Eranos Yearbook 69 - Page 135, Foundation Eranos, Riccardo Bernardini
- 2010 - 544 pages
So it is seen as a national tradition, and in that sense, people like Sri Aurobindo and Gandhi also made use of the idea that Yoga was a typical Hindu element in the heritage of mankind. I want to make you aware of this transformation, ...
The Way to God - Page xv, Mahatma Gandhi, Arun Gandhi
- 2009 - 104 pages
(Sri Aurobindo, who also passed away in 1950, might be its paramount exemplar in this time frame.) Gandhi was action incarnate; but his wisdom and devotion breathe forth from every page. My own awakening to Gandhi came from my spiritual ...
Gandhi: - Page 305, JACQUES ATTALI
- 2009 - 417 pages
Hace venir a Gandhi de su ashram y le enseña las propuestas que trae. Gandhirecomienda a Cripps que se vuelva a Londres sin esperar más: aunque, ...Consultado, Sri Aurobindo encuentra el proyecto satisfactorio y le escribe a Cripps. ...
Globalizing Dissent: Essays on Arundhati Roy - Page 154, Ranjan Ghosh, Antonia Navarro Tejero
- 2008 - 214 pages
However, Sri Aurobindo, Gandhi's contemporary, recognized that such a movement of what Gandhi called “self-suffering” was not suitable for most people: Peace is a part of the highest ideal, but it must be spiritual or at the very least ...
The strides of Vishnu: Hindu culture in historical perspective - Page 212, Ariel Glucklich
- 2008 - 241 pages
Conclusion Rammohun Roy, Mohandas Gandhi, and Aurobindo Ghose represent three distinct modernizing impulses, each responding to colonialism and nationalism in its own way. Roy and Gandhi advocated a universal philosophy and ethic based ...
Justice and mercy will kiss: the vocation of peacemaking in a ..., Michael K. Duffey, Deborah S. Nash
- 2008 - 319 pages
and Mahatma Gandhi. While Aurobindo does not see the Gita as condoning war, he does understand it as a call to action, which can, at times, include the use of force to establish proper order (including expulsion of the British from ...
The participatory turn: spirituality, mysticism, religious studies - Page 313, Jorge N. Ferrer, Jorge Noguera Ferrer, Jacob H ...
- 2008 - 388 pages
Many profound, scholarly, and presumably correct interpretations of the Gita by others, including Sri Aurobindo and Steiner, ... For Gandhi, the most efficacious interpretation would have to be the one that supports what was for him the ...
HINDUISM AND MODERNITY - Page 192, David Smith
- 2008 - 264 pages
in modern times by Ramakrishna, Dayanand Saraswati, Vivekananda,Aurobindo, and Gandhi. However, in the field of practical politics he rejected the grassroots democracy favoured by Gandhi and argued for a strong central government. ...
The philosophy of Mahatma Gandhi for the twenty-first century, Douglas Allen
- 2008 - 263 pages
Aurobindo was even more scathing in his criticism of Gandhi. For one thing, Aurobindo in his days of political activism had openly advocated violence when the occasion demanded it, and he found Gandhi's absolute stand on nonviolence ...
Humanity, truth, and freedom: essays in modern Indian Philosophy - Page 22, Raghunath Ghosh
- 2008 - 164 pages
Sri Aurobindo, Gandhi and Vivekananda are of the opinion that no one can exercise his freedom if others suffer. We can exert our freedom if and only if others are cooperative and also free. A Super Man can enlighten others in this path ...
Mahābhārata 2008
Each of its three great leaders, Tilak, Aurobindo and Gandhi, who helped to transform it from its anemic beginning as a demonstration of loyalty to the British Raj into a mighty anti-imperialist mass movement, wrote commentaries on the ...
Cross-cultural studies in curriculum: eastern thought, educational ..., Claudia Eppert, Hongyu Wang
- 2008 - 379 pages
Like Gandhi, Sri Aurobindo recognized nonviolence to be preferable as a rule; however, he considered dharma as relative, and admitted that violence could be permitted in certain situations. It is reminiscent of the dialogue between Lord ...
Southern theory: the global dynamics of knowledge in social science, Raewyn Connell
- 2007 - 272 pages
Luckily acquitted, Aurobindo dramatically changed direction and withdrew to ontemplative life in an ashram, now seeking yogic ... Which brings us, as it brought Nandy, to Mohandas Karamchand Gandhi: 'one of the few who successfully ...
The Swatantra Party and Indian Conservatism - Page 99, H. L. Erdman
- 2007 - 372 pages
Swami Dayanand Saraswati, and Swami Vivekananda, Shri Aurobindo and Mahatma Gandhi.75 It is important to emphasize that the stress is on the spirit of India , not on any particular institutional arrangements or specific customs. ...
Dwapara Yuga and Yogananda: Blueprint for a New Age - Page 47, Poor Richard
- 2007 - 104 pages
There was such as strong interplay between England and India that figures such as Sri Aurobindo and Gandhi received their higher education in England . The period spanning the 19th century and early 20th century, beginning with the ...
The many colors of Hinduism: a thematic-historical introduction, Carl Olson
- 2007 - 395 pages
Inspired like Gandhi by the message of the Bhagavad ... Another radical revolutionary was Aurobindo Ghose (1872‒1950), who retired from politics after having a profound religious experience while ... As important as these figures were within the Indian context, no single person compared to Mohandas K. Gandhi in international ...
The dissent of Nazrul Islam: poetry and history, Priti Kumar Mitra
- 2007 - 330 pages
With the death of Bal Gangadhar Tilak (1856-1920) on 1 August 1920, Gandhibecame the sole leader of the Indian national ... programme as enunciated, back in 1907, by the Extremist Swadeshi ideologue, Aurobindo Ghosh (1872-1950). ...
Indian Ethics: Classical traditions and contemporary challenges - Page 398, Puruṣottama Bilimoria, Joseph Prabhu, Renuka M ...
- 2007 - 431 pages
When Gandhi first came to England , he himself was quite enamored with British culture. ... or Aurobindo Ghose, Gandhi does not identify the root causes of modern imperialism in exaggerated notions of national glory but rather in the ...
Why was that Gandhi was totally ignored by his followers. It is in this context that I refer to Professor Bhiku ...... Why did the Congress and its Supreme reject the Cripps offer which was acceptable to people like Aurobindo Ghosh and MN Roy? ...
A vision for Hinduism: beyond Hindu nationalism, Jeffery D. Long
- 2007 - 224 pages
The other ideology, which has been articulated by such figures as Sri Ramakrishna and Mahatma Gandhi, repesents Hinduism as the 'eternal' or 'universal' religion. This is an idea of Hinduism that is pluralistic and all-inclusive.
Christian missionaries in South Asia Dr. S. Massey - 2007 - 431 pages
Sri Aurobindo had expounded at length how the concrete images to which the Vedic rishis addressed their hymns had emerged out of the deepest intuitions of spiritual consciousness. Mahatma Gandhi had ...
The Edinburgh companion to twentieth-century philosophies - Page 649, Constantin V. Boundas
- 2007 - 740 pages
Philosophy for Aurobindo is the search for the truth behind appearances, and religion makes 'the truth dynamic in the soul of man' (Aurobindo 1973: 177). Unlike Vivekananda or Gandhi, who were more interested in the ramifications of their thought for moral, social ..
Mother India: monthly review of culture Sri Aurobindo Ashram – 2007
He also retorted that, as Sri Aurobindo had retired from politics, he had no business to interfere in these matters. ... keen that Sri Aurobindo should consent to have an interview with Mahatma Gandhi which he did but, unfortunately, ... [Indian Idea of Political Resistance: Aurobindo, Tilak, Gandhi, and Ambedkar
, Glimpses of Vedantism in Sri Aurobindo's political thought
, Sri Aurobindo Ghosh and Bal Gangadhar Tilak: The spirit of freedom
, The political philosophy of Sri Aurobindo
, The religious roots of Indian nationalism: Aurobindo's early political thought
, Political Thought of Aurobindo
, Sri Aurobindo As a Political Thinker: An Interdisciplinary Study
, Prophet of Indian nationalism: A study of the political thought of Sri Aurobindo, 1893-1910
, The Quest for Political and Spiritual Liberation: A Study in the Thought of Sri Aurobindo Ghose
, Sri Aurobindo ; A Modern Political Thinker
, Sri Aurobindo: A Contemporary Reader
Letting be: Fred Dallmayr's cosmopolitical vision, Stephen Frederick Schneck
- 2006 - 382 pages
Unlike Gandhi, who hesitantly accepted selected fragments of modernity,22Aurobindo seeks to merge more of its central features, such as science and a particular expression of reason, with what he takes to be the spiritual core of ...
Philosophical Humanism and Contemporary India - Page 192, Vishwanath Prasad Varma
- 2006 - 211 pages
Both Tagore and Gandhi were spiritual humanists. They cherished man and his ideals and aspirations because man ... But Deendayal, like Gandhi, was a lover of simplicity, abstinence and self-abnegation. Both Aurobindo and Deendayal were integralists.
Lifeworlds and ethics: studies in several keys, Margaret Chatterjee
- 2006 - 179 pages
Sri Aurobindo and Gandhi to treat action other than as a means of adding to bondage. This cleared the way for looking on bonds as factors to be fought rather than escaped or avoided. The problem of how separate karmic lines could ... [Hinterlands and Horizons: Excursions in Search of Amity (Global Encounters)
Globalization, language, culture, and media B. N. Patnaik, S. Imtiaz Hasnain - 2006 - 310 pages
Instead, Sri Aurobindo refused to equate Hindu spirituality with a 'tired quietism' or conventional monasticism'. ... (1959:392) This is not to suggest that we have to go back to the world of Gandhi, Tagore and Aurobindo. ...
Yoga and the Sacred Fire: Self-Realization and Planetary ... - Page 234, David Frawley
- 2006 - 291 pages
It was only some years after Aurobindo left the political scene that Mahatma Gandhi arrived from South Africa and became the new leader of the movement.194 Aurobindo felt that Yoga had a greater power to effect a real and lasting change ...
Affective communities: anticolonial thought, Fin-De-Siècle ... - Page 120, Leela Gandhi
- 2006 - 254 pages
While Congress chose not to act on these recommendations it did not forget Sri Aurobindo, regularly inviting him to resume his position at the helm of the agitation. In 1920, when Gandhi launched his epochal noncooperation movement,...
Sāmarasya: studies in Indian art, philosophy, and interreligious ..., Bettina Bäumer, Sadānanda Das, Ernst Fürlinger
- 2006 - 626 pages
"Deliverance is not for me in renunciation. I feel the embrace of freedom in a thousand bonds of delight."15 Aurobindo was even more scathing in his criticism of Gandhi. For one thing, Aurobindo in his days of political activism has ...
Brahmacharya Gandhi & his women associates, Girja Kumar
- 2006 - 411 pages
The peace of mind that he achieved at Aurobindo and Ramana Maharishi ashram's was not adequate to sustain the ... comfortable conclusion from this assertion ofGandhi, he was left in doubt of what the old man really thought of him: "And ...
Mulk Raj Anand: Father of Indian English Fiction,
B. R. Agrawal
- 2006 - 221 pages
Aurobindo Ghosh, Gandhi and Iqbal left an imprint on his philosophy of life. But it was not only the East that formed Anand as a writer and a thinker, the West played the same significant role in his life, and may be Anand would not ...
Vivekananda, Aurobindo & Gandhi on education Susmit Prasad Pani, Samar Kumar Pattnaik - 2006 - 256 pages
Brief life-sketches and educational thoughts of Swami Vivekananda, 1863-1902, Sri Aurobindo, 1872-1950, Indian philosophers and Mahatma Gandhi, 1869-1948, Indian nationalist and statesman.
Modern Indian political system: problems and prospects, B. K. Verma
- 2006 - 314 pages
Gandhi and Aurobindo were bitter critics of the commercialism, plutocracy and imperialism of the modern West. ... Tilak, Gandhi and Aurobindo, either wholly or partly, were stalwarts of some form of Vedic and Hindu revivalism. ...
Religions of South Asia: an introduction - Page 78, Sushil Mittal, Gene R. Thursby
- 2006 - 308 pages
Aurobindo Another modern teacher whose doctrines have had an influence outside India was Aurobindo Ghose (1872–1950) ... Gandhi and Independence Mohandas Karamchand Gandhi (1869–1948) was a saint of modern India who made the religion of ...
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