Editorial 30 Jun 2010 by Sri Aurobindo Society, Singapore
The Mother has also cautioned that each individual should find that mantra which works best on him or her. Sri Aurobindo, as a spiritual master and guru, refrained from handing out mantras to his followers. He considered the name of The ... Sri Aurobindo had to caution his reluctant disciples that his work ... 10 Jun 2009 by Tusar N Mohapatra
Sri Aurobindo also had to caution his reluctant disciples that his work could not be understood apart from the Mother, and that they were even "one consciousness in two bodies," so to speak. In any event, whatever else you think about ... Positive and Negative Affirmations of the Absolute 6 Jun 2010 by sriaurobindostudies
Sri Aurobindo cautions us that “Our mistake is that in trying to define the indefinable we think we have succeeded when we have described by an all-exclusive negation this Absolute which we are yet compelled to conceive ... Response to Debashish Banerji's Interview -- by Raman Reddy 21 Feb 2010 by Raman Reddy
Some people were in the habit of putting flowers in front of one such public photograph of Sri Aurobindo, but Sri Aurobindo cautioned his disciples in letters against this, saying he did not want any public display of this kind. ... sri aurobindo 6 20 Dec 2007
the mother has many times cautioned us against all these. these clarifications are added here, in order to ensure that those who read about sri aurobindo in my blog or anywhere else are not misled by the words for their various meanings ... barin.zaadz.com/blog - References
Editorial 30 Jun 2010 by Sri Aurobindo Society, Singapore
The Mother has also cautioned that each individual should find that mantra which works best on him or her. Sri Aurobindo, as a spiritual master and guru, refrained from handing out mantras to his followers. He considered the name of The ...
The Mother has also cautioned that each individual should find that mantra which works best on him or her. Sri Aurobindo, as a spiritual master and guru, refrained from handing out mantras to his followers. He considered the name of The ...
Sri Aurobindo had to caution his reluctant disciples that his work ... 10 Jun 2009 by Tusar N Mohapatra
Sri Aurobindo also had to caution his reluctant disciples that his work could not be understood apart from the Mother, and that they were even "one consciousness in two bodies," so to speak. In any event, whatever else you think about ...
Sri Aurobindo also had to caution his reluctant disciples that his work could not be understood apart from the Mother, and that they were even "one consciousness in two bodies," so to speak. In any event, whatever else you think about ...
Positive and Negative Affirmations of the Absolute 6 Jun 2010 by sriaurobindostudies
Sri Aurobindo cautions us that “Our mistake is that in trying to define the indefinable we think we have succeeded when we have described by an all-exclusive negation this Absolute which we are yet compelled to conceive ...
Sri Aurobindo cautions us that “Our mistake is that in trying to define the indefinable we think we have succeeded when we have described by an all-exclusive negation this Absolute which we are yet compelled to conceive ...
Response to Debashish Banerji's Interview -- by Raman Reddy 21 Feb 2010 by Raman Reddy
Some people were in the habit of putting flowers in front of one such public photograph of Sri Aurobindo, but Sri Aurobindo cautioned his disciples in letters against this, saying he did not want any public display of this kind. ...
Some people were in the habit of putting flowers in front of one such public photograph of Sri Aurobindo, but Sri Aurobindo cautioned his disciples in letters against this, saying he did not want any public display of this kind. ...
sri aurobindo 6 20 Dec 2007
the mother has many times cautioned us against all these. these clarifications are added here, in order to ensure that those who read about sri aurobindo in my blog or anywhere else are not misled by the words for their various meanings ... barin.zaadz.com/blog - References
the mother has many times cautioned us against all these. these clarifications are added here, in order to ensure that those who read about sri aurobindo in my blog or anywhere else are not misled by the words for their various meanings ... barin.zaadz.com/blog - References
Jouissance as Ananda: Indian Philosophy, Feminist Theory, and ... - Page 131 Ashmita Khasnabish - 2006 - 239 pages
Sri Aurobindo cautions that what is considered modern poetry is sometimes far removed from the spiritual essence to which he alludes. Modern poetry sometimes becomes too embroiled with what Sri Aurobindo calls vital emotion — with the ...
Sri Aurobindo cautions that what is considered modern poetry is sometimes far removed from the spiritual essence to which he alludes. Modern poetry sometimes becomes too embroiled with what Sri Aurobindo calls vital emotion — with the ...
Four Faces of the Universe: An Integrated View of the Cosmos - Page 42 Robert Kleinman - 2006 - 334 pages
One also begins to feel the cumulative shock of the world's experiences, which can be overwhelming when it first appears. As Sri Aurobindo cautions: The thing one has to be on guard against in the cosmic consciousness is the play of ...
One also begins to feel the cumulative shock of the world's experiences, which can be overwhelming when it first appears. As Sri Aurobindo cautions: The thing one has to be on guard against in the cosmic consciousness is the play of ...
Movements with the cosmic dancer: on pilgrimage to Mount Kailash ... Lakshmi Bandlamudi - 2006 - 219 pages
Nietzsche describes as the consciousness of a lion that establishes its supremacy by terrorizing the world. Sri Aurobindo also cautions against relying solely on one's own efforts, Thus Spoke Zarathustra
, Of Reading and Writing. ...
Nietzsche describes as the consciousness of a lion that establishes its supremacy by terrorizing the world. Sri Aurobindo also cautions against relying solely on one's own efforts, Thus Spoke Zarathustra
India: a global power - Page 357 Nayyar Shamsi - 2004 - 394 pages
Sri Aurobindo cautioned that "if good people keep away from public life, goondas will dominate it." It is, therefore, incumbent on the educated and cultured sections of our society not to keep away from public affairs. ...
Sri Aurobindo cautioned that "if good people keep away from public life, goondas will dominate it." It is, therefore, incumbent on the educated and cultured sections of our society not to keep away from public affairs. ...
Indian poetry in English Birendra Pandey - 2001 - 183 pages
Sri Aurobindo has also cautioned against the efforts to transcend the world. It would be a futile attempt. What man should instead do is to transfigure the world to make it fit for the Descent of the Supramental. ...
Sri Aurobindo has also cautioned against the efforts to transcend the world. It would be a futile attempt. What man should instead do is to transfigure the world to make it fit for the Descent of the Supramental. ...
The essential Aurobindo - Page 32 Aurobindo Ghose, Robert A. McDermott - 2001 - 288 pages
In l934, decades before there was any serious interest in his teachings outside of India, Sri Aurobindo cautioned: A movement in the case of a work like mine means the founding of a school or a sect or some other damned nonsense . ...
In l934, decades before there was any serious interest in his teachings outside of India, Sri Aurobindo cautioned: A movement in the case of a work like mine means the founding of a school or a sect or some other damned nonsense . ...
Integral health: a consciousness approach to health & healing, Soumitra Basu
, Sri Aurobindo International ... - 2000 - 147 pages
Sri Aurobindo cautions that the word 'culture' is "...still a little equivocal and capable of a wider or a narrower sense according to our ideas and predilections." He arranges the different strata of the mind as: 124 1. the lower...
Sri Aurobindo cautions that the word 'culture' is "...still a little equivocal and capable of a wider or a narrower sense according to our ideas and predilections." He arranges the different strata of the mind as: 124 1. the lower...
Journal of global religious vision 1999
In his work "Shamans, Mystics and Doctors
" (1982), Sudhir Kakar had referred to this same passage of Sri Aurobindo and had cautioned Sri Aurobindo that being a Yogi, he should not display anger and a "certain peevishness" towards ...
In his work "Shamans, Mystics and Doctors
Sri Aurobindo circle Aurobindo Ghose - 1998
Sri Aurobindo cautions us that although ethics in human affairs is sought primarily through mental control, it is bound to be unreliable and inconsistent because mind itself is a limited error-prone agent. In so many ways, ...
Sri Aurobindo cautions us that although ethics in human affairs is sought primarily through mental control, it is bound to be unreliable and inconsistent because mind itself is a limited error-prone agent. In so many ways, ...
Sociology, ideology, and utopia: socio-political philosophy of ... - Page 37 Debi Prasad Chattopadhyaya - 1997 - 236 pages
India should follow its own path of spiritual expansion and comprehension, reconciling the ideas of the individual rights with the requirements of collective existence. To follow the path of reconciliation, Sri Aurobindo cautions, ...
India should follow its own path of spiritual expansion and comprehension, reconciling the ideas of the individual rights with the requirements of collective existence. To follow the path of reconciliation, Sri Aurobindo cautions, ...
Beyond man: life and work of Sri Aurobindo and the Mother Georges van Vrekhem - 1997 - 544 pages
... influence acting through Hitler is being cast on the Ashram too, it is dangerous,' Sri Aurobindo cautioned. 'The Asura is more concerned with us than with anything else. He is inventing new situations so that we may fall into ...
... influence acting through Hitler is being cast on the Ashram too, it is dangerous,' Sri Aurobindo cautioned. 'The Asura is more concerned with us than with anything else. He is inventing new situations so that we may fall into ...
Mother India: monthly review of culture Sri Aurobindo Ashram - 1997
Sri Aurobindo cautions: "Not what a man learns, but what he observes for himself in life and literature is the formative agency in his existence, and the actual shape it will take is much determined by the sort of social air he happens ...
Sri Aurobindo cautions: "Not what a man learns, but what he observes for himself in life and literature is the formative agency in his existence, and the actual shape it will take is much determined by the sort of social air he happens ...
On the Mother: the chronicle of a manifestation and ministry K. R. Srinivasa Iyengar, Sri Aurobindo ... - 1994 - 924 pages
After calmly reviewing the situation, Sri Aurobindo cautioned the revolutionaries through Motilal Roy and as good as advised them to suspend such ('Tantric') activities. On5 May 1914 he wrote: "Tantra for us is discontinued until ...
After calmly reviewing the situation, Sri Aurobindo cautioned the revolutionaries through Motilal Roy and as good as advised them to suspend such ('Tantric') activities. On
Annual 1992
Nothing short of a spiritual transformation can pave the way for a future sublime, the age-old dream of man. But to anticipate that through the puny intellectual and scientific means is an exercise in futility. Cautions Sri Aurobindo ...
Nothing short of a spiritual transformation can pave the way for a future sublime, the age-old dream of man. But to anticipate that through the puny intellectual and scientific means is an exercise in futility. Cautions Sri Aurobindo ...
Sri Aurobindo, a brief biography Peter Heehs - 1989 - 172 pages
Sri Aurobindo cautioned beginners against uncritically following guidance that claimed to be intuitive. Instead, he advised them to follow the promptings of their soul. Since the word 'soul' is used rather vaguely in English for a ...
Sri Aurobindo cautioned beginners against uncritically following guidance that claimed to be intuitive. Instead, he advised them to follow the promptings of their soul. Since the word 'soul' is used rather vaguely in English for a ...
Sri Aurobindo and Karl Marx: integral sociology and dialectical ... - Page 185 Debi Prasad Chattopadhyaya - 1988 - 336 pages
Sri Aurobindo cautions us not to be misled by the surface movements of history and consistently maintains that some new forces of the subjective age are silently developing simultaneously with those of the closing rhythms of the human ...
Sri Aurobindo cautions us not to be misled by the surface movements of history and consistently maintains that some new forces of the subjective age are silently developing simultaneously with those of the closing rhythms of the human ...
Selected Doctrines from Indian Philosophy - Page 87 Vetury Ramakrishna Rao - 1987
- 147 pages
Aurobindo cautions that such a change does not involve the whole of mankind; not all men will become supermen. This is quite true: all monkeys did not become men and so all men will not become supermen. What Aurobindo points out is ...
Aurobindo cautions that such a change does not involve the whole of mankind; not all men will become supermen. This is quite true: all monkeys did not become men and so all men will not become supermen. What Aurobindo points out is ...
Mother India: monthly review of cultureSri Aurobindo Ashram - 1987
That is why I told you last week that only Delight, true divine Delight, can win the Victory.1 Of course, there should be no confusion about what this Delight is. That is why, from the very beginning, Sri Aurobindo has cautioned us by ...
That is why I told you last week that only Delight, true divine Delight, can win the Victory.1 Of course, there should be no confusion about what this Delight is. That is why, from the very beginning, Sri Aurobindo has cautioned us by ...
Study of the psychological foundation of the "free progress ... Chandrakant P. Patel - 1986
- 290 pages
So-Called Mischievous Character Is the Product of the Unused Excessive Vital Energy Commenting on this principle Sri Aurobindo cautioned: (Great care will have to be taken that unformed virtues are rot rejected as faults. ...
So-Called Mischievous Character Is the Product of the Unused Excessive Vital Energy Commenting on this principle Sri Aurobindo cautioned: (Great care will have to be taken that unformed virtues are rot rejected as faults. ...
Modern Indian interpreters of the Bhagavadgita - Page 61 Robert Neil Minor - 1986 - 273 pages
Yet, in later letters to his disciples, Aurobindo also cautions restraint in equating his teachings with those of the Gita: "Our yoga is not identical with the yoga of the Gita although it contains all that is essential in the Gita's ...
Yet, in later letters to his disciples, Aurobindo also cautions restraint in equating his teachings with those of the Gita: "Our yoga is not identical with the yoga of the Gita although it contains all that is essential in the Gita's ...
Mother India: monthly review of culture Kaikhushru Dhunjibhoy Sethna, Sri Aurobindo Ashram - 1985
Sri Aurobindo cautions us about this crucial issue : "Unhappy is the man or the nation which, when the divine moment arrives, is found sleeping or unprepared to use it, because the lamp has not been kept trimmed for the welcome and the ...
Sri Aurobindo cautions us about this crucial issue : "Unhappy is the man or the nation which, when the divine moment arrives, is found sleeping or unprepared to use it, because the lamp has not been kept trimmed for the welcome and the ...
Gandhi marg Gandhi Peace Foundation, Gandhi Peace ... - 1984
Sri Aurobindo cautions, has been that "the deeper psychological elements so important in the activities of a mental, emotional, ideative being like man have been very much neglected."22 This intrusion of science has, however, ...
Sri Aurobindo cautions, has been that "the deeper psychological elements so important in the activities of a mental, emotional, ideative being like man have been very much neglected."22 This intrusion of science has, however, ...
Sri Aurobindo's treatment of Hindu myth Jan Feys - 1983 - 59 pages
... lies that must eternally divide East from West.'60 While saying this Sri Aurobindo tacitly sets aside religious myth as unsuitable for his purposes. The second type is exemplified by the Mahabharata. However, Sri Aurobindo cautions ...
... lies that must eternally divide East from West.'60 While saying this Sri Aurobindo tacitly sets aside religious myth as unsuitable for his purposes. The second type is exemplified by the Mahabharata. However, Sri Aurobindo cautions ...
The yoga of self-perfection: based on Sri Aurobindo's Synthesis of ... - Page 204 Madhav Pundalik Pandit - 1983 - 308 pages
So Sri Aurobindo cautions: do not have any premature certitudes, and even if you have, have the faith in the Shakti that what is premature will be removed and what is permanent will take its place. Recognise also that there is always a ...
So Sri Aurobindo cautions: do not have any premature certitudes, and even if you have, have the faith in the Shakti that what is premature will be removed and what is permanent will take its place. Recognise also that there is always a ...
Letters of Sister Nivedita Bimalakumāra Ghosha - 1982
...Calcutta , on Swamiji's birthday. — She Takes a volume to Belur Math and places it in Swamiji's room. — Again cautions Aurobindo about his possible arrest. — Aurobindo secretly goes to Chandernagore, ...
Modern Indian mysticism Kamakhya Prasad Singh Choudhary - 1981
- 302 pages
Here Sri Aurobindo cautions us against one thing. It is sometimes believed that the realisation of the Self leads the individual to think that whereas the Self alone is real the universe is not. This is, in Sri Aurobindo's view, ...
Here Sri Aurobindo cautions us against one thing. It is sometimes believed that the realisation of the Self leads the individual to think that whereas the Self alone is real the universe is not. This is, in Sri Aurobindo's view, ...
Maha yogi Walt Whitman: new light on yoga Odayamadath Kunjappa Nambiar - 1978
- 258 pages
Visions and symbols, as Sri Aurobindo cautions us, have no place in true spiritual experience. At best they represent en route experiences of the soul's journey to its goal. For the true and only vision that can arise in a pure ...
Visions and symbols, as Sri Aurobindo cautions us, have no place in true spiritual experience. At best they represent en route experiences of the soul's journey to its goal. For the true and only vision that can arise in a pure ...
The future of man according to Teilhard de Chardin and Aurobindo Ghose J. Chetany - 1978 - 500 pages
Yet Aurobindo cautions us that "if evolution is an acknowledged idea, rebirth itself is only a supposition."''" It is a hypothesis and is fully consistent with his total cosmic evolution, but it should not be dogmatically absolutized. ...
Yet Aurobindo cautions us that "if evolution is an acknowledged idea, rebirth itself is only a supposition."''" It is a hypothesis and is fully consistent with his total cosmic evolution, but it should not be dogmatically absolutized. ...
Sino-Indian border dispute and its impact on Indo-Pakistan relations Ram Naresh Trivedi - 1977 - 329 pages
Sri Aurobindo had cautioned India as far back as in November 1950, that "the basic significance of Mao's Tibetan adventure is to advance China's frontiers right down to India and stand poised there to strike at the right moment".6 ...
Sri Aurobindo had cautioned India as far back as in November 1950, that "the basic significance of Mao's Tibetan adventure is to advance China's frontiers right down to India and stand poised there to strike at the right moment".6 ...
Sri Aurobindo: a garland of tributes Arabinda Basu - 1973 - 252 pages
This idea, "Sri Aurobindo cautions," is not creative imagination, not something that constructs in the void, but light and power of eternal substance, truth-light full of truth- force ; and it brings out what is latent in being, ...
This idea, "Sri Aurobindo cautions," is not creative imagination, not something that constructs in the void, but light and power of eternal substance, truth-light full of truth- force ; and it brings out what is latent in being, ...
Sri Aurobindo Jesse Roarke - 1973 - 189 pages
Though the Supramental is now established here and working, it is still a long way from the achievement of most aspirants, and Sri Aurobindo cautioned his disciples against speaking too glibly, and making too loose an employment of the ..
Though the Supramental is now established here and working, it is still a long way from the achievement of most aspirants, and Sri Aurobindo cautioned his disciples against speaking too glibly, and making too loose an employment of the ..
Studies in Indo-Anglian literature Krishnanand Joshi, B. Syamala Rao - 1972 - 124 pages
This abundance, cautions Aurobindo, should not be taken for a 'confused splendour of tropical vegetation under heavens of a pure sapphire infinity.' Far from it, there was order everywhere in all directions and the strong ...
This abundance, cautions Aurobindo, should not be taken for a 'confused splendour of tropical vegetation under heavens of a pure sapphire infinity.' Far from it, there was order everywhere in all directions and the strong ...
A big change: talks on the spiritual revolution and the future man K. R. Srinivasa Iyengar - 1970 - 187 pages
Sri Aurobindo has cautioned us against applying practically to oneself what has been written for another: "Each sadhak is a case by himself and one cannot always or often take a mental rule and apply it rigidly to all who are ...
Sri Aurobindo has cautioned us against applying practically to oneself what has been written for another: "Each sadhak is a case by himself and one cannot always or often take a mental rule and apply it rigidly to all who are ...
Educational and philosophic thoughts Kewal Krishan Verma - 1969 - 291 pages
Here Sri Aurobindo-cautions us that we have to turn to the mind and lite energy for a greater perfection of the body. Our physical means, such as perfect health and strength of the body etc are limited and these may collapse by an ... Vision and voices: a study of a few educational concepts and ... Kewal Krishan Verma - 1968 - 291 pages
Here Sri Aurobindo-cautions us that we have to turn to the mind and lite energy for a greater perfection of the body. Our physical means, such as perfect health and strength of the body etc are limited and these may collapse by an ... Vision and voices: a study of a few educational concepts and ... Kewal Krishan Verma - 1968 - 291 pages
Here Sri Aurobindo cautions us that we have to turn to the mind and life — energy for greater perfection of the body. Our physical means such as perfect health and strength of the body etc. are limited, and these may collapse by an ...
Mother India Sri Aurobindo Ashram - 1960
Fortunately, current affairs show a sign of longing to live amicably while still remaining apart. About the division, Sri Aurobindo cautions us: "It is to be hoped that the Congress and the nation will not accept it as for ever settled or as anything more than a temporary expedient." "For if it lasts," Sri Aurobindo warns, ...
Fortunately, current affairs show a sign of longing to live amicably while still remaining apart. About the division, Sri Aurobindo cautions us: "It is to be hoped that the Congress and the nation will not accept it as for ever settled or as anything more than a temporary expedient." "For if it lasts," Sri Aurobindo warns, ...
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