Inner Tantric Yoga: Working with the Universal Shakti: Secrets of ... - Page 233 David Frawley - 2009 - 266 pages
... Aurobindo developed ...
... Aurobindo developed ...
Aurobindo developed a synthesis of traditional Hindu practice and belief that he thought most appropriately supported this general framework ...
... as Aurobindo developed and Westernized the Bengali Tantric tradition of Consciousness and Energy, of Shiva and Shakti, that was the focus of that first ...
Sri Aurobindo developed a very different concept of the Mental Plane, through his own synthesis of Vedanta (including the Taittiriya Upanishad), Tantra, ...
Although Gebser at times may have used the trope of child as primitive, neither he nor Sri Aurobindo developed or openly traded in Recapitulation Theory. ...
Based on a theory by Karl Lamprecht, Sri Aurobindo “developed it in his own way. ... The ideas that Aurobindo developed in these chapters need to be placed ...
To think Aurobindo developed this concept independently lacks sophistication. I believe this is where you use the evils of sarcasm as a ...
The Mother and Sri Aurobindo developed this philosophy of learning to assist the higher consciousness of a being to evolve and attain perfection. ...
Therefore, in order to make his yoga more accessible, Sri Aurobindo developed new terminology to explain the tenets of his radical new approach, ...
Aurobindo developed a theory of “Agni” from two basic premises of nuclear physics: Atoms are (1) rotating systems similar to the solar system, and the atoms ...
Sri Aurobindo developed his cosmology using normal intellectual means and through experiencing profound supra-intellectual regions ...
The participatory turn: spirituality, mysticism, religious studies - Page 315 Jorge N. Ferrer, Jorge Noguera Ferrer, Jacob H ... - 2008 - 388 pages
As he said quite emphatically, he was not a philosopher; he was a yogi, mystic, a poet, and a spiritual teacher.25 As Gandhi developed an interpretation that furthered his case for and practice of nonviolence, Sri Aurobindo developed an ...
As he said quite emphatically, he was not a philosopher; he was a yogi, mystic, a poet, and a spiritual teacher.25 As Gandhi developed an interpretation that furthered his case for and practice of nonviolence, Sri Aurobindo developed an ...
An exacting heart: the story of Hephzibah Menuhin Jacqueline Kent - 2008
- 440 pages
Beginning in the 1960s, she made a twenty-year study of the teachings of scholar and philosopher Sri Aurobindo and his close collaborator, Mirra Richard, known as the Mother.2 Sri Aurobindo developed a philosophy that he called integral ...
Beginning in the 1960s, she made a twenty-year study of the teachings of scholar and philosopher Sri Aurobindo and his close collaborator, Mirra Richard, known as the Mother.2 Sri Aurobindo developed a philosophy that he called integral ...
The perfectibility of human nature in eastern and western thought - Page 145 Harold G. Coward - 2008 - 219 pages
... revised Yoga thought and practice to include modern evolutionary theory while still remaining rooted in the Veda.56 Through his major writings, such as The Life Divine and The Synthesis of Yoga, Aurobindo developed his own approach, ...
... revised Yoga thought and practice to include modern evolutionary theory while still remaining rooted in the Veda.56 Through his major writings, such as The Life Divine and The Synthesis of Yoga, Aurobindo developed his own approach, ...
Plant lives: borderline beings in Indian traditions Ellison Banks Findly - 2008 - 617 pages
Yoga is the discipline by which this movement takes place, and integral yoga seeks to combine all other forms of yoga into a system beneficial not only to all humans but to the entire cosmos as well. Aurobindo developed this system over...
Yoga is the discipline by which this movement takes place, and integral yoga seeks to combine all other forms of yoga into a system beneficial not only to all humans but to the entire cosmos as well. Aurobindo developed this system over...
The many colors of Hinduism: a thematic-historical introduction - Page 333 Carl Olson - 2007 - 395 pages
... of salvation (moks.a). On the basis of his personal experience, Aurobindo developed a philosophy with several goals. A primary goal of his thought was to know, possess, and become a divine being, or what he called a superman. ...
... of salvation (moks.a). On the basis of his personal experience, Aurobindo developed a philosophy with several goals. A primary goal of his thought was to know, possess, and become a divine being, or what he called a superman. ...
Yoga: an annotated bibliography of works in English, 1981-2005 Daren Callahan - 2007 - 353 pages
Synthesizing many traditions of Indian spirituality, Sri Aurobindo developed the concept of Integral Yoga to facilitate this transformation of consciousness. "Its object is not personal Mukti [liberation, freedom], although Mukti is a ...
Synthesizing many traditions of Indian spirituality, Sri Aurobindo developed the concept of Integral Yoga to facilitate this transformation of consciousness. "Its object is not personal Mukti [liberation, freedom], although Mukti is a ...
World religions: origins, history, practices, beliefs, worldview / ... Franjo Terhart, Janina Schulze - 2007 - 320 pages
Opposite page, bottom: Integral yoga is fundamentally different from traditional yoga. Its purpose is not to lead the practitioner outside of the world, but rather deeper into it. Sri Aurobindo developed this technique and popularized ...
Opposite page, bottom: Integral yoga is fundamentally different from traditional yoga. Its purpose is not to lead the practitioner outside of the world, but rather deeper into it. Sri Aurobindo developed this technique and popularized ...
Educational Thinkers - Page 141 V.R. Taneja, S. Taneja - 2006 - 184 pages
His Fundamentals of Instruction In the matter of instructional technique, Aurobindo developed it into a "science". Instead of talking in platitudes, he goes to the grass-roots. To him learning becomes a burden on the learner if it fails ...
His Fundamentals of Instruction In the matter of instructional technique, Aurobindo developed it into a "science". Instead of talking in platitudes, he goes to the grass-roots. To him learning becomes a burden on the learner if it fails ...
Affective communities: anticolonial thought, Fin-De-Siècle ... Leela Gandhi - 2006 - 254 pages
Together Mirra Alfassa and Sri Aurobindo developed a culturally collaborative "spiritualist" critique of both imperial culture and its anticolonial nationalist derivation. By positing a neglected variety of anticolonialism in its ...
Together Mirra Alfassa and Sri Aurobindo developed a culturally collaborative "spiritualist" critique of both imperial culture and its anticolonial nationalist derivation. By positing a neglected variety of anticolonialism in its ...
The Golden Treasury Of Indo-Anglian Poetry (1828-1965) - Page 37 Vinayak Krishna Gokak - 2006 - 360 pages
Sri Aurobindo developed many kinds of style before 1950 and the best of them are all illustrated in Savitri. The style in this epic is flexible and varies according to its context and theme and Savitri is rich in its contexts and themes ...
Sri Aurobindo developed many kinds of style before 1950 and the best of them are all illustrated in Savitri. The style in this epic is flexible and varies according to its context and theme and Savitri is rich in its contexts and themes ...
Hinduism - Page 83 Karan Singh - 2005 - 112 pages
In the course of his four decades at Pondicherry, Sri Aurobindo developed one of the most comprehensive and original systems of thought in modern times. He based himself upon the Hindu tradition, but gave creative ...
In the course of his four decades at Pondicherry, Sri Aurobindo developed one of the most comprehensive and original systems of thought in modern times. He based himself upon the Hindu tradition, but gave creative ...
Bulletin of the Ramakrishna Mission Institute of Culture Ramakrishna Mission. Institute of Culture - 2005
... Aurobindo developed later, are found in Swamiji. It was he who with his talks, courses, and books on Bhakti, Karma, Jnana and Raja Yogas tried to bring all of these traditional systems into one modern, rationalistic framework. ...
... Aurobindo developed later, are found in Swamiji. It was he who with his talks, courses, and books on Bhakti, Karma, Jnana and Raja Yogas tried to bring all of these traditional systems into one modern, rationalistic framework. ...
Nationalism, religion, and beyond: writings on politics, society, ... Aurobindo Ghose, Peter Heehs - 2005 - 364 pages
In terms of the theory of social evolution that Aurobindo developed in The Human Cycle
, India failed to develop into a nation because its regional sub-nations were too strong. As a result it missed the "modern cycle of nation-building", ...
In terms of the theory of social evolution that Aurobindo developed in The Human Cycle
Confessions of a secular fundamentalist Mani Shankar Aiyer - 2004 - 290 pages
Others, including Swami Dayananda, Bal Gangadhar Tilak and Sri Aurobindo, developed an alternative view positing the Hindu rather than the composite elements of that heritage. And Swami Vivekananda's prolific writings and speeches...
Others, including Swami Dayananda, Bal Gangadhar Tilak and Sri Aurobindo, developed an alternative view positing the Hindu rather than the composite elements of that heritage. And Swami Vivekananda's prolific writings and speeches...
Sin and salvation in the world religions: a short introduction Harold Coward, Harold G. Coward - 2003 - 197 pages Dialogue and liberation: Indian theology between the local and the ... Thomas Kochuthara - 2001 - 384 pages
Hinduism Lynne Gibson - 2003 - 64 pages
... have had an influence on Hinduism in the past 1 00 years, including: • Sri Aurobindo — developed his own philosophy (way of thinking) and system of yoga (physical and mental exercises) that enable the worshiper to focus on God)....
Hinduism Lynne Gibson - 2003 - 64 pages
... have had an influence on Hinduism in the past 1 00 years, including: • Sri Aurobindo — developed his own philosophy (way of thinking) and system of yoga (physical and mental exercises) that enable the worshiper to focus on God)....
Religion, conflict and reconciliation: multifaith ideals and realities - Page 48 Jerald D. Gort, Henry Jansen, H. M. Vroom - 2002 - 405 pages
In the first decade of the twentieth century Aurobindo had become the symbol of cultural and political resistance to Western colonial domination. Inspired by Bankim and Vivekananda, Aurobindo developed a a Vedantic concept of national regeneration and political emancipation. Like Vivekananda, Aurobindo also included the Indian Muslims in his concept of nation-building. ...
In the first decade of the twentieth century Aurobindo had become the symbol of cultural and political resistance to Western colonial domination. Inspired by Bankim and Vivekananda, Aurobindo developed a a Vedantic concept of national regeneration and political emancipation. Like Vivekananda, Aurobindo also included the Indian Muslims in his concept of nation-building. ...
Holy war: violence and the Bhagavad Gita Steven Rosen - 2002
- 229 pages
Shortly after his release from jail the following year, Sri Aurobindo developed this point in a speech on the Gita at Khulna: The virtue of the Brahmin is a great virtue: You shall not kill. This is what Ahimsa means. ... [The Gita In The Vision And The Words Of Sri Aurobindo
Shortly after his release from jail the following year, Sri Aurobindo developed this point in a speech on the Gita at Khulna: The virtue of the Brahmin is a great virtue: You shall not kill. This is what Ahimsa means. ... [The Gita In The Vision And The Words Of Sri Aurobindo
The perennial quest for a psychology with a soul: an inquiry into ... - Page 396 Joseph Vrinte - 2002 - 568 pages
Sri Aurobindo developed his dynamic Brahman realisation in the course of his sadhana inPondicherry from 1910 to 1926. This realisation of the supreme Reality is the experience of the multiform Unity, the integral Spirit which expresses ...
Sri Aurobindo developed his dynamic Brahman realisation in the course of his sadhana in
The Complete Idiot's Guide to Eastern Philosophy - Page 106 Jay Stevenson - 2000 - 401 pages
Aurobindo developed the view that creation is circular. All things come into being by descending out of Brahman. This descent takes place in five steps he calls supermind, overmind, mind, life, and matter. The three lowest levels of ...
Aurobindo developed the view that creation is circular. All things come into being by descending out of Brahman. This descent takes place in five steps he calls supermind, overmind, mind, life, and matter. The three lowest levels of ...
Is Indian culture obsolete? Michel Danino, Mother's Institute of Research - 2000 - 59 pages
Shortly after his release from jail the following year, Sri Aurobindo developedthis point in a speech on the Gita atKhulna : The virtue of the Brahmin is a great virtue: You shall not kill. This is what Ahimsa means. ...
Shortly after his release from jail the following year, Sri Aurobindo developedthis point in a speech on the Gita at
Śaṅkara-bhāratī 1999
Again, in keeping with the tradition of the Vedic knowledge, which welcomes new discoveries and new developments, Sri Aurobindo developed what has now come to be called Integral Yoga, which absorbs in its synthesis all essential ...
Again, in keeping with the tradition of the Vedic knowledge, which welcomes new discoveries and new developments, Sri Aurobindo developed what has now come to be called Integral Yoga, which absorbs in its synthesis all essential ...
Spectrum history of Indian literature in English - Page 233 Ram Sewak Singh, Charu Sheel Singh - 1997 - 273 pages
... says : "Sri Aurobindo developed a whole theory of 'overhead' poetry, and the poems of his last great period he tried to conquer 'the human difficulties of the task' and create a body of Mantric poetry that ...
... says : "Sri Aurobindo developed a whole theory of 'overhead' poetry, and the poems of his last great period he tried to conquer 'the human difficulties of the task' and create a body of Mantric poetry that ...
Indian philosophy: a new approach Daya Krishna - 1997 - 302 pages
On the other hand, Sri Aurobindo developed a new version of integral yoga which he propounded in his book The Synthesis of Yoga as well as in many other writings. Sri Aurobindo treats most of the traditional paths of yoga as being ...
On the other hand, Sri Aurobindo developed a new version of integral yoga which he propounded in his book The Synthesis of Yoga as well as in many other writings. Sri Aurobindo treats most of the traditional paths of yoga as being ...
Modernity, morality, and the Mahatma Madhuri Sondhi - 1997 - 244 pages
As a young man, Aurobindo developed an overpowering curiosity about his culture and background, returned to India with the object of making good the lacuna in his education, and is remembered, amongst other things, for his hermeneutic ...
As a young man, Aurobindo developed an overpowering curiosity about his culture and background, returned to India with the object of making good the lacuna in his education, and is remembered, amongst other things, for his hermeneutic ...
Sri Aurobindo critical considerations Dr. O. P. Mathur - 1997 - 247 pages
His magnanimity made his writings highly objective. And this also explains to a large extent the fact as to how Aurobindo developed immunity from the contemporary Western frustration, loneliness, hatred and meaninglessness. ...
His magnanimity made his writings highly objective. And this also explains to a large extent the fact as to how Aurobindo developed immunity from the contemporary Western frustration, loneliness, hatred and meaninglessness. ...
Encyclopaedia Indica: India, Pakistan, Bangladesh S. S. Shashi - 1996
Therefore, in order to make his yoga more accessible, Sri Aurobindo developednew terminology to explain the tenets of his radical new approach, which he called the "Integral Yoga". All of this acquired a special and full significance ...
Therefore, in order to make his yoga more accessible, Sri Aurobindo developednew terminology to explain the tenets of his radical new approach, which he called the "Integral Yoga". All of this acquired a special and full significance ...
Socio-cultural consequences of colonial mode of education in Orissa Girish Chandra Roy - 1996 - 262 pages
Aurobindo developed a system of integral yoga which involved practice of two principles, aspiration and energization, to evolve a principle of integrality in education. The focus on aspiration was to be preceded by purification, ...
Aurobindo developed a system of integral yoga which involved practice of two principles, aspiration and energization, to evolve a principle of integrality in education. The focus on aspiration was to be preceded by purification, ...
Integral humanism 1995 - 404 pages
What Vivekananda intended and initiated, Sri Aurobindo developed, expanded and carried to its crowning accomplishment.India of the ageless light, freed in the body and freed in the soul, shall fulfil the will of God in the world, ...
What Vivekananda intended and initiated, Sri Aurobindo developed, expanded and carried to its crowning accomplishment.
Proceedings of the Indian Science Congress 1994
In the twentieth century Sri Aurobindo developed integral Psychology which is basically Indian Psychological view point. It is one of the characteristics of Indian thought that it thinks of reality as a whole. According to this cosmic ...
In the twentieth century Sri Aurobindo developed integral Psychology which is basically Indian Psychological view point. It is one of the characteristics of Indian thought that it thinks of reality as a whole. According to this cosmic ...
The dawning of Auroville William M. Sullivan - 1994 - 333 pages
To unblock the way, to accelerate the evolutionary process, Sri Aurobindo developed a synthesis of yoga which has been termed Integral Yoga or Supramental Yoga. "The descent of the new consciousness" is "attained by the ascent" of the ...
To unblock the way, to accelerate the evolutionary process, Sri Aurobindo developed a synthesis of yoga which has been termed Integral Yoga or Supramental Yoga. "The descent of the new consciousness" is "attained by the ascent" of the ...
Sri Aurobindo: archives and research Śri Aurobindo Ashram Trust - 1993
In the Record, the word does not normally refer to the traditional postures of Hatha- yoga. During a brief period of the Record (May-June 1918) Sri Aurobindo developed an elaborate system for recording the various asanas used in his ...
In the Record, the word does not normally refer to the traditional postures of Hatha- yoga. During a brief period of the Record (May-June 1918) Sri Aurobindo developed an elaborate system for recording the various asanas used in his ...
Encyclopedia of world literature in the 20th century Leonard S. Klein - 1993
In his later works Sri Aurobindo developed a technique for his visionary poems, which he discussed in The Future Poetry (1953)— something bordering on telepathic communication of meaning through rhythmic sound in concentrated imagery, ...
In his later works Sri Aurobindo developed a technique for his visionary poems, which he discussed in The Future Poetry (1953)— something bordering on telepathic communication of meaning through rhythmic sound in concentrated imagery, ...
Foundations of Indian political thought: an interpretation: from ... Vrajendra Raj Mehta - 1992 - 303 pages
In a way, while Aurobindo developed the idea of national identity, synthesising tradition and modernity, East and West at the grandiose level of metaphysics and abstract philosophy, Gandhi did so at the level of the common man. ...
In a way, while Aurobindo developed the idea of national identity, synthesising tradition and modernity, East and West at the grandiose level of metaphysics and abstract philosophy, Gandhi did so at the level of the common man. ...
Sri Aurobindo's prose style (with a foreword by V.K. Gokak) Goutam Ghosal - 1991 - 154 pages
It also gives an adequate account of the different kinds of style which Sri Aurobindo developed while handling diverse themes and expressing himself at various stages of the growth of his personality; for instance, the flaming fervour ...
It also gives an adequate account of the different kinds of style which Sri Aurobindo developed while handling diverse themes and expressing himself at various stages of the growth of his personality; for instance, the flaming fervour ...
Sri Aurobindo, the poet Radhey L. Varshney, Shashi Prabha - 1991 - 144 pages
Sri Aurobindo developed many kinds of style before 1950 and the best of them are all illustrated in Savitri. The style in this epic is flexible and varies according to its context and theme and Savitri is rich in its contexts and themes ...
Sri Aurobindo developed many kinds of style before 1950 and the best of them are all illustrated in Savitri. The style in this epic is flexible and varies according to its context and theme and Savitri is rich in its contexts and themes ...
Indian idea of political resistance: Aurobindo, Tilak, Gandhi, and ... Ashok S. Chousalkar - 1990 - 131 pages
The Karma Yoga could only brave the sufferings and hardships in the cause of the people. Passive resistance could only be undertaken by such people. Aurobindo's Theory of Political Resistance Aurobindo developed his theory of passive ...
The Karma Yoga could only brave the sufferings and hardships in the cause of the people. Passive resistance could only be undertaken by such people. Aurobindo's Theory of Political Resistance Aurobindo developed his theory of passive ...
Indian English poetry since 1950: an anthology Vilas Sarang - 1990 - 161 pages
Torn Dutt, who died young, had no opportunity to explore her undoubted talent; Sarojini Naidu concentrated on melodious effects, and remained unoriginal; Aurobindo developed an exotic poetics, whatever the value of his mystical ...
Torn Dutt, who died young, had no opportunity to explore her undoubted talent; Sarojini Naidu concentrated on melodious effects, and remained unoriginal; Aurobindo developed an exotic poetics, whatever the value of his mystical ...
The Plays of Sri Aurobindo, a study S. S. Kulkarni - 1990 - 160 pages
Both exude the extraordinary spiritual awareness Sri Aurobindo developed after he reached ...
Both exude the extraordinary spiritual awareness Sri Aurobindo developed after he reached ...
Journal of South Asian literature Michigan State University . Asian Studies Center - 1989
Aurobindo developed his view of language early in the course of his efforts to interpret the Rg Veda. The clue that proved basic to his own understanding came from Swami Dayananda. The goal of Swami Dayananda, the founder of the Arya ...
Aurobindo developed his view of language early in the course of his efforts to interpret the Rg Veda. The clue that proved basic to his own understanding came from Swami Dayananda. The goal of Swami Dayananda, the founder of the Arya ...
Gandhi's significance for today John Hick, Lamont C. Hempel - 1989 - 275 pages
Aurobindo developed his integral Yoga, leaning on ancient Samkhya and Yoga ideas of development, as well as Advaita. Most of the Mahatma's life was dedicated to the justice and equality that were to be reality in the end. ...
Aurobindo developed his integral Yoga, leaning on ancient Samkhya and Yoga ideas of development, as well as Advaita. Most of the Mahatma's life was dedicated to the justice and equality that were to be reality in the end. ...
India and Europe: an essay in understanding Wilhelm Halbfass - 1988 - 604 pages
We do not need to go into details concerning the special and sometimes highly speculative theories and methods which Aurobindo developed in this context.14 What is particularly noteworthy is that the ascent to new stages and dimensions ...
We do not need to go into details concerning the special and sometimes highly speculative theories and methods which Aurobindo developed in this context.14 What is particularly noteworthy is that the ascent to new stages and dimensions ...
Modern Indian responses to religious pluralism Harold G. Coward - 1987 - 340 pages
It was, therefore, most appropriate for her to lead the Ashram, which she did, whileAurobindo developed his yoga. She began the collective organization of the Ashram and expended its institutions and facilities as the number of its ...
It was, therefore, most appropriate for her to lead the Ashram, which she did, whileAurobindo developed his yoga. She began the collective organization of the Ashram and expended its institutions and facilities as the number of its ...
Vaṇījyotiḥ Utkal University P.G. Dept. of Sanskrit - 1987
... is acclaimed as the prophet of the race of supermen. But this idea is first spelled out by Nietzche. Sri Aurobindo developed this idea very thoroughly. This theory is purely on the basis of his ...
... is acclaimed as the prophet of the race of supermen. But this idea is first spelled out by Nietzche. Sri Aurobindo developed this idea very thoroughly. This theory is purely on the basis of his ...
One man's world Karan Singh (Sadr-i-Riyasat of Jammu and Kashmir ) - 1986 - 331 pages
... Mother) contained therein, Sri Aurobindo developed a comprehensive political philosophy. The key concept was the divinity of the motherland, which he idealized as the goddess 'Bhavani Bharati', and flowing from that the concept of ...
... Mother) contained therein, Sri Aurobindo developed a comprehensive political philosophy. The key concept was the divinity of the motherland, which he idealized as the goddess 'Bhavani Bharati', and flowing from that the concept of ...
Sri Aurobindo: archives and research Śri Aurobindo Ashram Trust - 1985
Later, inPondicherry , Sri Aurobindo developed an especially close relationship with Bijoy. He apparently had a special affection for him even in Calcutta , and so had asked Sukumar to arrange for him to be his travelling companion. ...
Later, in
Indian writing in English K. R. Srinivasa Iyengar - 1985 - 848 pages
Indeed, Sri Aurobindo developed a whole theory of 'overhead' poetry, and in the poems of his last great period he tried to conquer "the human difficulties of the task" and create a body of mantric poetry that came ...
Indeed, Sri Aurobindo developed a whole theory of 'overhead' poetry, and in the poems of his last great period he tried to conquer "the human difficulties of the task" and create a body of mantric poetry that came ...
Modern Indian thought: (Rammohun Roy to Jayaprakash Narayan) Dev Raj Bali - 1984 - 262 pages
All this shows that the integral philosophy of Sri Aurobindo developed on the basis of his humanism. 1. Sri Aurobindo. The Life Divine, p. 648, 2. Sri Aurobindo, Essays on the Gita, p. 112Pondicherry , 1966. ...
All this shows that the integral philosophy of Sri Aurobindo developed on the basis of his humanism. 1. Sri Aurobindo. The Life Divine, p. 648, 2. Sri Aurobindo, Essays on the Gita, p. 112
Mysterious samadhi Surath Chandra Chakravarti - 1984 - 260 pages
These principles have been clearly stated in the philosophy of Integral Yoga which Sri Aurobindo developed. In one way other, most of the Bauls follow some sort of practice which calls for a conscious effort to transmute sex energy into ...
These principles have been clearly stated in the philosophy of Integral Yoga which Sri Aurobindo developed. In one way other, most of the Bauls follow some sort of practice which calls for a conscious effort to transmute sex energy into ...
Mother India: monthly review of culture Sri Aurobindo Ashram - 1983
Sri Aurobindo developed many kinds of style before 1950 and the best of them are all illustrated in Savitri. The style in this epic is flexible and varies according to its context and theme and Savitri is rich in its contexts and themes ...
Sri Aurobindo developed many kinds of style before 1950 and the best of them are all illustrated in Savitri. The style in this epic is flexible and varies according to its context and theme and Savitri is rich in its contexts and themes ...
Religions of India: Hinduism, Jainism, Buddhism, Sikhism, ... Karan Singh (Sadr-i-Riyasat of Jammu and Kashmir) - 1983 - 308 pages
Drawing his inspiration from the famous Bengali novel Anand Math by Bankim Chandra Chatterjee written half a century earlier, and in particular from the poem'Bande Mataram' (Hail to thee, Mother) contained therein, Aurobindo developed a ...
Drawing his inspiration from the famous Bengali novel Anand Math by Bankim Chandra Chatterjee written half a century earlier, and in particular from the poem'Bande Mataram' (Hail to thee, Mother) contained therein, Aurobindo developed a ...
Proceedings Graciela de la Lama, Colegio de México - 1982 - 94 pages
Aurobindo developed Vivekananda's Neo-Vedanta concept that God is the sum total of all human souls into a more elaborate theory that God is incarnated in individuals, in humanity in general, and in communities of humanity. ...
Aurobindo developed Vivekananda's Neo-Vedanta concept that God is the sum total of all human souls into a more elaborate theory that God is incarnated in individuals, in humanity in general, and in communities of humanity. ...
Sri Aurobindo, his life unique Rishabhchand - 1981 - 427 pages
... Swami Vivekananda and Sri Aurobindo stand out as the two seers and sculptors of theIndia that is to be. What Vivekananda intuited and initiated, Sri Aurobindo developed, expanded, and carried to its crowning accomplishment. India of the ageless Light, ...
... Swami Vivekananda and Sri Aurobindo stand out as the two seers and sculptors of the
Modern Asian studies JSTOR (Organization) - 1980
... except that his philosophy was much more explicitly applied to political action. Aurobindo developed Vivekananda's ...
... except that his philosophy was much more explicitly applied to political action. Aurobindo developed Vivekananda's ...
The social philosophy of Sri Aurobindo Ram Nath Sharma - 1980 - 230 pages
It is interesting to note that more than two decades before Murphy published his book, Sri Aurobindo developed a psychology of human personality which not only remarkably meets Murphy's speculations but also supplies practical clues ...
It is interesting to note that more than two decades before Murphy published his book, Sri Aurobindo developed a psychology of human personality which not only remarkably meets Murphy's speculations but also supplies practical clues ...
Leaders of modern India Sankar Ghose - 1980 - 454 pages
In England Aurobindo developed antipathy for the moderate school of politics led by Dadabhai Naoroji and also came in contact with a secret society of Indian revolutionaries called 'Lotus and Dagger'. In 1890 Aurobindo passed the Indian ...
In England Aurobindo developed antipathy for the moderate school of politics led by Dadabhai Naoroji and also came in contact with a secret society of Indian revolutionaries called 'Lotus and Dagger'. In 1890 Aurobindo passed the Indian ...
Realization of God according to Sri Aurobindo: a study of a ... George Nedumpalakunnel - 1979 - 308 pages
Without analysing the spiritual paths that Aurobindo developed, we cannot after all grasp his real teaching on God-realization. Though Aurobindo does not follow a cut-out system in his approach to God, there are some fundamental ...
Without analysing the spiritual paths that Aurobindo developed, we cannot after all grasp his real teaching on God-realization. Though Aurobindo does not follow a cut-out system in his approach to God, there are some fundamental ...
Nolini: Arjuna of our age Nolini Kanta Gupta, V. Madhusudan Reddy - 1979 - 239 pages
... a careful regulation of psychic energies, forces and vibrations recognized in the tantric yoga tradition. Combining elements and practices of many yoga traditions, Sri Aurobindo developed a yoga of self-perfection, an Integral Yoga ...
... a careful regulation of psychic energies, forces and vibrations recognized in the tantric yoga tradition. Combining elements and practices of many yoga traditions, Sri Aurobindo developed a yoga of self-perfection, an Integral Yoga ...
The dramatic art of Sri Aurobindo Avanindra Kumar Sinha - 1979 - 227 pages
This process of gradual transformation from the limited mental consciousness to the stage of complete oneness with 'Satchidananda' implies a positive effect on the part of man. Sri Aurobindo developed his own methods of making this ...
This process of gradual transformation from the limited mental consciousness to the stage of complete oneness with 'Satchidananda' implies a positive effect on the part of man. Sri Aurobindo developed his own methods of making this ...
Religious education Religious Education Association, Association ... - 1979
Tagore, Gandhi and Sri Aurobindo developed ways of transformation in their personal lives which were then expressed within the more secular context of education. In the process their educational praxis became ways of transformation ....
Tagore, Gandhi and Sri Aurobindo developed ways of transformation in their personal lives which were then expressed within the more secular context of education. In the process their educational praxis became ways of transformation
Religion, man, and society: from the archives of Dr. C.P. ... Sir Chetpat Pattabhirama Ramaswami Aiyar - 1979 - 181 pages
... teacher's intuitional processes and strove to unite the East and the West, and indeed all the world, by means of a specially significant spiritual fusion, and Sri Aurobindo developed and integrated many lines of thought and doctrine so that the vision of India may be of real use in ...
... teacher's intuitional processes and strove to unite the East and the West, and indeed all the world, by means of a specially significant spiritual fusion, and Sri Aurobindo developed and integrated many lines of thought and doctrine so that the vision of India may be of real use in ...
The life of Sri Aurobindo Ambalal Balkrishna Purani - 1978 - 440 pages
Sometime in 1948 or 1949 Sri Aurobindo developed symptoms suggestive of prostatic enlargement. The symptoms disappeared but in the middle of 1950 recurred. By November it was clear that Sri Aurobindo had developed a kidney infection and ...
Sometime in 1948 or 1949 Sri Aurobindo developed symptoms suggestive of prostatic enlargement. The symptoms disappeared but in the middle of 1950 recurred. By November it was clear that Sri Aurobindo had developed a kidney infection and ...
Evangelization and diakonia Anto Karokaran - 1978 - 285 pages
Aurobindo developed them from there, without imitating Christianity or borrowing from it even a single idea. Only the inspiration, the impulse came from outside, the rest, even when something new was found in Hinduism itself.29 The ...
Aurobindo developed them from there, without imitating Christianity or borrowing from it even a single idea. Only the inspiration, the impulse came from outside, the rest, even when something new was found in Hinduism itself.29 The ...
Sri Aurobindo, the perfect and the good Robert Neil Minor - 1978 - 191 pages
However, following his yogic experience with Lele in 1908, Aurobindo developedthis further by emphasizing that such action must be done in affirmation of this vision, out of selflessness and a compassion for others who are thought of ...
However, following his yogic experience with Lele in 1908, Aurobindo developedthis further by emphasizing that such action must be done in affirmation of this vision, out of selflessness and a compassion for others who are thought of ...
Yoga and depth psychology: with special reference to the ... I. P. Sachdeva - 1978 - 271 pages
Towards this aim Sri Aurobindo developed the technique of transformation as a conscious process. This transformation as a process of conscious sublimation is a contribution whose significance concerning integration of personality needs ...
Towards this aim Sri Aurobindo developed the technique of transformation as a conscious process. This transformation as a process of conscious sublimation is a contribution whose significance concerning integration of personality needs ...
The quest for political and spiritual liberation: a study in the ... June O'Connor - 1977 - 153 pages
... which is nature.88 We become victim to the illusion that we are agents when we forget and so identify ourselves with Prakriti as to lose the sense of our distinction from Prakriti.87 Aurobindo developed the issue of freedom in an ...
... which is nature.88 We become victim to the illusion that we are agents when we forget and so identify ourselves with Prakriti as to lose the sense of our distinction from Prakriti.87 Aurobindo developed the issue of freedom in an ...
Bulletin of the Department of English University of Calcutta . Dept. of English - 1977
Sri Aurobindo developed a universal outlook on all significant aspects of poetry . His consciousness is lifted above national, even human, level, and transcends the cultural genius of the East and of the West to a sublime order. ...
Sri Aurobindo developed a universal outlook on all significant aspects of poetry
Indian national liberation movement and Russia, 1905-1917 Prem Bahadur Sinha - 1975 - 336 pages
The greatest exponent of radical nationalism in Bengal was Aurobindo Ghose. Earlier the great novelist Bankim Chandra had equated the goddess Kali with the Motherland. Aurobindo developed this theory to its logical end and set up the ...
The greatest exponent of radical nationalism in Bengal was Aurobindo Ghose. Earlier the great novelist Bankim Chandra had equated the goddess Kali with the Motherland. Aurobindo developed this theory to its logical end and set up the ...
All India Conference on the Relevance of Sri Aurobindo Today, ... Aurobindo Ghose, Sri Aurobindo Samiti - 1975 - 106 pages
Sri Aurobindo developed a very promising view of life. He rejected pessimism. Although the night is darkest before the dawn, he assures us, the dawn is inevitable. He was a man of great vision. We should be worthy of his vision of ...
Sri Aurobindo developed a very promising view of life. He rejected pessimism. Although the night is darkest before the dawn, he assures us, the dawn is inevitable. He was a man of great vision. We should be worthy of his vision of ...
The religious roots of Indian nationalism: Aurobindo's early ... David L. Johnson - 1974 - 128 pages
29 The practical directive for attainment of political freedom all fit under the category of Passive Resistance — a doctrine Aurobindo developed in the pages of the Bande Mataram. Since swaraj is the goal and karmayoga the means, ...
29 The practical directive for attainment of political freedom all fit under the category of Passive Resistance — a doctrine Aurobindo developed in the pages of the Bande Mataram. Since swaraj is the goal and karmayoga the means, ...
Towards eternity; Sri Aurobindo birth centenary volume, 15th ... Aurobindo Ghose - 1973 - 526 pages
... and the latter part of The Life Divine but also figuring in a number of his other works and in his messages, Sri Aurobindo developed spiritual salesmanship as one of his major interests, an integral phase of his mighty divine Work. ...
... and the latter part of The Life Divine but also figuring in a number of his other works and in his messages, Sri Aurobindo developed spiritual salesmanship as one of his major interests, an integral phase of his mighty divine Work. ...
The realm of between: lectures on the philosophy of religion K. Satchidananda Murty - 1973 - 221 pages
Aurobindo developed a concept of sacrifice from the Rgveda. He thought the spiritual meaning of the Veda hidden behind psychological symbolism was rediscovered by him through philological indications and his own experience. ...
Aurobindo developed a concept of sacrifice from the Rgveda. He thought the spiritual meaning of the Veda hidden behind psychological symbolism was rediscovered by him through philological indications and his own experience. ...
Indian literature Sāhitya Akademi - 1972
From the age of 1 1 Sri Aurobindo developed a feeling of resentment against the subjection ofIndia to a foreign rule. This resentment matured after some time into a strong will to strive for the liberation of the motherland. ...
From the age of 1 1 Sri Aurobindo developed a feeling of resentment against the subjection of
Sri Aurobindo: a biography and a history K. R. Srinivasa Iyengar - 1972
In the series of articles entitled "Death or Life", Sri Aurobindo developed an argument not dissimilar to the line of thought underlying Carlyle's Sartor Resartus, notably the chapters 'Phoenix' and 'Organic Filaments'. ...
In the series of articles entitled "Death or Life", Sri Aurobindo developed an argument not dissimilar to the line of thought underlying Carlyle's Sartor Resartus, notably the chapters 'Phoenix' and 'Organic Filaments'. ...
Evolution of political philosophy of M. N. Roy G. P. Bhattacharjee - 1971 - 266 pages
... Aurobindo developed ...
... Aurobindo developed ...
Religion and society Christian Institute for the Study of Religion ... - 1969
... and many worship him as a siddha. Tagore interpreted sadhana in terms of artistic experience. Aurobindo developed a sadhana for modern conditions. Ramana Maharshi brought ' realization ' to many of our contemporaries. " " Cf. Bhagavadgita II, 54-72 ; IX, 26-34 ; XII, 13-20 ; etc. " Cf. Bhagavata Purana III, 25, 20 ff ; VI, 18, ...
... and many worship him as a siddha. Tagore interpreted sadhana in terms of artistic experience. Aurobindo developed a sadhana for modern conditions. Ramana Maharshi brought ' realization ' to many of our contemporaries. " " Cf. Bhagavadgita II, 54-72 ; IX, 26-34 ; XII, 13-20 ; etc. " Cf. Bhagavata Purana III, 25, 20 ff ; VI, 18, ...
... an aspect which Aurobindo developed in this century. Of greater significance to historians is the author's contention that substantial evidences are there that this Veda had a nexus with the Indus Valley civilization (through its ...
Mother India Sri Aurobindo Ashram - 1965
... and the latter part of The Life Divine but also figuring in a number of his other works and in his messages, Sri Aurobindo developed spiritual statesmanship as one of his major interests, an integral phase of his mighty divine Work. ...
... and the latter part of The Life Divine but also figuring in a number of his other works and in his messages, Sri Aurobindo developed spiritual statesmanship as one of his major interests, an integral phase of his mighty divine Work. ...
Sri Aurobindo and the new thought in Indian politics: Being a ... Aurobindo Ghose, Bande mataram, Calcutta - 1964 - 393 pages
This New Thought was an exposition of a philosophy of Nationalism which Sri Aurobindo developed and placed on scientific foundation during the years 1906-08 against the ruling moderate and mendicant thought of the Congress *(3). ...
This New Thought was an exposition of a philosophy of Nationalism which Sri Aurobindo developed and placed on scientific foundation during the years 1906-08 against the ruling moderate and mendicant thought of the Congress *(3). ...
Mother India Kaikhushru Dhunjibhoy Sethna, Sri Aurobindo Ashram - 1960
In the beginning of the present century Sri Aurobindo developed a system of integral Spiritual Psychology thus continuing the ancient tradition of the East to help mankind in the realisation of its ideal of ...
In the beginning of the present century Sri Aurobindo developed a system of integral Spiritual Psychology thus continuing the ancient tradition of the East to help mankind in the realisation of its ideal of ...
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