing in private for the matriculation. A teacher to him is a friend, philosopher and guide. As Aurobindo asks us why deny this privilege to lower students what is claimed to be given to students of higher ...
Indian philosophical annual University of Madras . Centre of Advanced Study ... - 1976
Sri Aurobindo asks us to ascend above the experience of the Static Self in order to have the experience of the Supermind, so that we get thereupon a complete knowledge of the Self as well as of the world. He calls the consciousness of ...
Sri Aurobindo asks us to ascend above the experience of the Static Self in order to have the experience of the Supermind, so that we get thereupon a complete knowledge of the Self as well as of the world. He calls the consciousness of ...
Indian philosophical annual University of Madras . Centre of Advanced Study ... - 1976
and without the latter, the identification between Brahman or Spirit and Matter remains always an artificial creation of thought. Sri Aurobindo asks us to ascend above the experience of the Static Self in order to have the experience of the Supermind, so that we get thereupon a complete knowledge of the Self as well as of the world. He calls the consciousness of ...
and without the latter, the identification between Brahman or Spirit and Matter remains always an artificial creation of thought. Sri Aurobindo asks us to ascend above the experience of the Static Self in order to have the experience of the Supermind, so that we get thereupon a complete knowledge of the Self as well as of the world. He calls the consciousness of ...
Indian thought: an introduction Donald H. Bishop - 1975 - 427 pages
Since man is conscious of all these and has his conscience pointing to higher levels of existence as distinct from lower ones, Aurobindo asks man to participate consciously in the evolutionary march in the present cycle. ...
Since man is conscious of all these and has his conscience pointing to higher levels of existence as distinct from lower ones, Aurobindo asks man to participate consciously in the evolutionary march in the present cycle. ...
Man and the universe of faiths Madathilparampil M. Thomas - 1975 - 161 pages
is one with it and does not exclude it, even as the universe embraces the individual and does not exclude him'. If individuality is lost in the final salvation, Aurobindo asks, 'who then profits by this escape?' and answers it himself: 'Not the Supreme Self, for it is supposed to be always and inalienably free, still, silent, pure. ...
is one with it and does not exclude it, even as the universe embraces the individual and does not exclude him'. If individuality is lost in the final salvation, Aurobindo asks, 'who then profits by this escape?' and answers it himself: 'Not the Supreme Self, for it is supposed to be always and inalienably free, still, silent, pure. ...
The spirit of modern India: writings in philosophy, religion & culture Robert A. McDermott, Vishwanath S. Naravane - 1974 - 313 pages
natural sciences, Sri Aurobindo asks: "What was it that stood behind that civilisation, second to none in the massiveness of its outlines or the perfection of its details? Without a great and unique discipline, involving a perfect ...
natural sciences, Sri Aurobindo asks: "What was it that stood behind that civilisation, second to none in the massiveness of its outlines or the perfection of its details? Without a great and unique discipline, involving a perfect ...
Revival of Upaniṣadic thought in contemporary Indian philosophy Sankatha Prasad Singh - 1974 - 324 pages
The development of recent researches points to a sort of obscure beginning of life aud perhaps a sort of inert ox suppressed consciousness in the metal and all inanimate forms. So Sri Aurobindo asks us to ...
The development of recent researches points to a sort of obscure beginning of life aud perhaps a sort of inert ox suppressed consciousness in the metal and all inanimate forms. So Sri Aurobindo asks us to ...
Mother India: monthly review of culture Sri Aurobindo Ashram - 1974
O Yama (Ordainer), O illumining Sun, O power of Prajapati (Father of beings), marshal and gather together thy rays; I see the Light which is that fairest form of thee; he who is this Purusha, He am I." Sri Aurobindo asks us to mark how the seer of the Upanishad translates into his own later style, ...
O Yama (Ordainer), O illumining Sun, O power of Prajapati (Father of beings), marshal and gather together thy rays; I see the Light which is that fairest form of thee; he who is this Purusha, He am I." Sri Aurobindo asks us to mark how the seer of the Upanishad translates into his own later style, ...
Sri Aurobindo and Iqbal: a comparative study of their philosophy M. Rafique - 1974 - 213 pages
the individual ego is not abolished altogether. Transcend it we must, but we cannot get rid of it. The individual has to acknowledge that it is the same self which is pervading in him and in every thing else. Sri Aurobindo asks how ...
the individual ego is not abolished altogether. Transcend it we must, but we cannot get rid of it. The individual has to acknowledge that it is the same self which is pervading in him and in every thing else. Sri Aurobindo asks how ...
Sri Aurobindo and the future of man: a study in synthesis Sanat Kumar Banerji - 1974 - 208 pages
In this context, Sri Aurobindo asks a pertinent question that has yet to be answered: "A few sannyasins and saints would obtain realisation and get themselves "liberated", some devotees would dance in ecstasy with their love and...
In this context, Sri Aurobindo asks a pertinent question that has yet to be answered: "A few sannyasins and saints would obtain realisation and get themselves "liberated", some devotees would dance in ecstasy with their love and...
Sri Aurobindo: a garland of tributes Arabinda Basu - 1973 - 252 pages
Why should the Divine ", asks Sri Aurobindo, " be tied down to succeed in all his operations ? What if failure suits him better and serves better his ultimate purpose ?"7 But Sri Aurobindo did accomplish what he had set out to achieve. ...
Why should the Divine ", asks Sri Aurobindo, " be tied down to succeed in all his operations ? What if failure suits him better and serves better his ultimate purpose ?"7 But Sri Aurobindo did accomplish what he had set out to achieve. ...
Towards eternity; Sri Aurobindo birth centenary volume, 15th ... Aurobindo Ghose - 1973 - 526 pages
What else can we believe? asks Aurobindo. If there be any goal to the evolution which finds here its present crown. the human being. ..if the infinite potentiality of this creature. ..has any meaning other than an ultimate ...
What else can we believe? asks Aurobindo. If there be any goal to the evolution which finds here its present crown. the human being. ..if the infinite potentiality of this creature. ..has any meaning other than an ultimate ...
Today we have reached a "new crisis of transformation" because in the very dynamism of Nature's evolution lies a divine teleology or the telic principle. So Sri Aurobindo asks: If from a bodiless Force Matter was born, If Life could ... Towards eternity
Contemporary relevance of Sri Aurobindo Kishor Gandhi - 1973 - 343 pages
Would it not be, asks Sri Aurobindo, more reasonable to think that the soul comes into the world to do something not only in the world but for the world or rather for God in the world? In other words the world is not merely a vale of ...
Would it not be, asks Sri Aurobindo, more reasonable to think that the soul comes into the world to do something not only in the world but for the world or rather for God in the world? In other words the world is not merely a vale of ...
The miracle of descent: reflections on Sri Aurobindo's integral yoga, Rohit Mehta
, Aurobindo Ghose - 1973 - 187 pages
Sri Aurobindo asks the beginner to start with Aspiration. This is easily understandable, for, aspiration suggests that the student of Yoga wants to move away from his established way of life and discover a new way of living. ...
Sri Aurobindo asks the beginner to start with Aspiration. This is easily understandable, for, aspiration suggests that the student of Yoga wants to move away from his established way of life and discover a new way of living. ...
The Advent Sri Aurobindo Ashram - 1973
Since man is conscious of all these, since he has his conscience which points to the higher levels of existence as distinct from the lower ones, Sri Aurobindo asksman to participate consciously in the evolutionary march in the present ...
Since man is conscious of all these, since he has his conscience which points to the higher levels of existence as distinct from the lower ones, Sri Aurobindo asksman to participate consciously in the evolutionary march in the present ...
Questions and answers, 1957 & 1958 Mother - 1973 - 392 pages
Starting from that Sri Aurobindo asks the question: Will man remain satisfied with being man or will he awaken to the necessity of being something other than man, that is, a superman ? That is the summary of the paragraph. ...
Starting from that Sri Aurobindo asks the question: Will man remain satisfied with being man or will he awaken to the necessity of being something other than man, that is, a superman ? That is the summary of the paragraph. ...
An introduction to the study of society - Page 174 Adhar Chandra Das - 1972 - 232 pages
Sri Aurobindo asks us : ... to look at the thoughts as not one's own, to stand back as the witness — the thoughts are regarded as things coming from outside, and they must be felt as if they were passers-by crossing the mind-space with ...
Sri Aurobindo asks us : ... to look at the thoughts as not one's own, to stand back as the witness — the thoughts are regarded as things coming from outside, and they must be felt as if they were passers-by crossing the mind-space with ...
Worthy is the world: the Hindu philosophy of Sri Aurobindo Beatrice Bruteau - 1972 - 288 pages
Mother give birth to these many beings, Aurobindo asks himself, "why should Brahman, perfect, absolute, infinite, needing nothing, desiring nothing, at all throw out force of consciousness to create in itself these worlds of forms? ...
Mother give birth to these many beings, Aurobindo asks himself, "why should Brahman, perfect, absolute, infinite, needing nothing, desiring nothing, at all throw out force of consciousness to create in itself these worlds of forms? ...
Annual Sri Aurobindo mandir, Calcutta - 1972
Sri Aurobindo asks the evolutionists, how can something evolve which is not involved in it? We are, therefore, bound to accept that Consciousness is already involved in Matter; it merely presents itself to outward gaze at a particular ...
Sri Aurobindo asks the evolutionists, how can something evolve which is not involved in it? We are, therefore, bound to accept that Consciousness is already involved in Matter; it merely presents itself to outward gaze at a particular ...
The Advent Sri Aurobindo Ashram - 1972
"What," Sri Aurobindo asks in a memorable passage, "what is meant after all by life and when is it that we most fully and greatly live?... It is religion and philosophy and thought and science and poetry and art, drama and song and ...
"What," Sri Aurobindo asks in a memorable passage, "what is meant after all by life and when is it that we most fully and greatly live?... It is religion and philosophy and thought and science and poetry and art, drama and song and ...
Two cheers for the Commonwealth: talks on literature and education K. R. Srinivasa Iyengar - 1970 - 315 pages
If, in the living laboratory of the plant and bird and animal, Nature has fashioned out man, may it not be, asks Sri Aurobindo, that man, himself is "a thinking and living laboratory in whom and with whose conscious co-operation she ...
If, in the living laboratory of the plant and bird and animal, Nature has fashioned out man, may it not be, asks Sri Aurobindo, that man, himself is "a thinking and living laboratory in whom and with whose conscious co-operation she ...
The Advent Sri Aurobindo Ashram - 1970
The question is really for the future to decide. But it raises a fundamental issue as to the future of man and his civilisation. "Does the future of humanity," asks Sri Aurobindo, "he in a culture founded solely upon reason and science ...
The question is really for the future to decide. But it raises a fundamental issue as to the future of man and his civilisation. "Does the future of humanity," asks Sri Aurobindo, "he in a culture founded solely upon reason and science ...
Sri Aurobindo, the hope of man Keshavmurti - 1969 - 485 pages
Sri Aurobindo asks us to recognise in the first place that mind is not the last term of the evolution. He points out that the evolution which has proceeded upto mind cannot stop itself at the mental stage. ...
Sri Aurobindo asks us to recognise in the first place that mind is not the last term of the evolution. He points out that the evolution which has proceeded upto mind cannot stop itself at the mental stage. ...
Mother India: monthly review of culture Kaikhushru Dhunjibhoy Sethna, Sri Aurobindo Ashram - 1969
asks Sri Aurobindo whether meditation or work is more important in yoga and which discipline takes one earlier to the goal. ...
asks Sri Aurobindo whether meditation or work is more important in yoga and which discipline takes one earlier to the goal. ...
Indian philosophical annual University of Madras . Centre of Advanced Study ... - 1967
But what is the aim of that evolution, " asks Sri Aurobindo and answers "Not conventional or interested virtue and the faultless counting out of the small coin of good in the hope of an apportioned material reward, but the continual ...
But what is the aim of that evolution, " asks Sri Aurobindo and answers "Not conventional or interested virtue and the faultless counting out of the small coin of good in the hope of an apportioned material reward, but the continual ...
Mother India Sri Aurobindo Ashram - 1967
If a man falls from a height, how can he escape being hurt ? he asks. Sri Aurobindo : It is not the question of being hurt. The question is of remaining unmoved and unshaken by the hurt. ...
If a man falls from a height, how can he escape being hurt ? he asks. Sri Aurobindo : It is not the question of being hurt. The question is of remaining unmoved and unshaken by the hurt. ...
Sri Aurobindo's Life divine: lectures delivered in the U.S.A. Ambalal Balkrishna Purani - 1966 - 282 pages
Sri Aurobindo asks: what does one mean by the Absolute ? There can be, in the Absolute illimitable bliss of conscious existence. If we negate every positive element in the Absolute, then the Absolute will be almost a void or zero. ...
Sri Aurobindo asks: what does one mean by the Absolute ? There can be, in the Absolute illimitable bliss of conscious existence. If we negate every positive element in the Absolute, then the Absolute will be almost a void or zero. ...
Indian horizons Indian Council for Cultural Relations - 1966
(ii) To the Hindu the Fatherland is not a piece of land he occupies but the whole of the country from theHimalayas to the seas. "What is our mother country?" asks Sri Aurobindo and answers, "It is not a piece of land, nor a figure of speech, nor a fiction of the mind. ...
(ii) To the Hindu the Fatherland is not a piece of land he occupies but the whole of the country from the
Contemporary Indian philosophy Rama Shanker Srivastava - 1965 - 398 pages
By separating the divine Consciousness and Force, he has given us a negative conception of the Absolute. Sri Aurobindo asks, is the pure existence or consciousness living or dead? If it has no capacity, it can be merely dead existence or dead consciousness. On the contrary, Sri Aurobindo conceives that ...
By separating the divine Consciousness and Force, he has given us a negative conception of the Absolute. Sri Aurobindo asks, is the pure existence or consciousness living or dead? If it has no capacity, it can be merely dead existence or dead consciousness. On the contrary, Sri Aurobindo conceives that ...
Indian political associations and reform of legislature, 1818-1917 Bimanbehari Majumdar - 1965 - 477 pages
It pays high tributes to Ramakrishna Paramhansa and Swami Vivekananda as votaries of Bhawani : "What was the message" asks Sri Aurobindo, "that radiated from the personality of Bhagawan Ramakrishna Paramhansa ? ...
It pays high tributes to Ramakrishna Paramhansa and Swami Vivekananda as votaries of Bhawani : "What was the message" asks Sri Aurobindo, "that radiated from the personality of Bhagawan Ramakrishna Paramhansa ? ...
The integral philosophy of Sri Aurobindo: a commemorative symposium Haridas Chaudhuri, Frederic Spiegelberg - 1960 - 350 pages
Sri Aurobindo asks, 'By what alchemy shall this lead of mortality be turned into that gold of divine Being? '2 and gives the answer by establishing as the heart of his yoga the pivotal, yet all-embracing, supermind as that which alone ...
Sri Aurobindo asks, 'By what alchemy shall this lead of mortality be turned into that gold of divine Being? '2 and gives the answer by establishing as the heart of his yoga the pivotal, yet all-embracing, supermind as that which alone ...
The Visva-bharati quarterly Visva-Bharati - 1959
varieties are unnumbered, and yet He exceeds them. He is ever so free that He is not subject to His own liberty. His restfulness does not immobilize Him. His silence does not make Him incapable of speech. Sri Aurobindo asks us to ...
varieties are unnumbered, and yet He exceeds them. He is ever so free that He is not subject to His own liberty. His restfulness does not immobilize Him. His silence does not make Him incapable of speech. Sri Aurobindo asks us to ...
Founding the life divine: an introduction to the integral yoga of ... Morwenna Donnelly - 1956 - 246 pages
But, asks Sri Aurobindo, can we believe that Mind is the high-water mark of this Consciousness in evolution? Is it audacious to suppose that a higher level awaits our attainment when we consider the enormous advances that were made by ...
But, asks Sri Aurobindo, can we believe that Mind is the high-water mark of this Consciousness in evolution? Is it audacious to suppose that a higher level awaits our attainment when we consider the enormous advances that were made by ...
Mother India Kaikhushru Dhunjibhoy Sethna, Sri Aurobindo Ashram - 1953
The solution, however, is not very satisfactory: "You say, the world is bad, let us then do away with the world"; but to whose profit, as Sri Aurobindo asks very pertinently? The world will no longer be bad, since it will exist no more. ...
The solution, however, is not very satisfactory: "You say, the world is bad, let us then do away with the world"; but to whose profit, as Sri Aurobindo asks very pertinently? The world will no longer be bad, since it will exist no more. ...
Annual Sri Aurobindo Mandir, Calcutta, Aurobindo Ghose - 1951
A Reality of Oneness manifesting itself in a reality of numberless forms and powers of its being is what we confront everywhere." Mind is the creator of a mirage or a snake-rope illusion. But, asks Sri Aurobindo, "is mind the parent of ...
A Reality of Oneness manifesting itself in a reality of numberless forms and powers of its being is what we confront everywhere." Mind is the creator of a mirage or a snake-rope illusion. But, asks Sri Aurobindo, "is mind the parent of ...
This is a very important question which Sri Aurobindo asks and answers by saying that the mind or mental knowledge is a mistranslation, a wrong transcription of the Knowledge of a Truth-Consciousness and is neither the parent of nor ... Annual Sri Aurobindo Mandir, Calcutta - 1942
Sri Aurobindo K. R. Srinivasa Iyengar - 1950 - 404 pages
After all, Indians can lay claim to a glorious past. Now asks Sri Aurobindo: "What was the secret of that gigantic intellectuality, spirituality and superhuman moral force which We see pulsating in the Ramayana and Mahabharata, ...
After all, Indians can lay claim to a glorious past. Now asks Sri Aurobindo: "What was the secret of that gigantic intellectuality, spirituality and superhuman moral force which We see pulsating in the Ramayana and Mahabharata, ...
Sri Aurobindo circle Aurobindo Ghose - 1949
What self-delimiting power exists, asks Sri Aurobindo, to sustain its creative fiat from "being overpowered by all the infinite possibilities that are other than itself?" The Vedic seers gave to this power the name of Maya, meaning "the ...
What self-delimiting power exists, asks Sri Aurobindo, to sustain its creative fiat from "being overpowered by all the infinite possibilities that are other than itself?" The Vedic seers gave to this power the name of Maya, meaning "the ...
"Is it true," Sri Aurobindo asks, "that existence consists only in the action of energy? Or is it not rather that energy is an output of Existence?" When we look at the world dispassionately, he tells us, we see that it is "a boundless ...
Annual Sri Aurobindo Mandir, Calcutta , Aurobindo Ghose - 1947
Naturally the huge temples ofSouth India have failed to evoke his admiration except as marvels of construction. He realises that they are huge, but fails to see in that hugeness either unity or sublimity. But, Sri Aurobindo asks ...
Naturally the huge temples of
Studies in Sri Aurobindo's philosophy Sisir Kumar Maitra - 1945 - 160 pages
"For what is supermanhood", asks Sri Aurobindo, "but a certain divine .and harmonious absolute of all that is essential in man?" There is, however, this in common between Sri Aurobindo and Nietzsche that they both emphasize the fact...
"For what is supermanhood", asks Sri Aurobindo, "but a certain divine .and harmonious absolute of all that is essential in man?" There is, however, this in common between Sri Aurobindo and Nietzsche that they both emphasize the fact...
Sri Aurobindo K. R. Srinivasa Iyengar - 1945 - 425 pages
The clue to reform should lie in reviving, as far as may be feasible, our traditional methods of education. After all, Indians can lay claim to a glorious past. Now asks Sri Aurobindo : "What was the secret of that gigantic ...
The clue to reform should lie in reviving, as far as may be feasible, our traditional methods of education. After all, Indians can lay claim to a glorious past. Now asks Sri Aurobindo : "What was the secret of that gigantic ...
Annual Sri Aurobindo Mandir, Calcutta - 1943
What is that work, asks Sri Aurobindo, if not a self-involution of Consciousness in form and self-evolution out of form so as to actualise some mighty possibility in the universe it has created? To the materialists who refuse to be led ...
What is that work, asks Sri Aurobindo, if not a self-involution of Consciousness in form and self-evolution out of form so as to actualise some mighty possibility in the universe it has created? To the materialists who refuse to be led ...
Annual Sri Aurobindo Mandir, Calcutta - 1942
A Reality of Oneness manifesting itself in a reality of numberless forms and powers of its being is what we confront everywhere." Mind is the creator of a mirage or a snake-rope illusion. But, asks Sri Aurobindo, "is mind the parent of ...
A Reality of Oneness manifesting itself in a reality of numberless forms and powers of its being is what we confront everywhere." Mind is the creator of a mirage or a snake-rope illusion. But, asks Sri Aurobindo, "is mind the parent of ...
The Visva-bharati quarterly Visva-Bharati
varieties are unnumbered, and yet He exceeds them. He is ever so free that He is not subject to His own liberty. His restfulness does not immobilize Him. His silence does not make Him incapable of speech. Sri Aurobindo asks us to ...
varieties are unnumbered, and yet He exceeds them. He is ever so free that He is not subject to His own liberty. His restfulness does not immobilize Him. His silence does not make Him incapable of speech. Sri Aurobindo asks us to ...
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