The Reality, Brahman, the Absolute, the transcendent, aspects of ...
Sri Aurobindo concludes that we are fully capable of bringing out the Spirit; realize it and become the Divine itself, ushering in a divine Life on earth. ...
The Reality, Omnipresent Reality, The Absolute, Brahman, Oneness ...
Sri Aurobindo concludes that by perceiving the true nature of existence, we resolve the contradictions, divisions, and dualities of life (including ...
An Analysis of Sri Aurobindo's The Life Divine -- CHAPTER OUTLINES
Sri Aurobindo concludes that from this highest consciousness we perceive that all meets and all principles, all persistent realities of existence stand in a ...
Divided nature, contradiction, division, human aspiration, sense ...
Finally, Sri Aurobindo concludes that the Materialist and Spiritual view actually share much in common, including the desire to overcome death and suffering ...
Syncretism in Sri Aurobindo's thought – part 2 « Integral Yoga of ...
Thus, Sri Aurobindo concludes that Evil is a phenomenal and evolutionary mechanism in the Universe and not an absolute truth. ...
The Ego is A Power of Infinity « Sri Aurobindo Studies
Sri Aurobindo concludes: “Thus our ego, which seems to be a limitation of existence, is really a power of infinity; the boundless ...
Sri Aurobindo, India and Ideological Discourse
Sri Aurobindo concludes the Uttarpara Speech by moving from his consideration of. Hindu religion to talking about the nation, and to equating these two. ...
Integral Religion: Uniting Eros and Logos, Daniel Araya
As Aurobindo concludes, the foundations for a universal humanity are to be found in a spiritual unity. Yet, no such worldview has become embedded within ...
Sri Aurobindo Ashram - Sriaurobindoashram - -09 E-Library - -03 ...
And so Sri Aurobindo concludes with the magnificent peroration: As neither the milk of Putana nor the hoofs of the demon could destroy the infant Krishna , ...
Mirror of Tomorrow :: Sanatana Dharma XXVI—the Four Luminous ...
As for “the fallacy of Karl Marx
”, it is noteworthy to observe that Sri Aurobindo concludes by these words (“Letters on Yoga
”, p.209): ...
Savitri: the Light of the Supreme :: 05: Aswapati's Yoga-Tapasya ...
Sri Aurobindo concludes this presentation with the following: “…we arrive at this truth of Matter that there is a conceptive self-extension ...
Vedic Vision of Consciousness & Yoga: 9. Sri Aurobindo's ...
several other difficulties involved in the interpretation of the legend in the above simplistic historical way, Sri Aurobindo concludes: ...
Sri Aurobindo, India and Ideological Discourse - Debashish Banerji ...
Sri Aurobindo concludes the Uttarpara Speech by moving from his consideration of Hindu religion to talking about the nation, and to equating these two. ...
Science, Culture and Integral Yoga :: The Third Eye and Two Ways ...
Sri Aurobindo concludes that only a widespread spiritual transformation that will usher in a universal Spiritual Age will be the natural culmination of the ...
100 Years of Sri Aurobindo on Evolution
Therefore, Sri Aurobindo
concludes that the mere refining of skills by the Modern has done nothing to facilitate the transformation of humanity that is the ...
Postcolonial Philosophy of Religion - Page 60 Purushottama Bilimoria, Andrew B. Irvine - 2009 - 340 pages
Sri Aurobindo concludes that only a widespread spiritual transformation that will usher in a universal Spiritual Age will be the natural culmination of the human quest for individual as well as social perfection. ...
Sri Aurobindo concludes that only a widespread spiritual transformation that will usher in a universal Spiritual Age will be the natural culmination of the human quest for individual as well as social perfection. ...
Altered Destinations: Self, Society, and Nation in India - Page 36 Makarand Paranjape - 2009 - 214 pages
Aurobindo concludes this extraordinary speech with a reaffirmation of the basic tenets that he has already outlined, I spoke once before with this force in me and I said, then, this movement is not a political movement and that ...
Aurobindo concludes this extraordinary speech with a reaffirmation of the basic tenets that he has already outlined, I spoke once before with this force in me and I said, then, this movement is not a political movement and that ...
Sri Aurobindo - A Contemporary Reader Sachidananda Mohanty, Aurobindo Ghose - 2008 - 180 pages
This spiritual change, Sri Aurobindo concludes, is inevitable. It could happen through a conscious cooperation in accordance with the drive in Nature, or without it. He cautions us that mankind may be bypassed and another species may ...
This spiritual change, Sri Aurobindo concludes, is inevitable. It could happen through a conscious cooperation in accordance with the drive in Nature, or without it. He cautions us that mankind may be bypassed and another species may ...
Indian Poetry in English: Pt. 1 - Page 91 Amar Nath Prasad - 2007 - 296 pages
Aurobindo concludes that the human being is on this quest for his self-realization and liberation through the evolution of his self. REFERENCES 1 . Jesse Roark: The Poet and Author of Sri Aurobindo 2. ... Indian writing in English: tradition and modernity - Page 29 Amar Nath Prasad, Kanupriya - 2006 - 261 pages
Aurobindo concludes that the human being is on this quest for his self-realization and liberation through the evolution of his self. REFERENCES 1 . Jesse Roark: The Poet and Author of Sri Aurobindo 2. ... Indian writing in English: tradition and modernity - Page 29 Amar Nath Prasad, Kanupriya - 2006 - 261 pages
Essential Hinduism - Page 18 Steven Rosen - 2006 - 266 pages
... because there is something in the soul that is intimately one with or at least intimately related with the one Divine Existence.1 Sri Aurobindo concludes by saying, “These three things put together are the whole of Hindu religion, its essential sense and, if any credo is needed, its credo. ...
... because there is something in the soul that is intimately one with or at least intimately related with the one Divine Existence.1 Sri Aurobindo concludes by saying, “These three things put together are the whole of Hindu religion, its essential sense and, if any credo is needed, its credo. ...
Jouissance as Ananda: Indian Philosophy, Feminist Theory, and ... - Page 15 Ashmita Khasnabish - 2006 - 239 pages
In a chapter entitled "The Ego and the Dualities," in his Life Divine, Sri Aurobindo concludes: We have the dissolution of this egoistic construction by the self- opening of the individual to the universe and to God as the means of that ...
In a chapter entitled "The Ego and the Dualities," in his Life Divine, Sri Aurobindo concludes: We have the dissolution of this egoistic construction by the self- opening of the individual to the universe and to God as the means of that ...
Hindu civilisation and the twenty-first century V. Ramanathan - 2004 - 746 pages
Aurobindo concludes by saying that the full interpretation of the entire Veda on these lines will require the monumental labour of many scholars spread over several years. ...
Aurobindo concludes by saying that the full interpretation of the entire Veda on these lines will require the monumental labour of many scholars spread over several years. ...
Knowledge and Freedom in Indian Philosophy - Page 118 Tara Chatterjea - 2003 - 178 pages
Coupling this with another declaration, namely, "the Lord abides in the heart of all beings,"31 Sri Aurobindo concludes that all human activity must issue from one's essential nature. A person's native divinity or perfection should ...
Coupling this with another declaration, namely, "the Lord abides in the heart of all beings,"31 Sri Aurobindo concludes that all human activity must issue from one's essential nature. A person's native divinity or perfection should ...
Indian giants crack AIM: Vivekananda, Ambedkar and Aurobindo : ... Parameśa Caudhurī - 2003 - 250 pages
NO SCIENTIFIC CLASSIFICATIONS OF LANGUAGES Aurobindo concludes that "in the history of philological research, we have made as yet crude and slender a foundation to rear upon it the superstructure of scientific laws and scientific ...
NO SCIENTIFIC CLASSIFICATIONS OF LANGUAGES Aurobindo concludes that "in the history of philological research, we have made as yet crude and slender a foundation to rear upon it the superstructure of scientific laws and scientific ...
Bulletin of the Ramakrishna Mission Institute of Culture Ramakrishna Mission. Institute of Culture - 2003
Thus, there is no question but that hatha-yoga achieves remarkable results, but SriAurobindo concludes that these are gained at 'an exorbitant price' and to 'very little purpose'. Ill Raja-yoga takes a higher flight. ...
Thus, there is no question but that hatha-yoga achieves remarkable results, but SriAurobindo concludes that these are gained at 'an exorbitant price' and to 'very little purpose'. Ill Raja-yoga takes a higher flight. ...
Indian Political Thought - Page 238 Urmila Sharma, S.K. Sharma - 2001 - 416 pages
As Sri Aurobindo concludes "A law outside oneself, — outside even when it is discovered or determined by the individual reason and accepted or enforced by the individual will, — this is the governing idea of subjectivism; a mechanical ...
As Sri Aurobindo concludes "A law outside oneself, — outside even when it is discovered or determined by the individual reason and accepted or enforced by the individual will, — this is the governing idea of subjectivism; a mechanical ...
The Advent Sri Aurobindo Ashram - 2001
Therefore, Sri Aurobindo concludes, the religion of humanity must be a spiritual religion of humanity, not an institutional religion, not an intellectual religion, not a sentimental religion. That humanity is pressing forward towards ...
Therefore, Sri Aurobindo concludes, the religion of humanity must be a spiritual religion of humanity, not an institutional religion, not an intellectual religion, not a sentimental religion. That humanity is pressing forward towards ...
Decolonizing the Hindu mind: ideological development of Hindu ... Koenraad Elst - 2001 - 657 pages
6 Aurobindo concludes his speech reaffirming its central message: "This Hindu nation was bora with the Sanatan Dharma, with it it moves and with it it grows. When the Sanatan Dharma declines, then the nation declines, and if the Sanatan...
6 Aurobindo concludes his speech reaffirming its central message: "This Hindu nation was bora with the Sanatan Dharma, with it it moves and with it it grows. When the Sanatan Dharma declines, then the nation declines, and if the Sanatan...
Vedic symbolism Satya Prakash Singh - 2001
- 614 pages
In view of these as well as well as several other difficulties involved in the interpretation of the legend in the above simplistic historical way, Sri Aurobindo concludes: "From these examples it will appear how closely the different ...
In view of these as well as well as several other difficulties involved in the interpretation of the legend in the above simplistic historical way, Sri Aurobindo concludes: "From these examples it will appear how closely the different ...
Sri Aurobindo circle Aurobindo Ghose - 1998
Sri Aurobindo concludes that because of this very different methodology adopted by the ancient seers that "all attempts to interpret these great works by the methods of logical debate and the rigorous exclusions dear to the analytic ...
Sri Aurobindo concludes that because of this very different methodology adopted by the ancient seers that "all attempts to interpret these great works by the methods of logical debate and the rigorous exclusions dear to the analytic ...
T.V. Kapali Sastri Prema Nandakumar - 1998 - 126 pages
Sastri was deeply moved by the Gayatri and took it as a cue to indite a poem on the Purna-yoga of Sri Aurobindo. The three-part prayer to Sri Aurobindo concludes with a salute to the new mantra and invokes the supreme Light to illumine ...
Sastri was deeply moved by the Gayatri and took it as a cue to indite a poem on the Purna-yoga of Sri Aurobindo. The three-part prayer to Sri Aurobindo concludes with a salute to the new mantra and invokes the supreme Light to illumine ...
The Advent Sri Aurobindo Ashram - 1998
Here God's self is said to be released into human birth through his Nature. This birth is therefore brought about only by the Lord and his Prakriti. From this SriAurobindo concludes that "it is by resort to his own nature, ...
Here God's self is said to be released into human birth through his Nature. This birth is therefore brought about only by the Lord and his Prakriti. From this SriAurobindo concludes that "it is by resort to his own nature, ...
A nation flawed: lessons from Indian history Pran Nath Chopra - 1997 - 188 pages
Sri Aurobindo concludes: "At any rate Hindus should not allow it to be exploited shamelessly against them as it has been in the last two centuries." Mahatma Gandhi found "Christian proselytising to be the deadliest poison that ever ...
Sri Aurobindo concludes: "At any rate Hindus should not allow it to be exploited shamelessly against them as it has been in the last two centuries." Mahatma Gandhi found "Christian proselytising to be the deadliest poison that ever ...
Yoga, mathematics, and computer sciences: in change confronting ... Anil Kumar Sarkar - 1997
- 232 pages
Aurobindo concludes by a ground-consequent method, that this world is no doubt based ostensively upon 'Matter', but its summit is 'Spirit', and there is a possibility of an ascent and 'transformation' in all possible astral orders. ...
Aurobindo concludes by a ground-consequent method, that this world is no doubt based ostensively upon 'Matter', but its summit is 'Spirit', and there is a possibility of an ascent and 'transformation' in all possible astral orders. ...
Sevartham St. Albert's College (Rānchī , India ). - 1995
Hence, Sri Aurobindo concludes, 'it is reasonable to suppose that whatever has been the past history of the individual soul, it must have followed the course of universal Nature and evolution (16.268).' lt takes but one step to affirm ...
Hence, Sri Aurobindo concludes, 'it is reasonable to suppose that whatever has been the past history of the individual soul, it must have followed the course of universal Nature and evolution (16.268).' lt takes but one step to affirm ...
Sri Aurobindo on Vedic deities Ramaranjan Mukherji - 1995 - 149 pages
Agni, therefore, Sri Aurobindo concludes, is nothing other than the power of penance, - the divine force, protecting all forms of knowledge and blazing for ever in the soul of man. In conformity to this Philosophy, Sree Aurobindo ...
Agni, therefore, Sri Aurobindo concludes, is nothing other than the power of penance, - the divine force, protecting all forms of knowledge and blazing for ever in the soul of man. In conformity to this Philosophy, Sree Aurobindo ...
Great thinkers of the Eastern world: the major thinkers and the ... Ian Philip McGreal - 1995 - 505 pages
From those experiences, and in harmony with the Hindu tradition, Aurobindo concludes that at the top, in its Essence, Absolute Reality, Brahman, is Sat (being). Chit (consciousness), and Ananda (bliss), which he usually writes as ...
From those experiences, and in harmony with the Hindu tradition, Aurobindo concludes that at the top, in its Essence, Absolute Reality, Brahman, is Sat (being). Chit (consciousness), and Ananda (bliss), which he usually writes as ...
The Indian Scriptures and the Life Divine - Page 38 Binita Pani - 1993 - 367 pages
Thus Sri Aurobindo concludes that the fact of cosmic illusion or Maya arises due to limitation of consciousness. He writes, For our whole view and experience of existence labours under a limitation of consciousness which is not ours ...
Thus Sri Aurobindo concludes that the fact of cosmic illusion or Maya arises due to limitation of consciousness. He writes, For our whole view and experience of existence labours under a limitation of consciousness which is not ours ...
The self and its states: a states of consciousness doctrine in ... Andrew O. Fort - 1990
- 226 pages
A state or plane is not unreal merely because it is beyond our lower consciousness. Aurobindo concludes that one should see the planes as a "harmonized and unified experience" which is a "larger and more complete conclusion" than ...
A state or plane is not unreal merely because it is beyond our lower consciousness. Aurobindo concludes that one should see the planes as a "harmonized and unified experience" which is a "larger and more complete conclusion" than ...
Journal of South Asian literature Michigan State University . Asian Studies Center - 1989
... which he defines as the one primordial power from which all other force stems.18 Because he sees "Force" as inherent in all things, Aurobindo concludes that existence is nothing but force. The notion of Sakti is not ...
... which he defines as the one primordial power from which all other force stems.18 Because he sees "Force" as inherent in all things, Aurobindo concludes that existence is nothing but force. The notion of Sakti is not ...
Foundations of nationalism in India: a study of Bankimchandra ... M. K. Haldar - 1989
- 202 pages
Aurobindo concludes his article Rishi Bankim Chandra published in 1907 in the...
Aurobindo concludes his article Rishi Bankim Chandra published in 1907 in the...
Sri Aurobindo and Karl Marx: integral sociology and dialectical ... - Page 166 Debi Prasad Chattopadhyaya - 1988 - 336 pages
Weighing the pros and cons of conflicting interests and tendencies Sri Aurobindo concludes that some form of parliamentarianism would perhaps be the most suitable form of Government for world democracies.11 The principle of ...
Weighing the pros and cons of conflicting interests and tendencies Sri Aurobindo concludes that some form of parliamentarianism would perhaps be the most suitable form of Government for world democracies.11 The principle of ...
The idealistic philosophy of Swami Vivekananda Gurumayum Ranjit Sharma - 1987
- 197 pages
Sri Aurobindo concludes: "India has the key to the knowledge and conscious application of the ideal; what was dark to her before in its application, she can now, with a new light, illumine, what was wrong and why in her old methods ...
Sri Aurobindo concludes: "India has the key to the knowledge and conscious application of the ideal; what was dark to her before in its application, she can now, with a new light, illumine, what was wrong and why in her old methods ...
Integral education: thought and practice Raghunath Pani - 1987
- 633 pages
Explaining the different facets of supramental change and the nature of the Gnostic being Sri Aurobindo concludes: "This, then, would be the nature of the gnostic Person, an infinite and universal being revealing, — or, ...
Explaining the different facets of supramental change and the nature of the Gnostic being Sri Aurobindo concludes: "This, then, would be the nature of the gnostic Person, an infinite and universal being revealing, — or, ...
Modern Indian interpreters of the Bhagavadgita - Page 68 Robert Neil Minor - 1986 - 273 pages
In his famous Uttarpara Speech, deliveredMay 30, 1909 , about three weeks after his release from a year's confinement in the Alipore jail during a trial in a bombing case in which he was innocent, Aurobindo concludes that as a result of ...
In his famous Uttarpara Speech, delivered
Sri Aurobindo: a biography and a history K. R. Srinivasa Iyengar - 1985 - 812 pages
... but the British knew better, it had to be a fight to the finish. And so Sri Aurobindo concludes with the magnificent peroration: As neither the milk of Putana nor the hoofs of the demon could destroy the infantKrishna , ...
... but the British knew better, it had to be a fight to the finish. And so Sri Aurobindo concludes with the magnificent peroration: As neither the milk of Putana nor the hoofs of the demon could destroy the infant
Meditations on the Tarot: a journey into Christian hermeticism Robert Powell - 1985 - 658 pages
And Sri Aurobindo concludes: Nor does it matter essentially in what form and name or putting forward what aspect of the Divine he (the Avatar) comes; for in all ways, varying with their nature, men are following the path set to them by ...
And Sri Aurobindo concludes: Nor does it matter essentially in what form and name or putting forward what aspect of the Divine he (the Avatar) comes; for in all ways, varying with their nature, men are following the path set to them by ...
Sri Aurobindo's treatment of Hindu myth Jan Feys - 1983 - 59 pages
Hence, Aurobindo concludes: the Krishna-myth "can always be realised and its meaning made actual in the soul". In this perspective the historicity of Sri Krishna regains its importance : it proves "that once at least the Divine has ...
Hence, Aurobindo concludes: the Krishna-myth "can always be realised and its meaning made actual in the soul". In this perspective the historicity of Sri Krishna regains its importance : it proves "that once at least the Divine has ...
The arguments are familiar since RG Bhandarkar. Hence Aurobindo concludes: there can be no doubt "that Krishna the man was not a legend." From which one might infer that to Aurobindo Krishna was not a myth either. ...
Neo-Hegelian and neo-Advaitic monism: a study in converging ... Lakshmī Saksenā - 1980 - 198 pages
1 In view of the aforesaid considerations Aurobindo concludes that the doctrine of Illusionism which feeds on these mental imageries is an entirely untenable position, for none of the imageries used by them as illustrative support of ...
1 In view of the aforesaid considerations Aurobindo concludes that the doctrine of Illusionism which feeds on these mental imageries is an entirely untenable position, for none of the imageries used by them as illustrative support of ...
The social philosophy of Sri Aurobindo Ram Nath Sharma - 1980 - 230 pages
"These," Sri Aurobindo concludes, "have been the last results of the individualistic ideal and its democratic machinery, the initial bankruptcies of the rational age."7 A psychological Diagnosis The fundamental defect here, according to ...
"These," Sri Aurobindo concludes, "have been the last results of the individualistic ideal and its democratic machinery, the initial bankruptcies of the rational age."7 A psychological Diagnosis The fundamental defect here, according to ...
Realization of God according to Sri Aurobindo: a study of a ... George Nedumpalakunnel - 1979 - 308 pages
... and contradiction to each other or can effect only a partial combination and unity.13 Aurobindo concludes therefore that the truth of the spirit is infinite and the mental reflection can never embrace the whole truth of the spirit. ...
... and contradiction to each other or can effect only a partial combination and unity.13 Aurobindo concludes therefore that the truth of the spirit is infinite and the mental reflection can never embrace the whole truth of the spirit. ...
The future of man according to Teilhard de Chardin and Aurobindo Ghose J. Chetany - 1978 - 500 pages
Aurobindo concludes that "let him (man) call it what he will, he must arrive at a Supreme, a Divine, a Cause, an Infinite, an Eternal, a Permanent, a perfection to which all tends and aspires."17- Thus both of them believe that, ...
Aurobindo concludes that "let him (man) call it what he will, he must arrive at a Supreme, a Divine, a Cause, an Infinite, an Eternal, a Permanent, a perfection to which all tends and aspires."17- Thus both of them believe that, ...
Sri Aurobindo, the perfect and the good Robert Neil Minor - 1978 - 191 pages
Given this basic principle of the good, Aurobindo concludes that man ought to fill his place in the universe, as all else in Nature does, developing his unique inborn virtues, "without aspiring to the virtues of a rose or a star or any ...
Given this basic principle of the good, Aurobindo concludes that man ought to fill his place in the universe, as all else in Nature does, developing his unique inborn virtues, "without aspiring to the virtues of a rose or a star or any ...
The Heritage of India: L. N. Mishra commemoration volume 1978 - 616 pages
Summing up the whole issue Sri Aurobindo concludes by saying: If we take these three elements as making the whole Art, perfection of expressive form, discovery of beauty, revelation of the soul and essence of things and the powers of ... Annual 1975
Summing up the whole issue Sri Aurobindo concludes by saying: If we take these three elements as making the whole Art, perfection of expressive form, discovery of beauty, revelation of the soul and essence of things and the powers of ... Annual 1975
The yogi and the mystic: a study in the spirituality of Sri ... Jan Feys - 1977 - 371 pages
Sri Aurobindo concludes this twelfth chapter with verse 35 of BG 4 : "thou shalt see all existence without exception in the Self, then in Me" (quoted EG p. 166). Would this 'then' mean that the knowledge of the self is only a ...
Sri Aurobindo concludes this twelfth chapter with verse 35 of BG 4 : "thou shalt see all existence without exception in the Self, then in Me" (quoted EG p. 166). Would this 'then' mean that the knowledge of the self is only a ...
The quest for political and spiritual liberation: a study in the ... June O'Connor - 1977 - 153 pages
In his analysis of the political maya that had bound India to live under the shackles of English education, English commerce, and English political systems,Aurobindo concludes that part of the horror of such bondage is rooted in the ...
In his analysis of the political maya that had bound India to live under the shackles of English education, English commerce, and English political systems,Aurobindo concludes that part of the horror of such bondage is rooted in the ...
Studies in modern Indian aesthetics ... S. K. Nandi - 1975 - 307 pages
... is quite indifferent to the purposes of art to which of these the metaphysician may be inclined to give a logical preference. Sri Aurobindo concludes that because Archer ignored these elementary notional distinctions and failed to have correct appraisal of aesthetic intuition, as understood by the Indians, he could not understand the ...
... is quite indifferent to the purposes of art to which of these the metaphysician may be inclined to give a logical preference. Sri Aurobindo concludes that because Archer ignored these elementary notional distinctions and failed to have correct appraisal of aesthetic intuition, as understood by the Indians, he could not understand the ...
Love, altruism, and world crisis: the challenge of Pitirim Sorokin Joseph Allen Matter - 1974
- 313 pages
... himself on those who have need of him. . . . And by this he possesses a universal life, for he is ready alike for contemplation and for action and is perfect in both of them."15 Sri Aurobindo concludes a discussion of supermind ...
... himself on those who have need of him. . . . And by this he possesses a universal life, for he is ready alike for contemplation and for action and is perfect in both of them."15 Sri Aurobindo concludes a discussion of supermind ...
Sri Aurobindo and Iqbal: a comparative study of their philosophy M. Rafique - 1974 - 213 pages
Hence Sri Aurobindo concludes, "There is something behind the phenomenon not only infinite but indefinable."3 Let us add here that Iqbal does not take the meaning of infinity of God in the sense of infinite extension. ...
Hence Sri Aurobindo concludes, "There is something behind the phenomenon not only infinite but indefinable."3 Let us add here that Iqbal does not take the meaning of infinity of God in the sense of infinite extension. ...
Sri Aurobindo and the future of man: a study in synthesis Sanat Kumar Banerji - 1974 - 208 pages
It may give way ultimately to a more luminous age, the age of the spirit, held as a far-off dream by the best thought of mankind since it began to aspire to a more and more perfect life on earth.8 Sri Aurobindo concludes therefore that ...
It may give way ultimately to a more luminous age, the age of the spirit, held as a far-off dream by the best thought of mankind since it began to aspire to a more and more perfect life on earth.8 Sri Aurobindo concludes therefore that ...
Sri Aurobindo: a centenary tribute Aurobindo Ghose, K. R. Srinivasa Iyengar - 1974 - 346 pages
Sri Aurobindo concludes by saying that men and nations must accept humanity as worthy of worship. He is not speaking of a religion of humanity as, for example, expounded by Auguste Comte. While he is in basic agreement with the ideals ...
Sri Aurobindo concludes by saying that men and nations must accept humanity as worthy of worship. He is not speaking of a religion of humanity as, for example, expounded by Auguste Comte. While he is in basic agreement with the ideals ...
Worthy is the world: the Hindu philosophy of Sri Aurobindo Beatrice Bruteau - 1972 - 288 pages
(LD, 533-34) Aurobindo concludes from his analysis that the attempts to explain the nature of maya have failed: they do not show the inevitability of the hypothesis of illusion. And, he contends, the burden of proof is on the ...
(LD, 533-34) Aurobindo concludes from his analysis that the attempts to explain the nature of maya have failed: they do not show the inevitability of the hypothesis of illusion. And, he contends, the burden of proof is on the ...
The philosophy of Sri Aurobindo: his idea of evolution Joseph Veliyathil - 1972 - 97 pages
... change of what, from what, to what? Without this 'what' change could not be" 5. Thus refuting Bergson by denying the possibility of a mere change without a changing thing, Aurobindo concludes that the change should subsist ...
... change of what, from what, to what? Without this 'what' change could not be"
Sri Aurobindo: a biography and a history K. R. Srinivasa Iyengar - 1972
... destroyer of the world, arisen huge-statured for the destruction of the nations"; and Sri Aurobindo concludes that it is not human reason or human science but a greater spirit that is the sutradhara behind the blood-stained scenes: ...
... destroyer of the world, arisen huge-statured for the destruction of the nations"; and Sri Aurobindo concludes that it is not human reason or human science but a greater spirit that is the sutradhara behind the blood-stained scenes: ...
knew better, it had to be a fight to the finish. And so Sri Aurobindo concludes with the magnificent peroration: As neither the milk of Putana nor the hoofs of the demon could destroy the infant Krishna , ...
Karma and rebirth T. G. Kalghatgi - 1972 - 75 pages
From this, Sri Aurobindo concludes that rebirth is a necessity, and an outcome of the root nature of our existence. The individual is a product of plunge into self-oblivion by which the sense of identity with the universe is lost ... Sambodhi Lalbhai Dalpatbhai Institute of Indology - 1972 - 25 pages
From this, Sri Aurobindo concludes that rebirth is a necessity, and an outcome of the root nature of our existence. The individual is a product of plunge into self-oblivion by which the sense of identity with the universe is lost ... Sambodhi Lalbhai Dalpatbhai Institute of Indology - 1972 - 25 pages
The liberator Sri Aurobindo, India, and the world Sisirkumar Mitra - 1970 - 307 pages
... Sri Aurobindo concludes the series with these words: 'And when Posterity comes to crown with her praises the Makers of India, she will place her most splendid laurel not on the sweating temples of a place-hunting politician nor on ...
... Sri Aurobindo concludes the series with these words: 'And when Posterity comes to crown with her praises the Makers of India, she will place her most splendid laurel not on the sweating temples of a place-hunting politician nor on ...
Sri Aurobindo and the theories of evolution: a critical and ... Rama Shanker Srivastava - 1968 - 464 pages
Sri Aurobindo concludes his great work, The Life Divine
, thus : "Our evolution in the Ignorance with its chequered joy and pain of self-discovery and world- discovery, its half fulfilments, its constant finding and missing, ...
Sri Aurobindo concludes his great work, The Life Divine
The "psychic entity" in Aurobindo's The life divine Roque Ferriols - 1966 - 157 pages
Reasoning on this experience, Aurobindo concludes that this energy cannot be unless it is an output of Existence. And since the energy is inexhaustible, the Existence whence it proceeds must be infinite. Aurobindo is now faced with a ...
Reasoning on this experience, Aurobindo concludes that this energy cannot be unless it is an output of Existence. And since the energy is inexhaustible, the Existence whence it proceeds must be infinite. Aurobindo is now faced with a ...
The Indian review G.A. Natesan - 1952
Thus Sri Aurobindo concludes his monumental work, THE IDEAL OF HUMAN UNITY
: A spiritual oneness which would create a psychological oneness not dependent upon any intellectual or outward uniformity and compel a oneness of life not bound ...
Thus Sri Aurobindo concludes his monumental work, THE IDEAL OF HUMAN UNITY
The Modern schoolman St. Louis University . College of Philosophy ... - 1951
It cannot be the last word of knowledge. If, therefore, materialistic and atheistic doctrines are at best an excuse to extend the limits of rational inquiry, Aurobindo concludes from the contingency of man in himself and the world ...
It cannot be the last word of knowledge. If, therefore, materialistic and atheistic doctrines are at best an excuse to extend the limits of rational inquiry, Aurobindo concludes from the contingency of man in himself and the world ...
Sri Aurobindo, Indian poet, philosopher and mystic George Harry Langley - 1949 - 134 pages
Hence Aurobindo concludes: "It is through the conscious individual . . . that evolving consciousness becomes organised and capable of awaking to its own reality. The immense importance of the individual being, which increases as it rises ...
Hence Aurobindo concludes: "It is through the conscious individual . . . that evolving consciousness becomes organised and capable of awaking to its own reality. The immense importance of the individual being, which increases as it rises ...
Sri Aurobindo circle Aurobindo Ghose - 1945
Surveying past failures to bring the hexameter to the main current of English poetry, Sri Aurobindo concludes that the inadequacy of the themes had been no less responsible for the dismal record than the rigidity of the metrical moulds: ...
Surveying past failures to bring the hexameter to the main current of English poetry, Sri Aurobindo concludes that the inadequacy of the themes had been no less responsible for the dismal record than the rigidity of the metrical moulds: ...
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