Courageous universality: the work of Schmuel Hugo Bergman, William Kluback
- 1992 - 161 pages
he also meditated on the books of Leonhard Ragaz, Romano Guardini, Peter Wust, Georg Picht, Sri Aurobindo. He studied Maimon, Schelling, Fichte, Cohen, Buber, Scholem. The list would take us imo innumerable realms of human life. He was not a gatherer of quotations or scraps of biographical information; ...
Toward the death of man, William Kluback
- 1991 - 224 pages
of what he called the "Humanism of the Covenant," a believing community that Sri Aurobindo called the "Religion of Humanity. ... We learn his spiritual interests form his monographic literature on Schelling, Maimon, Cohen, Nicolai, ...
Philosophical Humanism and Contemporary India Vishwanath Prasad Varma - 2006 - 211 pages
An attempt has been made in this book to reconstruct idealist humanist philosophy on the basis of Eastern and Western metaphysics and the natural sciences.
God, humanity, and the cosmos - Page 242 Christopher Southgate - 2005 - 443 pages
Introduction In the first section of Keith Ward's Religion and Creation he looks at a thinker from Judaism (Heschel), Christianity (Barth), Islam (Iqbal) and Hinduism (Aurobindo), and claims to find a common strand in their understanding of divinity (Ward, 1996a: chs 1-4, especially pp. ...
Eugene Thomas Long - 2003 - 538 pages
In his analysis of Iqbal, Barth, Herschel and Aurobindo, Ward argues that each stresses the creative and temporal character of the Supreme in a way that the classical traditions have not. Their emphasis upon the Supreme as a being of ...
In his analysis of Iqbal, Barth, Herschel and Aurobindo, Ward argues that each stresses the creative and temporal character of the Supreme in a way that the classical traditions have not. Their emphasis upon the Supreme as a being of ...
Part i analyses four scriptural traditions from the standpoint of an important contemporary thinker emerging from each: Abraham Heschel on the Hebrew Bible, Karl Barth on the New Testament, Mohammed Iqbal on the Quran, and Aurobindo...
Religion and creation - Page 342 Keith Ward - 1996 - 351 pages
Aurobindo Ghose developed the Upanishadic doctrine of Brahman to show the universe as the evolving, dynamic self- expression of Brahman, and its goal as the full manifestation in time of the divine life. Heschel, Barth, Iqbal ...
Aurobindo Ghose developed the Upanishadic doctrine of Brahman to show the universe as the evolving, dynamic self- expression of Brahman, and its goal as the full manifestation in time of the divine life. Heschel, Barth, Iqbal ...
The tablet 1996
Herschel for the Jews, Barth for the Christians, Iqbal for the Muslims and Aurobindo for the Hindus. These are the exponents of the "Four Scriptural Traditions" which Ward explores in Part I. What is the convergence he discerns? [Divine Action: Examining God's Role in an Open and Emergent Universe
, Is Religion Dangerous?
, The Case For Religion
, In Defence of The Soul
, God: A Guide For the Perplexed
Cycles of faith: the development of the world's religions Robert S. Ellwood - 2003 - 215 pages
Understandably, liberalism produces conservative reactions, but liberalism — and the strongest of the reactions, such as those of Aurobindo or Barth — represent the last great intellectual effort of the faith. Finally, we may note that ...
Foundations of a Global Spiritual Awakening - Page 34 Edgar John Burns - 2003 - 332 pages
In the twentieth century, great Eastern teachers including Sri Aurobindo, Tagore, Yogananda, Oshawa, ... reevaluation in the hands of Barth, Tillich and others that was influenced, in part, by Eastern and Western mystical traditions. ...
Encyclopedia Britannica: With 2004 Book of the Year Britannica Editors – 2003
For example, Sri Aurobindo, a Hindu mystic-philosopher, speaks of the supreme reality as the ... In contrast, the Protestant theologian Karl Barth rejects philosophical reflection or mystical insight for apprehending the sacred, ...
Global philosophy of religion: a short introduction Joseph Runzo - 2001 - 264 pages
the Kyoto school of philosophy-1950 Aurobindo Ghose (India )-1968 Karl Barth - initiates Neo- Reformed theology World Parliament of Religion, Chicago ; Vivekananda introduces Hinduism to West-1965 Martin Buber (Jerusalem )-1965 Paul ...
Bhagavad Gītā: beyond the religions, Radhakamal Mukerjee
- 1999 - 392 pages
Sri Aurobindo, Tilak, Radhakrishnan and Nataraja Guru have been most helpful among the modern commentators. ... the valid mode of apprehending Reality among such modern Western religious thinkers as Baillie, Barth, Tillich and Brunner. ...
Philosophers and religious leaders - Page 211 Christian D. Von Dehsen - 1999 - 246 pages
1914 Aurobindo Ghose (Sri Aurobindo) founds the journal Arya, in which he begins to formulate and publish his ... 1934 An active opponent of Hitler
, Karl Barth
writes the draft of the Barmen Declaration
, asserting the primacy of the ...
A forgotten vision: a study of human spirituality in the light of the Islamic Tradition,
Shuja Alhaq
- 1997 - 429 pages
O everliving 16 In Varuna are often combined the majesty and powers of all the gods. Cf. Barth, pp. 16-9. ... 24 It may be noted here, as Aurobindo has pointed out, that this perception of the Upanishads
as the development of the ...Aurobindo, 1971, p. 469. Also see his Foreword. See below for further discussion on this subject. 9. ... 14.' Barth, p. 32. Also see note 1 on the same page where references to the Rig-Veda are cited. ...
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