Science, Culture and Integral Yoga :: Post Comment
The beauty for me of Sri Aurobindo is understood both secular and sacred and equally placed them in context of the synthesis he was attempting to achieve. ...
Lok Sabha debates India . Parliament. Lok Sabha
First, Aurobindo should be understood by my Marxist friends and then only they should make their comments. It was the great Aurobindo who, before his conviction or realisation about the divine truth and the eternity of the human soul, ...
First, Aurobindo should be understood by my Marxist friends and then only they should make their comments. It was the great Aurobindo who, before his conviction or realisation about the divine truth and the eternity of the human soul, ...
Heart Yoga: The Sacred Marriage of Yoga and Mysticism - Page 29 Andrew Harvey, Karuna Erickson - 2010 - 288 pages
The Vedic sages and Aurobindo understood that by this release of the body's own inherent divine energy, we participate in the evolutionary dance of the divine and attain a new level of consciousness and radical embodied empowerment. ...
The Vedic sages and Aurobindo understood that by this release of the body's own inherent divine energy, we participate in the evolutionary dance of the divine and attain a new level of consciousness and radical embodied empowerment. ...
Prayer in the Cave of the Heart: The Universal Call to Contemplation - Page 81 Cyprian Consiglio - 2010 - 136 pages
Sri Aurobindo tells us, I have always seen that there has been really a long unobserved preparation before the ... In ancient times prana was understood as the Atman itself, the inner self that is one with Brahman, the source of life. ...
Sri Aurobindo tells us, I have always seen that there has been really a long unobserved preparation before the ... In ancient times prana was understood as the Atman itself, the inner self that is one with Brahman, the source of life. ...
Applied Ethics and Human Rights: Conceptual Analysis and ... - Page 96 Shashi Motilal - 2010 - 372 pages
... but this should not be understood as 'that which is desired'. A virtue or dharma is posited as a norm of conduct to ... As Sri Aurobindo puts it, '[...] more deeply it enjoins a spiritual or ethical purity of the mind with action as ...
... but this should not be understood as 'that which is desired'. A virtue or dharma is posited as a norm of conduct to ... As Sri Aurobindo puts it, '[...] more deeply it enjoins a spiritual or ethical purity of the mind with action as ...
Postcolonial Philosophy of Religion - Page 61 Purushottama Bilimoria, Andrew B. Irvine - 2009 - 340 pages
I would argue thatIndia is best understood either as a traditional or a non-modern society. ... It suggests the awakening of inner sight, or insight, what Sri Aurobindocalls “occult vision and occult power” (Letters on Yoga ...
I would argue that
Transnational transcendence: essays on religion and globalization - Page 273 Thomas J. Csordas - 2009 - 338 pages
In India modernity is also understood under the label of science. However, already in the nineteenth century the Indian ... Philosophers such as Henri Bergson andAurobindo embraced Bose's vitalistic science eagerly (Nandy 1995). ...
In India modernity is also understood under the label of science. However, already in the nineteenth century the Indian ... Philosophers such as Henri Bergson andAurobindo embraced Bose's vitalistic science eagerly (Nandy 1995). ...
Spirituality and Business: Exploring Possibilities for a New ... - Page 6 Sharda Shirley Nandram, Margot Esther Borden - 2009 - 263 pages
The application of spirituality in management in the West is often understood through its effects on human psychology. ... One of the dominant Eastern perspectives that is useful for understanding spirituality hails from Sri Aurobindo....
The application of spirituality in management in the West is often understood through its effects on human psychology. ... One of the dominant Eastern perspectives that is useful for understanding spirituality hails from Sri Aurobindo....
Humanity, truth, and freedom: essays in modern Indian Philosophy - Page 93 Raghunath Ghosh - 2008 - 164 pages
Hence, the poetry of Sri Aurobindo is to be understood in terms of the notion of poetic integralism, ie, the universe of poetry lying beyond ordinary creative intelligence. Sri Aurobindo' s poetry is generally called 'overhead poetry' ...
Hence, the poetry of Sri Aurobindo is to be understood in terms of the notion of poetic integralism, ie, the universe of poetry lying beyond ordinary creative intelligence. Sri Aurobindo' s poetry is generally called 'overhead poetry' ...
Evolutionary, Spiritual Conceptions of Life - Sri Aurobindo, ... - Page 41 Dr. phil. Michael Leicht - 2008 - 52 pages
How is the 'goal' called of the evolutionary process? a) Aurobindo: Divine life when the supramental is ... 'Kingdom of God ' must be understood symbolically, not literally; or cf. Bible with its rich, but very fantastic images in the ...
How is the 'goal' called of the evolutionary process? a) Aurobindo: Divine life when the supramental is ... '
The Evolution of Integral Yoga Kundan Singh - 2008 - 280 pages
... ideas can be understood as an extension of the thoughts of Sri Ramakrishna and Swami Vivekananda, and discusses the ... It also explores the historical connection between Sri Ramakrishna, Swami Vivekananda, and Sri Aurobindo, ...
... ideas can be understood as an extension of the thoughts of Sri Ramakrishna and Swami Vivekananda, and discusses the ... It also explores the historical connection between Sri Ramakrishna, Swami Vivekananda, and Sri Aurobindo, ...
Integral psychology: yoga, growth, and opening the heart - Page 180 Brant Cortright - 2007 - 232 pages
Aurobindo understood the tremendous implications of Western science's discovery of evolution, but he believed thatDarwin 's momentous discovery of the evolution of physical forms and species was only the surface of a far deeper process ...
Aurobindo understood the tremendous implications of Western science's discovery of evolution, but he believed that
Glimpses of Devāyaṇa: a short synopsis of the third epic of India Hajārī, Amitā Nathavāṇī - 2007 - 337 pages
On the other hand, Sri Aurobindo understood that the Mother had come to assist him and to explain the supramental knowledge in a practical manner to the followers. He gave up all responsibilities to her for the manifestation of ...
On the other hand, Sri Aurobindo understood that the Mother had come to assist him and to explain the supramental knowledge in a practical manner to the followers. He gave up all responsibilities to her for the manifestation of ...
Eastern Lights - Page 257 Mahendrnath Sircar - 2007 - 328 pages
Aurobindo feels that philosophy, as ordinarily understood, must fall short of the true interpretation of life, for generally the philosopher busies himself more with the system of thinking, quite forgetting that life cannot be set in a ...
Aurobindo feels that philosophy, as ordinarily understood, must fall short of the true interpretation of life, for generally the philosopher busies himself more with the system of thinking, quite forgetting that life cannot be set in a ...
... contemporary perspective, it is worth emphasizing here that Sri Aurobindo understood that the egoistic rendering of subjectivism was not peculiar to Nazism alone but also to Western civilization as a whole at that point in history. ...
Jouissance as Ananda: Indian Philosophy, Feminist Theory, and ... - Page 212 Ashmita Khasnabish - 2006 - 239 pages
The relation between the lovers in the novel would best be understood through Sri Aurobindo's epic poem the Savitri
which embodies fulfillment through love as well. Sri Aurobindo discards Shankara's philosophy of escape and insists on ...
The relation between the lovers in the novel would best be understood through Sri Aurobindo's epic poem the Savitri
Sri Aurobindo - Page 53 Purnima Majumdar - 2005
- 122 pages
Amarendra went to the office of "Sanjivani" to bring him. He saw that Aurobindowas sitting quietly over there, as if in meditation. So, he also did not speak to him. Aurobindo had understood the motive about his coming ...
Amarendra went to the office of "Sanjivani" to bring him. He saw that Aurobindowas sitting quietly over there, as if in meditation. So, he also did not speak to him. Aurobindo had understood the motive about his coming ...
The Dialogue With Death (Sri Aurobindo`S Savitri, A Mystical Approach) - Page 56 Rohit Mehta - 2003
- 370 pages
only by communing with the Divine that the purpose of the Divine can be understood. But mind stands as the greatest ... Sri Aurobindo has narrated the fascinating story of Evolution, not merely of forms but of life and consciousness. ...
only by communing with the Divine that the purpose of the Divine can be understood. But mind stands as the greatest ... Sri Aurobindo has narrated the fascinating story of Evolution, not merely of forms but of life and consciousness. ...
Knowledge, consciousness and religious conversion in Lonergan and ... - Page 291 Michael T. McLaughlin - 2003 - 318 pages
... AUROBINDO understood ... - Book overview
... AUROBINDO understood ... - Book overview
Indian critiques of Gandhi - Page 103 Harold G. Coward - 2003 - 287 pages
Though both Gandhi and Aurobindo would claim "experience" as their authorities, their experiences were quite different and Aurobindo understood Gandhi's as inferior, lower level. Thus, from his understanding of the yogic experience he ...
Though both Gandhi and Aurobindo would claim "experience" as their authorities, their experiences were quite different and Aurobindo understood Gandhi's as inferior, lower level. Thus, from his understanding of the yogic experience he ...
A moral critique of development: in search of global responsibilities - Page 266 Philip Quarles van Ufford, Ananta Kumar Giri - 2003 - 309 pages
Both Sri Aurobindo and Kierkegaard provide us with a helpful suggestion. For Sri Aurobindo. before forcing a superficial ... Thus the limits of the ethical in the field of development - ethical being understood as a will to mastery ...
Both Sri Aurobindo and Kierkegaard provide us with a helpful suggestion. For Sri Aurobindo. before forcing a superficial ... Thus the limits of the ethical in the field of development - ethical being understood as a will to mastery ...
The perennial quest for a psychology with a soul: an inquiry into ... - Page 474 Joseph Vrinte - 2002 - 568 pages
These destructive potentialities are to be faced, understood and transformed into creative purposive potentialities. Both Sri Aurobindo and Freud maintain that there can be no complete change if consciousness is not brought into the ...
These destructive potentialities are to be faced, understood and transformed into creative purposive potentialities. Both Sri Aurobindo and Freud maintain that there can be no complete change if consciousness is not brought into the ...
Reflections on a white elephant - Page 176 Mulk Raj Anand - 2002
- 229 pages
Kumari Ghosal intervened: 'Sri Aurobindo understood our weaknesses! So he first helped young achieve physical strength to fight British Sarkar!...' Yogini Madeliene intervened and said: 'He touched depths in himself afterwords. ...
Kumari Ghosal intervened: 'Sri Aurobindo understood our weaknesses! So he first helped young achieve physical strength to fight British Sarkar!...' Yogini Madeliene intervened and said: 'He touched depths in himself afterwords. ...
The essential Aurobindo - Page 262 Aurobindo Ghose, Robert A. McDermott - 2001 - 288 pages
Sri Aurobindo's most dramatic affirmation of the interplay between spirit and matter, and the resulting spiritualization of matter, is to be found in his experience and concept of the Supermind. Sri Aurobindo and the Mother understood ...
Sri Aurobindo's most dramatic affirmation of the interplay between spirit and matter, and the resulting spiritualization of matter, is to be found in his experience and concept of the Supermind. Sri Aurobindo and the Mother understood ...
Sri Aurobindo Ghose: the dweller in the lands of silence William Kluback, Michael Finkenthal - 2001 - 167 pages
I regretted that Sri Aurobindo understood little of this. He didn't understand the humorous paths of knowledge and above all, those of wisdom. The highest moments of comedy are the supreme moments of wisdom. Nothing is more dreaded in a ...
I regretted that Sri Aurobindo understood little of this. He didn't understand the humorous paths of knowledge and above all, those of wisdom. The highest moments of comedy are the supreme moments of wisdom. Nothing is more dreaded in a ...
I wanted to hear more and more of what Sri Aurobindo had to say. The philosopher understood well my difficulties. I was a child of a Western faith born in the Middle East . He said to me: "This movement of going inward, and living inward...
Sri Aurobindo and Sanskrit Sampadananda Mishra - 2001 - 118 pages
According to Sri Aurobindo Itihasa as understood by the ancient Indian critics, is " ancient historical or legendary ... For Sri Aurobindo the knowledge of this Itihasa or significant tradition was one of the elements of Vedic ...
According to Sri Aurobindo Itihasa as understood by the ancient Indian critics, is " ancient historical or legendary ... For Sri Aurobindo the knowledge of this Itihasa or significant tradition was one of the elements of Vedic ...
Mountain path Sri Ramanasramam Charities - 2001
Vivekananda, Gandhi and Aurobindo understood the living connection between moksha and dharma and they exalted love and concern for one's own people, whether as cause or consequence, as an element of true religion, which is not an escape ...
Vivekananda, Gandhi and Aurobindo understood the living connection between moksha and dharma and they exalted love and concern for one's own people, whether as cause or consequence, as an element of true religion, which is not an escape ...
The poetry of Sri Aurobindo: a journey from ego to self Kishor Gandhi - 2001 - 205 pages
As Sri Aurobindo understood that he could fight forIndia 's freedom with spiritual strength, his political activities and yogic pursuits became one act and this unified action gradually became the manifestation of the command of ...
As Sri Aurobindo understood that he could fight for
Yoga Journal - Nov 2000 - Page 160 No. 157 - 196 pages - Magazine
Society and Human Social Evolution Sri Aurobindo understood the wider framework within which mankind developed societies, political organizations and civilizations. His study of the history of human social evolution led ...
Society and Human Social Evolution Sri Aurobindo understood the wider framework within which mankind developed societies, political organizations and civilizations. His study of the history of human social evolution led ...
Human Cycle: Psychology of Social Development, Us Edition - Page 272 Sri Aurobindo - 1999 - 280 pages
It does not "cut the knot" but systematically works to untie it. In so doing, it helps us clarify the issues alive within ourselves. Sri Aurobindo understood these issues and in his famous Essays on the Gita he was able to reveal many subtle and hidden aspects of the teaching of the Gita. He entered into the spirit of the original and created a commentary that has ... The Upanishads, 1st Us Edition - Page 470 - 1997 - 466 pages Essays on the Gita - 1995 - 588 pages The Integral Yoga: Sri Aurobindo's Teaching and Method of Practice - Page 405 - 1993 - 401 pages
It does not "cut the knot" but systematically works to untie it. In so doing, it helps us clarify the issues alive within ourselves. Sri Aurobindo understood these issues and in his famous Essays on the Gita he was able to reveal many subtle and hidden aspects of the teaching of the Gita. He entered into the spirit of the original and created a commentary that has ... The Upanishads, 1st Us Edition - Page 470 - 1997 - 466 pages Essays on the Gita - 1995 - 588 pages The Integral Yoga: Sri Aurobindo's Teaching and Method of Practice - Page 405 - 1993 - 401 pages
Essence with the Elixir of Enlightenment: The Diamond Approach to ... - Page 37 A. H. Almaas - 1998 - 272 pages
... will be able to understand each student from the perspective that is most useful to him. The Indian teacher, Sri Aurobindo, understood this point clearly. He writes that the person operating from the enlightened ...
... will be able to understand each student from the perspective that is most useful to him. The Indian teacher, Sri Aurobindo, understood this point clearly. He writes that the person operating from the enlightened ...
We see that Aurobindo not only understood that this substance or force is the essence, the being, but that it is the transforming agent and also the knower and force behind all centers. Aurobindo found confirmation for his ...
Routledge Encyclopedia of Philosophy: Index - Page 567 Edward Craig - 1998 - 455 pages
But Aurobindo also understood the fundamental nature of matter to include - for metaphysical reasons - an 'evolutionary nisus' that ensures the emergence of individuals capable of mystical experience in which the supreme reality, ...
But Aurobindo also understood the fundamental nature of matter to include - for metaphysical reasons - an 'evolutionary nisus' that ensures the emergence of individuals capable of mystical experience in which the supreme reality, ...
The integral advaitism of Sri Aurobindo - Page 5 Ram Shankar Misra, Rāmacandra Miśra - 1998 - 437 pages
Sri Aurobindo points out that the Infinite is not an opposite of the finites understood as the many, nor contradictory to them. The finite is a veiled or concealed or condensed Infinite even as Matter is the concealed Spirit. ...
Sri Aurobindo points out that the Infinite is not an opposite of the finites understood as the many, nor contradictory to them. The finite is a veiled or concealed or condensed Infinite even as Matter is the concealed Spirit. ...
Sri Aurobindo Ashram: its role, responsibility, and future ... Jugal Kishore Mukherjee - 1997
- 91 pages
After the "departure" of the Master and the Mother, does spirituality, as Sri Aurobindo understood it, count for much in the Ashram life of today? Are we not slowly veering round to the status of a religio-cultural community? ...
After the "departure" of the Master and the Mother, does spirituality, as Sri Aurobindo understood it, count for much in the Ashram life of today? Are we not slowly veering round to the status of a religio-cultural community? ...
World union World Union (Organization) - 1994
Of all the makers of this nation in recent history Sri Aurobindo understood the soul ofIndia the best and articulated its aspirations the most clearly. That is why Tagore once saluted Sri Aurobindo as "the voice incarnate, free, ...
Of all the makers of this nation in recent history Sri Aurobindo understood the soul of
Ever to the new and unknown: Sri Aurobindo International Centre of ... Sri Aurobindo International Centre of ... - 1993 - 330 pages
Sri Aurobindo understood the modern mind, its doubts, its intellectual curiosities, because he himself was agnostic for a certain time and suffered from doubt. He never imposed his ideas, but considered everything with largeness, ...
Sri Aurobindo understood the modern mind, its doubts, its intellectual curiosities, because he himself was agnostic for a certain time and suffered from doubt. He never imposed his ideas, but considered everything with largeness, ...
Nirodbaran: sadhak and poet 1993 - 119 pages
Another was that often the poem was not simply far better than he had thought but also of a new kind, an unusual version of what contemporary Europe at that period was coming to dub Surrealism- Sri Aurobindo understood European ...
Another was that often the poem was not simply far better than he had thought but also of a new kind, an unusual version of what contemporary Europe at that period was coming to dub Surrealism- Sri Aurobindo understood European ...
Festival 1993
Sri Aurobindo understood the mission of Sir John Woodroffe when he said that his 'purpose was to disclose the conflict of European and Asiatic culture, the distinct meaning and value of Indian civilization, the peril it now runs and the ...
Sri Aurobindo understood the mission of Sir John Woodroffe when he said that his 'purpose was to disclose the conflict of European and Asiatic culture, the distinct meaning and value of Indian civilization, the peril it now runs and the ...
The Indian Scriptures and the Life Divine - Page 194 Binita Pani - 1993 - 367 pages
Thus it was for Sri Aurobindo to select a few Upanishads and present their translations which could more easily be understood by the Western mind. He also points out the difficulties he had to encounter in presenting the Sanskrit ...
Thus it was for Sri Aurobindo to select a few Upanishads and present their translations which could more easily be understood by the Western mind. He also points out the difficulties he had to encounter in presenting the Sanskrit ...
Hindu-Christian dialogue: perspectives and encounters - Page 164 Harold Coward - 1993
- 281 pages
Parrinder, for example, points out that Gandhi, Ramakrishna, Vivekananda, Radhakrishnan and Aurobindo all understood something different when speaking of the concept of avatara? Das points out that Keshab had at least an implicit notion...
Parrinder, for example, points out that Gandhi, Ramakrishna, Vivekananda, Radhakrishnan and Aurobindo all understood something different when speaking of the concept of avatara? Das points out that Keshab had at least an implicit notion...
Sri Aurobindo Ghose Verinder Grover - 1992
- 606 pages
... unpredictable conspiracy of heredity and environment. Even twins, we must admit, are born one after the other. LikeNewton , Aurobindo understood time and space in absolute terms because he had to; he related his understanding of y ...
... unpredictable conspiracy of heredity and environment. Even twins, we must admit, are born one after the other. Like
The Political Philosophy of Sri Aurobindo - Page 456 V. P. Varma - 1990
- 494 pages
... he (Heraclitus) was a philosopher of becoming.21 Aurobindo emphatically regards Heraclitus as a child of the mystics and thinks that his aphoristic statements can be rightly understood only in the general context of mysticism. ...
... he (Heraclitus) was a philosopher of becoming.21 Aurobindo emphatically regards Heraclitus as a child of the mystics and thinks that his aphoristic statements can be rightly understood only in the general context of mysticism. ...
Sri Aurobindo and Karl Marx: integral sociology and dialectical ... - Page xvii Debi Prasad Chattopadhyaya - 1988 - 336 pages
I have a persistent fear that orthodox Vedantins and Marxists would go on questioning as to whether Sri Aurobindo has really understood their masters or has merely attacked the men of straw. However, to come across this sort of ...
I have a persistent fear that orthodox Vedantins and Marxists would go on questioning as to whether Sri Aurobindo has really understood their masters or has merely attacked the men of straw. However, to come across this sort of ...
Sri Aurobindo and His Yoga - Page 111 M. P. Pandit - 1987 - 200 pages
Sri Aurobindo understood these issues and in his famous Essays on the Gita he was able to reveal many subtle and hidden aspects of the teaching of the Gita. He entered into the spirit of the original and created a commentary that has ...
Sri Aurobindo understood these issues and in his famous Essays on the Gita he was able to reveal many subtle and hidden aspects of the teaching of the Gita. He entered into the spirit of the original and created a commentary that has ...
A ready reference to philosophy East and West - Page 221 Eugene F. Bales - 1987
- 289 pages
Aurobindo founded a religious commune atPondicherry , where he remained for the rest of lis life. Aurobindo' s thinking was in many ways a realization that the whole purpose of nationalism, as he understood it originally, ...
Aurobindo founded a religious commune at
Inequality, its bases and search for solutions: Dr. Alfred de ... Alfred De Souza, Walter Fernandes, Indian ... - 1986 - 381 pages
During the politically active period of his life, Aurobindo understood the message of the Bhagavad-Gita in an entirely activist way which left no room for compromise. He then repeatedly stressed that spirituality is not divorced from ...
During the politically active period of his life, Aurobindo understood the message of the Bhagavad-Gita in an entirely activist way which left no room for compromise. He then repeatedly stressed that spirituality is not divorced from ...
Aurobindo's philosophy of Brahman - Page 116 Stephen H. Phillips - 1986 - 200 pages
But while for Hegel this reasoning connects with an idea of necessity for all actuality insofar as it is understood unconditionally as the Absolute's self-relatedness,68 Brahman, according to Aurobindo, although similarly considered to...
But while for Hegel this reasoning connects with an idea of necessity for all actuality insofar as it is understood unconditionally as the Absolute's self-relatedness,68 Brahman, according to Aurobindo, although similarly considered to...
The philosophy of Advaita: a transition from Śaṅkara to Śrī Aurobindo Priti Sinha - 1986 - 435 pages
In the shining truth of our age we shall soon see that Sri Aurobindo cannot be reduced to this or that ism while ... Sri Aurobindo has not understood Sankara, as if the defender has understood both, Sri Aurobindo as well as Sankara. ...
In the shining truth of our age we shall soon see that Sri Aurobindo cannot be reduced to this or that ism while ... Sri Aurobindo has not understood Sankara, as if the defender has understood both, Sri Aurobindo as well as Sankara. ...
Congress Party politics and new challenges: a survey of Indian ... Attar Chand - 1985 - 451 pages
... to understand the idea of freedom as Vivekananda and Aurobindo understood, it, ... - Book overview
... to understand the idea of freedom as Vivekananda and Aurobindo understood, it, ... - Book overview
World perspectives on Swami Dayananda Saraswati Gaṅgā Rām Garg - 1984 - 592 pages
... one would think, is historically less significant. This theoretical contribution to the rise of Indian nationalism constitutes a more universal legacy than even the reform of religion. Sri Aurobindo understood this aspect of ...
... one would think, is historically less significant. This theoretical contribution to the rise of Indian nationalism constitutes a more universal legacy than even the reform of religion. Sri Aurobindo understood this aspect of ...
The decisiveness of the Christ-event and the universality of ... Origen Vasantha Jathanna - 1981 - 574 pages
Stanley Samartha observes: "It would be extremely difficult to interpret the work of the Holy Spirit in the new creation in terms of Sakti as Aurobindo understood and interpreted it." Samartha, The Hindu Response to the Unbound Christ ...
Stanley Samartha observes: "It would be extremely difficult to interpret the work of the Holy Spirit in the new creation in terms of Sakti as Aurobindo understood and interpreted it." Samartha, The Hindu Response to the Unbound Christ ...
Mother India: monthly review of culture Sri Aurobindo Ashram - 1978
Sri Aurobindo understood the true condition required for evolutionary fulfilment. "The world and the individual must be divine by right of nature; the evolving world must have all divine values involved in it awaiting unfoldment; ...
Sri Aurobindo understood the true condition required for evolutionary fulfilment. "The world and the individual must be divine by right of nature; the evolving world must have all divine values involved in it awaiting unfoldment; ...
The future of man according to Teilhard de Chardin and Aurobindo Ghose J. Chetany - 1978 - 500 pages
•sence in all that has been cast out for manifestation."78 Thus Aurobindo's Supermind is what is ordinarily understood as the Iswara or God. But Aurobindohas integrated all these concepts of Iswara, Atman etc. into his ...
•sence in all that has been cast out for manifestation."78 Thus Aurobindo's Supermind is what is ordinarily understood as the Iswara or God. But Aurobindohas integrated all these concepts of Iswara, Atman etc. into his ...
The quest for political and spiritual liberation: a study in the ... June O'Connor - 1977 - 153 pages
It was precisely from a base of spiritual strength that Aurobindo understood himself to be participating in the life ofIndia and the world, using his supramental powers and forces in constant action upon the world. ...
It was precisely from a base of spiritual strength that Aurobindo understood himself to be participating in the life of
Mother, or, The divine materialism Satprem - 1977 - 446 pages
And Sri Aurobindo understood the problem very well; not once did He protest against any of their aberrations — He kept on writing, tirelessly, patiently, to make them understand, ...
And Sri Aurobindo understood the problem very well; not once did He protest against any of their aberrations — He kept on writing, tirelessly, patiently, to make them understand, ...
The Hindu personality in education: Tagore, Gandhi, Aurobindo William Cenkner - 1976 - 230 pages
There is a Sanskrit adage that the body is the means to fulfill dharma (duty), and Aurobindo understood dharma here to mean every ideal which we can propose to ourselves and the realization of them. Physical culture has been from ...
There is a Sanskrit adage that the body is the means to fulfill dharma (duty), and Aurobindo understood dharma here to mean every ideal which we can propose to ourselves and the realization of them. Physical culture has been from ...
Quest Indian Committee for Cultural Freedom - 1975
Like Newton, Aurobindo understood time and space in absolute terms because he had to; he related his understanding of both phenomena to the action of his Absolute and the constitution of his Absolute. Assuredly, this notion of absolute ...
Like Newton, Aurobindo understood time and space in absolute terms because he had to; he related his understanding of both phenomena to the action of his Absolute and the constitution of his Absolute. Assuredly, this notion of absolute ...
All India Conference on the Relevance of Sri Aurobindo Today, ... Aurobindo Ghose, Sri Aurobindo Samiti - 1975 - 106 pages
Sri Aurobindo's ideas are too lofty to be understood by the common man unless they are suitably explained by competent people. If the Sri Aurobindo Samiti organises this sort of Conferences, tell us of the message of Sri Aurobindo in ...
Sri Aurobindo's ideas are too lofty to be understood by the common man unless they are suitably explained by competent people. If the Sri Aurobindo Samiti organises this sort of Conferences, tell us of the message of Sri Aurobindo in ...
Indian national liberation movement and Russia, 1905-1917 Prem Bahadur Sinha - 1975 - 336 pages
... political endeavours should be the attainment of full Swaraj, and thatIndia should not remain "an outlying province of the British Empire or a dependent adjunct of European civilization". Thus Pal and Aurobindo understood Swaraj (the resolution on Swaraj was passed at the 1906 ...
... political endeavours should be the attainment of full Swaraj, and that
Ramana Maharshi K. Swaminathan - 1975 - 156 pages
... the lunatic antics, hair-raising miracles, promise of sudden samadhi and other pseudo-spiritual flights from responsibility offered by sundry yogis and rishis of the jet-age. Vivekananda, Gandhi and Aurobindo understood the living ...
... the lunatic antics, hair-raising miracles, promise of sudden samadhi and other pseudo-spiritual flights from responsibility offered by sundry yogis and rishis of the jet-age. Vivekananda, Gandhi and Aurobindo understood the living ...
The Hindu response to the unbound Christ Stanley J. Samartha - 1974 - 202 pages
It would be extremely difficult to interpret the work of the Holy Spirit in the new creation in terms of Sakti as Aurobindo understood and interpreted it. With the increasing interest inIndia and abroad in indigenous expressions of ...
It would be extremely difficult to interpret the work of the Holy Spirit in the new creation in terms of Sakti as Aurobindo understood and interpreted it. With the increasing interest in
Revolutionary guerrilla warfare: the countryside version Geoffrey Fairbairn - 1974 - 400 pages
But though Aurobindo understood the necessity of organizing the national will 'in a strong central authority ... a popular Gevernment in fact though not in name', such an organization was never fashioned and the Extremist movement soon ...
But though Aurobindo understood the necessity of organizing the national will 'in a strong central authority ... a popular Gevernment in fact though not in name', such an organization was never fashioned and the Extremist movement soon ...
Sri Aurobindo: a centenary tribute Aurobindo Ghose, K. R. Srinivasa Iyengar - 1974 - 346 pages
Sri Aurobindo understood in this sense the creation of the asrama: "not for the renunciation of the world, but a centre and a field of practice for the evolution of another kind and form of life". These aspirations of Sri Aurobindo meet ...
Sri Aurobindo understood in this sense the creation of the asrama: "not for the renunciation of the world, but a centre and a field of practice for the evolution of another kind and form of life". These aspirations of Sri Aurobindo meet ...
Towards eternity; Sri Aurobindo birth centenary volume, 15th ... Aurobindo Ghose - 1973 - 526 pages
This god is engaged in a process which Dr. Jung realized in many of its facets, which Sri Aurobindo understood in many of its designs, and which Pierre de Chardin began to deduce. This is an inclusive "thrust" to borrow an "updated ...
This god is engaged in a process which Dr. Jung realized in many of its facets, which Sri Aurobindo understood in many of its designs, and which Pierre de Chardin began to deduce. This is an inclusive "thrust" to borrow an "updated ...
Sri Aurobindo Jesse Roarke - 1973 - 189 pages
The better poets have understood this and have mostly kept away from the attempt, considering it more a matter of meaningless gymnastic than of writing genuine poetry. But Sri Aurobindo, as it were, has picked up the stick by the right ...
The better poets have understood this and have mostly kept away from the attempt, considering it more a matter of meaningless gymnastic than of writing genuine poetry. But Sri Aurobindo, as it were, has picked up the stick by the right ...
Sri Aurobindo: an interpretation V. C. Joshi, Nehru Memorial Museum and Library - 1973 - 174 pages
The Gita, Aurobindo says, 'can only be understood... as a developing argument'.14 This argument takes place between an Avatar and a typical Aryan prince who has been trained in warfare from early boyhood. For the moment he is assailed ...
The Gita, Aurobindo says, 'can only be understood... as a developing argument'.14 This argument takes place between an Avatar and a typical Aryan prince who has been trained in warfare from early boyhood. For the moment he is assailed ...
Contemporary relevance of Sri Aurobindo Kishor Gandhi - 1973 - 343 pages
And to achieve this, he remained immersed in severe tapasya, amid the din and bustle of a busy world. Living with him day and night, the more intimately I got to know him, the more I understood that Aurobindo was not of this earth; a god he was, descended from Heaven. He alone could say why God had made him Bengali and banished him to... Sri Aurobindo Sisirkumar Mitra - 1972 - 215 pages
And to achieve this, he remained immersed in severe tapasya, amid the din and bustle of a busy world. Living with him day and night, the more intimately I got to know him, the more I understood that Aurobindo was not of this earth; a god he was, descended from Heaven. He alone could say why God had made him Bengali and banished him to... Sri Aurobindo Sisirkumar Mitra - 1972 - 215 pages
The philosophy of man-making: a study in social and political ... Santi Lal Mukherji, Śāntilāla Mukhopādhyāẏa - 1971 - 468 pages
... passionate plea for raising the masses, his belief, as mentioned above, crystallised into a conviction.106 As a true Christian alone properly understands Christ, Aurobindo understood Vivekananda truly and comprehensively. ...
... passionate plea for raising the masses, his belief, as mentioned above, crystallised into a conviction.106 As a true Christian alone properly understands Christ, Aurobindo understood Vivekananda truly and comprehensively. ...
Philosophia Cornelia Johanna de Vogel - 1970 - 452 pages
In our own century Sri Aurobindo understood him in this sense, and blamed him for having introduced a foreign doctrine into the classical tradition of the Upa- ...
In our own century Sri Aurobindo understood him in this sense, and blamed him for having introduced a foreign doctrine into the classical tradition of the Upa- ...
Eternity in words: Sri Aurobindo's Savitri Rameshwar Gupta - 1969 - 194 pages
... universe gained by science, conscious and significant in our minds,"2 and Keats also: "axioms in philosophy are not axioms until they are proved upon their pulses.'" Sri Aurobindo understood his task. 4. The Opening Lines : A Study. The opening lines of Savitri are ...
... universe gained by science, conscious and significant in our minds,"2 and Keats also: "axioms in philosophy are not axioms until they are proved upon their pulses.'" Sri Aurobindo understood his task. 4. The Opening Lines : A Study. The opening lines of Savitri are ...
Sri Aurobindo, the hope of man Keshavmurti - 1969 - 485 pages
Later, however, Sri Aurobindo understood this message to mean that they should make themselves a temple to the Mother, ie, it was an inner, spiritual temple, not an outer edifice, that was referred to. These seances if anything, ...
Later, however, Sri Aurobindo understood this message to mean that they should make themselves a temple to the Mother, ie, it was an inner, spiritual temple, not an outer edifice, that was referred to. These seances if anything, ...
Mother India Sri Aurobindo Ashram - 1967
Sri Aurobindo understood the modern mind, its doubts, its intellectual curiosities, because he himself was agnostic for a certain time and suffered from doubt. He never imposed his ideas, but considered everything with largeness, ...
Sri Aurobindo understood the modern mind, its doubts, its intellectual curiosities, because he himself was agnostic for a certain time and suffered from doubt. He never imposed his ideas, but considered everything with largeness, ...
The Movement for national freedom in India Soumyendra Nath Mukherjee, St. Antony's ... - 1966 - 114 pages
The approach to the subject will be twofold: first, to understand the idea of freedom as Vivekananda and Aurobindo understood it, through an examination of what they said about freedom and a comparison of their views with some Western ...
The approach to the subject will be twofold: first, to understand the idea of freedom as Vivekananda and Aurobindo understood it, through an examination of what they said about freedom and a comparison of their views with some Western ...
South Asian affairs 1966
The approach to the subject will be twofold: first, to understand the idea of freedom as Vivekananda and Aurobindo understood it, through an examination of what they said about freedom and a comparison of their views with some Western ...
The approach to the subject will be twofold: first, to understand the idea of freedom as Vivekananda and Aurobindo understood it, through an examination of what they said about freedom and a comparison of their views with some Western ...
Mother India Sri Aurobindo Ashram - 1959
Aurobindo understood Marathi well enough but could not speak it fluently, although he spoke it better than Bengali. He used to laugh a lot while in their company. Everyone inBaroda had heard about Mr. Ghose and he was held in high...
Aurobindo understood Marathi well enough but could not speak it fluently, although he spoke it better than Bengali. He used to laugh a lot while in their company. Everyone in
Mother India: monthly review of culture Kaikhushru Dhunjibhoy Sethna - 1959
He regarded Aurobindo as his own brother; his younger brother, Lt. Madhavrao Jadhav, was Aurobindo's intimate friend. They spoke among themselves mostly in English but sometimes they used Marathi as well. Aurobindo understood Marathi ...
He regarded Aurobindo as his own brother; his younger brother, Lt. Madhavrao Jadhav, was Aurobindo's intimate friend. They spoke among themselves mostly in English but sometimes they used Marathi as well. Aurobindo understood Marathi ...
Sri Aurobindo: addresses on his life and teachings Ambalad Balkrishan Purani - 1955 - 351 pages
As Sri Aurobindo is giving his vision to the modern mind, he has given it a distinct name so that it may be easily understood and is perhaps more fitting too. Those who think that the whole humanity will attain that higher state of ...
As Sri Aurobindo is giving his vision to the modern mind, he has given it a distinct name so that it may be easily understood and is perhaps more fitting too. Those who think that the whole humanity will attain that higher state of ...
The Indian review G.A. Natesan - 1922
The psychology of his patriotism, Aurobindo understood well. Thanks to his meditative disposition and his habit of introspection, we are able to understand the inwardness of his passionate love for his country. ...
The psychology of his patriotism, Aurobindo understood well. Thanks to his meditative disposition and his habit of introspection, we are able to understand the inwardness of his passionate love for his country. ...
... one would think, is historically less significant. This theoretical contribution to the rise of Indian nationalism constitutes a more universal legacy than even the reform of religion. Sri Aurobindo understood this aspect of ...
South Asian affairs Raghavan Narasimhan Iyer
The approach to the subject will be twofold: first, to understand the idea of freedom as Vivekananda and Aurobindo understood it, through an examination of what they said about freedom and a comparison of their views with some Western ...
The approach to the subject will be twofold: first, to understand the idea of freedom as Vivekananda and Aurobindo understood it, through an examination of what they said about freedom and a comparison of their views with some Western ...
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