The Gita in the Vision and the Words of Sri Aurobindo edited by Galeran d’Esterno
— Compiled from the works of Sri Aurobindo Publisher: Sri Aurobindo Ashram Publication Department, Pondicherry Pages: 339 Price: Rs 240
This book provides a seamless fusion of translation, interpretation, and commentary on the Gita in the words of Sri Aurobindo. Nearly all of the 700 shlokas or verses of the Gita have been translated or freely rendered by Sri Aurobindo, mostly in Essays on the Gita but also in The Life Divine, The Synthesis of Yoga, and in essays and articles published in Essays Divine and Human and Essays in Philosophy and Yoga. The editor, following the order of the Gita’s Sanskrit shlokas, has woven together these various translations and added explanatory passages, an introduction, and a conclusion, all compiled from Essays on the Gita. Western political thought in dialogue with Asia Takashi Shōgimen, Cary J. Nederman - 2009 - 330 pages, Lexington Books
Given the rise of globalization and coinciding increase in cultural clashes among diverse nations, it has become eminently clear to scholars of political thought that there exists a critical gap in the knowledge of non-Western philosophies and how Western thought has been influenced by them. This gap has led to a severely diminished capacity of both state and nonstate actors to communicate effectively on a global scale. The political theorists, area scholars, and intellectual historians gathered here by Takashi Shogimen and Cary J. Nederman examine the exchange of political ideas between Europe and Asia from the Middle Ages to the early twentieth century. Book jacket.
Applied Ethics and Human Rights: Conceptual Analysis and ... - Page 96 Shashi Motilal - 2010 - 372 pages
As Sri Aurobindo puts it, '[...] more deeply it enjoins a spiritual or ethical purity of the mind with action as one ... It admits of 'wise-relativity', as Sri Aurobindo puts it (Sri Aurobindo: 92). There may be crises-situations ...
As Sri Aurobindo puts it, '[...] more deeply it enjoins a spiritual or ethical purity of the mind with action as one ... It admits of 'wise-relativity', as Sri Aurobindo puts it (Sri Aurobindo: 92). There may be crises-situations ...
Postcolonial Philosophy of Religion - Page 65 Purushottama Bilimoria, Andrew B. Irvine - 2009 - 340 pages
... or as Sri Aurobindo puts it “God himself by his Prakriti knows, acts, loves, takes delight through my individuality and its figures and fulfils there in its higher and divine measures the multiple l ...
... or as Sri Aurobindo puts it “God himself by his Prakriti knows, acts, loves, takes delight through my individuality and its figures and fulfils there in its higher and divine measures the multiple l ...
Altered Destinations: Self, Society, and Nation in India - Page 33 Makarand Paranjape - 2009 - 214 pages
(1983, 3). It is only a few days after this initial trial that he hears the voice of God within him. He is urged 'to do the sadhana of the Gita' (4). That is when he realises 'what the Hindu religion meant' (5). As Aurobindo puts it, ...
(1983, 3). It is only a few days after this initial trial that he hears the voice of God within him. He is urged 'to do the sadhana of the Gita' (4). That is when he realises 'what the Hindu religion meant' (5). As Aurobindo puts it, ...
The Symbolism in Rigveda K. R. Paramahamsa - 2008 - 232 pages
eBook Category: Spiritual/Religion/Self Improvement About the eBook SriAurobindo puts the question: 'Is there at all, or is there still the secret of the Veda?' We have in the Rig-veda Samhita, a body of sacrificial hymns couched in a...
eBook Category: Spiritual/Religion/Self Improvement About the eBook SriAurobindo puts the question: 'Is there at all, or is there still the secret of the Veda?' We have in the Rig-veda Samhita, a body of sacrificial hymns couched in a...
Ethics in Ancient India K. R. Paramahamsa - 2008 - 168 pages
Sri Aurobindo puts the question: 'Is there at all, or is there still the secret of the Veda?' We have in the Rig-veda Samhita, a body of sacrificial hymns couched in a very ancient language. The hymns present a number of almost ...
Sri Aurobindo puts the question: 'Is there at all, or is there still the secret of the Veda?' We have in the Rig-veda Samhita, a body of sacrificial hymns couched in a very ancient language. The hymns present a number of almost ...
The perfectibility of human nature in eastern and western thought - Page 146 Harold G. Coward - 2008 - 219 pages
As Aurobindo puts it, “For a real transformation there must be direct and unveiled intervention from above; there would be necessary, too, a total submission and surrender of the lower consciousness.”57 Aurobindo's system of Integral ... Sin and salvation in the world religions: a short introduction Harold Coward, Harold G. Coward - 2003 - 197 pages
As Aurobindo puts it, “For a real transformation there must be direct and unveiled intervention from above; there would be necessary, too, a total submission and surrender of the lower consciousness.”57 Aurobindo's system of Integral ... Sin and salvation in the world religions: a short introduction Harold Coward, Harold G. Coward - 2003 - 197 pages
Mantra : 'Hearing the Divine In India and America - Page 13 Harold G. Coward And David J. Goa - 2008 - 123 pages
Sri Aurobindo puts it even more vividly, "The language of the Veda is itself a sruti, a rhythm not composed by the intellect but heard, a divine Word that came vibrating out of the Infinite to the inner audience of the man who had ... Imagining hinduism: a postcolonial perspective - Page 46 Sharada Sugirtharajah - 2003 - 164 pages As Sri Aurobindo puts it: "The language of the Veda … who had previously made ...
Sri Aurobindo puts it even more vividly, "The language of the Veda is itself a sruti, a rhythm not composed by the intellect but heard, a divine Word that came vibrating out of the Infinite to the inner audience of the man who had ... Imagining hinduism: a postcolonial perspective - Page 46 Sharada Sugirtharajah - 2003 - 164 pages As Sri Aurobindo puts it: "The language of the Veda … who had previously made ...
Understanding thoughts of Sri Aurobindo Indrani Sanyal, Krishna Roy, Jadavpur ... - 2007 - 317 pages
Sri Aurobindo puts a special value on the lyric as it comes closer to the mantra mode of utterance. For him, the lyric is the primary poetical motive and spirit. Ernst Cassirer has argued that lyric poetry is rooted in mythic motives, ...
Sri Aurobindo puts a special value on the lyric as it comes closer to the mantra mode of utterance. For him, the lyric is the primary poetical motive and spirit. Ernst Cassirer has argued that lyric poetry is rooted in mythic motives, ...
Wasan Project: Integral Education for Global Responsibility - Page 79 Breuninger Stiftung - 2007 - 232 pages
I have been exposed to different teachings of spiritual and religious thought and still I ask myself “who am I?” As Sri Aurobindo puts nicely “The self of Man is a thing hidden and occult; it is not his body ...
I have been exposed to different teachings of spiritual and religious thought and still I ask myself “who am I?” As Sri Aurobindo puts nicely “The self of Man is a thing hidden and occult; it is not his body ...
Mother India: monthly review of culture Sri Aurobindo Ashram - 2007
The unique union, as Sri Aurobindo puts it, of sweetness, simple directness and high poetic force in Bande Mataram is difficult to translate with absolute accuracy into English verse from the original Sanskrit interspersed with a few ...
The unique union, as Sri Aurobindo puts it, of sweetness, simple directness and high poetic force in Bande Mataram is difficult to translate with absolute accuracy into English verse from the original Sanskrit interspersed with a few ...
Environment Evolution & Values - Page 311 D.P. Chattopadhyaya - 2007 - 332 pages
Man is perhaps the middle term of this evolutionary process, as Sri Aurobindo puts it. The end of this evolution, if any, is not known. What is being deeply felt is that the problems or issues raised hitherto evolved three worlds, ...
Man is perhaps the middle term of this evolutionary process, as Sri Aurobindo puts it. The end of this evolution, if any, is not known. What is being deeply felt is that the problems or issues raised hitherto evolved three worlds, ...
Practical And Professional Ethics (vol. 2 : Environmental Ethics - Page 98 Debashis Guha - 2007
Sri Aurobindo puts Gita as it is, non-dualistic and non-hierarchical. Equally true is that the Gita is not inert about the cosmic order, its oneness and its protection lest the conception of ...
Sri Aurobindo puts Gita as it is, non-dualistic and non-hierarchical. Equally true is that the Gita is not inert about the cosmic order, its oneness and its protection lest the conception of ...
Tantra: Sex, Secrecy, Politics and Power in the Study of Religion - Page 305 Hugh B. Urban - 2007 - 372 pages
As Aurobindo puts it, "The most vital issue of the age is whether the future progress of humanity is to be governed by the modern economic and materialist mind of the West or by a nobler pragmatism . . . enlightened by spiritual culture ...
As Aurobindo puts it, "The most vital issue of the age is whether the future progress of humanity is to be governed by the modern economic and materialist mind of the West or by a nobler pragmatism . . . enlightened by spiritual culture ...
Letting be: Fred Dallmayr's cosmopolitical vision Stephen Frederick Schneck - 2006 - 382 pages
As Aurobindo puts it, a "want of balance gives rise to one-sided tendencies which are not properly checked, not kept in their due place, and bring about unhealthy exaggerations."48 We need freedom not for one or another of our ...
As Aurobindo puts it, a "want of balance gives rise to one-sided tendencies which are not properly checked, not kept in their due place, and bring about unhealthy exaggerations."48 We need freedom not for one or another of our ...
Pallava rock architecture and sculpture Elisabeth Beck - 2006 - 262 pages
Here, however, it became obvious that men, though immensely attracted by the figure and teaching of the Buddha, had not yet attained the maturity to rise to his spiritual demands. As Sri Aurobindo puts it: "...nothing is more difficult than to bring home the greatness and uplifting power of the spiritual consciousness to the natural man forming the vast majority of the race; for his mind and senses are turned ...
Here, however, it became obvious that men, though immensely attracted by the figure and teaching of the Buddha, had not yet attained the maturity to rise to his spiritual demands. As Sri Aurobindo puts it: "...nothing is more difficult than to bring home the greatness and uplifting power of the spiritual consciousness to the natural man forming the vast majority of the race; for his mind and senses are turned ...
Mother India: monthly review of culture Sri Aurobindo Ashram - 2006
As Sri Aurobindo puts it beautifully in Savitri: The Spirit shall look out through Matter's gaze And Matter shall reveal the Spirit's face.1 Matter's gaze is the gaze of the senses upon its object but it will be the Spirit which will ...
As Sri Aurobindo puts it beautifully in Savitri: The Spirit shall look out through Matter's gaze And Matter shall reveal the Spirit's face.1 Matter's gaze is the gaze of the senses upon its object but it will be the Spirit which will ...
Crystal Yoga I: The Crystal Mesa - Page vi Roger Calverley - 2006 - 412 pages
The greatness above is nothing other than the divine will, or as the Chinese called it, the “mandate of heaven.” Only by becoming a servant and an instrument of this divine direction, a child of the Mother, as Sri Aurobindo puts it, ...
The greatness above is nothing other than the divine will, or as the Chinese called it, the “mandate of heaven.” Only by becoming a servant and an instrument of this divine direction, a child of the Mother, as Sri Aurobindo puts it, ...
Space-Time Continuum - Page 27 K. Pramila Sastry - 2006 - 308 pages
If Nada reveals the synthetic vision of the theosophical mystic in the above words, another mystic poet, Aurobindo puts the same idea of each in all and all in each in a poem significantly entitled "Beyond the Silence": One with the ...
If Nada reveals the synthetic vision of the theosophical mystic in the above words, another mystic poet, Aurobindo puts the same idea of each in all and all in each in a poem significantly entitled "Beyond the Silence": One with the ...
Global Encyclopaedia of the Theoretical Psychology (4 Vols. Set) - Page 1336 Ed. By M.A. Beg & S. Gupta Beg, Ed. by M.A ... - 2006 - 1382 pages
In his interpretation of the Isha Upanishad Aurobindo puts forth this point and explicitly states that "Even oneness is a representation and exists in relation to multiplicity" (ibid. 37). We learn from the Upanishads that cosmic powers ...
In his interpretation of the Isha Upanishad Aurobindo puts forth this point and explicitly states that "Even oneness is a representation and exists in relation to multiplicity" (ibid. 37). We learn from the Upanishads that cosmic powers ...
At home in the world Saccidānandan, Indian Council for Cultural ... - 2005 - 346 pages
One of the great thinkers of our time, Sri Aurobindo, puts it like this: Since time immemorial, all human activities, if we survey them, can be grouped under five quests; quest for God (I don't mean that God has to be defined by us), ...
One of the great thinkers of our time, Sri Aurobindo, puts it like this: Since time immemorial, all human activities, if we survey them, can be grouped under five quests; quest for God (I don't mean that God has to be defined by us), ...
Sanskrit and the evolution of human speech: based on Sri ... Sampadananda Mishra - 2005 - 171 pages
... They are inspired words; words of power and light and illumination.7 A mantra, as Sri Aurobindo puts it, "is a power and light that comes from the overmind inspiration or from some very high plane of intuition. ...
... They are inspired words; words of power and light and illumination.7 A mantra, as Sri Aurobindo puts it, "is a power and light that comes from the overmind inspiration or from some very high plane of intuition. ...
Śaṅkara-bhāratī Ādi Śaṅkara Advaita Research Centre (Madras ... - 2005
The Glta suggests that moral actions be performed with utmost selflessness and be surrendered to God who is the true agent of actions.17 Sri Aurobindo puts it as follows: To work impersonally, ...
The Glta suggests that moral actions be performed with utmost selflessness and be surrendered to God who is the true agent of actions.17 Sri Aurobindo puts it as follows: To work impersonally, ...
Bulletin of the Ramakrishna Mission Institute of Culture 2004
... from the pure spiritual level, or involution of spirit as Sri Aurobindo puts it, to the gross level of insentient matter. The pure Spirit or consciousness then 'forgets',... The Advent Sri Aurobindo Ashram – 2004 ... is the sense Sri Aurobindo puts into the words of the Kena Upanishad (4-6), ...
... from the pure spiritual level, or involution of spirit as Sri Aurobindo puts it, to the gross level of insentient matter. The pure Spirit or consciousness then 'forgets',... The Advent Sri Aurobindo Ashram – 2004 ... is the sense Sri Aurobindo puts into the words of the Kena Upanishad (4-6), ...
Mother India: monthly review of culture Sri Aurobindo Ashram - 2004
... the statement I have quoted from The Life Divine, Sri Aurobindo puts it, as always in his wonderful global sentences, with every aspect of the question included. As he says there, "Man himself may well be a thinking and living ...
Human values in management - Page 79 Ananda Das Gupta - 2004 - 291 pages
As Sri Aurobindo puts it:1 'Tamas is inertia of nescience and inertia of inaction, a double negative'. This guna theory is the result of long experiment and sustained experience of the ancient seer-psychologists ofIndia . ...
... the statement I have quoted from The Life Divine, Sri Aurobindo puts it, as always in his wonderful global sentences, with every aspect of the question included. As he says there, "Man himself may well be a thinking and living ...
Human values in management - Page 79 Ananda Das Gupta - 2004 - 291 pages
As Sri Aurobindo puts it:1 'Tamas is inertia of nescience and inertia of inaction, a double negative'. This guna theory is the result of long experiment and sustained experience of the ancient seer-psychologists of
Sociology of Education - Page 5 S.S. Chandra, S.S. Chandra & Rajendra Kumar Sharma - 2004 - 318 pages
As Sri Aurobindo puts it, "If seeking is for a total perfection of the being, the physical part of it cannot be left aside, for the body is the material basis, the body is the instrument which we have to use."21 Similar quotations may ... Principles Of Education - Page 5
As Sri Aurobindo puts it, "If seeking is for a total perfection of the being, the physical part of it cannot be left aside, for the body is the material basis, the body is the instrument which we have to use."21 Similar quotations may ... Principles Of Education - Page 5
Brahmo Samaj and Indian Civilization - Page 71 R.K. Pruthi - 2004 - 224 pages
He was not only a 'prophet'9 of Indian cultural renaissance, but also, as Sri Aurobindo puts it, 'a seer and a nation-builder' and one of the 'Makers of Modern India'10. It is well-known how greatly stimulating has been the influence ...
He was not only a 'prophet'9 of Indian cultural renaissance, but also, as Sri Aurobindo puts it, 'a seer and a nation-builder' and one of the 'Makers of Modern India'10. It is well-known how greatly stimulating has been the influence ...
In search of our nationalist roots for a philosophy of education: ... Ramakrishna Mission. Institute of Culture - 2004 - 234 pages
With the divine body and the divine mind let us touch this earth, the mother earth, as Sri Aurobindo puts it — 'The touch of Mother Earth is always invigorating to Her sons.' Let us be the true sons of the soil, our great Mother India. ...
With the divine body and the divine mind let us touch this earth, the mother earth, as Sri Aurobindo puts it — 'The touch of Mother Earth is always invigorating to Her sons.' Let us be the true sons of the soil, our great Mother India. ...
Poetic plays of Sri Aurobindo - Page xxii Bimal Narayan Thakur - 2004 - 199 pages
... but unintelligible dooms O'er take us and the travesty of things, It is better not to hope too much.1 Sri Aurobindo puts his thought most reasonably in the dialogues but does not temper with the individuality of the characters. ...
... but unintelligible dooms O'er take us and the travesty of things, It is better not to hope too much.1 Sri Aurobindo puts his thought most reasonably in the dialogues but does not temper with the individuality of the characters. ...
Imagining hinduism: a postcolonial perspective - Page 46 Sharada Sugirtharajah - 2003 - 164 pages
As Sri Aurobindo puts it: "The language of the Veda is itself a sruti, a rhythm not composed by the intellect but heard, a divine Word that came vibrating out of the Infinite to the inner audience of the man who had previously made ...
As Sri Aurobindo puts it: "The language of the Veda is itself a sruti, a rhythm not composed by the intellect but heard, a divine Word that came vibrating out of the Infinite to the inner audience of the man who had previously made ...
Hindutva: exploring the idea of Hindu nationalism Jyotirmaya Sharma - 2003 - 205 pages
In a dramatic statement, Aurobindo puts forth the central proposition of Aryan thought: Narayana is everywhere, so whom shall I hate or whom shall I despise?24 Western philology had converted the word 'Arya' into a racial and ...
In a dramatic statement, Aurobindo puts forth the central proposition of Aryan thought: Narayana is everywhere, so whom shall I hate or whom shall I despise?24 Western philology had converted the word 'Arya' into a racial and ...
Knowledge, consciousness and religious conversion in Lonergan and ... - Page 181 Michael T. McLaughlin - 2003 - 318 pages
There then follows a very dense passage in which Aurobindo puts any understanding of causality into a shadow. We are not in the world of the physicist with carefully controlled experiments on isolated objects but in the world of the ...
There then follows a very dense passage in which Aurobindo puts any understanding of causality into a shadow. We are not in the world of the physicist with carefully controlled experiments on isolated objects but in the world of the ...
World philosophies: an historical introduction - Page 384 David Edward Cooper - 2003 - 571 pages
Mind and spirit must, as Aurobindo puts it, be things which 'universal nature has hidden in herself before their manifest emergence (155). Finally, it would be 'presumptuous' to think that evolution ends with the emergence of human ...
Mind and spirit must, as Aurobindo puts it, be things which 'universal nature has hidden in herself before their manifest emergence (155). Finally, it would be 'presumptuous' to think that evolution ends with the emergence of human ...
Essays on Indian renaissance - Page 61 Raj Kumar - 2003 - 326 pages
He was not only a 'propnet'9 of Indian cultural renaissance, but also, as Sri Aurobindo puts it, 'a seer and a nation-builder' and one of the 'Makers of Modern India.'10 It is well known how greatly stimulating has been the influence ...
He was not only a 'propnet'9 of Indian cultural renaissance, but also, as Sri Aurobindo puts it, 'a seer and a nation-builder' and one of the 'Makers of Modern India.'10 It is well known how greatly stimulating has been the influence ...
Trends In Contemporary Indian Philosophy Of Education A Critical ... - Page 66 G.R. Sharma - 2003
As Sri Aurobindo puts it, "If our seeking is for a total perfection of the being, the physical part of it cannot be left aside ; for the body is the material basis, the body is the instrument which we have to use. ...
As Sri Aurobindo puts it, "If our seeking is for a total perfection of the being, the physical part of it cannot be left aside ; for the body is the material basis, the body is the instrument which we have to use. ...
Bulletin of the Ramakrishna Mission Institute of Culture Ramakrishna Mission. Institute of Culture - 2003
It is, as Sri Aurobindo puts it, the 'self-fulfilment of the Purusha' through 'his energy'. But the movement of Nature is two-fold: higher and lower, or divine and undivine. The distinction exists for practical purposes only; ...
It is, as Sri Aurobindo puts it, the 'self-fulfilment of the Purusha' through 'his energy'. But the movement of Nature is two-fold: higher and lower, or divine and undivine. The distinction exists for practical purposes only; ...
Meeting the mental health needs of developing countries: NGO ... - Page 216 Vikram Patel, R. Thara - 2003 - 402 pages
As Sri Aurobindo puts it psychoanalysis is still in its infancy; inconsiderate, awkward and rudimentary. The clinical case studies describing experiences very alien to the Indian context, that lack conviction. ...
As Sri Aurobindo puts it psychoanalysis is still in its infancy; inconsiderate, awkward and rudimentary. The clinical case studies describing experiences very alien to the Indian context, that lack conviction. ...
Knowledge Management: Enabling Business Natarajan - 2002
In the words of the Mother, "Sri Aurobindo puts reason at the summit of man's mental activity: he tells us that in the development of the mind, reason is the surest guide, the master, so to speak and the arbiter of man's mental activity ...
In the words of the Mother, "Sri Aurobindo puts reason at the summit of man's mental activity: he tells us that in the development of the mind, reason is the surest guide, the master, so to speak and the arbiter of man's mental activity ...
Mother of all beings Aju Mukhopadhyay - 2002 - 180 pages
enthusiasm and energy and as they climb, each one's attitude changes according to respective capacities to soar high. Of course each one of them has his own justification and logic which is, as Sri Aurobindo puts it - "Logic claims and ...
enthusiasm and energy and as they climb, each one's attitude changes according to respective capacities to soar high. Of course each one of them has his own justification and logic which is, as Sri Aurobindo puts it - "Logic claims and ...
Philosophical foundations of Hinduism: the Vedas, the Upanishads, ... Dr. R. S. Misra - 2002 - 637 pages
It is by following this procedure that human reason can theoretically rise above its finite limitations and make itself transparent to Revelation (sruti) in letter and spirit. In metaphysical thought, as Sri Aurobindo puts it: ... The philosophical foundations of Hinduism Aryasamayajula Ramamurty - 2000 - 216 pages
Man experiences within himself tension and conflict between the two dispositions, or he is torn, as it were, between his two dispositions not knowing what is his true nature. As Sri Aurobindo puts it, man is abnormal when compared to ...
It is by following this procedure that human reason can theoretically rise above its finite limitations and make itself transparent to Revelation (sruti) in letter and spirit. In metaphysical thought, as Sri Aurobindo puts it: ... The philosophical foundations of Hinduism Aryasamayajula Ramamurty - 2000 - 216 pages
Man experiences within himself tension and conflict between the two dispositions, or he is torn, as it were, between his two dispositions not knowing what is his true nature. As Sri Aurobindo puts it, man is abnormal when compared to ...
Political order, the Vedic perspective Ramashray Roy - 2002 - 345 pages
... the Vedic literature nothing more than containing clues to the growth of religion. As Sri Aurobindo puts it, "Sayan is obsessed always by the ritualistic formula and seeks continually to force the sense of the Veda into that narrow mould." Even as penetrating and insightful student of the Veda as Sri Aurobindo ...
... the Vedic literature nothing more than containing clues to the growth of religion. As Sri Aurobindo puts it, "Sayan is obsessed always by the ritualistic formula and seeks continually to force the sense of the Veda into that narrow mould." Even as penetrating and insightful student of the Veda as Sri Aurobindo ...
Neoplatonism and Indian philosophy - Page 186 Paulos Gregorios, International Society for ... - 2002 - 275 pages
Hence, the originative principle (Form, Logos, contemplation) is for all things the goal, which is to say that the whole life of the universe is philosophy, or, as Sri Aurobindo puts it, "All life is yoga. ...
Hence, the originative principle (Form, Logos, contemplation) is for all things the goal, which is to say that the whole life of the universe is philosophy, or, as Sri Aurobindo puts it, "All life is yoga. ...
Legendary Biju: the man and mission K. P. Mohanty - 2002 - 262 pages
As Sri Aurobindo puts it, "action is thought manifested". There can be no action without thought and no success without a dream.31 In his speech "Orissa of my dreams on first Binod Kanungo Memorial Lecture delivered on 27.01.1992 at ...
As Sri Aurobindo puts it, "action is thought manifested". There can be no action without thought and no success without a dream.31 In his speech "Orissa of my dreams on first Binod Kanungo Memorial Lecture delivered on 27.01.1992 at ...
The perennial quest for a psychology with a soul: an inquiry into ... - Page 469 Joseph Vrinte - 2002 - 568 pages
As Sri Aurobindo puts it, "the instability in psychology passes from one theory to another before the first is well-founded; indeed several conflicting theories hold the field together. .No firm metaphysical building can be erected upon ...
As Sri Aurobindo puts it, "the instability in psychology passes from one theory to another before the first is well-founded; indeed several conflicting theories hold the field together. .No firm metaphysical building can be erected upon ...
The essential Aurobindo - Page 273 Aurobindo Ghose, Robert A. McDermott - 2001 - 288 pages
... divine energy, which Aurobindo puts at the center of his vision and yoga teaching. Further, Aurobindo's account of the characteristics and possible effects of the supramental descent seem to suggest spiritual experiences and ...
... divine energy, which Aurobindo puts at the center of his vision and yoga teaching. Further, Aurobindo's account of the characteristics and possible effects of the supramental descent seem to suggest spiritual experiences and ...
Architecture + design 2001
Raza in an interview said: "Colour is my god," because a writer had said : "Word is my god." I say : "Matter/ consciousness is my god." Through a claustra, I try, as Sri Aurobindo puts it, "to prevent a symbol becoming a mere dead shape ...
Raza in an interview said: "Colour is my god," because a writer had said : "Word is my god." I say : "Matter/ consciousness is my god." Through a claustra, I try, as Sri Aurobindo puts it, "to prevent a symbol becoming a mere dead shape ...
Sri Aurobindo Ghose: the dweller in the lands of silence William Kluback, Michael Finkenthal - 2001 - 167 pages
Sri Aurobindo puts before us the way of the spirit, the belief in an unfinished universe, in a moral and rational evolution of humankind. He gives us as options those which accompany the unknown qualities of faith. ...
Sri Aurobindo puts before us the way of the spirit, the belief in an unfinished universe, in a moral and rational evolution of humankind. He gives us as options those which accompany the unknown qualities of faith. ...
Overman: the intermediary between the human and the supramental being Georges van Vrekhem - 2001
- 189 pages
On the contrary, Sri Aurobindo puts it like this: "Consciousness, as we descend the scale, becomes more and more diminished and diluted, — dense indeed by its coarser crudity, but while that crudity of consistence compacts the stuff of ...
As I see it--: the Karan Singh reader 2001 - 275 pages
Does the supramental power, does the greater consciousness that is seeking to descend or to emerge not need active co-operation from us? I think it does, and I make bold to say that, as Sri Aurobindo puts it, without an aspiration from ...
Does the supramental power, does the greater consciousness that is seeking to descend or to emerge not need active co-operation from us? I think it does, and I make bold to say that, as Sri Aurobindo puts it, without an aspiration from ...
The quarterly journal of the Mythic society (Bangalore). Mythic Society (Bangalore , India ) - 2001
As Sri Aurobindo puts it, he divined the political need of the nation and had a positive vision of what was needed for the salvation of the country.' Hence his literary works full of pugnacious heroes sworn to protect the motherland ...
As Sri Aurobindo puts it, he divined the political need of the nation and had a positive vision of what was needed for the salvation of the country.' Hence his literary works full of pugnacious heroes sworn to protect the motherland ...
Vedic symbolism Satya Prakash Singh - 2001 - 614 pages
As against it, the fact is that Indra, for instance, continues to repeat the same feat again and again and constantly remains "the seeker of cows" and "restorer of the stolen wealth," as Sri Aurobindo puts it.2 Moreover, had the legend ...
As against it, the fact is that Indra, for instance, continues to repeat the same feat again and again and constantly remains "the seeker of cows" and "restorer of the stolen wealth," as Sri Aurobindo puts it.2 Moreover, had the legend ...
Sri Aurobindo, thinker and the yogi of the future M. G. Umar - 2001 - 284 pages
He realises that he is not the real worker, but is only an instrument in the hands of the Lord, who does all works with His Divine Force through universal Nature. Sri Aurobindo puts it more concretely, I am not a Bhakta, ...
He realises that he is not the real worker, but is only an instrument in the hands of the Lord, who does all works with His Divine Force through universal Nature. Sri Aurobindo puts it more concretely, I am not a Bhakta, ...
Indian ode to the West wind: studies in literary encounters Sisir Kumar Das - 2001 - 248 pages
As poetic creations, these epics are great and profound by any standard; the poets, as Sri Aurobindo puts it, "wrote with a sense of their function as architects and sculptors of life, creative exponents, fashioners of significant forms ...
As poetic creations, these epics are great and profound by any standard; the poets, as Sri Aurobindo puts it, "wrote with a sense of their function as architects and sculptors of life, creative exponents, fashioners of significant forms ...
Post-colonial transformation - Page 23 Bill Ashcroft - 2001 - 249 pages
As Sri Aurobindo puts it, 'we must hold the past sacred, but the future even more so' (cited in Verhelst 1987: 62). There is perhaps no more striking demonstration of the link between resistance and transformation than the culture which ...
As Sri Aurobindo puts it, 'we must hold the past sacred, but the future even more so' (cited in Verhelst 1987: 62). There is perhaps no more striking demonstration of the link between resistance and transformation than the culture which ...
Despair and modernity: reflections from modern Indian painting - Page 39 Harsha V. Dehejia, Prem Shankar Jha, Ranjit ... - 2000 - 123 pages
... was the philosophic system of Yoga which emphasised knowledge through works. As Sri Aurobindo puts it so succinctly 'The difficulty which Arjuna feels in understanding any possible synthesis of these oppositions is an indication of the hard line that was driven in between these two systems in the normal ideas of ...
... was the philosophic system of Yoga which emphasised knowledge through works. As Sri Aurobindo puts it so succinctly 'The difficulty which Arjuna feels in understanding any possible synthesis of these oppositions is an indication of the hard line that was driven in between these two systems in the normal ideas of ...
Principia practica: the logic of practice Arnold A. Johanson - 2000 - 333 pages
For my part, I think "true religion" lies not in the major concerns of theologians but with mysticism, social "justice," and, as Aurobindo puts it, "the growth of the soul." 6 Epilogue In this work, I have not in general striven for ...
For my part, I think "true religion" lies not in the major concerns of theologians but with mysticism, social "justice," and, as Aurobindo puts it, "the growth of the soul." 6 Epilogue In this work, I have not in general striven for ...
Education, life & yoga: a concise encyclopedia of the mother's ... Mother, Sita Ram Jayaswal, Phoebe Garfield ... - 2000 - 851 pages
Sri Aurobindo puts reason at the summit of man's mental activity; he tells us that in the development of the mind, reason is the surest guide, the master, so to speak, who prevents you from deviating from the path or taking the wrong ...
Sri Aurobindo puts reason at the summit of man's mental activity; he tells us that in the development of the mind, reason is the surest guide, the master, so to speak, who prevents you from deviating from the path or taking the wrong ...
Creative stillness: Indian perspectives on art & beauty Vishwanath S. Naravane - 2000 - 239 pages
As Sri Aurobindo puts it poetically :- The Absolute, the Perfect, the Alone Has called out of the silence his mute force Where she lay in the featureless and formless hush Guarding from Time by her immobile sleep The ineffable puissance ...
As Sri Aurobindo puts it poetically :- The Absolute, the Perfect, the Alone Has called out of the silence his mute force Where she lay in the featureless and formless hush Guarding from Time by her immobile sleep The ineffable puissance ...
Tagore, the dramatist: a critical study Bishweshwar Chakraverty - 2000
The shift in the Renaissance temper responsible for energizing the creative stimulus of the period, which became, as Sri Aurobindo puts it in The Renaissance in India, "at first crudely and confusedly imitative of the foreign culture. ...
The shift in the Renaissance temper responsible for energizing the creative stimulus of the period, which became, as Sri Aurobindo puts it in The Renaissance in India, "at first crudely and confusedly imitative of the foreign culture. ...
English literatures in international contexts Heinz Antor, Klaus Stierstorfer - 2000 - 436 pages
As Sri Aurobindo puts it, "we must hold the past sacred, but the future even more so".7 Max Horkheimer and Theodor Adorno, A Dialectics of Enlightenment (New York: Continuum, 1975). Michael Watts, "Development 1: Power, Knowledge, ...
As Sri Aurobindo puts it, "we must hold the past sacred, but the future even more so".7 Max Horkheimer and Theodor Adorno, A Dialectics of Enlightenment (New York: Continuum, 1975). Michael Watts, "Development 1: Power, Knowledge, ...
Shakespeare in Indian languages Dodderi Aswathanarayanarao Shankar - 1999 - 220 pages
0 I should like this inclination to metamorphose, to transmogrify, as Aurobindo puts it, to be considered a legitimate act of translation. Which, of course, is a plea to extend the frontiers of translation itself, and the plea is based ... Appropriating Shakespeare: a study of Shakespeare's play rendered ... Dodderi Aswathanarayanarao Shankar, Indian ... - 1999 - 54 pages
6 I should like this inclination to metamorphose, to transmogrify, as Aurobindo puts it, to be considered a legitimate act of translation. Which, of course, is a plea to ... Sri Aurobindo--the poet Kaikhushru Dhunjibhoy Sethna - 1999 - 436 pages
... Aurobindo puts ...
0 I should like this inclination to metamorphose, to transmogrify, as Aurobindo puts it, to be considered a legitimate act of translation. Which, of course, is a plea to extend the frontiers of translation itself, and the plea is based ... Appropriating Shakespeare: a study of Shakespeare's play rendered ... Dodderi Aswathanarayanarao Shankar, Indian ... - 1999 - 54 pages
6 I should like this inclination to metamorphose, to transmogrify, as Aurobindo puts it, to be considered a legitimate act of translation. Which, of course, is a plea to ... Sri Aurobindo--the poet Kaikhushru Dhunjibhoy Sethna - 1999 - 436 pages
... Aurobindo puts ...
The plays of Girish Karnad: critical perspectives Jaydipsinh Dodiya - 1999 - 304 pages
... one that can counter, in a richer synthesis the dialectics of otherworldly and this-worldly bias. But why psychology? Sri Aurobindo puts the explanation or hypothesis thus: there are necessarily three stages of the social evolution. It starts with the infra-rational stages, proceeds towards a rational age, finally must move through a subjective towards ...
... one that can counter, in a richer synthesis the dialectics of otherworldly and this-worldly bias. But why psychology? Sri Aurobindo puts the explanation or hypothesis thus: there are necessarily three stages of the social evolution. It starts with the infra-rational stages, proceeds towards a rational age, finally must move through a subjective towards ...
The ideal of human unity Sri Aurobindo - 1999 - 460 pages
Sri Aurobindo puts before us another, subtler, wider and more embracing formula for human unity: unity with diversity. He explores the potential for human oneness founded on a basis of freedom and difference between people and their ...
Sri Aurobindo puts before us another, subtler, wider and more embracing formula for human unity: unity with diversity. He explores the potential for human oneness founded on a basis of freedom and difference between people and their ...
The Advent Sri Aurobindo Ashram - 1999
The Gita, as Sri Aurobindo puts it, is the basis of a great spiritual movement. This movement can certainly pave the way for the salvation of the earth itself. He shows Lord Krishna as the Overmind Consciousness. ...
The Gita, as Sri Aurobindo puts it, is the basis of a great spiritual movement. This movement can certainly pave the way for the salvation of the earth itself. He shows Lord Krishna as the Overmind Consciousness. ...
Gandhi marg Gandhi Peace Foundation (New Delhi, India ... - 1999
Or, as Sri Aurobindo puts it in his Foundations of Indian Culture, it is only the Svarat (the self -ruler) who is fit to be the Samrat (the ruler of all). ...
Or, as Sri Aurobindo puts it in his Foundations of Indian Culture, it is only the Svarat (the self -ruler) who is fit to be the Samrat (the ruler of all). ...
Journal of global religious vision 1999
The yantras and mantras of the Hindus, the ritual of the Christian Church and of the Masonic Craft have the same purpose in view.6 As Sri Aurobindo puts it: " This distinction amounts to a gradation of three stages in the growing human ...
The yantras and mantras of the Hindus, the ritual of the Christian Church and of the Masonic Craft have the same purpose in view.6 As Sri Aurobindo puts it: "
Vedic Epiphany, Volume 2: Vedic Action Institute of Human Study - 1998 - 572 pages
"They reach the Truth by the Truth", as Sri Aurobindo puts it; they have a conscious equation with the Truth-Consciousness, and a luminous impulsion which brings down the bounty from above that securely establishes the seekers in the ...
"They reach the Truth by the Truth", as Sri Aurobindo puts it; they have a conscious equation with the Truth-Consciousness, and a luminous impulsion which brings down the bounty from above that securely establishes the seekers in the ...
Routledge encyclopedia of philosophy: Nihilism to Quantum mechanics - Page 567 Edward Craig - 1998 - 895 pages
Aurobindo wrote an epic poem (Savitri. one of the longest in English) and works on psychology, political philosophy, ethics, culture and yoga. 2 Metaphysics Aurobindo puts forth in The Life Divine, his principal work of philosophy, a thoroughly realist metaphysics: there is an essential God or Brahman (the two terms are with Aurobindo roughly interchangeable) and real physical ...
Aurobindo wrote an epic poem (Savitri. one of the longest in English) and works on psychology, political philosophy, ethics, culture and yoga. 2 Metaphysics Aurobindo puts forth in The Life Divine, his principal work of philosophy, a thoroughly realist metaphysics: there is an essential God or Brahman (the two terms are with Aurobindo roughly interchangeable) and real physical ...
The integral advaitism of Sri Aurobindo - Page 288 Ram Shankar Misra, Rāmacandra Miśra - 1998 - 437 pages
As Sri Aurobindo puts it, "It is when I entirely detach the mental person from his act of self-experience that I become fully aware first, of the sheer ego, in the end, of the witness self or the thinking mental Person, the something or ...
As Sri Aurobindo puts it, "This ascent can only take place by rebirth within the ascending order; an individual visit ... 2 'The human birth in this world is," as SriAurobindo puts it, "on its spiritual side a complex of two elements, ...
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