Das Gedächtnis der Zukunft Arno Böhler 1996 Passagen VerlagCa. 362 Seiten The memory of the future 1996 Passages publishing house Approx. 362 sides
Flap text: Nearly simultaneous and independent of the respective culture area became for Martin Heidegger and Aurobindo Ghose the temporalness that mystery, in that all threads of the question: Who are humans? … gather. Catalog text: The perspective, from which this intercultural study feeds itself methodically, is the basic experience of the original temporalness. It forms the outermost ring of the Vorverständnisses, from which - ek tou… - the investigation suffers its systematic structuring. From it the two philosophers Martin Heidegger and Sri Aurobindo Ghose are exposed and read, in order to take and open it within the borders of the original temporalness truely. With this exposure it comes us to the assistance that for Heidegger and Aurobindo themselves in the course of its lifelong efforts around a locating of the people unity into the center of their denkerischen meditation moved the time. Simultaneous and independently of the respective culture area it became nearly thus for asiatic and European thinking that mystery, in that all threads of the question: Who are humans? … gather. This original, anthropologische temporalness is four-dimensional. It is divided into the horizons of the future, beingness, present and their simultaneousness, the instant. In it that is whole one of all possible worlds there. In it eternity is - their Leiben and life.
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