Beacons of the Light: 100 Holy People Who Have Shaped the History ... - Page 518 Marcus Braybrooke - 2009 - 681 pages
In 1908, he was imprisoned on suspicion of plotting armed revolt. In court, the English trial judge happened to have been a fellow student atCambridge . His defence lawyer said that long after the trial, Sri Aurobindo would be ...
In 1908, he was imprisoned on suspicion of plotting armed revolt. In court, the English trial judge happened to have been a fellow student at
Sri Aurobindo - A Contemporary Reader Sachidananda Mohanty, Aurobindo Ghose - 2008 - 180 pages
While most readers familiar with Sri Aurobindo would eschew such facile approaches or views, most academics or scholars have regrettably taken recourse to beaten paths: clinging to unfounded opinion based on half-truths, ...
While most readers familiar with Sri Aurobindo would eschew such facile approaches or views, most academics or scholars have regrettably taken recourse to beaten paths: clinging to unfounded opinion based on half-truths, ...
Evolutionary, Spiritual Conceptions of Life - Sri Aurobindo, ... - Page 23 Dr. phil. Michael Leicht - 2008 - 52 pages
Aurobindo would agree with Kant, that all statements about the ultimate reality are bound to be inadequate. The ultimate has to be realised through identity of the knower and the known, ie in deep meditation. ...
Aurobindo would agree with Kant, that all statements about the ultimate reality are bound to be inadequate. The ultimate has to be realised through identity of the knower and the known, ie in deep meditation. ...
Humanity, truth, and freedom: essays in modern Indian Philosophy - Page 100 Raghunath Ghosh - 2008 - 164 pages
In so doing he was a Vedic thinker in our age. This could not perhaps be said of any other thinker of Sanskrit poetics in the same sense. Sri Aurobindo would have endorsed Sankara's view that art is a form of worship ...
In so doing he was a Vedic thinker in our age. This could not perhaps be said of any other thinker of Sanskrit poetics in the same sense. Sri Aurobindo would have endorsed Sankara's view that art is a form of worship ...
Understanding thoughts of Sri Aurobindo Indrani Sanyal, Krishna Roy, Jadavpur ... - 2007 - 317 pages
But Sri Aurobindo would call that narrowly-held concept of education, where desire for knowledge is not a motivating factor, is a bad education. Sri Aurobindo further observes that this bad education creates a peculiar vicious circle, ...
But Sri Aurobindo would call that narrowly-held concept of education, where desire for knowledge is not a motivating factor, is a bad education. Sri Aurobindo further observes that this bad education creates a peculiar vicious circle, ...
Esalen: America and the religion of no religion - Page 409 Jeffrey John Kripal - 2007 - 575 pages
Myers also helped introduce another key term, the “subliminal,” which Aurobindo would later adopt (or recreate) for his own The Life Divine. Long before Aurobindo, the expression entered Western psychology and helped effect its radical ...
Myers also helped introduce another key term, the “subliminal,” which Aurobindo would later adopt (or recreate) for his own The Life Divine. Long before Aurobindo, the expression entered Western psychology and helped effect its radical ...
What Is Hinduism?: Modern Adventures Into a Profound Global Faith - Page 135 Editors of Hinduism Today - 2007 - 416 pages
Aurobindo would have remained an abstract philosopher for me had not Ram Swarup explained to me how this seer was the greatest exponent of the Vedic vision in our times. Aurobindo's message, he told me, was in essence the same old Vedic ...
Aurobindo would have remained an abstract philosopher for me had not Ram Swarup explained to me how this seer was the greatest exponent of the Vedic vision in our times. Aurobindo's message, he told me, was in essence the same old Vedic ...
Tantra: Sex, Secrecy, Politics and Power in the Study of Religion - Page 101 Hugh B. Urban - 2007 - 372 pages
The striking irony, however, is that Aurobindo would later come to identify the Mother, not with the violent, bloodthirsty, and militant Tantric ... After his own wife's death in 19 18, Aurobindo would grow increasingly closer to Mira. ...
The striking irony, however, is that Aurobindo would later come to identify the Mother, not with the violent, bloodthirsty, and militant Tantric ... After his own wife's death in 19 18, Aurobindo would grow increasingly closer to Mira. ...
Environment Evolution & Values - Page 61 D.P. Chattopadhyaya - 2007 - 332 pages
While Sri Aurobindo would claim that it is more or less a true statement of the unfolding of the Divine design in human history, the Marxist reiterates his position that there is nothing like Divine design and that human history is ...
While Sri Aurobindo would claim that it is more or less a true statement of the unfolding of the Divine design in human history, the Marxist reiterates his position that there is nothing like Divine design and that human history is ...
The philosophy of Vivekananda Rekha Jhanji, Panjab University . Centre for ... - 2007 - 206 pages
Gandhi and Tilak and Aurobindo would also denounce social reforms if it came from colonial sources.35 Tilak, unlike Phule, did not agree to ask the white masters to divide lower classes against Brahmins. The seductions of abiding ...
Gandhi and Tilak and Aurobindo would also denounce social reforms if it came from colonial sources.35 Tilak, unlike Phule, did not agree to ask the white masters to divide lower classes against Brahmins. The seductions of abiding ...
Leading Lights, The - Page 100 Dr. George Kaitholil - 2007 - 203 pages
Aurobindo would say in a light vein that he had a backdoor entry into yoga. But he seriously took up pranayama which soon produced results. His memory became sharper and more powerful; his skin became smoother and fairer. ...
Aurobindo would say in a light vein that he had a backdoor entry into yoga. But he seriously took up pranayama which soon produced results. His memory became sharper and more powerful; his skin became smoother and fairer. ...
Letting be: Fred Dallmayr's cosmopolitical vision Stephen Frederick Schneck - 2006 - 382 pages
To mount challenges to good and evil, Aurobindo would not only have us doubt and employ critical reason, but also turn to a tradition that has been subjected to rational scrutiny. Aurobindo believes that the failures of tradition can be ...
To mount challenges to good and evil, Aurobindo would not only have us doubt and employ critical reason, but also turn to a tradition that has been subjected to rational scrutiny. Aurobindo believes that the failures of tradition can be ...
Philosophical papers of professor J.N. Chubb J. N. Chubb, Harsiddh Maganlal Joshi, Indian ... - 2006 - 650 pages
... and Sri Aurobindo would be agreed on the point that Reality which is ineffable cannot be seized as the solution to a problem, because the Ineffable is never known by contrast with anything. Contrasting is a way of comparing, ...
... and Sri Aurobindo would be agreed on the point that Reality which is ineffable cannot be seized as the solution to a problem, because the Ineffable is never known by contrast with anything. Contrasting is a way of comparing, ...
Affective communities: anticolonial thought, Fin-De-Siècle ... Leela Gandhi - 2006 - 254 pages
... sense of the mishandling by Congress officials of the "Cripps Proposals," which offered dominion status toIndia in exchange for the promise of unequivocal commitment to the allied war effort, Sri Aurobindo would intervene directly, ...
... sense of the mishandling by Congress officials of the "Cripps Proposals," which offered dominion status to
Guru English: South Asian religion in a cosmopolitan language - Page 91 Srinivas Aravamudan - 2006 - 330 pages
... the Romantic sort commenced by German Indologists and carried through by Bankim, and glimmerings of the preparatory aspects of the phase that the nationalist style under Swami Vivekananda or Sri Aurobindo would take over for a...
... the Romantic sort commenced by German Indologists and carried through by Bankim, and glimmerings of the preparatory aspects of the phase that the nationalist style under Swami Vivekananda or Sri Aurobindo would take over for a...
The Karma Handbook - Page 316 Trutz Hardo - 2006 - 360 pages
So only very few are able to recognize this "inner will", as Aurobindo would call it. For the others the validity of the law of karma is a plausible - and therefore sufficient — reason to subject themselves to its sway. ...
So only very few are able to recognize this "inner will", as Aurobindo would call it. For the others the validity of the law of karma is a plausible - and therefore sufficient — reason to subject themselves to its sway. ...
Space-Time Continuum - Page 77 K. Pramila Sastry - 2006 - 308 pages
The superb poetry that emerges unveils the deepest depths of a human being, elevates him into an enduring contact with reality; endows him with a sense of identity with the Divinity called Brahman — the final goal, as Aurobindo would ...
The superb poetry that emerges unveils the deepest depths of a human being, elevates him into an enduring contact with reality; endows him with a sense of identity with the Divinity called Brahman — the final goal, as Aurobindo would ...
On the edge of the future: Esalen and the evolution of American ... - Page 115 Jeffrey John Kripal, Glenn W. Shuck - 2005 - 323 pages
32 There are, moreover, good historical reasons that can help explain why Aurobindo would have avoided any explicit alliance with the Tantras. We must never forget that he was writing in a political context and time period in ...
32 There are, moreover, good historical reasons that can help explain why Aurobindo would have avoided any explicit alliance with the Tantras. We must never forget that he was writing in a political context and time period in ...
Lead, Kindly Light: Gandhi and the Way to Peace - Page 275 Vincent Sheean - 2005 - 384 pages
The system of Aurobindo would accommodate such investigators and discoverers as Darwin, Marx and Freud in its lower areas without any trouble, as it would take Ramanuja also on its ascension to ...
The system of Aurobindo would accommodate such investigators and discoverers as Darwin, Marx and Freud in its lower areas without any trouble, as it would take Ramanuja also on its ascension to ...
Empire, the national, and the postcolonial, 1890-1920: resistance ... - Page 93 Elleke Boehmer - 2005 - 239 pages
And Aurobindo would have discovered in the slightly older Nivedita both a keen political sense of India's oppression, and a background of considerable experience in organizing schools and contributing to political groups. ...
And Aurobindo would have discovered in the slightly older Nivedita both a keen political sense of India's oppression, and a background of considerable experience in organizing schools and contributing to political groups. ...
Sleep as a state of consciousness in Advaita Vedānta - Page 105 Arvind Sharma - 2004 - 181 pages
... regarding the catu$pad doctrine are less fundamental than Aurobindo would like us to think. Both accept the MaU distinction between gross waking "matter" and subtle dream "matter", ...
... regarding the catu$pad doctrine are less fundamental than Aurobindo would like us to think. Both accept the MaU distinction between gross waking "matter" and subtle dream "matter", ...
Mira to Mother - Page 143 Udhaya Kumar - 2004 - 164 pages
The American philosopher Rhoda Le Cocq wrote: Already it had been decided, despite the objections of the French colonial governor, that Sri Aurobindo would be burled in the courtyard of the main building, beneath a huge spreading tree. ...
The American philosopher Rhoda Le Cocq wrote: Already it had been decided, despite the objections of the French colonial governor, that Sri Aurobindo would be burled in the courtyard of the main building, beneath a huge spreading tree. ...
Poetic plays of Sri Aurobindo - Page v Bimal Narayan Thakur - 2004 - 199 pages
In his plays Sri Aurobindo would be climbing down from the ethereal height of a supernatural world of thought to the level of supranatural lives and action of mortals, much as the sacred riverGanga descends from the glacial heights of ...
In his plays Sri Aurobindo would be climbing down from the ethereal height of a supernatural world of thought to the level of supranatural lives and action of mortals, much as the sacred river
Tantra: sex, secrecy, politics, and power in the study of religion - Page 101 Hugh B. Urban - 2003 - 372 pages
The striking irony, however, is that Aurobindo would later come to identify the Mother, not with the violent, bloodthirsty, and militant Tantric ... After his own wife's death in 1918, Aurobindo would grow increasingly closer to Mira. ...
The striking irony, however, is that Aurobindo would later come to identify the Mother, not with the violent, bloodthirsty, and militant Tantric ... After his own wife's death in 1918, Aurobindo would grow increasingly closer to Mira. ...
Indian critiques of Gandhi - Page 103 Harold G. Coward - 2003 - 287 pages
Though both Gandhi and Aurobindo would claim "experience" as their authorities, their experiences were quite different and Aurobindo understood Gandhi's as inferior, lower level. Thus, from his understanding of the yogic experience he ...
Though both Gandhi and Aurobindo would claim "experience" as their authorities, their experiences were quite different and Aurobindo understood Gandhi's as inferior, lower level. Thus, from his understanding of the yogic experience he ...
Life and times of Netaji Subhas Adwaita P. Ganguly - 2003
As Indians were disorganised people and British Imperialism was an organised powerful institution, so they used to think, Sri Aurobindo would come back with great Yogic power after twelve years of exile at Pondicherry, that is about ...
As Indians were disorganised people and British Imperialism was an organised powerful institution, so they used to think, Sri Aurobindo would come back with great Yogic power after twelve years of exile at Pondicherry, that is about ...
Netaji Subhas confronted the Indian ethos, 1900-1921: Yogi Sri ... - Page 175 Adwaita P. Ganguly - 2003 - 224 pages
Sri Aurobindo would not have consented to this departure, for he regarded the qualities of Pal as a great asset to the Bande Mataram, since Pal, though not a man of action or capable of political leadership, was perhaps the best and ...
Sri Aurobindo would not have consented to this departure, for he regarded the qualities of Pal as a great asset to the Bande Mataram, since Pal, though not a man of action or capable of political leadership, was perhaps the best and ...
Iqbal, new dimensions: a collection of unpublished and rare ... Muḥammad Ikrām Cug̲h̲tāʾī - 2003 - 726 pages
... Teilhard, and Aurobindo would without doubt be most welcome to every serious student of comparative philosophy and theology. Another personality who shows remarkable closeness to Iqbal is the German philosopher Rudolf Pannwitz who, ...
... Teilhard, and Aurobindo would without doubt be most welcome to every serious student of comparative philosophy and theology. Another personality who shows remarkable closeness to Iqbal is the German philosopher Rudolf Pannwitz who, ...
The perennial quest for a psychology with a soul: an inquiry into ... - Page 349 Joseph Vrinte - 2002 - 568 pages
Sri Aurobindo would agree with Ken Wilber's suggestion about the continuation of their dialogue regarding the possibility of a future co-operation between science and metaphysics in the pursuit of truth; the truth of the physical ...
Sri Aurobindo would agree with Ken Wilber's suggestion about the continuation of their dialogue regarding the possibility of a future co-operation between science and metaphysics in the pursuit of truth; the truth of the physical ...
Overman: the intermediary between the human and the supramental being Georges van Vrekhem - 2001 - 189 pages
Sri Aurobindo would call the Integral Yoga "the path I had opened, as Christ, Krishna, Buddha, Chaitanya, etc. opened theirs".55 A systematic yoga is only possible when the path as well as the goal are known and determined. ...
Sri Aurobindo would call the Integral Yoga "the path I had opened, as Christ, Krishna, Buddha, Chaitanya, etc. opened theirs".55 A systematic yoga is only possible when the path as well as the goal are known and determined. ...
Spiritual Titanism: Indian, Chinese, and Western perspectives - Page 152 Nicholas F. Gier - 2000 - 302 pages
Aurobindo would completely agree with Saiva Siddhanta, one of whose texts reads: "Siva generates Sakti, and Sakti generates Siva. Both in their happy union produce the worlds and souls. Still Siva is [ever] chaste and the sweet- ...
Aurobindo would completely agree with Saiva Siddhanta, one of whose texts reads: "Siva generates Sakti, and Sakti generates Siva. Both in their happy union produce the worlds and souls. Still Siva is [ever] chaste and the sweet- ...
The religious, the spiritual, and the secular: Auroville and ... - Page 36 Robert Neil Minor - 1999 - 208 pages
Aurobindo would not be the founder or "hands-on" leader of such enlightened communal activity. That task would be the work of the second leader, or guru, of the movement that began to grow around him. This second leader's authority was ...
Aurobindo would not be the founder or "hands-on" leader of such enlightened communal activity. That task would be the work of the second leader, or guru, of the movement that began to grow around him. This second leader's authority was ...
Tradition and the rhetoric of right: popular political argument in ... - Page 205 David J. Lorenzo - 1999 - 339 pages
8 Thus, Pondicherry before Aurobindo's arrival signified everything that was wrong about colonialism and colonial India, and the impact of Aurobindo would signify the relevance and impact of Aurobindo's methods and a ...
8 Thus, Pondicherry before Aurobindo's arrival signified everything that was wrong about colonialism and colonial India, and the impact of Aurobindo would signify the relevance and impact of Aurobindo's methods and a ...
Learning and freedom: policy, pedagogy, and paradigms in Indian ... John Shotton - 1998 - 209 pages
Recently Mangesh V. Nadkarni presented a series of lectures inNew Delhi on Sri Aurobindo. Amongst other Indian writers and thinkers on education who seem to have vanished into obscurity, Sri Aurobindo would seem to have a lot to contribute to a philosophical debate about education in India that could benefit from a ...
Recently Mangesh V. Nadkarni presented a series of lectures in
T.V. Kapali Sastri Prema Nandakumar - 1998 - 126 pages
... their highest power and without consciousness delight cannot be possessed. That is the sense of the supreme figure of the intensest Indian religion of love, Sri Krsna, the All-blissful and All-beautiful." Sri Aurobindo wonders why ...
... their highest power and without consciousness delight cannot be possessed. That is the sense of the supreme figure of the intensest Indian religion of love, Sri Krsna, the All-blissful and All-beautiful." Sri Aurobindo wonders why ...
... Sastri with awe and delight on his way for his daily darsana of the Mother. As a Sanskrit scholar he was much in demand. Even Sri Aurobindo would refer to him now and then for clarification of a grammatical or astrological problem. ...
Gurdjieff: Essays and Reflections on the Man and His Teachings - Page 269 Bruno De Panafieu, Jacob Needleman, George Baker - 1997 - 462 pages
This in no way diminishes the value of the self-remembering technique, which continues to function in a kind of conscious automatism (as Sri Aurobindo wouldsay) with increasingly intense levels of stability, which are discontinuous at the moment of the ...
This in no way diminishes the value of the self-remembering technique, which continues to function in a kind of conscious automatism (as Sri Aurobindo wouldsay) with increasingly intense levels of stability, which are discontinuous at the moment of the ...
The Dimensions of Karma S. S. Rama Rao Pappu - 1987
- 442 pages
Unfortunately this move by the Nyaya-Vaisesika school and by Aurobindo won't work. To begin with, making the law of karma subservient to God is unhistorical and heterodox and cannot be supported by either the texts or the tradition. ...
Unfortunately this move by the Nyaya-Vaisesika school and by Aurobindo won't work. To begin with, making the law of karma subservient to God is unhistorical and heterodox and cannot be supported by either the texts or the tradition. ...
Sri Aurobindo Ashram: its role, responsibility, and future ... Jugal Kishore Mukherjee - 1997 - 91 pages
... life on the insecure foundation of ego-prompted sympathy and solidarity, what we will at best achieve will be a deceptive and brittle 'constructed harmony', not the harmony the Mother and Sri Aurobindo would like us to cultivate. ...
... life on the insecure foundation of ego-prompted sympathy and solidarity, what we will at best achieve will be a deceptive and brittle 'constructed harmony', not the harmony the Mother and Sri Aurobindo would like us to cultivate. ...
The quest for the inner man: transpersonal psychotherapy and ... - Page 219 Joseph Vrinte - 1996 - 282 pages
Sri Aurobindo would differ with the Freudian method of raising up and stressing psychological difficulties, accepting and approving their presence as the only way to get rid them. ...
Sri Aurobindo would differ with the Freudian method of raising up and stressing psychological difficulties, accepting and approving their presence as the only way to get rid them. ...
Between Jerusalem and Benares: comparative studies in Judaism and ... Hananya Goodman - 1994 - 344 pages
Sakti for Aurobindo would then remain the effulgence that was beyond good and evil. ...
Sakti for Aurobindo would then remain the effulgence that was beyond good and evil. ...
Symbolism and spiritual wisdom: India's life-breath Ardhendu Sekhar Ghosh, Bharatiya Vidya Bhavan - 1990 - 202 pages
The following excerpts from Sri Aurobindo would be relevant: "The Brahmanas and the Upanishads are the record of a powerful revival which took the sacred text and ritual as a starting- point for a new statement of spiritual thought and ...
The following excerpts from Sri Aurobindo would be relevant: "The Brahmanas and the Upanishads are the record of a powerful revival which took the sacred text and ritual as a starting- point for a new statement of spiritual thought and ...
Integral Yoga psychology: the psychic way to human growth and ... V. Madhusudan Reddy, Institute of Human Study - 1990 - 148 pages
Alogical is not illogical; "what is magic to our finite reason," Sri Aurobindo wouldsay, "is the logic of the Infinite."''' Being an instrument of Ignorance, Mind cannot comprehend everything. Everything becomes self-evident only to ...
Alogical is not illogical; "what is magic to our finite reason," Sri Aurobindo wouldsay, "is the logic of the Infinite."''' Being an instrument of Ignorance, Mind cannot comprehend everything. Everything becomes self-evident only to ...
Beauty, art, and man: studies in recent Indian theories of art Pabitrakumar Roy, Indian Institute of Advanced ... - 1990 - 123 pages
... Heidegger's thesis about the intimate connexion between poetry and philosophy that 'All reflective thinking is poetic, and all poetry in turn is a kind of thinking'.47 Poetry is indeed thought, although Sri Aurobindo would add, ...
... Heidegger's thesis about the intimate connexion between poetry and philosophy that 'All reflective thinking is poetic, and all poetry in turn is a kind of thinking'.47 Poetry is indeed thought, although Sri Aurobindo would add, ...
Sri Aurobindo and Karl Marx: integral sociology and dialectical ... - Page 95 Debi Prasad Chattopadhyaya - 1988 - 336 pages
The last two World Wars may quite plausibly be explained in terms of a conflict between some very powerful egoistic nations.28 Sri Aurobindo would treat the Marxist idea of nation as an example of the objectivist theory of nationalism, ...
The last two World Wars may quite plausibly be explained in terms of a conflict between some very powerful egoistic nations.28 Sri Aurobindo would treat the Marxist idea of nation as an example of the objectivist theory of nationalism, ...
The soul of a tree: a woodworker's reflections - Page 62 George Nakashima - 1988 - 224 pages
These were the most wonderful of days, the only times that the Mother and Sri Aurobindo would directly receive their followers. The yoga of Sri Aurobindo was a great light along the shores of theBay of Bengal . His followers all felt it ...
These were the most wonderful of days, the only times that the Mother and Sri Aurobindo would directly receive their followers. The yoga of Sri Aurobindo was a great light along the shores of the
Mysticism in Indian English poetry Makarand R. Paranjape - 1988 - 252 pages
... Sri Aurobindo would never have us forget that they are human beings like us. Thus, it is hardly surprising that Savitri, in reply to the queries regarding their ordeal, expresses the quintessence of her realization in utterly simple ...
... Sri Aurobindo would never have us forget that they are human beings like us. Thus, it is hardly surprising that Savitri, in reply to the queries regarding their ordeal, expresses the quintessence of her realization in utterly simple ...
Kṛṣṇa and Christ: in the light of some of the fundamental concepts ... Ishanand Vempeny - 1988 - 498 pages
And Aurobindo would say in the same vein that "the Krsna who matters to us is the eternal incarnation of the Divine and not the historical teacher and leader of men".15 For a Western NT scholar this attitude is very difficult to grasp. ...
And Aurobindo would say in the same vein that "the Krsna who matters to us is the eternal incarnation of the Divine and not the historical teacher and leader of men".15 For a Western NT scholar this attitude is very difficult to grasp. ...
Neo-Hindu views of Christianity Arvind Sharma - 1988 - 217 pages
67 Sri Aurobindo would, of course, strongly advocate a blending and harmonisation of these two powerful tendencies of the human nature. But I think he would also say that that harmonisation would be possible only if the evolving ...
67 Sri Aurobindo would, of course, strongly advocate a blending and harmonisation of these two powerful tendencies of the human nature. But I think he would also say that that harmonisation would be possible only if the evolving ...
New essays in the Bhagavadgītā: philosophical, methodological, and ... Arvind Sharma - 1987 - 204 pages
Viewed in terms of the parable of the chariot in the Katha Upanisad, the warrior , charioteer, chariot and horses represent the various psycho-physical elements of a single embodied personality, and the war, as Aurobindo would have it, ...
Viewed in terms of the parable of the chariot in the Katha Upanisad, the warrior
Modern Indian interpreters of the Bhagavadgita - Page 65 Robert Neil Minor - 1986 - 273 pages
In the Bande Mataram Aurobindo would also speak of the Nationalist movement as the "spirit of the kshatriya" without specific reference to the Gita, but clearly calling to mind the activist understanding he held atBaroda . ...
In the Bande Mataram Aurobindo would also speak of the Nationalist movement as the "spirit of the kshatriya" without specific reference to the Gita, but clearly calling to mind the activist understanding he held at
Aurobindo's philosophy of Brahman Stephen H. Phillips - 1986 - 200 pages
On the other hand, I cannot believe that Aurobindo would fall into the unhappy position of holding that the That of which his ... Clearly, Aurobindo would also like to have Supermind as part of the essential Divine, for Supermind is ...
On the other hand, I cannot believe that Aurobindo would fall into the unhappy position of holding that the That of which his ... Clearly, Aurobindo would also like to have Supermind as part of the essential Divine, for Supermind is ...
Vinoba, the spiritual revolutionary Ranganath Ramachandra Diwakar, Mahendra Agrawal - 1984 - 222 pages
The Supreme Soul, the Sachchidananda of Vedantins or the Master-consciousness as Aurobindo would like to call it, in its divine play, subjects itself to involution and chooses to become dull, inert, inanimate, inorganic, ...
The Supreme Soul, the Sachchidananda of Vedantins or the Master-consciousness as Aurobindo would like to call it, in its divine play, subjects itself to involution and chooses to become dull, inert, inanimate, inorganic, ...
On thoughts and aphorisms Aurobindo Ghose, Mother - 1984 - 394 pages
... by a pejorative word the very faculties which open the gates of a higher and more marvellous life to man.... In the face of this obstinate incomprehension Sri Aurobindo wonders ironically at "the miracles of the human reason". ...
... by a pejorative word the very faculties which open the gates of a higher and more marvellous life to man.... In the face of this obstinate incomprehension Sri Aurobindo wonders ironically at "the miracles of the human reason". ...
Letters from a Baul: life within life Anirvan, Lizelle Reymond - 1983 - 207 pages
Fascinated as he was by the text, Sri Anirvan accepted on condition that their Guru, Sri Aurobindo, would agree. The result was that Sri Anirvan retired for four years to Almora in order to give his whole time to translating the entire ...
Fascinated as he was by the text, Sri Anirvan accepted on condition that their Guru, Sri Aurobindo, would agree. The result was that Sri Anirvan retired for four years to Almora in order to give his whole time to translating the entire ...
The spirituality of the future: a search apropos of R. C. ... - Page 258 Kaikhushru Dhunjibhoy Sethna - 1981 - 314 pages
... the truth and would not find favor with a West that has had the advantage of the Christian revelation. Then there would not quite be the One Reality variously self- deployed; the many-sided monism of Sri Aurobindo would be absent , ...
... the truth and would not find favor with a West that has had the advantage of the Christian revelation. Then there would not quite be the One Reality variously self- deployed; the many-sided monism of Sri Aurobindo would be absent
Arut perum jothi and deathless body: a comparative study of Swami ... T. R. Thulasiram - 1980
... ripening in Him and becoming one with Him occurs in the golden Sabha itself, and the following passage from Sri Aurobindo would support this view: Also the first song of the same poem 1 1-28-1 clearly refers to the Lord as Kanaka ...
... ripening in Him and becoming one with Him occurs in the golden Sabha itself, and the following passage from Sri Aurobindo would support this view: Also the first song of the same poem 1 1-28-1 clearly refers to the Lord as Kanaka ...
Hindu family and marriage: a study of social institutions in India T. S. Devadoss - 1979 - 150 pages
Thus, it is clear that on the foundations of a spiritual metaphysics, Aurobindo would plead for going beyond the social conservatism of thevarna order. It would be of interest to note that the word 'caste' is an English rendering of ...
Thus, it is clear that on the foundations of a spiritual metaphysics, Aurobindo would plead for going beyond the social conservatism of the
Philosophy of death & dying M. V. Kamath - 1978 - 335 pages
... impossible to define— of which we cannot say it is, for it is an illusion. And yet we cannot say that it is not, for we see it in action. It is intellectually envisaged, as Sri Aurobindo would ...
... impossible to define— of which we cannot say it is, for it is an illusion. And yet we cannot say that it is not, for we see it in action. It is intellectually envisaged, as Sri Aurobindo would ...
The Modern review Ramananda Chatterjee - 1977
... to transmute the piece of art into a means of "an enlightenment of the inner being, through the power of a certain spiritually aesthetic Ananda." In his "Foundations of Indian Culture", Sri Aurobindo wonders ...
... to transmute the piece of art into a means of "an enlightenment of the inner being, through the power of a certain spiritually aesthetic Ananda." In his "Foundations of Indian Culture", Sri Aurobindo wonders ...
The yogi and the mystic: a study in the spirituality of Sri ... Jan Feys - 1977 - 371 pages
Maybe, Sri Aurobindo wonders, the Voice invites him to resume political activity, but in a new perspective. Indeed, with the phenomenon of the divine Voice there is also the hallucinatory vision of Sri Krishna manifesting himself ...
Maybe, Sri Aurobindo wonders, the Voice invites him to resume political activity, but in a new perspective. Indeed, with the phenomenon of the divine Voice there is also the hallucinatory vision of Sri Krishna manifesting himself ...
Heritage of Hinduism K. Seshadri - 1977 - 131 pages
The value of the ritual is instrumental, while that of the deity is intrinsic, whether we regard the deity as a personality or in its essence as a faculty of consciousness, — which is how Sri Aurobindo would prefer to accept the concept ...
The value of the ritual is instrumental, while that of the deity is intrinsic, whether we regard the deity as a personality or in its essence as a faculty of consciousness, — which is how Sri Aurobindo would prefer to accept the concept ...
The Modern review 1977
In his "Foundations of Indian Culture", Sri Aurobindo wonders, "of what of the marvellous genius and skill in the treatment of the cosmic movement and delight of the dance of Shiva, the success with which the posture of" every limb is ...
In his "Foundations of Indian Culture", Sri Aurobindo wonders, "of what of the marvellous genius and skill in the treatment of the cosmic movement and delight of the dance of Shiva, the success with which the posture of" every limb is ...
Great revolutionary leader Surendra Mohan Ghose Adhir Bhattacharjee - 1976 - 64 pages
Although Sri Aurobindo would not speak even one word at those meetings, Surendra Mohan was surprisingly attracted to this leader and wanted to know about him. He noticed that the relations of Sri Aurobindo with Hemendra Kishore were ...
Although Sri Aurobindo would not speak even one word at those meetings, Surendra Mohan was surprisingly attracted to this leader and wanted to know about him. He noticed that the relations of Sri Aurobindo with Hemendra Kishore were ...
Religions in four dimensions: existential and aesthetic, ... Walter Arnold Kaufmann - 1976 - 490 pages
Similarly, "Sri Aurobindo" would be correct phonetically, but that is not what one finds on the title pages of his books, and another compromise was called for . Hebrew and Arabic have sounds close to the ch in the German word Rauch; ...
Similarly, "Sri Aurobindo" would be correct phonetically, but that is not what one finds on the title pages of his books, and another compromise was called for
Studies in modern Indian aesthetics ... S. K. Nandi - 1975 - 307 pages
According to Sri Aurobindo, what we find here is a self-identification with what is best and most characteristic of a new spirit in the age, a new developing aesthetic temper and "outlook" (Aurobindo would rather substitute, ...
According to Sri Aurobindo, what we find here is a self-identification with what is best and most characteristic of a new spirit in the age, a new developing aesthetic temper and "outlook" (Aurobindo would rather substitute, ...
Early Buddhism and its origins Vishwanath Prasad Varma - 1973 - 505 pages
However, Sri Aurobindo would not sanction the rigorous asceticism associated with early Buddhism. His emphasis is more on the cultivation of a divine- mindedness than on the negative cult of restraint. 2. ...
However, Sri Aurobindo would not sanction the rigorous asceticism associated with early Buddhism. His emphasis is more on the cultivation of a divine-
Seed of grandeur: commentary on Sri Aurobindo's Thought the ... S. Krishna Sarma - 1972 - 96 pages
It is hoped that not only a reader with a temporary interest in- these poems but also the more serious student of Sri Aurobindo would find in this book something which might interest him. Prof. ...
It is hoped that not only a reader with a temporary interest in- these poems but also the more serious student of Sri Aurobindo would find in this book something which might interest him. Prof. ...
The radical thinkers: Heidegger and Sri Aurobindo Rhoda Priscella Le Cocq - 1972 - 214 pages
Sri Aurobindo would undoubtedly have said that the publication of this Western philosopher's work was another indication the world was at a new turning-point. As we have said, action is the problem in the Gita; therefore, ...
Sri Aurobindo would undoubtedly have said that the publication of this Western philosopher's work was another indication the world was at a new turning-point. As we have said, action is the problem in the Gita; therefore, ...
Sri Aurobindo would probably have said this shift in emphasis was entirely correct, since in Being and Time, Heidegger had exhausted what might be done in traditional Western philosophical terms, and in seeking the secret of ...
The philosophy of Sri Aurobindo: his idea of evolution Joseph Veliyathil - 1972 - 97 pages
Aurobindo would dare to say that he really has. In him did the Divine descend in preparation for the evolution of the Supermind onthe 24th of November 1926 74. The word 'superman' is invented by the German philosopher Nietzsche ...
Aurobindo would dare to say that he really has. In him did the Divine descend in preparation for the evolution of the Supermind on
Congress and congressmen in the pre-Gandhian era, 1885-1917 Bimanbehari Majumdar, Bhakat Prasad Mazumdar - 1967 - 527 pages
Nevinson writes : "In an age of supernatural religion Aurobindo would have become what the irreligious mean by a fanatic. He was possessed by that concentrated vision, that limited and absorbing devotion. Like a horse in blinkers, ...
Nevinson writes : "In an age of supernatural religion Aurobindo would have become what the irreligious mean by a fanatic. He was possessed by that concentrated vision, that limited and absorbing devotion. Like a horse in blinkers, ...
Economic and political weekly 1967
Ghosh thereupon enlightened Kennedy on the policy that Shri Aurobindo wouldhave followed againstChina . Years with Nehru Interestingly enough, Sudhir Ghosh's involvement with foreign relations — as with the earlier imperial affairs ...
Ghosh thereupon enlightened Kennedy on the policy that Shri Aurobindo wouldhave followed against
The integral philosophy of Sri Aurobindo: a commemorative symposium Haridas Chaudhuri, Frederic Spiegelberg - 1960 - 350 pages
Sri Aurobindo would heartily have joined him in this task — which is undoubtedly a very important one — of warning us of the terrible fate which awaits this civilization if it goes on in the way in which it has proceeded during the last ...
Sri Aurobindo would heartily have joined him in this task — which is undoubtedly a very important one — of warning us of the terrible fate which awaits this civilization if it goes on in the way in which it has proceeded during the last ...
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