The Hindu : FEATURES - FRIDAY REVIEW : History was made here
When Aurobindo went to Pondicherry , a letter was sent to Mandayam ... Srinivasacharya wrote under the name Sri Sri Acharya. Socialist leanings ...
Mirror of Tomorrow :: An Open Letter to Manoj-baboo from RY Deshpande
Reference: Sri Aurobindo Ashram Trust Letter dated 21 June 2010 ... There have been professional objections to The Lives of Sri Aurobindo
, objections coming ... - Carlson says: “Although Sri Aurobindo, the founder of Integral Yoga formally eschewed couching his yoga in religion nevertheless, religious practices crept ...
The integral advaitism of Sri Aurobindo - Page 129 Ram Shankar Misra, Rāmacandra Miśra - 1998 - 437 pages
Here Sri Aurobindo differs entirely from Kant. According to him Kant is right insofar as he shows the incapacity of the intellect to know the Absolute or things in themselves, but he is perfectly wrong in denying the capacity of ...
Here Sri Aurobindo differs entirely from Kant. According to him Kant is right insofar as he shows the incapacity of the intellect to know the Absolute or things in themselves, but he is perfectly wrong in denying the capacity of ...
SRI AUROBINDO is not a Kantian. Indeed, much of by J King-Farlow - 1965
Sri Aurobindo differs somewhat from Kant in his understanding of what ought to be, and also in his view of how what ought to be would have to be fulfilled. Since his philosophy seems to embrace theories of what Westerners would call ... Pacific philosophy forum University of the Pacific. Pacific Philosophy ... - 1965
Pre of Art in Modern India - Third Text
That is, Aurobindo differs visually from Vivekananda, his guru, whose message he claimed to carry forward. There is something intriguing about this change ...
Anderson, Of Syntheses and Surprises
This is the only significant way in which Aurobindo differs from Arnold —significant in that it allows Aurobindo a properly dialectical movement, ... I propose this as a point of inquiry for the integral studies ...
Is advaita a genuine vedic tradition?
I hope you are aware that Sri Aurobindo differs with Adi Sankara often. I am yet to quote Sri Aurobindo. So in that case, why does Madhva teach Dvaita when ...
What is knowledge? A reflection based on the work of Sri Aurobindo ...
Where Sri Aurobindo differs from the Vedas is that he seems to expand the range over which this process of ascent and integration can be made to work. ...
Wisdom says that Man is an aggregate of ...
This is where Sri Aurobindo differs from all other spiritual teachers. He too regards Moksha as a very important realisation, but he regards it only as a ...
Theory and Practice of Integration in Business Management | MSS ...
Sri Aurobindo differs from the tradition that denies eternity to the Individual and attributes to it universality as well as transcendentality. ...
University Microfilms, Inc., Ann Arbor, Michigan
Aurobindo differs considerably from that of Gandhi who, though consciously working towards goals and ideals (which guided his social thought), concerned ...
Mother India: monthly review of culture Sri Aurobindo Ashram - 2004
The Old Edition and the New How does the new Complete Works of Sri Aurobindo differ from the old C< edition of his writings? Bob explains: "Wherever the Complete Works differs 1 Centenary edition, it is as a result of our checking the ...
The Old Edition and the New How does the new Complete Works of Sri Aurobindo differ from the old C< edition of his writings? Bob explains: "Wherever the Complete Works differs 1 Centenary edition, it is as a result of our checking the ...
The mind of the Guru: conservations with spiritual masters Rajiv Mehrotra - 2003 - 254 pages
Sri Aurobindo also differed here. Gandhi was more involved in the means and Sri Aurobindo was more interested in the ends. For Sri Aurobindo the freedom of the country was the priority ...
Sri Aurobindo also differed here. Gandhi was more involved in the means and Sri Aurobindo was more interested in the ends. For Sri Aurobindo the freedom of the country was the priority ...
Knowledge, consciousness and religious conversion in Lonergan and ... - Page 219 Michael T. McLaughlin - 2003 - 318 pages
assumption is that these formulations, which have a poetic quality, will aid others to have similar experiences for themselves. Sri Aurobindo differs from classical vedanta in that he never attempted to comment on the ... Page 62
assumption is that these formulations, which have a poetic quality, will aid others to have similar experiences for themselves. Sri Aurobindo differs from classical vedanta in that he never attempted to comment on the ... Page 62
We have already intimated that Lonergan and Aurobindo differ radically on the meanings of being, truth, and objectivity. With these great differences, it is not surprising that the understandings of meaning as expression of truth, ...
The perennial quest for a psychology with a soul: an inquiry into ... - Page 46 Joseph Vrinte - 2002 - 568 pages
This is unlike Sankara's view, which regards the Atman or universal Self as identical with Brahman; for Sankara nature is ultimately unreal, an illusory manifestation of Brahman. Sri Aurobindo also differs with Sankara regarding the postulate of Jiva. The Jiva in Sri Aurobindo's Yoga is seen as a portion of the Divine, manifested as the individual self to preside over the individual's evolution without getting ...
This is unlike Sankara's view, which regards the Atman or universal Self as identical with Brahman; for Sankara nature is ultimately unreal, an illusory manifestation of Brahman. Sri Aurobindo also differs with Sankara regarding the postulate of Jiva. The Jiva in Sri Aurobindo's Yoga is seen as a portion of the Divine, manifested as the individual self to preside over the individual's evolution without getting ...
Nature Exposed to Our Method of Questioning - Page 55 Amy Ione - 2002 - 254 pages
Although Sri Aurobindo differed with Radhakrishnan on many particulars in regard to Hindu practice. In The Life Divine
Aurobindo wrote. In India the philosophy of world-negation has been given formulations of supreme power and value by ...
Although Sri Aurobindo differed with Radhakrishnan on many particulars in regard to Hindu practice. In The Life Divine
Dr. Ambedkar and social justice - Page 133 M. G. Chitkara - 2002 - 259 pages
... to its sense and import, but also at the same time saw it in relation to modern knowledge and ideas." Aurobindo differed with those who wanted to call the Indian Reawakening of the 19'h century the Renaissance. Aurobindo had his own vision of the Indian Renaissance which, he thought, had not as yet emerged but the possibility of which came ... Women & social transformation M. G. Chitkara - 2001 - 488 pages Hinduism's human face M. L. Sondhi - 2002 - 322 pages Hinduism with a human face Madhuri Sondhi - 1990 - 199 pages
... to its sense and import, but also at the same time saw it in relation to modern knowledge and ideas." Aurobindo differed with those who wanted to call the Indian Reawakening of the 19'h century the Renaissance. Aurobindo had his own vision of the Indian Renaissance which, he thought, had not as yet emerged but the possibility of which came ... Women & social transformation M. G. Chitkara - 2001 - 488 pages Hinduism's human face M. L. Sondhi - 2002 - 322 pages Hinduism with a human face Madhuri Sondhi - 1990 - 199 pages
Tradition and the rhetoric of right: popular political argument in ... - Page 113 David J. Lorenzo - 1999 - 339 pages
... consciousness in Aurobindo's and Hegel's depiction moves in other-worldly spheres, descending from them to seize humans at critical junctures. Where Aurobindo differed
... consciousness in Aurobindo's and Hegel's depiction moves in other-worldly spheres, descending from them to seize humans at critical junctures. Where Aurobindo differed
The integral advaitism of Sri Aurobindo - Page 202 Rāmacandra Miśra - 1998 - 437 pages
Thus Sri Aurobindo differs from the other idealists who recognise Mind alone as the creator of the world or regard it as the only mediator between the Absolute and the world. Even an infinite Mind which would be free from our ...
Thus Sri Aurobindo differs from the other idealists who recognise Mind alone as the creator of the world or regard it as the only mediator between the Absolute and the world. Even an infinite Mind which would be free from our ...
(ii) Sri Aurobindo's and Hamilton's View of the Unknowable Compared In this respect Sri Aurobindo differs ... Ram Shankar Misra - 1957 - 410 pages
Mountain path Sri Ramanasramam Charities - 1996
A few put useless questions like the following, "Herbert Spencer and SriAurobindo differ on the question whether in evolution some forms or links that are suggested by the principle of uniformity and continuity (natura non facit saltum...
A few put useless questions like the following, "Herbert Spencer and SriAurobindo differ on the question whether in evolution some forms or links that are suggested by the principle of uniformity and continuity (natura non facit saltum...
The Advent Sri Aurobindo Ashram - 1994
Sri Aurobindo differs from both the premise and the conclusion of these modern scholars, their premise that the Veda is a work of primitive men and their conclusion that the teachings of the Upanisads do not represent the ideas of the ...
Sri Aurobindo differs from both the premise and the conclusion of these modern scholars, their premise that the Veda is a work of primitive men and their conclusion that the teachings of the Upanisads do not represent the ideas of the ...
The Advent Sri Aurobindo Ashram - 1992
That is where Sri Aurobindo differs from the Adwaita Vedanta. They say you merge in Brahman but he does not agree. An entity which has come out has been purposefully emanated from the Divine Being and it cannot be cancelled out of ...
That is where Sri Aurobindo differs from the Adwaita Vedanta. They say you merge in Brahman but he does not agree. An entity which has come out has been purposefully emanated from the Divine Being and it cannot be cancelled out of ...
Annual Sri Aurobindo mandir, Calcutta - 1991
Sri Samkara and Sri Aurobindo differ in two most fundamental points — in their doctrines of illusion and ignorance. To Sri Aurobindo world is not an illusion, a phantom — we do not see through phantom walls. It is real, definitely full of ... Annual Sri Aurobindo mandir,Calcutta - 1942
Sri Samkara and Sri Aurobindo differ in two most fundamental points — in their doctrines of illusion and ignorance. To Sri Aurobindo world is not an illusion, a phantom — we do not see through phantom walls. It is real, definitely full of ... Annual Sri Aurobindo mandir,
Sri Aurobindo Ghosh and Bal Gangadhar Tilak: the spirit of freedom Suneera Kapoor - 1991
- 142 pages
... he also expresses significant ideas on external freedom, especially on the political freedom. Both Aurobindo and Tilak regard Karma-Yoga as the message of the Gita. However, Aurobindo differs from Tilak as he discards the ...
... he also expresses significant ideas on external freedom, especially on the political freedom. Both Aurobindo and Tilak regard Karma-Yoga as the message of the Gita. However, Aurobindo differs from Tilak as he discards the ...
However, Aurobindo differs from the materialists as he does not regard matter as the original and ultimate reality. He argues that the philosophies which regard life or matter as the only reality or which give predominance to life ...
Aurobindo also differs from the collectivists, as he does not subordinate the individual to the group. He talks about the harmony between the individual and the group. Aurobindo follows an intermediate course between the two extreme ...
The Political Philosophy of Sri Aurobindo - Page 13 V. P. Varma - 1990 - 494 pages
But Aurobindo differs from Western biology in his great emphasis on the spiritual governance of the processual transformation and on the transmutation of the lower by the higher. Thus his theory is differentiated from the mechanical ...
But Aurobindo differs from Western biology in his great emphasis on the spiritual governance of the processual transformation and on the transmutation of the lower by the higher. Thus his theory is differentiated from the mechanical ...
But Fichte and Aurobindo differ on a very fundamental point. In his Addresses to the German Nation Fichte preached that the state creates the nation and this notion of Fichte had a direct influence on the Fascist political philosophy. ...
... and Aurobindo differ to the extent that while the former considers a common language as an indispensable prerequisite of nationality, the latter does not. Nationalism, from the standpoint of modern sociology and psycho-analysis, ... Sri Aurobindo's integral approach to political thought Shiva Kumar Mital - 1981 - 268 pages
The Plays of Sri Aurobindo, a study S. S. Kulkarni - 1990 - 160 pages
Sri Aurobindo differs from Shakespeare and the Jacobean playwrights only in respect of details. The Prologue, lor example, contains only two supernatural characters. They speak in blank verse and not in other forms of verse. ...
Sri Aurobindo differs from Shakespeare and the Jacobean playwrights only in respect of details. The Prologue, lor example, contains only two supernatural characters. They speak in blank verse and not in other forms of verse. ...
Sri Aurobindo differs from Corneille also in respect of the aptness of the title of the play. Corneille says that he made his drama bear the name of the Parthian princess solely because he was anxious to avoid the name of Cleopatra. ...
Journal of religious studies Punjabi University . Dept. of Religious Studies - 1990
Where Aurobindo differs from his contemporaries he can often be seen to be more, rather than less, Hindu. The tendency to approach Aurobindo as a Hindu profoundly influenced by a Western background rather than growing organically from...
Where Aurobindo differs from his contemporaries he can often be seen to be more, rather than less, Hindu. The tendency to approach Aurobindo as a Hindu profoundly influenced by a Western background rather than growing organically from...
The Advent Sri Aurobindo Ashram - 1989
But Sri Aurobindo differs from Sankara as regards the individuality of man. Here he is nearer to Ramanuja. Even at liberation the gnostic being does not lose his individuality. Sri Aurobindo's difference from both is this: both Sankara ...
But Sri Aurobindo differs from Sankara as regards the individuality of man. Here he is nearer to Ramanuja. Even at liberation the gnostic being does not lose his individuality. Sri Aurobindo's difference from both is this: both Sankara ...
Journal of South Asian literature Michigan State University . Asian Studies Center - 1989
51. 34. Ibid. 35. Aurobindo,"Kena Upanisad
," BCL, Vol. 12, 1969, p. 170. 36. Ibid., pp. 171-2. Here Aurobindo differs with the great grammarian Bhartrhari who maintains that Brahman is ...
51. 34. Ibid. 35. Aurobindo,"Kena Upanisad
World union World Union (Organization) - 1989
Thus the life divine is not only possible but highly probable. lt is inevitable to Sri Aurobindo, who was a yogi and a visionary. lt is here that Sri Aurobindo differs from such Renaissance lndian thinker like Mahatma ...
Thus the life divine is not only possible but highly probable. lt is inevitable to Sri Aurobindo, who was a yogi and a visionary. lt is here that Sri Aurobindo differs from such Renaissance lndian thinker like Mahatma ...
Teilhard and Aurobindo: a study in religious complementarity David M. Brookman - 1988 - 145 pages
Likewise, Aurobindo differs from Hegel inasmuch as the latter held that Mind is the highest reality whereas the former insisted that Mind could not visualize the entire process. Hegel posited the evolution of categories in a logical ...
Likewise, Aurobindo differs from Hegel inasmuch as the latter held that Mind is the highest reality whereas the former insisted that Mind could not visualize the entire process. Hegel posited the evolution of categories in a logical ...
The Yoga of Patanjali and the Integral Yoga of Sri Aurobindo G. M. L. Shrivastava - 1987 - 194 pages
Ultimately Sri Aurobindo's yoga seeks the complete transformation of the present man to a divine man, for which he has given the method of the integral yoga for the integral transformation. The method of Sri Aurobindo differs from the ...
Ultimately Sri Aurobindo's yoga seeks the complete transformation of the present man to a divine man, for which he has given the method of the integral yoga for the integral transformation. The method of Sri Aurobindo differs from the ...
Sri Aurobindo and Vedānta philosophy Sheojee Pandey - 1987 - 150 pages
But here Sri Aurobindo differs a little from Ramanuja, conceiving the view that the world is a real manifestation and expression of the divine, and, unlike Ramanuja, not giving a separate status to the world of its own. ...
But here Sri Aurobindo differs a little from Ramanuja, conceiving the view that the world is a real manifestation and expression of the divine, and, unlike Ramanuja, not giving a separate status to the world of its own. ...
The philosophy of Advaita: a transition from Śaṅkara to Śrī Aurobindo Priti Sinha - 1986 - 435 pages
Here Sri Aurobindo differs from Vedanta and other Yogas. In Advaita Vedanta the fulfilment of the destiny of man consists in the realisation of identity of soul with Brahman; whereas in integral ...
Here Sri Aurobindo differs from Vedanta and other Yogas. In Advaita Vedanta the fulfilment of the destiny of man consists in the realisation of identity of soul with Brahman; whereas in integral ...
The partition of the Punjab, 1849-1947 Prem Vati Ghai - 1986 - 192 pages
... Lajpat Rai, Bipin Chandra Pal and Sri Aurobindo differed from that of the old guard which was designated as moderate and was prompted by the veterans like Dadabhai Naoroji, ...
... Lajpat Rai, Bipin Chandra Pal and Sri Aurobindo differed from that of the old guard which was designated as moderate and was prompted by the veterans like Dadabhai Naoroji, ...
The spirituality of the future: a search apropos of R. C. ... - Page 314 Kaikhushru Dhunjibhoy Sethna - 1981 - 314 pages
... at sea about Cosmic Consciousness, 221; on spirituality in its fullness, 87- 89; on Sri Aurobindo differing from Teilhard, 76; on Sri Aurobindo and religion, 73-74; and Sri Aurobindo's letters, 34; on Supermind and Overmind, 30-31; ...
... at sea about Cosmic Consciousness, 221; on spirituality in its fullness, 87-
Gurudeo Ranade, biography and mysticism S. N. Deshpande - 1981 - 392 pages
... Ranade published his essay on Herakleitos in 1916, Shri Aurobindo differedfrom Prof. Ranade regarding the fact that - Herakleitos was not a mystic. In this context both of them exchanged many letters, and finally Prof. ...
... Ranade published his essay on Herakleitos in 1916, Shri Aurobindo differedfrom Prof. Ranade regarding the fact that - Herakleitos was not a mystic. In this context both of them exchanged many letters, and finally Prof. ...
The future of man according to Teilhard de Chardin and Aurobindo Ghose J. Chetany - 1978 - 500 pages
In drawing such a conclusion Aurobindo differs from the biological evolutionists like Darwin, Spencer, Lamark and so on. They advocated "the progressive adjustment of the individual to his environment, leading ultimately to the ...
In drawing such a conclusion Aurobindo differs from the biological evolutionists like Darwin, Spencer, Lamark and so on. They advocated "the progressive adjustment of the individual to his environment, leading ultimately to the ...
Teilhard and Aurobindo differed in socio-religio-cultural milieu as they were born into two cultural values, religious tenets and social back-grounds (though Aurobindo was also more or less educated in the Western culture and tradition ...
Thus both Julian Huxley and Lecompte du Nouy believe in the psychic priority over the material in the future course of evolution. Here again both Teilhard and Aurobindo differ from their concept though their view appears deceptively similar to our present study. For them evolution was mainly material up to man and it changes its nature only with man. ...
Hence no doubt, Teilhard and Aurobindo also differed between themselves in their view of reality in spite of their general common vision of and agreement on many points. Around the early part of this century, "evolution was equated ...
The Advent Sri Aurobindo Ashram - 1978
It should be easy to see from above where Sri Aurobindo differs from Ramanuja in regard to the concept of Brahman. He, as has been explained before, firmly believes in that aspect of Brahman in ...
It should be easy to see from above where Sri Aurobindo differs from Ramanuja in regard to the concept of Brahman. He, as has been explained before, firmly believes in that aspect of Brahman in ...
Collected works of T. V. Kapali Sastry T. V. Kapali Sastry - 1977
LEAVES FROM A DIARY SRI MAHARSHI'S path and the path of Sri Aurobindo differ in this Way. In the former, apparently, it is you who are to Work out your sadhana. In the latter, you count for little, as it Were; ...
LEAVES FROM A DIARY SRI MAHARSHI'S path and the path of Sri Aurobindo differ in this Way. In the former, apparently, it is you who are to Work out your sadhana. In the latter, you count for little, as it Were; ...
The quest for political and spiritual liberation: a study in the ... June O'Connor - 1977 - 153 pages
... basis of this ideological interpretation of evolution that Aurobindo differs from the Sankhya position. Aurobindo holds that the Sankhya position on unconscious teleology is untenable and claims that there is an intelligent, ...
... basis of this ideological interpretation of evolution that Aurobindo differs from the Sankhya position. Aurobindo holds that the Sankhya position on unconscious teleology is untenable and claims that there is an intelligent, ...
The Advent Sri Aurobindo Ashram - 1977
Sri Aurobindo differs from the traditional view of the west on evolution, that it is merely an upward ascent; if it is merely an ascent it would lead to a lop-sided development leaving the other members to languish or stagnate; ...
Sri Aurobindo differs from the traditional view of the west on evolution, that it is merely an upward ascent; if it is merely an ascent it would lead to a lop-sided development leaving the other members to languish or stagnate; ...
The yogi and the mystic: a study in the spirituality of Sri ... Jan Feys - 1977 - 371 pages
To begin with, we must recall the salient features of Sri Aurobindo's speculative view. This must be done in positive terms. To indicate how Sri Aurobindo differsfrom Teilhard, what the latter accepts which the former does not hold, ...
To begin with, we must recall the salient features of Sri Aurobindo's speculative view. This must be done in positive terms. To indicate how Sri Aurobindo differsfrom Teilhard, what the latter accepts which the former does not hold, ...
Indian philosophical annual University of Madras . Centre of Advanced Study ... - 1976
... in the Indian sense, of the world of Mind- Life-Matter from the Spirit, and the evolution, in the Western sense, of Life, Mind, etc., from Matter, (ii) Sri Aurobindo differs from the Western linear conception of evolution. Adapting the concept of cycles, he conceives of evolution as a spiral. In this spiral progress, there are " climbing ...
... in the Indian sense, of the world of Mind- Life-Matter from the Spirit, and the evolution, in the Western sense, of Life, Mind, etc., from Matter, (ii) Sri Aurobindo differs from the Western linear conception of evolution. Adapting the concept of cycles, he conceives of evolution as a spiral. In this spiral progress, there are " climbing ...
The Hindu personality in education: Tagore, Gandhi, Aurobindo William Cenkner - 1976 - 230 pages ... Aurobindo differed ...
Sri Aurobindo: an interpretation V. C. Joshi, Nehru Memorial Museum and Library - 1973 - 174 pages
But Aurobindo differs from all of them when he says: The Gita starts from this Vedantic synthesis and upon the basis of its essential ideas builds another harmony of the three great means and powers, Love, Knowledge and Works, ...
But Aurobindo differs from all of them when he says: The Gita starts from this Vedantic synthesis and upon the basis of its essential ideas builds another harmony of the three great means and powers, Love, Knowledge and Works, ...
Here Aurobindo differs from others; he has written Essays on the Gita, which work is divided into two parts and contains forty-eight essays. However, in the second part, the last five chapters of the Gita have been treated in as many ...
Contemporary Indian idealism (with special reference to Swami ... Ripusudan Prasad Srivastava - 1973 - 212 pages
Sri Aurobindo differs markedly from the illusionists when he says : "Man is a type among many types . . . one pattern among the multitude of patterns in the manifestation in Matter. He is the most complex that has been created. ...
Sri Aurobindo differs markedly from the illusionists when he says : "Man is a type among many types . . . one pattern among the multitude of patterns in the manifestation in Matter. He is the most complex that has been created. ...
Contemporary relevance of Sri Aurobindo Kishor Gandhi - 1973 - 343 pages
Sri Aurobindo differs from the objectivists and materialists like Marxists who affirm that social existence is based on our natural existence and that it has to be explained in terms of economic necessity (or motivation). ...
Sri Aurobindo differs from the objectivists and materialists like Marxists who affirm that social existence is based on our natural existence and that it has to be explained in terms of economic necessity (or motivation). ...
Social and political orientations of Neo-Vedantism: study of the ... S. L. Malhotra - 1970 - 178 pages
In the sphere of sociology, economics and politics the spiritualized society ofAurobindo differs from the existing society. In its sociology it treats the individual, from the saint to the criminal, "not as units of a social problem to ...
In the sphere of sociology, economics and politics the spiritualized society ofAurobindo differs from the existing society. In its sociology it treats the individual, from the saint to the criminal, "not as units of a social problem to ...
Sri Aurobindo and the theories of evolution: a critical and ... Rama Shanker Srivastava - 1968 - 464 pages
Both admit that the evolution of the cosmos is due to the voluntary and spontaneous expression of the Infinite. But Sri Aurobindo differs from the Advaita-Vedantin when the latter posits the world-process and at the same time denies it in the Absolute. This simultaneous positing and negation of the world-process in the Absolute is the basis of ...
Both admit that the evolution of the cosmos is due to the voluntary and spontaneous expression of the Infinite. But Sri Aurobindo differs from the Advaita-Vedantin when the latter posits the world-process and at the same time denies it in the Absolute. This simultaneous positing and negation of the world-process in the Absolute is the basis of ...
Religion and society Christian Institute for the Study of Religion ... - 1967
Sri Aurobindo also differs from the traditional Indian teaching in maintaining that the Supermind guides the universe towards a telos, the establishment of the kingdom of God on earth. This universe shall not be folded up like a garment ...
Sri Aurobindo also differs from the traditional Indian teaching in maintaining that the Supermind guides the universe towards a telos, the establishment of the kingdom of God on earth. This universe shall not be folded up like a garment ...
A critical study of Aurobindo: with special reference to his ... Laxman Ganpatrao Chincholkar - 1966 - 216 pages
Aurobindo differs from Bergson in that the intuition of Bergson is not similar to, rather is quite different from the intuition of Aurobindo. Though for Bergson reality is given in intuition it is not the spiritual intuition but an ...
Aurobindo differs from Bergson in that the intuition of Bergson is not similar to, rather is quite different from the intuition of Aurobindo. Though for Bergson reality is given in intuition it is not the spiritual intuition but an ...
Life in Sri Aurobindo Ashram Narayan Prasad - 1965 - 319 pages
... the Yoga of Sri Aurobindo differs from the Gita's. Here is Sri Aurobindo's answer : "The Gita's Yoga consists in the offering of one's work as a sacrifice to the Divine, the conquest of desire, egoless and desireless action, ...
... the Yoga of Sri Aurobindo differs from the Gita's. Here is Sri Aurobindo's answer : "The Gita's Yoga consists in the offering of one's work as a sacrifice to the Divine, the conquest of desire, egoless and desireless action, ...
Bharātīya vidyā Bharatiya Vidya Bhavan - 1965
Sri Aurobindo differed radically from Ranade in his approach to social reform and wrote in the Bande Mataram. "Political freedom is the life-breath of a nation; to attempt social reform, educational reform, industrial expansion, ...
Sri Aurobindo differed radically from Ranade in his approach to social reform and wrote in the Bande Mataram. "Political freedom is the life-breath of a nation; to attempt social reform, educational reform, industrial expansion, ...
Bhavan's journal Bharatiya Vidya Bhavan - 1963
And, strangely enough, just where Sri Aurobindo differed basically from Swami Vivekananda, he concurred fully with his Master, Sri Ramakrishna. According to Sri Aurobindo, Sri Ramakrishna foreshadowed and even inaugurated the new era of...
And, strangely enough, just where Sri Aurobindo differed basically from Swami Vivekananda, he concurred fully with his Master, Sri Ramakrishna. According to Sri Aurobindo, Sri Ramakrishna foreshadowed and even inaugurated the new era of...
The integral philosophy of Sri Aurobindo: a commemorative symposium Haridas Chaudhuri, Frederic Spiegelberg - 1960 - 350 pages
... to us still a Supernature. 1 SRI AUROBINDO'S DISSENT FROM THE CYCLIC VIEW OF THE HISTORICAL PROCESS Another important point where Sri Aurobindo differs from Spengler is on the question of the cyclical view of the historical process. ...
... to us still a Supernature. 1 SRI AUROBINDO'S DISSENT FROM THE CYCLIC VIEW OF THE HISTORICAL PROCESS Another important point where Sri Aurobindo differs from Spengler is on the question of the cyclical view of the historical process. ...
Patna University journal 1957
But Novicov and Aurobindo differ to the extent that while the former considers a common language as an indispensable prerequisite of nationality, Aurobindo does not. The increasing appreciation of the role of psychological factors in ...
But Novicov and Aurobindo differ to the extent that while the former considers a common language as an indispensable prerequisite of nationality, Aurobindo does not. The increasing appreciation of the role of psychological factors in ...
The Journal of the Bihar Research Society 1956
Although the principle of integration is very significant in western biology and appears in Spencer along with the principle of differentiation, still Aurobindo differs from western biology in his conception of the spiritual governance ...
Although the principle of integration is very significant in western biology and appears in Spencer along with the principle of differentiation, still Aurobindo differs from western biology in his conception of the spiritual governance ...
Annual Sri Aurobindo mandir, Calcutta - 1942
Sri Aurobindo differs. His yoga is to realise God within us, — God will descend down and revive our faculties with all dynamic ... Sri Aurobindo differs from the Vaishnavas in the doctrine of transformation. According to the Vaishnavas ...
Sri Aurobindo differs. His yoga is to realise God within us, — God will descend down and revive our faculties with all dynamic ... Sri Aurobindo differs from the Vaishnavas in the doctrine of transformation. According to the Vaishnavas ...
Triveni 1929
While commenting, the author explains where Sri Aurobindo differs from Sankara as, for example, the phrase ' Isa ...
While commenting, the author explains where Sri Aurobindo differs from Sankara as, for example, the phrase ' Isa ...
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