Faith & philosophy of Hinduism - Page 88 Rajeev Verma - 2009 - 333 pages
After a short political career in which he became one of the leaders of the early movement for the freedom of India from British rule, Sri Aurobindo turned to explore spiritual realms of human existence and, as a consequence, ...
After a short political career in which he became one of the leaders of the early movement for the freedom of India from British rule, Sri Aurobindo turned to explore spiritual realms of human existence and, as a consequence, ...
Science and the Indian tradition: when Einstein met Tagore - Page 15 David L. Gosling - 2007 - 186 pages
“Bengal was for a while full of Comte and found in his positivism a method of discovering new truths. Ranade advocated 'Bacon's method', Gokhale thought that JS Mill's 'method of empiricism' alone was reliable, and Aurobindo turned to a combination of Darwin and Einstein.” Parekh's categories will be noted from time to time. ... Colonialism, tradition, and reform: an analysis of Gandhi's ... - Page 52 Bhikhu C. Parekh - 1999
- 359 pages
Ranade advocated 'Bacon's method', Gokhale thought that JS Mill's 'method of empiricism' alone research in thed Aurobindo turned to a combination of Darwin and Einstein. Despite the extensive references to science and scientific method, ...
Ranade advocated 'Bacon's method', Gokhale thought that JS Mill's 'method of empiricism' alone research in thed Aurobindo turned to a combination of Darwin and Einstein. Despite the extensive references to science and scientific method, ...
Leading Lights, The - Page 94 Dr. George Kaitholil - 2007 - 203 pages
After a short political career in which he became a leader of the early movement for the freedom of India from British rule, Sri Aurobindo turned to the development and practice of a new spiritual path which he called "integral yoga," ...
After a short political career in which he became a leader of the early movement for the freedom of India from British rule, Sri Aurobindo turned to the development and practice of a new spiritual path which he called "integral yoga," ...
Indian literature in English: critical views - Page 19 Satish Barbuddhe - 2007 - 419 pages
At last a face-saving proposal came from the priests that Sri Aurobindo should shave his head, But Sri Aurobindo turned down this proposal also, Then "an obliging Brahmin priest satisfied all the requirements of the Shastra for a ...
At last a face-saving proposal came from the priests that Sri Aurobindo should shave his head, But Sri Aurobindo turned down this proposal also, Then "an obliging Brahmin priest satisfied all the requirements of the Shastra for a ...
The Advent Sri Aurobindo Ashram - 2007
This is certainly one way of preparing oneself for the spiritual life, and explains why the disciples of the Mother and Sri Aurobindo turned out to be marvellous karma yogis. Another method of preparing oneself for the spiritual life is ...
This is certainly one way of preparing oneself for the spiritual life, and explains why the disciples of the Mother and Sri Aurobindo turned out to be marvellous karma yogis. Another method of preparing oneself for the spiritual life is ...
Environment Evolution & Values - Page 51 D.P. Chattopadhyaya - 2007 - 332 pages
... system to deliver their kindred movements here from the strictness of a material limitation. Disposing of the more serious metaphysical objection against purposive evolution, when Sri Aurobindo turns to the scientific objections he finds that it is concerned only with the outward and visible machinery and process, with the detail of Nature's execution, with the physical development of things in Matter ... Sri Aurobindo and Karl Marx: integral sociology and dialectical ... - Page 30 Debi Prasad Chattopadhyaya - 1988 - 336 pages
Four Faces of the Universe: An Integrated View of the Cosmos - Page 241 Robert Kleinman - 2006 - 334 pages
This suggests that consciousness always exists everywhere, though we may not be aware of it, because in myth light represents consciousness and darkness unconsciousness.33 Sri Aurobindo turns the relationship between light and darkness ...
... system to deliver their kindred movements here from the strictness of a material limitation. Disposing of the more serious metaphysical objection against purposive evolution, when Sri Aurobindo turns to the scientific objections he finds that it is concerned only with the outward and visible machinery and process, with the detail of Nature's execution, with the physical development of things in Matter ... Sri Aurobindo and Karl Marx: integral sociology and dialectical ... - Page 30 Debi Prasad Chattopadhyaya - 1988 - 336 pages
Four Faces of the Universe: An Integrated View of the Cosmos - Page 241 Robert Kleinman - 2006 - 334 pages
This suggests that consciousness always exists everywhere, though we may not be aware of it, because in myth light represents consciousness and darkness unconsciousness.33 Sri Aurobindo turns the relationship between light and darkness ...
The Karma Handbook - Page 27 Trutz Hardo - 2006 - 360 pages
But Aurobindo turns against the cliché that a well-ordered previous life must reward us with an existence in pleasure and joy and a badly-lived life suffering and misfortune, while a life combining good and bad deeds brings forth a ...
But Aurobindo turns against the cliché that a well-ordered previous life must reward us with an existence in pleasure and joy and a badly-lived life suffering and misfortune, while a life combining good and bad deeds brings forth a ...
Mother India: monthly review of culture Sri Aurobindo Ashram - 2006
Stung by the immense havoc wrought upon India's spiritual unity by the Indologists, Sri Aurobindo turned to the Vedas first and poured withering scorn upon the babblers who were ready to set down conclusions, affecting the ...
Stung by the immense havoc wrought upon India's spiritual unity by the Indologists, Sri Aurobindo turned to the Vedas first and poured withering scorn upon the babblers who were ready to set down conclusions, affecting the ...
Encyclopedia of India Stanley A. Wolpert - 2005 - 2000 pages
Aurobindo turned down all requests, pleading that few in the popular platform would understand his ideals and ideas. Aurobindo in his complex and extensive body of writings privileged consciousness from within over material, economic, ...
Aurobindo turned down all requests, pleading that few in the popular platform would understand his ideals and ideas. Aurobindo in his complex and extensive body of writings privileged consciousness from within over material, economic, ...
Philosophy and religion: essays in interpretation Jarava Lal Mehta - 2004 - 292 pages
... by Western scholars and seekers, disciples as well as mere readers, who will bring to bear upon their reading the wholly different background of a culture, both secular and religious, Biblical and Greek, from which Aurobindo turned ...
... by Western scholars and seekers, disciples as well as mere readers, who will bring to bear upon their reading the wholly different background of a culture, both secular and religious, Biblical and Greek, from which Aurobindo turned ...
Report, with accompanying papers Dante Society of America - 2004
As a consequence of philosophical and political exile, both Dante and Aurobindo turned to their own spiritual traditions in search of a pro- founder truth than their earlier intellectual and political quests had provided. ...
As a consequence of philosophical and political exile, both Dante and Aurobindo turned to their own spiritual traditions in search of a pro- founder truth than their earlier intellectual and political quests had provided. ...
The Advent Sri Aurobindo Ashram - 2004
It was after a long stay inIndia at Baroda that Sri Aurobindo turned decisively to Yoga in 1904. He had, however, a few spiritual experiences even in his pre-yogic period. The first was in London , in 1892, the year of his departure ...
It was after a long stay in
Hinduism in public and private: reform, Hindutva, gender, and ... Antony R. H. Copley - 2003 - 303 pages
He gave expression to this and other Romantic themes in his writings of this period and later.13 Around 1902 Aurobindo turned his attention to the Gita and Upanishads, and at the same time began reading the sayings of Sri Ramakrishna...
He gave expression to this and other Romantic themes in his writings of this period and later.13 Around 1902 Aurobindo turned his attention to the Gita and Upanishads, and at the same time began reading the sayings of Sri Ramakrishna...
Democracy Indian style: Subhas Chandra Bose and the creation of ... - Page 37 Anton Pelinka, Renée Schell - 2003 - 318 pages
The radical wing of the resistance, based on the teachings of Sri Aurobindo, turned to violence as well (Gordon 1990: 39-41). Among these radicals was Ras Behari Bose, who withdrew to exile inJapan in order to avoid capture by the ...
The radical wing of the resistance, based on the teachings of Sri Aurobindo, turned to violence as well (Gordon 1990: 39-41). Among these radicals was Ras Behari Bose, who withdrew to exile in
Bengalis: The People, Their History and Culture - Page 156 S.N. Das - 2002 - 284 pages
... (not identified probably in 1912, perhaps indicates that Aurobindo turned to Yoga only to acquire some extraordinary powers which would help him in achieving the independence of India.163 According to the testimony of Motilal Roy, ...
... (not identified probably in 1912, perhaps indicates that Aurobindo turned to Yoga only to acquire some extraordinary powers which would help him in achieving the independence of India.163 According to the testimony of Motilal Roy, ...
Communication for development in the Third World: theory and ... Srinivas R. Melkote, H. Leslie Steeves - 2001 - 422 pages
It is interesting that during the last 70 years or more, Indian leaders and intellectuals, including Tilak, Gandhi, and Aurobindo, turned to the Gita to justify their involvement in political and social action. ...
It is interesting that during the last 70 years or more, Indian leaders and intellectuals, including Tilak, Gandhi, and Aurobindo, turned to the Gita to justify their involvement in political and social action. ...
Sri Aurobindo Ghose: the dweller in the lands of silence William Kluback, Michael Finkenthal - 2001 - 167 pages
Suddenly, Sri Aurobindo turned to me and said that at times he felt my silence was a criticism of the way he expresses his thoughts, that they are repetitious and employ too many words. I felt surprised. I said to the philosopher that ...
Suddenly, Sri Aurobindo turned to me and said that at times he felt my silence was a criticism of the way he expresses his thoughts, that they are repetitious and employ too many words. I felt surprised. I said to the philosopher that ...
AA files: annals of the Architectural Association School of ... Architectural Association (Great Britain ... - 2001
Sri Aurobindo turned to the practice of pranayama and in 1907 secluded himself for three days with a yogi. This became a life-changing experience after which ( and despite a year-long incarceration as a consequence of his political ...
Sri Aurobindo turned to the practice of pranayama and in 1907 secluded himself for three days with a yogi. This became a life-changing experience after which (
New perspectives on Sri Aurobindo's plays Saryug Yadav - 2000 - 190 pages
... But Sri Aurobindo turned down this proposal also, Then "an obliging Brahmin pri^t satisfied all the requirements of the Shastra for a monetary consideration .4 After wedding the couple went to Deoghar, and from there to Nainital, ...
... But Sri Aurobindo turned down this proposal also, Then "an obliging Brahmin pri^t satisfied all the requirements of the Shastra for a monetary consideration
Perspectives of Savitri R. Y. Deshpande - 2000
It was therefore a phenomenon of very great significance when Sri Aurobindo turned his remarkable poetical capacity to the creation of an epic in English to embody his grand vision of the Spirit. It is well-known that Sri Aurobindo had ...
It was therefore a phenomenon of very great significance when Sri Aurobindo turned his remarkable poetical capacity to the creation of an epic in English to embody his grand vision of the Spirit. It is well-known that Sri Aurobindo had ...
Contemporary religious movement in India: vis-a-vis Ramakrishna ... Ananda - 2000
- 349 pages
While Swami Vivekananda turned it towards Vedanta, Sri Aurobindo turned the same towards Yoga. Sri Aurobindo besides changed the 'Shakta-Pattern', modified the same towards the Vedic- Worship as is evident from his famous literary work ...
While Swami Vivekananda turned it towards Vedanta, Sri Aurobindo turned the same towards Yoga. Sri Aurobindo besides changed the 'Shakta-Pattern', modified the same towards the Vedic- Worship as is evident from his famous literary work ...
Sri Aurobindo--the poet Kaikhushru Dhunjibhoy Sethna - 1999 - 436 pages
... Plain as of old to the demigods out of their glory emerging Heard by mortal ears and seen by the eyeballs that perish.27 This is Sri Aurobindo turned Homer - the Indian intimacy with occult presences is riding on the ...
... Plain as of old to the demigods out of their glory emerging Heard by mortal ears and seen by the eyeballs that perish.27 This is Sri Aurobindo turned Homer - the Indian intimacy with occult presences is riding on the ...
Tradition and the rhetoric of right: popular political argument in ... - Page 108 David J. Lorenzo - 1999 - 339 pages
Why did it occur? How should one understand it in the contexts of Indian and world history? What should one do about it? To answer these questions on a cosmic scale, Aurobindo turned to two models — the spiritual cosmology of the East, ...
Why did it occur? How should one understand it in the contexts of Indian and world history? What should one do about it? To answer these questions on a cosmic scale, Aurobindo turned to two models — the spiritual cosmology of the East, ...
Nationalism, terrorism, communalism: essays in modern Indian history Peter Heehs - 1998 - 174 pages
... and Aurobindo turned their attention to the Hindu-Muslim question only when social or political conflict threatened to disturb the united progress of the national movement. ...
... and Aurobindo turned their attention to the Hindu-Muslim question only when social or political conflict threatened to disturb the united progress of the national movement. ...
The common vision: parenting and educating for wholeness David Marshak - 1997 - 246 pages
Immediately after this experience, Aurobindo turned over the responsibilities of administering this community, which soon took the form of the Sri Aurobindo Ashram, to Mira Richard. He retired into an almost complete seclusion for the ...
Immediately after this experience, Aurobindo turned over the responsibilities of administering this community, which soon took the form of the Sri Aurobindo Ashram, to Mira Richard. He retired into an almost complete seclusion for the ...
Mother India: monthly review of culture Sri Aurobindo Ashram - 1997
The oft-repeated story that Sri Aurobindo turned into a spiritual recluse at Pondicherry practising Yoga as a result of his political frustration does not fit in with the unique experiences of his inner life even when he was ... The Quarterly review of historical studies Institute of Historical Studies (Calcutta, India) - 1993
The oft-repeated story that Sri Aurobindo turned into a spiritual recluse at Pondicherry practising Yoga as a result of his political frustration does not fit in with the unique experiences of his inner life even when he was ... The Quarterly review of historical studies Institute of Historical Studies (Calcutta, India) - 1993
Mother India: monthly review of culture Sri Aurobindo Ashram - 1996
Sri Aurobindo turned his back to him and sat quietly for a few minutes. He then turned to Bharati and said, 'Mr. Bharati, I am not going to budge an inch fromPondicherry . I know nothing will happen to me. As for yourself you can do ...
Sri Aurobindo turned his back to him and sat quietly for a few minutes. He then turned to Bharati and said, 'Mr. Bharati, I am not going to budge an inch from
Mother India: monthly review of culture Sri Aurobindo Ashram - 1994
At that very moment I felt that Sri Aurobindo turned his head and looked towards me. With folded palms I bowed down to both of them. A volunteer conducting the line pushed me away. The whole affair happened within two or three seconds. ...
At that very moment I felt that Sri Aurobindo turned his head and looked towards me. With folded palms I bowed down to both of them. A volunteer conducting the line pushed me away. The whole affair happened within two or three seconds. ...
The Literary criterion 1994
But isn't Devy arguing against elementary facts of history considering that Aurobindo turned down an opportunity to get into the highly prized ICS and went to the British prison for his participation in the underground movement? ...
But isn't Devy arguing against elementary facts of history considering that Aurobindo turned down an opportunity to get into the highly prized ICS and went to the British prison for his participation in the underground movement? ...
Voices of India Freedom Movement - Page xii J. C. Johari - 1993 - 10740 pages
As A. Tripathi says: "The Moderates wished India to be a prototype of England, of which they had r^ad in Hallam, Burke and Macaulay. Aurobindo turned his face from this Anglo-Saxon model and went back to the Aryan mores of Indian ...
As A. Tripathi says: "The Moderates wished India to be a prototype of England, of which they had r^ad in Hallam, Burke and Macaulay. Aurobindo turned his face from this Anglo-Saxon model and went back to the Aryan mores of Indian ...
J.L. Mehta on Heidegger, hermeneutics, and Indian tradition - Page 138 Jarava Lal Mehta, William J. Jackson - 1992 - 309 pages
... disciples as well as mere readers, who will bring to bear upon their reading the wholly different background of a culture, both secular and religious, Biblical and Greek, from which Aurobindo turned away resolutely, early in life. ...
... disciples as well as mere readers, who will bring to bear upon their reading the wholly different background of a culture, both secular and religious, Biblical and Greek, from which Aurobindo turned away resolutely, early in life. ...
The Advent Sri Aurobindo Ashram - 1992
Sri Aurobindo turned his inner light upon the future of humanity and has given us a 'luminous presentation of the things already present'! What does Sri Aurobindo reveal of the future, which for him is as real as the past or the ...
Sri Aurobindo turned his inner light upon the future of humanity and has given us a 'luminous presentation of the things already present'! What does Sri Aurobindo reveal of the future, which for him is as real as the past or the ...
The Advent Sri Aurobindo Ashram - 1992
Sri Aurobindo turns literally around all the points of view to draw from them the deep truth and he never imposes his own viewpoint (perhaps because he has none - or he has all!), he points out only how each truth is incomplete and in ...
Sri Aurobindo turns literally around all the points of view to draw from them the deep truth and he never imposes his own viewpoint (perhaps because he has none - or he has all!), he points out only how each truth is incomplete and in ...
The Bengal revolutionaries and freedom movement Dalia Ray - 1990 - 204 pages
probably in 1912, perhaps indicates that Aurobindo turned to Yoga only to acquire some extraordinary powers which would help him in achieving the independence of India.163 According to the testimony of Motilal Roy, Aurobindo purchased ...
probably in 1912, perhaps indicates that Aurobindo turned to Yoga only to acquire some extraordinary powers which would help him in achieving the independence of India.163 According to the testimony of Motilal Roy, Aurobindo purchased ...
Mother India: monthly review of culture Sri Aurobindo Ashram - 1990
THE ASHRAM CHILDREN AND SRI AUROBINDO'S LIFE A DREAM-DIALOGUE (Continued from the issue of 21 February 1990) * The next evening Sri Aurobindo turned to one of the girls and remarked: "What is the matter? Why the sweet secret smile? ...
THE ASHRAM CHILDREN AND SRI AUROBINDO'S LIFE A DREAM-DIALOGUE (Continued from the issue of 21 February 1990) * The next evening Sri Aurobindo turned to one of the girls and remarked: "What is the matter? Why the sweet secret smile? ...
Sri Aurobindo, a brief biography Peter Heehs - 1989 - 172 pages
From around 1903 Aurobindo turned with increasing frequency to the chief sources of Vedanta, the Upanishads. He had no difficulty reading them or translating some of 'the simpler and more exoteric' texts into English. ...
From around 1903 Aurobindo turned with increasing frequency to the chief sources of Vedanta, the Upanishads. He had no difficulty reading them or translating some of 'the simpler and more exoteric' texts into English. ...
Indian literary criticism: an enquiry into its vitality and continuity Ragini Ramachandra - 1989 - 250 pages
A distinguished scholar as he is, Aurobindo turns to other countries to see what is happening, so as to compare and contrast. A discussion of the Victorian period in English literature prompts him to look atFrance and arrive at the ...
A distinguished scholar as he is, Aurobindo turns to other countries to see what is happening, so as to compare and contrast. A discussion of the Victorian period in English literature prompts him to look at
Knowledge, freedom, and language: an interwoven fabrics of man, ... Debi Prasad Chattopadhyaya - 1989 - 307 pages
Thus a doubly dissatisfied Aurobindo turns towards a lost, luminous, and symbolic theory of language. Like Bergson, he thinks that the physical mind has a persistent disposition to fix and ...
Thus a doubly dissatisfied Aurobindo turns towards a lost, luminous, and symbolic theory of language. Like Bergson, he thinks that the physical mind has a persistent disposition to fix and ...
Sri Aurobindo: archives and research Śri Aurobindo Ashram Trust - 1988
Having completed his preparatory remarks on perfection, Sri Aurobindo turns in Chapters V, VI and VII to the first member of the tetrad of perfection, viz. purification or suddhi. Chapter V deals with purification in general, ...
Having completed his preparatory remarks on perfection, Sri Aurobindo turns in Chapters V, VI and VII to the first member of the tetrad of perfection, viz. purification or suddhi. Chapter V deals with purification in general, ...
The Yoga of Patanjali and the Integral Yoga of Sri Aurobindo G. M. L. Shrivastava - 1987 - 194 pages
Thus the yoga of Sri Aurobindo turns from the individual to the collective yoga of divine nature in the human race. Here the liberated individual being, united with the divine in self and spirit, becomes in his natural being a ...
Thus the yoga of Sri Aurobindo turns from the individual to the collective yoga of divine nature in the human race. Here the liberated individual being, united with the divine in self and spirit, becomes in his natural being a ...
Savitri: talks in Germany Madhav Pundalik Pandit - 1987 - 158 pages
With these clues Sri Aurobindo turns the story into a legend and a symbol. It is a prophetic vision of the conquest of death by divine Grace for man. A world's desire compelled her mortal birth. That is the birth of Savitri. ... Readings in Savitri: Sri Aurobindo's epic Madhav Pundalik Pandit - 1977
Undaunted, Savitri follows him and by of the force of her purity obliges the God of Death to return Satyavan to her. This in brief is the legend. Sri Aurobindo turns it into a symbol of the quest of humanity for the crown of immortality ...
With these clues Sri Aurobindo turns the story into a legend and a symbol. It is a prophetic vision of the conquest of death by divine Grace for man. A world's desire compelled her mortal birth. That is the birth of Savitri. ... Readings in Savitri: Sri Aurobindo's epic Madhav Pundalik Pandit - 1977
Undaunted, Savitri follows him and by of the force of her purity obliges the God of Death to return Satyavan to her. This in brief is the legend. Sri Aurobindo turns it into a symbol of the quest of humanity for the crown of immortality ...
Sri Aurobindo and Jung: a comparative study in Yoga and depth ... Satya Prakash Singh - 1986 - 239 pages
applicability of the conclusions derived from them in his own psychology, SriAurobindo turns his eye within himself, meditates on his inner reality and tries to see the applicability of the conclusions universally. ...
applicability of the conclusions derived from them in his own psychology, SriAurobindo turns his eye within himself, meditates on his inner reality and tries to see the applicability of the conclusions universally. ...
Sri Aurobindo: a biography and a history K. R. Srinivasa Iyengar - 1985 - 812 pages
... throws random brickbats at a great country's culture, and the Yogin-Seer Sri Aurobindo turns what begins as a punishment into a richly rewarding and many-faceted study of the glory that isIndia 's heritage from the past. ...
... throws random brickbats at a great country's culture, and the Yogin-Seer Sri Aurobindo turns what begins as a punishment into a richly rewarding and many-faceted study of the glory that is
No criticism would be worth making on such a mass of absurdities.... Having thus exorcised the comic ghost of Archer, Sri Aurobindo turns to the Veda, which is "a remarkable, a sublime and powerful poetic creation" by Rishis (a ...
Mother India: monthly review of culture Sri Aurobindo Ashram - 1976
Therefore Sri Aurobindo turns his attention to the structure of the hymns, and this furnishes him with conclusive evidence for his view: The hymns possess indeed a finished metrical form, a constant subtlety and skill in their technique ...
Therefore Sri Aurobindo turns his attention to the structure of the hymns, and this furnishes him with conclusive evidence for his view: The hymns possess indeed a finished metrical form, a constant subtlety and skill in their technique ...
Social and political ideas of Bipin Chandra Pal Amalendu Prasad Mookerjee - 1974 - 184 pages
Thus Aurobindo turns towards a mystical idealism, which is very difficult to fathom by rational scrutiny. According to Pal, on the contrary, "the fundamental fact in evolution is that it allows and effects almost endless changes in ...
Thus Aurobindo turns towards a mystical idealism, which is very difficult to fathom by rational scrutiny. According to Pal, on the contrary, "the fundamental fact in evolution is that it allows and effects almost endless changes in ...
The literary criticism of Sri Aurobindo, with special reference to ... Shree Krishna Prasad, Aurobindo Ghose - 1974 - 487 pages
And yet he is not one who would impose his critical judgment upon others, and would end by saying : "this is of course only a point of view".3 When SriAurobindo turns, next, to the Victorian poets to whom he personally was ...
And yet he is not one who would impose his critical judgment upon others, and would end by saying : "this is of course only a point of view".3 When SriAurobindo turns, next, to the Victorian poets to whom he personally was ...
Sri Aurobindo, seer and poet Vinayak Krishna Gokak - 1973 - 185 pages
After setting forth his theory of true quantitative metres in English, Sri Aurobindo turns his attention to the 'minor' problem of the naturalisation of classical quantitative metres in English poetry. Among these metres, he regards the ...
After setting forth his theory of true quantitative metres in English, Sri Aurobindo turns his attention to the 'minor' problem of the naturalisation of classical quantitative metres in English poetry. Among these metres, he regards the ...
Annual Sri Aurobindo mandir, Calcutta - 1972
This sea of prose of Sri Aurobindo turns out to be a Mediterranean smooth and buoyant like the one which bore the galleons of old. Six foreign languages have given the Master of Pondicherry a gift of co-ordination, a clarity free from ... Annual Sri Aurobindo mandir, Calcutta - 1950
Eternity in words: Sri Aurobindo's Savitri Rameshwar Gupta - 1969 - 194 pages
This sea of prose of Sri Aurobindo turns out to be a Mediterranean smooth and buoyant like the one which bore the galleons of old. Six foreign languages have given the Master of Pondicherry a gift of co-ordination, a clarity free from ... Annual Sri Aurobindo mandir, Calcutta - 1950
Eternity in words: Sri Aurobindo's Savitri Rameshwar Gupta - 1969 - 194 pages
Sri Aurobindo turns the 700- verse Mahabharata legend into a 24000-verse epic. If the basic plot of the legend and the epic are the same, wherefrom this large and new accumulation ? It is this: In the original legend the event of King ...
A study of "Savitri." Prema Nandakumar - 1962 - 568 pages
A study of "Savitri." Prema Nandakumar - 1962 - 568 pages
... Sri Aurobindo turns the searchlight of revelation to the purposes and processes of ...
Living religions of the world Frederic Spiegelberg - 1960 - 511 pages
Secondly, Aurobindo turns against the other type of escapism that characterizes the East, and in particularIndia . He finds this type absent in the Vedas, Upanishads, and in the great spiritual heritage of India , but finds it present in ...
Secondly, Aurobindo turns against the other type of escapism that characterizes the East, and in particular
Sri Aurobindo, Indian poet, philosopher and mystic George Harry Langley - 1949 - 134 pages
... the enjoyment is not for its own sake; its meaning is only fully revealed as he emerges from the silence and in his life and action begins to manifest the Eternal Power. Aurobindo turns away from the asceticism that would find in the silence a way of escape. “Who profits by the escape ?" he asks. “Not God, and not the world and man. Only the individual himself." And the yoga, it will be remembered, ...
... the enjoyment is not for its own sake; its meaning is only fully revealed as he emerges from the silence and in his life and action begins to manifest the Eternal Power. Aurobindo turns away from the asceticism that would find in the silence a way of escape. “Who profits by the escape ?" he asks. “Not God, and not the world and man. Only the individual himself." And the yoga, it will be remembered, ...
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