Savitri Unveiled - Page 2 In the realisation of the Yoga Sri Aurobindo saw that the main constituents of our being, our Body, our Mind, our Life were asleep in a world of nescience. He also discovered in the depths of our being that the Light of God was secretly ...
Thought Thus, as Sri Aurobindo saw the problem of leadership, India 's leader had to be — at least potentially — the world's leader as well." The years of intense sadhana that Sri Aurobindo spent in Pondicherry , "his cave of Tapasya ", ...
The Yoga of Sri Aurobindo Nolini Kanta Gupta - 1939 - 57 pages
Sri Aurobindo saw that the very core of his teaching was being missed by this common interpretation of his saying. So he changed his words and said, "Our Yoga is not for humanity but for the Divine." But I am afraid this change of front ...
Sri Aurobindo saw that the very core of his teaching was being missed by this common interpretation of his saying. So he changed his words and said, "Our Yoga is not for humanity but for the Divine." But I am afraid this change of front ...
Sri Aurobindo and the new age Anilbaran Roy - 1940 - 170 pages
It is the proper business of seers and thinkers to lay down the principles which will be the foundation of future society and to indicate the lines on which mankind must proceed towards their realisation. Sri Aurobindo saw these truths about the future of mankind in spiritual vision gained by Yoga and conducted the philosophical review. Arya, for seven years " to make them intelligible to the modern mind. But the time had not yet come ...
It is the proper business of seers and thinkers to lay down the principles which will be the foundation of future society and to indicate the lines on which mankind must proceed towards their realisation. Sri Aurobindo saw these truths about the future of mankind in spiritual vision gained by Yoga and conducted the philosophical review. Arya, for seven years " to make them intelligible to the modern mind. But the time had not yet come ...
Sri Aurobindo K. R. Srinivasa Iyengar - 1945 - 425 pages
But that was not enough : the first enthusiasm of a few years ago had more or less died down, the new indeterminate flood showed no signs of coming ; and Sri Aurobindo saw clearly that a mass movement will not be possible in the near ...
But that was not enough : the first enthusiasm of a few years ago had more or less died down, the new indeterminate flood showed no signs of coming ; and Sri Aurobindo saw clearly that a mass movement will not be possible in the near ...
The world crisis: Sri Aurobindo's vision of the future Anilbaran Roy - 1947 - 156 pages
Sri Aurobindo saw what very few people are able to see even now that though a World State was necessary to maintain world peace and prevent disastrous wars, it would not be an unmixed blessing. Peace assured, there would ...
Sri Aurobindo saw what very few people are able to see even now that though a World State was necessary to maintain world peace and prevent disastrous wars, it would not be an unmixed blessing. Peace assured, there would ...
Among the great: conversation with Romain Rolland, Mahatma Gandhi, ... Dilip Kumar Roy - 1947 - 291 pages
Aurobindo saw him, obtained an appointment in the Baroda Service and left England in February, 1893. "Sri Aurobindo passed thirteen years, from 1893 to 1906,. in theBaroda service, first in the Revenue Department and in secretarial ...
Aurobindo saw him, obtained an appointment in the Baroda Service and left England in February, 1893. "Sri Aurobindo passed thirteen years, from 1893 to 1906,. in the
Science & society - Page 16 Bernhard Joseph Stern - 1948
Finally, both Aurobindo and Tei'hard agreed that Marxism, Vedanta and Christianity are "the only possible alternatives before mankind— the three religions of modern man". But they disagreed too. While Aurobindo saw the ...
Finally, both Aurobindo and Tei'hard agreed that Marxism, Vedanta and Christianity are "the only possible alternatives before mankind— the three religions of modern man". But they disagreed too. While Aurobindo saw the ...
Sri Aurobindo, Indian poet, philosopher and mystic George Harry Langley - 1949 - 134 pages
... negation of that which is lower, but by its complete appropriation and integration in a higher- level experience. The yogi discerned the true aim, but the time was not ripe for the discovery of its complete fulfilment. Aurobindo saw it was necessary to wait for man's mastery of the material by his intellectual endeavour, and for the world-wide expansion of his practical humanism consequent on this change, before he could enter into full enjoyment of ...
... negation of that which is lower, but by its complete appropriation and integration in a higher- level experience. The yogi discerned the true aim, but the time was not ripe for the discovery of its complete fulfilment. Aurobindo saw it was necessary to wait for man's mastery of the material by his intellectual endeavour, and for the world-wide expansion of his practical humanism consequent on this change, before he could enter into full enjoyment of ...
Mother India Sri Aurobindo Ashram - 1952
In 1915, Sri Aurobindo saw the need of a complete philosophy that could explain the problem of the world and life and human destiny in relation to the Ultimate Reality, and wrote five major works to meet this need: The Life Divine
, ...
In 1915, Sri Aurobindo saw the need of a complete philosophy that could explain the problem of the world and life and human destiny in relation to the Ultimate Reality, and wrote five major works to meet this need: The Life Divine
Sri Aurobindo on himself and on The Mother Aurobindo Ghose - 1953 - 782 pages
Sri Aurobindo saw Brahmananda long before there was any question of national education activities. Brahmananda never gave him any counsel or advice nor was there any conversation between them; Sri Aurobindo went to his monastery only...
Sri Aurobindo saw Brahmananda long before there was any question of national education activities. Brahmananda never gave him any counsel or advice nor was there any conversation between them; Sri Aurobindo went to his monastery only...
Mother India Sri Aurobindo Ashram - 1955
He echoes what Sri Aurobindo saw in his spiritual vision many decades back. Sri Aurobindo wrote: "We must go back to the one thing needful, take up again Christ's gospel of purity and Mohammad's gospel of perfect submission, ...
He echoes what Sri Aurobindo saw in his spiritual vision many decades back. Sri Aurobindo wrote: "We must go back to the one thing needful, take up again Christ's gospel of purity and Mohammad's gospel of perfect submission, ...
Thoughts and reflections Ranganath Ramachandra Diwakar - 1957 - 307 pages
All other solutions and remedies sought the cure of human ills but Sri Aurobindo saw and found that it was the prevention of ills that was necessary, and that was possible only if human nature, matter, life and mind were taken up to a ...
All other solutions and remedies sought the cure of human ills but Sri Aurobindo saw and found that it was the prevention of ills that was necessary, and that was possible only if human nature, matter, life and mind were taken up to a ...
Rhythm in the heavens: an autobiography Ram Gopal - 1957 - 212 pages
And it was only after he was twenty that Aurobindo sawIndia again. How similar was the upbringing of the present Prime Minister, Nehru. His father, one of the fieriest of Indians, with an all powerful personality given to blinding ...
And it was only after he was twenty that Aurobindo saw
The Advent Sri Aurobindo Ashram - 1958
Sri Aurobindo saw most clearly that true spirituality depends on the significant metaphysical truth realised and practised by the ancient seers — the eternal manyness of the eternal One Being. The individual souls in a sense are the ...
Sri Aurobindo saw most clearly that true spirituality depends on the significant metaphysical truth realised and practised by the ancient seers — the eternal manyness of the eternal One Being. The individual souls in a sense are the ...
Pioneer of the Sopramental Age Aurobindo Ghose - 1958 - 183 pages
Man must rise as far above his present consciousness as he is now above the animal, a distinct step upwards in human evolution. Aurobindo saw that, leaving the struggle for Swaraj in other hands, he must give himself to a work that was ...
Man must rise as far above his present consciousness as he is now above the animal, a distinct step upwards in human evolution. Aurobindo saw that, leaving the struggle for Swaraj in other hands, he must give himself to a work that was ...
Mother India Kaikhushru Dhunjibhoy Sethna, Sri Aurobindo Ashram – 1958 The Mother saw the all-consummating Avatar in Sri Aurobindo, and Sri Aurobindo saw in her the Shakti that would make his Yoga an organised starting-point of a new chapter of earth's history. In the meeting on March 29, 1914 , ...
The life of Sri Aurobindo Ambalal Balkrishna Purani - 1958 - 315 pages
... take hold of those departments wherein the nation was given the control and to introduce its own programme through them. But in the meantime repression was in full swing and Sri Aurobindo saw no scope for carrying out his own ideas. ...
... take hold of those departments wherein the nation was given the control and to introduce its own programme through them. But in the meantime repression was in full swing and Sri Aurobindo saw no scope for carrying out his own ideas. ...
Bipin Chandra Pal and India's struggle for Swaraj Haridas Mukherjee, Haridāsa Mukhopādhyāẏa, Uma ... - 1958
- 140 pages
He asked Sri Aurobindo to join him in this venture to which a ready consent was given, for now Sri Aurobindo saw his opportunity for starting the public propaganda necessary for his revolutionary purpose. ...
He asked Sri Aurobindo to join him in this venture to which a ready consent was given, for now Sri Aurobindo saw his opportunity for starting the public propaganda necessary for his revolutionary purpose. ...
Mother India Kaikhushru Dhunjibhoy Sethna, Sri Aurobindo Ashram - 1960
... it to the problems of modern politics. This therefore is the work which she has still to do before she can help humanity." But how wasIndia 's mission to be achieved ? Sri Aurobindo saw the possibility in the coming down of the ...
... it to the problems of modern politics. This therefore is the work which she has still to do before she can help humanity." But how was
It was the process of unification of mankind, a world-union, that Sri Aurobindo saw in his third dream. It is under way, in spite of the tremendous difficulties it has to hazard. The initiative, though still imperfect, is there with its ...
The Modern review Ramananda Chatterjee - 1960
... Nath Tagore and on August (15th) next year, ie., 1872, Sri Aurobindo saw the light of day. ...
... Nath Tagore and on August (15th) next year, ie., 1872, Sri Aurobindo saw the light of day. ...
Annual 1961
... for now Sri Aurobindo saw his opportunity for starting the public propaganda necessary for his revolutionary purpose. He called a meeting of the forward group of young men in the Congress and decided then to organise themselves ...
... for now Sri Aurobindo saw his opportunity for starting the public propaganda necessary for his revolutionary purpose. He called a meeting of the forward group of young men in the Congress and decided then to organise themselves ...
Mother India: monthly review of culture Kaikhushru Dhunjibhoy Sethna, Sri Aurobindo Ashram - 1961
Sri Aurobindo saw that darkness cannot be removed by darkness. Service to humanity, change of Government, etc., are temporary adjustments. Even world organisations cannot deliver the goods. They are only patchwork on an old garment. ...
Sri Aurobindo saw that darkness cannot be removed by darkness. Service to humanity, change of Government, etc., are temporary adjustments. Even world organisations cannot deliver the goods. They are only patchwork on an old garment. ...
Indian writing in English K. R. Srinivasa Iyengar - 1962 - 440 pages
... political impasse, but the purblind Congress leaders rejected the proposals and preferred to launch the 'Quit India' movement. Sri Aurobindo saw the world war, neither as a fight between nations and governments, still less between ...
... political impasse, but the purblind Congress leaders rejected the proposals and preferred to launch the 'Quit India' movement. Sri Aurobindo saw the world war, neither as a fight between nations and governments, still less between ...
A study of "Savitri." Prema Nandakumar - 1962 - 568 pages
... at the time of the War, Sri Aurobindo saw it at its deepest level as the struggle between the Devas (the gods) and the Asuras (the demons) and would have liked India to throw her weight whole-heartedly on the side of the Allies. ...
... at the time of the War, Sri Aurobindo saw it at its deepest level as the struggle between the Devas (the gods) and the Asuras (the demons) and would have liked India to throw her weight whole-heartedly on the side of the Allies. ...
The Philosopher 1962
... wrote essentially from a cosmic standpoint, both widely and profusely, it is difficult to single out some special peak from the extensive range of his total thought-structure For we have to remember that Sri Aurobindo saw and wrote ...
... wrote essentially from a cosmic standpoint, both widely and profusely, it is difficult to single out some special peak from the extensive range of his total thought-structure For we have to remember that Sri Aurobindo saw and wrote ...
Thought 1963
Sri Aurobindo saw cosmic history as the Involution-Evolution cycle of the Infinite. The purpose of this cycle was the evolution of the Gnostic Being. This would seem to resemble theKingdom of God or the Return-to-Para dise of the ...
Sri Aurobindo saw cosmic history as the Involution-Evolution cycle of the Infinite. The purpose of this cycle was the evolution of the Gnostic Being. This would seem to resemble the
Indian nationalism and Hindu social reform Charles Herman Heimsath - 1964 - 379 pages
Rightly, Aurobindo saw that the Congress did not truly represent the nation at large, and for that reason could bring about no fundamental alteration in British rule. The articles are reprinted in ...
Rightly, Aurobindo saw that the Congress did not truly represent the nation at large, and for that reason could bring about no fundamental alteration in British rule. The articles are reprinted in ...
Experiences of a pilgrim soul: a faithful record of a long yogic ... Cuttān̲anta Pāratiyār - 1964 - 473 pages
Sri Aurobindo saw it and blessed it each day and sent hints for its success. S sang all the songs necessary for the propagation of his universal Yoga, the Pure Sama Yoga and the future Yoga Samaj. By the Divine Grace, ...
Sri Aurobindo saw it and blessed it each day and sent hints for its success. S sang all the songs necessary for the propagation of his universal Yoga, the Pure Sama Yoga and the future Yoga Samaj. By the Divine Grace, ...
Subramania Bharati Prema Nandakumar - 1964 - 88 pages
... Sri Aurobindo's was the force of an avalanche, that burnt away all dross, and left one "lone, limitless, nude, immune". Bharati prayed ; Sri Aurobindo saw. Bharati sang; Sri Aurobindo affirmed. 33 Kannan En Kavi, p. 24. ...
... Sri Aurobindo's was the force of an avalanche, that burnt away all dross, and left one "lone, limitless, nude, immune". Bharati prayed ; Sri Aurobindo saw. Bharati sang; Sri Aurobindo affirmed. 33 Kannan En Kavi, p. 24. ...
Sri Aurobindo and the new thought in Indian politics: Being a ... Aurobindo Ghose, Bande mataram, Calcutta - 1964 - 393 pages
... or Shakti in all spheres of life, for without Shakti even Knowledge and Bhakti (Devotion) will be of no avail. The path of national regeneration had already been shown by Swami Vivekananda in whom Sri Aurobindo saw the Messiah of India to be. Sri Aurobindo foundIndia to be like an; old man "with stores of knowledge, with ability to feel and ...
... or Shakti in all spheres of life, for without Shakti even Knowledge and Bhakti (Devotion) will be of no avail. The path of national regeneration had already been shown by Swami Vivekananda in whom Sri Aurobindo saw the Messiah of India to be. Sri Aurobindo found
The life of Sri Aurobindo: a source book Ambalal Balkrishna Purani - 1964 - 335 pages
In his further development in yoga Sri Aurobindo saw that all the voices heard in sadhana are not from the Divine. Not only so, but there are voices coming from ignorance and even ...
In his further development in yoga Sri Aurobindo saw that all the voices heard in sadhana are not from the Divine. Not only so, but there are voices coming from ignorance and even ...
Annual 1965
... 'the spiritual gift ofIndia to the world'; and last, 'a step in evolution which would raise man to a higher and larger consciousness'. Sri Aurobindo saw all these also either 'arriving at fruition or on the way to achievement'. ...
... 'the spiritual gift of
Mother India Sri Aurobindo Ashram - 1965
Very probably Sri Aurobindo saw some truth in the surrealist movement and thought it worth while to make some experiment in this field. He has made all kinds of experiments in his supramental laboratory upon himself and with others,...
Very probably Sri Aurobindo saw some truth in the surrealist movement and thought it worth while to make some experiment in this field. He has made all kinds of experiments in his supramental laboratory upon himself and with others,...
Life in Sri Aurobindo Ashram Narayan Prasad - 1965 - 319 pages
set forth with powerful reasoning, depending not only on reports of local observers but also and mainly upon what Sri Aurobindo saw with his own unerring vision as the Seer of the Age. Consequently the solutions suggested were far above ...
set forth with powerful reasoning, depending not only on reports of local observers but also and mainly upon what Sri Aurobindo saw with his own unerring vision as the Seer of the Age. Consequently the solutions suggested were far above ...
Sri Aurobindo: some aspects of his vision 1966 - 196 pages
... limits of outer space without overcoming the limitations of his consciousness. Man seems to be on the point of being overcome by his own achievements unless he changes himself. Forty years ago Sri Aurobindo saw that mere political, economic, social or any other external changes would not solve the problems of life though all may be attempted by man in his present state. The change required is psychological ...
... limits of outer space without overcoming the limitations of his consciousness. Man seems to be on the point of being overcome by his own achievements unless he changes himself. Forty years ago Sri Aurobindo saw that mere political, economic, social or any other external changes would not solve the problems of life though all may be attempted by man in his present state. The change required is psychological ...
Mother India: monthly review of culture Kaikhushru Dhunjibhoy Sethna, Sri Aurobindo Ashram - 1966
Sri Aurobindo saw that he must sweep beyond every spiritual experience of the past. Gathering up in himself the splendid results of the Vedas, the Upanishads, the Gita, the Tantra and the essence of Buddhism — realising the unnamable ...
Sri Aurobindo saw that he must sweep beyond every spiritual experience of the past. Gathering up in himself the splendid results of the Vedas, the Upanishads, the Gita, the Tantra and the essence of Buddhism — realising the unnamable ...
Studies in mysticism and religion Gershom Gerhard Scholem, Efraim Elimelech Urbach, Raphael Jehudah Zwi ... - 1967 - 622 pages
this he has to receive the grace of para bhakti, "transcendent love", which only the man who has already "become Brahman" is fit to receive (XVIII.54). This point which, as Aurobindo saw,4 is the central teaching of the Gita, ...
this he has to receive the grace of para bhakti, "transcendent love", which only the man who has already "become Brahman" is fit to receive (XVIII.54). This point which, as Aurobindo saw,4 is the central teaching of the Gita, ...
A marvel of cultural fellowship Sisirkumar Mitra - 1967 - 135 pages
Sri Aurobindo saw all these either 'arriving at fruition or on the way to achievement'. On5 December 1950 Sri Aurobindo entered into Mahasamadhi. But the work initiated by him continues under the guidance of the Mother, and 'the Power ...
Sri Aurobindo saw all these either 'arriving at fruition or on the way to achievement'. On
The extremist challenge: India between 1890 and 1910 Amales Tripathi - 1967 - 246 pages
... nationalism was essentially religious, Hindu in orientation and firmly rooted in Bengaleeness. In the dark, naked, awesome figure of Kali, Aurobindo saw written the sad history of a century of exploitation. ...
... nationalism was essentially religious, Hindu in orientation and firmly rooted in Bengaleeness. In the dark, naked, awesome figure of Kali, Aurobindo saw written the sad history of a century of exploitation. ...
Sri Aurobindo: or, The adventure of consciousness Satprem - 1968 - 381 pages
Besides, Sri Aurobindo saw that the machinery was working now; the spirit of independence had been awakened in his compatriots and events would follow their inevitable course until the liberation, as he had foreseen. ...
Besides, Sri Aurobindo saw that the machinery was working now; the spirit of independence had been awakened in his compatriots and events would follow their inevitable course until the liberation, as he had foreseen. ...
Mainly academic: talks to students and teachers K. R. Srinivasa Iyengar - 1968 - 304 pages
The Mother's love is infinite, though there are millions to claim this love ; and the children's love for the mother should also be infinite, for deep calls to deep, and infinity should be matched by infinity. Sri Aurobindo saw that a Rakshasa was sucking the Mother's blood, and so exhorted the Mother's children to chase the Rakshasa away and liberate the Mother. Coming a little later, Gandhiji projected his own vision of the newIndia . ...
The Mother's love is infinite, though there are millions to claim this love ; and the children's love for the mother should also be infinite, for deep calls to deep, and infinity should be matched by infinity. Sri Aurobindo saw that a Rakshasa was sucking the Mother's blood, and so exhorted the Mother's children to chase the Rakshasa away and liberate the Mother. Coming a little later, Gandhiji projected his own vision of the new
Mother India: monthly review of culture Kaikhushru Dhunjibhoy Sethna, Sri Aurobindo Ashram - 1969
To use his own words, Sri Aurobindo saw the world of his time as "a huge cauldron of Medea into which all things are being cast, shredded into pieces, experimented on, combined and recombined either to perish and provide the scattered ...
To use his own words, Sri Aurobindo saw the world of his time as "a huge cauldron of Medea into which all things are being cast, shredded into pieces, experimented on, combined and recombined either to perish and provide the scattered ...
Eternity in words: Sri Aurobindo's Savitri Rameshwar Gupta - 1969 - 194 pages
... Materlinck and Shaw saw him; Bergson, Huxley and Teilhard saw him (see the last section of this chapter); and Sri Aurobindo saw him with the certitude of a man: I who have seen behind the cosmic mask The glory and the beauty of ...
... Materlinck and Shaw saw him; Bergson, Huxley and Teilhard saw him (see the last section of this chapter); and Sri Aurobindo saw him with the certitude of a man: I who have seen behind the cosmic mask The glory and the beauty of ...
The poetry of Sri Aurobindo: a short survey Sisirkumar Ghose, Aurobindo Ghose - 1969 - 124 pages
That Sri Aurobindo saw the manifestation of the Divine in the national movement has been mentioned already. Before being sent to the prison he had re-iterated his faith in the destiny ofIndia . India 's freedom was not merely political ...
That Sri Aurobindo saw the manifestation of the Divine in the national movement has been mentioned already. Before being sent to the prison he had re-iterated his faith in the destiny of
Sri Aurobindo, the hope of man Keshavmurti - 1969 - 485 pages
... so far as to write a letter to Sir Stafford Cripps in his personal capacity giving his support to the proposals he had brought. The letter reads as follows : 48 ". . .he (Sri Aurobindo) saw that behind Hitler and Nazism were dark ...
... so far as to write a letter to Sir Stafford Cripps in his personal capacity giving his support to the proposals he had brought. The letter reads as follows : 48 ". . .he (Sri Aurobindo) saw that behind Hitler and Nazism were dark ...
Indian horizons Indian Council for Cultural Relations - 1969
In Indian sculpture, there are other things than a mere repetition of hawk faces, wap waists, thin legs and the rest of the ill-tempered caricature, Sri Aurobindo saw no reason to regret the absence in Indian sculpture of telling ...
In Indian sculpture, there are other things than a mere repetition of hawk faces, wap waists, thin legs and the rest of the ill-tempered caricature, Sri Aurobindo saw no reason to regret the absence in Indian sculpture of telling ...
Mother India: monthly review of culture Kaikhushru Dhunjibhoy Sethna, Sri Aurobindo Ashram - 1970
Answer: Sri Aurobindo saw in his Yogic vision that the time had come for a new principle to be established in the earth consciousness and he staked his all to see it done. Nothing can stop the onward march of evolution. ...
Answer: Sri Aurobindo saw in his Yogic vision that the time had come for a new principle to be established in the earth consciousness and he staked his all to see it done. Nothing can stop the onward march of evolution. ...
Sri Aurobindo--the poet Kaikhushru Dhunjibhoy Sethna - 1970 - 472 pages
The latter phrase sums up the decisive action of the Western democracies, behind which, in spite of their defects, Sri Aurobindo saw the Divine Power operating. One may thus picture, through the alternatives listed in Sri Aurobindo's ...
The latter phrase sums up the decisive action of the Western democracies, behind which, in spite of their defects, Sri Aurobindo saw the Divine Power operating. One may thus picture, through the alternatives listed in Sri Aurobindo's ...
The liberator Sri Aurobindo, India, and the world Sisirkumar Mitra - 1970 - 307 pages
... according to their sponsors, too much of religion was responsible for India's decline, for her inability to raise herself to a position of nation- Sri Aurobindo saw in this a wrong step and pointed the right one: 'We have both made ...
... according to their sponsors, too much of religion was responsible for India's decline, for her inability to raise herself to a position of nation- Sri Aurobindo saw in this a wrong step and pointed the right one: 'We have both made ...
Journal Maharaja Sayajirao University of Baroda - 1971
"48 Where they disagreed was that Aurobindo saw the salvation of the world in the marriage between Marxism and Vedanta, whereas Teilhard saw it in the marriage between ...
"48 Where they disagreed was that Aurobindo saw the salvation of the world in the marriage between Marxism and Vedanta, whereas Teilhard saw it in the marriage between ...
Evolution in religion: a study in Sri Aurobindo and Pierre ... Robert Charles Zaehner - 1971 - 121 pages
... and both see only what is negative in the religion of the other. For what Aurobindo saw in Christianity was Evangelical Protestantism from which the mystical element was totally absent, while what Teilhard condemned in Indian . ...
... and both see only what is negative in the religion of the other. For what Aurobindo saw in Christianity was Evangelical Protestantism from which the mystical element was totally absent, while what Teilhard condemned in Indian . ...
As even Aurobindo saw and as Teilhard never tired of repeating, in the modern world science and scientific research, alone among human activities, can unify the world externally because they create ever larger units co-operating ...
Indian and foreign review India. Ministry of Information and ... - 1971
... from fish and tortoise to man and superman — was clearly an evolutionary stair, and Sri Aurobindo saw it as a spiritual rendering of the modern scientific theory of evolution. Reconciling Opposites Reconciling the apparent opposites ...
... from fish and tortoise to man and superman — was clearly an evolutionary stair, and Sri Aurobindo saw it as a spiritual rendering of the modern scientific theory of evolution. Reconciling Opposites Reconciling the apparent opposites ...
But what does Sitaram Yechury do in his borrowed plumes, with his swiped sagacity? To put the situation in context one has to bring in the rather unkind image of a monkey borrowing his master’s razor. Because, the significance of Sri Aurobindo’s concept of Dasavatar is that it rises from a foundation of India’s spiritual vision and understanding of history. Not only that. He also convincingly concluded that the theory of evolution so strikingly advanced by our rishis makes Sri Ram as historical personality, logically inevitable and rationally unassailable. Quoting Sri Aurobindo on the concept of Dasavatars and the historicity of Sri Ram will be in order in this context: […]
Thus it will be seen that Sitaram Yechury refers to avatara concept to faith of Sri Rama, whereas Sri Aurobindo puts him on his historical pedestal. A classic case of devil quoting the scriptures. Home > 2007 Issues > October 21, 2007 By P. Parameswaran
Bengal: change and continuity Ingrid Aall - 1971 - 270 pages
Aurobindo saw that the need was for organized action rather than speeches and ineffectual resolutions, but he was not capable of directing such activity. His words inspired some, but the movement needed more than talk. ...
Aurobindo saw that the need was for organized action rather than speeches and ineffectual resolutions, but he was not capable of directing such activity. His words inspired some, but the movement needed more than talk. ...
Equals one Sri Aurobindo Society, World Union, World Goodwill - 1972
He could now join openly in the political movement, and there followed for him a period of intense political activity. lndia had long laboured under a foreign yoke. Sri Aurobindo saw the necessity of establishing the ideal and goal of ...
He could now join openly in the political movement, and there followed for him a period of intense political activity. lndia had long laboured under a foreign yoke. Sri Aurobindo saw the necessity of establishing the ideal and goal of ...
The poetry of Aurobindo: an oriental response to western materialism 1972 - 372 pages
What Aurobindo saw as the "future poetry" would present a spiritual vision in a language that would more directly communicate its power and enable individuals to realize the divinity of their own life. The importance of Aurobindo 's own ...
What Aurobindo saw as the "future poetry" would present a spiritual vision in a language that would more directly communicate its power and enable individuals to realize the divinity of their own life. The importance of Aurobindo 's own ...
Gandhian thought 1972
Both Swami Vivekananda and Aurobindo saw the decadence of the nation. They were painfully aware how the nation was sinking in Tamas, inertia and the mobility of exhausted vitality and they endeavoured to rouse it, each in their own ...
Both Swami Vivekananda and Aurobindo saw the decadence of the nation. They were painfully aware how the nation was sinking in Tamas, inertia and the mobility of exhausted vitality and they endeavoured to rouse it, each in their own ...
Some talks at Pondicherry: given in 1970 and 1971 Kaikhushru Dhunjibhoy Sethna - 1972 - 128 pages
Also, before leaving, Sri Aurobindo saw to it that, among those he had initiated into poetry with so much special care, one of us at least would be able to follow the path he has opened and I must say that my friend Amal has admirably ... Light and laughter: some talks at Pondicherry Kaikhushru Dhunjibhoy Sethna - 1974 - 126 pages
Also, before leaving, Sri Aurobindo saw to it that, among those he had initiated into poetry with so much special care, one of us at least would be able to follow the path he has opened and I must say that my friend Amal has admirably ... Light and laughter: some talks at Pondicherry Kaikhushru Dhunjibhoy Sethna - 1974 - 126 pages
Sri Aurobindo Sisirkumar Mitra - 1972 - 215 pages
... in celestial light, and by gaining in weight by sixteen pounds during the period of waiting. He was found fast asleep when the warder called him for the execution. Who but a Yogi could do these? Sri Aurobindo saw in a number of his co-accused youths a longing for Yoga, and half-expressed Yogic powers.' Ashoke Nandi was one such, who, 'in intellect, character and life, was wholly a Yogi and devotee .... Sentenced to the heaviest ...
... in celestial light, and by gaining in weight by sixteen pounds during the period of waiting. He was found fast asleep when the warder called him for the execution. Who but a Yogi could do these? Sri Aurobindo saw in a number of his co-accused youths a longing for Yoga, and half-expressed Yogic powers.' Ashoke Nandi was one such, who, 'in intellect, character and life, was wholly a Yogi and devotee .... Sentenced to the heaviest ...
Hinduism John R. Hinnells, Eric J. Sharpe - 1972 - 224 pages
... which Aurobindo saw a link between East and West. As well as being steeped in Vedanta, he had read many Western evolutionary thinkers, for instance Bergson and Nietzsche. Man, he held, is ideally continually growing in consciousness ...
... which Aurobindo saw a link between East and West. As well as being steeped in Vedanta, he had read many Western evolutionary thinkers, for instance Bergson and Nietzsche. Man, he held, is ideally continually growing in consciousness ...
Twelve years with Sri Aurobindo Nirodbaran - 1972
- 289 pages
Once Sri Aurobindo saw that she was writing on the book with her fountain pen unopened. He kept on watching. Suddenly she realised her mistake and Sri Aurobindo broke into a gracious smile. During the time of meditation too, ...
Once Sri Aurobindo saw that she was writing on the book with her fountain pen unopened. He kept on watching. Suddenly she realised her mistake and Sri Aurobindo broke into a gracious smile. During the time of meditation too, ...
Philosophical issues in religious thought Geddes MacGregor - 1972
- 500 pages
Aurobindo saw the true nature of that future level of consciousness as one in which a spiritually vivacious man might hope to triumph joyfully and securely, no more feeling need to trample on his inferiors in the evolutionary process ...
Aurobindo saw the true nature of that future level of consciousness as one in which a spiritually vivacious man might hope to triumph joyfully and securely, no more feeling need to trample on his inferiors in the evolutionary process ...
The radical thinkers: Heidegger and Sri Aurobindo Rhoda Priscella Le Cocq - 1972 - 214 pages
More clearly than Heidegger, Sri Aurobindo saw that both isms limited human, individual freedom, and this he considered a basic necessity for the spiritual development of the race. Sri Aurobindo's additional clarity on political issues ...
More clearly than Heidegger, Sri Aurobindo saw that both isms limited human, individual freedom, and this he considered a basic necessity for the spiritual development of the race. Sri Aurobindo's additional clarity on political issues ...
Sri Aurobindo: a biography and a history K. R. Srinivasa Iyengar - 1972 - 1471 pages
The octopus had to be attacked and destroyed before it succeeded in destroying the remaining signs of life in the nation. Sri Aurobindo saw that the times were such that constant vigilance was necessary on the part of the Nationalists. ...
The octopus had to be attacked and destroyed before it succeeded in destroying the remaining signs of life in the nation. Sri Aurobindo saw that the times were such that constant vigilance was necessary on the part of the Nationalists. ...
Sri Aurobindo Prema Nandakumar - 1972 - 48 pages
India, Bharati, Bhavani — as Sri Aurobindo saw her — was a Power and a Personality, and not just an extensive geographical area: "It is not a piece of earth, nor a figure of speech, nor a fiction of the mind. It is a mighty Shakti, ...
India, Bharati, Bhavani — as Sri Aurobindo saw her — was a Power and a Personality, and not just an extensive geographical area: "It is not a piece of earth, nor a figure of speech, nor a fiction of the mind. It is a mighty Shakti, ...
Worthy is the world: the Hindu philosophy of Sri Aurobindo Beatrice Bruteau - 1972 - 288 pages
(LD, 106) The "universal consciousness" must be thought of as "a self-aware force of existence" (LD, 105) which occurs as a spectrum of various levels, as Aurobindo saw it in his fourth great realization. Our ordinary mentality appears ...
(LD, 106) The "universal consciousness" must be thought of as "a self-aware force of existence" (LD, 105) which occurs as a spectrum of various levels, as Aurobindo saw it in his fourth great realization. Our ordinary mentality appears ...
The Teilhard review Teilhard Centre for the Future of Man - 1972
It is with this stress on the individual that Aurobindo saw the transformation of the future as the work of a few especially endowed individuals, the 'gnostic beings', the supermen who contribute to and bring about the descent of the ...
It is with this stress on the individual that Aurobindo saw the transformation of the future as the work of a few especially endowed individuals, the 'gnostic beings', the supermen who contribute to and bring about the descent of the ...
The philosophy of Sri Aurobindo: his idea of evolution Joseph Veliyathil - 1972 - 97 pages
Aurobindo saw truth in all these contradictory views. He wanted to make a synthesis of all. In making this synthesis he fell into the error of pantheism. Any view that teaches that all things are divine or that God and the universe are ...
Aurobindo saw truth in all these contradictory views. He wanted to make a synthesis of all. In making this synthesis he fell into the error of pantheism. Any view that teaches that all things are divine or that God and the universe are ...
Contemporary relevance of Sri Aurobindo Kishor Gandhi - 1973 - 343 pages
Sri Aurobindo saw the various aspects of life as complementing and supporting one another, and in his case a concern for the spiritual meant equally a concern for the social and the political planes of action. ...
Sri Aurobindo saw the various aspects of life as complementing and supporting one another, and in his case a concern for the spiritual meant equally a concern for the social and the political planes of action. ...
Sri Aurobindo: a garland of tributes Arabinda Basu - 1973 - 252 pages
The inner meaning that Sri Aurobindo saw can nevertheless stand the test of grammar and etymology. Vedic words did not constitute a conventional phraseology but emerged from intuitive experience. Swami Dayananda also interprets them ...
The inner meaning that Sri Aurobindo saw can nevertheless stand the test of grammar and etymology. Vedic words did not constitute a conventional phraseology but emerged from intuitive experience. Swami Dayananda also interprets them ...
Indian writing in English K. R. Srinivasa Iyengar - 1973 - 761 pages
but the purblind Congress leaders rejected the proposals and preferred to launch the 'Quit India' movement. Sri Aurobindo saw the world war, neither as a fight between nations and governments, still less between good peoples and bad peoples, but essentially as a grapple "between two forces, the Divine and the ...
but the purblind Congress leaders rejected the proposals and preferred to launch the 'Quit India' movement. Sri Aurobindo saw the world war, neither as a fight between nations and governments, still less between good peoples and bad peoples, but essentially as a grapple "between two forces, the Divine and the ...
Towards eternity; Sri Aurobindo birth centenary volume, 15th ... Aurobindo Ghose - 1973 - 526 pages
Looking ahead into the period which is coming to a climax today, Sri Aurobindo saw a potent menace taking shape. He used to follow closely, through all his years in Pondicherry, the tides and currents of world affairs by radio and daily ...
Sri Aurobindo Jesse Roarke - 1973 - 189 pages
VIII Withdrawal Also in 1950 Sri Aurobindo saw that humanity was not responding well enough to the increased evolutionary spirit and power. In a kind of sacrifice for the Divine he descended to the depths in a struggle to the death with ...
Looking ahead into the period which is coming to a climax today, Sri Aurobindo saw a potent menace taking shape. He used to follow closely, through all his years in Pondicherry, the tides and currents of world affairs by radio and daily ...
Sri Aurobindo Jesse Roarke - 1973 - 189 pages
VIII Withdrawal Also in 1950 Sri Aurobindo saw that humanity was not responding well enough to the increased evolutionary spirit and power. In a kind of sacrifice for the Divine he descended to the depths in a struggle to the death with ...
Socialism, democracy, and nationalism in India Sankar Ghose - 1973
- 503 pages
... were imbued with English ideas and the Western concept of the political nation. Aurobindo saw no hope in the "un-National Congress of the ...
... were imbued with English ideas and the Western concept of the political nation. Aurobindo saw no hope in the "un-National Congress of the ...
Exploration in education: two essays Kireet Joshi, Yvonne Artaud - 1974 - 70 pages
Sri Aurobindo saw it spontaneously: "Each object in the universe is really the whole universe in a different frontal appearance". Thus everything — a bit of dust, a fruit, a cloud, ourselves, someone else — will no longer call to us as ...
Sri Aurobindo saw it spontaneously: "Each object in the universe is really the whole universe in a different frontal appearance". Thus everything — a bit of dust, a fruit, a cloud, ourselves, someone else — will no longer call to us as ...
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