Heart Yoga: The Sacred Marriage of Yoga and Mysticism - Page 29 Andrew Harvey, Karuna Erickson - 2010 - 288 pages
The Vedic Rishis and Aurobindo, while honoring transcendence, were also aware of its feminine presence in the immanent, as the solar energy within matter. The Sacred Marriage heals the bias of ancient traditions by honoring the full ...
The Vedic Rishis and Aurobindo, while honoring transcendence, were also aware of its feminine presence in the immanent, as the solar energy within matter. The Sacred Marriage heals the bias of ancient traditions by honoring the full ...
Philosophical & Socio. - Page 103 M.h. siddiqui
There are several other guidelines that we find in Sri Aurobindo. While explaining the instruments of the work of the teacher, he writes Teaching, example, influence-these are the three instruments of the guru (teacher or guide ). ...
There are several other guidelines that we find in Sri Aurobindo. While explaining the instruments of the work of the teacher, he writes Teaching, example, influence-these are the three instruments of the guru (teacher or guide
Frommer's India - Page 99 Pippa de Bruyn - 2010 - 768 pages
... or you can join New Age travelers and earnest pilgrims and visit the atmospheric ashram of Sri Aurobindo. While wandering the Quarter, you may want to take a look at the Sacred Heart of Jesus (Eglise de Sacre Coeur de Jésus), ...
... or you can join New Age travelers and earnest pilgrims and visit the atmospheric ashram of Sri Aurobindo. While wandering the Quarter, you may want to take a look at the Sacred Heart of Jesus (Eglise de Sacre Coeur de Jésus), ...
Frommer's India - Page 72 Pippa de Bruyn, Keith Bain, Niloufer ... - 2008 - 628 pages
... you can visit Auroville, an interesting experiment in alternative living, also optimistically known as the City of Dawn; or you can join New Age travelers and visit the ashram of Sri Aurobindo. While wandering the Quarter, ...
... you can visit Auroville, an interesting experiment in alternative living, also optimistically known as the City of Dawn; or you can join New Age travelers and visit the ashram of Sri Aurobindo. While wandering the Quarter, ...
Who Are We? - Page 17 Vladimir Megré - 2008 - 264 pages
... 1923-) — French author, who discovered the teachings of Sri Aurobindo while serving in the French colonial administration of Pondicherry in the 1940s, and later worked closely with Mirra Richard. It was she who gave him the name ...
... 1923-) — French author, who discovered the teachings of Sri Aurobindo while serving in the French colonial administration of Pondicherry in the 1940s, and later worked closely with Mirra Richard. It was she who gave him the name ...
Understanding thoughts of Sri Aurobindo, Indrani Sanyal, Krishna Roy
, Jadavpur ... - 2007 - 317 pages
the Upanisads, the Koran, Bible or the books of the Chinese or the sayings, teachings of any prophet or avatara can exhaust this infinite and eternal fountain of knowledge. Similarly Sri Aurobindo while commenting upon the sloka ...
How I Grew with My Garden - Page 121 Priya Vincent - 2007 - 128 pages
above all creeds, all politics and all nationalities. The Purpose of Auroville is to realise human unity.' The name 'Auroville' was given in homage to Sri Aurobindo, while also having the most appropriate meaning, ...
above all creeds, all politics and all nationalities. The Purpose of Auroville is to realise human unity.' The name 'Auroville' was given in homage to Sri Aurobindo, while also having the most appropriate meaning, ...
Eastern Lights - Page 281 Mahendrnath Sircar - 2007 - 328 pages
It awakens a kind of divine amorous feeling. It fails to evaluate spiritually all the phases of life. Aurobindo, while fully conscious of the softer side of our spiritual nature,' is equally alive to the play of the divine life in ...
It awakens a kind of divine amorous feeling. It fails to evaluate spiritually all the phases of life. Aurobindo, while fully conscious of the softer side of our spiritual nature,' is equally alive to the play of the divine life in ...
Partition, Bengal and After: The Great Tragedy of India, Kali Prasad Mukhopadhyay
- 2007 - 231 pages
Disobedience of all repressive laws and punitive measures and finally social boycott of those who co-operate with the Government. Sri Aurobindo while formulating the above programme thought it would eventually lead to the next stage of ...
Disobedience of all repressive laws and punitive measures and finally social boycott of those who co-operate with the Government. Sri Aurobindo while formulating the above programme thought it would eventually lead to the next stage of ...
The Kundalini Book of Living & Dying : Gateways to Higher ... - Page 121 Ravindra Kumar, Jytte Kumar Larsen - 2007
TRANSFORMATION AND COMPARISON One can see that all seven types of Jung correspond to the first seven types of Sri Aurobindo, while the eighth type of the latter is outside Jung's classification system. Another point of difference is that Jung considers his types to ...
TRANSFORMATION AND COMPARISON One can see that all seven types of Jung correspond to the first seven types of Sri Aurobindo, while the eighth type of the latter is outside Jung's classification system. Another point of difference is that Jung considers his types to ...
Space-Time Continuum - Page 21, K. Pramila Sastry
- 2006 - 308 pages
symbol, myth and the very source of inspiration, imbued with mystic meanings by two poets - Emily Dickinson and Aurobindo. While the former is an American poet of the nineteenth century who had never seen a sea in her lifetime, ...
symbol, myth and the very source of inspiration, imbued with mystic meanings by two poets - Emily Dickinson and Aurobindo. While the former is an American poet of the nineteenth century who had never seen a sea in her lifetime, ...
The Encyclopaedia Of Indian Literature (Volume Five (Sasay To Zorgot) - Page 3886 Mohan Lal - 2006 - 820 pages
'ante-chambers of Vedic learning', to borrow a phrase from Sri Aurobindo. While interpreting the philosophical hymns, Sayana explains them according to the tradition of Advaita Vedanta. Thus while explaining Rig Veda (1.86.10) he ...
'ante-chambers of Vedic learning', to borrow a phrase from Sri Aurobindo. While interpreting the philosophical hymns, Sayana explains them according to the tradition of Advaita Vedanta. Thus while explaining Rig Veda (1.86.10) he ...
Philosophy of Education - Page 172, M. L. Dhawan
- 2005 - 288 pages
Sri Aurobindo while analysing the causes of inefficiency of the senses, as gatherers of knowledge, attributes it to 'insufficient use'. Students, he suggests, should over ...
Sri Aurobindo while analysing the causes of inefficiency of the senses, as gatherers of knowledge, attributes it to 'insufficient use'. Students, he suggests, should over ...
Sanskrit and the evolution of human speech: based on Sri ... Sampadananda Mishra - 2005 - 171 pages
Sri Aurobindo while speaking of the Supermind says: "But in the Supermind there is no such paralyzing division, because knowledge is not self-divided, force is not self-divided, being is not self -divided as in the mind; ...
Sri Aurobindo while speaking of the Supermind says: "But in the Supermind there is no such paralyzing division, because knowledge is not self-divided, force is not self-divided, being is not self -divided as in the mind; ...
The Journal of Indian writing in English G. S. Balarama Gupta - 2005
Lastly I come to Aurobindo: While Aurobindo may be all that CDN says he is, he is still a stumbling block to our critics. He fashioned a rarefied and highly esoteric idiom for literary criticism. His shrill insistence on the value of ...
Lastly I come to Aurobindo: While Aurobindo may be all that CDN says he is, he is still a stumbling block to our critics. He fashioned a rarefied and highly esoteric idiom for literary criticism. His shrill insistence on the value of ...
Contemporary Indian philosophy - Page 163 Basant Kumar Lal - 2005 - 346 pages
In order to understand the nature of the reality, it is essential to consider the levels or the cords of Being as they have been conceived by Sri Aurobindo. While Sri Aurobindo does talk about the different cords of Being, he does not intend to create the impression that reality is plural in nature. Reality, according to him, is essentially ...
In order to understand the nature of the reality, it is essential to consider the levels or the cords of Being as they have been conceived by Sri Aurobindo. While Sri Aurobindo does talk about the different cords of Being, he does not intend to create the impression that reality is plural in nature. Reality, according to him, is essentially ...
Sri Aurobindo - Page 4 Purnima Majumdar - 2005 - 122 pages
and hope for the blessings of Sri Ma and Sri Aurobindo; while he would also, on the other hand, call the most efficient doctor to come and treat him. After all this, we have seen, that if the patient became all right, ...
and hope for the blessings of Sri Ma and Sri Aurobindo; while he would also, on the other hand, call the most efficient doctor to come and treat him. After all this, we have seen, that if the patient became all right, ...
Educating to confuse and disrupt: the defiling of history and ..., Makkhan Lal, Rajendra Dixit
- 2005 - 411 pages
In the beginning of the last century, Aurobindo, while commenting on the philology, wrote: "Comparative philology has hardly moved a step beyond its origins; all the rest has been a mass of conjectural and ingenious learning of which the ...
In the beginning of the last century, Aurobindo, while commenting on the philology, wrote: "Comparative philology has hardly moved a step beyond its origins; all the rest has been a mass of conjectural and ingenious learning of which the ...
Indian literary criticism in English: critics, texts, issues P. K. Rajan - 2004 - 363 pages
The later Aurobindo, while fully anticipating a recrudescence of Indian classical thought, had taken a more philosophical view of colonialism, perhaps as a phase in the involution-evolution continuum and hence as an ineluctable basis ...
The later Aurobindo, while fully anticipating a recrudescence of Indian classical thought, had taken a more philosophical view of colonialism, perhaps as a phase in the involution-evolution continuum and hence as an ineluctable basis ...
The Dialogue With Death (Sri Aurobindo`S Savitri, A Mystical Approach) - Page 69, Rohit Mehta
- 2003 - 370 pages
But it is this content which is missed in scientific examination and investigation. Sri Aurobindo, while not oblivious of structural patterns and their growth, draws our attention unmistakably to the spirit and the content of Evolution. ...
But it is this content which is missed in scientific examination and investigation. Sri Aurobindo, while not oblivious of structural patterns and their growth, draws our attention unmistakably to the spirit and the content of Evolution. ...
A moral critique of development: in search of global responsibilities - Page 267 Philip Quarles van Ufford, Ananta Kumar Giri - 2003 - 309 pages
Sri Aurobindo, while acknowledging the crucial significance of reason in human life and of enlightenment in human history, urges us to understand the limitations of them, and supplement the project of enlightenment with a practice and ... Conversations and transformations: toward a new ethics of self and ... Ananta Kumar Giri - 2002 - 347 pages Social sciences research journal 2001
Sri Aurobindo, while acknowledging the crucial significance of reason in human life and of enlightenment in human history, urges us to understand the limitations of them, and supplement the project of enlightenment with a practice and ... Conversations and transformations: toward a new ethics of self and ... Ananta Kumar Giri - 2002 - 347 pages Social sciences research journal 2001
Nirodbaran, divinity's comrade Hemant Kapoor - 2003 - 639 pages
"All is new-felt in God" says Sri Aurobindo while describing this alchemy in Savitri: " Love that was once an animal's desire Then a sweet madness in the rapturous heart, An ardent comradeship in the happy mind Becomes a wide spiritual...
"All is new-felt in God" says Sri Aurobindo while describing this alchemy in Savitri: " Love that was once an animal's desire Then a sweet madness in the rapturous heart, An ardent comradeship in the happy mind Becomes a wide spiritual...
Mother of all beings, Aju Mukhopadhyay
- 2002 - 180 pages
To understand this better we may qupte a few passages from the Mother and SriAurobindo. While answering some ... 2" And Sri Aurobindo, while discussing the Overmind creation in literature, remarked: "You must remember that the Overmind ...
To understand this better we may qupte a few passages from the Mother and SriAurobindo. While answering some ... 2" And Sri Aurobindo, while discussing the Overmind creation in literature, remarked: "You must remember that the Overmind ...
The wonder that is Sanskrit Sampad, Sampadananda Mishra, Vijay - 2002 - 210 pages
Sri Aurobindo, while explaining the true significance of the Vedas, says, "The Veda... stands out, apart from its interest as the world's first yet extant Scripture, its earliest interpretation of man and the Divine and the universe ...
Sri Aurobindo, while explaining the true significance of the Vedas, says, "The Veda... stands out, apart from its interest as the world's first yet extant Scripture, its earliest interpretation of man and the Divine and the universe ...
Neoplatonism and Indian Philosophy - Page 153 Paulos Gregorios, International Society for ... - 2002 - 275 pages Sri Aurobindo, while regarding philosophy as a useful intellectual construction, considers it to be too much indulging in abstractions and hair-splitting analysis of concepts which for the most part do not have much to do with actualities of either existence or of life. ... What Plotinus regards as philosophy Sri Aurobindo calls yoga and spiritual sadhana. … I may mention in passing that Sri Aurobindo had not read the writings of Plotinus; … Arabinda Basu
Perspectives on Sri Aurobindo's poetry, plays, and criticism - Page 80 Amrita Paresh Patel, Jaydipsinh Dodiya - 2002 - 147 pages
task to underline the poetic contour and context of Sri Aurobindo while he emphatically pronounces that he has been first and foremost a poet, and a politician, only later he becomes a Yogi. Sri Aurobindo is a versatile poet, ...
task to underline the poetic contour and context of Sri Aurobindo while he emphatically pronounces that he has been first and foremost a poet, and a politician, only later he becomes a Yogi. Sri Aurobindo is a versatile poet, ...
Secularisation of Indian mind: a study of political ideas in India ... V. Indira Devi - 2002 - 314 pages
Aurobindo, while explaining the possibility of the occurrence of miracles, said that the direct power of the mind force or life force upon matter could be extended to an almost infinite degree. While these were different planes of ...
Explorations in Philosophy: Indian philosophy Jitendranath Mohanty, Bina Gupta - 2001 - 229 pages Mohanty's writings dispel the characterization of Indian philosophy as simply a search for the spirit, showing how it is also a critical analysis of the data provided by experience.
I have in mind the three towering figures: of Gandhi, Tagore and Sri Aurobindo. While these three figures have influenced the Indian social and political life, the arts and, to a much lesser extent, religious life, academic philosophy ...
Aurobindo, while explaining the possibility of the occurrence of miracles, said that the direct power of the mind force or life force upon matter could be extended to an almost infinite degree. While these were different planes of ...
Explorations in Philosophy: Indian philosophy Jitendranath Mohanty, Bina Gupta - 2001 - 229 pages Mohanty's writings dispel the characterization of Indian philosophy as simply a search for the spirit, showing how it is also a critical analysis of the data provided by experience.
I have in mind the three towering figures: of Gandhi, Tagore and Sri Aurobindo. While these three figures have influenced the Indian social and political life, the arts and, to a much lesser extent, religious life, academic philosophy ...
Indian Political Thought - Page 271 Urmila Sharma, S.K. Sharma - 2001 - 416 pages
Here also Marx has an edge over Sri Aurobindo. While Marx has thoroughly discussed the institutions of family, marriage, social classes, etc., Sri Aurobindo hardly says anything about them. Keeping in view the fact that social ...
Here also Marx has an edge over Sri Aurobindo. While Marx has thoroughly discussed the institutions of family, marriage, social classes, etc., Sri Aurobindo hardly says anything about them. Keeping in view the fact that social ...
Vedic symbolism Satya Prakash Singh - 2001 - 614 pages
13 In yet another mantra, referred to by Sri Aurobindo, while on the one hand, they are compared to horses in regard to speed, to horses yoked to the chariot in regard to uniformity in racing, to waters moving downwards, they, ...
13 In yet another mantra, referred to by Sri Aurobindo, while on the one hand, they are compared to horses in regard to speed, to horses yoked to the chariot in regard to uniformity in racing, to waters moving downwards, they, ...
A commentary on Sri Aurobindo's poem Ilion V. Murugesu - 2001 - 344 pages
Sri Aurobindo, while a student inCambridge , having studied Greek, must have delved into the Iliad. It is said with reference to the end of the Iliad, one of the manuscripts contains a remark by an annotator to the effect that certain ...
Sri Aurobindo, while a student in
Sri Aurobindo and Sanskrit Sampadananda Mishra - 2001 - 118 pages
... has also been described by some European scholars "as the artificial poetry of an artificial period." "7 Sri Aurobindo while speaking about their translations of the Upanishads and their critical views, observes very strongly: ...
... has also been described by some European scholars "as the artificial poetry of an artificial period." "7 Sri Aurobindo while speaking about their translations of the Upanishads and their critical views, observes very strongly: ...
Leadership and power: ethical explorations S. K. Chakraborty, Pradip Bhattacharya
- 2001 - 453 pages
the short-term successes of rajasic dynamism are wiped out by the irreparable long-term damages caused by its inherent blindness. Sri Aurobindo, whileexpounding on the message of the Gita, offers us an analysis of ...
the short-term successes of rajasic dynamism are wiped out by the irreparable long-term damages caused by its inherent blindness. Sri Aurobindo, whileexpounding on the message of the Gita, offers us an analysis of ...
Contesting postcolonialisms Jasbir Jain, Dr. Veena Singh - 2000 - 271 pages
In section 4 Nandy contrasts the visions of Kipling and Sri Aurobindo. WhileKipling had to disown his Indianness in order to conform to his notion of the European, Aurobindo "did not have to disown the west within him to become his ...
In section 4 Nandy contrasts the visions of Kipling and Sri Aurobindo. WhileKipling had to disown his Indianness in order to conform to his notion of the European, Aurobindo "did not have to disown the west within him to become his ...
Arise again, ô India! François Gautier - 2000 - 184 pages
Sri Aurobindo, while praising the original caste system, does not spare it in its later stages: "It is the nature of human institutions to degenerate; there is no doubt that the institution of caste degenerated. ... Rewriting Indian history François Gautier - 1996 - 177 pages
Sri Aurobindo, while praising the original caste system, does not spare it in its later stages: "It is the nature of human institutions to degenerate; there is no doubt that the institution of caste degenerated. ... Rewriting Indian history François Gautier - 1996 - 177 pages
The Indian imagination: critical essays on Indian writing in English - Page 79 K. D. Verma - 2000 - 268 pages
The later Aurobindo, while fully anticipating a recrudescence of Indian classical thought, had taken a more philosophical view of colonialism, perhaps as a phase in the involution- evolution continuum and hence as an ineluctable basis ...
The later Aurobindo, while fully anticipating a recrudescence of Indian classical thought, had taken a more philosophical view of colonialism, perhaps as a phase in the involution- evolution continuum and hence as an ineluctable basis ...
Contemporary Indian politics - Page 1 S.K. Khanna - 1999 - 299 pages
The national vision was best articulated by Aurobindo while reflecting on the question ofIndia 's destiny within the framework of eternity, spanning "from Ancient Dawns to the Noons of the Future". Aurobindo envisioned that : "India can ...
The national vision was best articulated by Aurobindo while reflecting on the question of
Sri Aurobindo and the new millennium: reflections and reviews R. Y. Deshpande - 1999 - 340 pages
In the Harmony of Virtue Sri Aurobindo, while discussing fate and free-will, asks the question: "Are we free in ourselves?" Restated, "we seem to be free, to do that which we choose and not that which is chosen for us. ...
In the Harmony of Virtue Sri Aurobindo, while discussing fate and free-will, asks the question: "Are we free in ourselves?" Restated, "we seem to be free, to do that which we choose and not that which is chosen for us. ...
Kālidāsa and his age Govind Chandra Pande - 1999 - 302 pages
Sri Aurobindo while interpreting his notions of classical art and literature has described these traditional values as the "spiritual aesthetic truth of Indian culture."13 The concepts of 'Kama' and 'Apsaras' predominate ...
Sri Aurobindo while interpreting his notions of classical art and literature has described these traditional values as the "spiritual aesthetic truth of Indian culture."13 The concepts of 'Kama' and 'Apsaras' predominate ...
Lok Sabha debates Maharshi Aurobindo, while delivering his speech on the occasion of independence of
Global transformations: postmodernity and beyond, Ananta Kumar Giri
- 1998 - 420 pages
For Sri Aurobindo, while "the nation is a persistent psychological unit which nature has been busy developing throughout the world in the most various forms", "the organized state is neither the best mind of the nation nor is it even ...
For Sri Aurobindo, while "the nation is a persistent psychological unit which nature has been busy developing throughout the world in the most various forms", "the organized state is neither the best mind of the nation nor is it even ...
T.V. Kapali Sastri Prema Nandakumar - 1998 - 126 pages
The same all-out defence can be seen in his reply to other critics of Sri Aurobindo. While he agrees that Sri Aurobindo built his system on visions gained by personal experience, he also shows how the seer is but the child of the great ...
The same all-out defence can be seen in his reply to other critics of Sri Aurobindo. While he agrees that Sri Aurobindo built his system on visions gained by personal experience, he also shows how the seer is but the child of the great ...
Roots of riots: essays in community psychology, S. Omprakash
- 1997 - 225 pages
Sri Aurobindo says that "Islamic Culture..,, hardly gave anything to the world which may be said to be of fundamental importance and typically its own, Islamic Culture was mainly borrowed from others". Sri Aurobindo while talking of assimilation of different cultures inIndia that it could not be done as the Muslim mentality did not change. Further, he says: "The conflict is in the outer life and unless the ...
Sri Aurobindo says that "Islamic Culture..,, hardly gave anything to the world which may be said to be of fundamental importance and typically its own, Islamic Culture was mainly borrowed from others". Sri Aurobindo while talking of assimilation of different cultures in
The Vedic Aryans and the origins of civilization: a literary and ... Navaratna Srinivasa Rajaram, David Frawley - 1997 - 328 pages
Modern students prefer to begin with Dayananda Saraswati and Sri Aurobindo. While his Vedic and Sanskrit scholarship has been exaggerated, Max Miiller' s contribution, however, should not be underestimated by applying the standards of ...
Modern students prefer to begin with Dayananda Saraswati and Sri Aurobindo. While his Vedic and Sanskrit scholarship has been exaggerated, Max Miiller' s contribution, however, should not be underestimated by applying the standards of ...
Modernity, morality, and the Mahatma, Madhuri Sondhi
- 1997 - 244 pages
Thus Aurobindo, while acknowledging the marvelous feats of reason and the intellect in the modern age, found them inadequate for arriving at a 'total spiritual direction.' Indian Nationalism & the Emerging World Order: As earlier ...
Thus Aurobindo, while acknowledging the marvelous feats of reason and the intellect in the modern age, found them inadequate for arriving at a 'total spiritual direction.' Indian Nationalism & the Emerging World Order: As earlier ...
East-West evaluation of Man Vedre Narayan Karan Reddy - 1996 - 390 pages
Intuition is inarticulate unbroken reality in Sri Aurobindo while it is an inward experience of the spirit in Radhakrishnan, a self-evident truth and an immediate awareness. According to Samuel Alexander the awareness of space and time ...
Intuition is inarticulate unbroken reality in Sri Aurobindo while it is an inward experience of the spirit in Radhakrishnan, a self-evident truth and an immediate awareness. According to Samuel Alexander the awareness of space and time ...
History of Hindu-Christian encounters, AD 304 to 1996 Sita Ram Goel - 1996 - 530 pages
Maharana Pratap, Shivaji, Guru Govind Singh and Banda Bairagi resumed their full stature as national heroes after having suffered an eclipse in the national memory. Sri Krishna gave a message to Sri Aurobindo while the ...
Maharana Pratap, Shivaji, Guru Govind Singh and Banda Bairagi resumed their full stature as national heroes after having suffered an eclipse in the national memory. Sri Krishna gave a message to Sri Aurobindo while the ...
The poetry of Madan G. Gandhi: a new metaphysical voice, Narinder Kumar Rattan
- 1996 - 165 pages
Parthasarthy places him in the Indian metaphysical tradition of Tulsi Das and SriAurobindo. While Rosemary C. Wilkinson, the Secretary General the World Academy of Arts and Culture and World Congress of Poets, admires his poetry ...
Parthasarthy places him in the Indian metaphysical tradition of Tulsi Das and SriAurobindo. While Rosemary C. Wilkinson, the Secretary General the World Academy of Arts and Culture and World Congress of Poets, admires his poetry ...
Ever to the new and unknown: Sri Aurobindo International Centre of ... Sri Aurobindo International Centre of ... - 1993 - 330 pages
Sri Aurobindo, while initiating us into the Gita's spiritual discipline, does not shun philosophical and metaphysical issues altogether nor is his attitude that of non-cognisance of the angularities of the various commentaries and the ...
Sri Aurobindo, while initiating us into the Gita's spiritual discipline, does not shun philosophical and metaphysical issues altogether nor is his attitude that of non-cognisance of the angularities of the various commentaries and the ...
The Indian Scriptures and the Life Divine - Page 145, Binita Pani
- 1993 - 367 pages
Thus the evidence of an Aryan invasion of Dravidian India melted into the thin air for Sri Aurobindo. While Sayana has interpreted the different Vedic terms differently in different contexts to suit his convenience ...
Thus the evidence of an Aryan invasion of Dravidian India melted into the thin air for Sri Aurobindo. While Sayana has interpreted the different Vedic terms differently in different contexts to suit his convenience ...
Hermeneutics: East and West Krishna Roy, Jadavpur University - 1993 - 165 pages
While reading The Secret of the Veda, it becomes evident that in this work Sri Aurobindo, while giving a radical interpretation of the Veda, has also systematically formulated certain principles which he considers indispensable for any ...
While reading The Secret of the Veda, it becomes evident that in this work Sri Aurobindo, while giving a radical interpretation of the Veda, has also systematically formulated certain principles which he considers indispensable for any ...
Man as microcosm in Tantric Hinduism, Grace Edith Cairns
- 1992 - 149 pages
Whatever exists in the outer world exists in him."8 Thus when in meditation the aspirant merges into the One, the Light Itself, he can say with Aurobindo: Whilethere one can be wider than the world While there one is one's own infinity. While there what is true is also beautiful, ...
Whatever exists in the outer world exists in him."8 Thus when in meditation the aspirant merges into the One, the Light Itself, he can say with Aurobindo: Whilethere one can be wider than the world While there one is one's own infinity. While there what is true is also beautiful, ...
The Political Philosophy of Sri Aurobindo - Page 302 V. P. Varma - 1990 - 494 pages
The hostility to the industrial and mechanical civilization of the West is far stronger in Gandhi than in Aurobindo. While Gandhi emphasizes the ethical ultimates of truth and non-violence, in Aurobindo the emphasis is more on spiritual ...
The hostility to the industrial and mechanical civilization of the West is far stronger in Gandhi than in Aurobindo. While Gandhi emphasizes the ethical ultimates of truth and non-violence, in Aurobindo the emphasis is more on spiritual ...
Symbolism in the poetry of Sri Aurobindo Syamala Kallury - 1989 - 122 pages
Sri Aurobindo while talking about the lost cause of Jesus Christ's life strangely mixes it with the Indian doctrine of Karma. Fate is irrevocable, it ordains and wills the life of every person on earth. ...
Sri Aurobindo while talking about the lost cause of Jesus Christ's life strangely mixes it with the Indian doctrine of Karma. Fate is irrevocable, it ordains and wills the life of every person on earth. ...
Soviet revolutions and the Indian national movement: perceptions ... Vivekananda Shukla - 1989 - 235 pages
Aurobindo, while advocating the cult of strength, make a reference to Japan and said that there was no instance in history of a more marvellous and sudden uprising of strength in a nation than modern Japan, and prophesied that India ...
Aurobindo, while advocating the cult of strength, make a reference to Japan and said that there was no instance in history of a more marvellous and sudden uprising of strength in a nation than modern Japan, and prophesied that India ...
Indian national liberation movement and Russia, 1905-1917 Prem Bahadur Sinha - 1975 - 336 pages
It is significant that Aurobindo, while selecting passive resistance "pointed out that under the then existing circumstances in India passive resistance was the most natural and suitable weapon".74 By this he did not mean any ...
It is significant that Aurobindo, while selecting passive resistance "pointed out that under the then existing circumstances in India passive resistance was the most natural and suitable weapon".74 By this he did not mean any ...
Sri Aurobindo and Karl Marx: integral sociology and dialectical ... - Page xvii Debi Prasad Chattopadhyaya - 1988 - 336 pages
However, to come across this sort of criticism is not a misfortune peculiar to SriAurobindo. While it is true that Sri Aurobindo did not do enough to meet the criticisms of his ' committed ' opponents, it must be admitted that he did ...
However, to come across this sort of criticism is not a misfortune peculiar to SriAurobindo. While it is true that Sri Aurobindo did not do enough to meet the criticisms of his ' committed ' opponents, it must be admitted that he did ...
Mysticism in Indian English poetry, Makarand R. Paranjape
- 1988 - 252 pages
What is most amazing about this school is the high metrical competence of these poets, rare in Indian English poetry. It seems as if Sri Aurobindo, while guiding them to self-realization, certainly provided the impetus and the ...
What is most amazing about this school is the high metrical competence of these poets, rare in Indian English poetry. It seems as if Sri Aurobindo, while guiding them to self-realization, certainly provided the impetus and the ...
The search for beauty: a comparative study of Sri Aurobindo's ..., Hariram Jasta
- 1988 - 120 pages
Sri Aurobindo while explaining the artistic process observes : What all artists do is to take something from life— even if it be only a partial hint— and transfer it by the magic of their imagination and make a world of their own ...
Sri Aurobindo while explaining the artistic process observes : What all artists do is to take something from life— even if it be only a partial hint— and transfer it by the magic of their imagination and make a world of their own ...
Politics & society: Ram Mohan Roy to Nehru Gollapalli Nagabhushana Sarma, Moin Shakir - 1983 - 392 pages
The theosophical movement, along with Arya Samaj, consciously or unconsciously nurtured the forces of revivalism which were to confront the ideal of secular, liberal reformism. But the criticism of Vivekananda and Sri Aurobindo, while exposing the intrinsic weaknesses of the reform movement, called for an extension of reform activity as a remedy for the rigidities of a blindly orthodox society. The major reform movements in the 19th century were ...
The theosophical movement, along with Arya Samaj, consciously or unconsciously nurtured the forces of revivalism which were to confront the ideal of secular, liberal reformism. But the criticism of Vivekananda and Sri Aurobindo, while exposing the intrinsic weaknesses of the reform movement, called for an extension of reform activity as a remedy for the rigidities of a blindly orthodox society. The major reform movements in the 19th century were ...
Indian philosophy: past and future S. S. Rama Rao Pappu, R. Puligandla - 1982 - 434 pages
and with requisite degree of intellectual maturity and moral seriousness — has so far been offered to the intelligentsia. The metaphysical system of Sri Aurobindo, while lacking the logical subtlety and rigour of Hegelian philosophy, bears a general resemblance to it. Like the German idealist, Sri Aurobindo uncritically presupposes the reality of ...
and with requisite degree of intellectual maturity and moral seriousness — has so far been offered to the intelligentsia. The metaphysical system of Sri Aurobindo, while lacking the logical subtlety and rigour of Hegelian philosophy, bears a general resemblance to it. Like the German idealist, Sri Aurobindo uncritically presupposes the reality of ...
Indian thought: an introduction Donald H. Bishop - 1975 - 427 pages
Aurobindo, while relentlessly logical, is intuitionistic and mystical in his method. Mystic here does not mean mysterious or secret but refers to an experience one undergoes with one's whole being. Such an experience is final for that ...
Aurobindo, while relentlessly logical, is intuitionistic and mystical in his method. Mystic here does not mean mysterious or secret but refers to an experience one undergoes with one's whole being. Such an experience is final for that ...
Studies in modern Indian aesthetics ... S. K. Nandi - 1975 - 307 pages
Sri Aurobindo while trying to understand poetry in this sense tells us that in this difficult task we needed "some guiding intuitions" which would facilitate a "proper description" and not a definition ...
Sri Aurobindo while trying to understand poetry in this sense tells us that in this difficult task we needed "some guiding intuitions" which would facilitate a "proper description" and not a definition ...
Raja Ravi Varma Ī. Eṃ. Je Veṇṇiyūr - 1981 - 82 pages
Sri Aurobindo, while discussing the Renaissance inIndia , holds Bengal as its crucible and observes that "Art in India was quite silent" during the period of foreign influence "except for the preposterous Ravi Varma interlude which was ...
Sri Aurobindo, while discussing the Renaissance in
Neo-Hegelian and neo-Advaitic monism: a study in converging ... Lakshmī Saksenā - 1980 - 198 pages
Sri Aurobindo while not an academician in the strict sense of the term also contributed in no mean measure to the enrichment of this great philosophy. So the entire movement is rightly called Neo-Vedantism. There are many others, ...
Sri Aurobindo while not an academician in the strict sense of the term also contributed in no mean measure to the enrichment of this great philosophy. So the entire movement is rightly called Neo-Vedantism. There are many others, ...
The social philosophy of Sri Aurobindo Ram Nath Sharma - 1980 - 230 pages
That is why we have not been able to build up a chapter on economic institutions in our discussion of the social philosophy of Sri Aurobindo. While most of the contemporary social philosophers have discussed the economic institution of ...
That is why we have not been able to build up a chapter on economic institutions in our discussion of the social philosophy of Sri Aurobindo. While most of the contemporary social philosophers have discussed the economic institution of ...
Bṛhaspati in the Vedas and the Purāṇas Saraswati Bali - 1978 - 206 pages
Aurobindo, while discussing the concept of Brhaspati as the 'power of the soul' translates the mantra in a slightly different way.3 "He who established in his might the extremities of the earth, Brhaspati in the triple world of ...
Aurobindo, while discussing the concept of Brhaspati as the 'power of the soul' translates the mantra in a slightly different way.3 "He who established in his might the extremities of the earth, Brhaspati in the triple world of ...
Religions in India: a study of their essential unity Jyoti Prasad Suda - 1978 - 373 pages
Sri Aurobindo While it is difficult to say whether or not the pioneers of the Renaissance were conscious of its coming, there is no doubt that Sri Aurobindo was vividly aware of it, and contributed to it in an abundant measure. ...
Sri Aurobindo While it is difficult to say whether or not the pioneers of the Renaissance were conscious of its coming, there is no doubt that Sri Aurobindo was vividly aware of it, and contributed to it in an abundant measure. ...
The literary criticism of Sri Aurobindo, with special reference to ... Shree Krishna Prasad, Aurobindo Ghose - 1974 - 487 pages
the task of Sri Aurobindo while indicating the precise form and substance of the future poetry of man which is bound to grow in perfect consonance with the spiritual transformation of the general level of his consciousness. ...
the task of Sri Aurobindo while indicating the precise form and substance of the future poetry of man which is bound to grow in perfect consonance with the spiritual transformation of the general level of his consciousness. ...
Poetry and renaissance: Kumaran Asan birth centenary volume M. Govindan - 1974 - 500 pages
Sri Aurobindo while hailing the advent of the new poetry as it articulates in the work of Whitman. Carpenter, some of the French Symbolist poets, Yeats, AE and Tagore, does voice an apprehension that its course may not run smooth. ... Sri Aurobindo: a centenary tribute - 1974
Sri Aurobindo while hailing the advent of the new poetry as it articulates in the work of Whitman. Carpenter, some of the French Symbolist poets, Yeats, AE and Tagore, does voice an apprehension that its course may not run smooth. ... Sri Aurobindo: a centenary tribute - 1974
The Swadeshi Movement in Bengal, 1903-1908 Sumit Sarkar - 1973 - 552 pages
Aurobindo, while explaining "the true position of the party, misnamed extremists" (he preferred the term 'nationalist'), declared in April 1907: "The new movement is not primarily a protest against bad government—it is a protest ...
Aurobindo, while explaining "the true position of the party, misnamed extremists" (he preferred the term 'nationalist'), declared in April 1907: "The new movement is not primarily a protest against bad government—it is a protest ...
Sri Aurobindo and the theories of evolution: a critical and ... Rama Shanker Srivastava - 1968 - 464 pages
Hence Divinisation, finalisation, goal, etc., have meaning in Sri Aurobindo, while they carry no meaning in Whitehead's philosophy. The Absolute manifests Itself in the dual aspect of Being and Becoming, while It is also beyond and ...
Hence Divinisation, finalisation, goal, etc., have meaning in Sri Aurobindo, while they carry no meaning in Whitehead's philosophy. The Absolute manifests Itself in the dual aspect of Being and Becoming, while It is also beyond and ...
Social psychology: the integral approach N. V. Subbannachar - 1966 - 440 pages
As for Ideological causation,Murray inclines to be a dynamist attempting to correlate changes rather than discover the law or the principle in a progressive manner in the context of the evolution of the individual. Sri Aurobindo while delineating the complexity of the integral being in terms of factors of consciousness and levels of being shows that it is the need of integration and the impulse of self-exceeding that constitute the principle of ...
As for Ideological causation,
Educational ideas and ideals of eminent Indians Rā. Su Maṇi - 1965 - 407 pages
Sri Aurobindo, while analysing the causes of inefficiency of the senses, as gatherers of knowledge, attributes it to ' insufficient use '. He points out that more often than not, we are generally, prone not to observe 'sufficiently or ...
Sri Aurobindo, while analysing the causes of inefficiency of the senses, as gatherers of knowledge, attributes it to ' insufficient use '. He points out that more often than not, we are generally, prone not to observe 'sufficiently or ...
Sri Aurobindo, Indian poet, philosopher and mystic George Harry Langley - 1949 - 134 pages
the various fields of human experience, and which frequently we have been accustomed to assume embody all the knowledge that can be verified. Aurobindo, while admitting, as we have seen, the importance of interpretation of this kind, points out how it is inadequate to convey complete truth or to give man vision and power. At the same time he says that truth is revealed and ...
the various fields of human experience, and which frequently we have been accustomed to assume embody all the knowledge that can be verified. Aurobindo, while admitting, as we have seen, the importance of interpretation of this kind, points out how it is inadequate to convey complete truth or to give man vision and power. At the same time he says that truth is revealed and ...
Sri Aurobindo, the divine master Shuddhananda Bharati - 1948 - 104 pages
With this fulfilment in view, the Supreme Will added a sound Knowledge of the West to the stupendous inborn, creative, oriental genius in Sri Aurobindo. While yet in his teens, his Hellenic-Miltonian genius burst into lofty Vedantic ...
With this fulfilment in view, the Supreme Will added a sound Knowledge of the West to the stupendous inborn, creative, oriental genius in Sri Aurobindo. While yet in his teens, his Hellenic-Miltonian genius burst into lofty Vedantic ...
Sri Aurobindo and the new age Anilbaran Roy - 1940 - 170 pages
SRI AUROBINDO AND THE FUTURE OF MANKIND I Bergson and Sri Aurobindo WHILE the Vice-Chancellor of another Indian University is warning all learned men against Vedantism, ...
SRI AUROBINDO AND THE FUTURE OF MANKIND I Bergson and Sri Aurobindo WHILE the Vice-Chancellor of another Indian University is warning all learned men against Vedantism, ...
World union World Union (Organization)
Among the various interesting aspects he presented, he said: "One cannot do without Sri Aurobindo while talking on the Mother and our World for the two are inseparable— rather they are the two-bodied One. ...
Among the various interesting aspects he presented, he said: "One cannot do without Sri Aurobindo while talking on the Mother and our World for the two are inseparable— rather they are the two-bodied One. ...
Journal of religious studies Punjabi University . Dept. of Religious Studies - 1979
Suffice it to say that Aurobindo, while incorporating a purpa Vedanta into his thought, went further than the other reformers in repudiating the classical Vedanta schools. We have seen the unique way in which Aurobindo reinterpreted the ...
Suffice it to say that Aurobindo, while incorporating a purpa Vedanta into his thought, went further than the other reformers in repudiating the classical Vedanta schools. We have seen the unique way in which Aurobindo reinterpreted the ...
The Literary criterion 1990
But Aurobindo while reverential does not hesitate to define some of the marked limitations of Shakespeare. He says that despite the comprehensiveness of his vision Shakespeare is no universal revealer as his idolaters would have him be ...
But Aurobindo while reverential does not hesitate to define some of the marked limitations of Shakespeare. He says that despite the comprehensiveness of his vision Shakespeare is no universal revealer as his idolaters would have him be ...
Mainstream 1993
Sri Aurobindo, while dwelling on the assimilation of different cultures inIndia , averred that it could not be done as the Muslim mentality did not change. Further, he said: The conflict is in the outer life and unless the ...
Sri Aurobindo, while dwelling on the assimilation of different cultures in
Indian journal of social science 1994
For Sri Aurobindo, while 'the nation is a persistent psychological unit which Nature has been busy developing throughout the world in the most various forms', 'the organized State is neither the best ...
For Sri Aurobindo, while 'the nation is a persistent psychological unit which Nature has been busy developing throughout the world in the most various forms', 'the organized State is neither the best ...
Śrī Aurobindo and Vedic interpretations Kala Acharya, Shubhada A. Joshi, K. J. Somaiya ... - 1996 - 121 pages
Sri Aurobindo while referring to Yaska writes, "It is this spiritual sense that saves, and the rest is outward and subordinate." He (ie Yaska) says further that the true sense of the Veda can be revealed directly by meditation and ...
Sri Aurobindo while referring to Yaska writes, "It is this spiritual sense that saves, and the rest is outward and subordinate." He (ie Yaska) says further that the true sense of the Veda can be revealed directly by meditation and ...
The Indian journal of public administration Indian Institute of Public Administration - 1997
Sri Aurobindo, while expounding on the message of the Gita, offers us an analysis of the guna problem which is as incisive as it is forceful: ... if the rajasic qualities are given the upper hand, cultured to the diminution of sattwa, ...
Sri Aurobindo, while expounding on the message of the Gita, offers us an analysis of the guna problem which is as incisive as it is forceful: ... if the rajasic qualities are given the upper hand, cultured to the diminution of sattwa, ...
The Advent Sri Aurobindo Ashram - 1997
There are several other guidelines that we find in Sri Aurobindo. While explaining the instruments of the work of the teacher, he writes, - "Teaching, example, influence, - these are the three instruments of the guru. ...
There are several other guidelines that we find in Sri Aurobindo. While explaining the instruments of the work of the teacher, he writes, - "Teaching, example, influence, - these are the three instruments of the guru. ...
Indian psychological review 1999
Sri Aurobindo while giving an account of his first major spiritual experience writes: ... to reach Nirvana was the first radical result of my own Yoga. lt threw me suddenly into a condition above and without thought, unstained by any ...
Sri Aurobindo while giving an account of his first major spiritual experience writes: ... to reach Nirvana was the first radical result of my own Yoga. lt threw me suddenly into a condition above and without thought, unstained by any ...
The Advent Sri Aurobindo Ashram - 2004
Only, as Sri Aurobindo says in Essays on the Gita
, we have gained a spiritual vision that "all is self and soul and nature of the Godhead, all is Vasudeva." The figure of the Purusha is described by Sri Aurobindo while explaining the ...
Only, as Sri Aurobindo says in Essays on the Gita
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