Tantra and Shaktism in the spirituality of Sri Aurobindo Ghose by ... 1 Jul 2010
Aurobindo warns: “when we first become aware of the infinite Shakti above us or around or in us, the impulse of the egoistic sense in us is ...
... the name of globalization are pressing dangers against which Sri Aurobindo warns; and experiments in evolving collective consciousness, ...
“This, however,” Sri Aurobindo warns, “cannot be done at once or in a short time or by any rapid or miraculous transformation…. For there are several ranges ...
In Reflections, Sri Aurobindo warns in words that cut through like a knife – “Unhappy is the man or the nation which, when the divine moment arrives, ...
Thoughts from the Cosmic Field in the Life of a Thinking Insect [A ... - Page 181 Haresh Patel - 2009 - 396 pages
Sri Aurobindo warns about such people—the followers as well as the Gurus—in the following words: “A Yoga- Consciousness or Spiritual Consciousness which has no power or force in it, may not be dead or unreal, but it is evidently ...
Sri Aurobindo warns about such people—the followers as well as the Gurus—in the following words: “A Yoga- Consciousness or Spiritual Consciousness which has no power or force in it, may not be dead or unreal, but it is evidently ...
Fear of Death and the Bhagavad Gita - Page 84 H.C. Ganguli - 2008
- 160 pages
Such a mere death-bed remembrance cannot have this saving power, warns Sri Aurobindo. What the Gita
says is not at par with what popular religion says, namely, that the last absolution by the priest or taking ...
Such a mere death-bed remembrance cannot have this saving power, warns Sri Aurobindo. What the Gita
Understanding thoughts of Sri Aurobindo Indrani Sanyal, Krishna Roy, Jadavpur ... - 2007 - 317 pages
Similarly Sri Aurobindo warns us against some traditional misinterpretations. The Gita says much about the Samkhya and Yoga, and uses many concepts allied to those systems. Unless we are careful enough, we may fall into the error of ...
Similarly Sri Aurobindo warns us against some traditional misinterpretations. The Gita says much about the Samkhya and Yoga, and uses many concepts allied to those systems. Unless we are careful enough, we may fall into the error of ...
As early as in 1906, immediately after the partition of Bengal , Sri Aurobindo had warned that this problem cannot be solved by political methods or by reservations; in this context he wrote: The question of separate representation for ...
The Spirtual Roots of National Intergration - Page 106 Moazziz Ali Beg - 2007
- 208 pages
However, while distinguishing between the higher and the lower ends of life, the Vedanta rejects the notion of double nature, ie, separating the one from the other, and hence Aurobindo warns us against subscribing to this notion. ...
However, while distinguishing between the higher and the lower ends of life, the Vedanta rejects the notion of double nature, ie, separating the one from the other, and hence Aurobindo warns us against subscribing to this notion. ...
Philosophical papers of professor J.N. Chubb J. N. Chubb, Harsiddh Maganlal Joshi, Indian ... - 2006 - 650 pages
In recent times Sri Aurobindo has warned us against the undiscriminating application to the Infinite of modes of thinking which are appropriate only to finite existence. He has argued the recognition of what he calls 'the Logic of the ...
In recent times Sri Aurobindo has warned us against the undiscriminating application to the Infinite of modes of thinking which are appropriate only to finite existence. He has argued the recognition of what he calls 'the Logic of the ...
For A Better Life -- Divine Grace: A Book on Self-Empowerment - Page 18 M. M. Walia - 2005 - 96 pages
Grace is like sunlight; if one chooses, one can close the windows and doors and be content to remain in darkness. If the Sadhaka is closed and petty, there is no use blaming Grace for not acting. Therefore, Sri Aurobindo warns: "Few are ...
Grace is like sunlight; if one chooses, one can close the windows and doors and be content to remain in darkness. If the Sadhaka is closed and petty, there is no use blaming Grace for not acting. Therefore, Sri Aurobindo warns: "Few are ...
Mysteries of death, fate, karma, and rebirth: in the light of the ... Jugal Kishore Mukherjee - 2004 - 174 pages
... an immense victory of soul and mind and life over the basic limitations of material Nature. But is the conquest of physical death at all possible ever in the future upon earth? For, as Sri Aurobindo has warned us: "Even if Science, ...
... an immense victory of soul and mind and life over the basic limitations of material Nature. But is the conquest of physical death at all possible ever in the future upon earth? For, as Sri Aurobindo has warned us: "Even if Science, ...
Patterns of the present: from the perspective of Sri Aurobindo and ... Georges van Vrekhem - 2002 - 238 pages
... result in clashes among themselves and with their titanic adversaries. This is what the greatest part of all mythologies in the world is about. Having explained this, Sri Aurobindo warns against another possible misunderstanding ...
... result in clashes among themselves and with their titanic adversaries. This is what the greatest part of all mythologies in the world is about. Having explained this, Sri Aurobindo warns against another possible misunderstanding ...
One should always keep in mind Sri Aurobindo's warning that only the Supermind knows how things will evolve, and that future evolutions are unpredictable and even unimaginable to the contemporary human being. What follows is, however, ...
Immortal Paradigms: Sri Aurbindo Home-Coming Centenary Volume - Page 11 Charu Sheel Singh - 2002 - 264 pages
Sri Aurobindo's warning is thus profoundly contemporaneous. The lakshya then is to reject the movements of the lower nature of whom the rakshasa who is the violent Kinetic Ego is one example: "... rejection of the movements of the lower ...
Sri Aurobindo's warning is thus profoundly contemporaneous. The lakshya then is to reject the movements of the lower nature of whom the rakshasa who is the violent Kinetic Ego is one example: "... rejection of the movements of the lower ...
The wonder that is Sanskrit Sampad, Sampadananda Mishra, Vijay - 2002 - 210 pages
Sri Aurobindo warns that "...it will not be a good day forIndia when the ancient tongue ceases entirely to be written or spoken."7 As for the difficulty of learning, this is not something peculiar to Sanskrit. "To decry it as difficult ...
Sri Aurobindo warns that "...it will not be a good day for
The Advent Sri Aurobindo Ashram - 2002
As Sri Aurobindo has warned us: It must be remembered that greater social or political unity is not necessarily a boon in itself; it is only worth pursuing in so far as it provides a means and a framework for a better, richer, ...
As Sri Aurobindo has warned us: It must be remembered that greater social or political unity is not necessarily a boon in itself; it is only worth pursuing in so far as it provides a means and a framework for a better, richer, ...
The essential Aurobindo - Page 32 Aurobindo Ghose, Robert A. McDermott - 2001 - 288 pages
As the number of disciples increases, and variety of groups and activities proliferates, Sri Aurobindo's warning against a movement, whether religious or sociological, will assume greater urgency. In l934, decades before there was any serious interest in his teachings ...
As the number of disciples increases, and variety of groups and activities proliferates, Sri Aurobindo's warning against a movement, whether religious or sociological, will assume greater urgency. In l934, decades before there was any serious interest in his teachings ...
Gurus and their followers: new religious reform movements in ... Antony R. H. Copley - 2000 - 235 pages
To his wife he wrote: 'I no longer am the master of my own will. Like a puppet I must go wherever God takes me. I am no longer free.' But when Bhaskar Lele came toCalcutta and warned Aurobindo that his brother's revolutionary ...
To his wife he wrote: 'I no longer am the master of my own will. Like a puppet I must go wherever God takes me. I am no longer free.' But when Bhaskar Lele came to
Integral health: a consciousness approach to health & healing Soumitra Basu, Sri Aurobindo International ... - 2000 - 147 pages
Sri Aurobindo warns that the passing away of the age of commercialism is not going to be an easy or speedy task and that "The end of commercialism can only come about either by some unexpected development of commercialism itself or ...
Sri Aurobindo warns that the passing away of the age of commercialism is not going to be an easy or speedy task and that "The end of commercialism can only come about either by some unexpected development of commercialism itself or ...
It is in this context that Sri Aurobindo's warning becomes relevant: "The complete immunity from all illness for which our yoga tries can only come by a total and permanent enlightenment of the below from above resulting in the removal ...
Arise again, ô India! François Gautier - 2000
- 184 pages
... is the next approaching achievement in earth's evolution and "it is inevitable because it is in the logic of Nature's process." But warned Sri Aurobindo: ...
And this, it is hoped will remind us of Sri Aurobindo's warning in 1947, which we quote again, because of its total relevance today: "India is free, but she has not achieved unity, only a fissured and broken freedom. ... Rewriting Indian history François Gautier - 1996 - 177 pages
... is the next approaching achievement in earth's evolution and "it is inevitable because it is in the logic of Nature's process." But warned Sri Aurobindo: ...
And this, it is hoped will remind us of Sri Aurobindo's warning in 1947, which we quote again, because of its total relevance today: "
History, culture and truth: essays presented to D.P. Chattopadhyaya Debi Prasad Chattopadhyaya - 1999
- 393 pages
Sri Aurobindo has warned us against the two Denials — the materialist denial, and the Absolute Spirit and the ascetic denial of all experiential values constituting the richness of life and culture. If we steer away from both these ...
Sri Aurobindo has warned us against the two Denials — the materialist denial, and the Absolute Spirit and the ascetic denial of all experiential values constituting the richness of life and culture. If we steer away from both these ...
Values and ethics for organizations: theory and practice S. K. Chakraborty - 1998 - 262 pages
Sri Aurobindo's warning in 1920 about the impending reversal of 'our own ideal' gains renewed significance today owing to the media blitzkrieg in every corner of India. It seems that theIndia of today has lost the will to be herself. ...
Sri Aurobindo's warning in 1920 about the impending reversal of 'our own ideal' gains renewed significance today owing to the media blitzkrieg in every corner of India. It seems that the
Sri Aurobindo Ashram: its role, responsibility, and future ... Jugal Kishore Mukherjee - 1997 - 91 pages
As Sri Aurobindo has warned us: "The most disconcerting discovery is to find that every part of us - intellect, will, sense-mind, nervous or desire-self, the heart, the body - has each, as it were, its own complex individuality and ...
As Sri Aurobindo has warned us: "The most disconcerting discovery is to find that every part of us - intellect, will, sense-mind, nervous or desire-self, the heart, the body - has each, as it were, its own complex individuality and ...
Beyond man: life and work of Sri Aurobindo and the Mother Georges van Vrekhem - 1997 - 544 pages
And the more marvellous the machines, the more distorted are the faces of those operating them.'16 We should heed Sri Aurobindo's warning in the Arya: 'The one safety for man lies in learning to live from within outward, not depending ...
And the more marvellous the machines, the more distorted are the faces of those operating them.'16 We should heed Sri Aurobindo's warning in the Arya: 'The one safety for man lies in learning to live from within outward, not depending ...
There is no Master who has not been cautioning that spiritual commitment is like fire, which one had better refrain from touching if one is not sufficiently purified. About Integral Yoga
, Sri Aurobindo had warned in a chapter in his ...
Encyclopaedia Indica: India, Pakistan, Bangladesh S. S. Shashi - 1996
'No one can write about my life because, it has not been on the surface for men to see.' This was Sri Aurobindo's warning to a disciple aspiring to write his biography. Manoj Das in his monograph 'Sri Aurobindo ...
'No one can write about my life because, it has not been on the surface for men to see.' This was Sri Aurobindo's warning to a disciple aspiring to write his biography. Manoj Das in his monograph 'Sri Aurobindo ...
Militant nationalism in India, 1876-1947 Amitābha Mukhopādhyāẏa, Institute of ... - 1995
- 598 pages
Aurobindo's warning proved unerring. Unlike Bipin Pal, another powerful leader of the Swadeshi Movement, Aurobindo was a believer in the twin methods of passive resistance and revolution right from the very beginning. ...
Aurobindo's warning proved unerring. Unlike Bipin Pal, another powerful leader of the Swadeshi Movement, Aurobindo was a believer in the twin methods of passive resistance and revolution right from the very beginning. ...
Lokamanya Tilak Ganesh Prabhakar Pradhan - 1994 - 168 pages
Tilak warned Aurobindo of taking any rash action. InMaharashtra , Veer Savarkar was an inspiring figure for the young men who wanted to adopt his revolutionary methods. Savarkar during his student days had participated in the movement ...
Tilak warned Aurobindo of taking any rash action. In
Across seven seas, essays in comparative literature Pa Marutanāyakam - 1994
- 182 pages
... not have much of formal education that would have exposed him to the great English classics. He was not swept off his feet by the flood of English writers with whom he got acquainted. Sri Aurobindo's warning was there: To be fed on ...
... not have much of formal education that would have exposed him to the great English classics. He was not swept off his feet by the flood of English writers with whom he got acquainted. Sri Aurobindo's warning was there: To be fed on ...
... Aurobindo's warning must have prevented Bharati from carrying the experiment too far. The great poet-critic advised the Hindu poets to take with a reverent hand the old myths and cleanse them of soiling accretions till they shine ...
The Vedic epiphany, an exposition and celebration of the inaugural ... V. Madhusudan Reddy, Aurobindo Ghose ... - 1994
"When we deal with the laws of speech", Sri Aurobindo warns, "we must remember this flexibility of all mind processes. We must ourselves keep a flexible mind to follow it and an open eye for all variations. ...
"When we deal with the laws of speech", Sri Aurobindo warns, "we must remember this flexibility of all mind processes. We must ourselves keep a flexible mind to follow it and an open eye for all variations. ...
World union World Union (Organization) - 1994
Sri Aurobindo warns us that wealth will remain in the hands of the Asura — the forces of the adversary until conscious, responsible, spiritually evolved people learn to take responsibility for it. The fourth power of the Divine Mother ...
Sri Aurobindo warns us that wealth will remain in the hands of the Asura — the forces of the adversary until conscious, responsible, spiritually evolved people learn to take responsibility for it. The fourth power of the Divine Mother ...
On the Mother: the chronicle of a manifestation and ministry K. R. Srinivasa Iyengar, Sri Aurobindo ... - 1994 - 924 pages
On the other hand, as Sri Aurobindo had warned her in his letter of 26 June, the unpredictable intervention of relapses and 'dark nights' can never be ruled out. And so on 30 December, Mirra has a poignant meditation: "Why, ...
On the other hand, as Sri Aurobindo had warned her in his letter of 26 June, the unpredictable intervention of relapses and 'dark nights' can never be ruled out. And so on 30 December, Mirra has a poignant meditation: "Why, ...
Nirodbaran: sadhak and poet 1993 - 119 pages
"The gospel of nonviolence can never succeed merely as a mental or moral principle and may even leave things worse than before", Sri Aurobindo had warned. This was also the view of some of the other contemporaries of the Mahatma, ...
"The gospel of nonviolence can never succeed merely as a mental or moral principle and may even leave things worse than before", Sri Aurobindo had warned. This was also the view of some of the other contemporaries of the Mahatma, ...
Hindu response to nationalist ferment, Bengal, 1909-1935 Papia Chakravarty - 1992
- 411 pages
For that, Aurobindo thought Indians must 'recover' their 'patrimony', their 'Aryan discipline and character — their spirituality'.26 But Aurobindo, also warnedagainst blind clinging to everything Indian ; for 'that has not been the ...
For that, Aurobindo thought Indians must 'recover' their 'patrimony', their 'Aryan discipline and character — their spirituality'.26 But Aurobindo, also warnedagainst blind clinging to everything Indian ; for 'that has not been the ...
Annual 1992
Otherwise, as Sri Aurobindo has warned us, there may be an undesirable unbalancing and a decrease of the hold on outer realities. An assiduous sadhana during the body's sleep is richly rewarding from more than one point of view. ...
Otherwise, as Sri Aurobindo has warned us, there may be an undesirable unbalancing and a decrease of the hold on outer realities. An assiduous sadhana during the body's sleep is richly rewarding from more than one point of view. ...
The Quality of life Amlan Datta, M. M. Agrawal, Indian Institute ... - 1992 - 307 pages
It is in this spirit that Sri Aurobindo warns: "This erring race of human beings dream always of perfecting their environment by the machinery of Government and society, but it is only by the perfection of the soul within that ...
It is in this spirit that Sri Aurobindo warns: "This erring race of human beings dream always of perfecting their environment by the machinery of Government and society, but it is only by the perfection of the soul within that ...
The holographic universe Michael Talbot - 1991 - 338 pages
To speculate further would be presumptuous in that it would not only be tackling a question that thousands of years of human history have failed to resolve, but would also ignore Sri Aurobindo's warning against turning spiritual ...
To speculate further would be presumptuous in that it would not only be tackling a question that thousands of years of human history have failed to resolve, but would also ignore Sri Aurobindo's warning against turning spiritual ...
Perspectives on Ramakrishna-Vivekananda Vedanta tradition Eṃ Śivarāmakrṣṇa, M. Sivaramakrishna, Sumita ... - 1991
- 265 pages
However, Sri Aurobindo warns of "the danger of turning him into a Guru of a sect" or of a dogmatic religion distorting his own life and teachings making him an object of narrow sectarian worship. He emphatically declares "That must be ...
However, Sri Aurobindo warns of "the danger of turning him into a Guru of a sect" or of a dogmatic religion distorting his own life and teachings making him an object of narrow sectarian worship. He emphatically declares "That must be ...
Sri Aurobindo Ghosh and Bal Gangadhar Tilak: the spirit of freedom Suneera Kapoor - 1991
- 142 pages
In stressing that the union of freedom and equality can only be achieved by the power of human brotherhood, Aurobindo warns us against shallow sentimentality. No doubt, the power of human brotherhood may play a vital role in reconciling ...
In stressing that the union of freedom and equality can only be achieved by the power of human brotherhood, Aurobindo warns us against shallow sentimentality. No doubt, the power of human brotherhood may play a vital role in reconciling ...
Annual Sri Aurobindo mandir, Calcutta - 1991
Such an experience, far from being a communication from a higher region, may even be one from a lower plane, and Sri Aurobindo warns us particularly against such spurious intuitions. (Vide The Life Divine
, Vol. II, Part II, p. 998). ...
Such an experience, far from being a communication from a higher region, may even be one from a lower plane, and Sri Aurobindo warns us particularly against such spurious intuitions. (Vide The Life Divine
The Vedic Epiphany, an Exposition and Celebration of the Inaugural ... V. Madhusudan Reddy, Aurobindo Ghose ... - 1991
... Sri Aurobindo warns, "we must remember this flexibility of all mind processes. We must ourselves keep a flexible mind to follow it and an open eye for all variations. It is for regularity in irregularity that one must always be on ...
... Sri Aurobindo warns, "we must remember this flexibility of all mind processes. We must ourselves keep a flexible mind to follow it and an open eye for all variations. It is for regularity in irregularity that one must always be on ...
Mother India: monthly review of culture Sri Aurobindo Ashram - 1991
As Sri Aurobindo warns us: "Note that a tamasic surrender refusing to fulfil the conditions and calling on God to do everything and save one all the trouble and struggle is a deception and does not lead to freedom and perfection. ...
As Sri Aurobindo warns us: "Note that a tamasic surrender refusing to fulfil the conditions and calling on God to do everything and save one all the trouble and struggle is a deception and does not lead to freedom and perfection. ...
The quest for music divine - Page 274 Suresh Chandra Dey - 1990 - 307 pages
... must not be confused with past and present ideas of superman, warns Sri Aurobindo, as the earth had had enough of this kind and its repetition can only prolong the age-old miseries and suffering. ...
... must not be confused with past and present ideas of superman, warns Sri Aurobindo, as the earth had had enough of this kind and its repetition can only prolong the age-old miseries and suffering. ...
... laga prema nija dhyan" II (3) Sri Aurobindo has warned that music, which has great educating, edifying and civilising forces cannot be neglected by humanity on its onward march: "Between them, music, art and poetry are a perfect ...
From man human to man divine: Sri Aurobindo's vision of the ... Jugal Kishore Mukherjee - 1990 - 249 pages
But, Sri Aurobindo warns us, no limits and no impossibility of any necessary change can be imposed on the evolutionary urge. And when Supermind, the divine Gnosis, takes charge of evolution, there is absolutely nothing impossible under ...
But, Sri Aurobindo warns us, no limits and no impossibility of any necessary change can be imposed on the evolutionary urge. And when Supermind, the divine Gnosis, takes charge of evolution, there is absolutely nothing impossible under ...
The Political Philosophy of Sri Aurobindo - Page 317 V. P. Varma - 1990 - 494 pages
Aurobindo's warning that the centralizing tendencies of modern democracy may cramp the creative healthy growth of organic groups and associations is well timed. As a political philosophy democracy advocates the techniques of compromise, ...
Aurobindo's warning that the centralizing tendencies of modern democracy may cramp the creative healthy growth of organic groups and associations is well timed. As a political philosophy democracy advocates the techniques of compromise, ...
Ancient Bhagavad Gita: original text of 745 verses, with critical ... Ekkirala Vedavyas - 1990 - 180 pages
... of the Western scholar's zeal to anatomize and discredit whole sections of the Maha Bharatha, by an over-application of the so-called Critical method. This is a trend against which Sri Aurobindo had warned in strong words and which, ...
... of the Western scholar's zeal to anatomize and discredit whole sections of the Maha Bharatha, by an over-application of the so-called Critical method. This is a trend against which Sri Aurobindo had warned in strong words and which, ...
The Bengal revolutionaries and freedom movement Dalia Ray - 1990 - 204 pages
As early as4th September, 1907 , Aurobindo had warned against "the introduction of a Hindu-Mohammedan dualism" into the council chamber, proposed by Morley but the warning was not heeded.76 The new and advanced ideology of the Bengal ...
As early as
Mother India: monthly review of culture Sri Aurobindo Ashram - 1989
Sri Aurobindo also warned: "The society has no right to crush or efface the individual for its own better development or self-satisfaction; the individual, so long at least as he chooses to live in the world, has no right to disregard ...
Sri Aurobindo also warned: "The society has no right to crush or efface the individual for its own better development or self-satisfaction; the individual, so long at least as he chooses to live in the world, has no right to disregard ...
Indian National Congress: a select bibliography Manikrao Hodlya Gavit, Attar Chand - 1989 - 451 pages
Sri Aurobindo warns us against the dangers that may arise out of the very ideals we nurse unless we are cautious about their possible abuse. In his Ideal of Human Unity he also warns us against the dangers of democracy which he says 'is ...
Sri Aurobindo warns us against the dangers that may arise out of the very ideals we nurse unless we are cautious about their possible abuse. In his Ideal of Human Unity he also warns us against the dangers of democracy which he says 'is ...
Mother India: Monthly Review of Culture Sri Aurobindo Ashram - 1989
So Sri Aurobindo warns us: "Reject the false notion that the Divine Power will do and is bound to do everything for you at your demand and even though you do not satisfy the conditions laid down by the Supreme. Make your surrender true ...
So Sri Aurobindo warns us: "Reject the false notion that the Divine Power will do and is bound to do everything for you at your demand and even though you do not satisfy the conditions laid down by the Supreme. Make your surrender true ...
Mother India: monthly review of culture Sri Aurobindo Ashram - 1989
But he was, above all, a sadhak of the Integral Yoga; and Sri Aurobindo has warned us against the attempt to chronicle lives whose significant currents do not lie on the surface for all to see. Nevertheless, we cannot help feeling, ...
But he was, above all, a sadhak of the Integral Yoga; and Sri Aurobindo has warned us against the attempt to chronicle lives whose significant currents do not lie on the surface for all to see. Nevertheless, we cannot help feeling, ...
Sri Aurobindo and Karl Marx: integral sociology and dialectical ... - Page 180 Debi Prasad Chattopadhyaya - 1988 - 336 pages
... its self-formation, growth and enrichment, Sri Aurobindo warns, the outraged necessity of Nature will have its revenge. And the possible consequence would be destruction of the unitarian and mechanical world-state and the emergence ...
... its self-formation, growth and enrichment, Sri Aurobindo warns, the outraged necessity of Nature will have its revenge. And the possible consequence would be destruction of the unitarian and mechanical world-state and the emergence ...
Sri Aurobindo, a critical introduction Prema Nandakumar - 1988 - 116 pages
And yet the poem was written on25 September 1939 long before the breaking of the atom leading to Hiroshima and Nagasaki ! Savitri itself explores "the hidden heart of Night" in man that drags him to the abyss. Sri Aurobindo warns that ...
And yet the poem was written on
Integral Education: thought & Practice - Page 207 Raghunath Pani - 1987 - 633 pages
Sri Aurobindo, warning against the dangers of attaching too much importance to the theory of the psycho-analysts, says : "The psycho-analysis of Freud is the last thing that one should associate with yoga. It takes up a certain part, ...
Sri Aurobindo, warning against the dangers of attaching too much importance to the theory of the psycho-analysts, says : "The psycho-analysis of Freud is the last thing that one should associate with yoga. It takes up a certain part, ...
Modern studies and other essays: in honour of Dr. R.K. Sinha Rāmacandra Prasāda - 1987 - 304 pages
This Aurobindo calls the vital power of creative beauty. Spirit and Truth constitute the inspiration, the source of aesthetics. Beauty and Delight constitute the vital power of creative beauty. Sri Aurobindo warns, though that modern ...
This Aurobindo calls the vital power of creative beauty. Spirit and Truth constitute the inspiration, the source of aesthetics. Beauty and Delight constitute the vital power of creative beauty. Sri Aurobindo warns, though that modern ...
Sri Aurobindo and His Yoga - Page 49 M. P. Pandit - 1987 - 200 pages
Sri Aurobindo warns, however, that all fresh efforts to erect organisations to achieve world peace, world unity etc. can only succeed in forming outer structures. They are to be made alive and turned into dynamic instruments for ...
Sri Aurobindo warns, however, that all fresh efforts to erect organisations to achieve world peace, world unity etc. can only succeed in forming outer structures. They are to be made alive and turned into dynamic instruments for ...
The concept of man in Sri Aurobindo and other themes Madhav Pundalik Pandit - 1987 - 439 pages
Sri Aurobindo has warned again and again against the perils of state communism, whether of the western or the eastern brand. He is emphatic that our association must be more with those who cherish ideals of our type, the democratic...
Sri Aurobindo has warned again and again against the perils of state communism, whether of the western or the eastern brand. He is emphatic that our association must be more with those who cherish ideals of our type, the democratic...
Comparative literature: Indian dimensions Swapan Majumdar - 1987 - 108 pages
... Sri Aurobindo warns us in the same breath, would land us nowhere. Yet, Western models continued to be regarded as ne plus ultra so far as the Indian response was concerned. Shakespeare, Byron and Scott became the yardsticks to gauge the ... Jadavpur journal of comparative literatureJadavpur University . Dept. of Comparative ... - 1985
Collected Works: On thoughts and aphorisms La Mère - 1987
Aurobindo Ghose, Mother - 1984 - 394 pages
... must be ready for Wisdom; otherwise, by abandoning reason, you run a great risk of falling into unreason, which is rather dangerous. Many times in his writings, particularly in The Synthesis of Yoga, Sri Aurobindo warns us against the imaginings of those who believe they can do sadhana without... On thoughts and aphorisms Aurobindo Ghose, Mother - 1984 - 394 pages
... Sri Aurobindo warns us in the same breath, would land us nowhere. Yet, Western models continued to be regarded as ne plus ultra so far as the Indian response was concerned. Shakespeare, Byron and Scott became the yardsticks to gauge the ... Jadavpur journal of comparative literature
Collected Works: On thoughts and aphorisms La Mère - 1987
Aurobindo Ghose, Mother - 1984 - 394 pages
... must be ready for Wisdom; otherwise, by abandoning reason, you run a great risk of falling into unreason, which is rather dangerous. Many times in his writings, particularly in The Synthesis of Yoga, Sri Aurobindo warns us against the imaginings of those who believe they can do sadhana without... On thoughts and aphorisms Aurobindo Ghose, Mother - 1984 - 394 pages
Mother India: monthly review of culture Sri Aurobindo Ashram - 1987
them the surprising illuminations that occasionally come to us. In a number of letters Sri Aurobindo has warned enthusiastic or ambitious ...
them the surprising illuminations that occasionally come to us. In a number of letters Sri Aurobindo has warned enthusiastic or ambitious ...
Mother India: monthly review of culture Sri Aurobindo Ashram - 1987
... aspirations and fulfilments of the life that are the aids, the circumstances and the stages of the enlarging of the nature and the stimuli or the steps of the soul's evolution." But Sri Aurobindo also warns that this working faith in the transitional realisations that come to us on the way should be free from all attachment to them and we must not make the mistake of taking them as final and getting trapped ...
Critical approaches to literature & research methodology: a miscellany Bommatapalli Ramachandra Rao, Rawindara Siṅghā ... - 1986 - 344 pages
Sri Aurobindo warns though that modern writers who are by and large mentalists deal with the vital in a shoddy way to make an impact on their readers. He finds even Eliot and Yeats guilty of this meretricious practice. ...
... aspirations and fulfilments of the life that are the aids, the circumstances and the stages of the enlarging of the nature and the stimuli or the steps of the soul's evolution." But Sri Aurobindo also warns that this working faith in the transitional realisations that come to us on the way should be free from all attachment to them and we must not make the mistake of taking them as final and getting trapped ...
Critical approaches to literature & research methodology: a miscellany Bommatapalli Ramachandra Rao, Rawindara Siṅghā ... - 1986 - 344 pages
Sri Aurobindo warns though that modern writers who are by and large mentalists deal with the vital in a shoddy way to make an impact on their readers. He finds even Eliot and Yeats guilty of this meretricious practice. ...
Spiritual communion: based upon the Mother's prayers and meditations Madhav Pundalik Pandit, Mother - 1986 - 455 pages
Sri Aurobindo warns that we should not be impatient but we should be intense in our aspiration. Impatience means dissatisfaction; we must have trust and confidence that the Divine knows the hour when things are to be given. ...
Sri Aurobindo warns that we should not be impatient but we should be intense in our aspiration. Impatience means dissatisfaction; we must have trust and confidence that the Divine knows the hour when things are to be given. ...
Mother India: monthly review of culture Sri Aurobindo Ashram - 1986
But Sri Aurobindo warns that all cannot follow the baby-cat attitude at once, for it is extremely difficult and it takes time to arrive at it. So personal effort is necessary until one is able to achieve complete surrender. ...
But Sri Aurobindo warns that all cannot follow the baby-cat attitude at once, for it is extremely difficult and it takes time to arrive at it. So personal effort is necessary until one is able to achieve complete surrender. ...
Political thought in modern India Thomas Pantham, Kenneth L. Deutsch - 1986 - 362 pages
Aurobindo's warning against the dangerous provisions of the Act fell on deaf ears: Unless the Hindus have strength of mind to boycott a system which erects a distinction insulting as well as injurious to the community, this measure, ...
Aurobindo's warning against the dangerous provisions of the Act fell on deaf ears: Unless the Hindus have strength of mind to boycott a system which erects a distinction insulting as well as injurious to the community, this measure, ...
Sri Aurobindo: a biography and a history K. R. Srinivasa Iyengar - 1985 - 812 pages
On the other hand, Sri Aurobindo had warned his disciples that egoism and divine manifestation couldn't abide together; and hence "all noise should be only incidental".2 This was how 24 November 1926 passed without any fanfare, ...
On the other hand, Sri Aurobindo had warned his disciples that egoism and divine manifestation couldn't abide together; and hence "all noise should be only incidental".2 This was how 24 November 1926 passed without any fanfare, ...
Congress Party politics and new challenges: a survey of Indian ... Attar Chand - 1985 - 451 pages
Sri Aurobindo warns us against the dangers that may arise out of the very ideals we nurse unless we are cautious about their possible abuse. In his Ideal of Human Unity he also warns us against the dangers of democracy which he says 'is ...
Sri Aurobindo warns us against the dangers that may arise out of the very ideals we nurse unless we are cautious about their possible abuse. In his Ideal of Human Unity he also warns us against the dangers of democracy which he says 'is ...
Meta-history: the unfoldment and fulfilment of human destiny V. Madhusudan Reddy - 1984 - 176 pages
As Sri Aurobindo warns : The peace, well-being and settled order of the human world is a thing eminently to be desired as a basis for a great world-culture in which all humanity must be united; but neither of these unities, ...
As Sri Aurobindo warns : The peace, well-being and settled order of the human world is a thing eminently to be desired as a basis for a great world-culture in which all humanity must be united; but neither of these unities, ...
Madhav Pundalik Pandit - 1983 - 308 pages
And in the growth of this faith it is necessary, Sri Aurobindo warns us, that we do not erect any premature certitudes. As we grow, as we evolve, we see that truths which apply in one sphere do not necessarily apply in other spheres and ...
And in the growth of this faith it is necessary, Sri Aurobindo warns us, that we do not erect any premature certitudes. As we grow, as we evolve, we see that truths which apply in one sphere do not necessarily apply in other spheres and ...
Contemporary Indian philosophy T. M. P. Mahadevan, G. V. Saroja - 1983 - 282 pages
This was the cause of the failure of centripetal tendency because of which India failed to establish a distinct organised and self-conscious nationality. Aurobindo warns us not to revive such independent villages or groups of villages but points out the need for a self-sufficient, self-centred, autonomous and exclusive nation, the ideal of national ...
This was the cause of the failure of centripetal tendency because of which India failed to establish a distinct organised and self-conscious nationality. Aurobindo warns us not to revive such independent villages or groups of villages but points out the need for a self-sufficient, self-centred, autonomous and exclusive nation, the ideal of national ...
The Vedanta kesari Sri Ramakrishna Math (Madras , India ) - 1982
Therefore, Sri Aurobindo warns : "Few are those from whom the Grace withdraws, but many are those who withdraw from the Grace." There should be absolute transparency and surrender in every part of the being. There should rise a mounting ...
Therefore, Sri Aurobindo warns : "Few are those from whom the Grace withdraws, but many are those who withdraw from the Grace." There should be absolute transparency and surrender in every part of the being. There should rise a mounting ...
Sri Aurobindo's integral approach to political thought Shiva Kumar Mital - 1981 - 268 pages
Sri Aurobindo warns that it is error on the part of human beings to dream always of perfecting their environment by the machinery of government. It is only by the perfection of the soul within that the outer environment can be perfected ...
Sri Aurobindo warns that it is error on the part of human beings to dream always of perfecting their environment by the machinery of government. It is only by the perfection of the soul within that the outer environment can be perfected ...
Mother India: monthly review of culture Sri Aurobindo Ashram - 1981
Admitting some marginal benefits which might accrue from the teaching of moral and religious text-books, Sri Aurobindo also warns us of the danger of teaching by moral text-books as it ultimately makes "thinking of high things ...
Admitting some marginal benefits which might accrue from the teaching of moral and religious text-books, Sri Aurobindo also warns us of the danger of teaching by moral text-books as it ultimately makes "thinking of high things ...
World union World Union (Organization) - 1980
That great Seer, Sri Aurobindo had also warned us not to give up our heritage, our genius and succumb to the temptation of imitating other powers, trying to become one more strong power in the comity of nations. If we did that, ...
That great Seer, Sri Aurobindo had also warned us not to give up our heritage, our genius and succumb to the temptation of imitating other powers, trying to become one more strong power in the comity of nations. If we did that, ...
Advaita Vedanta: problems and perspectives K. B. Ramakrishna Rao - 1980 - 233 pages
Sri Aurobindo warns us even to treat 'delight' in 'delight of existence' in terms relative to human consciousness. 'When we speak of universal delight of existence, we mean something different from, more essential and wider than the ...
Sri Aurobindo warns us even to treat 'delight' in 'delight of existence' in terms relative to human consciousness. 'When we speak of universal delight of existence, we mean something different from, more essential and wider than the ...
The social philosophy of Sri Aurobindo Ram Nath Sharma - 1980 - 230 pages
... warns Sri Aurobindo. Even if man survives, he will exist only like other animal types while Nature proceeds beyond him to create higher species. Thus, man's present is full of grave dangers as well as great possibilities. ...
... warns Sri Aurobindo. Even if man survives, he will exist only like other animal types while Nature proceeds beyond him to create higher species. Thus, man's present is full of grave dangers as well as great possibilities. ...
... evolutionary urge, " warns Sri Aurobindo. Even if man survives, he will exist only like other animal types while Nature proceeds beyond him to create higher species. Thus man's present is full of grave dangers as well as great ...
Nolini: Arjuna of our age Nolini Kanta Gupta, V. Madhusudan Reddy - 1979 - 239 pages
The modern mind is complex and divided, it is governed by " practical reason ". Sri Aurobindo warns: ' without it (the worship of beauty and delight) there could be no assured nobility and sweetness in Art, no satisfied dignity and fullness of life nor harmonious perfection of the Spirit". ...
The modern mind is complex and divided, it is governed by " practical reason ". Sri Aurobindo warns: ' without it (the worship of beauty and delight) there could be no assured nobility and sweetness in Art, no satisfied dignity and fullness of life nor harmonious perfection of the Spirit". ...
Indian writing in English Krishna Nandan Sinha - 1979 - 237 pages
It is an expression of the operation of the colossal and multi-tiered ignorance or avidya originating from the alienation of the human from the divine consciousness. Through the lips of Perseus, Sri Aurobindo warns of the dangers ...
It is an expression of the operation of the colossal and multi-tiered ignorance or avidya originating from the alienation of the human from the divine consciousness. Through the lips of Perseus, Sri Aurobindo warns of the dangers ...
Yoga and depth psychology: with special reference to the ... I. P. Sachdeva - 1978 - 271 pages
Sri Aurobindo warns that we -must not confuse Persona with our experience of ego. ''Nothing is more difficult for us than to get rid of egoism while yet we admit personality" he writes in his Synthesis of Toga. ...
Sri Aurobindo warns that we -must not confuse Persona with our experience of ego. ''Nothing is more difficult for us than to get rid of egoism while yet we admit personality" he writes in his Synthesis of Toga. ...
On the Mother: the chronicle of a manifestation and ministry K. R. Srinivasa Iyengar - 1978 - 847 pages
... Mother of Light and the Madonna of Love, and ready for the work of realising on the earth the Life Divine. On the other hand, as Sri Aurobindo had warned her in his letter of 26 June, the unpredictable intervention of relapses and 'dark nights' can never be ruled out. And so on 30 December, Mirra has a poignant meditation: "Why, O Lord", ...
... Mother of Light and the Madonna of Love, and ready for the work of realising on the earth the Life Divine. On the other hand, as Sri Aurobindo had warned her in his letter of 26 June, the unpredictable intervention of relapses and 'dark nights' can never be ruled out. And so on 30 December, Mirra has a poignant meditation: "Why, O Lord", ...
Towards supermanhood: the philosophy of Sri Aurobindo Pritibhushan Chatterjee - 1977 - 96 pages
Sri Aurobindo warns us in this connection against a possible misconception, viz., that all gnostic beings will posses the same nature or character. He points out in this connection that the race of the supramental or gnostic beings ...
Sri Aurobindo warns us in this connection against a possible misconception, viz., that all gnostic beings will posses the same nature or character. He points out in this connection that the race of the supramental or gnostic beings ...
The quest for political and spiritual liberation: a study in the ... June O'Connor - 1977 - 153 pages
Aurobindo warns his peers to beware of modeling themselves on Europe , and in this context he decries the inherent weakness of the West — its mechanistic, materialistic mentality. In this instance of warning Indians not to imitate ...
Aurobindo warns his peers to beware of modeling themselves on Europe , and in this context he decries the inherent weakness of the West — its mechanistic, materialistic mentality. In this instance of warning Indians not to imitate ...
Mother India: monthly review of culture Sri Aurobindo Ashram - 1977
Speaking even more pointedly Sri Aurobindo warns, The system prevailing in our universities is one which ignores the psychology of man, loads the mind laboriously with numerous little packets of information carefully tied with red tape,...
Speaking even more pointedly Sri Aurobindo warns, The system prevailing in our universities is one which ignores the psychology of man, loads the mind laboriously with numerous little packets of information carefully tied with red tape,...
Bhavan's Journal Bharatiya Vidya Bhavan - 1977
Through the generations we have heeded Sri' Aurobindo's warning words — 'It would be a tragic irony of fate ifIndia were to throw away her spiritual heritage at the very moment when in the rest of the world there is more and more a ...
Through the generations we have heeded Sri' Aurobindo's warning words — 'It would be a tragic irony of fate if
The yogi and the mystic: a study in the spirituality of Sri ... Jan Feys - 1977 - 371 pages
Sri Aurobindo has warned us right from the beginning that this is not what the Gita teaches. "Patriotism, cosmopolitanism, service of society, collectivism, humani- tarianism, the ideal or religion of humanity" (EG p. ...
Sri Aurobindo has warned us right from the beginning that this is not what the Gita teaches. "Patriotism, cosmopolitanism, service of society, collectivism, humani- tarianism, the ideal or religion of humanity" (EG p. ...
History, society, and polity: integral sociology of Sri Aurobindo Debiprasad Chattopadhyaya - 1976 - 281 pages
When the world-state becomes a blind unitarian whole and destroys the live character of the real units, which are so necessary for its self-formation, growth and enrichment, Sri Aurobindo warns, the outraged necessity of Nature will ...
When the world-state becomes a blind unitarian whole and destroys the live character of the real units, which are so necessary for its self-formation, growth and enrichment, Sri Aurobindo warns, the outraged necessity of Nature will ...
While we must avoid the pitfall of the materialist denial of the spiritual range of reality, Sri Aurobindo warns us, we cannot afford to ally ourselves with the revolt of the spirit against the material world, ...
Indian philosophical annual University of Madras . Centre of Advanced Study ... - 1976
Sri Aurobindo warns us even to treat ' delight ' in delight of existence in terms relative to human consciousness. 'When we speak of universal delight of existence we mean something different from, more essential and wider than the ...
Sri Aurobindo warns us even to treat ' delight ' in delight of existence in terms relative to human consciousness. 'When we speak of universal delight of existence we mean something different from, more essential and wider than the ...
"Social aggregates which stand in the way of this perfection of the individual", warns Sri Aurobindo, "must find their term and their day of change or destruction under the irresistible impulsion of progressing Nature. ...
Journal of the Ganganatha Jha Kendriya Sanskrit Vidyapeetha Ganganatha Jha Kendriya Sanskrit Vidyapeetha - 1976
Sri Aurobindo warns thar mere desire to achieve spirituality or divine society is not enough, unless necessary efforts are exercised for its attainment, otherwise the society will deviate from its destiny and then the present society ...
Sri Aurobindo warns thar mere desire to achieve spirituality or divine society is not enough, unless necessary efforts are exercised for its attainment, otherwise the society will deviate from its destiny and then the present society ...
Indian philosophical annual University of Madras . Centre of Advanced Study ... - 1976
What flows out of Fullness of Being, and what emerges out of the play of self-delight — the movements of descent and asent or involution and evolution — are to be treated more as metaphors than as real. Sri Aurobindo warns us even to ...
What flows out of Fullness of Being, and what emerges out of the play of self-delight — the movements of descent and asent or involution and evolution — are to be treated more as metaphors than as real. Sri Aurobindo warns us even to ...
Cultural revolt in a colonial society: the non Brahman movement in ... Gail Omvedt - 1976 - 399 pages
As Heimsath puts it, Aurobindo's warning "that the nationalists would come knocking at the door of the Congress with a nation behind them never materialized the nation as a whole remained dormant politically until new techniques for ...
As Heimsath puts it, Aurobindo's warning "that the nationalists would come knocking at the door of the Congress with a nation behind them never materialized the nation as a whole remained dormant politically until new techniques for ...
Modern Indian political thought: Ram Mohan Roy to present day Mitra Nandan Jha - 1975 - 348 pages
The bridging of the gap, a philosophical necessity ifIndia , was to grow further — instead of becoming 'the brown ape of Europe ' as Sri Aurobindo had warnedagainst. The intellectuals in India owe it to the nation to provide the correct ...
The bridging of the gap, a philosophical necessity if
The destiny of the body: the vision and the realisation in Sri ... Jugal Kishore Mukherjee - 1975 - 419 pages
I have said a hundred times, you must begin from above. You must purify the higher region and then purify the lower." Sri Aurobindo has warned us: "The transformation to which we aspire is too vast and complex to come at one stroke; it must be allowed to come by stages. The physical change is the last of these stages and is itself a progressive ...
I have said a hundred times, you must begin from above. You must purify the higher region and then purify the lower." Sri Aurobindo has warned us: "The transformation to which we aspire is too vast and complex to come at one stroke; it must be allowed to come by stages. The physical change is the last of these stages and is itself a progressive ...
But "mental or vital occult power", warns Sri Aurobindo, "can only bring Siddhis of the higher plane into the individual life — like the Sannyasi who could take any poison without harm, but he died of a poison after all when he forgot to observe the conditions of the ...
But, Sri Aurobindo warns us, no limits and no impossibility of any necessary change can be imposed on the evolutionary urge. And when Supermind, the divine gnosis, takes charge of evolution, there is nothing impossible under the sun. ... Mother India Sri Aurobindo Ashram – 1967
Sri Aurobindo and the future of man: a study in synthesis Sanat Kumar Banerji - 1974 - 208 pages
Signs of such a coming together have not been lacking during the last twenty years, in spite of appearances to the contrary. Their failure to evolve a working formula for at least the beginnings of a world union, warns Sri Aurobindo, ...
Signs of such a coming together have not been lacking during the last twenty years, in spite of appearances to the contrary. Their failure to evolve a working formula for at least the beginnings of a world union, warns Sri Aurobindo, ...
Sri Aurobindo and Iqbal: a comparative study of their philosophy M. Rafique - 1974 - 213 pages
The realisation of this truth comes to us only if we exercise our Intuition which is possible only in a higher consciousness of Supermind or Appreciative self.1 Here Sri Aurobindo warns us against taking the 'becoming' aspect of the ...
The realisation of this truth comes to us only if we exercise our Intuition which is possible only in a higher consciousness of Supermind or Appreciative self.1 Here Sri Aurobindo warns us against taking the 'becoming' aspect of the ...
Evolution toward divinity: Teilhard de Chardin and the Hindu ... Beatrice Bruteau - 1974 - 270 pages
"The transition from the individual to the collective is the present crucial problem confronting human energy," says Teilhard.386 And Aurobindo warns, "At present mankind is undergoing an evolutionary crisis in which is concealed a ...
"The transition from the individual to the collective is the present crucial problem confronting human energy," says Teilhard.386 And Aurobindo warns, "At present mankind is undergoing an evolutionary crisis in which is concealed a ...
The Advent Sri Aurobindo Ashram - 1974
... all the communities to the fullest expression of that many-sided potentiality which their differences are created to express, and finally to evolve a full and integrally united life of mankind. Sri Aurobindo warns us that 'unity the ...
... all the communities to the fullest expression of that many-sided potentiality which their differences are created to express, and finally to evolve a full and integrally united life of mankind. Sri Aurobindo warns us that 'unity the ...
Mother India: monthly review of culture Sri Aurobindo Ashram - 1974
"Social aggregates which stand in the way of this perfection of the individual,"warns Sri Aurobindo, "must find their term and their day of change or destruction under the irresistible impulsion of progressing Nature. ...
"Social aggregates which stand in the way of this perfection of the individual,"warns Sri Aurobindo, "must find their term and their day of change or destruction under the irresistible impulsion of progressing Nature. ...
Contemporary relevance of Sri Aurobindo Kishor Gandhi - 1973 - 343 pages
As early as4 September 1907 , Sri Aurobindo had warned against "the introduction of a Hindu- Mahomedan dualism" into the Council Chamber proposed by Morley, but the warning was not heeded, and the Dragon's teeth were to do their work ...
As early as
Towards eternity; Sri Aurobindo birth centenary volume, 15th ... Aurobindo Ghose - 1973 - 526 pages
(Sri Aurobindo uses this term interchangeably with "superman.") What kind of society, what kind of world would a supramental Race create? First of all, SriAurobindo warns against the conception of a superman as someone who enjoys moral ...
(Sri Aurobindo uses this term interchangeably with "superman.") What kind of society, what kind of world would a supramental Race create? First of all, SriAurobindo warns against the conception of a superman as someone who enjoys moral ...
Twelve years with Sri Aurobindo Nirodbaran - 1973 - 306 pages
Something may happen.' And something terrible did happen — the communal killings." Yet, not even great leaders paid any heed to it; they thought it impossible even when Surendra Mohan apprised them of Sri Aurobindo's warning. Sri Aurobindo predicted also 'the Russo- Chinese rift and the disintegration ofChina one ...
Something may happen.' And something terrible did happen — the communal killings." Yet, not even great leaders paid any heed to it; they thought it impossible even when Surendra Mohan apprised them of Sri Aurobindo's warning. Sri Aurobindo predicted also 'the Russo- Chinese rift and the disintegration of
Annual 1973
But, Sri Aurobindo warns, ideals, disciplines or systems, however good they might be, must not be allowed to grow as "the tyrants of the human soul, their only purpose is to be its instruments artd servants and when their use is over, ...
But, Sri Aurobindo warns, ideals, disciplines or systems, however good they might be, must not be allowed to grow as "the tyrants of the human soul, their only purpose is to be its instruments artd servants and when their use is over, ...
Sri Aurobindo and Bergson: a synthetic study Abhoy Chandra Bhattacharya - 1972 - 282 pages
Sri Aurobindo warns us to complete the preparation lest the supramental descent might dawn but get back due to our unpreparedness. When the preparation is complete, once the grace is achieved, the supramental light will radiate the ...
Sri Aurobindo warns us to complete the preparation lest the supramental descent might dawn but get back due to our unpreparedness. When the preparation is complete, once the grace is achieved, the supramental light will radiate the ...
Indian Review G.A. Natesan - 1972
Sri Aurobindo's warning Sri Aurobindo warns, however, that all fresh efforts to erect organisations to achieve world peace, world unity etc. can only succeed in forming outer structures. They are to be made alive and turned into dynamic ...
Sri Aurobindo's warning Sri Aurobindo warns, however, that all fresh efforts to erect organisations to achieve world peace, world unity etc. can only succeed in forming outer structures. They are to be made alive and turned into dynamic ...
Sri Aurobindo Manoj Das - 1972 - 82 pages
Now, although, generally speaking, aesthetics belong to the mental range and all that depends upon it and some times — as Sri Aurobindo warns — it may degenerate into aestheticism and may exaggerate and narrow itself into some version ...
Now, although, generally speaking, aesthetics belong to the mental range and all that depends upon it and some times — as Sri Aurobindo warns — it may degenerate into aestheticism and may exaggerate and narrow itself into some version ...
This was Sri Aurobindo's warning to a disciple aspiring to write his biography. It is no doubt a paradox to begin writing on his life with a reference to this warning. But since write we must, to do so in full awareness of what he ...
Sri Aurobindo Prema Nandakumar - 1972 - 48 pages
Sri Aurobindo also warned that, if terrorist activities were to be prevented, the Nationalist party should start passive resistance if necessary but within the four corners of the law. The strength, however, had to come from within, ...
Sri Aurobindo also warned that, if terrorist activities were to be prevented, the Nationalist party should start passive resistance if necessary but within the four corners of the law. The strength, however, had to come from within, ...
Indian literature Sāhitya Akademi - 1972
THIS WAS SRI AUROBINDO'S warning to one of his disciples proposing to write his biography. Is it a paradox to attempt sketching his life with a reference to this warning? No doubt, it is. But since we cannot help attempting, ...
THIS WAS SRI AUROBINDO'S warning to one of his disciples proposing to write his biography. Is it a paradox to attempt sketching his life with a reference to this warning? No doubt, it is. But since we cannot help attempting, ...
The radical thinkers: Heidegger and Sri Aurobindo Rhoda Priscella Le Cocq - 1972 - 214 pages
Just as Sri Aurobindo warns that we might return to the "state of the beast" if we confine ourselves to mere intellect, Heidegger states that our greatest danger is in believing calculative thinking is the "only way of ...
Just as Sri Aurobindo warns that we might return to the "state of the beast" if we confine ourselves to mere intellect, Heidegger states that our greatest danger is in believing calculative thinking is the "only way of ...
Anviksiki 1971
... the raising of the conscious mind to the Divine, completely forgetting that the conscious mind is only the middle part of our existence which has a subconscious region below and a supercon- scious sphere above. Sri Aurobindo warns ...
... the raising of the conscious mind to the Divine, completely forgetting that the conscious mind is only the middle part of our existence which has a subconscious region below and a supercon- scious sphere above. Sri Aurobindo warns ...
The restless Brahmin: early life of M. N. Roy Samaren Roy - 1970 - 148 pages
About this time Sister Nivedita warned Aurobindo that the government was thinking of deporting him toBurma . Thus, on the day Shamsul Alam was murdered, he decided to leave Calcutta forthwith and left for Chandernagore the same day and...
About this time Sister Nivedita warned Aurobindo that the government was thinking of deporting him to
Sri Aurobindo's Savitri: an approach and a study Ambalal Balkrishna Purani - 1970 - 397 pages
Some of these gradations act in a way that might suggest a mental operation; SriAurobindo warns against the error — "They are not merely methods, way of knowing, or faculty or power of cognition; they are domains of being, ...
Some of these gradations act in a way that might suggest a mental operation; SriAurobindo warns against the error — "They are not merely methods, way of knowing, or faculty or power of cognition; they are domains of being, ...
Indian philosophy & culture Institute of Oriental Philosophy (Vrindāvan ... - 1970
But Sri Aurobindo warns : "And still there is a beyond. For on the other side of the cosmic consciousness there is, attainable to us a consciousness yet more transcendent, — transcendent not only of the y% o, but of the Cosmos itself, — ...
But Sri Aurobindo warns : "And still there is a beyond. For on the other side of the cosmic consciousness there is, attainable to us a consciousness yet more transcendent, — transcendent not only of the y% o, but of the Cosmos itself, — ...
The Advent Sri Aurobindo Ashram - 1970
For "an interruption of definite experience may be only a period of assimilation in which one prepares for a new range of experience." Sri Aurobindo warns against the new-fangled theories of modern psychologists that to ...
For "an interruption of definite experience may be only a period of assimilation in which one prepares for a new range of experience." Sri Aurobindo warns against the new-fangled theories of modern psychologists that to ...
Mother India: monthly review of culture Kaikhushru Dhunjibhoy Sethna, Sri Aurobindo Ashram - 1970
And, as Sri Aurobindo has warned, "there is no more benumbing error than to mistake a stage for the goal or to linger too long in a resting-place."1 After all, laws are nothing but the "habits of the world,"2 and the divine soul has ...
And, as Sri Aurobindo has warned, "there is no more benumbing error than to mistake a stage for the goal or to linger too long in a resting-place."1 After all, laws are nothing but the "habits of the world,"2 and the divine soul has ...
On the Mother divine Pasupati Bhattacharya - 1968 - 97 pages
But Sri Aurobindo has warned us that, because one happens to be the Mother's favourite, one should not expect that one will avoid all dangers. Dangers and difficulties will come to them as they come to all people, only that she will ...
But Sri Aurobindo has warned us that, because one happens to be the Mother's favourite, one should not expect that one will avoid all dangers. Dangers and difficulties will come to them as they come to all people, only that she will ...
Mother India Sri Aurobindo Ashram - 1968
In recent times Sri Aurobindo has warned us against the undiscriminating application to the Infinite of modes of thinking which are appropriate only to finite existence. He has urged the recognition of what he calls 'the Logic of the ...
In recent times Sri Aurobindo has warned us against the undiscriminating application to the Infinite of modes of thinking which are appropriate only to finite existence. He has urged the recognition of what he calls 'the Logic of the ...
Mother India Sri Aurobindo Ashram - 1968
But "mental or vital occult power", warns Sri Aurobindo, "can only bring Siddhis of the higher plane into the individual life — like the Sannyasi who could take any poison without harm, but he died of a poison after all when he ...
But "mental or vital occult power", warns Sri Aurobindo, "can only bring Siddhis of the higher plane into the individual life — like the Sannyasi who could take any poison without harm, but he died of a poison after all when he ...
Darshana international: an international quarterly of philosophy, ... 1967
... like "two complementary half-truths which must be harmonised in a synthetic Vision of one integral truth".28 That is why Sri Aurobindo warns us against condemning the materialistic period of human knowledge rashly. ...
... like "two complementary half-truths which must be harmonised in a synthetic Vision of one integral truth".28 That is why Sri Aurobindo warns us against condemning the materialistic period of human knowledge rashly. ...
Darshana international 1967
... like "two complementary half-truths which must be harmonised in a synthetic Vision of one integral truth".28 That is why Sri Aurobindo warns us against condemning the materialistic period of human knowledge rashly. ...
... like "two complementary half-truths which must be harmonised in a synthetic Vision of one integral truth".28 That is why Sri Aurobindo warns us against condemning the materialistic period of human knowledge rashly. ...
Sri Aurobindo warns : " The danger is that the pressure of dominant European ideas and motives, the temptations of the political needs of the hour, the velocity of rapid inevitable change will leave no time for the growth of sound ...
It is possible to mistake these gradations for heightened operations of mental faculties. Sri Aurobindo warns against it : "They are not merely methods, way of knowing or faculty or power of cognition; they are domains of being, ...
The "psychic entity" in Aurobindo's The life divine Roque Ferriols - 1966 - 157 pages
Only thus can man accomplish his mission of divinizing Matter. But it is not a foregone conclusion that man will succeed in his mission; in a remarkable passage Aurobindo warns that the human race can fail. ...
Only thus can man accomplish his mission of divinizing Matter. But it is not a foregone conclusion that man will succeed in his mission; in a remarkable passage Aurobindo warns that the human race can fail. ...
An area of darkness Vidiadhar Surajprasad Naipaul - 1965 - 281 pages
Two men in the audience were dozing. Behind the high, clean walls of the Aurobindo Ashram inPondicherry , one hundred miles to the south, they were perfectly calm. In 1950, the year of his death, Aurobindo had warned ...
Two men in the audience were dozing. Behind the high, clean walls of the Aurobindo Ashram in
The Indian libertarian 1965
And it is easy to infer thatPakistan 's aggression is a part of Communist China's conspiracy against India . It is remarkable that Aurobindo had warned the Indian nation about the exact nature of Communist China's strategy in the wake of ...
And it is easy to infer that
Life in Sri Aurobindo Ashram Narayan Prasad - 1965 - 319 pages
Sri Aurobindo warns: "Spiritual life is a growth and not a sudden and inexplicable miracle.... The spiritual life is not a thing that can be formulated in a rigid definition or bound by a fixed mental rule; it is a vast field of ...
Sri Aurobindo warns: "Spiritual life is a growth and not a sudden and inexplicable miracle.... The spiritual life is not a thing that can be formulated in a rigid definition or bound by a fixed mental rule; it is a vast field of ...
Indian nationalism and Hindu social reform Charles Herman Heimsath - 1964 - 379 pages
Aurobindo's warning, or threat, that the nationalists would come knocking at the door of the Congress with a nation behind them never materialized ; the nation as a whole remained dormant politically until new techniques for rousing it ...
Aurobindo's warning, or threat, that the nationalists would come knocking at the door of the Congress with a nation behind them never materialized ; the nation as a whole remained dormant politically until new techniques for rousing it ...
Annual Sri Aurobindo Society - 1964
As Sri Aurobindo warns us, "This opposite, this sterile obstruction and blockade against the descent of the Divine Truth cannot last forever. Everyone must come down finally on one side or the other; on the side of the Truth or against ...
As Sri Aurobindo warns us, "This opposite, this sterile obstruction and blockade against the descent of the Divine Truth cannot last forever. Everyone must come down finally on one side or the other; on the side of the Truth or against ...
Tulasīdāsa: poet, saint, and philosopher of the sixteenth century Chandra Kumari Handoo - 1964 - 300 pages
In our own times Sri Aurobindo has warned us against the growing craze for mere mechanical reform. 'This erring race of human beings,' he says, 'dreams always of perfecting their environment by the machinery of government and society; ...
In our own times Sri Aurobindo has warned us against the growing craze for mere mechanical reform. 'This erring race of human beings,' he says, 'dreams always of perfecting their environment by the machinery of government and society; ...
Mother India Sri Aurobindo Ashram - 1963
The books are: The Human Cycle, The Ideal of Human Unity, War and Self-determination
. Mr. Ghosh drew Mr. Kennedy's attention to Sri Aurobindo's warning (as expressed in the words of the Editor of Mother India) on November 11, 1950 : "We must burn it into our minds that the primary motive of Mao's attack on Tibet is to...
The books are: The Human Cycle, The Ideal of Human Unity, War and Self-determination
Mother India Sri Aurobindo Ashram - 1963
"Then," Sri Aurobindo warns, "ancientIndia and her spirit might disappear altogether. It would be a tragic irony of fate if India were to throw away ...
"Then," Sri Aurobindo warns, "ancient
The Advent Sri Aurobindo Ashram - 1962
Sri Aurobindo warns: "Without it (the worship of beauty and delight) there could be no assured nobility and sweetness in Art; no satisfied dignity and fullness of life nor harmonious perfection of the spirit. ...
Sri Aurobindo warns: "Without it (the worship of beauty and delight) there could be no assured nobility and sweetness in Art; no satisfied dignity and fullness of life nor harmonious perfection of the spirit. ...
Mother India Sri Aurobindo Ashram - 1960
About the division, Sri Aurobindo cautions us : "It is to be hoped that the Congress and the nation will not accept it as for ever settled or as anything more than a temporary expedient." "For if it lasts," Sri Aurobindo warns, "India may be seriously weakened, even crippled : civil strife may remain always possible, possible even a new invasion and a foreign conquest." Recent potentially calamitous happenings on our ...
About the division, Sri Aurobindo cautions us : "It is to be hoped that the Congress and the nation will not accept it as for ever settled or as anything more than a temporary expedient." "For if it lasts," Sri Aurobindo warns, "
The Indian review G.A. Natesan - 1960
As the Editor warns, Aurobindo is not responsible for the ipsissima verba nor has he authorized and approved these records of Memory sometimes more truthful than mere facts or tape-record. Con Amore, the Disciple has recorded the loose ... books.google.com
As the Editor warns, Aurobindo is not responsible for the ipsissima verba nor has he authorized and approved these records of Memory sometimes more truthful than mere facts or tape-record. Con Amore, the Disciple has recorded the loose ... books.google.com
Founding the life divine: an introduction to the integral yoga of ... Morwenna Donnelly - 1956 - 246 pages
But, Sri Aurobindo warns, we must not confuse Person with our experience of ego. "Nothing is more difficult for us than to get rid of egoism while yet we admit personality," he writes in The Synthesis of Yoga.17 And speaking of man's ...
But, Sri Aurobindo warns, we must not confuse Person with our experience of ego. "Nothing is more difficult for us than to get rid of egoism while yet we admit personality," he writes in The Synthesis of Yoga.17 And speaking of man's ...
The meeting of the East and the West in Sri Aurobindo's philosophy Sisir Kumar Maitra - 1956 - 451 pages
Such an experience, far from being a communication from a higher region, may even be one from a lower plane, and Sri Aurobindo warns us particularly against such spurious intuitions. (Vide The Life Divine
, Vol. II, Part II, p. 998). Bergson has huddled together all higher forms of consciousness under the ... Studies in Sri Aurobindo's philosophy Sisir Kumar Maitra - 1945 - 160 pages
Such an experience, far from being a communication from a higher region, may even be one from a lower plane, and Sri Aurobindo warns us particularly against such spurious intuitions. (Vide The Life Divine
Sri Aurobindo: views on national problems Mother India - 1954
APPENDIX A AUROBINDO WARNS OF COMMUNIST DESIGN AGAINST THE WORLD PONDICHERRY, August 17— Sri Aurobindo, approached for a message on the occassion of his 79th birthday, said today : "For the moment the world ...
APPENDIX A AUROBINDO WARNS OF COMMUNIST DESIGN AGAINST THE WORLD PONDICHERRY, August 17— Sri Aurobindo, approached for a message on the occassion of his 79th birthday, said today : "For the moment the world ...
Prabuddha bharata Advaita Ashrama - 1953
Hence in spite of Sri Aurobindo's warning that nobody could write about his life because it has not been on the surface for man to see, there is justification for a detailed biography of Sri Aurobindo. Sri UC Bhattacharya has, ...
Hence in spite of Sri Aurobindo's warning that nobody could write about his life because it has not been on the surface for man to see, there is justification for a detailed biography of Sri Aurobindo. Sri UC Bhattacharya has, ...
The Modern schoolman St. Louis University . College of Philosophy ... - 1952
Aurobindo warns us, however, that, although the supreme reality is the triune principle of sachchidananda, this trinitarian self- expression does not imply any distinction or division in the absolute. In The Life Divine
he clearly ...
Aurobindo warns us, however, that, although the supreme reality is the triune principle of sachchidananda, this trinitarian self- expression does not imply any distinction or division in the absolute. In The Life Divine
The Sewanee review University of the South - 1951
To be a true mystic it is not enough, Sri Aurobindo warns, to reject reason and rely on sources of thought or action of which one has no understanding. How, then, are we to discriminate between true intuition and false, the downpouring ...
To be a true mystic it is not enough, Sri Aurobindo warns, to reject reason and rely on sources of thought or action of which one has no understanding. How, then, are we to discriminate between true intuition and false, the downpouring ...
Annual Sri Aurobindo mandir, Calcutta - 1942
Such an experience, far from being a communication from a higher region, may even be one from a lower plane, and Sri Aurobindo warns us particularly against such spurious intuitions. (Vide The Life Divine
, Vol. II, Part II, p. 998). ...
Such an experience, far from being a communication from a higher region, may even be one from a lower plane, and Sri Aurobindo warns us particularly against such spurious intuitions. (Vide The Life Divine
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