January 12, 2006

Just how closely word, deed, and action were combined

This is from the book, "The Life Divine" by Indian mystic and philosopher Sri Aurobindo:
It comes upon us with a great force of awakening to reality when the thought is stilled, when the mind withdraws from its constructions, when we pass into a pure selfhood void of all sense of individuality, empty of all cosmic contents: if the spiritualised mind then looks at individual and cosmos, they may well seem to it to be an illusion, a scheme of names and figures and movements falsely imposed on the sole reality of the Self-Existent. Or even the sense of self becomes inadequate; both knowledge and ignorance disappear into sheer Consciousness and consciousness is plunged into a trance of pure superconscient existence. Or even existence ends by becoming too limiting a name for that which abides solely for ever; there is only a timeless Eternal, a spaceless Infinite, the utterness of the Absolute, a nameless peace, an overwhelming single objectless Ecstasy. -Peace to all beings- posted by Buddhist Blogger at 12:49 PM 5 Comments:
isaiah said... Aurobindo weaves a meditation with his words- thank you for this jewel of a post-Namaste James 4:28 PM
Buddhist Blogger said... Isaiah: You are welcome. Aurobindo has been a great teacher for me. I HIGHLY recommend his book,"The Life Divine." It is about 1,000 pages but well worth the read. I am only about half way through it right now. However, what I have read so far is the pure, beautiful, bright light of truth.Namaste to you as well. 11:23 AM
+ said... Sri Aurobindo ROCKS!"The Life Divine" is his masterpiece, but his 3 volume "Letters on Yoga", as well as "The Integral Yoga", are almost step by step guides to the difficulties, challenges, and pay-offs of what can happen at various states and stages of development. There are two short bound commentaries by M.P. Pandit called "How Do I Begin" and "How Do I Proceed" which are great introductions to Aurobindo's Integral Yoga. They make it easier to navigate through the major themes of his individual letters to his students, which constitute virtually all of his published works. Though it was advocated among his students, Aurobindo himself did not practice formal sitting meditations or contemplation. That was in part because he was convinced that his writing was his spiritual practice. Reading passages such as the one you included on your page can allow one to see just how closely word, deed, and action were combined to form a ceaseless natural meditation in his own life. I was happy to find your page today, and even happier when I scrolled down and saw this entry! Peace -1:26 PM
Buddhist Blogger said... +: Thanks for visiting my little space. I will definitely move onto Aurobindo's other works upon finishing and digesting "The Life Divine." If you like Aurobindo I would also suggest Paramhansa Yogananda's works (although you have probably already read his work as well). I especially like his book, "Journey to Self-Realization: Collected Talks and Essays on Realizing God in Daily Life, Volume III.I would also HIGHLY, HIGHLY recommend the following books by American mystic, Dr. David R. Hawkins: "Power vs. Force," "The Eye of the I," and "I."Namaste.1:49 PM Post a Comment <<>

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