Jouissance as Ananda: Indian Philosophy, Feminist Theory, and ... - Page 158 Ashmita Khasnabish - 2006 - 239 pages
Sri Aurobindo reiterates the truth that many times one falls back into inconscience — but, eventually one has to make the journey to that highest plane through the transcendence of ego. It is also important for us to notice that the ...
Sri Aurobindo reiterates the truth that many times one falls back into inconscience — but, eventually one has to make the journey to that highest plane through the transcendence of ego. It is also important for us to notice that the ...
The Rainbow bridge: a comparative study of Tagore and Sri Aurobindo Goutam Ghosal - 2007 - 235 pages - Book overview – The Penguin dictionary of religion in India Roshen Dalal - 2006 - 538 pages - Book overview - Book overview
Mother India: monthly review of culture Sri Aurobindo Ashram - 2004
When the Eremite says in Act III, Scene 3 that he never shall be king, SriAurobindo recreates Oedipus for a modern audience; it is as if an aspiring politician were standing helpless before a soothsayer: Who art thou, speak, ...
When the Eremite says in Act III, Scene 3 that he never shall be king, SriAurobindo recreates Oedipus for a modern audience; it is as if an aspiring politician were standing helpless before a soothsayer: Who art thou, speak, ...
Indian literary criticism in English: critics, texts, issues P. K. Rajan - 2004 - 363 pages
... Aurobindo reiterates that we should "come straight to the poet and his poem" (FP 38-39). After all, the poet is "a soul expressing the eternal spirit of Truth and Beauty" (FP 39). While the soul of the poet is the "impersonal" ...
... Aurobindo reiterates that we should "come straight to the poet and his poem" (FP 38-39). After all, the poet is "a soul expressing the eternal spirit of Truth and Beauty" (FP 39). While the soul of the poet is the "impersonal" ...
The Indian imagination: critical essays on Indian writing in English - Page 64 K. D. Verma - 2000 - 268 pages
While rejecting "the theory of the man and his milieu or the dogma of the historical school of criticism which asks of us to study all the precedents, circumstances, influences, surroundings," Aurobindo reiterates that we should " come ...
While rejecting "the theory of the man and his milieu or the dogma of the historical school of criticism which asks of us to study all the precedents, circumstances, influences, surroundings," Aurobindo reiterates that we should "
Bipin Chandra Pal, nationalist, politics, and ideology Aroop Chakravarti - 1998 - 166 pages
... keep order and peace on public occasions " The essence of the movement, as Aurobindo reiterated, was the refusal of co-operation with the British Government so long Indians were not admitted to a substantial share and an effective ...
... keep order and peace on public occasions " The essence of the movement, as Aurobindo reiterated, was the refusal of co-operation with the British Government so long Indians were not admitted to a substantial share and an effective ...
Glimpses of Vedantism in Sri Aurobindo's political thought Samar Basu, Sri Aurobindo Ashram - 1998 - 73 pages
Elucidating the Nationalists' stand Sri Aurobindo reiterated: "We were never in favour of shams. It is only righteousness that exalts a nation and righteousness means going straight; nothing can long endure which is based upon unreality ...
Elucidating the Nationalists' stand Sri Aurobindo reiterated: "We were never in favour of shams. It is only righteousness that exalts a nation and righteousness means going straight; nothing can long endure which is based upon unreality ...
Indian thought between tradition and the culture of technology David Lawrence Johnson - 1995 - 140 pages
Drawing upon the work of Vivekananda, a highly respected nineteenth-century exponent of Hindu thought, Aurobindo reiterated the claim that Hindu religious thought and modern science are not in conflict. Moreover, Aurobindo employed ...
Drawing upon the work of Vivekananda, a highly respected nineteenth-century exponent of Hindu thought, Aurobindo reiterated the claim that Hindu religious thought and modern science are not in conflict. Moreover, Aurobindo employed ...
J.L. Mehta on Heidegger, hermeneutics, and Indian tradition - Page 164 Jarava Lal Mehta, William J. Jackson - 1992 - 309 pages
Thirty years later, in the "Foreword" to Hymns to the Mystic Fire, published first in 1946, Aurobindo reiterates the same basic principle of interpretation, requiring that if "we consistently give (to the term Rta) the same master sense ...
Thirty years later, in the "Foreword" to Hymns to the Mystic Fire, published first in 1946, Aurobindo reiterates the same basic principle of interpretation, requiring that if "we consistently give (to the term Rta) the same master sense ...
Sri Aurobindo's prose style (with a foreword by V.K. Gokak) Goutam Ghosal - 1991 - 154 pages
The book becomes experiential and original, as Sri Aurobindo recreates myths, metaphors and symbols. The culmination of an exposition is often marked by a synonymous phrase or a clause or a sentence from the original text, ...
The book becomes experiential and original, as Sri Aurobindo recreates myths, metaphors and symbols. The culmination of an exposition is often marked by a synonymous phrase or a clause or a sentence from the original text, ...
Consciousness and creativity: a case study of Sri Aurobindo, T.S. ... Sumita Roy - 1991 - 200 pages
... create their own foundation in our subliminal parts and from there are able to influence the evolutionary process on the surface.66 As in Savitri, Sri Aurobindo reiterates the need for "divine" help in attaining the Supermind. ...
... create their own foundation in our subliminal parts and from there are able to influence the evolutionary process on the surface.66 As in Savitri, Sri Aurobindo reiterates the need for "divine" help in attaining the Supermind. ...
Darshana international 1991
the multiple, of the multiple in the Unique and all them are the One, which is accepted by the Indian philosopher. Aurobindo reiterates ...
the multiple, of the multiple in the Unique and all them are the One, which is accepted by the Indian philosopher. Aurobindo reiterates ...
Journal of religious studies Punjabi University . Dept. of Religious Studies - 1991
But this is not enough for the knowledge of mind; in Savitri, Sri Aurobindo also reiterates as under : Mind is the author, spectator, actor, stage : Mind only is and what it thinks is seen. If Mind is all, renounce the hope of bliss; ...
But this is not enough for the knowledge of mind; in Savitri, Sri Aurobindo also reiterates as under : Mind is the author, spectator, actor, stage : Mind only is and what it thinks is seen. If Mind is all, renounce the hope of bliss; ...
The glimpses of Indological heritage Uma Deshpande - 1989 - 199 pages
As God has repeatedly advised us to surrender to Him, think about Him and remember Him, so Shri Aurobindo reiterates : ''For it is by thinking always of Him with a consciousness united with Him in an undeviating Yoga of constant practice that one comes to the divine and supreme Purusha". ...
As God has repeatedly advised us to surrender to Him, think about Him and remember Him, so Shri Aurobindo reiterates : ''For it is by thinking always of Him with a consciousness united with Him in an undeviating Yoga of constant practice that one comes to the divine and supreme Purusha". ...
Sri Aurobindo and Karl Marx: integral sociology and dialectical ... - Page 196 Debi Prasad Chattopadhyaya - 1988 - 336 pages
In his criticism of materialism Sri Aurobindo reiterates the traditional argument against it, namely, the intelligibility of the natural and the social phenomena and their orderliness are essentially due to an all-comprehensive ...
In his criticism of materialism Sri Aurobindo reiterates the traditional argument against it, namely, the intelligibility of the natural and the social phenomena and their orderliness are essentially due to an all-comprehensive ...
Integral Education:thought & Practice - Page 216 Raghunath Pani - 1987 - 633 pages Sri Aurobindo reiterates the same view elsewhere about vital mind when he says : "But man also has a life-mind, a vital mentality which is an instrument of desire, this is not satisfied with the actual, it is a dealer in possibilities; ...
Modern Indian interpreters of the Bhagavadgita - Page 82 Robert Neil Minor - 1986 - 273 pages
The Gita continued to be for Aurobindo a yoga, a sadhana, a discipline to follow , rather than a metaphysical system and Aurobindo reiterated this in the Essays. "It is in fact primarily a practical system of Yoga that it teaches and it ...
The Gita continued to be for Aurobindo a yoga, a sadhana, a discipline to follow
Sri Aurobindo: a biography and a history K. R. Srinivasa Iyengar - 1985 - 812 pages
The Bande Mataram of 22 February made a direct reference to theBombay speech and the furore it had caused, but unrepentant Sri Aurobindo reiterated his earlier affirmation: When we first received a European education, ...
The Bande Mataram of 22 February made a direct reference to the
The Advent Sri Aurobindo Ashram - 1984
Sri Aurobindo reiterates: "Infinite, we are free from death; for life then becomes a play of our immortal existence. We are free from weakness; for we are the whole sea enjoying the myriad shock of the waves. We are free from grief and ...
Sri Aurobindo reiterates: "Infinite, we are free from death; for life then becomes a play of our immortal existence. We are free from weakness; for we are the whole sea enjoying the myriad shock of the waves. We are free from grief and ...
Mother India: monthly review of culture Sri Aurobindo Ashram - 1983
... hope and to wait for the One beyond Silence, for the One beyond Time; he gives us the certitude that we shall arrive: "I have a hundred lives before me yet/To grasp thee in, O Spirit ethereal." And Sri Aurobindo reiterates Christ's ...
... hope and to wait for the One beyond Silence, for the One beyond Time; he gives us the certitude that we shall arrive: "I have a hundred lives before me yet/To grasp thee in, O Spirit ethereal." And Sri Aurobindo reiterates Christ's ...
The social philosophy of Sri Aurobindo Ram Nath Sharma - 1980 - 230 pages
... we have grown purblind and myopic and so can no longer even grope our way to the soul's last heaven of bliss and harmony, love and light. Here Sri Aurobindo reiterates what has been already emphasized by ancient Greek and Indian Philosophers of education. According to Plato, "...each social element should do that which it is most fitted to do, thus contributing to the ...
... we have grown purblind and myopic and so can no longer even grope our way to the soul's last heaven of bliss and harmony, love and light. Here Sri Aurobindo reiterates what has been already emphasized by ancient Greek and Indian Philosophers of education. According to Plato, "...each social element should do that which it is most fitted to do, thus contributing to the ...
Nolini: Arjuna of our age Nolini Kanta Gupta, V. Madhusudan Reddy - 1979 - 239 pages
In this connection, Sri Aurobindo reiterates: "Reason was the helper, Reason is the bar. . . .Effort was the helper, Effort is the bar. .. .Desire was the helper, Desire is the bar. . .Ego was the helper, Ego is the bar. ...
In this connection, Sri Aurobindo reiterates: "Reason was the helper, Reason is the bar. . . .Effort was the helper, Effort is the bar. .. .Desire was the helper, Desire is the bar. . .Ego was the helper, Ego is the bar. ...
Mother India: monthly review of culture Sri Aurobindo Ashram - 1977
... in science and technology, Sri Aurobindo reiterates at the end of another sonnet the possibility of a spurt in evolution encompassing human unity: Atom and molecule in their unseen plan Buttress an edifice of strange ...
... in science and technology, Sri Aurobindo reiterates at the end of another sonnet the possibility of a spurt in evolution encompassing human unity: Atom and molecule in their unseen plan Buttress an edifice of strange ...
History, society, and polity: integral sociology of Sri Aurobindo Debiprasad Chattopadhyaya - 1976 - 281 pages
Assuming that there is such an intelligent principle, one might even pertinently question whether Nature is that principle. In his criticism of materialism SriAurobindo reiterates the traditional argument against it, namely, the intelligibility of the natural and the social phenomena and their orderliness are essentially due to an all-comprehensive ...
Assuming that there is such an intelligent principle, one might even pertinently question whether Nature is that principle. In his criticism of materialism SriAurobindo reiterates the traditional argument against it, namely, the intelligibility of the natural and the social phenomena and their orderliness are essentially due to an all-comprehensive ...
An apostle of India's spiritual culture: souvenir released on the ... Chidananda (Swami) - 1976 - 311 pages
Sri Aurobindo reiterates that freedom of thought and spiritual liberty have always been in the Hindu tradition. Freedom of religious thought and experience and the provision of a flexible framework have given to the Indian civilisation ...
Sri Aurobindo reiterates that freedom of thought and spiritual liberty have always been in the Hindu tradition. Freedom of religious thought and experience and the provision of a flexible framework have given to the Indian civilisation ...
Journal of Sri Aurobindo Study Society 1972
In a Postscript Chapter written thirty years later and included in The Ideal of Human Unity
when it was reissued in 1950, Sri Aurobindo reiterated his earlier conviction that "the drive of Nature, the compulsion of circumstances and ...
In a Postscript Chapter written thirty years later and included in The Ideal of Human Unity
The Aryan path Sophia Wadia, Indian Institute of World Culture - 1971
... through his voluminous writings on man's past, present, and future, and the practical directions to his vision given by the Mother, Sri Aurobindo has reiterated this Vedic truth of man's spiritual growth: "a gnostic ...
... through his voluminous writings on man's past, present, and future, and the practical directions to his vision given by the Mother, Sri Aurobindo has reiterated this Vedic truth of man's spiritual growth: "a gnostic ...
Mother India: monthly review of culture Kaikhushru Dhunjibhoy Sethna, Sri Aurobindo Ashram - 1970
In The Hero and the Nymph
, Sri Aurobindo recreates the ...
In The Hero and the Nymph
Sri Aurobindo and the theories of evolution: a critical and ... Rama Shanker Srivastava - 1968 - 464 pages
Sri Aurobindo reiterates the truth of such a process of Divine creation and manifestation thus: "But still there is a real, a radical difference between grade and grade, so much so that the passage from one to another seems a new ...
Sri Aurobindo reiterates the truth of such a process of Divine creation and manifestation thus: "But still there is a real, a radical difference between grade and grade, so much so that the passage from one to another seems a new ...
Contemporary Indian philosophers Benoy Gopal Ray - 1947 - 107 pages
Aurobindo reiterates, life is ananda or bliss of completeness and crea- tiveness . Death and suffering are not the final and real facts of life. They are due to temporary privation and inertia. Life is both calm and full. ...
Aurobindo reiterates, life is ananda or bliss of completeness and crea- tiveness
Annual Sri Aurobindo Mandir, Calcutta , Aurobindo Ghose - 1947
... it is God who is working inBengal ." The Government was then pursuing a policy of ruthless repression in order to suppress all Nationalist activities in Bengal . On his return to Calcutta Sri Aurobindo reiterated in the ...
... it is God who is working in
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